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Balbo's first cousin who was determined to find a solution to the national question. The king agreed with his ideas and he suggested reform

25. Conservative of the left

By 1848, Cavour was this. Conservative- wants a constitutional monarchy. Left- reform constitutional monarchy becoming Italy. once the statuo came, he was involved in politics

19. NeoGuelfs

wrote books another route towards Italian nationhood based on using monarchies and the idea of confederation and the pope will accept a role in this. They opposed revolution.

b. Central Confederation

result of plombieres secret meeting. it will work together to make a central confederation that will pull away from Austria and the pope.

Piedmontese-Austrian War

rev of 48. Alberto was forced into declaring war so northern Italy revolutionaries would be successful. He wanted to annex some revolted territories of Austria and the only way to do that was to prove he was trying to help by going to war.

Carlo Alberto's Statudo

rev of 48. Carlo Alberto, the Piedmontese king, is under pressure because he is ruling as an autocrat. Under pressure to grant a constitution, the Statuo, which he does.

Republic of St. Mark (Venice)

rev of 48. In the northeast, the Venetians chased the Austrians out and created this.

Francesco Crispi

prime minister of Italy. talks Garibaldi out to prevent the French from taking nice and talked into sailing south into sicily.

a. North Italian Kingdom

result of plombieres secret meeting. annexed by Piedmont

d. Marriage

result of plombieres secret meeting. between Carlo Alberto's daughter and Napoleon's cousin who has a bad rep.

1. Spanish Period

1600s when the Spanish were in control of italy. either the hapsburgs or their vessels are in charge. The Spanish and Popes had a good relationship until the early 1700s.

Papal States

1831. There were revolts in papal states and central italy cities that were either under the control of the papacy or influenced by the papacy.

March on Rome?

A strike "led" by Mussolini where Blackshirts marched to Rome and Mussolini was legally put into power

War of Princes/War of the People

After that battle of custozza, mazzini and republicans say the WOP is over and the war of people is begining.

Garibaldi accepts Constitutional Monarch

As they get toward Sicily, if this works out, he will accept this as a way of unifying italy. He will let piedmont lead the way and in favor of King victor emmanuel of piedmont becoming king of italy if it will unite italy.

2. War of the Spanish Succession

Austrians replace spanish as the main power in italy. Habsburgs lost to the Bourbons of france. Austrians get control of northern italy and the bourbon dynasty of southern italy is independent. It begins a series of wars until the 1700s and out of that comes is the austrian italy.

39. Pretext

Cavour engineers a war and there is a lot of diplomatic maneuvering that ends up with piedmont and austria mobilizing.

35. Costatino Nigra

Cavour relied on him to keep open the lines of communication with Napoleon III.

c. Savoy & Nice

result of plombieres secret meeting. both go to france. They were not worried about being a part of france.

Ferdinand II/Francis II:

Ferdinand II king of Naples abdicates in favour of his son. He is moving north and successfully fighting Neopolitan armies. Cavour and victor emmanuel II are put on the spot. He is heading to the northern part of Italy until he gets to Rome.

43. Armistice of Villafranca

France Joseph and Napoleon III meet secretly at VillaFranca. no italian has an idea what's going on. They come to an agreement. Venice remains Austrian, Piedmont gets Lombardy, and the old aristocratic government rulers have to be put back on their thrones and will create a central Italy thing.

Kingdom of Italy

Gairbaldi conquered the entire kingdom of naples and sicily and accepts king victor emmanuel's request of bringing Naples and Sicily into the new italian state. There is alot of negotiation between the two. Garibaldi promises he will accept constitutional monarchy and goes home. He left cavour and victor emmanuel took over what he had conquered.

37. Orsini's trial

He did not get Napoleon III. He was caught and put on trial. Napoleon decides he is going to help the Italians. They went to Orcini and said you can help the Italians by giving a passion speech about a unified italy. War between austria, piedmont, and france

End of the Romantic Risorgimento

In order to keep the French catholics happy, Napoleon III goes after the roman republic. They chase Garibaldi and his army out of Rome after. Garibaldi ends up in exile in america. RR falls and Venetian R falls as well. never again will the romantics be in a position to create republics.

36. Orsini's plot

Italian revolutionary who considered Napoleon III the enemy of the cause of Italy, Risorgimento, so he tried killing him. Him and his people had a bomb plot and threw bombs at the emperor and hsi people and killed many people.

2nd Empire of Napoleon Ill

Napoleon III is the second cousin of Napoleon and is trying to take over the french government. In the revolution 1848, he got himself elected as president and convinces the people to let him become the new emperor of second empire.

40. Mobilization

Process to get ready for war. The last step before war. If you mobilize it is a crisis. Ends up with piedmont and austria mobilizing. English desperately worked to make sure it didn't turn into war almost successful.


an exiled Piedmontese priest who had a neo-guelph vision where italy should become a confederation of states supported by the Piedmontese army and presided over by the pope

National Society:

a group of moderates who get together and convince enough people that they should try to annex anybody who wants to join piedmont.


a historian who published a book which disagreed with Mazzini's ideas of Italian unification and suggested they use diplomacy to get rid of austrians. Revolution is not the way.

16. Young Italy

a secret society created by Mazzini to spread his beliefs and create a more effective way of revolution

47. Union:

a union of states not an annexation. they have a plebiscite and they win meaning they join piedmont. goes against the villafranca and napoleon gets savoy and nice.

11. Romantic Movement

about feelings over structures/systems. It preaches romantic nationalism as opposed to liberal nationalism.

12. Carbonari

anti-government secret society in the south of Italy. Groups of people looking for reform or have their own country.

28. Crimean War

argument between Russia, France and England over the fate of turkey. The Russians put too much pressure on turks. So the English and French declare war on Russia and fight in the black sea. Russians lose and they have to back down. Cavour says they need to join the british and french to get themselves recognized as a friend of both, mostly French. The French can help them with their goal of taking over northern italy.

4. Austrian Period

became the main power in italy. Austrians get control of northern italy and the bourbon dynasty of southern italy is independent and then the papal states.

Battle of Calatafimi

between Garibaldi and the troops of Sicily. they conquer sicily.

7. Congress of Vienna

called in 1860 at the end of napoleonic wars. It was to do something to put back Europe it used to be. put rulers back on their thrones to get rid of constitutionalism, liberalism, and nationalism.

30. The Congress of Paris 1855

called to figure out the end of the crimean war.

26. Minister of Navy, Commerce and Finance

cavour was this. The two most powerful parties were the center right and center left

florence and modena

central Italy was not part of the deal of going back to their aristocratic rulers.

cavour resigns

central italy is not going back to the way they were before. Rome and nearby papal city states and central Italy were not part of the deal. Piedmont has been offered Lombardy but hasn't taken it yet.

18. 1844-Bandiera brothers

deserted from Austrian navy and tried to start a rising in calabria. It was unsuccessful and they died.

3. Enlightenment & 18t Century Wars

enlightenment time period where there was a political outlook on things that the universe is knowable. it involves reform ideas and the Austrians bring this to Italy. It was a big shock to Italians because there had been no change for hundreds of years this year. Some reforms were successful and some were not. There was pressure for it.

23. "Italian Question

events of the first half of 1800s have left in italy this continuous idea of an Italian nation. There is no consensus on who or what it is. There are a lot of people who think there should be one that unify the different countries. Piedmont is the alternative to an Italian republic that want to be the people to drive italian unification. Piedmont will become Italy and the government will be a constitutional monarchy.

13. Revolutions of 1820-1821

first revolutions carbonari led. There was one in Naples and one in piedmont. The great powers sent an army to reduce the revolutions and were successful.

Giuseppe La Farina

founder of italian national society. cavour sends him to Sicily to get support for Sicily being annexed by piedmont. He ticks off everyone and they kick him out.

Battles in the Volturno Valley

garibaldi's army defeats the last of the neopolitans (Naples) at the volturno river.

6. Napoleonic Period

he fought several wars in Italy. He brings reform and stirs everything up. When he's done, there is an idea in Italy that Italy should be a confederation and run by themselves.

24. Count Cavour

important person in piedmont. He is born into an aristocratic family. Second son is destined to be in the army, but he is not a big fan of being in the army.

34. Carlo Piscane 1857

led an unsuccessful expedition to free Sicily from the kingdom of naples. It was an old fashioned romantic republican revolution

Romantic nationalism

more about people's destiny and cultural and history and language as opposed to the enlightenment where you need a nation to create a government fair enough to reform things.

March 1848

most dangerous period of the revolution for Austrians who control northern Italy and central. They are busy fighting. They have unrest in Italy, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Vienna.

42. Prussians & Central Italians

napoleon's issue. Prussians are immobilized on the French border and are neutral and are in effect putting pressure on the French to stop. bigger cities in central italy overthrew their aristocratic government and created semi republics.

5. House of Savoy

occupies Piedmont. Savoy is more French than Italian, Turin is the major capital. It was the longest-lasting royal house in europe. they ally in 1400s. Overtime, their country becomes larger and more important.

8.Metternich's Conservative System

organized so that liberalism and nationalism wouldn't be a problem. Not allow big change or revolutions or monarchies to fall anymore. If something happens, we will help each other out.

The Thousand (originally)

organized to prevent french from taking nice. The expedition was a success and concluded with a plebiscite that brought Naples and Sicily into the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Battle of Castelfidardo

papal army and piedmont. Piedmont wins. The gamble is that Piedmont fights the papal states, survives criticism from the rest of europe, and puts the Piedmontese army between Rome and garibaldi.

48. Secret treaty:

piedmont agrees to let them hold a plebiscite in savoy and nice and if they want to join france. They can. Savoy: plebiscite was corect, but Nice not so much, but it's part of the treaty. Pro French people win the plebiscite and France gets savoy and nice.

29. Battle of Chornaya Rechka

piedmontese and russians. The war ends and Napoleon III is trying to promote himself as the legitimate ruler of a french empire. He wants to negotiate the crimean war to highlight himself.

Roman Republic

rev of 48. chased the people out and created the roman republic. On one hand, there were republicans who wanted to change the government and social system. On the other hand, there are the moderates who want to use piedmont and it's constitutional monarchy to unify italy.

Battle of Custozza

rev of 48. fought between piedmont and austria and austria wins.


rev of 48. he becomes the military leader. He was involved in young Italy, he was exiled and went to south america and gained reputation as leader of armies, gets involved in defense roman republic, he is made the head of the military. He and Mazzini fought over how to defend Rome from the French.


rev of 48. important romantic revolutionaries. Leaders of the republican uprising in 1848.

Pius IX & Durando

rev of 48. pius IX predates these revolutions by being a reformer, but wasn't willing to go any further. Durando was the head of the papal army and marched to fight the austrians. Pius pulls back from reform.


rev of 48. revolution among Austrian controlled parts of northern italy.

Ciro Menotti

rev. of 1831. Modena leader of revolution. When austrians march in, they shot him and he becomes a nationalist martyr

July Monarchy

rev. of 31. The French consider Austria not a friend and overthrew the old conservatvive bourbon family who installed a constitutional monarchy, the July monarchy.

Austrian Intervention

rev. of 31. austrians sent troops in to make sure pope was safe and restore government of cities were overthrown

Palermo & Naples

revolution of 1848 begin here

15. Mazzini

romantic republican revolutionary involved in the risorgimento. He represents nationalism and a great social change. Romantic meaning his nationalism is the nationalism of identity and of feeling. He created Young Italy.

33. Savoyard traditional policy

savoyards are the kings of piedmont. Their traditional foreign policy is to play the bigger powers against each other.

38. Plombieres

secret meetings between cavour and napoleon were held here. He wants the Austrians to go to war to make it look like they are making the first move.

20. Pius IX's reforms

started before 1848. He read Gioberti's book. He created an independent press, allowed political clubs, created a national guard, and people saw him as a leader of reform.

41. Battles of Magenta and Solferino

tactical defeats of Austrians not strategic

10. Nationalism & Liberalism

things the conservative systems are trying to stop and people of reform were in favor of.

17. Rev of 1833-1834

unsuccessful Italian revolts sparked by young italy. Mazzini spends time in exile in London. In 1833-34, the Piedmontese cities where Italian exiles attempted to invade Piedmont from Switzerland and also failed and why Mazzini was exiled.

9. "a geographical expression

what Metternich called Italy. In his POV, Italy was just the name of the peninsula and nothing else.

32. Napoleon's dilemma

what to do with his relations with Piedmont. Does he want to make it strong, but it can be too strong and he has to worry about French Catholics who think that a strong Piedmont could take over Rome. Cavour, hoping they can get some territory, decides he needs the ability to talk to the french. fades out when napoleon says he will help the piedmontese and cavour saying don't try for any territory now, the most important thing is the the diplomatic friendship of Napoleon II.

27. Connubio

when the two center parties join to make one party and cavour is in control of it and does it behind D'Azeglio back, the PM. He resigns and Cavour becomes prime minister with this unified party as his power base.

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