I Messages
You're such a loud mouth!
I feel annoyed when people shout. I want to have a private conversation.
You never, ever listen when I give you directions!
I feel belittled when my directions are ignored. I want to be heard.
Stop interrupting me!
I get aggravated when I'm interrupted. I want to finish my story.
It's all your fault that I got into trouble! Why did you have to tell on me!
I feel betrayed when my secrets are told. I want to be able to trust my friends.
You are so moody sometimes! It drives me nuts!
I feel confused when I don't know how you'll behave. I want to know what to expect from you.
Clean your messy room! I've asked you to do it five times!
I feel disrespected when my requests are ignored. Please clean your room the 1st time I ask.
Why don't you grow up and stop acting like a baby?
I feel embarrassed when I hear my friends talk like babies. I want my friends to act mature.
You can't play basketball. You stink at it! Go play on another team.
I feel embarrassed when our team plays poorly. I want everyone to give their best effort.
Are you deaf or something? Your music is too loud! I can't hear myself think.
I feel frustrated when I can't concentrate. I want quiet in order to think.
You never told us that the assignment was due today! That's not fair!
I feel helpless when I'm not given the due date for an assignment. I want to know how much time I have to complete my work.
You are so annoying when you tease me!
I feel hurt when I'm teased. I want people to say nice things about me.
You never call me when I ask you to!
I feel left out when I don't talk to you. I want us to talk on the phone more often.
You always ignore me when your other friends are around!
I feel neglected when I'm ignored. I want to be acknowledged and included.
You never let me do anything!
I feel smothered when I have to stay at home. I want to go out with my friends.
Why don't you you do your own homework and stop copying mine!
I feel used when my homework is copied by others. I want everyone to do their own work!