ICP Semester One Final Exam Practice Test Answers

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Which of the following conversion factors would you use to change 18 kilometers to meters?

1 km/1000 m

What is 1 centimeter equal to?

100 millimeters

How many grams of HNO3 are in 2.6 mol of the compound?

163.8 g

How is 0.00025 written in scientific notation?

2.5 ´ 10-4

Which of the following is a balanced chemical equation for the synthesis of NaBr from Na and Br2?

2Na + Br2® 2NaBr

How many moles of Cr are in 156 g of the element?

3.0 mol

Timers at a swim meet used four different clocks to time an event. Which recorded time is the most precise?

55.254 s

Figure 5-1 shows a portion of a blank periodic table. Identify the segments labeled A and B.

A is a period and B is a group.

Which statement about subatomic particles is true?

An electron has far less mass than either a proton or neutron.

Which statement about electrons and atomic orbitals is NOT true?

An electron has the same amount of energy in all orbitals.

Which of the following is NOT part of John Dalton's atomic theory?

Atoms contain subatomic particles.

The law that states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins if the pressure and the number of particles is constant is

Charles's law.

Which of the following Group 1A elements is the most reactive?

Cs (cesium)

Which of the following takes place during a redox reaction?

Electrons are both gained and lost.

Which statement accurately represents the arrangement of electrons in Bohr's atomic model?

Electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary from level to level.

Which of the following Group 7A elements is the most reactive?

F (fluorine)

How was Bohr's atomic model similar to Rutherford's model?

It described a nucleus surrounded by a large volume of space.

Which statement best describes Rutherford's model of the atom?

It is like a huge stadium with a positively charged marble at the center.

In a chemical reaction, an iron atom became the ion Fe2+. What happened to the iron atom?

It lost electrons and was oxidized.

Which of the following compounds does NOT contain molecules?


Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is added to solid NaOH. After the reaction is complete, NaCl dissolved in water remains. What are the products of this chemical reaction?

NaCl and H2O

Study the electron dot diagrams for lithium, carbon, fluorine, and neon in Figure 6-1. Choose the statement that correctly identifies the most stable of the elements.

Neon is the most stable element because its highest occupied energy level is filled.

Which of the following is NOT one of the main ideas of physical science?

One of the main branches of natural science is biology.

Which statement is true about the metalloid silicon?

Silicon is a better conductor of an electric current than sulfur is.

A log is burning in a fireplace. If the amount of oxygen reaching the log is decreased, which of the following statements is true?

The reaction rate decreases.

Rutherford's gold foil experiment provided evidence for which of the following statements?

There is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom.

Which of the following is NOT always true about a synthesis reaction?

There is only one reactant.

Which statement is true about oxygen-17 and oxygen-18?

They are isotopes of oxygen.

Which of the following statements about ice melting is true?

Water molecules move from their fixed position.

Which of the following is a clue of a chemical change?

a gas forms when vinegar and baking soda are mixed

A material that is malleable and conducts electricity is most likely

a metal.

What is a statement that summarizes a pattern found in nature?

a scientific law

Typically, atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve

a stable electron configuration.

Which of the following most accurately represents John Dalton's model of the atom?

a tiny, solid sphere with predictable mass for a given element

The atomic mass of an element is

a weighted average of the masses of an element's isotopes.

Which of the following factors affect the pressure of an enclosed gas?

all of the above

Raising the temperature of a gas will increase its pressure if the volume of the gas

and the number of particles are constant.

The Greek philosopher Democritus coined what word for a tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?


To find the number of neutrons in an atom, you would subtract

atomic number from mass number.

What are the building blocks of all matter?


In a compound, chemical energy is contained in the


Water is a compound because it

both a and b

If an unknown substance CANNOT be broken down into simpler substances, it is

both b and c

An alloy that contains mainly copper and tin is


Which of the following is NOT a clue that a chemical change has occurred?

change in shape

When a physical change in a sample occurs, which of the following does NOT change?


If a material contains three elements joined in a fixed proportion, it is a(an)


Which of the following are pure substances?


The total amount of energy before and after a chemical reaction is the same. Thus, energy is


Which of the following does NOT state what the arrow means in a chemical equation?


J.J. Thomson's experiments provided evidence that an atom

contains negatively charged particles.

What method can be used to separate parts of a liquid mixture when the entire mixture can pass through a filter?


In a polar covalent bond,

electrons are shared equally between atoms.

A substance that is made up of only one kind of atom is a(an)


In terms of energy, how would you classify the following chemical reaction? 2Cu + O2→ 2CuO + 315 kJ


Collisions of helium atoms and the walls of a closed container cause

gas pressure.

If you move a substance from one container to another and its volume changes, the substance is a


Which of the following is a characteristic of a mixture?

has varying properties

Which of the following groups contain three elements with stable electron configurations?

helium, xenon, neon

Ionization energies tend to

increase from left to right across a period.

The temperature and volume in a closed container of gas remain constant. If the number of particles of gas is increased, the gas pressure will


In general, if the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased, reaction rate


The water molecule H2O is polar because it contains two polar single bonds and

its molecule has a bent shape.

In Niels Bohr's model of the atom, electrons move

like planets orbiting the sun.

What type of graph is represented by Figure 1-1?

line graph

Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is a


Fluorine, F, forms a binary ionic compound with lithium, Li. What is the name of this compound?

lithium fluoride

Which of the following will cause a decrease in gas pressure in a closed container?

lowering the temperature

Mendeleev arranged the known chemical elements in a table according to increasing


The heat of fusion for water is the amount of energy needed for water to


Which of the following is NOT a pure substance?


The coefficients in a balanced chemical equation always can express the ratio of

moles of reactants and products.

Compared with Group 1A elements, Group 7A elements have

more valence electrons.

The column on the far left of the periodic table contains the

most reactive metals.

A gas has

no definite shape or definite volume.

Two highly reactive elements in Period 4 are the metal potassium and the

nonmetal bromine.

A mixture can be classified as a solution, suspension, or colloid based on the

number of particles it contains.

Flammability is a material's ability to burn in the presence of


The substances that are present before a chemical reaction takes place are called


Which of the following is a mixture?


Which of the following is a physical change?

sawing a piece of wood in half

What is a system of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge?


Which element is found in nature only in compounds?


During a phase change, the temperature of a substance

stays the same.

Reaction rates do NOT tell you how fast

substances are changing state.

You are about to open a container of soy milk but notice that there are instructions to "shake well before serving." The soy milk is most likely a


Boyle's law states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure if the

temperature and number of particles are constant.

Which of the following is a typical property of an ionic compound?

tendency to shatter when struck

Which phrase best describes a metallic bond?

the attraction between a metal anion and a shared pool of electrons

The usefulness of Mendeleev's periodic table was confirmed by

the discovery of elements with predicted properties.

Which of the following is unique for any given element?

the number of protons

According to John Dalton's observations, when elements combine in a compound,

the ratio of their masses is always the same.

Filtration can be used to separate mixtures based on

their densities.

In the compound MgCl2, the subscript 2 indicates that

there are two magnesium ions for each ion of chlorine.

Metallic bonding is similar to ionic bonding because

there is an attraction between positively charged and negatively charged particles.

The formation of an ionic bond involves the

transfer of electrons.

Mendeleev gave the name eka-aluminum to a(an)

unknown element he predicted would have properties similar to those of aluminum

Which of the following phase changes is an endothermic change?


Which of the following is a chemical change?

water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen

Because water molecules are polar and carbon dioxide molecules are nonpolar,

water has a higher boiling point than carbon dioxide does.

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