IB Psych SVHS Semester 1 Studies
Windschitl & Wells (1998). The alternative-outcomes effect
Independent Variable: the distribution of the other 20 classrooms- all 20 by Sylvia, or 3 by Sylvia, 7 by Amy, 5 by Lauren, and 5 by Matt Dependent Variable: how likely they think it is that Randy cleaned a random classroom, on a 21 point verbal scale from "impossible" to "certain" Term: alternative-outcomes effects
Peterson & Peterson (1959). Short-term retention of individual verbal items
Independent Variable: time spent counting down before recall- 3, 9, or 18 seconds Dependent Variable: proportion of strings correctly recalled Term: short term memory
Brewer & Treyens (1981). Role of schemata in memory for places
Independent Variable: whether or not an item fit into an office schema Dependent Variable: how many participants recalled an item Term: schema
Rosenthal & Jacobson (1966). Teachers' expectancies: Determinants of pupils' IQ gains
Independent Variable: whether or not students were reported to be expected to bloom during the year Dependent Variable: change in IQ during the year Term: experimenter bias/experimenter expectancy effect
Roediger & McDermott (1995). Creating false memories: Remembering words not presented in lists
Independent variable: type of word in recognition test- unrelated, related, critical lure, or actually studied Dependent Variable: how sure the participants were that they had seen the word on the lists on a scale of 1 to 4 Term: DRM paradigm
Bandura, Ross, & Ross (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models
Independent Variable I: aggression of model- none or bobo doll attack Independent Variable II: sex of child Independent Variable III: sex of model- same as child or different Dependent Variable: aggressive acts imitating the model Term: observational learning
Kim et al. (1997). Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages
Independent Variable I: how many of their languages were native- one or both Independent Variable II: area of brain- Broca or Wernicke Dependent Variable: distance between center of region activated by one language and center of region activated by other language Term: Broca's area
Craik & Tulving (1975). Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory
Independent Variable I: level of processing- structural, phonemic, or semantic Independent Variable II: answer- yes or no Dependent Variable: percentage of words remembered in a surprise memory test Term: levels of processing
Cunningham et al. (2004). Separable neural components in the processing of Black and White faces
Independent Variable I: race of face- black or white Independent Variable II: duration of image- visible(525 ms) or subliminal(30 ms) Dependent Variable I: increase in amygdala activation Dependent Variable II: increase in prefrontal cortex activation Term: fMRI, amygdala, prefrontal cortex
Gais & Born (2004). Low acetylcholine during slow-wave sleep is critical for declarative memory consolidation
Independent Variable I: sleeping or staying awake afterward Independent Variable II: infusion to increas cholinergic activity during slow wave sleep- placebo or physostigmine Independent Variable III: type of memory- declarative or procedural Dependent Variable: change in performance Term: neurotransmitter
Begg, Anas, & Farinacci (1992). Dissociation of processes in belief: Source recollection, statement familiarity, and the illusion of truth
Independent Variable I: truth claim for each statement- true, false, new Independent Variable II: when participants were informed of one sex's statements being false- before or after hearing the statements Dependent Variable: truth rating Term: illusory truth effect
Garcia & Koelling (1966). Relation of cue to consequence in avoidance learning
Independent Variable I: unique aspect of water- gustatory or audio-visual Independent Variable II: type of punishment- nausea or shock Independent Variable III: delay before punishment- none or 20 minutes Dependent Variable: avoidance of water Term: conditioned taste aversion
Kitiyama et al. (2003). Perceiving an object and its context in different cultures: A cultural look at new look
Independent Variable I: what they were asked to match about the line- relative length or absolute length Independent Variable II: surrounding culture- American or Japanese Independent Variable III: race- American or Japanese Dependent Variable: line length error Term: analytic, holistic
Palmere et al. (1983). Elaboration and recall of main ideas in prose
Independent Variable- number of elaborative sentences- 0, 1, 2, or 3 Dependent Variable: how well the information was retained Term: elaboration
Waber, Shiv, Carmon, & Ariely (2008). Commercial features of placebo and therapeutic efficacy. Project Wednesday
Independent Variable: claimed price per pill- $2,50 or $0.10 Dependent Variable: pain reduction Term: placebo
Smith (1979). Remembering in and out of contex
Independent Variable: context clue for recall text- physically being in the same room the words were studied in, wieving pictures of the study room, visualizing the study room, visualizing home, or none Dependent Variable: percentage of words recalled Term: context clues
Rescorla (1968). Probability of shock in the presence and absence of CS in fear conditioning
Independent Variable: contingency- received no additional shocks, or also received shocks at random times without the tone Dependent Variable: conditioned fear of the tone Term: contingency
Windschitl & Chambers (2004). The dud-alternative effect in likelihood judgment
Independent Variable: dud alternatives- half the questions had two additional implausible responses Dependent Variable: estimate of likelihood that a specific focal outcome was the most common response Term: dud-alternatives effects
Fischbein & Schnarch (1997). The evolution with age of probabilistic, intuitively based misconceptions
Independent Variable: grade level- 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, or grad school as future math teachers Dependent Variable: accuracy Term: representativeness, gambler's fallacy, compound events, conjunction fallacy, law of large numbers, availability heuristic, Falk phenomenon
Hyman, Husband, & Billings (1995). False memories of childhood experiences
Independent Variable: interview- initial, two days later, or four days later Dependent Variable: recollection of false event Term: false memories
Loftus & Palmer (1974). Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memory
Independent Variable: one question was either "about how fast were the cars going when they hit each other?" or "about how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?" Dependent Variable I: speed estimates Dependent Variable II: false memories of broken glass Term: schema
Seligman & Maier (1967). Failure to escape traumatic shock
Independent Variable: original conditioning- none, escape, or learned helplessness Dependent Variable: learning to escape the shock in the second box Term: learned helplessness
Tversky & Kahneman (1981). The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice
Independent Variable: outcome- gain or loss Dependent Variable:: choice of outcome- sure or gamble Term: framing
Festinger & Carlsmith (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance
Independent Variable: paid $1, paid $20, control Dependent Variable: rating of enjoyment Term: cognitive dissonance
Carli (1999). Cognitive reconstruction, hindsight, and reactions to victims and perpetrators
Independent Variable: story ending- with or without a final sentence saying she was raped Dependent Variable: falsely remembering stereotypical rape antecedents, such as "the woman was dressed suggestively" Term: hindsight bias