IGCSE Travel and Tourism

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tour operator

A company that combines tour and travel components to create travel packages, either to travel agents or directly to customers. Examples can be a flight on a charter airline plus a transfer from the airport to a hotel and the services of a local representative, all for one inclusive price.

Tourism Participation Rate

A measure of the amount of people (tourists) of a country that participate in tourism, domestic or international.

Religious building

A place of worship and related incidental activities; includes church, chapel ad temple.


A printed list of questions, especially used in market research.


A type of business that buys goods in large quatities at low prices, typically for retailers


A way of clearly highlighting what make one product or service different from and more attractive than the competitors' product and service.

PEST analysis

Acronym for Political, Economical, Social and Technological. This is a management method whereby an organisation can access major external factors that influence its operation in order to become more competitive in the market. It is strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations.


Acronym of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions

Product range

All of the different types of products made by a specific company

Hub airport

An airport that serves as the focal point for the origin and termination of long-distance flights.

Cultural appraisal

An individual's final choice of destination is strongly influenced by the values and attitudes that they are exposed to.


An intermediary who sells consumer goods and/or services to consumers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit.


Any destinations or main point of access to a country or region because of its location and its transport links. Example, seaport an a city.

corporate hospitality

Any event for the benefit of an organisation entertaining clients or staff, or prospective clients, at the organisation's expense.


Any facility that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation for tourists.


Any form of communication or activity carried out specifically to call attention to the products and services of a particular organisation.

The main differences between Conferences and Meetings

Conferences are differentiated from meetings by the duration of the event and the number of people attending.

Domestic flights

Connect two destinations within the same country

Variable pricing

Differented prices charged for the same product because of defferences in seasons of in the targeted market segment.


Distance away from the equator, in both thr northern and southern hemispheres.


Distance east or west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees, from 0-180 East, and from 0-180 West.


Events desined to brng people together for the purpose of exchanging information, either from within one company or organisation or from a broader spectrum of people.


Features of the built environment that are required in order to serve the developemental and operational needs of a community such as services and installations.

Discount pricing

If the items are not selling, reduce the cost by a percentage so that sutmers believe thay have picked a bargain.

Export leakage

In poor developing nations, multi-national corporations and large foreign businesses are the only ones that possss the necessary capital to invest in the construction of tourims infrastructure and facilities.

Culture clash

In some destinations, tourists oftern fail to respect local customs and moral values.

Cultural tourism

Individuals and groups of people who travel to visit and experience things like heritage, religion, art and customs to develop knowledge of a different community's way of life and tradition.


It includes travel to a foreign country or omestically as a part of motivational incentive scheme to increase or reward the employee effort.

market penetration pricing

Low price set to a gain entry in the market, but prices increase as customers gain loyalty to the product.


Management process for identifying customer need profitably. It is about getting the right Product, to the right people at the right Place at the right time at the right Price, using the right Promotion

rapid transit system

Many destinations use this to transport large numbers of tourists as quickly as possible around the city centres and this provide improved accessibility for tourists with the aim of reducing overcrowding.

public transport

Many travellers use some form of which to get from the airport to their accommodation- this might be by water taxi, airport express train and public coach services.

SWOT analysis

Marketing method of developing a market strategy based on a n assessment of the Strength and Weaknesses of the company and the Opportunities and Threats in the market.


Multi-day events having at least 100 delegates attending the event for the purpose of exchanging informations. This is termed to be an international conference if 40% of the delegates come from outside of the host country.

Water Transport

Often include ferry operators and cruis companies. The services provided by the ferry companies help to link groups of islands uch as those found in Greece or to connect an island destination to an adjacent larger land mass, such as the UK and mainland Europe across the English Channel.

Chartered Services

One whereby all of the seats for a particular flight have been pre-booked by a tour operator, for example, for use with package holiday customers to a specific destination.

Leisure tourists

People who are visiting somewhere for pleasure rather than business related reasons, in other words they are in holiday.

All-inclusive products

Products in which all-most of tourist services and products are included.

Independent product

Products that are purchased from the provider by an individual customer.

Package product

Products that comprises of transport, accommodation and other services such as ancillary services.

Scheduled service

Regular service between 2 destinations operated according to a published timetable, available for use by any member of the public

Loss leader pricing

Sell items with little margin for profit so that customers buy other items at full price when they come to check out the low cost items

Rail Transport

Services are scheduled, and travelers perceive this type of transport as safe, inexpensive, and convenient for many journeys. Journeys involve no long check-ins, no extra charge for baggage, and an ever-changing view

Specialist tourism

Specialist tourism is a niche, something unique and that only appeals to a specific segment of the overall market. For example, film tourism

International flights

Take off in one country and land at a destination in different country

features of a product

Tangible Homogenues Separable Storable

Leisure market

Term used to denote tourist who trvale specifically for leisure purposes. This includes those on a holiday, travelling for sporting religious or medical reasons. Adventure, eco, cultural tourists also included.

Tourism carrying capacity

The maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction.

Travel agents

The middleman between the customer and the tour operator, representing both sides. They are responsible for selling holidays, offering ancillary services, prodiving information and advising customers.

Occupancy rate

The number of beds/rooms that have been occupied against the number of beds/rooms available over a given period of time, such as night, month or a year.


The people or organizations that buy goods and services for any particular purpose.


The place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement, usually while they are on holiday.

Non-serviced accommodation

The price you pay does not include the provision of meals but cooking facilities are available for the guests' use.

Serviced accommodation

The price you pay includes the provision of meals and for the cleaning of the room


The process of combining a number of inter-relaed tourism products and servies that, together, offer a comprehensive experience for travellers. They are brought together into a convenient singe product at a lower price. They are often designed to appeal to a specific target market. The best ones offer a unique, appealing experience or series of experiences to travellers at good value.


The process of combining a number of inter-related tourism products and services that, together, offers a comprehensive experience for travellers

Market Segmentation

The process of through which a target market is selected for the products and services being offered

Business tourism

The provision of facilities and services to the millions of delegates who attend meetings, congresses, exhibitions, business events, incentive tavel and corporate hospitality etc. each year.

Negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism

These include commodification, globalisation, loss of authenticity, adaptation to tourism demands, culture clash, crime, sexual exploitation and changes in attitudes.

Economic impacts

These includes encourage production, encourage service sector, increase foreign exchange earnings, create employment, generate income, raise living standards.

Product Life Cycle

This includes Exploration, Involvement, Development, Consolidation, Stagnation and Rejuvenation or Decline


This involves the bringing together f people for the purpooses of viewing peoducts and services.

Channels of communication

This is how the organisation is passed between various departments, organisations and customers. Communication is the sharing of information for a variety of purposes, including informing, perusading and influencing.

car transport

This is provided by a variety of global companies, and a larger number of much smaller companies, operating in particular holiday destination.

Special offers

This is used to attract customers to but items that are not selling well. Money off coupons free gifts or a competition may entice more to buy.

Product (as the segment of marketing mix)

This refers to an item that satisfies the customer's needs and wants and the business that offers for sale and many include products or services.

Marketing mix

This refers to the set of actions or tactics that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

Car Transport

This type of service can be hired independently through international chains such as Hertz and Avis or by making reservation through travel agencies. Car hire is popular with independent travelers because vehicles can be collected at airport and returned to another office elsewhere if needed. Campervan is an example.


Unique natural area with special geological significance and natural and cultural landscapes, and serves the three objectives of conservation, education and sustained development.

Secondary marker research

Which involves using existing information that has been collected by a third party for a different purpose or using data from the organisations own records. This is also known as desk research

Impost leakage

Which occurs when tourists command standards of equipment, food and other products that the host country cannot supply.

Primary marker research

Which requires organisations to go out into the market to find out about customers' experiences and expectations. Known as field research


a combination of diverse elements; a mixture

Market skimming pricing

a high price charged to be one of the first to try the product as an innovator. Once competitors enter the market, the rpice is lowered so that more people can access the product.

Tourist destination

a physical space in which visitors spend at least one night and is made up of tourism products such as support services and attractions, and tourism resources with physical and administrative boundaries that define its management, images/perceptions of market competitiveness.

Theme park

an amusement park where the rides and attractions are based on a particular theme

Demonstration effect

behaviour that members of the host population copy from the tourists. This can lead to the erosion of traditional culture and values as the local population adopt visitor behaviour and this is often a major cause of tension within the sections of local society.

Formal communication

communication that is managed and organised information that is shared with relevant individuals in order to maintain a coordinated approach within an organisation.

Informal communication

communication that is neither managed nor planned, casual, not defined by the organization's structural hierarchy and tends to be spred by word-of-mouth quickly throughout a department or organisation.

Quantitative data

information that tends to be numeric or statistical by nature- frequency of visits, cost and number of users etc. This allows patterns and trends in the market t be displayed visually in chart or graph forms.

Tour Guiding

refers to the activity of accompanying a group of vviditors around a particular site, town or part of a region, giving information on the history and geography of that area, pointing out item of interests and generally being responsible for conducting the group efficiently.

Multiple use

refers to the destination in which the facilities available for tourists are also available for use by the host population

Mobile media

the communication of products or services to mobile devices and smartphones using advertisements specifically designed for these devices. It includes short message service (SMS) text as well as interactive advertisements within other apps.


the environmental, economic, socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a sustainable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability.

Qualitative data

the information collected about customers; opinions and attitudes towards products and services. It is difficult to present graphically.


the moving of goods or customers from one place to another. This can be divided into road, rail, sea and air.

tourist information centre

the place tourists go to for extra information


the provision of food and service for a special event

Duration of stay

the time spent during a visit measured from the standpoint of the recieving country or place.


the tourist expenditure that remains locally after taxes, profits, and wages are paid outside an area and after imports are purchased.

Market research

this is the process of collecting, recording and analyzing data about the customers, competitors and the market itself.

fly-drive package

this is where a traveller flies into a destination, pick up a car and drives around the area/region, staying at different places along the way.

Overnight tourist

visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the country visited.


within each particular tourist destination and surrounding area, there will be a series of inter-relationships between the different component sub-sectors that contribute towards the overall tourist experience.

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