IBM (Chapter 5 Connect Assignment)

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a. existing

A company must be able to focus on its ____ competencies as an opportunity to deliver new products to its customers. a. existing b. exiting c. competition d. extreme

d. interest rate

At its most basic level, ____ refers to the cost to the individual for borrowing money. a. exchange rate b. mortgage rate c. inflation rate d. interest rate

generational cohort

Consumers in a ____ ____ are a group of people of the same generation having similar purchase behaviors because they have shared experiences and are in the same stage of life.

d. immediate environment

Factors affecting consumers such as a company's capabilities, competitors, and corporate partners, are referred to as: a. culture environment b. demographic environment c. economic environment d. immediate environment

Generation Z (Digital Natives)

Generation ____ was born into a world full of electronic gadgets and digital technologies, such as the Internet and social networks.


Health and ____ concerns have forced new advertising guidelines which requires marketers to produce food in reasonably portioned sizes.

b. A product may be targeted towards a specific age group or generational cohort. d. A product may be for a specific gender.

How do demographics affect the launching of a new product? a. A product may be seen as a better value economically. b. A product may be targeted towards a specific age group or generational cohort. c. A product may be related to an emerging social trend. d. A product may be for a specific gender.


Marketers can use an analysis of the external and internal environments such as: a. SWOT b. IMC c. AIDA d. B2B

a. Green marketing

Match the social trend with the illustrative examples provided: Investing in phosphate-free laundry powder a. Green marketing b. Health and wellness concerns c. Privacy concerns

a. True

True or false: Currently firms have the technology to track an item from the moment it was manufactured until it is in the hands of the consumer. a. True b. False

a. True

True or false: Mobile devices enhance the customer's experience by making it easier to interact with the manufacturer, retailer or other customers. a. True b. False

b. Highest income group

Which income group's purchasing power is growing relative to other income groups? a. Middle income group b. Highest income group c. Low income groups

d. Gen Y

Which is the largest generational cohort since the Baby Boomers? a. Gen X b. Seniors c. Gen Z d. Gen Y

a. the same target market

A company may choose to launch the same advertising campaign globally. This particular campaign may be launched with identical pictures and message just in different languages. Advertiser might try to bridge the culture gap by appealing to: a. the same target market b. foreign exchange programs c. profit pricing d. the same work environment

d. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device)

A new technology called ____ enables a firm to track items as they move through the supply chain and into the hands of the final consumer. a. new field communication b. m-wallets c. WiFi d. RFID

d. corporate

A school may collaborate with a publishing company such as McGraw-Hill to ensure that the school receives enough books for each student who has enrolled in the school. The publishing company is considered the school's ____ partner. a. co-branding b. competitive c. profitable d. corporate

b. competencies

A successful firm focuses on matching its core ____ of its products and services to what customers need and want. a. corporate partners b. competencies c. competition d. consumers

a. decline

An example of inflation would be when increasing prices cause the purchasing power of the dollar to: a. decline b. stabilize c. increase

b. high end of the market d. low end of the market

Having a broad range in incomes creates marketing opportunities at the: a. target market b. high end of the market c. market growth rate d. low end of the market

c. culture

If your family shares a tradition of getting together on New Year's Day, then this part of your ____. a. demographics b. wellness c. culture d. ethnicity

c. privacy concerns

In response to the social trend of ____, the Federal Trade Commission established the Do Not Call Registry. a. health and wellness concerns b. thrift c. privacy concerns d. green marketing e. time-poor society


In the immediate environment it is critical that marketers understand their firm's ____ including their strengths, weaknesses, and likely reactions to the marketing activities that their own firm undertakes.

a. consumer

It is the ____ who is at the center of all marketing efforts. a. consumer b. seller c. dealer d. broker

b. Health and wellness concerns

Match the social trend with the illustrative examples provided: Popularity of hand sanitizing gel a. Green marketing b. Health and wellness concerns c. Privacy concerns

c. Privacy concerns

Match the social trend with the illustrative examples provided: The Do Not Call Registry for cell phones a. Green marketing b. Health and wellness concerns c. Privacy concerns


One of the goals of ____ marketing is to provide a greater benefit relative to the cost to consumers than competitors offer. a. selling-oriented b. value-based c. production-oriented d. target

c. regional

Particularly in larger countries, marketers may have to respond to diverse consumer groups that refer to products categories differently. While some areas say they "go to a movie," others say they are "going to a show." This illustrates ____ culture. a. cohort b. country c. regional d. demographic

a. Those who graduate from college earn approximately $1,216 a week. b. Those who dropped out of high school earn an average of $468 a week. d. Those who graduate with a high school diploma earn approximately $648 a week.

Select the answer which best describe the mean income by education level for individuals over 25 years old. a. Those who graduate from college earn approximately $1,216 a week. b. Those who dropped out of high school earn an average of $468 a week. c. Those who choose not to go to school will have the highest annual income. d. Those who graduate with a high school diploma earn approximately $648 a week.


Sitting within the macroenvironment and related to elements of the competitive industry in which the firm operates is the ____ environment.

d. company, competition, corporate partners

The most important immediate environmental factors that impact consumers are the ____, ____, and ____. a. competitors, vendors, suppliers b. company, cohorts, corporate partners c. competitors, cohorts, corporate partners d. company, competition, corporate partners

a. political parties c. laws and legislation d. government agencies

The political/regulatory environment consist of: a. politcal parties b. nonprofit organizations c. laws and legislation d. government agencies

b. This cohort varies most in age, ranging from teenagers to adults who have their own family

What are some characteristics of Generation Y? a. The older members of the group are referred to as "tweens." b. This cohort varies mot in age, ranging from teenagers to adults who have their own family c. They tend to marry young and in large numbers d. Their taste in music, fashion, and entertainment end to vary widely across countries.

a. Born between 1965 and 1976 c. Latchkey children (both parents worked) d. Represent 41 million Americans

What are some characteristics that describe Generation X? a. Born between 1965 and 1976 b. Buying power estimated to be $260 billion annually c. Latchkey children (both parents worked) d. Represent 41 million Americans

b. What is most valued d. Language differences e. food preferences

What are some components of a country's culture? a. Economic factors such as GDP per capita b. What is most valued c. Competitive brand names offered d. Language differences e. food preferences

a. Maturing of the general population b. Higher overall level of education c. Increase in dual-income households

What are some distinct characteristics that may be causing the increase in wealthy families? a. Maturing of the general population b. Higher overall level of education c. Increase in dual-income households d. Increase in spending at the mall

a. Corporate partners c. The company d. The competitors

What are the immediate environmental factors that impact consumers? a. Corporate partners b. The country culture c. The company d. The competitors

a. The competitors b. The company d. Corporate partners

What are the immediate environmental factors that impact consumers? a. The competitors b. The company c. The country culture d. Corporate partners

c. Likely reactions to the firm's plans d. Weaknesses

When developing marketing plans, a firm should consider which of the following things about its competitors? (check all that apply) a. Confidential new product plans b. Past growth of the firm c. Likely reactions to the firm's plans d. Weaknesses

b. save; borrow

When interest rates are high, consumers have a greater incentive to ____ more, but when interest rates are low, consumer have a greater incentive to ____. a. sell; buy b. save; borrow c. buy; sell d. borrow; save


When the ways people within a particular nation refer to product categories differently from people in other parts of the nation, it is called a ____ culture.

a. exchange

When tourist (like the one's shown here) visit and shop in other countries because the value of the tourist' home currency is stronger, this results from a favorable ____ rate. a. inflation b. exchange c. tariff d. interest

a. largest population of 50-plus consumers b. Born between 1946 and 1964

Which are the traits that best describe Baby Boomers? a. largest population of 50-plus consumers b. Born between 1946 and 1964 c. Hardly any focus on maintaining their youth

b. Baby Boomers

Which generational cohort was born during 1946 and 1964? a. Generation X b. Baby Boomers c. Tweens d. Generation Y

b. Recognize consumers' needs and wants c. Provide value to consumers

Which of the following are among the goals of value-based marketing? a. Focus on only sales and promotions b. Recognize consumers' needs and wants c. Provide value to consumers d. Offer the lowest-priced merchandise

b. Social factors d. Political/legal (regulatory) factors e. Cultural factors

Which of the following are among the major macroenvironmental factors? a. Corporate partners b. Social factors c. Competitive factors d. Political/legal (regulatory) factors e. Cultural factors

a. Customs of a group of people d. Morals e. Beliefs

Which of the following are component of culture? a. Customs of a group of people b. Demographics c. Economic situation d. Morals e. Beliefs

a. Nutrition Labeling and Education Act c. Consumer Product Safety Act d. Children's Television Act

Which of the following are examples of government legislation designed to protect the consumer? a. Nutrition Labeling and Education Act b. Free and unrestricted telemarketing Act c. Consumer Product Safety Act d. Children's Television Act

b. Education attained d. Income earned

Which of the following demographic factors can help to predict consumer buying patterns? a. Hobbies b. Education attained c. Social behavior d. Income earned e. Technology usage

a. Marketers should strive to transcend gender boundaries whenever possible.

Which of the following factors should marketers keep in ind about gender when promoting goods and services? a. Marketers should strive to transcend gender boundaries whenever possible. b. Gender roles must always be clear and distinct. c. Gender roles remain very distinct particularly in certain regions of the USA. d. Marketers should hardly ever strive for gender neutrality by simply ignoring gender characteristics.

Red Lobster

Which of the following firms would be the most likely to see food sales suffer as a result of inflation? a. Walmart b. Subway c. Red Lobster d. Burger King

a. Caucasian

Which of the following groups are NOT expected to experience population growth in the United States in the next 20 years. a. Caucasian b. Asian c. African American d. Hispanic

a. Housing market

Which of the following industries is most likely to suffer a downturn when interest rates rise? a. Housing market b. Investment in bonds c. Personal care product industry

c. Social

Which of the following is a macroenvironmental force that influences a firm? a. Competitors b. Company c. Social d. Suppliers


____ are characteristics of human population such as gender, race, age, and income.

c. Regional

____ culture is exemplified by the ways people within a particular geographic area refer to product categories differently from people in other areas of the country. a. Technological b. Country c. Regional d. Corporate


____ is defined as the shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values, and customs of a group of people.


____ is when a company uses more resources advertising green projects versus actually spending these resources on environmentally sound practices.

c. Green

____ marketing involves a strategic effort by firms to supply customers with environmentally friendly merchandise. a. Profitable b. Consumer c. Green


____ refers to the persistent increase in the prices of goods and services.

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