IACH Study guide

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What did the Baron Fredreich von Steuben tech the continental Army at Valley Forge?

1. A simplified but effective version of the drill formatio and movement of European armies 2. Proper care of equipment 3. The use of bayonet (a weapon in which British superiority had previously been marked) 4. He impressed upon officers their responsibility for taking care of the soldiers 5. Taught NCOs how to train and lead those soldiers

If extra duty is imposed under article 15, what considerations must be made for the type of extra duty?

1. Constitutes cruel or unusual punishment or a punishment not sanctioned by the customs of the Service; for example, using the offender as a personal servant. 2. Is a duty normally intended as an honor, such as assignment to a guard of honor. 3. Is required to be performed in a ridiculous or unnecessarily degrading manner; for example, an order to clean a barracks floor with a toothbrush. 4. Constitutes a safety or health hazard to the offender, 5. Would demean the Soldier's position as a NCO or specialist

List three of the seven types of punishments possible under article 15?

1. Correctional Custody 2. Confinement on bread and water diminished rations 3. Restriction 4. Arrest in quarters 5. Extra duties 6. Reduction in grade 7. Forfeiture of pay

As an NCO corps, what 5 things must we always do?

1. Lead by example 2. Train from experience 3. Maintain and enforce standards 4. Take care of soilders 5. Adapt to a changing world

What are some of the areas covered in the Army Regulation of 1821?

1. The had salute 2. How to conduct a march 3. How to make good stew for the company

Under Article 15, what is the maximum amount of pay that may be forfeited?

1/2 a months pay for two months

What date was the Army flag dedicated?

14 June 1956 (approved 12 June 1956)

In what year was the first hospital erected?


The first permanent hospital was erected in what year?


When was the start of the Revolutionary war?

19 April 1775

When did the first 1t Infantry Division arrive at Fort Riley?


The second permanent hospital was built in 1888 and served as the main medical treatment facility until what year?


When was the Soldier's Creed officially approved?

24 November 2003

How long after a soldier has been notified of Article 15 proceedings, does the soldier have to make a decision to accept or demand trial by court-martial?

48 hours

How long does a soldier have to submit an appeal under Article 15?

5 days

What is the maximum number of days that a company commander can impose forfeiture of pay?

7 days

What is the basis of the Warrior Ethos?

Adherence to the Army Values and commitment to doing your best

In addition to the NCO Creed to guide us, we also have a vision of what we as NCO corps should be. What is that vision?

An NCO corps, grounded in heritage, values and traditions, that embodies the Warrior Ethos; values perpetual learning; and is capable of leading, training, and motivating soldiers

Who was instrumental behind the Warrior Ethos?

Army Chief of Staff

Under which Army chief of Sta ff was the Soldier's Creed approved?

Army Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Drunken or reckless operation of vehicle, aircraft, or vessel?

Artcle 111

Which article of the UCMJ covers-False official statements?

Article 107

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Military property of the United States-sale, loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition?

Article 108

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Drunk duty?

Article 112

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances?

Article 112a

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Misbehavior of sentinel or look out?

Article 113

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Malingering?

Article 115

Which article of the UCMJ covers-General article?

Article 134

Which article of the UCMJ covers-Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer?

Article 90

- Which article of the UCMJ covers -Failure to obey orders or regulations?

Article 92

Where is BG Bernard J ohn Dowling Irwin's original Medal of Honor located?

At the main entrance of the hospital

The Army received it's real training from what former Prussian Officer at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778?

Baron Fredreich von Steuben

Irwin Community hospital is named after whom?

Brigadier General Bernard John Dowling Irwin

In early 1855, construction of the new fort was under supervision of whom?

Captain Edmund Ogden

What is DD Form 458?

Charge Sheet , used to prepare and specify charges during court-martial

Camp Funston, the current site of the military transition team mission, was first established when?

During the summer and fall of 1917

When was legacy Hospital dedicated?

February 7, 1958

Who was the first commander in chief of the continental Army?

George Washington

Brigadier General Irwin is named "The Fighting Doctor" for what reason?

He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for distinguished gallantry in action and during the engagement with the Chiricahua Indians near Apache pass, Arizona in February 1861

Embedded within the soldier's creed is the Warrior Ethos. What are the four tenants of the Warrior Ethos?

I will always place the mission first I will never accept defeat I will never quit I will never leave a fallen comrade

What type of action will you not use your grade or position for?

I will not my grade or position to obtain pleasure, profit or personal safety

Give some example of non-punitive measures?

Included among non-punitive measures are denial of pass or other privileges, counseling, administrative reduction in grade, administrative reprimands and admonitions, extra training, bar to reenlistment, and military occupational specialty (MOS) reclassification

What caused the Army at Fort Riley to be used to "police" the territory in the late 1850's?

Increased tension and blood shed between pro and anti slavery settlers

What does the sward, interlaced with the crossed arrows commemorate?

It commemorates General Irwin's gallantry when he took command of a unit to rescue a detail surrounded by an Apache war party

If after Article 15 proceedings, the commander determines that non-judicial punishment is not warranted what happens to the DA Form 2627?

It is destroyed

What happens to the original DA Form 2627 for those in the grades E-4 and below?

It is filled locally and destroyed after 2 years or transfers, which even comes first

In addition to the sunflower representing the state of Kansas, what is its other meaning?

It refers to the sun as the source of light and healing

What does the blue, red, and white design of the encircling band of the hospital crest represent?

It represents the colors of the first design of the Medal of honor awarded to BG Irwin

For what reason was the cantonment hospital at Camp Whitside built in 1940?

It was built in preparation of the second world war

When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

July 4, 1776

When did the Army begin?

June 14, 1775

When was the original distinctive unit insignia for Irwin Army hospital approved?

June 16 1970

what date was Fort Riley officially established?

June 27 1853

Fort Riley, unlike many other frontier post, escaped closure in 1884. By whom and for what reason?

Lieutenant General Phillips Sheridan; He recommended his annual report to congress to make the fort "Cavalry Headquarters of the Army"

For whom was the post named?

Major General Bennet C Riley, who led the first military escort along the Santa 1829 June

Who was the first commander of Camp Funston?

Major General Leonard Wood

When was the last tactical horse unit inactivated at Fort Riley?

March 1947

According to the Soldier's Creed, what must you always maintain?

My arms, my equipment, and myself

In the last paragraph of the NCO Creed, what two values must you not Compromise?

My integrity, nor my moral courage

Where was the first hospital located?

Near present day Calvary Museum and Patton Hall

Can a commander direct a subordinate authority to impose punishment under Article 15?


Ordinarily, if a soldier is punished by a civilian court for an offense, can he or she be tried under court-martial or an Article 15 ?

No, but the option exists

Does a soldier have to accept an Article 15?

No, he or she may demand trial by court-martial

If a soldier is given extra training to correct a deficiency, must it be conducted during duty hours?

No, it maybe conducted after duty hours.

Are non-punitive measures considered punishment according to AR 27-10?

No, they are tools for teaching proper for conduct and performance.

When was the NCO Creed officially formalized?

November 1986

When did the first mechanized cavalry brigade arrive at Fort Riley?

October 1938

When SFC Earl Brigham and his team began to brainstorm the NCO Creed, what was the first action taken that to the format of the Creed?

On a blank sheet of white paper they spelled out the letters N-C-O

What event occurred in early 1855 that took 70 lives including that of Captain Edmund Ogden?

Outbreak of cholera

After the 9th Armored Division deployed for Camp Funston in world war II, what was camp used for?

Prisoner of war camp

What is the vision of Irwin Army Community hospital?

Provide responsible, accessible, quality, state of the art care for the "Greater Fort Riley Community"

What heavyweight boxing champion trained at Fort Riley during World War lI?

Sergeant Joe Louis

The precursor to Fort Riley was named Camp Center for what reason?

Surveyors at that time believed the camp was near the center of the United States

What is the oldest part of the Army?

The Army National Guard (in December 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized America's first militia regiments, some of which still serve today in the Army National Guard

The color maroon and white in the hospital crest represent what?

The Army medical department

What is the name of the document that originally governed the United States and was later replaced by the "Constitution"?

The Articles of Confederation

For what reason was there a perception of a special quality of life at Fort Riley in the early 1920's that came to be known as the " Life of Riley " ?

The Cavalry School Hunt that was organized in 1921 and provided a colorful spectacle on Sunday mornings. Also horse shows and polo matches were popular events

The nation nearly doubled in 1803 when it purchased a huge expanse of territory from France in what became known as what?

The Louisiana Purchase

According to the NCO Creed NCO's are member of a time honored corps known as what?

The back bone of the army

In the early stages of the civil war, what was Fort Riley used for?

The fort was used to confine confederate soldiers

The green in the serpent represents what?

The green is a symbol of life, growth and health

Where is the current location of the first permanent hospital?

The post/Cavalry Museum

What must a commander possess to impose a Reduction in Grade?

The promotion authority for that grade

What conflict since the civil war has the soldiers of Fort Riley NOT been involved in?

The soldiers of Fort Riley have been in every conflict since the civil war without exception

The sword and the encircling serpent are representative of what?

The stand for the medical activity; it simulate the staff of Aesculapius (es-kyuh-ley-pee-uh s), the Father of Medicine

The tent on the hospital crest is representative of what?

The tent stands for the first tent field hospital which was designed by General Irwin at the battle of the Shiloh, Tennessee during the civil war

When the Warrior Ethos is internalized in soldiers, what should this produce?

The will to Win

According to the NCO Creed what are your two basic Responsibilities?

To accomplish my missions and the welfare of my soldiers

The 10h Cavalry regiment "Buffalo Soldiers" was stationed at Fort Riley during 1868and later in 1913. For what purpose did they return to Fort Riley during the 1920's and 30's?

To be cadre for the Cavalry school

What was the idea behind developing the NCO Creed?

To give noncommissioned officers a yardstick by which to measure themselves

What is the mission of Irwin Army Community Hospital?

To provide healthcare for soldiers, military families, and retirees; support deployment of medically ready forces; empowered staff optimizing practices; agile to meet diverse requirements

Generally, under Article 15, what is the effective date of punishment ?

Usually the same day the article 15 is imposed

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