ILTS 206: Child Development, Learning, and Assessment

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Identify some of the contributing factors to the emotional disturbance known as conduct disorder

genetic predispositions, neurological damage, child abuse, and other traumatic experiences

Describe hostile aggression

getting even for wrongs or injuries they feel others have done to them

Quote a statement made by Kamii reflecting her philosophy of education

"A classroom cannot foster the development of autonomy in the intellectual realm while suppressing it in the social and moral realms"

Give an example of a simple preschool activity that gives children experience collecting, organizing, and displaying data using sticky notes and a teacher made chart and explain how the activity promotes the skills mentioned

- A preschool teacher is teaching her group of 10 children about basic data collection, data arrangement, and data display - she shows children yellow, blue, and green sticky notes, and has each child select his or her favorite color - five children choose yellow notes, three select blue, and two select green - by choosing one of three colors, each child has participated in data collection - the teacher draws lines to divide a sheet of paper into three columns, and labels each column with one of the colors - she helps the children place their chosen sticky notes into the correct columns - by arranging the colored sticky notes into columns, the teacher and children have organized the data they gathered - once all nodes are in their proper columns, the completed chart is an example of how collected, organized data can be displayed - the teacher asked the children which color was chosen the most. seeing 5 yellow notes, they answer yellow. She then asks which color was chosen the least, and they say green. She asked them to use numbers to arrange the color traces for most popular to least popular. They arrive at 5 yellow, 3 blue, and two green. Together, the teacher and the children point to and count 10 children. She tells them five equals half of 10, and asked which color half of the children chose. Together, they figure out it was yellow - these are examples of analyzing and interpreting data

Discuss some considerations related to the instruction of young children in phonics, including instructional rate and sequence

- Because children display individual differences in their speeds of learning sound to letter relationships, instruction should consider this; there is no set rate. Generally, a reasonable pace ranges from two to four sound letter relationships per week - relationships vary in utility: many words contain the letters M, a, T, S, P, and H, which are high utility, but X in the box, GH and through, ey in they and a in want are lower utility - high utility sound letter relationships should be taught first - teachers should first introduce consonant relationships using F, M, N, R, and S, which are continuous sounds children can produce in isolation with less distortion than word initial or word medial stops like P, B, T, D, K, and g - teachers should also introduce similar sounding letters like B&V or I and E, and similar looking letters like B&D or P&G, separately to prevent confusion - single consonants versus clusters/blends should be introduced in separate lessons - blends should incorporate sound letter relationships children already know

Define the Child Find process for the early childhood population

- Child find is an ongoing process with the aim of locating, identifying, and referring young children with disabilities and their families as early as possible for service programs - This process consists of activities designed to raise public awareness and screenings and evaluations to identify and diagnose disabilities

explain the alphabetic principles significance relative to print awareness and reading skills

- Children's eventual reading fluency requires knowing these predictable relationships of letters to sounds, which they can then apply to both familiar and unfamiliar words - young children's knowing the shapes and names of letters predicts their later reading success: knowing letter names is highly correlated with the ability to view words as letter sequences and to remember written/printed word forms - children must first be able to recognize and name letters to understand and apply the alphabetic principle

Identify a mathematical milestone for typical 4 year olds and the levels of this milestone, explaining the cognitive process involved in each level and the significance of the highest level

- Counting is considered a math skill milestone for young children. Typical 4 year olds enjoy counting aloud. Experts identify three levels of counting. - The first level is counting from 1 to 12, which requires memorization. - The second level is counting from 13 to 19, which requires not only memorization but also an understanding of the more unusual rules for teen numbers - The third level is counting from 20 and on - this process is very consistent, and the numbers are ordered according to regular rules - experts in math education believe that at this level of counting, children are rediscovering a regular mathematical pattern for the first time, which is base 10 (20, 30, 40, 50, two 10s, three 10s, four 10s etc, and after the base, a number between one and nine is added) - researchers and educators in early childhood mathematics programs recommend encouraging children as young as four years old to learn to count up to 100. They find that doing this helps young children learn about and explore patterns in depth

Describe some cultural differences in parents' goals for raising their children that have been identified in research findings, and note some implications of these differences to parenting

- Depending on their cultural group, parents have varying goals for their children and use different practices to achieve these goals. For examples, research on four different cultural groups in Hawaii found the following differences related to what parents visualized when they pictured their children as successful adults - Native Hawaiians most wanted their children to have social connections, be happy in their social networks, and demonstrate self-reliance as adults. - Caucasian American parents most valued self-reliance, happiness, spontaneity, and creativity as developmental outcomes for their children - Filipino American parents most valued the development of traits related to obedience, citizenship, respect for authority, and good conduct and manners in their children - Japanese American parents placed priority on their children's achievement, as well as their ability to live well-organized lives, stay in contact with family, and master the demands of life - Such distinct, significant differences imply that these parent groups would vary in how they would respond to young children's assertive behaviors, in their disciplinary styles, and in the emphasis they would place on activities focusing on physical and cognitive skill mastery vs. social competence and connection

Identify some examples of cultural differences among American parents with respect to their views on young children's care, education, and the nature of their cognitive abilities

- Depending on their native culture, parents vary in terms of the early experiences they select for their young children. - For example, Latino parents tend to prefer family-based/home-based care. - White parents tend to prefer center-based daycare and education designed to promote school readiness - Another cultural difference is parental beliefs about children's learning capacities. For examples, research in California found that the majority of Latino parents believed their children's learning capacity is set at birth; only a small minority of white parents held this belief

List a number of early developmental milestones that have varying age expectations among different cultural groups

- Eating solid food - Weaning from nursing - Drinking from a cup - Eating with the fingers - Eating with utensils - Sleeping along - Sleeping through the night - Choosing one's own clothes - Dressing oneself - Playing alone - Daytime and nighttime toilet training

Explain some implications of these variations for EC educators and for developmental assessments

- Educators must become aware of different cultures' different socialization goals before assuming culturally diverse children have developmental delays - On the other hand, they must also avoid automatically attributing variations in milestone achievement to cultural child-rearing differences when full developmental assessments might be indicated - Family expectations and values influence the complex process of developmental assessment - When families and assessors share common cultures, it is more likely that valid data will be collected and interpreted - When their cultures differ, it is more likely that the assessment information will be misinterpreted - Employing early childhood teacher/care providers who are familiar with the child, family, and assessment setting as mediators can make developmental assessments more culturally competent

describe some examples of informal assessment instruments for pre kindergarten individual children

- For individual observations teachers might fill out a chart divided into domains like physical development, oral language development, math, emergent reading, emergent writing, science and health, Fine Arts, technology and media, social studies, social emotional development, and approaches to learning, noting one child's strengths and needs in each area per chart - In addition to guided observation records, teachers complete checklists, keep anecdotal and running records, and assemble portfolio assessments of children's work - Tracking children's progress in forms responsive instructional planning

Discuss some of the characteristics of gases, including elementary, compound, and noble gases

- Gases have the least cohesive molecules of the three states of matter, while solids have the most cohesive molecules - gases do not maintain a defined shape, while solids do - if not contained within a receptacle, gases spread and expand indefinitely - gases can be elementary or compound. An elementary gas is composed of only one kind of chemical element. At normal temperatures and pressures, 12 elementary gases are known: argon, chlorine, flooring, helium, hydrogen, Krypton, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, radon, and xenon - elementary gases can be either monatomic or diatomic, meaning they are either made of single items like argon, or bound pairs of atoms like oxygen - compound gases have molecules containing atoms of more than one kind of chemical element - carbon monoxide and ammonia are common compound gases

Identify how special education services are provided for preschoolers aged 3 to five years along with cost and a source of information regarding individual US state resources

- If parents observe that their preschooler is not attaining developmental milestones within the expected age ranges or does not seem to be developing in the same way as most other children, they should seek evaluation for possible developmental delay or disability - Although three- to five-year-olds are likely not an elementary school yet, the elementary school and a family's school district is still the best first contact because the IDEA law specifies that school districts must provide special education services at no family costs to eligible children, including preschoolers - Excellent source of information about special education is the national dissemination Center for children with disabilities of the US department of education's office of special education programs. They partner with nonprofit organizations like the Academy for educational development to produce useful documents for families with special needs children. They supply state resource sheets listing main contacts regarding special education services in each US state. Families can obtain these sheets at their website or by telephone

Identify 10 concepts considered essential in geography. Define and give examples of the first three

- Location identifies where a place is and examines the positive and negative properties of any place on the surface of the Earth. Absolute location is based upon latitude and longitude. Relative location is based upon changing characteristics of a region and is influenced by surrounding areas. For example, urban areas have higher land prices than rural ones - Distance identifies how far a place is and is often described in terms of location. It is also related to the effort required to meet basic life needs. For example, the distance of raw materials from factories affects transportation costs and hence production prices. In another example, land costs less the farther it is from highways - Achievability identifies how accessible a geographical area is based on the conditions on the Earth's surface. For example, villages on beaches are easier to reach. Villages surrounded by forests or swamps are harder to reach. As its economy, science, technology, and transportation develop, a region's level of dependency on other areas changes

Describe where, how, in from what materials earth metamorphic rocks are formed

- Metamorphic rocks are formed from sedimentary and igneous rocks - this happens when sedimentary or igneous rocks are deep inside the earth's crust, where they are subjected to great pressure or heat. The process of metamorphism does not melt these rocks in the liquid, which would happen inside a volcano. Rather, the pressure or heat change the rocks molecular structure. - Metamorphic rocks are thus more compact and denser than the sedimentary or igneous rocks from which they were formed - they also contain new minerals produced either by the reconfiguration of existing mineral structures or by chemical reactions with liquids infiltrating the rocks

Describe some properties of the positions and motions of objects and space in the physical world, referring to Newton's laws of physics

- Moving physical objects changes their positions - according to Newton's first law of motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion until a force changes the object state of motion - for example, an object at risk could be a small rock sitting on the ground. If you kick the rock into the air, it moves through the air. The rock will continue to move, But when a force like gravity acts on it, it falls or stops moving. The resulting motion from kicking the rock illustrates Newton's third law of motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - the acceleration or change in velocity of an object depends on its mass and the amount of force that is applied to the object - Newton's second law of motion states that force equals mass times acceleration. Thus, moving objects maintain their speeds unless acted on by a force, like friction

Give some examples of games or activities that adults can use to encourage children to use the kinds of problem solving skills they will need to learn mathematics

- One method that has been found to enhance children's reasoning skills is using adult child conversations to play mental mathematics games. For example, once children are able to count beyond five, adults can give them basic oral story problems to solve - using children's favorite foods in story problems, which takes advantage of their ready ability to envision these foods, is a good place to start - thereafter, adults can add story problems involving pets, toys, cars, shopping, and other familiar objects, animals, or activities - experts advise adults not to restrict the types of problems presented to a child based solely on the child's grade level - children can work with any situation if they can form mental imagery - adults can sometimes insert harder tasks - even toddlers can solve problems such as how to divide 3 cookies between two people. The division may not be fair, but it will likely be efficient - adults should use the Socratic method, asking guiding questions to allow children to arrive at a solution to a problem themselves, rather than telling them a right answer

Explain some factors affecting parents who are immigrants to America that EC educators should consider when working with them to further their young children's education

- Parents educated in other countries may not know a great deal about the American educational system and may not be aware of the educational demands made on their children, even in early childhood - Educators need to work with these parents to find common ground by identifying shared goals for children - While culturally diverse parents may disagree with some educator's goals, they can collaborate with educators to promote those on which they do agree - Immigrant parents may also be unaware of additional services available in America for children with developmental and/or learning problems - Educators can help parents by providing this information - Another consideration is that some other cultures have more paternalistic educational systems. Parents from such cultures, rather than vocally advocating for their children who need services, tend to wait for teachers/specialists to voice concerns before communicating and problems they have observed - Thus, they could miss out on the chance to obtain helpful services. Even worse, educators could misconstrue their behavior as a lack of interest in children's progress, or as resistance to confronting problems

Identify a major challenge for social scientists attempting to measure the acculturation of immigrants and other diverse cultural groups in America

- Social scientists currently use indices such as people's country of birth, how long they have lived in America, their knowledge of the English language, and their level of English language use to study acculturation - These factors are measured not because they are the core elements of acculturation but because they are easier to validly and reliably measure than the underlying cultural beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors they reflect, which are harder to quantify

Provide an example of how parents in America who come from different cultures differ in terms of the educational services they are likely to access, and describe the cultural values and beliefs that are at the root of these choices

- Parents in America have been found to show distinct preferences for the kinds of care and educational services they access for their children - Caucasian parents in America are more likely to turn to preschool centers for help with their young children's care and instruction. This preference is influenced not only by custom but also by scientific evidence that center-based preschool experience improves children's skills and prepares them for school - Hispanic parents in America are more likely to use home-based and/or family-based care settings. This preference probably reflects the more collectivist Hispanic perspective, which places more importance on social relationships than on structured learning in early childhood - Educators can take a culturally competent approach to such cultural diversity by looking for ways in which young children's school readiness skills can be promoted in family and home-based childcare settings

Explain how a transactional perspective of child development influences parental choices

- Parents subscribing to a transactional child development model view the complex interaction between child and environment as creating a dynamic developmental process - These parents are most likely to value the stimulation of early childhood development, seek/implement activities that will provide such stimulation, and access early intervention services for children with developmental delays/difficulties - Parents subscribing to a view of fixed, innate cognitive capacity are less likely to believe their children's cognitive abilities can be influences by educational experiences, and may not see the benefits of or seek out early learning stimulation and intervention

Identify ten concepts considered essential to the study of geography. Define and give examples of four through seven

- Patterns are found in geographical forms and in how geographical phenomena spread, which affects dependency on those phenomena. For example, in fold regions, the rivers typically form trellis patterns. Patterns are also seen in human activity that is based on geography. For example, in mountainous regions, settlements predominately form spreading patterns - Morphology is the shape of our planet's surface resulting from inner and outer forces. For example, along the northern coast of Java, sugarcane plantations predominate in the lowlands - Agglomeration is defined as collecting into a mass and refers to a geographic concentration of people, activities, and/or settlements within areas that are most profitable and relatively narrow in size - Utility value refers to the existence and relative usefulness of natural resources. For example, fishermen find more utility value in the ocean than farmers do, and naturalists perceive more utility value in forests than academics would

Describe a typical life cycle of a plant

- Plants sexual life cycles are more complex than animals, since plants alternate between haploid form and diploid form during their life cycles - plants produce haploid cells called gametes that combine during fertilization, producing zygotes - cells reproduce exact copies through mitosis, becoming differentiated to form organs - mature diploid plants called sporophytes produce spores. In sporophytes specialized organs, cells undergo meiosis. This is part of the process of sexual reproduction, during which cells with half the normal number of chromosomes are produced before fertilization occurs - the spores produced by the sporophyte generation undergo mitosis, growing into a haploid plant of the gametophyte generation that produces gametes. The cycle then repeats

Give some examples of EC developmental milestones and their associated ages that vary according to culture, using one example to explain how this variation affects expectations of "normal" development

- Research has found that different cultures have different age expectations for many early childhood developmental milestones - Filipinos expect children to eat using utensils at 32.4 months. Anglo families expect children to do this at 17.7 months, and Puerto Ricans expect children to reach this milestone at 26.5 months. - Filipino cultures expect children to sleep all night by 32.4 months, Puerto Rican and Anglo cultures expect this at 14.5 and 14.4 months, respectively - While Anglos expect children to sleep by themselves at around 13.8 months and Puerto Ricans at around 14.6 months, Filipinos do not expect this until 38.8 months - Filipinos expect children to eat solid food by 6.7 months, Anglos by 8.2 months, and Puerto Ricans by 10.1 months - In Anglo families, an 18-month-old not drinking from a cup could indicate developmental delay if parents introduced the cup when the child was one year old and regularly continued encouraging cup use. But, Filipino parents of an 18-month-old have likely not even introduced the child to a cup yet, so the fact that the child is not using a cup would not be cause for concern from a development standpoint

Discuss some cultural and other types of influences on whether or how much parents in American read to their young children, and describe some educational implications of these influences

- Researchers analyzing national early childhood surveys have identified significant variations in how often white, Asian, and Hispanic parents read to their young children - This variation is not solely due to varying cultural values. Additional factors include parents' financial limitations, time limitation, familiarity, and comfort with accessing libraries and other government resources, websites, etc., and literacy levels in both English and their native languages - Educators must realize that trying to encourage or even teach parents to read to their children earlier and/or more often is unlikely to be successful if parents do not place value or priority on the benefits of being read to, or do not view the outcomes of reading aloud to children as benefits - Reading to children is known to promote school reading and academic success - Educators should understand that some children, despite not being read to in early childhood, become successful adults - Additionally, some cultures, including African Americans, emphasize oral learning traditions more than written ones, developing different skills, such as the basic understanding of story flow

Generally describe special education services for preschool children aged three to five years, including some types of services and settings and the main purposes and content of evaluation

- Special education for preschoolers is education specifically designed to meet the individual needs of a child aged three to five years with a disability or developmental delay - The specialized design of this instruction can include adaptations to the content, the teaching methods, and the way instruction is delivered to meet a disabled child's unique needs - Special education for preschoolers includes various settings, such as in the home, classrooms, hospitals, institutions, and others - It also includes a range of related services such as speech language pathology services, specialized physical education instruction, early vocational training, and training and travel skills - The school district special education system provides evaluation and services to eligible preschoolers free of charge - Evaluations purposes are to determine whether a child has a disability under the IDEA's definitions and determine that child's present educational needs

Explain how light is absorbed at the atomic level

- Strikes a medium, the light waves frequency is equal or close to the frequency at which the electrons in the mediums atoms can vibrate - these electrons receive the lights energy, making them vibrate - when a mediums atoms hang on tightly to their electrons, the electrons transmit their vibrations to the nucleus of each atom - this makes the atoms move faster and collide with the medium's other atoms - the energy the atoms got from the vibrations is then released as heat. This process is known as absorption of light - materials that absorb light, such as wood and metal, are opaque - some materials absorb certain light frequencies but transmit others - for example, glass transmits visible light, but absorbs ultraviolet frequencies

Characterize the bilateral challenges of interactions between American educators and culturally diverse families

- The interactions between American educators and culturally diverse families can be problematic on both sides - Educators have difficulty interacting, communicating, and collaborating with families that come from a variety of other countries, speak various other languages, and differ in their degree of acculturation to American culture - Immigrant and culturally diverse families encounter a foreign language, different cultural customs and practices, and an unfamiliar educational system with different methods of assessment, placement, curriculum planning and design, instruction, and evaluation—not to mention different special education laws and procedures - The acculturation challenges related to interactions between American educations and culturally diverse families are bilateral

give some examples of how adults can support this process

- To support children's reasoning, adults can ask children questions, give them time to think about their answers, and listen to their answers - this simple tactic helps children learn how to reason - adults can also ask children why something is as it is, letting them think for themselves rather than looking for a particular answer, and listen to the ideas they produce

explain how light is scattered, and describe a common everyday example

- When a beam of light hits a rough rather than a smooth surface, though, it is reflected back at many different angles, not just at the angle at which it struck the surface - this reflection at multiple and various angles is scattering - many objects we commonly use every day have rough surfaces - for example, paper may look smooth to the naked eye but actually has a rough surface - this property can be observed by viewing paper through a microscope - because light waves striking paper are reflected in every direction by its rough surface, scattering enables us to read words printed on paper from any viewing angle

Explain some of the benefits of adults having one-on-one conversations with children, including repetition, extension, revision, reflection, contextualization, and abstraction

- When parents, caregivers, or teachers converse one to one with individual children, children reap benefits not as available In Group conversations - caregivers should therefore try to have such individual conversations with each child daily - in daycare and preschool settings, some good times for caregivers to do this include when children arrive and leave, during shared reading activities with one or two children, and during center time - engaging in one to one talk allows the adult to repeat what the child says for reinforcement and allows the adult to extend what the child said by adding more information to it, like new vocabulary words, synonyms, meanings, or omitted details - it allows the adult to revise what the child said by restating or recasting it - it allows the child to hear his or her own ideas and thoughts reflected back to them when the adult restates them - moreover, one to one conversation allows adults to contextualize the discussion accordingly with an individual child's understanding - it also allows adults to elicit children's comprehension of abstract concepts

Provide some examples of how adults can help young children learn and practice measurement by integrating this early math skill into daily activities

- While it is obviously important for children to eventually learn standardized measurement units like inches, feets, and yards, adults can facilitate early development of measurement skills by letting children choose their own measurement units - for example, they might use their favorite toy to describe a playmate or sibling as three teddy bears tall, or they might describe a room as seven toy cars long - similarly when children are too young to know formal time measurements like minutes and hours, adults can support children's ability to quantify time using favorite TV shows. For example, 4 year olds can often relate to the idea of one episode of a show as a time measurement. Adults can apply this with statements like daddy will be home in one episode - numerous everyday activities, including grocery shopping, cooking, sewing, gardening, woodworking, and many others involve measurement - adults can ask children to help with these tasks and then discuss measuring with children as they participate

Identify some general differences among screening and assessment instruments used in early childhood programs

- a variety of screening and assessment instruments exist for early childhood measurement - Some key areas where they differ include which developmental domains are measured by an instrument, for which applications and instrument is meant to be used, to which age ranges an instrument applies, the methods by which a test or tool is administered, the requirements for scoring and interpreting a test, scale, or checklist, whether an instrument is appropriate for use with ethnically diverse populations, and whether a tool is statistically found to have good validity and reliability

describe dysgraphia

-difficulties specifically with writing, including omitting words in writing sentences or leaving sentences unfinished, difficulty putting one's thoughts into writing, and poor handwriting

Generally describe some of the behavioral variations and characteristics of ADHD and general relevance of diagnosis to intervention with young children having ADHD

- While the chief symptoms associated with ADHD are intensiveness, impulse behavior, distractibility, and excessive physical activity, there is considerable variation among individual children having ADHD - for example, the degree of severity of this condition can vary widely from one child to the next - in addition, each child can vary in how much he or she exhibits each of these primary characteristics some children might not appear to behave very impulsively but show severe deficits in attention - some may focus better, but only for short periods, and are very easily distracted - some display very disruptive behavior, while others do not but may daydream excessively, not attending to programming - In general, children who have ADHD can show deficits in following rules and directions - Also, when their developmental skills are evaluated or observed, they are likely to demonstrate inconsistencies in performance over time - To identify or select specific intervention methods and strategies, professionals should use a comprehensive evaluation to obtain information about the child's specific behaviors in his or her natural environment that need remediation

discuss an example of how adults can apply extended conversations and turn taking

- a child shows an adult his or her new drawing, saying, "this is me in Gran in the garden," in the adult can build on this/invite the child to continue by saying, "what is your gran holding?" - The child identifies what they planted: carrot seeds. Gran said to put them in the dirt so they don't touch - the adult can then encourage the child to use of language to express abstract thoughts: "what could happen if the seeds were touching?" - The adult can then extend the conversation through discussion with the child about how plants grow or tending gardens

Describe a simple activity teachers can use with preschoolers that makes practicing counting fun and explain how this activity advances cognitive development to support early math skills development

- a common practice among preschool children is counting on their fingers - young children learn concretely before they develop abstract thought, so they must have concrete objects to work with to understand abstract mathematical concepts - they use their fingers to count because fingers are concrete - a simple activity that allows children to continue finger counting while removing additional visual support is blind finger counting - using eyesight to count objects we can see is relatively easy - however, when children cannot see objects they must learn to count mentally instead - this allows them to take another step in their progress from concrete to abstract thinking - to count mentally without visual reinforcement takes practice - teachers can tape a shoebox lid to the box and cut a small hole in it - children can fit a hand through the hole, but cannot see inside - children close their eyes, the teacher drops several small objects into the box, and each child reaches in, counting the object seasoning only touch - varying objects and quantities maintains the fun of this activity

Provide a functional definition of a culturally competent professional in relation to the provision of educational services

- a culturally competent professional demonstrates the ability to enable mutually rewarding interactions and meaningful relationships and the delivery of effective services for children and family whose cultural heritage differs from his or her own - providing interpreters or translators does not on its own constitute cultural competence - hiring racially diverse educational staff in schools is also not enough - culturally competent educators demonstrate highly developed self-awareness of their own cultural values and beliefs. They must also have and develop communication skills that allow them to elicit information from students and families regarding their own cultural beliefs. Further, they must be able to understand how diverse cultural views may affect a child's education, as well as how parents or families receive, comprehend, interpret, and respond to educators communications - therefore, educators must develop communication skills to meet educational goals

Identify a few examples of how various organisms reproduce

- a few examples of the many ways in which organisms reproduce include binary fission, whereby the cells of prokaryotic bacteria reproduce, budding, which is how yeast cells reproduce, and asexual reproduction which occurs in plants when they are grafted, when cuttings are taken from them and then rooted, or when they put out runners - plants also reproduce sexually, as do humans and most other animals

Describe a learning game for preschoolers that requires only sidewalk and chalk, N involves writing numbers, identifying numbers, and running and identify the skills this game helps to develop

- a game for young children that some educators call number dash builds foundational math concepts and skills while providing physical activity - it can involve small or large groups - help children write large numbers on a paved area with sidewalk chalk - make sure numbers are spread far enough apart so children will not collide while running - there should be one of each number for each child - use child colors that contrast with the payment color to ensure that numbers will be highly visible - tell children to run to whichever number you call out and stand on it until you call another number - call out numbers randomly - encourage children who have located the number to help their classmates - this game develops gross motor skills, number writing skills, and number recognition skills - it also provides experience with playing organized games, following rules, following directions, and cooperating with and helping others - this game can also be played with letters, colors, or shapes

Summarize how children use reasoning skills to understand and apply early mathematical and scientific concepts

- a major component of problem solving is reasoning - children reason when they think through questions and find usable answers - they use reasoning skills to make sense of mathematical and scientific subject matter - children use several abilities during the reasoning process. For example, they used logic to classify objects or concepts into groups. They follow logical sequences to arrive at conclusions that make sense. They use their analytical abilities to explain their own thought processes. They apply what they have learned about relationships and patterns to help them find solutions to problems. They also use reasoning to justify their mental processes and problem solutions

define abiotic factors and identify some examples

- abiotic factors are the parts of any ecosystem that are not alive but which affect that ecosystems living members - abiotic factors also determine the locations of particular ecosystems that have certain characteristics - abiotic factors include the sunlight, the atmosphere, including oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, the water, the soil, the temperatures within the system, and the nutrient cycles of chemical elements in compounds that pass among living organisms and their physical environments

Describe a simple pattern resist or activity for preschoolers that involves using crayons and watercolor paints and helps them develop children's ability to recognize and reproduce shapes. Identify additional skills developed during this activity

- a significant mark of progress in early math skills development is the ability to not only identify various shapes but also to draw them - once young children develop this ability, they typically want to practice it all the time - teachers can encourage this by helping children make pattern resist paintings - the teacher tapes white paper to children's tables, gives them crayons, and invites them to fill the paper with drawings of different shapes of various sizes and colors - teachers can introduce young children to new shapes by drawing them on separate pieces of paper for children to look at and copy - then, the teacher replaces the crayons with water, watercolor paints, and brushes, shows the children how to dip brushes into paint and water, and allows them to paint over their crammed shapes, covering all the white paper with color - the children see the shapes showed through the paint, creating the pattern resist - dipping brushes and diluting various colors also develop children's color recognition skills and their hand eye coordination

Explain one way a preschool teacher can reuse section plastic trays from the grocery store to create an enjoyable activity that will give young children concrete practice with naming numbers and counting

- a teacher can wash and reuse the compartmentalized plastic trays from the grocery store that are used for vegetables and fruit to create a preschool counting activity - the teacher supplies beads, pennies, erasers, or other small objects, as well as about a dozen sticky notes, writing a number on each note - for older preschoolers, the teacher can write the numeral and the word - for younger children, the teacher can write the numeric symbol plus seven dots or other marks as a clue to that number symbol - the teacher puts one numbered note in each compartment and the supply of small objects in the central dip compartment - then, he or she guides each child to transfer the correct number of each small object to the correct compartment - the child should count aloud while transferring each small object and should repeat this process until all compartments within numbered sticky note have the correct number of objects - children can then repeat the process to practice and perfect their counting, or the teacher can place notes with different numbers in the tray's compartments

give an example of how teachers can support young children in attaining in-depth comprehension of word meanings

- a teacher conducting a preschool classroom science experiment incorporates new scientific concepts with new vocabulary words and conversational practice: pouring water on a paper towel, the teacher asks children what is happening to the water - a child answers, "it is going into the paper." - The teacher asks how - another child says, "the papers soaking it up." - The teacher confirms this, teaches the word absorb, compares the paper to a sponge, and asks how much more water will be absorbed - a child responds probably no more since water is already dripping out - the teacher pours water on a plastic lid asking if it absorbs. Children respond, "no, it slides off." Confirming, the teacher teaches the word repel. - The teacher has introduced new science concepts in new vocabulary words, engage the children in conversation, related new concepts and words to existing knowledge, and added information to deepen comprehension

Give it a description of a scenario involving an elementary school class learning about geometric shapes and their properties and describe a challenging activity the teacher might present to students that requires them to identify and count shapes within shapes

- a teacher has been working with students to help them develop their shape identification skills - they can recognize shapes by sight and have also learned the defining properties of different shapes - the teacher shows the Class A figure of four squares in a row which makes a rectangle - she asked how many rectangles they can find in the figure - one student answers there is one rectangle which is incorrect because the square is a rectangle, this figure has four rectangles that are squares. Moreover, the entire figure itself is a rectangle - another student therefore says, there are five rectangles. This response is also incorrect two adjacent squares also form a rectangle, this means there are three additional rectangles. Three adjacent squares also form a rectangle, this means that there are two additional rectangles. Thus, the figure has a total of 10 rectangles - solving this puzzle requires the use of many skills, including analyzing visual information, synthesizing visual information, recognizing patterns, recognizing shapes, and identifying the properties of shapes

Describe a hypothetical scenario wherein a female teacher introduces standard measurement to first graders using a ruler, and include an example of how the teacher might explain the concept of starting at zero rather than one

- a teacher is introducing standard measures to her class as part of a unit on measurement, one of the early math skills - she shows the children a ruler, explaining that it is 1 foot long and that we can use it to measure inches in parts of inches - she demonstrates placing the ruler on paper to measure a given length, explaining that the ruler can also be used as a straight edge for drawing lines - one child asks how come you started with zero why don't you start with one like when we count - the teacher responds that's a very good question 0 means nothing. When we count, we start with one because we already have at least one of something. When you were born, you were not one year old, your age began at zero. After a year, on your first birthday, you were one year old period we also began measuring distances at zero. The first unit of measurement is 1, not two. The distance from zero to one is equal to 1 period to get to 1 inch for example we need to start at 0

provide some examples of structured learning experiences suitable for young children that are related to basic science concepts

- a teacher who observes a four year old's need to practice counting can give the child a pile of toys and then ask him or her how many there are - to develop size concepts, a teacher can give a small group of children several toys of different sizes and then ask the children to inspect them and talk about their characteristics. The teacher holds up one toy, instructing children to find one that is bigger or smaller - if a child needs to learn shape concepts, the teacher might introduce a game involving shapes, giving the child instructions on how to play the game - a first grade teacher, recognizing the importance of the concept of classification to the ability to organize scientific information, might ask students to bring in bones to classify during a unit on skeletons

Summarize several common steps completed during problem solving activities that prepare young children to learn math

- the process of solving problems often involves the following steps: understanding the problem, coming up with a plan to solve the problem, putting that plan into action, and, finally, observing the outcome and reflecting on whether the solution was effective and whether the answer arrived at makes sense

Identify some things early childhood teachers can do during and after shared book reading with children to promote their development of abstract thought including some examples

- abstract thought is stimulated by asking young children to think about things not observed and/or current - during/after sharing books, teachers can ask children what else might happen in the story, what they imagine the story's characters could be feeling or thinking, which also engages their imaginations, and ask them the meaning of the stories events using questions necessitating children's use of language to analyze this meaning - teachers can ask younger children vocabulary words and encourage them to use language by asking them to describe story details, like how do the firemen reach people up high in the building - once younger children are familiar with this story, teachers can activate and monitor their retention and recall by saying, do you remember what happened to Arthur the day before that - teachers can ask older children to predict what they think will happen next in the story, to imagine extensions beyond story, and make conclusions regarding why characters feel/behave as they do

Give a few examples of how adults can help children use charts and graphs to enhance their early mathematical thinking skills

- according to experts, almost every daily activity can be charted in some way - for example, adults can help children peel the little stickers off of plums, bananas, etc. And stick them to a piece of paper or poster board divided into columns. After a week, they can count each column to determine how many pieces of each kind of fruit they ate - similarly, adults can show children how to use removable stickers or color forms to document the number of times they performed any daily activity. For example, children could place a color form near the front door every time somebody comes in, goes out, and/or rings the doorbell or knocks - this enables children to count the number of times given events occur by recording them - some children are better able to understand math by viewing and making graphs. This is because creating graphs involves representing quantities visually instead of just listing numbers

Describe some techniques early childhood teachers can use to enhance the effects of shared reading on oral language development

- according to researchers findings, the effectiveness of shared reading experiences is related to the ways that adults read with young children - rather than merely labeling objects or events with vocabulary words, teachers should ask young children to recall the shared reading, which monitors their listening comprehension and retention abilities - they should ask children to predict what will happen next based on what already happened in the book, speculate about what could possibly happen, describe characters, actions, events, and information from the shared reading, and ask their own questions about it - shared reading with small groups of one to three children permits teachers to involve each child in the book by questioning and conversing with them about the pictures and plots - to teach vocabulary, teachers can tell children word meanings, point to illustrations featuring new words, relate new words to words that children already know, give multiple, varied examples of new words, and encourage children to use new words they learn in their conversations

Discuss how adults can use an arts and crafts project to help young children practice the early math skills of sorting and categorization, while also learning, monitoring, and documenting healthy eating habits and developing fine motor and graphing skills

- according to the US Department of Agriculture, preschoolers need three half cup servings of fruit and three half cup servings of vegetables daily. However, many young children are picky or resistant - adults can motivate them to eat produce with a food rainbow project - adult show children a picture of a rainbow in discuss its colors and their sequence - a fun art project is allowing students to color their own rainbows, which improves fine motor skills - then, adults can have children cut out pictures from grocery circulars and name each food - the adult can help children find one healthy fruit or vegetable for each color, gluing each fruit to its corresponding stripe on the rainbow - adults can help children pull apart cotton balls and glue them to their rainbow pictures to represent clouds - children can then post their food rembos on refrigerators as artwork and as healthy eating reminders - at the bottom, children can draw and color one box for each food they eat to create a bar graph - children should try to eat the entire rainbow every week - this activity gives children the opportunity to produce colorful art, eat better, track and document their diets, and develop graphing skills

Define acculturation and differentiate it from assimilation

- acculturation describes the process whereby people adapt or change their cultural traditions, values, and beliefs as a result of coming into contact with and being influenced by other cultures over time. Some cultures adopt certain characteristics from other cultures they are exposed to, and two or more separate cultures may sometimes virtually fuse - assimilation, where various ethnic groups unite to form a new culture, is different from acculturation. One dominant culture may assimilate others. A historical example is the Roman Empire, which forced many members of ancient Greek come Hebrew, and other cultures to abandon their cultures and adopt Roman law, military allegiance, traditions, language, religion, practices, and customs

Give some general examples of how adults can communicate with children to promote their mathematical reasoning skills

- adult should reciprocally talk to and listen to children during communication that is focused on using mathematical skills like problem solving, reasoning, making connections etc. - To promote young children's understanding, adults can express mathematical concepts using pictures, words, diagrams, and symbols - encouraging children to talk with their peers and adults helps them clarify their own thoughts and think about what they are doing - communicating with children about mathematical thinking problems also develops their vocabularies and promotes early literacy and reading skills - adult child listen to what children want to say and should have conversations with them - communicating about math can also be accomplished through reading children's books that incorporate numbers and repetition or rhyme - in addition to talking, adults can communicate math concepts to children by drawing pictures or diagrams and using concrete objects to represent numbers and solve problems

Note some elements that adults should include in their conversations with young children for building strong oral language skills

- adults should converse with young children so the children get practice with hearing and using rich and abstract vocabulary and increasingly complex sentences, using language to express ideas and ask questions for understanding, and using language to answer questions about past, future, and absent things rather than only about here and now things

Describe dyscalculia

-difficulty doing mathematical calculations -affect using money and telling time

Describe a fun guessing game that does not require any equipment or supplies that adults can play with young children to strengthen their numeracy skills

- adults can adapt the format of 20 questions, I spy, and other similar guessing games to focus on numbers and help children learn number concepts - for example, adults could say, I'm thinking of a number from one to 10 and then give children 10 guesses - adults give children cues as they guess, such as higher and lower to help them narrow down the number of possible correct answers - as children improve, adults can increase the number range or use larger numbers - as children skills and self-confidence develop, adults can reverse roles, having children think of numbers and give clues while adults guess - young children enjoy the fun of guessing, getting closer using clues, deducing correct answers, and fooling adults with their own clues - concurrently, they learn to describe numbers, compare them, and sequence them - adults can make the game more difficult by limiting the number of guesses allowed or setting time limits - they can make it easier by providing a written number line for children to reference - this game requires no materials, is a great way to pass time, and entertains children while helping to develop numeracy skills

give some examples of how adults can help children recognize the connections between mathematics and everyday life and other academic subjects

- adults can ask children to consider problems they encounter daily and solve them - when a parent asks the child to help put away groceries, the child practices sorting categories of food and packages, and experiments with comparative package sizes and shapes - parents need not be concerned with what specific mathematical processes are involved but should simply look for examples of math in everyday life and exposed children to these examples on a regular basis - for example, pouring liquid into containers of various sizes and speculating which one will hold the most is an easy, fun activity that incorporates a number of skills and concepts, including estimation, measurement, spatial sense, and conservation of liquid volume

Nope some things adults should consider regarding their linguistic interactions with young children to ensure they incorporate these elements for building strong oral language skills

- adults can consider whose voices are heard most often and who does the most talking in the home, care setting, or classroom - the child, not the adult, should be talking at least half of the time - adults should be using rich language with complex structures when conversing with young children - adults should be talking with, not at children - The conversation should be shared equally rather than adults doing all the talking while children listen to them - Adults should also ask young children questions, rather than just telling them things - Additionally, adult question should require that children use language to formulate and communicate abstract ideas

explain how adults can help children comprehend fractions

- adults can help children understand fractions through informal sharing activities, such as slicing up a pizza or a pan of brownies, or equally dividing household chores and play materials

Give some examples of things adults can do to help young children understand patterns and relationships, which will help prepare them for content mathematics

- adults can help young children develop their understanding of patterns and relationships in life by looking at pictures and designs with them, encouraging and guiding them to identify patterns within drawings, paintings, and abstract designs such as prints on fabrics and other decorative designs - when children participate in movement activities, including dancing to music, running, skipping, hopping, playing simple musical instruments, etcetera, adults can help them identify patterns in their own and others movements - adults can encourage young children to participate in hands-on activities, such as stringing wood, plastic beads, or penne and other hollow dry pasta tubes onto pieces of string to make necklaces with simple patterns - as children grow older, adults can encourage them to create more complicated patterns - they can alternate a larger number of colors, and they can vary the numbers of each color in more complex ways

give an example of how adults can promote geometric learning

- adults can help young children learn geometry by identifying various shapes, angles, and three-dimensional figures for them, asking them to name these shapes, angles, and figures when they encounter them in the future, and asking them to describe different shapes, draw them in the air put their fingers, trace drawings of the shapes with their fingers, and then draw the shapes themselves

describe a simple guessing game adults can use to promote the development of sorting and categorization abilities in children

- adults can select assorted household items familiar to children and put them into a bag or pillow case - they then can give children various clues and ask them to guess which items are in the bag - it is important to give young children one or two minutes two consider each clue before they make a guess - adults repeat clues when children guess incorrectly - if children guess correctly, they are allowed to look inside the bag - children greatly enjoy seeing that the object they guessed is actually inside the bag - adults can gradually make the game more challenging by beginning with very common objects and then eventually progressing to more unusual ones

provide a general overview of how adults can promote the development of problem solving skills in young children

- adults can take advantage of its inherent curiosity by discussing everyday challenges, asking children to propose ways to solve them, and asking them to explain how they arrived at their solutions - adults can also invite children to propose problems and ask questions about them. This helps them learn to analyze different types of problems and realize that many problems have multiple possible solutions

Relate some beneficial practices adults can use when playing mental math games with young children to develop problem solving skills

- adults can use children's favorite foods and toys to post story problems to children that involve addition and subtraction. For example, they can ask some questions like if I give you this many more, how many will you have or if we take away this many, how many are left - it is better to ask children questions than to give them answers - it is important to use turn taking. In this method, the adult poses a story problem to the child, and then the child gets to pose one to the adult. Adults must try to solve the problem, even if the child makes up numbers like bazillion or others - games should be fun, not strictly factual like math tests - adults can introduce age appropriate story topics as children grow older

describe the main purposes of an IEP

- to establish reasonable educational goals for the individual child - to indicate what services the school district will provide to the child

Define precipitation and discuss the different types

- after clouds reached the dew point, precipitation occurs. Precipitation can take the form of a liquid or a solid. It is known by many names, including rain, snow, ice, dew, and frost - liquid forms of precipitation include rain and drizzle. Rain or drizzle that freezes on contact is known as freezing rain or freezing drizzle - solid or frozen forms or precipitation includes snow, ice needles or diamond dust, sleet or ice pellets, hail, and graupel or snow pellets. Virga is a form of precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground. It usually looks like sheets or shafts falling from a cloud. The amount of rainfall is measured with a rain gauge. Intensity can be measured according to how fast precipitation is falling or by how severely it limits visibility. Precipitation plays a major role in the water cycle since it is responsible for depositing much of earth's freshwater

Describe what occurs following evaluation of a preschool child age three to five years for developmental disability and special education service eligibility

- after preschool child is evaluated, the parents and involved school personnel meet to discuss the evaluation results - Parents are included in the group that decides whether the child is eligible for special education services based on those results - For eligible children, the parents and school personnel will develop an IEP - Every child who will receive special education services must have an IEP

Summarize some techniques a teacher can use during and after reading the story aloud to young children to enhance their developing print awareness and language skills

- after reading each page aloud, he or she should have the children briefly discuss the picture illustrations on each page and how they relate to what was just read aloud - after reading aloud each plot point, action, event, or page, the teacher should ask the children open-ended questions about what they just heard. This monitors and supports listening comprehension and memory retention/recall and stimulates expressive language use - when children associate something in the story with their own life experiences, teachers should have them explain the connection - as they read, teachers should stop periodically and ask the children to predict or guess what will happen next before continuing. This promotes abstract thinking and understanding of logical sequencing and also exercises the imagination - after reading the story, teachers should ask children whether they liked it and why or why not, prompting them to answer using complete sentences. This helps children to organize their thoughts and opinions and to develop clear, grammatical, complete verbal expression

Describe some of the basic physical characteristics of living organisms, and provide some general examples

- all living organisms have fundamental needs that must be met. For example, plants that grow on land need light, air, water, and nutrients and amounts that vary according to the individual plant. Undersea plants may need less or no light. They need gases present in the water but not in the air above the water. Like land plants, they require nutrients - like plants, animals need air, water, and nutrients. They do not depend on light for photosynthesis like most plants, but some animals require more light than others, while others need less than others or none at all. Organisms cannot survive in environments that do not meet their basic needs. However, many organisms have evolved to adapt to various environments - for example, cacti or desert plants that thrive with only tiny amounts of water, and camels are desert animals that can also go for long periods of time with little water. Penguins and polar bears have adapted to very cold climates. Internal cues and external cues motivate and shape the behaviors of individual organisms

define normal line

- an imaginary straight line running at right angles to the mediums surface

Discuss some considerations related to the age ranges included in various screening and assessment instruments used in early childhood programs for measurement

- an important consideration for screening and assessment in early childhood is that early childhood development is very dynamic and occurs rapidly. Hence, screening and assessment instruments must be sensitive to such frequent and pronounced developmental changes - some instruments target specific age ranges like 0 to 36 months. Others cover wider ranges, such as children aged 2 to 16 years. The latter may have internal means of application to smaller age ranges, for example, sections respectively for three- to six-month-old babies, 7- to 12-month-olds, and 12- to 18-month-olds. Or they indicate different scoring and interpretation criteria by age. For example, some screening tools specify different numbers of test items depending on the child's age to indicate a need for assessment - choosing screening and assessment instruments covering the entire age range served in an early childhood education program is advantageous, not only because they can be used with all child ages in the program but also because they can be administered and re administered at the beginning and end of programs and/or in between, to compare and monitor changes, which is difficult with separate, age specific tests

describe the typical course of the sexual reproduction cycle in humans and other animals

- animals, including humans, produced gametes in their gonads through the process of meiosis. Gametes are haploid, containing half the number of chromosomes found in the body cells - during fertilization, the gametes combined to form a zygote, which is deployed. It has the full number of chromosomes, which are arranged in a genetically unique combination - they could undergo mitosis, reproducing their gene combination with identical DNA sequences in all new cells, which then migrate and differentiate into organizations of specialized organs and tissues. These specialized organs and biologically mature organisms, alerted by signals such as hormonal cues, undergo meiosis to create new haploid gametes, beginning the cycle again

Compare and contrast meteorology, weather, and climate

- meteorology is the study of the atmosphere, particularly as it pertains to forecasting the weather in understanding its processes - weathers and condition of the atmosphere at any given moment. Most weather occurs in the troposphere and includes changing events such as clouds, storms, and temperature, as well as more extreme events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards - climate refers to the average weather for a particular area overtime, typically at least 30 years. Latitude is an indicator of climate. Changes in climate occur over long time periods

Give some examples of activities adults can use with young children to help them develop number sense and numeracy skills

- as children complete their daily activities, it is beneficial for adults to count real things with children and encourage them to count as well - this helps children understand numbers by using their own experiences with objects in the environment and gives them practice counting and using numbers - to help children understand that we use numbers to describe quantities and relationships, adults can ask children to sort objects by size, shape, or color similarity - they can also ask children to store objects according to their differences, like bigger or smaller - Adults can also discuss with children how numbers are used to find St. addresses and apartment numbers and to keep score during games - to help children count upward and downward with efficiency and accuracy, adults can point out that counting allows us to determine how many items are in a group - Adults should point to each object as they count it - they can count on their fingers and encourage young children to do the same - adults should also help children count without repeating or skipping any numbers

give examples of some ways adults can use environmental print to help young children develop pre reading and reading skills

- ask children to find letters from their names on colorful cereal boxes - they can select one sign type, such as stop, one way, or pedestrian crossing, and ask children to count how many they see during their car trip - they can have children practice reading each sign and talk about the phonemes each letter represents - adults can take photos of different signs and compile them into a little book for children to read - by cutting familiar words from food labels, they can teach capitalized and lowercase letters, associate letters with phonemes, have children read the words, and sort words by their initial letters and by categories

discuss some important ways whereby young children build language skills in listening and speaking

- asking questions, explaining, requesting what they need, communicating feelings, and learning to listen to others talk are some important ways whereby children build listening, understanding, and speaking skills

generally discuss how single and multiple risk factors and factors mitigating risk for developmental delays in infants and toddlers inform assessment

- assessment should include criteria for multiple biological and environmental risk factors, for cumulative biological and environmental risk factors, and for protective or resilience factors, considering all of these in the context of change occurring over time

Generally describe 3 periods of communication development normally occurring within a child's first five years of life

- at birth, the first period begins. This period Is characterized by infant crying and gazing. Babies communicate their sensations and emotions through these behaviors, so they are expressive, however, they are not yet intentional. They indirectly indicate their needs through expressing how they feel, and when these needs are met these communicative behaviors are reinforced. These expressions and reinforcement are the foundations for the later development of intentional communication - intentional communication becomes possible in the second developmental period, between 6 and 18 months. At this time, infants become able to coordinate their attention visually with other people relative to things and events, enabling purposeful communication with adults - during the third developmental period, from 18 months on, children come to use language as their main way of communicating and learning. Preschoolers can carry on conversations, exercise self-control through language use, and conduct verbal negotiations

briefly describe an example of an abstract algebra related activity that children can progress to by the end of early childhood

- at the end of early childhood or around school age, children can handle the abstract algebraic concept of variables or unknown numbers and use this concept in games - adults can pose riddles where X or N is the unknown number, and children must use an operation to solve the Riddle

Give a few examples of general activities adults can use with young children to help them learn early geometrical concepts and develop spatial sense

- because it involves many physical properties like shape, line, and angle, as well as abstract concepts, young children learn geometry most effectively via hands-on activities - learning experiences that allow them to touch and manipulate concrete objects, such as boxes, containers, puzzles, blocks, and shape sorters, usually work best - everyday activities can also help children learn geometry concepts. For example, adults can cut children sandwiches into various geometrical shapes and let children fit them together in or rearrange them into new patterns - children become better able to follow directions and navigate through space when they develop geometric knowledge and spatial sense - adults can provide activities that promote the development of geometric knowledge and spatial sense. For example, they can let children get into and out of big appliance boxes, climb over furniture, and go into, on top of, out of, under, around, over, and through different objects and structures to allow children to experience the relationship between their bodies and space and solids - as they mature, children can play games in which they search for hidden shapes - such shapes may be irregular, may lack flat bases, or may be turned in various directions

Say some examples of things adults can do before reading a story aloud to young children that can enhance their development of print awareness including examples of desirable child responses

- before reading a story aloud, adults should tell young children its title and the author's name - they can then ask the children what an author does. Children should respond write stories or something similar - giving the illustrator's name, the adult can also then ask the children what illustrators do. Children should respond draw pictures or something similar - holding up the book an adult can identify the front, spine, and back and ask the children if we start reading at the front or back. Children should respond at the front - adults can show young children the illustration on the front cover of the book and ask them from this picture what do you think is going to happen in this story and remind them to answer this question in complete sentences - these exchanges before reading the story aloud activate children's fundamental knowledge regarding print and books, as well as the last examples exercising their imagination and language use

Provide a general overview of the importance of problem solving skills in math

- being able to solve problems is fundamental to all other components of mathematics - children learn the concept that a question can have more than one answer and a problem can have more than one solution by participating in problem solving activities

indicate the significance of patterns and relationships to early math development

- being aware of patterns and relationships among aspects of the environment help us comprehend the fundamental structure of these aspects - this awareness enables us to predict what will occur next in a series of events, even before it actually happens - this gives us more confidence in our environment and in our ability to interact with it - we find patterns and relationships in such areas of life as art, music, and clothing - math specific activities like counting numbers and working with geometrical shapes, lines, arcs, and curves also involve patterns and relationships

Summarize the background and method of the clinical interview, and include some examples of questions that may be asked during the clinical interview

- big difference but clinical interviews have long been used by individual and family therapists, as well as by researchers - not for them piaget used them along with observations and case histories to understand young children's thinking as he formulated his cognitive developmental theory - interviewers asked structured, semi structured, and open-ended questions and listen to their responses, often recording them for accuracy - this method gives the interviewer a way to find out what the respondent is thinking and feeling inside, which cannot be determined by observing outward behaviors alone - in educational settings, a teacher might ask a child questions like, how did you do this, what is happening now, can you tell me more about this, why are you doing this, and what are you thinking about now

define biotic factors and identify some examples

- biotic factors are the living organisms within any ecosystem, which include not only humans and animals but also plants and microorganisms - the definition of biotic factors also includes the interactions that occur between and among various organisms within an ecosystem

Discuss the best general book characteristics for preschoolers for shared reading

- books with simple text and numerous, engaging illustrations best invite preschoolers to talk about the characters and events in the pictures and the plot lines they hear - children's listening and speaking skills develop, they learn new information and concepts, their vocabularies in Greece, and their ability to define words and explain their meanings is enhanced through shared reading - many children's books include rich varieties of words that may not occur in daily conversation, used in complete sentence context

Describe some preschool activities that use a button board that support learning the math skills of shape identification, counting, one to one correspondence, sorting, and categorization. Identify which activities support which concepts and skills

- by gluing buttons of various sizes and colors to a piece of cardboard, teachers can initiate a number of activities that help preschoolers learn math concepts while having fun - preschoolers are commonly learning shapes and how to draw them - teachers can give children the length of string, twine, or yarn or long shoelaces and show them how to wrap them around different buttons to form shapes like rectangles, triangles, and squares - to practice counting in one to one correspondence, teachers can ask children to wrap their string around a given number of buttons - preschoolers need to learn the concept that spoken number words like 5 can equate to a group of five concrete objects, and this activity promotes that learning - the button board is also useful for giving preschool children practice with sorting or classifying objects into groups based on common characteristic. For example, the teacher can ask children to wrap their pieces of string around all the big buttons, all the little buttons, only the red buttons, only the blue buttons, etc.

identify three measurement or analysis skills soon should learn and apply when studying history, and include some examples

- by middle school, students should have the skills needed to measure time mathematically, interpret data displayed in timelines, and calculate time in BC and AD - high school students should be able to analyze patterns of historical duration and patterns of historical succession

explain how young children typically informally learn about spatial sense and geometry

- by observing commonplace objects and spaces in their physical world, young children can learn about solid objects and substances, shapes, and angles

identify some milestones of typical child language development by the age of 12 months

- by the age of 12 months, toddlers can usually understand and follow simple directions, especially when these are accompanied by physical and/or vocal cues - They can intentionally use one or more words with the correct meaning

identify some milestones of typical child language development by the age of 18 months

- by the age of 18 months, a normally developing child usually has acquired a vocabulary of roughly 5 to 20 words - Use nouns in their speech most of the time - They are very likely to repeat certain words and/or phrases over and over - At this age, children typically are able to follow simple verbal commands without needing as many visual or auditory cues as at 12 months

Identify some milestones of normal language development in children by the time they are two years old

- by the time children reach the age of two years, they have required a vocabulary of about 150 to 300 words - They can name various familiar objects found in their environments - They are able to use at least two prepositions in their speech such as in or on - 2-year-olds typically combine the words they know into short sentences. These sentences tend to be mostly noun verb or verb noun combinations, such as, daddy work or watch this - They may also include verb preposition combinations such as go out or come in - By the age of two years, children use pronouns, such as I, me, and you. They typically can use at least two such pronouns correctly - A normally developing 2-year-old will respond to some commands, directions, or questions, such as show me your eyes or where are your ears

Briefly discuss the role of making connections in children's early mathematical development

- children informally learn intuitive mathematical thinking through their everyday life experiences - they naturally apply mathematical concepts and reasoning to solve problems they face in their environment - however, one frequent problem among children when they begin formal education is that they come to see academic mathematics as a collection of procedures and rules, instead of viewing it as a means of finding solutions to everyday, real life problems - this view will interfere with children's ability to apply the formal mathematics they learned to their lives in a practical and useful way

explain what children need to know to comprehend fractions

- children must know what a whole unit consists of, how many pieces the unit is divided into, and whether the pieces are of equal size

Identifiy some developmental milestones associated with the normal language acquisition and communication of children at the age of three years

- by the time they are three years old, most normally developing children have acquired vocabularies of between 900 and 1,000 words - typically they correctly use the pronouns I, me, and you - they use more verbs more frequently - they apply past tenses to some verbs and plurals to some nouns - 3 year olds usually can use at least three prepositions, the most common are in, on, and under - the normally developing through year old knows the major body parts and can name them - 3 year olds typically use three word sentences with ease - Normally, parents should find approximately 75 to 100% of what a 3 year old says to be intelligible, while strangers should find between 50 and 75% of a 3 year old speech intelligible - children this age comprehend most simple questions about their activities and environments and can answer questions about what they should do when they are thirsty, hungry, sleepy, hot, or cold - they can tell about their experiences in ways that adults can generally follow - by the age of three years, children should also be able to tell others their name, age, and sex

briefly explain how adults can help children use calendars

- calendars are one type of chart - adults can help children use them to organize daily and weekly activities and to understand how we organize information

Define the mathematical number term cardinal and includes some examples

- cardinal numbers are numbers that indicate quantity - for example, when we say seven buttons or three kittens we are using cardinal numbers

Discuss natural versus intentional conversation of adults with young children

- caregivers tend to talk with young children naturally, sometimes even automatically, throughout the day, which helps children develop significant language skills - caregivers can enhance young children's oral language development further through intentional conversations

Describe the cultural paradigms of collectivism and individualism, and include some general examples

- certain world cultures are oriented more toward collectivism, while others are oriented more toward individualism - Native American, Latin American, Asian, and African cultures are more often collectivistic, focusing on interdependence, social interactions, relationships, and connections among individuals - North American, Canadian, European, and Australian cultures are more commonly individualistic, focusing on independence, uniqueness, self determination, and self actualization - individualism favors competition and distinguishing oneself as an individual, while collectivism favors cooperation that promotes and contributes to the harmony and well-being of the group - individualist cultures value teaching young children object manipulation and scientific thinking, while collectivist cultures value social and relational behaviors - for example, adults in collectivist cultures may interpret a child's first steps as walking toward the adult, while adults and individualist cultures interpret them as developing motor skills and autonomy. These interpretations signify what each culture values most, forming the child's cultural orientation early in life. The planning and design of educational and other programs should be informed by knowledge of these and other cultural differences

Provide brief definitions of naturalistic, informal, and structured learning experiences that allow young children to learn basic science concepts and include a consideration for teachers that is related to early childhood learning

- children actively construct their knowledge of the environment through exploring it - young children's learning experiences can be naturalistic - during naturalistic learning, the child controls his or her choices and actions - informal learning experiences also allow the child to choose his or her actions and activities, but they include adult intervention at some point during their child's engagement and naturalistic pursuits - in structured learning experiences, the adult chooses the activities and supplies some direction as to how the child should perform the associated actions - one consideration related to early childhood learning that teachers should keep in mind is that within any class or group of children, there are individual differences in learning styles - additionally, children from different cultural groups have varying learning styles and approaches - early childhood teachers can introduce science content in developmentally appropriate ways by keeping these variations in mind

summarize four steps for implementing the language experience approach with young children

- children and teacher choose a topic, like an exciting trip, game, or recent TV show, to discuss with teacher guidance - each child takes a turn saying a sentence using his or her own words that advances the discussion/story. The teacher writes the children's word verbatim without corrections, visibly and clearly - every few sentences or several words the teacher stops and reads the record aloud for children to confirm accuracy - the teacher points to each word, they read aloud together, or children repeat after the teacher. The teacher gives children copies of the record for independent review and possible compilation into books of LEA stories

Summarize the basic steps of the scientific method, and include a brief description of each step and present the steps in the associated activities at a level that is developmentally appropriate for young children

- children are born curious and naturally engage in problem solving to learn - problem solving an inquiry are natural child behaviors - early childhood teachers can use these behaviors to promote children's scientific inquiry, which employs the scientific method - the first step in the method is to ask a question, which is another natural child behavior. Just as adult scientists formulate research questions, the first step of the scientific method for children is asking questions they want to answer - next, to address the question, both adults and children must form a hypothesis. The hypothesis informs and directs the next steps: designing and conducting an experiment to test whether the hypothesis is true or false - with teacher instruction, children experiment. For example, they might drop objects of different weights from a height to see when each lands, as Galileo did. teachers help record outcomes - the next steps are deciding whether the results support or disprove the hypothesis and reporting the results and conclusions to others

Define the term self concept relative to early childhood

- children come to identify characteristics, abilities, values, in attitudes that they feel define them

define the mathematical number term ordinal and include some examples

- ordinal numbers are numbers that indicate the order of items within a group or set - for example, when we say first, second, third, we are using ordinal numbers

provide some examples of how children communicate math concepts they have learned

- children share their learning of math concepts through words, charts, drawings, tallies, etc - even toddlers hold up fingers to tell others how old they are

outline the additional skills children must develop to solve problems

- children who are effective problem solvers are able to focus their attention on the problem and its individual component parts - they can formulate hypothesis about the problem or situation and then test them for veracity - they are willing to take risks within reason - they are persistent if they do not solve a problem right away and do not give up if their first attempt at solving a problem is unsuccessful - they maintain flexibility and experiment with alternate methods - they also demonstrate self regulation skills

Discuss some considerations related to environmental health risks for children

- children's body systems, unlike those of mature adults, are still developing. They eat, drink, and breathe more in proportion to their body sizes than adults do. - Typical child behaviors expose children to more potentially toxic chemicals and organisms. Therefore, children can be more vulnerable to environmental health risks - to protect children, adults can prohibit smoking in homes and cars, keep homes free of dust, mold, pet dander, and pests that can trigger allergies, avoid outdoor activities on high pollution or ozone alert days, in carpool or use public transportation - I don't think prevent lead poisoning by only giving children cold water to drink and using cold water to prepare infant formula and cook food, washing bottles, pacifiers, and toys frequently, and protecting children from lead-based paint in older buildings - adults must ensure children do not have access to toxic chemicals - maintaining furnaces, chimneys, and appliances, using outdoor gas appliances and tools properly, refraining from using gas appliances and tools indoors, and installing approved Co alarms can all help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning - choosing fish carefully can help prevent mercury toxicity - keeping infants out of direct sunlight, using sun protective clothing, and applying sunscreen on young children are also important

Describe some of the structures and functions of the human circulatory system, focusing on the cardiovascular system

- circulatory system continuously supplies blood containing oxygen and nutrients to all body tissue cells, exchanges oxygenated blood for the waste products produced during the metabolism process, and transports waste for elimination - central to the vascular system is the heart, which is located in the mediastinum within the thoracic cavity. The heart is encased and protected by the pericardium, a double walled, tough fibrous sac. The heart has four chambers, 2 Atria and two ventricles. It's the summer valves regulates opening and closing among the chambers, the aorta, the pulmonary artery, and the great vessels - the aorta, originating at the heart, is the body's largest artery - the pulmonary artery branches to the left and to the right and transports venous blood from the heart's lower right chamber to the lung for oxygenation - the pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood from the lung to the left atrium of the heart - the superior and inferior vena cava are vessels that empty into the hearts right atrium

identify and briefly define some process skills necessary to science and math, and give an example of an early childhood activity involving these skills

- classification, measurement, and comparison are basic math concepts that, when applied to science problems, are called process skills - the other science process skills named, as well as defining and controlling variables, are equally necessary to solve both science and math problems - for example, using ramps can help young children learn basic physics concepts - teachers ask children what would happen if 2 balls were rolled down a ramp at the same time, if two balls were rolled down a ramp of a different height or length, if two ramps of different heights were used, etcetera - in this activity, children apply the scientific concepts of observation, communication, inference, and prediction, as well as the concepts of height, length, counting, speed, distance, and comparison

identify and define three subcategories of sedimentary rock

- clastic sedimentary rocks are made of little rock bits that are compacted and cemented together - chemical sedimentary rocks are frequently formed through repeated flooding and subsequent evaporation. The evaporation of water leaves a layer of minerals that were dissolved in the water. Limestone and deposits of salt and gypsum are examples - organic sedimentary rocks are formed from organic matter, such as the calcium left behind from animal bones and shells

identify a shape activity young children enjoy that addresses the second and third levels

- closing their eyes, reaching into a bag of assorted shapes, finding a triangle by touch, and explaining why it is a triangle - this involves both the second and third levels of naming and analysis

Discuss the formation of clouds

- clouds form when air cools and warm air is forced to give up some of its water vapor because it can no longer hold it. This vapor condenses and forms tiny droplets of water or ice crystals called clouds. Particles, or aerosols, are needed for water vapor to form water droplets. These are called condensation nuclei - clouds are created by surface heat Inc, mountains and terrain, rising air masses, and weather fronts. Clouds precipitate, returning the water they contain to earth. Clouds can also create atmospheric optics. They can scatter light, creating colorful phenomena such as rainbows, colorful sunsets, and the green flash phenomenon

Identify 4 achievements or processes that young children's oral language skills development enables

- communicate by listening and responding to other speech - comprehend meanings of numerous words and concepts encountered in their listening and reading - acquire information on subjects they are interested in learning about - use specific language to express their own thoughts and ideas

Define ecological relationship

- organisms interact, both with other organisms and their environments. Relationships were in two different organisms regularly interact so that one or both of them benefits are known as ecological relationships

Explain the abilities in young children that are involved in number sense and number operations, and describe how these abilities contribute to math comprehension

- counting is one of the earliest numeracy skills that young children develop - even before they have learned the names of all the numbers, young children learn to count to three, then to five, etc. - However, number sends involves a great deal more than just counting. Number sense includes understanding the various applications of numbers. For instance, we use numbers as tools for conveying and manipulating information, as tools for describing quantities, and as tools for characterizing relationships between or among things - children who have developed number sense are able to count with accuracy and competence - given a specific number, they can count upward from that number. They can also count backward. They are able to break down a number and then reassemble it. They are able to recognize relationships between or among different numbers. - When children can count, are familiar with numbers, and have good number sense, they can also add and subtract numbers - being familiar with numbers and being able to count easily helps young children understand all other areas of mathematics

give some general examples of factors that unite cultural groups and promote cultural identification

- cultural groups are based on a wide range of factors, including geographic location, occupation, religion, sexual orientation, and income - individuals may follow the beliefs and values of more than one culture concurrently - for instance, recent immigrants often espouse values and beliefs from both their original and adopted countries

give examples of familiar devices that use refraction, and of materials with differing refraction indices and describe the effects of these differing refraction indices

- diamonds are much denser and harder than water and thus have a higher refraction index. They slow down and trap light more than water does. Consequently, diamonds sparkle more than water - lenses, such as those in eyeglasses and telescopes, rely on the principle of refraction. Curved lenses disperse or concentrate light waves, refracting light as it both enters and exits, thus changing the lights direction. This is how lenses correct and enhance our vision

identify three different purposes for which maps are used

- different types of maps are described according to their purposes - political maps are made to debate countries, areas within a country, or cities - physical maps are drawn to display natural features of the terrain in an area, such as rivers, lakes, and mountains - thematic maps are drawn to focus on a more specific theme or topic, such as the locations and names of battles during the war or the average amounts of rainfall a country, state, or region receives in a given year or month - some maps are made for more than one purpose and indicate more than one of the types of information described above

Give several examples of activities adults can use with young children to help them understand and practice the early math skill of estimation

- during everyday activities like shopping or eating, adults can ask children to estimate amounts of foods, numbers of items, or lengths of time - later, adults can help children compare the actual outcome with their original estimate - this process helps children learn to make realistic and reasonable estimates - activities promoting estimation skills can be very simple - adults can ask children, for example, to guess which of their friends is tallest and then test the accuracy of the guests using real measurements - when children grow older, adults can write down estimates in real measurements and can then repeat the exercise described above or present a similar one - with repetition, children will eventually began making more accurate estimates - the goal is not for children to come up with exact measurements but ones that are close to actual amounts and numbers - giving children opportunities to practice improves their estimating skills

summarize some mechanical processes being carried out by the respiratory system when a person breathes

- during inspiration and inhalation, the ribs and sternum rise, the diaphragm contracts and lowers, the intercostal muscles contract, air pressure in the lungs decreases, and air enters the lungs - during exhalation, the intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax, the ribs and sternum return to resting position, air pressure in the lungs increases, and air exits the lungs

Describe some examples of informal assessment instruments for pre kindergarten classes

- early childhood teachers assess pre-K children's performance and individual, small group, and whole class activities throughout the day using informal tools that are teacher made, school, program, or district furnished, or procured by school systems from commercial educational resources - for classroom observations teachers might complete a form based on their observations during class story or circle time, or just using three themes per day, each targeting different skills, such as, social emotional, math, alphabet knowledge, oral language, or emergent writing - They note the names of children demonstrating the specified skill and those who might need follow up, and provide needed one-on-one interventions daily

Explain how some characteristics of the planet earth influence conditions such as seasons, daylight and darkness, temperatures, and humidity in different locations

- earth is roughly spherical in shape. Its North and South poles at the top and bottom are farthest away from and least exposed to the sun, so they are always coldest. This accounts for the existence of the polar ice caps - the equator, an imaginary line running around earth at its middle exactly halfway between the North and South poles, is at zero degrees latitude. Sunrises and sunsets at the equator are the world's fastest. Days and nights are of virtually equal length at the equator, and there is less seasonal variation than in other parts of the world. The Equatorial climate is a tropical rainforest - locations close to the North Pole, like Norway, are at such high latitudes that their Knights are not dark in the summer time, and sea expression land of the midnight sun. They also have very little light in winter time - as earth revolves around the sun over the course of the year, the distance and angle of various locations relative to the sun change, so different areas receive varying amounts of heat and light. This is what accounts for the changing seasons

identify some important features assessment instruments used in early childhood programs should include

- measure the developmental areas pertinent to their program, support their programs established goals, and include all early childhood ages served in their program - Instruments administration, scoring, and interpretation methods should be congruent with program personnel's skills - Test/measure administration should involve realistic time durations - Instruments/tools should be appropriate to use with ethnically diverse and non-english speaking children and families - tests should also be proven psychometrically accurate and dependable enough

Identify the three types of rocks found on Earth's surface, and provide examples of each, and explain how sedimentary rock is formed

- earth's rocks are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic - these categories are based on the respective processes that form each type of rock - igneous rocks are formed from volcanoes - metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous and sedimentary rocks deep inside the earth's crust are subjected to intense heat or pressure - sedimentary rocks are formed on Earth's surface and characteristically accumulate in layers. Erosion and other natural processes deposit these layers. Some sedimentary rocks are held together by electrical attraction. Others are cemented together by chemicals and minerals that existed during their formation. Still others are not held together at all but are loose and crumbly

Define ecology

- ecology is defined as the study of interactions between organisms and their environments

Define erosion

- erosion is a natural process whereby earth's landforms are broken down through weathering

explain how teachers can help children make the transition from intuitive to formal math thinking

- establishing the connection between children's natural intuitive math and formal mathematics - teaching math through the use of manipulative materials familiar to children - they can use mathematics vocabulary words when describing children's activities, which enables children to develop an awareness of the natural mathematical operations they use in their daily lives - when a teacher introduces a new mathematical concept to children, he or she can give illustrative examples that draw upon the children's actual life experiences

Define estimation

- estimation is making an educated or informed guess about a measurement when no actual measurement is available - Adults often make estimates about the sizes of objects when their exact measurements are unknown, about the amounts of substances that have not actually been measured, and about the numbers of small objects in large collections when the objects have not actually been counted

Define print awareness and early childhood by identifying what components it includes

- even before they have learned how to read, young children develop print awareness, which constitutes children's first preparation for literacy - children with print awareness realize that spoken language is represented by the markings on paper or computer screens - they understand the information in printed books adults read come from the words, not the pictures - children who are print awareness furthermore realize that print serves different functions within different contexts - they know that restaurant menus give information about the foods available, books tell stories or provide information, some signs show the names of stores, hotels, or restaurants, and other signs give traffic directions or danger warnings - moreover, print awareness includes knowledge of how print is organized - children with print awareness also know that English print is read from left to right and top to bottom, book pages are numbered, words convey ideas and meaning, and readings purpose is to understand those ideas and acquire that meaning

Identify four basic steps to follow to read analyze the information on the special purpose map and include some examples in your response

- first, read a maps title and look at the overall map. This provides a general idea of what the map shows. For example, a map and titled battles of the punic wars would not be a good choice if someone was looking for the political boundaries of modern day Greece, Italy, and Spain - next, read the maps legend or key to see what symbols and colors the map uses and what each represents. For example, some lines represent divisions between countries and states, some roads, some rivers, etcetera. Different colors can indicate different countries or states, elevations, amounts of rainfall, population densities, etcetera. These are not uniform across all maps, so legends or keys are necessary references - use the legend or key to interpret what the map shows. For example, by looking at colors representing elevations, one can determine which area of a country has the highest or lowest altitude - draw conclusions about what the map displays. For example, if a country map mainly has one color that indicates a certain elevation range, it can be concluded that this is the country's most common elevation

explain the advantages of the clinical interview approach over observation alone, and describe how it can be adapted for classrooms

- flexible questioning helps uncover the child's thought process, which is what is leading him or her to engage in specific behaviors - just observing the behaviors alone does not allow the child to express his or her knowledge - while fully interviewing each child in a classroom is not practical, teachers can adapt this method by asking clinical interview type questions as part of their instruction

Describe formal assessment instruments in general

- formal assessment instruments are typically standardized tests, administered to groups - They give norms for age groups/developmental levels for comparison - they are designed to avoid administrator bias and capture children's response only - Their data can be scaled and be reported in aggregate to school/program administrators and policy makers

Explain how very young children approach fractions according to piaget's cognitive developmental theory

- fractions are parts or pieces of a whole - as piaget showed, children in the preoperational stage of cognitive development cannot perform logical or mathematical mental operations - they focus on one property of an object rather than all of its properties, a practice he calls centration - hence, if you cut an apple into pieces, very young children see that there are more pieces than there were before, and they believe that several apple pieces are more than one apple - they cannot yet comprehend the logical sequence of dividing an apple into fractions

identify and define three types of self of which young children develop concepts

- from 18 to 36 months, children developed the categorial self. This is a concrete view of oneself, usually related to observably opposite characteristics such as child versus adult, girl versus boy, short versus tall, and good versus bad. A four year old might say, I am shorter than daddy, I have blue eyes, I can help mommy clean house - young children can also describe emotional and attitudinal aspects of self concept, such as i like playing with joshua or i am happy today. Preschoolers do not usually integrate these aspects into a unified self-portrait, however. Also, many preschoolers do not yet realize one person can incorporate opposite qualities. The remembered self develops with long term memory, including autobiographical memories and things adults have told them, to comprise one's life story - the inner self is the child's private feelings, desires, and thoughts

Describe how creating collages during preschool art projects can help young children learn shape recognition and part to whole relationships

- fundamental math skills that prepare preschoolers for kindergarten include shape recognition - to introduce children to an activity they will view as fun rather than as work, teachers can show children how to make a collage of a familiar figure - this will also give children the opportunity to experiment with an artistic process - for example, they can create a Santa Claus or an Easter Bunny as a holiday art project - they can make collages of other imaginary or real people for various events, seasons, or topics - teachers cut out paper templates, including circles for heads, triangles for hats, squares for bodies, and narrow rectangular strips for limbs - first, they help children name each shape - they have each child traced their template shapes onto paper and cut them out with child safe scissors - the teacher then instructs the children to arrange their cut out shapes on a piece of cardboard or construction paper - once they are in the correct positions, the children glued the shapes in place - teachers can subsequently teach additional shapes, such as octagons, challenging children to make new, different collages

identify some common devices that use magnets, and describe some ways in which magnets work

- generator supplying power include magnets, as do all electric motors - loud speakers and telephones contain magnets - tape recorders use magnets. The tape they play is magnetized - magnets are used in compasses to determine the location of north and various corresponding directions. In fact, the planet earth itself is a giant magnet. Hence, like the earth, all magnets have two poles: a North Pole and a South Pole. - Opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Magnets do not need to touch to attract or repel each other - a magnets effective area is its magnetic field - all materials have some response to magnetic fields - magnets can turn nearby magnetic materials into magnets by a process known as magnetic induction - materials that line up parallel to magnetic force fields are paramagnetic, while materials that line up perpendicular to magnetic force field lines are diamagnetic

Briefly describe the functions of graphs

- graphs display numerical information in pictorial forms, making it easier to view statistics quickly and draw conclusions about them - for example, it is easier to see patterns and trends like increases and decreases in quantities using visual graphs than columns of numbers

Summarize some basic considerations for promoting human health and Wellness and preventing disease

- healthy development and disease prevention both begin before birth - expecting mother's need to be informed about good nutrition and the supplemental nutrition required for prenatal support of developing embryos and fetuses - mother should also get sufficient but not overly strenuous exercise, avoid undue stress, find effective coping skills to deal with unavoidable life stressors, and avoid exposure to environmental toxins, such as radiation, pollution, and chemicals. They should avoid alcohol, tobacco, and exposure to second hand smoke, as well as most drugs unless they are prescribed by an OBGYN or Doctor Who are aware of the pregnancy - babies initially need their mother's colostrum to provide immunity, and subsequently require breast milk or approved infant formula - babies must also be held, cuddled, and given attention and affection to ensure survival, growth, and health - young children need smaller amounts of food than adults that is equally as nutritious, sufficient exercise, adequate sleep, and cognitive, emotional, and social stimulation and interaction - appropriate nutrition and exercise, avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and positive relationships and interactions are essential for Wellness and disease prevention at all ages

Identify three ways in which heat is transmitted

- heat is transmitted through conduction, radiation, and convection

define and describe the process of heat conduction, and give an example, and Define thermal conductivity and heat sinks and explain the function of heat sinks in computers

- heat is transmitted within solids by conduction - when two objects at different temperatures touch each other, the hotter objects molecules are moving faster. They collide with the colder objects molecules, which are moving slower. As a result of the collision, the molecules that are moving more rapidly supply energy to the molecules that are moving more slowly. This speeds up the movement of the slower moving molecules, which heats up the colder object - this process of transferring heat through contact is called thermal conductivity - an example of thermal conductivity is the heat sink - heat sinks are used in many devices. Today, they are commonly used in computers - a heat sink transfers the heat building up in the computer processor, moving it away before it can damage the processor. Computers contain fans, which blows air across their heat sinks and expel the heated air out of the computers

give a few examples of how young children naturally learn basic math concepts through everyday activities

- in everyday life, young children start to observe relationships as they explore their surroundings - they match like objects, sort unlike objects, categorize objects, and arrange objects in simple patterns based on shared or contrasting properties - they start to understand words and phrases like a little, a lot, more, less, and the same as - preschoolers use available materials such as sticks, pieces of string, their feet, their hands, and their fingers as tools to measure objects. They also use rulers, measuring cups, and other conventional tools - they used their measurements to develop descriptions, sequences, and arrangements, and to compare various objects

Give some examples of environmental print

- street signs, traffic signs, store and restaurant names, candy wrappers, food labels, and a product logos - all the print we see in everyday life

Describe some features of current collaborative approaches and models in school districts for screening young children for special developmental needs

- historically, the tradition was to conduct kindergarten screenings of children entering schools around age 5. However, in recent years, school districts have developed community referral networks to assist in the processes of child find, screening, evaluation, and referral for early intervention and early childhood special education and related services - Current models are more informal, proactive, and collaborative - Cooperative educational interagency service efforts give parents information about normal early childhood development and available community resources and offer opportunities for developmental screenings of their young children - Specific procedures are governed by individual US state laws - Generally, district networks implementing current models send developmental review forms to parents to complete in advance, and then they attend a developmental screening at a community site - Parents discuss normal early childhood growth and development with program staff, while, in the same room, trained professionals observe their children as they play - Children's vision and hearing are also screened - Parents can discuss their children's current development with psychologists, early childhood educators, or counselors. Thereafter, they can learn about community resources

define refraction index

- how much the medium slows down the lights speed

Give a summary of some salient general aspects of human language abilities from before birth to five years of age

- human language ability begins before birth: the developing fetus can hear not only internal maternal sounds, but also hear the mother's voice, others voices, and other sounds outside the womb - humans have a natural sensitivity to human sounds and languages from before they are born until they are about 4 1/2 years old. These years are critical for developing language and communication - Babies and young children are predisposed to greater sensitivity to human sounds than other sounds, orienting them toward the language spoken around them - Children absorb their environmental language completely, including vocal tones, syntax, usage, and emphasis. This linguistic absorption occurs very rapidly - Children's first 2 1/2 years particularly involve amazing abilities to learn language, including grammatical expression

Discuss relative humidity, absolute humidity, and dew point temperature

- humidity refers to water vapor contained in the air. The amount of moisture contained in air depends upon its temperature. The higher the air temperature, the more moisture it can hold. These higher levels of moisture are associated with higher humidity - absolute humidity refers to the total amount of moisture air is capable of holding at a certain temperature - relative humidity is the ratio of water vapor in the air compared to the amount the air is capable of holding at its current temperature. As temperature decreases, absolute immunity stays the same in relative humidity increases. A high ground meter is a device used to measure humidity - the dew point is the temperature at which water vapor condenses into water at a particular humidity

Describe some procedures and considerations relative to updating and revising individualized education programs for young children

- if progress with iep goals and objectives is less or greater than expected, the iep team meets and may revise the program - This can include specifying shorter or longer times to achieve some goals and objectives, lowering or raising requirements proving too difficult or easy, resetting successive objective criteria in smaller or larger increments, changing teaching methods, content, or materials used, and so on

Explain how igneous rocks are formed

- igneous or volcanic rocks are formed from the magma emitted when a volcano erupts - magma under the Earth's surface is subject to heat and pressure, keeping it in liquid form. During a volcanic eruption, some magma reaches the surface, emerging as lava. Lava cools rapidly in the outside air, becoming a solid with small crystals - some magma does not reach earth surface, but is trapped underground within pockets and other rocks. Magma cools more slowly underground than lava does on the surface. This slower cooling forms rocks with larger crystals and coarser grains - the chemical composition and individual cooling temperatures of magma produce different kinds of igneous rocks

explain how a thematic approach to shared reading also builds young children's language development

- in a thematic approach, teachers can select several books on the same theme, like rainforests or undersea life - this affords richer extended conversations about the theme - it allows teachers to recycle vocabulary by modeling and encouraging use of thematically related words, which enhances memory and in-depth comprehension of meanings - teachers can plan activities based on book themes, like painting pictures or murals, sculpting, making collages, or constructing models, which gives children additional motivation to use the new language they learned from shared reading of books

Give some examples of Individualized Education Program goals and objectives for preschoolers aged 3 to 5

- in an IEP, the goals are more global, describing the skill for the child to acquire or a task to master - the objectives are more specific articulations of achievements that will demonstrate the child's mastery of the goal - For example, if a goal is for the child to increase his or her functional communicative vocabulary, a related objective might be for the child to acquire X number of new words in X length of time, another related objective could be for the child to use the words acquired in 90% of recorded relevant situations - If the goal is for the child to demonstrate knowledge and discrimination of colors, one objective might be for the child to identify correctly a red, yellow, and blue block 95% of the time when asked to point out each color within a group of blocks - Progress toward or achievement of some objectives may be measured via formal tests, with preschoolers, many others are measured via observational data collection

define the ecological relationship of commensalism

- in commensalistic relationships, one Organism benefits and the other is unaffected - one example is barnacles attaching to whales. Barnacles, which are filter feeders, benefit from the whales swimming, which creates currents in the water that bring the barnacles food. The whales are not disturbed by the barnacles

Identify two general categories of features that can be displayed on maps, and include some examples in your response

- maps can be drawn to show natural or man-made features. For example, some maps make mountains, elevations, average rainfall, average temperatures, and other natural features of an area - other maps are made to depict countries, states, cities, roads, empires, wars, and other man made features

identify two examples of metamorphic rocks

- marble - gneiss

Provide a general description of how people use probabilities and statistics in everyday life

- in general, when people work with statistics, they present them in graphs or charts to organize them, interpret them, and make it easier to see relationships among individual statistics - graphs are visual alternatives that depict mathematical information and show relationships among individual statistics, especially changes over time - graphs also allow for the comparison of different groups - probabilities indicate the likelihood that something will happen - adults use probabilities to predict things, such as people's risk of developing or dying from various diseases or medical conditions, the chances of accidents, children's risks of experiencing academic difficulties, dropping out, or developing emotional and behavioral disorders, and the chances that a certain area will receive rain or snow - scientists use probabilities to predict the likelihood of various behaviors or outcomes they are studying. They used statistics to show the numbers and proportions of responses or results obtained in research studies

Describe a good summer time activity that teachers can use to help preschoolers develop early math skills related to sequencing, practice fine motor skills, and learn an early science concept

- in hot weather, making ice cube necklaces is a fun activity that helps young children cool off while learning to sequence objects - this activity also helps children develop their manual motor skills and learn about liquid and solid states of matter - regular ice cube trays are fine, those with fun shaped compartments are even better - the teacher cuts plastic drinking straws so that they will fit into each ice cube compartment - the children participate, watching or helping pour water into trays and adding various food colorings or fruit juices - the teacher places one straw clipping into each compartment - while putting the trays into the freezer the teacher tells the children that 32 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which water freezes - children practice making scientific observations by noting how long the water takes to freeze - they emptied their cubes into a big bowl - the children put on bathing suits or other clothing that can get wet, and the class goes outdoors - the teacher provides strings that are knotted at one end and calls out a color pattern - children follow the teachers instructions to create color pattern necklaces they can tie, wear, and watch melt

Define the math term rational numbers and include an example

- in mathematics, rational numbers are numbers that can be written as ratios or fractions - in other words, a rational number can be expressed as a fraction that has a whole number as the numerator and the denominator - therefore, all whole numbers are automatically rational numbers, because all whole numbers can be written as fractions with the denominator of 1 - even very large, unwieldy fractions are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions - 5/1, 68/1, 245/42

define the ecological relationship of mutualism

- in mutualistic relationships, both organisms benefit. - For example, bacteria live in termites digestive systems. Termites eat wood. However, they cannot digest the cellulose in wood. The bacteria and termites guts break down the cellulose for them, releasing the woods nutrients. Reciprocally, the termites as hosts give the bacteria a home and food

Describe a shape matching game for preschoolers that develops shape recognition skills, fine motor skills, creativity, observational skills, and general and early math vocabulary skills

- in one type of shape matching game, early childhood teachers help children make a game board out of construction paper that is shaped like a tree - teachers first helped the children cut a treetop and leave shapes from green paper - they discuss children's preferences for tall or short and thick or thin trunks, giving them practice using descriptive vocabulary words, particularly ones related to size - this step builds both general and math concept vocabulary - children got trunks from brown paper and glued them onto the treetops - while out of the children's sight, the teacher cuts 5 to 10 pairs of shapes per child from different colors of construction paper. Pairs should not match exactly. A Blue Square can be paired with a Red Square - the teacher glues one of each pair of shapes to each child's tree while the child is not looking - the teacher then gives each child the rest of the shapes and invites children to see how quickly they can match each shape to its partner on the tree - the teacher can provide warmer or cooler distance clues and should provide reinforcement each time a child correctly matches a pair of shapes - teachers can make this activity more challenging by using more shapes or getting students to match shapes that are different sizes

define the ecological relationship of parasitism

- in parasitic relationships, the parasite benefits, but the host suffers - for example, tapeworms inside animals digestive tracts get nutrients. The host loses nutrients stolen by the worms and can sustain tissue damage because of the presence of the day worms

State the law of reflection and explain what it means

- in physics, the law reflection states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection - this means that when light is reflected, it always bounces off the surface at the same angle at which it hit that surface

Summarize the components and functions of the human integumentary and musculoskeletal systems

- in the human body, the integumentary system consists of skin, hair, nails, and oil and sweat glands - the skin has three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and subcutaneous tissues. Skin protects tissues underneath it from bacterial infections, block smooth chemicals from entering, prevents fluid loss, and reduces the probability of mechanical injury to underlying body structures. Skin regulates body temperature and synthesizes needed chemicals. It is also a sense organ, as it has sensory receptors for touch, pressure, heat, and pain. It also contains motor fibers that enable necessary reactions to these sensations and stimuli - the musculoskeletal system includes bones, joints, and three types of connective tissues: tendons, ligaments, in cartilage. It is responsible for our body shape and provides stability and support. It also protects our internal organs and enables locomotion. Bone stark calcium and other minerals in bone marrow produces required blood cells - muscle fibers contract to enable movement. Depending on their innervation, muscles can have voluntary or involuntary movements. Muscles need blood supply and oxygen to work period thus, the musculoskeletal system depends on other systems, including the circulatory, nervous, and respiratory systems

indicate what broad skills children can develop by learning about and practicing measurement

- measurement is an important method for young children to seek and identify relationships between and among things they encounter outside of school in everyday life - when young children practice measuring things, they are able to understand not only the sizes of objects and beings but also their comparative sizes - furthermore, they are able to figure out how big or little something is on their own

summarize the general character of oral language skills in typical infants, toddlers, and young preschoolers

- infants typically begin developing oral language skills, which continue developing through life. Babies develop awareness of and attend to adult speech and soon begin communicating their needs via gestures and speech sounds - toddlers express emotions and ideas and solicit information via language. They start uttering simple sentences, asking questions, and giving opinions regarding their likes and dislikes - young preschoolers expand their vocabularies from hearing other speech and from books. They describe past and possible future events in unseen objects, tell fictional or make believe stories, and use complete sentences and more complex language

Provide some examples of how infants and toddlers learn various science concepts as a result of normal developmental processes

- infants use their senses to explore the environment and are motivated by innate curiosity - as they develop mobility, children gain more freedom, allowing them to make independent discoveries and think for themselves - children learn science concepts by comparing the sizes of objects or persons in the environment to their own size and by observing that some objects are too large to hold, while others are small enough to hold - they learn about weight when trying to lift various objects - they learn about shape when they see that some objects roll away while others do not - babies learn temporal sequences when they wake up wet and hungry, cry, and have parents change and feed them - they also learned this concept by playing, getting tired, and going to sleep - as soon as they look and move around, infants learn about space, including large and small spaces - eventually, they develop spatial sense through experiences like being put in a playpen or crib in the middle of a large room - toddlers naturally sort objects into groups according to their sizes, shapes, colors, or uses - they experiment with transferring water or sand among containers of various sizes - they learned part to whole relationships by building block structures and dismantling them

Describe how an adult would typically initiate an informal learning experience for a young child, and provide some relevant examples

- informal learning experiences involve 2 main components. First, the child spontaneously initiates naturalistic learning experiences during everyday activities to explore and learn about the environment. Second, the adult takes advantage of opportunities during naturalistic experiences to insert informal learning experiences - adults do not plan these in advance but take advantage of opportunities that occur naturally - one way this happens is when a child is on the right track to solve a problem but needs some encouragement or a hint from the adult - another way is when the adult spots a teachable moment during the child's natural cell activity and uses it to reinforce a basic concept - for example, a 3 year old might hold up three fingers declaring I am six years old. The parent says let's count fingers you are three years old. - Or, a teacher asks the child who has a box of treats if he or she has enough for the whole class, and the child answers I don't know. The teacher then responds, let's count them together, and helps the child count

Discuss some considerations regarding integrating early childhood math into everyday activities and using early childhood math curricula. Include some relevant examples in your response

- integrating math into the context of everyday activities has been the philosophy of early childhood math education until recently - for example, when teachers have children line up, they ask them who is first, second, third, etcetera to practice counting - when children play with blocks, teachers ask them to identify their shapes and whether one block is larger or smaller than another - during snack times, teachers help children learn one to one correspondence by having them place one snack on each plate - some educators maintain that they are insufficient when used on their own, because in larger classes, it is not always possible to take advantage of teachable moments with every child. Therefore, this educational approach cannot be applied systematically. These educators recommend that in addition to integration strategies, early childhood teachers should use a curriculum - the high scope curriculum, the creative curriculum, and big math for little kids are just a few examples - many teachers combine several curricula, selecting parts of different programs - using a curriculum allows teachers to use a more planned approach to integrate math into all activities

Identify 10 concepts considered essential to the study of geography. Define and give examples of the final three

- interaction is the reciprocal and interdependent relationship between two or more geographical areas, which can generate new geographical phenomena, configurations, and problems. For example, a rural village produces raw materials through activities like mining ores or growing and harvesting plant crops, while a city produces industrial goods. The village needs a city as a market for its raw materials and may also need the city's industrial products. The city needs the village for its raw materials to use in industrial production. This interdependence causes interaction - area differentiation informs the study of variations among regional geographical phenomena. For example, different plans are cultivated in Highlands versus lowlands due to their different altitudes and climates. Area differentiation also informs the study of regional variations in occupation - spatial interrelatedness shows the relationship between and among geographic and non-physical phenomena, like rural and urban areas. The example above of village city interaction also applies here

Define the math term irrational numbers and include an example

- irrational numbers can be written as decimal numbers, but not as fractions, because the numbers to the right of the decimal point that are less than one continue indefinitely without repeating - for example, the value of Pi begins as 3.14.1592... and continues without end or sqrt 2 is 1.414213... and so on - there are an infinite number of irrational numbers between zero and one - however, irrational numbers are not used as commonly in everyday life as rational numbers

Define the term measurement relative to early math skills

- measurement is the process of determining how long, wide, and tall something is physically and how much it weighs by using measuring units such as inches, feet, yards, square feet, oz, and pounds - measurement is also used to quantify time using units like seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, and millennia

Define some of the aspects of cultural competence at the system level within service systems

- it is important for educational professionals to acquire and demonstrate cultural competence at the individual level to effectively interact with individual children and their families - moreover, cultural competence is also important at the program level, the school level, and the system level. - According to the National Center for cultural competence, system level cultural competence is a continuing process that includes valuing diversity, conducting self-assessments, managing the dynamics of differences, acquiring and institutionalizing cultural knowledge, and adapting to their diversity and cultural contexts of the individuals and communities served - individual educational interactions are informed by a knowledge of cultural diversity end of the importance of such diversity in educational settings, and ability to adapt to the population's cultural needs, and a willingness to engage in ongoing self reflection. this same set of knowledge and skills is also applied at the system level. - Family engagement is important in early childhood care and education period this includes understanding the developmental needs of families as well as their children, especially when families and or children speak different languages

Explain how creating a treasure hunt activity for preschool children can promote pattern recognition skills, imagination, an understanding of symbolic representation, and map reading skills, while providing an entertaining adventure

- it treasure hunt is an ideal outdoor activity for young children and can also be adapted for indoor fun - the treasure can be anything such as a small toy, play money, chocolate coins, or rock spray painted gold or silver - the adult should put the treasure in a paper bag marked with a large X - the adult should hide it somewhere where it is not visible but will not be overly difficult for children to find - then, the adult should make a treasure map, using few words and many pictures, sketching landmark objects in the area - the adult should ensure the map is developmentally appropriate for young children and that they will be able to read it independently - adults with time and motivation can make the map look authentic by soaking in tea or coffee, drying it in a 200 degree oven, or even charring its edges - adults should include a dotted line on the map that reinforces the simple directions and indicates the path to the treasure, which is indicated on the map by a large X - children have fun, using their imaginations, make connections between symbols and images to corresponding real-world physical objects, and begin learning to read maps

identify two different kinds of igneous rocks and explain how each is formed

- lava that cools rapidly on the Earth's surface can become Obsidian, a smooth, shiny black glass without crystals. - It can also become another type of extrusive rock, such as andesite, basalt, pumice, rhyolite, scoria, or tuff - magma that cools slowly in underground pockets can become granite, which has a coarse texture and large, visible mineral grains - it can also become another type of intrusive rock, such as diorite, gabbro, pegmatite, or peridotite

identify the three most common types of graphs and explain how each of them is used

- line graphs come up our graphs, and pie charts are the most common types of graphs - line graphs depict changes overtime so by plotting points for quantity measured each day, week or month, year, decade, or century and connecting the points to make a line. For example, showing the population of a city each decade in a line graph reveals how the population has changed over time - bar graphs compare quantities related to different times, places, people, and things. Each quantity is depicted by a separate bar, and its length corresponds to a number. Bar graphs make it easy to see which amounts are largest and smallest within a group - circle graphs divide a circle into segments showing percentages or parts of a hole comma which facilitates making comparisons between a few categories period for example comma the department with the largest budget is the largest segment on a pie chart of company expenses

Give a simple analogy explaining how a generator moves electrical current

- magnetism and electricity are related to, and they interact with each other - generators work by using magnets near conductive wires to produce moving streams of electrons - the agent of movement can range from a handbrake, to a steam engine, to the nuclear fission process - however, all agents of movements operate according to the same principle - a simple analogy is that a generator magnetically pushes electrical current the same way a pump pushes water. Just as water pumps apply specific amounts of pressure to sucic numbers of water molecules, generator magnets apply specific amounts of pressure to specific numbers of electrons

Discuss magnetism, and identify its most familiar form

- magnetism is the property some objects or substances have of attracting other materials - the form of magnetism most familiar to us is certain materials attracting iron - magnets also attract steel, cobalt, and other materials

Explain what a grid on a geographical map consists of and what information its components give us and include an example in your response

- map show absolute geographic location using a grid of lines - the lines running from east to West are called parallels or latitudes, and they correspond to how many degrees away from the equator or places located - the lines running from north to South are called meridians or longitudes, and they correspond to how many degrees away from the prime Meridian a place is located - to determine the absolute location of a place, we find this spot on the map for its latitude and longitude intersect. This intersection is the places absolute location - if we look at Mexico City on a map, we will find that its latitude is 19 degrees north and its longitude is 99 degrees West, which is expressed in cartography as 19º N, 99º W. Numbers of latitudes and longitudes like these are also referred to as coordinates

Identify five major sections of the human brain

- the brain is divided into five major parts: the cerebrum, the midbrain, the cerebellum, the ponds, and the medulla oblongata

Identify some sources of information on early intervention and preschool special education services for special needs infants, toddlers, and young children of U.S. military families

- military families stationed both in the US and overseas who have young special needs children can seek information and assistance from the federally funded organization Specialized Training Of Military Families - the staff of STOMP is composed of parents having special needs children themselves, who also have been trained to work with other parents of special needs children - STOMP staff members are spouses of military personnel who thus understand the unique, specialized circumstances and needs of military families - another government agency, the US Department of Defense, includes the office of the Department of Defense education activity and provides comprehensive guidance to military families with special needs children who are eligible to receive, or are receiving, free appropriate public education as mandated by the IDEA law, whether that education is located in the United states or in other countries

Identify four different types of animal life cycles. Provide a brief description of each one, and give a few examples of animals that go through each type of life cycle

- most animals, including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and spiders, have simple life cycles. They are born live or hatch from eggs, and then grow to adulthood. Animals with simple life cycles include humans - Amphibians like frogs and newts have an additional stage involving a metamorphosis or transformation. After birth, they breathe through gills and live underwater during youth. By adulthood they breathe through lungs and move to the land - butterflies are examples of animals that undergo complete metamorphosis, meaning they change their overall form. After hatching from an embryo or egg, the juvenile form, or larva, resembles a worm and completes the majority of feeding required. In the next stage, the pupil does not feed, and is typically camouflaged in what is called an inactive stage. Mosquito pupa are called tumblers. The butterfly pupa is called a chrysalis and is protected by a cocoon. In the final stage, the adult grows wings and breathes - some insects like dragonflies, cockroaches, and grasshoppers undergo an incomplete metamorphosis. There are egg, larva, and adult stages, but no pupa stage

Identify two ways in which plants can reproduce

- most plants can reproduce asexually. For example, cuttings can be rooted in water and planted. Some plants can put out runners that route new growths. Many plants can be grafted to produce new ones - plants can also reproduce sexually.

Describe a few examples of naturalistic learning experiences for young children, and describe the adults role in these experiences

- motivated by novelty and curiosity, young children spontaneously initiate naturalistic experiences during their everyday activities - infants and toddlers in piaget's sensorimotor stage learned by exploring the environment through their senses, so adults should provide them with many objects and substances they can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste - through manipulating and observing concrete objects or substances, preschoolers in Piaget's preoperational stage begin learning concepts that will enable them to perform mental operations later on - adults should observe children's actions in progress and should give positive reinforcement in the form of looks, facial expressions, gestures, or words encouraging and praising the child's actions - young children need adult feedback to learn when they are performing the appropriate actions - for example, a toddler or preschooler selects a tool from the toolbox saying this is big and the mother responds yes - a four year old sorting toys of various colors into separate containers is another example of naturalistic experience - A 5 year old who observes while painting that mixing two colors yields a third color is yet another example

Define structured learning experiences and explain how they differ from naturalistic and informal ones

- naturalistic learning experiences are spontaneously initiated and controlled by children - informal learning experiences involve unplanned interventions by adults during children's naturalistic experiences, which is when adults offer suitable correction, assistance, and support - structured learning experiences differ in that the adult pre plans and initiates the activity or lesson and provides the child with some direction

identify typical members of child find referral networks

- network members typically include parents, doctors, birth to three programs, child care programs, head start programs, public health agencies, social service agencies, and any other community members with whom the young children come into contact

define the mathematical number turn nominal and include some examples

- nominal numbers are numbers that name things - for example, we use area code numbers along with telephone numbers to identify geographical calling areas, and we use zip code numbers to identify geographical mailing areas - nominal numbers, therefore, identify categories or serve as labels for things - however, they are not related to the actual mathematical values of numbers, and do not indicate numerical quantities or operations

Discuss some properties of liquids

- of the three states of matter, solid, liquid, and gas, liquids have properties that fall somewhere in between those of solids and gases - the molecules of solids are the most cohesive. Gas molecules are the least cohesive, and liquid molecules are in between - liquids have no definite shape, while solids do - liquids have a definite volume, whereas gases do not - the cohesion of liquid molecules draws them together, and the molecules below the surface pulls surface molecules down, creating surface tension - this property can be observed in containers of water - liquid molecules are also attracted to other substances molecules - surface tension and adhesion combined caused liquids to rise in narrow containers, a property known as capillarity - liquids are buoyant - liquids can be made solid by freezing and can be made gaseous by heating or evaporation - liquids can diffuse which means they can mix with other molecules - liquid diffusion across semi permeable membranes is known as osmosis

Describe some basic tools that cartographers supply on maps, the information they provide, and how to use them

- on maps depicting local, national, and world geography, cartographers supply tools for navigating these maps - the compass rose indicates the directions of north, S, east, and West. By looking at the compass, people can identify the locational relationships of places - the scale of miles indicates how distances on a map correspond to actual geographical distances, enabling us to estimate real distances. For example, the scale might show that one inch is equal to 500 miles. By placing a piece of paper on the map we can mark it to measure the distance between two cities on the map, and then line the paper up with the scale miles to estimate an actual distance of approximately 650 miles between the two cities - map keys and legends identify what a map symbols and colors represent

Describe some procedures and considerations relative to progress monitoring individualized education programs for young children

- once a child has been identified with a disability, has been determined eligible for special education and related services under the IDEA, and has had an IEP developed and implemented, the child's progress must be monitored - monitoring methods may be related to evaluation methods - for example, if a child identified with problem behaviors was initially evaluated using a behavioral checklist, school personnel can use the same checklist periodically, comparing its results to the baseline levels of frequency and severity originally obtained - If an affective disorder or disturbance was identified and instruments like the Beck Depression Inventory or Anxiety Inventory were used, these can be used again periodically, reduced symptoms would indicate progress

Identify some milestones indicating typical language development in five year old children

- once most children have reached the age of five years, their speech has expanded from the emphasis of younger children on nouns, verbs, and a few prepositions, and is now characterized by many more descriptive words, including adjectives and adverbs - 5 year olds understand common antonyms such as big and little, heavy and light, long and short, and hot and cold - they can now repeat longer sentences they hear, up to about 9 words - when given three consecutive uninterrupted commands, the typical 5 year old can follow these without forgetting one or two - at age 5, most children have learned simple concepts of time like today, yesterday, and tomorrow, day, morning, afternoon, and night, and before, after, and later - 5 year olds typically speak in relatively long sentences and normally should be incorporating some compound sentences with more than one independent clause and complex sentences with one or more independent and dependent clauses - 5 year old children speech is also grammatically correct most of the time

explain how the earth's movements relative to the sun determine our measurements of time

- one complete earth rotation equals what we perceive as one 24 hour day - as the earth turns, different portions face the sun. These receive daylight, while the portions turn away from the sun are in darkness - one complete revolution of the earth around the sun represents one calendar year

discuss general ways adults can provide linguistic interactions to develop young children's oral language skills and the implications of these for later learning

- one element of doing this is establishing an environment that gives the children many things to talk about and many reasons to talk - another element of intentionally promoting oral language skills development is by engaging in shared conversations. When parents and caregivers share a story book reading with young children, this affords a particularly good springboard for shared conversations - reading and conversing together are linguistic interactions supplying foundations for children's developing comprehension of numerous word meanings - researchers find abundant early word comprehension is a critical basis for later reading comprehension

Identify and summarize 4 main differences between the directed reading activity and directed reading thinking activity approaches to using basal readers in teaching reading

- one main difference is that DRTA approach gives teachers all the responsibility and greater flexibility for developing lessons. As such, it contains fewer directions than the DRA approach, which contains specific materials and questions to use, specific guidelines, and this is more teacher manual oriented and materials oriented. Therefore DRTA can be used for not only basal readers but also planning lessons in other curriculum areas involving reading, the DRA approach applies more directly to basal reader programs - DRA manuals use mostly literal, factual questions, requiring only convergent thinking for student responses. However, in DRTA, questions also demand divergent thinking of students, stimulating higher level reading comprehension and interpretation - new vocabulary is pre taught in the DRA approach before children read. The DRTA Approach excludes pre teaching, realistically requiring student decoding of new vocabulary words during reading - DRA manual specify when to teach which skills for reading comprehension. DRTA Approaches do not, requiring more questioning expertise and acceptance of some alternative student responses by teachers

Explain why sorting and categorization are important preschool math skills

- one of the major learning accomplishments of young children is being able to identify similarities and differences among objects - developing this ability enables children to sort like objects into groups and to place objects into categories based on their differences - when preschoolers compare and contrast objects, they demonstrate an important early step in the development of critical thinking, analytical, and problem solving skills

Explain some kinds of oral language skills that are promoted in young children by adults narration of child activities and actions, and some general ways that early childhood caregivers and teachers can do this

- one oral language development technique adults can use is to narrate, or describe what a child is doing as he or she does it - for example, a caregiver can say, "I see you're spreading paste on the back of your paper flower, not too much so it's lumpy, but not too little so it doesn't stick. Now you're pressing the flower onto your poster board. It sticks, good work!" - Hence, narration can be incorporated as prelude and segue to verbal positive reinforcement - this promotes oral language development by introducing and illustrating syntaxes - communicating locations and directionality employs verbs and prepositions - describing intensity and manner employs adverbs - labeling objects/actions that are currently present/taking place with new vocabulary words serves immediately to place those words into natural contexts, facilitating more authentic comprehension of word meanings and better memory retention - caregivers/teachers can narrate children's activities during formal instructional activities and informal situations like outdoor playtime, snack time, and clean up time, and subsequently converse with them about what they did

Give an example of how an early childhood teacher can assess a young child's print awareness

- one way in which a teacher can get an idea of whether or to what extent a young child has developed print awareness is to provide the child with a storybook - then the teacher can ask the child the following - show me the front of the book - show me the back of the book - show me the spine of the book - where is the book's title - where in the book are you supposed to start reading it - show me a letter in the book - now show me a word - show me the first word of a sentence - can you show me the last word of a sentence - now will you show me the first word on a page - please show me the last word on a page - can you show me a punctuation mark - can you show me a capital letter - can you find a small letter or lowercase letter - the teacher should also praise each correct response, supply the correct answers for incorrect responses, and review corrected answers

give a few examples of other body systems that interact with the digestive system

- other body systems work with the digestive system to process nutrients - for example, the nervous system plays a role in appetite, which is signal for us to eat - the central nervous system also stimulates the release and flow of digestive juices - the endocrine system supplies chemicals that aid in digestion - the circulatory system delivers digested and absorbed nutrients to the tissue cells and also picks up waste products produced as a result of the metabolism process

Describe who is typically involved in evaluation of preschool children aged three to five years to determine developmental disability and eligibility for special education services

- parents, at least one regular education teacher and special education teacher if the child has these, and any special education service provider working with the child - for children receiving early intervention services from birth through age 2 and transitioning to preschool special education, and may be an early intervention service provider, a school administrator knowledgeable about children with disabilities, special education policies, regular education curriculum, and resources available, a psychologist or educator who can interpret evaluation results and discuss indicated instruction, individuals with special expertise or knowledge regarding the child, when appropriate the child, and other professionals, for example, physical or occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical specialists, and so on

Describe some of the provisions and features of the federal executive order 13045: protection of children from environmental health risks and safety risks of 1997

- passed by President Clinton, this executive order declares a policy for identifying and assessing environmental health and safety risks that affect children disproportionately, in her addressing these risks through the policies, standards, programs, and activities of every independent federal Regulatory agency - this order defines environmental health and safety resources that can be attributed to substance children ingest or contact - the order established a task force reporting to the president and consulting with the domestic policy council, the National Science and technology council, the council on Environmental Quality, and the office of management and budget - the task force is Co chaired by the HHS secretary and the EPA administrator - the task force overseas A coordinated, integrated federal research agenda and reports relevant research/data biennially, Issues principle, policy, and priority statements, recommends appropriate federal, state, local, tribal government, nonprofit, in private sector partnerships, makes public outreach, communication proposals, identifies related high priority initiatives, and evaluates new legislation to determine whether it will meet the goals of this executive order

Define patterns and relationships

- patterns are generally defined as things that recur or are repeated regularly. Patterns can be found in images, sounds, numbers, events, actions, movements, etc. - Relationships are generally defined as connections or associations between things that are identified or described using logic or reasoning

Identify some general types of topics that young children enjoy talking about, with brief examples

- personal content is important with young children, who enjoy talking about themselves, such as what their favorite color is or where they got their new shirt, about their activities, like what they are constructing with legos or shaping with playdough, or about familiar events and things that access their knowledge, like their family activities and experiences with neighbors and friends

Define personal narratives and their import relative to early childhood language development. Identify some elements necessary to personal narrative development in some of its benefits

- personal narratives are the way that young children relate their experiences to others by telling the stories of what happened - the narrative structure incorporates reporting components such as who was involved, where the events took place, and what happened - understanding and using the structure is crucial to young children for their communication, however, many young children cannot follow or apply this sequence without scaffolding from adults - adults can ask young children guiding questions to facilitate and advance narratives. They can also provide learning tools that engage children's visual, tactile, and kinesthetic senses. This reinforces narrative use, increases the depth of scaffolding, and motivates children's participation. - Children learn to play the main character, describe the setting, sequence plot actions, and use words and body language to express emotions - topic related action sequences or social stories are important for preschoolers to comprehend and express to promote daily transitions and self regulation - such conversational skills attainment achieves milestones in both linguistic and emotional social development

name five components researchers have identified as essential in any effective program for reading instruction

- phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension

Briefly define physical science and matter

- physical science is the science of the physical universe surrounding us - everything in the universe consists of matter or energy - matter is anything that has mass and takes up space - energy is anything that does not have mass or occupy space, but affects matter and space

Describe a creative crash product using colored ping pong balls in an egg garden that adults can complete with children that develop spatial awareness, counting skills, pattern awareness, and artistic design skills

- prerequisite abilities that young children need in order to develop early math skills include the ability to identify, copy, expand, and create patterns, as well as the ability to count - adults can promote the development of these skills by giving children a craft project and introducing them to an interactive game they can play using their crafts - first, the children paint 6 ping pong balls red on one side to make red and white balls - then, the children paint 6 ping pong balls blue on one side to make blue and white balls - once the paint dries, the adults put several balls into an acre and so that one color is face up - the adult starts making a simple pattern and asks each child to continue the pattern - then, the adult allows each child to create his or her own original color pattern - once a child masters creating patterns using solid colors he or she can then use both the white and colored size of the balls to create more complex patterns - children can design an infinite number of patterns, which are often quite artistic

Summarize the two major functions of the human digestive system

- the chief functions of the digestive system are to provide nutrition to the body cells and eliminate waste products left after nourishment is extracted from foods

Provide an example of a popular kindergarten activity that gives children experience with collecting and organizing data to answer basic science questions, and identify the skills and concepts involved

- preschoolers and kindergartners continue their early practices of exploration to learn new things, and they apply fundamental science concepts to collect and organize data in order to answer questions - to collect data, children must have observation, counting, recording, and organization skills - one activity kindergartners and teachers enjoy is growing bean sprouts - for example, the teacher can show children two methods: what are using glass jars and paper towels saturated with water, the other using cups of dirt. The children add water daily as needed, observe developments, and report to the teacher who records their observations on a chart - the teacher gives each child a chart that they add information to each day - the children count how many days their beans took to sprout in the glass jars and in the cups of dirt - they then compare their own results for the two methods, and they compare their results to those of their classmates - the children applied concepts of counting, numbers, time, one to one correspondence, and comparison of numbers - they also witnessed the planting and growing process

relate some general examples of how early childhood programs goals should inform their choices of assessment tools

- programs like head start that promote general early childhood development should select comprehensive assessment instruments. - Outreach programs targeting better identification of children having untreated and/or undetected mental health problems should choose instruments assessing social emotional development - clinics treating children with regulatory disorders might select an instrument measuring temperament - Prevention programs helping multiple needs families access supports and services could use a measure for risk and resiliency factors - Multifaceted early childhood programs often benefit from using several instruments in combination

give a general explanation of how the process of erosion works and explain how it can both break down and build up landforms, and give an example

- rain and wind wear away solid matter - over time, rain reduces mountains to hills. Rocks break off from mountains and, in turn, disintegrate into sand - weathering and the resulting erosion always occur in downhill directions - rain washes rocks off mountains and downstreams - rains, rivers, and streams wash soils away, and ocean waves break down adjacent cliffs - rocks, dirt, and sand change their form and location through erosion. They do not simply vanish. These transformations and movements are called mass wasting, which occur chemically or mechanically - because materials travel as a result of mass wasting, erosion can both break down some areas and build up others. For example, a river runs through an erodes a mountain, carrying the resulting sediment downstream. This sediment gradually built up, creating wetlands at the river's mouth. A good example of this process is louisiana's swamps, which were created by sediment transported by the Mississippi River

define the mathematical number term real numbers and include some examples

- real numbers include all rational and irrational numbers - rational numbers can be written as fractions that have both numerators and denominators that are whole numbers - irrational numbers cannot, as they contain non repeating decimal digits - real numbers may or may not be cardinal numbers

Explain how preschool teachers can adapt the popular red Rover game to support shape and color recognition skills, early literacy skills, and gross motor skills

- red Rover is a good game for groups of children who are attending parties or playing outdoors at parks or playgrounds - two teams take turns calling and roving - the child called runs to the other team and tries to fit into its line - if successful, he or she gets to call another player to bring back to his or her home team - if not, the child joins the opposite team - the game continues until one team has no more members - teachers can adapt this game to teach shape recognition by cutting out various shapes from construction paper of different colors and pinning a shape to each child's shirt. In large groups, more than one child can have the same shape or color. Instead of calling children's names, the teacher instructs players to use shapes and colors when calling. This supports the development of shape and color recognition skills - teachers can vary action verbs to support vocabulary development and comprehensive skills. When children perform such movements, they are also practicing and developing gross motor skills

Summarize the relationship between early oral language development and later literacy achievement, according to research findings

- research finds young children's ability to listen to, understand, and use spoken and written language is associated with their later reading, spelling, and writing literacy achievement

Identify some fundamental science concepts that young children learn during everyday activities and include some examples

- science entails asking questions, conducting investigations, collecting data, and seeking answers to the questions asked by analyzing the data collected - natural events that can be examined overtime and student centered inquiry through hands on activities that required the application of problem solving skills are most appropriate for helping young children learn basic science - in their everyday lives, young children develop concepts of 1 to one correspondence through activities like fitting bags into matching holes or distributing one item to each child in a class - they also developed counting concepts by counting enough items for each child in the group or counting pennies in a piggy bank - they develop classification concepts when they sort objects into separate piles according to their shapes or some other type of category - when children transfer water, sand, rice, or other substances from one container to another, they develop measurement concepts - as they progress, children will apply these early concepts to more abstract scientific ideas during grade school

Define science process skills

- science process skills include observation, classification, measurement, communication, inference, and prediction - inferences and predictions must be differentiated from objective observations

Generally discuss single and multiple risk factors in infants and toddlers for developmental delays

- scientists find that developmental outcomes for children are not reliably predicted by any one risk factor or event - Developmental risk increases with increased biological, medical, or environmental risk factors

generally discuss factors mitigating risk for developmental delays in infants and toddlers

- the child's basic temperament, the child having high self esteem, the child having a good emotional relationship with at least one parent, and the child having experiences of successful learning

Relate what scientists do and do not know about magnetism and discuss a widely accepted modern theory of magnetism

- scientists have known about the effects of magnetism for hundreds of years. However, they do not know exactly what magnetism is or what causes it - French physicist Pierre Weiss proposed the theory of magnetism in the early 20th century that is widely accepted. This theory posits that every magnetic material has groups of molecules that function as magnets. Until a material is magnetized, its domains have a random arrangement, SO1 domains and magnetism is cancelled out by anothers. When the material comes into a magnetic field, its domains align themselves parallel to the magnetic field lines of force. As a result, all of their N seeking poles point in the same direction. Removing the magnetic field causes light poles to repel one another as they normally do - in easily magnetized materials, domains revert to random order. In materials that are harder to magnetize domains lack sufficient force to disassemble, leaving the material magnetized - later versions of this theory attribute domain magnetism to spinning electrons

Give some differential applications of screening instruments versus assessment instruments to early childhood education

- screening instruments are used to identify those children showing signs of possible problems who need assessments, not to diagnose problems - Assessment instruments are used to develop and/or confirmed diagnosis of developmental disorders or delays - Assessment tools are also used to help educators and therapists plan curricular and treatment programs - Another important function of assessment instruments is to determine a child's eligibility for a given program. In addition, once children are placed in early childhood education programs, assessment tools can be used to monitor their progress and other changes occurring over time - Program administrators can use assessment instruments to evaluate children's achievement of the learning outcomes that define their program goals, and, by extension, the teachers effectiveness in furthering children's achievement of those outcomes

Explain briefly why Pluto was once considered a planet in the solar system, but is not classified as a planet anymore

- since more powerful observatories have enabled greater detection and measurement of celestial objects, the international astronomical union has defined 3 criteria for defining a planet - first, it must orbit the sun. Second, it must have enough gravitational force to shape itself into a sphere. Third, a planet must have cleared the neighborhood in its orbit. The 6th question refers to the fact that as planets form they become the strongest gravitational bodies within their orbits. Therefore, when close to smaller bodies, planets either consume these smaller bodies or repel them because of their greater gravity, clearing their orbital area or neighborhood. To do this, a plain as mass must have efficiently exceed the mass of other bodies in its orbit. Pluto does not meet the third criterion, having only 0.07 times the mass of other objects within its orbit. Thus, astronomers reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006 based on its lesser mass and the many other objects in its orbit with comparable masses and sizes

Briefly define human socialization

- socialization is the process by which individuals learn their societies norms, values, beliefs, and attitudes in what behavior society expects of them relative to those parameters - this learning is imparted by agencies of socialization

Discuss some of the properties of solids, and explain why some substances that seems solid are not true solids

- solids maintain their shape when they are not inside of containers, whereas liquids and gases acquire the shapes of containers holding them - containers also prevent liquids and gases from dispersing - of the three forms of matter, solids have the most cohesive molecules - solid molecules are most attracted to each other, and solid molecules are held together most strongly - solid atoms are organized into defined, three-dimensional, lattice-shaped patterns - solids have specific temperatures at which they melt - some substances that seem solid, such as plastic, gel, tar, and glass, are actually not true solids. They are amorphous solids because their atoms do not have a crystalline structure but are amorphous. They also have a range of melting temperatures rather than specific melting points

describe some general instructional techniques for teaching citizenship to early childhood learners

- some creative early childhood teachers have used children's literature to illustrate these concepts. Children can relate personally to stories characters, and story situations make the concepts real and concrete to children. Stories can be springboards for discussing rules and when they do or do not apply - one activity involves children in small groups making class rules, and then rewriting these to be more realistic - when children consider issues of safety or fairness, they begin to develop an understanding of judicial and legislative roles

characterize the nature of the directed reading thinking activity using basal readers in its two main phases

- some selections may include enrichment activities relating them to writing, art, drama, or music - the DRTA approach is designed to develop critical readers through instruction and group comprehension - it requires children's active engagement in reading by processing information, asking questions, and receiving feedback as they read - the first phase of drta is the teachers direction of student thought processes throughout reading - the second phase involves developing students skills according to their needs as identified in phase one and additional extension or follow-up activities

Define spatial sense and geometry relative to early math development

- spatial sense is an individual's awareness of one's own body in space and in relation to the objects and other people around the individual. Spatial sense allows young children to navigate environmental spaces without colliding with objects in other people, to see and hear adequately and to be aware of whether others can see and hear them, and to develop and observe a socially and culturally appropriate sense of their own and others personal space - geometry is the area of mathematics involving space, sizes, shapes, positions, movements, and directions. Geometry gives descriptions and classifications of our physical environment

Discuss some advantages of pasta necklace making as a learning activity for young children, including skills it helps to develop and describe some ways in which adults can help children with the activity

- stringing beads or noodles is an activity that helps young children develop hand eye coordination, which they will need for writing and other everyday activities that require fine motor coordination - noodles are typically the perfect size for young children's hands - they are inexpensive, usually costing less than comparably sized beads - moreover, pasta is non-toxic, an advantage when working with children who put things in their mouths - Hallow, tubular noodles like penne, ziti, and wagon wheels are ideal - fishing line, crafting beading string, and other stiff string is best, soft limp string like yarn is harder for young children to manipulate - using multi colored vegetable pasta removes the need to use markers or dye to add color - if using white pasta, children can color the noodles with markers, but adults should keep in mind that the ink can bleed onto skin or clothes even when it is dry - adults should cut pieces of string that are long enough to allow children to easily slip their necklaces on and off after they are tied - adults should also use a knot to secure a noodle to one end of the string - by providing more than one noodle shape, adults can invite children to string the noodles to create patterns, which develops pattern recognition and pattern creation abilities - these abilities also inform repetition, rhythm, categorization, and sequencing skills, which are important in math, music, art, literature, and clothing design

identify a unique benefit of the language experience approach

- students using their own language in words, and labeling them to interact with texts on multiple levels simultaneously - they thus realized they acquire knowledge and understanding through not just instruction but also their own experiences

Identify some of the main functions of the central nervous system

- summit functions of the central nervous system include controlling consciousness and all mental processes, regulating the functions and movements of the body, and sending and receiving nerve impulses to and from all parts of the body - for example, when we touch something hot, sensory nerve endings in our fingers send impulses to the brain, which interprets them as heat and sends a signal along motor nerves to pull our fingers away

Briefly explain some ways in which abiotic and biotic factors affect environmental conditions

- sunlight determines plant growth and, hence, Biome locations. Sunlight, in turn, is affected by water depths - ocean depths where sunlight penetrates, called photic zones, are where the majority of photosynthesis on earth occurs

Describe a preschool activity that involves tossing a bean bag and playing hopscotch that makes learning and practicing counting and numeracy skills fun for young children

- teachers can encourage preschool children's counting in numbered development by creating a grid on the floor with the numbers 1 to 10 using masking tape, construction paper, and markers - teachers could also draw the grid outdoors by drawing on pavement with chalk - the teacher arranges the numbers in ascending order within the grid of 10 squares and asks the children if they can name these numbers - the teacher provides bean bags - each child gets a chance to throw a bean bag into any one of the numbered squares, which allows them to see how far they can throw or practice their aim - each child names the number inside the square where his or her beanbag lands - the child then play a version of hopscotch by hopping from numbered squared to square, collecting their beanbags, and then hopping back - if desired, the teacher can write the number each child's being bag lands on onto a scoreboard graph - teachers can review learning after the game to assess whether children can count using number words, name selected numbers, and throw accurately with consistency

Give an example of how a teacher can use questioning based on the clinical interview method during early childhood math activities

- teachers can gain a lot of information and insight about how children are learning math concepts by observing their behaviors - for children to actually express their knowledge and thinking processes, however, teachers must ask them questions - for example, when a teacher introduces new shapes to young children, he or she can ask them the shapes names, how they differ from one another, and why they think the shapes differ - teachers can then use children's various responses to elicit further responses from them

Describe a game that teachers can create for preschool children to allow them to practice number recognition. Briefly explain how this game could be adapted to allow children to practice other skills

- teachers can help preschoolers practice identifying numbers and counting by creating a fun fishing for numbers game - teachers cut 10 fish shapes that are about 6 inches long from pieces of construction paper that are different colors - teachers then write a single number between one and 10 on each fish - near each fish mouth, the teacher punches a hole and inserts a paper clip through it - the teacher makes fishing rods by tying strings to dowels and gluing a magnet to each string - after spreading out the fish so the children can easily see the numbers, the teacher assigns each child a number, and they fish for it, picking up the fish by bringing the magnet close to the paper clip - The children then reel in their catches - this gives children practice correctly identifying number names - the game can be adapted for more advanced math concepts as well - for example, the teacher can cut out fish shapes of various sizes and have children fish for larger or smaller fish - the activity can also be adapted to promote literacy development - the teacher can write letters instead of numbers on the fish to give students practice with alphabet recognition, or teachers can write a Dolch word/sight word on each fish to give students practice recognizing and identifying important vocabulary words

summarize how acculturation generally influences the interaction of cultural groups with social systems like education and healthcare

- the extent of the neighbors cultural groups acculturation influences how it interacts with social systems like education and health care - groups that are strongly motivated to maintain their cultural identity may interact less with mainstream systems that significantly conflict with or vary from their own cultural beliefs

identify some abilities and activities that develop chronological thinking

- teachers can help students develop chronological thinking by using and assigning well constructed or well written narratives - these include histories written in the same style of stories, works of historical literature, and biographies - these hold students attention, allowing them to focus on authors depictions of temporal relationships among antecedents, actions, and consequences come of historical motivations and deeds of individuals and groups, and of the time structure of sequential occurrences

discuss some recommended book types and features for shared reading books for preschoolers

- teachers should provide preschoolers with fictional and nonfictional books, poetry and storybooks, children's reference books like picture dictionaries/encyclopedias, and information books covering single topics like weather, birds, reptiles, butterflies, or transportation whereby children can get answers to questions or learn topical information - detailed illustrations, engaging content, and rich vocabulary are strong elements motivating children to develop oral language and understand how to form sentences, how to use punctuation, and how language works

Identify some basic guidelines for early childhood teachers to promote print awareness in young students

- teachers should show young children the organization of books and the purpose of reading - when they read to them, they should use books with large print, which are more accessible for young children to view and begin to learn reading - storybook texts should use words familiar/predictable to young children - while reading together, teachers should point out high frequency words like the comma a comma is, was, and you, as well as specific letters, words, and punctuation marks in a story - teachers can use index cards to label objects, areas, and centers in the classroom, pairing pictorial labels with word labels, and direct children's attention to them - they can invite preschoolers to play with printed words by making greeting cards, signs, or writing shopping lists and personal letters - they should point out print and calendars, posters, and signs - also, teachers cannot have children narrate a story using a wordless picture book, write down their narrative on a poster, and reinforce the activity with a reward related to the story, such as eating pancakes after narrating the book pancakes

Identify a part of the 2009 American recovery and reinvestment act that addresses chronic disease prevention and Wellness and describe the prevention outcomes that are its goals

- the 2009 American recovery and reinvestment act has allotted $650 million for preventing chronic disease - to apply these funds, the US Department of Health and Human Services has designed a comprehensive initiative entitled communities putting prevention to work period this initiative aims to create sustainable positive health changes in American communities, prevent or delay chronic disease, reduce disease factors, and promote child and adult Wellness - obesity and tobacco use, considered the foremost preventable sources of disability and death, are targeted by this initiatives evidence based research programs and strategies, which are intended to reinforce state abilities and mobilize community resources - this initiatives central, 373 million community program includes support from the Centers for Disease control and prevention in selected communities for attaining the prevention outcomes of increasing physical activity levels, improving nutrition, reducing the incidence of obesity and higher than optimal body weights, decreasing tobacco use, and decreasing secondhand smoke exposure - through this initiative, HHS hopes to produce effective models that can be reproduced in States and communities nationwide

Describe the prevalence and some methods of the basal reader approach to reading instruction, including 21st century changes from earlier basal readers

- the Basel reader is America's commonest approach, used in an estimated 75 to 85% of K through 8th grade classrooms - the number of publishers offering basal reading series has decreased to about 1/4 of that in the 20th century, decreasing teacher responsibility for investigating/piloting readers for district approval - using basil readers is a skills based/bottom up approach - teaching smaller to larger reading sub skills in a systematic, rigid sequence assist students transition from part to whole - texts graded by reading level contain narration and exposition organized thematically by unit, including children's literature and diverse other genres - phonics and other specific instructional strands with practice assignments develop skills, which are assessed with end of unit tests - for young children, text decoding is enabled through exact control of vocabulary items and word analysis skills, big enlarged books, and word and picture cards - 20th century and older series sacrificed comprehension and enjoyment for vocabulary control and skill acquisition, but 21st century series vary methods more, affording children more motivation to read

Define the language experience approach (LEA)

- the Lea teachers beginning reading by connecting students personal life experiences with written/printed words

Define the alphabetic principle

- the alphabetic principle is the concept that letters and letter combinations represent speech sounds

define angle of refraction

- the amount that the light wave bends - determined by how much the medium slows down the lights speed

differentially define the autonomic and voluntary nervous system, and the parasympathetic and sympathetic portions of the autonomic nervous system and provide examples of the functions of each

- the autonomic nervous system is automatic and involuntary. For example, it makes her heartbeat. We cannot voluntarily start or stop our heartbeat - the voluntary nervous system is under our conscious control period for example, our brains use it to send impulses to our skeletal muscles when we want to sit, stand, or walk, and those muscles contract in response - the autonomic nervous system is divided into parasympathetic and sympathetic components - the parasympathetic portion stimulates muscular activity in the organs and gland secretion - the sympathetic portion stimulates heartbeat, vasoconstriction, and sweating - these two portions of the autonomic nervous system opposite or balance each other to regulate the system

Generally describe some examples of various aspects of early childhood development measured by different screening and assessment instruments

- the available screening and assessment instruments for early childhood development cover a wide range in scope and area of focus - Some measures are comprehensive, assessing young children's progress in many developmental domains, including sensory, motor, physical, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and social - Some other instruments focus exclusively on only one domain, such as language development or emotional-social development - Some instruments even focus within a domain upon only one of its facets - in addition, some tools measure risk and resiliency factors influencing developmental delays and disorders

identify some major socializing agencies and their functions

- the family, peer groups, and leaders of opinion are considered primary socializing agencies - the family is probably the most important because it has the most significant influence on individual development. Families influence the self concept, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors of each individual member. - As children grow, they encounter peer groups throughout life, which also established norms and values to which individual group members can form. Schools, workplaces, religions, and mass media are considered secondary socializing agencies. Schools dictate additional academic and behavioral norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Workplaces have their own cultures that continue, modify, or add to the values and behaviors expected of their members. Religions also regulate members behaviors through beliefs, values, goals, and norms that reflect moral principles within a society - mass media communicates societal conventions, which enables individuals to learn and adopt new behaviors or lifestyles

identify the parts of the federal IDEA law applying to service programs for this age group

- the federal IDEA law mandates under Part B that disabled children are guaranteed early childhood special education services and under part C that infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delays are guaranteed early intervention programs - The idea requires school districts to find, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities in their attendance areas - School districts have facilitated this child fine process by establishing community informed referral networks whose members refer children who may have exceptional educational needs

Discuss some factors and considerations related to US state criteria for defining developmental delays in infants and toddlers aged zero to two to determine their IDEA eligibility for early intervention services

- the idea part C specifies the areas of development that states must include in defining developmental delays - however, individual states must identify the criteria they use to determine eligibility, including pertinent diagnostic instruments, procedures, and functional levels - states currently use quantitative and qualitative measures - quantitative criteria for developmental delay include the difference between chronological age and performance level, expressed as a percentage of chronological age, performance at a given number of months below chronological age, or a number of standard deviations below mean of performance on a norm referenced test - qualitative criteria include the development considered atypical or delayed for established norms or observed behaviors considered atypical - At least one state differentially defines delay according to a child's age in months with the rationale that a 25% delay for example is very different for a one year old than a 3 year old - Quantitative criteria for defining delay in determining eligibility vary widely among states - A 25% or 20% delay is some common state criteria

describe the general content of an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

- the iep includes a statement of the child's present levels of functioning and performance - it includes a list of more general instructional goals for the child to achieve through school and parental support along with more specific learning objectives reflecting those goals and specifying exactly what the child will be able to demonstrate, under what circumstances, how much of the time, and within what time period

Summarize some of the structures, functions, and characteristics of the human lymphatic system

- the lymphatic system includes lymph, collection ducts, in tissues - inpatient tissues comprise the lymph nodes, the thymus gland, the tonsils, and the Peyer's patches of the intestinal tract - lymph node components are also present in the lungs, the mucosa and the stomach and the appendix, and the bone marrow - microscopic capillaries merged to form lymph collecting ducts. These ducks drained to specific centres and lymphatic tissue. The lymph systems functioning is supported by the spleen and thymus glands. While not all characteristics and functions of the lymphatic system are established, known functions include: return transportation of lymph, protein, and microorganisms to the cardiovascular system, production of lymphocytes by the lymph nodes, filtering of the blood by the lymph nodes, production of antibodies to enable immune response against infection, absorption of fats and fat soluble substances from the intestine, formation of blood cells in response to some illnesses or conditions, and phagocytosis, which is the surrounding or swallowing or eating of infectious particles by cells lining the sinuses of the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver - the lymph system defends the body against infection and supports the veins by helping to return fluids to the bloodstream

define current or amperage and voltage, and identify their respective units of measurement. Include an example of how amps and voltage could be used to quantify a generator's output

- the number of moving electrons in an electrical circuit equals the current, or amperage - the unit of measurement for amperage is the amp, or ampere - the amount of force moving the electrons is the voltage. Its unit of measurement is the Volt - 1 amp equals 6.24 x 10^8 electrons passing through a wire each second - for example, a generator could produce 1 amp using six volts when rotating 1000 times per minute - today's power stations rely on generators

identify the 12 cranial nerves and describe their functions

- the olfactory nerve controls the sense of smell - the optic nerve controls vision - the oculomotor nerve controls the movements of the eye muscles, the movements of the upper eyelids, and the pupillary reflexes - The trochlear nerve controls the movements of the superior oblique muscles - the trigeminal nerve controls facial sensation, the eyes corneal reflex, and chewing - the abducens nerve controls the movements of the lateral rectus eye muscle - the facial nerve controls movement of the facial muscles and the taste sensation in the front 2/3 of the tongue - the vestibulocochlear nerve controls equilibrium via the vestibular system in the inner ear, and hearing - The glossopharyngeal nerve controls the taste sensation in the rear 1/3 of the tongue - the vagus nerve controls variant dual contraction, vocal cord movements, and soft palate movements - the spinal accessory nerve controls movement of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles - the hypoglossal nerve controls tongue movements

identify the three main phases of body nourishment

- the process consists of three phases: ingestion (taking in foods and liquids), digestion (converting ingested nutrients through physical and chemical means into forms that the cells of the body tissues can absorb and distribute), and elimination (removing the byproducts of digestion that cannot be utilized)

Describe which kinds of children generally benefit from Montessori

-Children wanting to "do it myself" -special needs children -individualized attention, independence, and hands-on learning are emphasized -schools prefer culturally diverse students and teach about diverse cultures

Describe some of the functions, organs, and structures of the human respiratory system

- the respiratory system provides oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide, the waste product of respiration - in doing so, the respiratory system and many other body systems work together through complex interactions - 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs, the sternum, the diaphragm, and the intercostal muscles comprise the thoracic cage containing the lungs - as one breathes in and out, the thoracic cage is always moving - the diagram, a muscular wall dividing the chest cavity in abdominal cavity, functions as the bellows for breathing and also plays a role in expelling feces in delivering babies - there are air pathways between the nose and mouth, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs. Alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs, exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

give some examples of formal assessment instruments used in early childhood education

- the scholastic early childhood inventory is a formal one-on-one instrument to assess children's progress in four domains found to predict kindergarten readiness: phonological awareness, oral language development, alphabet knowledge, and mathematics - Other instruments measuring multiple developmental domains include the assessment, evaluation, and programming system (0-6 years) for planning intervention - the Bayley Scale for infant development (1-42 months) for assessing developmental delays - the Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development (0-7 Years) for planning instruction - the Developmental Profile II (0-6 years) to assess special needs and support IEP development - the Early Coping Inventory (4-36 months) And early learning accomplishment profile (0-36 months), both for planning interventions - the Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment (0-42 months) to screen for developmental delays

describe how light absorption produces subtractive color and provides some examples

- the sky looks blue because the atmosphere absorbs all colors in the spectrum except blue, which it reflects. Only blue wavelengths bounce back to our eyes. This is an example of subtractive color, which we see in paints or dyes and all colored objects or materials. Pigments absorb some frequencies and reflect others

Explain the electrical properties of insulation and conduction in terms of atomic structure and identify two requirements for electricity to flow

- the smallest units of all matter are atoms - the nuclei of atoms are orbited by negatively charged electrons - some materials have electrons that are strongly bound to their atoms. These include air, glass, wood, cotton, plastic, and ceramic - since their atoms rarely release electrons, these materials have little or no ability to conduct electricity and are known as electrical insulators - insulators resist or block conduction - metals and other conductive materials have free electrons that can detach from the atom and move around - without the tight binding of insulators, materials with loose electrons enable electric current to flow easily through them - such materials are called electrical conductors - the movements of their electrons transmit electrical energy - electricity requires something to make it flow - a generator creates a steady flow of electrons by moving a magnet close to a wire, creating a magnetic field to propel electrons - electricity also requires a conductor

give a couple of examples of how a teacher can recast and extend children's statements to increase new vocabulary and make complete sentences

- the teacher asks the child what he or she is building, and the child answers a place for sick animals - the teacher asks you mean an Animal Hospital or vet? And the child confirms - when a child says someone was taken to a hospital in the siren, the teacher corrects the usage by saying they took him to the hospital in the ambulance with the siren was sounding? - This recasts siren with the correct word choice, ambulance - it incorporates siren correctly and extends the statement to a complete sentence

Identify four steps in the directed reading activity practice of teaching lessons using the basal reader approach

- the teacher prepares children for reading by stimulating their motivation and introducing new concepts and/or vocabulary - students read silently, guided by teacher questions and statements - the teacher develops student comprehension, and students discuss characters, plots, or concepts to further comprehension - after silent reading, students read aloud and read answers two teacher questions, known as purposeful reading - students follow up workbook activities/practice review comprehension and vocabulary

After a teacher has elicited young children's basic print and book awareness, describe some specific things she should do immediately before reading them a story aloud that will enhance their vocabulary learning, memory, spoken language use, and relation of written stories to real/personal life

- the teacher should identify vocabulary words in the story that he or she will need to go over with the children - the teacher can write these words on the board or on strips of paper - discussing these words before the reading will give the children definitions for new/unfamiliar words and help them understand word meanings within the story's context - teachers can also give young children some open-ended questions to consider when listening to the story. They will then repeat these questions during and after their reading. Questions should not be once children can answer with yes or no. - When discussing vocabulary words, the teacher can also ask the children to relate words to personal life experiences. For example, with the word fish, sub children may want to talk about going fishing with parents - teachers can encourage children to tell brief personal stories, which will help them relate the story they are about to hear to their own real-life experience, making the story more meaningful

describe a hands-on grab bag game teachers can use to help young children develop number names and understanding one to one correspondence

- the teacher writes a number from one to 10 on each of the 10 cards, folding each card in half and putting them into a paper lunch bag - the teacher provides each child with a handful of pennies, play coins, buttons, or little blocks to use as counting tokens - each child takes a turn closing his or her eyes and pulling out a card from the bag - the child reads the number on the card, counts out the corresponding number of pennies, and puts them with the card - as children learned, teachers can place additional or different numbers in the grab bag - to promote the development of early literacy skills, teachers can also include the name of the number on each card

Explain the difference between knowing number names and understanding one to one correspondence, and describe the significance of the latter for preschoolers

- young children learn to name numbers in a way that is similar to how they learn to recite alphabet letters - however, learning to associate number symbols with concrete objects in the real world environment is a major advance in their cognitive development - the concept of 1 to one correspondence entails matching number symbols to the quantities they represent, an essential early math skill

Describe the three levels young children typically progress through as they learn to perceive and identify shapes

- the three levels of perceiving shapes that children typically move through sequentially are seeing, naming, and analyzing - very young children recognize simple shapes like circles, squares, and triangles - as their cognitive and language skills develop, they learn the names for these shapes and use their names to identify single shapes - the third level is analyzing each shape to understand its properties - whereas identifying shapes visually is intuitive and based on association, analyzing their properties is more abstract, since its shape can have a number of different appearances. For example, 3 year olds can differentiate a triangle from other shapes. However, if you show them a very tall and skinny, short and wide, lopsided, or crooked triangle, they will have trouble identifying it as a triangle - at the analysis level, children realize that a triangle has three sides, which are not necessarily equal in length

identify the three states of matter and some of the properties of each

- the three primary states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas - solids preserve their shape even when they are not in a container. Solids have specific, 3 dimensional or crystalline atomic structures and specific melting points - liquids have no independent shape outside of the containers but have specific volumes. Liquid molecules are less cohesive than solid molecules but more cohesive than gas molecules. Liquids have flow, viscosity, and buoyancy. Liquids can undergo diffusion, osmosis, evaporation, condensation, solution, freezing, and heat conduction, and convection - liquids and gases are both fluids, and they share some of the same properties - gases have no shape, expanding and spreading indefinitely outside of containers. Gases can become liquid and solid through cooling, compression, or both. Liquids and solids can become gaseous through heating.

Give a general description of the solar systems location and components

- the universe is composed of an unknown number of galaxies or star systems, such as the spiral nebula, the crab nebula, and the Milky Way - our sun, is one of the billions of stars in the Milky Way - the solar systems planets are held in position at varying distances from the sun by its gravitational force - these planets orbit or revolve around the sun - from the closest to the sun to the farthest away, the solar systems planets are mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - Pluto was historically included as the 9th planet but was demoted to a dwarf planet by the international astronomical union in 2006 - due to angular momentum, planets rotate on their axis, which are imaginary central lines between their North and South poles

Give some examples of typical applications of screening and assessment instruments to early childhood education

- the ways in which screening and assessment instruments applicable to early childhood education are used include a wide range of variations - For example, early childhood education programs typically need to identify children who might have developmental disorders or delays

Explain in summary how the whole language teaching approach addresses young children's early mechanical errors in learning reading and writing, and when more analytical methods are indicated

- the whole language approach concentrates on children seeking, finding, and constructing meaning in language - as such, young children's early technical correctness is not the priority - whole language teachers do not ignore children's errors. However, they do not make correction more important than overall engagement, understanding, and appreciation of reading, writing, and literature - instead, teachers make formative assessments taking into account the errors each child makes. Then they design learning experiences for children that give them opportunities and assistance in acquiring mechanically correct linguistic forms and structures. While this holistic approach finds analytical techniques that break language down into components like phonemes and alphabet letters less useful, children with language processing/reading problems need to learn phonemic awareness, phonics, and other decoding skills to develop reading fluency

Summarize some key elements of the philosophy and general methods of the whole language approach to teaching child literacy

- the whole language approach is based on constructivist philosophy and psychology: children construct their own knowledge through their interactions with their environments - in contrast to analytical approaches like phonics and alphabetic learning, constructivism views learning as an individual's unique cognitive experience of acquiring new knowledge, shaped by the individual's existing knowledge and personal perspective - whole language instruction emphasizes helping children create meaning from their reading and express meaning in their writing - the whole language philosophy emphasizes cultural diversity, integrating literacy instruction across subject domains, reading high quality literature, and giving children many opportunities for independent reading, small group guided reading, and being read to allowed by teachers - Whole language believes children learn to read by writing and vice versa - realistically purposeful reading and writing are encouraged, as is using text that motivate children to develop a love for literature - early grammatical/spelling/technical correctness is not stressed, which can be problematic for children with reading/language processing disorders, who need explicit instruction in decoding skills and strategies

explain how the clinical interview method enhances children's math communication skills and promotes literacy development

- this technique requires children to use language in significant ways during math activities - therefore, these activities not only teach math skills but also promote literacy development - asking clinical interview type questions promotes children's development of math communication skills, one of the essential components of math education - additionally, being able to put one's knowledge and thoughts into words is a skill that is very important in all areas of education, not just math education - using clinical interview type questions helps children learn to use language to explain their thinking, share ideas, and express themselves, promoting and strengthening children's awareness of the functions of mathematical language

identify two major problem solving skills used in abstract mathematics

- to do abstract mathematics in the future, young children will need two major skills that are also used to solve problems: being able to visualize this scenario and being able to apply common sense thinking - thinking and planning to achieve goals within the constraints of the properties of the surrounding environment is a natural behavior for young children. They will persist in their efforts to get an older sibling to stop another activity to play with them, to repair broken toys with tape or chewing gum, to manipulate a puzzle or plastic building block to get one uncooperative piece to fit, etc.

Give some general guidelines for instructing young children in the alphabetic principle

- to help young children understand that written or printed letters represent corresponding speech sounds, teachers should teach relationships between letters and sound separately and in isolation and should teach these directly and explicitly - they should give young children daily opportunities during lessons to practice with letter sound relationships - these opportunities for practice should include cumulative reviews of sound letter relationships they have already learned and new letter sound relationships as well - adults should begin early in providing frequent opportunities to young children for applying their increasing knowledge and understanding of sound letter relationships to early experiences with reading - they can do this by providing English words that are spelled phonetically and have meanings that are already familiar to the young learners

Explain why chronological thinking is important to understanding history

- to see cause and effect relationships and historical events and explore and understand relationships among those events, students must have a solid grasp of when things happened and in what time sequence

provide a general overview of the abilities used during problem solving tasks

- to solve problems, a child must be able to explore a problem, a situation, or a subject, think through the problem, situation, or subject, and use logical reasoning - these abilities are needed to not only solve routine, everyday problems but also novel or unusual ones - using problem solving skills not only helps children think mathematically but also promotes their language development and their social skills when they work together - children are naturally curious about how to solve everyday problems

Identify some techniques whereby teachers can support young children in attaining in-depth comprehension of word meanings

- to support deeper word meaning comprehension, teachers can give multiple definitions and examples for the same word and connect new vocabulary with children's existing knowledge

describe some traditional approaches to cultural diversity in fields like healthcare and education and the pitfalls of these approaches

- traditionally, social systems like education and healthcare have approached cultural diversity by focusing on race or ethnicity and common beliefs about various racial or ethnic group customs. These are frequently generalizations. This type of practice can lead to oversimplified stereotypes and, therefore, to unrealistic behavioral expectations - service professionals need more detailed knowledge of cultural complexities and subtleties to effectively engage and interact with families

Identify some milestones of typical child language development by the age of six months

- typically, babies respond to hearing their names by six months of age, turn their heads and eyes toward the sources of human voices they hear, and respond accordingly to friendly and angry tones of voice

Describe what kinds of information sources are used in the evaluation of a preschool child aged three to five years to determine developmental disability and eligibility for special education services

- under the IDEA, evaluation information sources include: physicians reports, the child's medical history developmental test results, current classroom observations and assessments, completed developmental and behavioral checklists, feedback and observations from parents and all other members of the evaluation team, and any other significant records reports and observations regarding the child

generally discuss how some U.S. states address factors mitigating risk for developmental delays in infants and toddlers

- under the idea, U.S. states have the option to provide early intervention services to children considered at risk for adverse developmental outcomes as well as those already identified with them - some states apply multi risk models requiring three to five risk factors for service eligibility - some states also determine eligibility with less developmental delays when biological, medical, or environmental risk factors also exist

Briefly define vapor

- vapor is the gaseous form of a substance that is solid or liquid at a lower temperature - for example, when water is heated it becomes steam, a vapor

Summarize the role of mathematics in and its relationship to everyday life and other academic subjects

- we use math throughout our lives through everyday activities - there are countless examples and combinations of various mathematical concepts in the real world - additionally, math concepts inform other academic content areas, including music, art, and the sciences - therefore, it is important for children not to view math as an isolated set of procedures and skills - children comprehend math more easily when they can make connections, which involves applying common mathematical rules to multiple, varied functions, processes, and real life activities

Explain how light is reflected

- when a beam of light hits a smooth surface like a mirror, it bounces back off that surface - this rebounding is reflection

provide an example of how teachers can help children apply representation skills as they play and work with material provided in preschool math centers

- when a child enjoys sorting rocks by color, the teacher could state that the child is classifying them, bridging informal math activities with math vocabulary - asking the child how he or she is categorizing the rocks emphasizes math vocabulary - asking the child after he or she finishes what other ways the rocks could be classified encourages problem solving

Discuss some of the beneficial effects extended conversations and turn taking have on young children's oral language development

- when adults engage young children in extended conversations, including taking many back and forth turns, these create the richest dialogues for building oral language skills - Adults make connections with and build upon children's declarations and questions - Adults model richer descriptive language by modifying/adding to children's original words with new vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs, and varying sentences with questions and statements - this introduces new concepts, builds children's linguistic knowledge, and helps them learn to verbalize their ideas

Explain using a general example how planing a play-based preschool curriculum can support and integrate standards-based learning in the linguistic domain

-By encouraging and guiding children's discussion and documentation of their play constructions, and supplying nonfictional and fictional books about building, a teacher also integrates learning goals and objectives for language and literacy development -sequencing, phonological awareness, alphabetic awareness, print awareness, book appreciation, listening, comprehension, speech, and communication

Use basic acoustical principles in the human hearing process to explain how the vibrations of physical objects produce sound, and how we sense and perceive sound

- when any physical object moves back and forth rapidly, this is known as vibration - the movements that occur during vibration disturb the surrounding medium, which may be solid, liquid, or gaseous - the most common sound conducting medium in our environment is gaseous: our atmosphere - an object's vibratory movements represent a form of energy. As this acoustic energy moves through the air, it takes the form of waves, sound waves specifically - the outer ear receives an amplifies the sound and transmits it to the middle ear, where tiny bones vibrate in response to the sound energy and transmitted to the inner ear. The inner ear converts the acoustic energy into electrical energy. The electrical impulses are then carried by nerves to the brain. Structures in the brain associated with hearing receive these electrical signals and interpret them as sounds. The ears reception of sound waves is auditory sensation, and the brain's interpretation of them is auditory perception

identify three skills related to estimation that are important for young children to learn

- when children start to develop the ability to estimate amounts or sizes, this process helps them learn related math vocabulary words, such as about or around, and more than and less than - through estimating, they also learn how to make appropriate predictions and arrive at realistic answers - it is important for young children to learn how to make estimates, to recognize when it is appropriate to apply the estimation method, and to recognize when their estimates are reasonable

give a few examples of basic skills that demonstrate comprehension of patterns and relationships

- when children understand patterns and relationships they can understand repetition, rhythm, categorization, and how to order things from smallest to biggest, from shortest to longest, etc.

explain how play based activities with underpinnings of narrative thought and planning can facilitate conflict resolution

- when conflicts emerge during play, conversation is necessary to effect needed change - narrative development constitutes gradual plot development, play conflicts are akin to fictional/personal narrative problems and result in changed feelings - adults can help young children discuss problems, identify the changed feeling they cause, and discuss plans/actions for resolution

Explain how light is refracted

- when light moves from one transparent medium to another, such as between water and air, the lights speed changes, bending the light wave - it bends either away from or toward the normal line

Identify some of the milestones of typical language development in children at the age of four years

- when normally developing children are four years old, most know the names of animals familiar to them - they can use at least four prepositions in their speech, such as, in, on, under, or from - they can name familiar objects and pictures, and they know and can identify one color or more - usually, they are able to repeat 4 syllable words they hear - they verbalize as they engage in their activities, which vygotsky dubbed private speech - private speech helps young children think through what they are doing, solve problems, make decisions, and reinforce the correct sequences in multi step activities - when presented with contrasting items, 4 year olds can understand comparative concepts like bigger and smaller - at this age, they are able to comply with simple commands without the target stimuli being in their site, such as, put those clothes in the hamper upstairs - 4 year old children will also frequently repeat speech sounds, syllables, words, and phrases, similar to 18 month olds repetitions but at higher linguistic and developmental levels

Describe a few typical preschooler activities that help children develop spatial awareness, and explain why spatial awareness is important

- when preschool children build structures with blocks and put together pieces of puzzle during play, they are not only having fun but are also developing spatial awareness - the relationships of objects to each other and within space are important concepts for children to learn, and surface of foundation for the principles of geometry and physics that children will learn later - when they are moving around, preschoolers begin to notice how other people and objects are positioned in space and how their bodies move through space in relationship to objects and other people - this type of spatial awareness supports children's developing gross motor skills, coordination, and social skills

Discuss some ways that shared reading of books with young children builds oral language skills

- when teachers share books with preschoolers, they can ask questions and discuss the content, giving great opportunities for building oral language through conversation

Explain how play based activities for young children have underpinnings of narrative thought and planning

- when young children play, they often enact scenarios. Place scenarios tell stories that include who is involved, where they are, what happens, why it happens, and how the actors feel about it - children engage in planning when they decide first what they're playing will be about, which children are playing which roles, and who is doing what. This planning and the thought process involved reflect narrative thinking and structure - children who experience difficulties with planning play are more likely to avoid participating or to participate only marginally - since playing actually requires these thought and planning processes children who do not play spontaneously can be supported in playing by enabling them to talk about potential narratives/stories as foundations for play scenarios

Provide a basic definition of culture

- while no single definition of culture is universally embraced, one from the cultural anthropology perspective is, a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that members of society used to cope with their worlds and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning

Describe some ways that blindness in babies and young children affects their emotional and social development, including self-concept

-Blind babies and children are more dependent than others on adults, affecting development -with control of their inner realities but not of their outer environments, blind children may withdraw, seeking and responding less to social interaction -they may not readily develop concepts of the external world or self-concepts as beings separate from the worlds and the understanding that they can be both agents and recipients of actions relative to the environment

Identify the causes of winds and global wind belts

- winds are the result of air moving by convection - masses of warm air rises, and cold air sweeps into their place - the warm air also moves, cools, and sinks - the term prevailing wind refers to the wind that usually blows in an area in a single direction - dominant winds are the winds with the highest speeds - belts or bands that run latitudinally and blow in a specific direction are associated with convection cells - Hadley cells are formed directly North and South of the equator - the farrell cells occur at about 30 to 60 degrees - the jet stream runs between the farrell cells and the polar cells - at the higher and lower latitudes, the direction is easterly. At mid latitudes, the direction is westerly - from the North Pole to the South, the surface winds are polar high easterlies, sub polar low westerlies, subtropical high or horse latitudes, NE tradewinds, Equatorial low or doldrums, SE trades, subtropical high or horse latitudes, subpolar low easterlies, and polar high

Identify the prerequisite knowledge children need in order to estimate basic quantitative measurements

- young children are in the process of learning the concepts of sizes and numbers - children must comprehend concepts of comparison and relativity, such as larger, smaller, more, less, etcetera, before they will be able to make accurate estimates

Describe a cookie baking activity adults can use with young children to help them learn early math skills, including shape recognition, measurement, sorting, categorization, and pattern recognition

- young children are typically curious about adult activities like baking - They usually want to know more about the process and often ask many questions - they also love to be included and to participate, frequently offering or asking to help. Letting them help build their self esteem and self-efficacy - adults can allow children to help while also providing instruction and practice with shape recognition, measurement, sorting, and categorization - the adult prepares a favorite cookie recipe - some children can help measure ingredients, which helps develop the math skill of measurement - with the dough rolled out, children use cookie cutters of various shapes. Recognizing, naming, and selecting the shapes promote the development of shape recognition skills - adults shuffle or mix the baked cookie shapes and have children separate cookies with like shapes in the groups, which promotes sorting skills - having children identify similar and different shapes, sizes, and colors promotes categorization skills - arranging cookie shapes into patterns for children to identify promotes pattern recognition skills, which are necessary for the development of math skills and many other skills - giving each child a cookie to eat afterward is naturally reinforcing

identify some math concepts that are important for preschoolers to learn

- young children can and should learn a number of math concepts and skills, such as the ones recommended by preschool math curricula like the high scope programs numbers plus preschool mathematics curriculum - these concepts and skills include numbers symbols and names, counting, shapes, spatial awareness, relationships of parts to the whole, measurement, units, patterns, and analyzing data

Explain how young children use problem solving skills in their daily lives, and include some examples

- young children continually explore their environments to unravel mysteries about how things work - for example, preschoolers use math concepts to understand that they have three toys, to comprehend that three fingers equals 3 toys, or to understand that two cookies plus one more equals 3 cookies

Summarize the role of representation skills in children's learning and their ability to use early math process skills, and provide a few examples

- young children develop an understanding of symbolic representation at an early age. This is evident in their make believe in pretend play and in their ability to learn written language and connect it to spoken language - as children develop early math skills, representing their ideas in the information they acquire helps them organize, document, and share these ideas and facts with others - children may count on their fingers, create tallies using checkmarks, tick marks, and or words, draw pictures or maps, and as they grow older, make graphs

Explain how repeating shared readings of the same books builds young children's language development

- young children develop preferences for favorite books - once they know a story's plot, they enjoy discussing their knowledge - teachers can use this for extended conversations - they can ask children who the characters are, where the story takes place, and why characters do things and events occur - they can ask specific questions requiring children to answer how much, how many, how far a distance, and how long a time - teachers can also help children via prompting to relate stories to their own real life experiences

Describe a homemade bean bag activity for young children that can develop their accounting skills, numeracy skills, and motor skills, while also encouraging imagination and creativity

- young children enjoy tossing objects and practicing their aim - adults can make a bean bag game that helps children learn numbers and identify sets, while also allowing them to construct their own game rules - first, the adult should cover five big equally sized coffee cans with paper that is adhesive on one side - the adult should then use markers to write a number from one to five and draw the corresponding number of dots on each can - the next step is to fill 15 tube socks with beans and knot them shut - the following numerals and the corresponding number of dots should be written on each of the homemade bean bag using markers: the number one on five bean bags, the number 2 on 4 bean bags, the number 3 on 3 bean bags, the number four on two bean bags, and the number 5 on one bean bag - Next, the adult should attach the cans to the floor with tape or Velcro - then, the adult should mark a line on the floor that children must stand behind, and should direct children only to toss the bean bags into the cans - children will devise various game rules - first, they may simply toss the bean bags into the cans, then, some may try to toss bean bags into a can that has the same number as the one marked on the bean bag - eventually, some may throw three bean bags into the three can - they may or may not keep score - allowing children to determine the details and rules gives them an opportunity to develop their imagination in decision making skills, and to create their own games while learning number and set identification

summarize the order in which children gain alphabetic knowledge, giving some examples of activities wherein children learn, respectively, the names and shapes of letters

- young children learn letter names first, via singing the alphabet song and reciting rhymes in alphabetical jump rope chants - they learn letter shapes after names, through playing with lettered blocks, plastic, wood, or cardboard letters, and alphabet books - once they can recognize and name letters children learn letters sounds after names and shapes and spellings after sounds

Use some examples illustrating how teachers can support young children in using storytelling to organize their thoughts, practice new vocabulary, and exercise their imagination

- young children like to communicate about their personal life experiences. When they can do this through narrative structure, it helps them use new words they are learning, organize their thoughts to express them coherently, and engage their imaginative powers. - Teachers and caregivers can supply new words they need, model correct syntax for sentences by elaborating on or extending child utterances and asking them questions, and build further upon children's ideas - For example, a teacher asks the child what they did at her sister's birthday party. When the child describes the cake and makes gestures for word she doesn't know, the teacher supplies candles, which the child confirms and repeats - when the child then offers, mom says be careful with candles, the teacher asks what could happen if you're not careful. The child replies that candles can start a fire. - In this way, teachers give young children models of sentence structure, teach vocabulary, and guide children in expressing their thoughts in organized sequences that listeners can follow

Give four reasons or purposes for our country's laws and rules that would be understood by young children, and identify the concept children learn when they understand these reasons and purposes

- young children must understand the purposes of rules and laws: they identify acceptable or unacceptable citizen behaviors, make society and life predictable, secure, and orderly, designate responsibilities to citizens, and prevent persons in authority positions from abusing their rules by limiting their power - understanding these functions of laws and rules enables children to realize that our government consists of individuals and groups authorized to create, implement, and enforce laws and manage legal disputes

Identify some prominent characteristics of young children's thinking and learning that inform early childhood math curricula

- young children think in concrete ways and cannot understand abstract concepts, so effective early childhood math curricula typically use many concrete objects that children can see, feel, and manipulate to help them understand math concepts - young children can also naturally learn through exploring their environments, so good early childhood math curricula have many exploration and discovery activities that allow and encourage hands-on learning

Provide several examples of strategies adults can use to help younger children Start learning about the measurement of time

- younger children typically do not have an understanding of the abstract concept of time - adults can ask younger children simple questions, such as who can stand on one foot longer. This comparison strategy helps children figure out which of the two or more actions takes a longer period of time - even when children do not yet understand what 5 minutes means, adults should still make such references - repeating such references will eventually help children understand that time passes - adults can time various everyday activities and tell children how long they took - they can also count the second hand's ticks on a watch or clock. This familiarizes children with counting, and with using counting to track the passage of time - until children are old enough to understand abstractions like today, yesterday, tomorrow, adults can use concrete references like after lunch or before bedtime

Identify how actions a preschool teacher takes to plan a play-based curriculum supports standards-based, domain-related learning

-Active teacher participation by offering observations and asking open-ended questions promotes children's standards-based learning of scientific, mathematical, and linguistic concepts, processes, and patterns.

Describe some genetic or inherited metabolic disorders that cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-Adrenoleukodystrophy is an X-linked genetic trait. Some female carriers have mild forms, but it affects more males more seriously. It impairs metabolism of very long chain fatty acids, which build up in the nervous system (as well as adrenal glands and male testes). The childhood cerebral form, manifesting at ages 4-8, causes seizures, visual and hearing impairments, receptive aphasia, dysgraphia, dysphagia, intellectual disabilities, and other effects. -Galactosemia is an inability to process galactose, a simple sugar in lactose, or milk sugar. By-product buildup damages the liver, kidneys, eyes, and brain. -Hunter syndrome, Hurler syndrome, and Sanfilippo syndrome each cause the lack of different enzymes, all cause an inability to process mucopolysaccharides or glycosaminoglycans. Hurler and Sanfilippo syndromes are autosomal recessive traits, meaning both parents must pass on the defect. All cause progressive intellectual disabilities. -Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, affecting males, is a metabolic deficiency in processing purines. It causes hemiplegia, varying degrees of intellectual disabilities, and self-injurious behaviors. -Phenylketonuria (PKU), an autosomal recessive trait, causes lack of the enzyme to process dietary phenylalanine, resulting in intellectual disabilities

Define the affective approach to remedial or compensatory education used in Project Follow Through and identify three representative curriculum models used

-Affective approaches used in PFT included the Bank Street, Responsive Education, and Open Education Models. -These teaching models aim to enhance school achievement by emphasizing experiences that raise children's self-esteem, which is believed to facilitate their acquisition of basic skills and higher-order problem-solving skills

Explain how certain attachment styles can be indicative or predictive of emotional disturbance

-Avoidant, resistant, and disorganized styles, associated with negative self-images and low self-esteem, are most predictive of emotional disturbances

Define the Basic Skills approach to remedial or compensatory education used in Project Follow Through and identify three representative curriculum models used

-Basic Skills approaches included the Southwest Labs, Behavior Analysis, and Direct Instruction models -These models find that mastering basic skills facilitates higher-order cognitive and problem-solving skills, and higher-self esteem

Describe some ways that blindness in babies and young children affects their emotional and social development, including self-help skills

-skills like chewing, scooping, self-feeding, teeth brushing, grooming, and toilet training are delayed in blind children

Define the Cognitive approach to remedial or compensatory education used in Project Follow Through and identify three representative curriculum models used

-Cognitive approaches included the Parent Education, TEEM, and Cognitively Oriented Curriculum models -These models focus on teaching higher order problem solving and thinking skills as the optimal avers to enhancing school achievement and to improving lower-order basic skills and self-esteem

List the ten main categories of key experiences for preschoolers included in the High/Scope Curriculum

-Creative Representation -Language and Literacy -Initiative and social relations -Movement -Music -Classification -Seriation -Numbers -Space -Time

Give a general summary of some background of the High/Scope Curriculum for ECE

-David Weikart and colleagues developed the HighScope Curriculum in the 1960s and 1970s, testing it in the Perry Preschool and Head Start Projects, among others -Early research focused on economically disadvantaged children, but the HighScope approach has since been extended to all young children and all kinds of preschool settings

Summarize the general methods of Project Follow Through

-Engelmann and Becker invited others to propose various other teaching models in communities selected to participate in Project Follow Through -Researchers asked parents in each community to choose from the models provided. The proponents of each model were given funds to train teachers and furnish curriculum. Models found to enhance disadvantaged children's school achievement were to be promoted nationally

Summarize some findings of Project Follow Through

-Engelmann's DI model showed positive results surpassing all other models. However, the US Office of Education did not adopt this or other models found best

Identify some environmental influences that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-Environmental deprivation syndrome results when developing children are deprived of necessary environmental elements: physical, malnutrition, climate or temperature control, hygiene, and so on. -lack of adequate cognitive stimulation, which can stunt a child's intellectual development and neglect in general -environmental radiation, depending on dosage and time of exposure can cause intellectual disabilities

Identify some emotional disturbances in young children classified as anxiety disorders and some of their symptoms

-Generalized Anxiety disorder involves excessive worrying about anything or everything and free-floating anxiety. Anxiety may be about real issues but is nonetheless exaggerated and spreads, overtaking the child's life -OCD involves obsessive and preoccupied thoughts and compulsive or irresistible actions, including often bizarre rituals. Germ phobia, constant hand washing, repeatedly checking whether tasks are done or undone, and collecting things excessively are common -PTSD follows traumatic experiences/events. Children have frequent, extreme nightmares, crying, flashbacks wherein they vividly perceive or believe they are experiencing the traumatic event again, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and social withdrawal. -Symptoms of panic disorder are panic attack involving extreme fear and physical symptoms like a racing heart, cold hands and feet, pallor, hyperventilation, and feeling unable to move -Children with social phobia develop fear and avoidance of day care, preschool, or other social settings. -Specific phobias are associated with specific objects, animals, or persons and are often triggered by traumatic experiences involving these.

Identify some EC benefits of aesthetic experiences involving shape, describing a preschool activity focusing on the element of shape in art

-Giving young children learning activities that focus on shapes used in art helps them develop their abilities to form concepts and identify discrepancies -Manipulating basic geometric shapes also stimulates their creative thinking skills and imaginations, as well as developing early geometric math skills. -teacher can first read aloud a children's book about shapes, of which many are available. After reading it through, the teacher can go back through the story, asking children to point to and name shapes they recognize. -Then the teacher can show children an artwork. Using line drawings and/or solid geometric shapes, they discuss what shapes the artist used. The teacher can help children arrange solid shapes to form different images (people, flowers, houses). -teacher can then give children paper pulp trays, heavy paper, and/or board; assorted wooden, cardboard, and/or plastic shapes; and instructions to think and arrange shapes they can make with them, and then give them glue to affix the shapes to their trays, paper, and/or board. They can paint their creations after the glue dries.

Identify the prevalence and some etiologies of hearing impairments in babies and young children

-Half or more of infant hearing losses have genetic origins -Down and other genetically based syndromes or the existence of parental hearing loss -About 25% or more of infant hearing losses are caused by maternal infections during pregnancy, such as CMV, postnatal complications like blood transfusions or infection with meningitis, or traumatic head injuries -included in this 25% or more are babies having non genetic neurological disorders or conditions that affect their hearing -malformations of the ears, head, or face can cause hearing loss in babies -babies spending five days or longer in NICUs or having complications while in the NICU are also more likely to suffer hearing loss -Around 25% of babies are diagnosed with hearing loss whose etiology is unknown

Viktor Lowenfeld's contributions to the six stages of art development

-He was familiar with the six stages in the growth of art -Combined these with principles of human development drawn from the school of psychoanalytic psychology founded by Freud

Provide a general summary of the inception of the Head Start Program

-Head start was begun in 1964, extended by the Head Start act of 1981 and revised in its 2007 reauthorization. -It is a program of the US Department of Health and Human Services designed to give low-income families and their young children comprehensive services of health, nutrition, education, and parental involvement

Contrast the concepts of emergent literacy vs reading readiness, and summarize the historical shift in research and theory from the latter to the former

-Historically, ECEs viewed reading readiness as a time during young children's literacy development when they were ready to start learning to read and write, and taught literacy accordingly -In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, research has found that children have innate learning capacities and that skills emerge under the proper conditions -educational researchers came to view language as developing gradually within a child rather than a child's being ready to read at a certain time -the term emergent came to replace readiness, while literacy replaced reading as referring to all of language's interrelated aspects of listening, speaking, writing, and viewing, as well as reading -traditional views of literacy were only based on children's reading and writing in ways similar to those of adults -more recently, the theory of emergent literacy has evolved through the findings of research into the early preschool reading of young children and the associated characteristics of them and their families

Give some examples of how in-depth projects can generally be integrated into early childhood curriculum planning in the Project Approach

-If a class of preschoolers shows interest in the field of medicine, their teacher can plan a field trip to a local hospital to introduce a project studying medicine in depth -during the trip, the teacher can record children's considerations and questions, and then use these as guidelines to plan and conduct relevant activities that will further stimulate the children's curiosity and imagination -the teacher can integrate specific skills for reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and creative thinking

Summarize the genesis of Project Follow Through

-In 1967, President LBJ declared his War on Poverty. This initiative included Project Follow Through, funded by the US Office of Education and Office of Economic Opportunity

Summarize some methods used by Siegfried Engelmann in his research into early childhood instruction

-In the 1960s, Engelmann noted a lack of research into how young children learn -Wanting to find out what kinds of teaching affected retention and what the extent was of individual differences among young learners, he conducted research using his own children and those of colleagues and neighbor, as Piaget had done. -With a previous advertising background, he formed focus groups of preschool children to test-market teaching methods

Explain some ways music is involved in the development of infants and young children

-Infants respond to the sounds of voices and to music. These responses are not only to auditory stimulation but moreover to the emotional content in what they hear -Parents sing lullabies to babies which help children develop trust in their environment as secure -Parents communicate their love to children through singing and introduce them to experiences of pleasure and excitement through music -music progresses to be not only a medium of communication but also one of self-expression as they learn to sing and play musical sounds

Identify some substances of abuse that can cause intellectual disabilities in developing fetuses and newborn infants

-Maternal abuse of solvent chemicals during pregnancy can also cause microcephaly and intellectual disabilities

Identify some social drugs that can cause intellectual disabilities in developing fetuses and newborn infants

-Maternal crack cocaine abuse during pregnancy can cause severe and profound intellectual disabilities and many other developmental defects in fetuses, which become evident when they are newborns -Maternal alcohol abuse can cause fetal alcohol abuse can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which often includes intellectual disabilities, among many other symptoms.

Identify some diseases that can cause intellectual disabilities in developing fetuses and newborn infants

-Maternal rubella virus can cause intellectual disabilities as well as visual and hearing impairments and heart defects -Maternal herpes simplex virus can cause microphthalmia -Varicella virus in pregnant mothers can also cause intellectual disabilities as well as muscle atrophy in babies

Explain using a general example how planing a play-based preschool curriculum can support and integrate standards-based learning in the mathematical domain

-Math standards, including spatial awareness, geometry, number operations, patterns, and measurement, can be supported through planning play -counting blocks

identify some examples of activities affording appropriate exercise for young children

-at least 60 minutes of physical activity most days is recommended -jungle gyms, slides, swings, and other playground equipment -family walks, bike riding, playing catch, baseball, football, or basketball -races or obstacle course -community sports activities or leagues

Describe some ways that blindness in babies and young children affects their emotional and social development, including relationships

-Mother-infant smiling initiates recognition, attachment, and communication in sighted babies; blind babies smile on hearing mother's voice at 2 months -only tactile stimuli like tickling and nuzzling evoke regular smiling in blind babies -missing facial expressions and other visual cues, blind children have more complicated social interactions -they often do not understand the basics of playing with others and seem emotionally ambivalent or uninterested and uncommunicative -peers may reject or avoid them; adults often overprotect them

Explain some ways music enhances child development

-Music facilitates memory, as we see through commercial jingles and mnemonic devices -music improves spatial reasoning -perceptual and logical concepts like beginning and ending, sequences, cause-and-effect, balance, harmony and dissonance, and mathematical number and timing concepts -language development -colors, counting, conceptual relationships, nature, and social skills

Give some general examples of how maturational factors affect the development and learning of babies and young children

-Newborns cannot yet focus on distant objects -infants younger than 5 months cannot sit up unsupported -toddlers who have not yet attained stable walking gaits cannot hop or balance upon one foot successfully -children younger than six years cannot physically sit still for long periods and have not developed long enough attention spans to prevent distraction, which is why first grade starts at age six and kindergarten classes feature varieties of shorter-term activities and more physical movement -younger children have not yet developed the self-regulation to keep from shouting out on impulse, getting up and running around, behaviors disruptive to formal schooling but developmentally normal

Describe some of the general characteristics of infants and young children with intellectual disabilities

-Newborns with intellectual disabilities, especially of greater severity, may not demonstrate normal reflexes, such as rooting and sucking reflexes, necessary for nursing -They may not show other temporary infant reflexes such as the Moro, Babinski, Swimming, stepping, or labyrinthine reflexes, or they may demonstrate weaker versions of some of these. -In some babies, these reflexes will exist but persist past the age when they normally disappear -Babies with intellectual disabilities are likely to display developmental milestones at later-than-typical ages. The ages when they do display milestone day according to the severity of the disability and by the individual. -Young children with intellectual disabilities are likely to walk, self-feed, and speak later than normal developing children. Those who learn to read and write do so at later ages. -Children with mild intellectual disabilities may lack curiosity and have quiet demeanors, those with profound intellectual disabilities are likely to remain infantile in abilities and behaviors throughout life -Intellectually disabled children will score below normal on standardized IQ tests and adaptive behavior rating scales.

Summarize some considerations for early childhood nutrition involving fats

-Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, mackerel, herring, flaxseeds, and walnuts control inflammation, prevent heart arrhythmias, and lower blood pressure -monounsaturated fats from avocados, olives, peanuts, and their oils, as well as canola oil. prevent heart disease, lower bad cholesterol, and raise good cholesterol -polyunsaturated fats from nuts and seeds from corn, soy, sesame, sunflower, and safflower oils lower cholesterol. -These fats should be served in moderation, and saturated fats should be avoided.

Identify five areas or sections of the Montessori Method of early childhood instruction

-Practical Life -Sensorial -Language Arts -Mathematics and Geometry -Cultural Subjects

Identify some variables having the potential to cause learning disabilities in young children

-Prenatal influences like excessive alcohol or other drug consumption, diseases, and so on. -Once babies are born, glandular disorders, brain injuries, exposure to secondhand smoke or other toxins, infections of the central nervous system, physical trauma, or malnutrition can cause neurological damage resulting in LDs -Hypoxia and Anoxia before, during, or after birth, as well as radiation and chemotherapy -Genetic factors

Identify two educational benefits for preschoolers of exploring the element of texture in art, giving an example of an aesthetic experience focusing on texture that a teacher can provide

-Preschoolers learn much through looking at and touching concrete materials. -Activities involving visual and tactile examination and manipulation plus verbal discussion enhance young children's representational/symbolic thinking abilities. -Such activities also enable children to explore various ways of representing different textures visually. -Teachers can provide "feely bags or boxes". Bags or boxes with variously textured items inside, such as sandpaper, fleece, clay, wool, or tree bark for children to feel and describe textures before seeing them, and identify objects based on feel. -A teacher can then show children a selected artwork, and they can discuss together which textures are included (e.g., smooth, rough, jagged, bumpy, sharp, prickly, soft, or slippery). -The teacher can then demonstrate using plaster, thickened paste, or clay how to create various textures using assorted tools (e.g., tongue depressors, plastic tableware, chopsticks, small toys, or child-safe pottery tools) and have children experiment with discovering and producing as many different textures as they can. -After children's products dry, they can paint them the next day.

Discuss some general aspects of aggression relative to early childhood

-Preschoolers typically demonstrate some aggressive behavior, which tends to peak around age four -Young boys are more likely to engage in overt aggression, while young girls are more likely to engage in relational aggression -While more young children eventually phase out aggression as they learn other ways of resolving social conflicts, some persist in verbally and/or physically aggressive behavior causing problems

Describe some differences related to racial and ethnic origin in several types of early childhood health risks and results

-average rates of low birth weights between 2018 and 2020 were almost double for African Americans as for whites -Latinos has similar but slightly higher risk than whites for low birth weight -Native American/Alaska Natives had slightly higher risk than whites, as did Asian/Pacific islanders -The CDC reported that in 2017 and 2018, the prevalence of obesity among different racial groups varied greatly -Non-Hispanic Asians reported the lowest average 17.4 percent of obesity -Non-Hispanic white demonstrated a 42.2 percent obesity rate -44.8 percent for hispanic -49.6 percent for Non-hispanic black adults

Identify some benefits of providing affective learning experiences for young children. Give an example of affective activities for preschoolers

-Providing affective experiences supports young children's emotional development, including understanding and expressing their emotions. -These enable development of emotional self-regulation/self-control. Emotional development is also prerequisite to and supportive of social interactions and development. -Affective activities also help teachers understand how children feel, which activities they find most fascinating, and or why they are not participating. -"Feelings and Faces" activities are useful. For example, a teacher can have each child draw four different "feeling" faces on paper plates (e.g., happy, sad, angry, confused, excited) and discuss each. -A teacher can offer various scenarios, like learning a new song, painting a picture, getting a new pet, or feeling sick, and ask children how they feel about each. Then the teacher can give them new paper plates, having them draw faces showing feelings they often have. -Gluing Popsicle sticks to the plates turns them into "masks." The teacher can prompt the children on later davs to hold up their masks to illustrate how they feel on a given day and about specific activities/experiences.

Give some examples of activities to develop social skills important for early childhood

-Punch and Judy type puppet shows depicting aggression's failures entertain preschoolers; discussing puppet behavior develops social skills. Teachers have children say which puppets they liked or disliked and considered good or bad, what happened, what might happen next, and how puppets could act differently. Teachers can reinforce children's discussion of meeting needs using words, not violence -Many read-aloud stories explain why people behave certain ways in social contexts -discussion/question-and-answer groups promote empathy, understanding, and listening skills -assigning collaborative projects, like scrapbooking in small groups, helps young children learn cooperation, turn taking, listening, and verbally expressing what they want

Summarize the main purposes of Project Follow Through

-Research had previously found that Project Head Start, which offered early educational interventions to disadvantaged preschoolers, had definite positive impacts, but these were often short lived -Project Follow Through was intended to discover how to maintain Head Start's benefits

Describe some genetic abnormalities and syndromes affecting the nervous system that cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-Rett syndrome is a nervous system disorder causing developmental regression, particularly severe in expressive language and hand function. It is associated with a defective protein gene on an X chromosome. Females with the defect on one X chromosome can survive. Males are either miscarried, stillborn, or die early in infancy. Produces many symptoms, including intellectual disabilities. -Tay-Sachs disease, an autosomal recessive disorder, is a nervous system disease caused by a defective gene on chromosome 15, resulting in a missing protein for breaking down gangliosides, chemicals in nerve tissues that build up in cells, particularly brain neurons, causing damage. More prevalent in Ashkenazi Jews. The adult form is rare while the infantile form is commonest, with nerve damage starting in utero. Many symptoms, including intellectual disabilities, appear at 3-6 months and death occurs by 4-5 years. -Tuberous Sclerosis, caused by genetic mutation, produces tumors damaging the kidneys, heart, skin, brain, and central nervous system. Symptoms include intellectual disability, seizures, and developmental delays.

Comment on the HighScope Curriculum for preschool education relative to its school day durations and settings

-School days may be full-day or part-day, determined by each individual program -flexible hours accommodate individual family needs and situations -HighScope programs work in both child care and preschool settings

Explain how certain attachment styles are related to caregiving patterns

-Secure styles are associated with sensitive, responsive caregiving and children's positive self-images and other images -Resistant and ambivalent styles with inconsistent caregiving -Avoidant with unresponsive caregiving

identify some factors that can contribute to emotional disturbances in young children

-Some disturbances, for example schizophrenia, seem to run in families and hence include a genetic component -factors contributing to emotional disturbances can be biological or environmental but more often are likely a combination of both -dysfunctional family dynamics can often contribute to child emotional disorders -physical and psychological stressors on children can also contribute to the development of emotional problems -some people have attributed emotional disturbances to diet, and scientists have also researched this but have not discovered proof of cause and effect -bipolar disorder is often successfully treated with the chemical lithium, so chemical imbalance may be implicated as an etiology -pediatric bipolar disorder, which has different symptoms than adult bipolar disorder, correlates highly with histories of bipolar and other mood disorders or alcoholism in both parents

Viktor Lowenfeld Background

-Taught art to elementary school students and sculpture to blind students. -Friends with Sigmund Freud who motivated him to pursue scientific research -Published several books on using creative arts activities therapeutically

Give some general examples of topics related to creating thematically-based, integrated curriculum teaching units for ECE

-Teachers can base units on topics of interest to young children -building construction, space travel, movie-making, dinosaurs, vacations, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, pets, wildlife, camping, the ocean, and studies of authors and book themes -beginning with a topic that motivates the children is best, related activities and skills will naturally follow

Give some general examples of strategies related to creating thematically-based, integrated curriculum teaching units for ECE

-Teachers should establish connections among content areas like literacy, physical activity, dramatic play, art, music, math, science, and social studies -making these connections permits children's learning through their strongest/favored modalities and supports learning through meaningful experiences, which is how they learn best

Give a general summary of some philosophy of the High/Scope Curriculum for ECE

-The HighScope philosophy is based on Piaget's constructivist principles that active learning is optimal for young children -that they need to become involved actively with materials, ideas, people, and events -that children and teachers learn together in the instructional environment

identify some kinds of data that a developmental evaluation of a young child needs to incorporate, including the professionals, typically conducting each type of assessment

-The child's social history should be obtained, which is typically done by a social worker -Details of the child's development of progress up until present day -The families composition, socioeconomic status, and situation -The child and family's health and medical histories and status should be emphasized -A physicians or nurses medical assessment is required, including a physical examination, and, if indicated, a specialists examination -a psychologist typically assesses, intellectual and cognitive development, at least one such test is generally required -at least one test of adaptive behavior is also require to assess emotional social development -Self help skills are evaluated, this may be included within cognitive, adaptive behavior, or programming assessments -Communication skills are typically evaluated by a speech language pathologist. Both receptive and expressive language must be tested comprehensively, rather than simply by single word, vocabulary tests. -As indicated, speech articulation is also tested -at least one test of motor skills, typically administered by a physical or occupational therapist, is required -Programming evaluation requires at least one criterion referenced or curriculum based measure, typically administered by an educator

Identify several actions a preschool teacher can take to plan a play-based curriculum using a general example

-To plan a curriculum based on children's natural play with building blocks, a teacher can first arrange the environment to stimulate further such play -Furnish materials for children to make plans/blueprints for and records and models of buildings they construct -Teacher can make time during the day for children to reflect upon and discuss their individual and group-building efforts -Teachers can utilize teaching strategies that encourage children to encourage children to reflect on and consider in more depth the scientific principles related to their results -Teacher can provide building materials of varied sizes, shapes, textures, and weights, and can provide props to add realism, triggering more complex structures and creative, dramatic, emotional, and social development -Teachers can take photos of children's structures as documents for discussions, stimulating language and vocabulary development -Supplying additional materials to support and stick together blocks extends play-based learning

Identify some prescription drugs that can cause intellectual disabilities in developing fetuses and newborn infants

-Warfarin, a prescription anticoagulant drug to thin the blood and prevent excessive clotting, can cause microcephaly and intellectual disabilities in an infant when the mother has taken it during pregnancy. -The prescription anti seizure drug trimethadione can cause developmental delays in babies when it has been taken by pregnant mothers

Comment on the HighScope Curriculum for preschool education relative to its most and least effective targets for its application

-Was originally designed to enhance educational outcomes for young children considered at-risk due to socioeconomically disadvantaged, urban backgrounds and was compatible with Project Head Start -found to be effective for children with developmental delays -works well with all children needing individual attention -less amenable to highly structured settings that use more adult-directed instruction

Explain using a general example how planing a play-based preschool curriculum can support and integrate standards-based learning in the scientific domain

-When children play at building with blocks, they investigate material properties such as various block shapes, sizes, and weights and the stability of carpet vs. hard floor as bases. -They explore cause-and-effect relationships, make conclusions regarding the results of their trial-and-error experiments, draw generalizations about observed patterns, and form theories about what does and does not work to build high towers -Ultimately, they construct their knowledge of how reality functions -Compare/Contrast -Matching/Sorting

Provide a general summary of the development of the Head Start program

-While HS was initially intended to "catch up" low-income children over the summer to reach kindergarten readiness, it soon became obvious that a 6 week preschool program was inadequate to compensate for having lived in poverty for one's first five years -HS was expanded and modified over the years with the aim of remediating the effects of system-wide poverty upon child education outcomes

Summarize some examples of characteristics in young children's art that reflect their perceptual, cognitive, and motor development

-a 2.5 year old can grasp a crayon and scribble with it, but by the age of 4, they can draw a picture we recognize as human -a typical 4-year-old drawing of a human is called a tadpole person because it has no body, a large head, and stick limbs. -between the ages of 3 and 4, children make a transition from scribbling to producing tadpole person drawings -greater development in motor control and hand-eye coordination -between ages 4 and 5, children make another transition by progressing from drawing tadpole persons to drawing complete figures with heads and bodies

Comment briefly on recent research findings regarding the relationship of environment, social and emotional support, self-image, and success for young children

-a child's sense of self is significant in predicting success in life -having a good relationship with one parent mitigates a child's psychosocial risks -as a child grows older, a close, supportive, lasting relationship with an adult outside the family can confer similar protection, promoting self-esteem in a child -children with positive self-esteem are more able to develop feelings of control, mastery, and self-efficacy to achieve tasks, and they are more able to manage stressful life experiences. Such children demonstrate more initiative in forming relationships and accomplishing tasks -they reciprocally derive more positive experiences from their environments -children with positive self-concepts pursue, develop, and sustain experiences and relationships that support success -their positive self-images are further enhanced by these successes, generating additional supportive relationships and experiences

Describe some things adults should do to minimize aggressive behavior in young children

-avoid disciplining children physically -avoid physically and/or verbally violent interactions with other adults -prevent young children's exposure to violent TV programming and video games

Summarize some EC benefits of learning about the element of line in visual art. Describe an example of a preschool lesson providing an aesthetic experience focused on line

-activities focusing on lines in art help young children expand their symbol recognition, develop their comparison making ability, and facility share recognition -teachers can begin by singing a song or reading a children's story about lines. Then they can present one painting, drawing, or other artwork and help children point at various kinds of lines that the artist used. -teacher can draw various line types on a separate piece of paper and ask children to find similar lines in the artwork. Then, children can try drawing these lines themselves -teachers should also inform children of various tools for drawing lines, such as crayons, pencils, etc. -teacher can also supply butcher paper or other roll paper for each child to lie down on in whatever creative body positions they can make and teacher outlines their body shapes with a marker -teacher has the children explore drawing different kinds of lines, using various kinds of drawing tools, to enhance and personalize their individual body outlines

Discuss some feeding strategies that adults can use to support young children's development of nutrition eating habits and attitudes

-adults can experiment by substituting different foods that are similar sources of protein or other nutrients to foods young children dislike -preparing meals to look like happy faces or animals or to have appealing designs can entice young children to eat varied foods -engaging children age-appropriately in selecting and preparing meals with supervision can also motivate them to consume foods when they have participated in their preparation -adults should model healthy eating habits for young children, who imitate admired adults' behaviors -adults should impart the message early that no foods are bad or forbidden, allowing some occasional indulgences in small amounts to prevent the development of eating disorders

Describe some general strategies that adults can apply to help in managing the normal behavior of young children in EC care and educational settings

-adults should make sure children understand the situation by stating the rules simply and clearly, repeating them frequently for a long time, and state and enforce rules very consistently to avoid confusion. -adults should tell children clearly what they expect of them. They should never assume they need to do nothing when children follow rules; they should consistently give rewards for compliance -adults should also explain to young children why they are or are not receiving rewards by citing the rule they did or did not follow -adults can arrange the environment to promote success -organization is important. Adults should begin with a simple, easy-to-implement plan and adhere to it -record children's progress; analyzing the records shows what does and does not work and why, enabling new/revised plans

identify some examples of safety precautions surrounding exercise for young children

-adults should plan and supervise activities to prevent injuries -provide repeated sunscreen applications for outdoor activities to prevent sunburn and long-term skin damage

describe visual processing disorders

-affect visual perception despite normal visual acuity, causing difficulty finding information in printer texts or from maps, charts, pictures, graphs, and so on, synthesizing information from various sources into one place, and remembering directions to locations

Summarize a few aspects of the genesis and rationale of Head Start, and of the Early Head Start Program in terms of its relationship to the original Head Start Program

-after research had accumulated considerable evidence of how important children's earliest years are to their ensuing growth and development, the US department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Office of Head Start established the Early Head Start Program in 1995 -EHS works to improve prenatal health, improve infant and toddler development, and enhance healthy family functioning -Serves children from 0-3 -EHS stresses parental engagement in children's growth, development, and learning, much like the original program

Describe some of the developmental characteristics of infants and young children with visual impairments (VI)

-ages for reaching developmental milestones are equally variable in visually impaired babies as in others and that they acquire milestones within equal age ranges -one developmental difference is in sequence: visually impaired children tend to utter their first words or subject-verb two-word sentences earlier than other children -some visually impaired children also demonstrate higher levels of language development at younger-than-typical ages. For example, they may sing songs from memory or recall events from the past at earlier ages than other children. This is a logical development in children who must rely more on input to their hearing and other senses than to their vision when the latter is impaired -totally blind babies reach for objects later; hand use, eye-hand coordination, and gross and fine motor skills are delayed -blind infants' posture control develops normals, but mobility is delayed

Identify some of the characteristics of the emotional disturbance known as conduct disorder in children

-aggression: they will bully or intimidate others, often start physical fights, will use dangerous objects as weapons, exhibit physical cruelty to animals or humans, and assault and steal from others -deliberate property damage: breaking things or setting fires -young children are limited in some of these activities by their smaller size, lesser strength, and lack of access; however, they show the same types of behaviors against smaller, younger, weaker, or more vulnerable children and animals, along with oppositional and defiant behaviors against adults -while truancy is impossible or unlikely in preschoolers, and running away from home is less likely, young children with conduct disorders are likely to demonstrate some forms of seriously violating rules

Identify some of the etiologies and characteristics of multiple disabilities in babies and young children

-anything causing neurological damage before, during, or shortly after birth can result in multiple disabilities, particularly if it is widespread rather than localized -infants deprived of oxygen or suffering TBI in utero, during labor or delivery, or postnatally can sustain severe brain damage -babies having encephalitis or meningitis and those whose mothers abused drugs prenatally -infants with this type of extensive damage can often present with multiple disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, physical paralysis, mobility impairment, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and speech-language disorders -in addition to a difficulty or inability with normal physical performance, multiply disabled children often have difficulty acquiring and retaining cognitive skills and transferring or generalizing skills among settings and situations

Discuss some general guidelines regarding nutritional factors in diet that affect early childhood development

-babies are typically nourished via the mother's milk or infant formula, then with baby food -young children mostly eat the same foods as adults by the age of 2 -young children have similar nutritional needs as adults, though they eat smaller quantities -calcium can be more important in early childhood to support the rapid bone growth occurring during this period -young children should receive 2-3 servings of dairy products and/or other calcium-rich foods -for all ages, whole-grain foods are nutritionally superior for their fiber and nutrient than refined flours, which have had these removed -refined flours provide empty calories causing wider blood-sugar fluctuations and insulin, type 2 diabetes risk, than whole grains, which stabilize blood sugar and offer more naturally occurring vitamins and minerals -darkly and brightly colored produce are more nutritious -adults should cut foods into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking in young children who have not yet perfected their biting, chewing, and swallowing skills.

identify some adult strategies to support young children in getting adequate quantity and quality of sleep

-because they have not developed much self-regulation, they need adult guidance to calm down enough to go to sleep and will often resist bedtimes -adults should plan bedtime routines -these can vary, but their most important aspect is consistency -children then expect routines' familiar steps, and anticipating these steps comfort them

Summarize some of the key features of the Direct Instruction method of teaching children

-behavioral method of teaching -learner errors receive immediate corrective feedback, and correct responses receive immediate, obvious positive reinforcement -fast pace: 10-14 learner responses per minute overall, affording more attention and less boredom, reciprocal teacher-student feedback, immediate indications of learner problems to teachers, and natural reinforcement of teacher activities -promotes more mutual student and teacher learning than traditional "one-way" methods -children are instructed in small groups according to ability levels -attention is teacher-focused -teacher presentations follow scripts designed to give instruction the proper sequence, including prewritten prompts and questions developed through field-testing with real students, which allow teachers to attend to extra instructional and motivational aspects of learning -cued by teachers, who control the pace and give all learners with varying response rates chances for practice, children respond actively in groups and individually -small groups are typically seated in semicircle close to teachers, who use visual aids like blackboards and overhead projectors

Discuss some of the impacts of blindness upon the cognitive development of infants and young children

-blind children have more difficulty determining and confirming characteristics of things, hence defining concepts and organizing them into more abstract levels -their problem solving is active but harder, and they construct different realities than sighted children -blind babies typically acquire object permanence a year later than normal, they learn to reach for objects only by hearing -understanding cause-and-effect relationships is difficult without visual evidence -blind babies and toddlers take longer to understand an object's constancy regardless of their orientation in space, affecting their ability to orient toys and their own hands -blind children can identify object size differences and similarities, but classifying object differences and similarities in other attributes requires longer times and more exposures to various similar objects -blind children's development of the abilities to conserve object properties like material or substance, weight, amount and volume, length, and liquid volume is later than normal

Discuss some genetic influences on some EC behaviors, some environmental influences on these, and how the two interact

-both genetic variables and environmental ones affect young children's propensities toward antisocial behavior -children experiencing more corporal punishment and children who are at greater genetic risk display greater behavior problem -boys at higher genetic risk for behavior problems who also experience more corporal punishment exhibit the most antisocial behavior -both genetic risk factors and corporal punishment significantly predict preschoolers' antisocial behavior -the nature-nurture interaction of genetic risk factors and environmental punishment is statistically significant for young boys but not young girls -environmental learning is not wholly responsible for antisocial behavior: genetic variables predispose some young children to antisocial behaviors more than others

Identify some factors that can lead to developmental delays in babies and young children

-can come from genetic or environmental causes or both -infants and young children with intellectual disabilities are most likely to exhibit developmental delays. Their development generally proceeds similarly to that of normal children but at slower rates; milestones are manifested at later-than typical ages -sensory impairments such as with hearing and vision can also delay many aspects of children's development -children with physical and health impairments are likely to exhibit delays in their motor development and performance of physical activities -another factor is environmental: children deprived of adequate environmental stimulation commonly show delays in cognitive, speech-language, and emotional and social development -children with ASDs often have markedly delayed language and speech development, many are nonverbal -Autistic children also typically have impaired social development, caused by an inability or difficulty with understanding others' emotional and social nonverbal communications -When they cannot interpret these, they do not know how to respond and also cannot imitate them; however, they can often learn these skills with special instruction

Describe some of the characteristics of infants and young children who have sustained TBIs

-can impair a child's cognitive development and processing -can impede the language development of children, which is dependent upon cognitive development -difficulties with attention, retention, and memory, reasoning, judgment, understanding abstract concepts, and thinking abstractly, and problem-solving abilities -impair a child's motor functions and physical abilities -abnormal sensory and perceptual functions -ability to process information is compromised -speech can be affected -impair a child's psychosocial behaviors -memory deficits are commonest, tend to be more long-lasting, and are often area-specific -cognitive inflexibility or rigidity, damaged conceptualization and reasoning, language loss or poor verbal fluency, problems with paying attention and concentrating, inadequate problem solving, and problems with reading and writing

Describe some factors related to diagnosing the emotional disturbances in children classified as psychotic disorders

-causes can be from known metabolic or brain disorders or unknown -younger children are more vulnerable to environmental stressors -in young children, thoughts distorted by fantasy can be from normal cognitive immaturity, due to lack of experience and a larger range of normal functioning, or pathology, where they lie on the continuum must be determined by clinicians -believing one is a superhero who can fly can be vivid imagination or delusional, having imaginary friends can be pretend play or hallucinatory -other developmental disorders can also cloud differential diagnosis

describe central auditory processing disorder

-causes difficulty perceiving small differences in words despite normal hearing acuity, couch as cow or chair as hair -background noise and information overloads exacerbate the effects

summarize some protective factors against risk factors for young children that researchers have found in economically deprived and culturally diverse environments

-child's personality traits -having stable, supportive, cohesive family units -having external support systems promoting positive values and coping skills

Summarize some general contrasts between individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures

-children are encouraged to assert themselves and make their own choices to realize their highest potentials, with the ultimate goal of individual self-fulfillment -collectivistic/sociocentric cultures, however, place the highest importance on group well-being; if collective harmony is disrupted by individual assertiveness, such self-assertion is devalued -difference between standing out and fitting in

Describe some of the characteristics of speech and language impairments in young children

-children fail to pronounce specific speech sounds or phonemes correctly beyond the normal developmental age for achieving accuracy -stuttering, disfluency, and rate and rhythm disorders can cause children to repeat phonemes, especially initial word sounds, to repeat words, to prolong vowels or consonants, or to block, straining so hard to produce a sound that, pressure builds, but no sound issues -their speech rates may also speed and slow irregularly -children with voice disorders can have voices that sound hoarse, raspy, overly nasal, higher- or lower-pitched than normal, overly weak or strident, and whispery or harsh -hoarseness is common with vocal nodules and polyps -cleft palate commonly causes hyper nasality -in language, one of the most common impairments is delayed language development due to environmental deprivation, intellectual disabilities, neurological damage or defects, hearing loss, visual impairments, and so on -children with neurological damage or disorders may exhibit aphasias, language disorders characterized by receptive difficulty with understanding spoken or written language, or expressive difficulty constructing spoken or written language

Describe the cultural subjects section of the montessori method

-children learn science, art, music, movement, time, history, history, geography, and zoology

Describe the mathematics and geometry section of the montessori method

-children learn to recognize numbers, count, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and use the decimal system via hands-on learning with concrete materials

Comment on some recommended practices for adults to use in helping young children make transitions from sleeping in cribs to regular beds

-children should be moved to regular beds, with guardrails and/or body pillows to prevent rolling and falling out accidents -if a child is moved to a bed to free the crib for a new baby, this should be done weeks ahead of the infant's new arrival if possible, to separate these two significant life events -if hesitant, children can sleep in the crib and nap in the bed for a gradual transition until read for the bed full-time

Describe some of the characteristics of babies and children with physical and health impairments

-children with cerebral palsy usually have deficiencies in gross and fine motor development and deficits in speech-language development -physical and health conditions causing severe debilitation in some children not only seriously limit their daily activities but also cause multiple primary disabilities and impair their intellectual functioning -Other children with physical or health impairments function at average, above-average, or gifted intellectual and academic levels -an important consideration when working with babies and young children having physical or health impairments is handling and positioning them physically. Correctly picking up, holding, carrying, giving assistance, and physically supporting younger children and arranging play materials for them based on their impairment is not only important for preventing injury, pain and discomfort, it also enables them to receive instruction better and to manipulate materials and perform more efficiently -preschoolers with physical impairments also tend to have difficulty with communication skills, so educators should give particular attention to facilitating and developing these

Describe some of the symptoms of pediatric bipolar disorder

-children's mood swings often occur much faster, and children show more symptoms of anger and irritability than other adult manic symptoms -frequent mood swings, extreme irritability, protracted tantrums or rages, separation anxiety, oppositional behavior, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility, restlessness and fidgetiness, silly, giddy, or goofy behavior, aggression, racing thoughts, grandiose beliefs or behaviors, risk-taking, depressed moods, lethargy, low self-esteem, social anxiety, hypersensitivity to environmental or emotional triggers, carb cravings, trouble getting up in the morning -bed wetting, night terrors, pressured or fast speech, OCD behaviors, motor and vocal tics, excessive daydreaming, poor short-term memory, poor organization, learning disabilities, morbid fascinations, hyper sexuality, bossiness and manipulative behavior, lying, property destruction, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, and suicidal ideations -less common symptoms include migraines, bingeing, self-injurious behaviors, and animal cruelty

As an example of physiological influences on child development, describe some findings about the relationship of sleep quality to blood sugar control in children with Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes

-diabetic children spend more time in lighter than deeper stages of sleep compared to non diabetic children, resulting in higher levels of blood sugar and poorer school performance -lighter sleep and resulting daytime sleepiness tend to increase blood sugar levels -sleep apnea interruptions result in poorer sleep quality, fatigue, and daytime sleepiness -roughly one third of diabetic children studied have sleep apnea, regardless of their weight -sleep apnea is additionally associated with much higher blood sugars in diabetic children

Summarize some of Siegfried Engelmann's contributions to early childhood education

-cofounded the Bereiter-Engelmann Program with funding from the US Office of Education. This project demonstrated the ability of intensive instruction to enhance cognitive skills in disadvantaged preschool-aged children, establishing the Bereiter-Engelmann Preschool Program -conducted experiments reexamining Piaget's theory of cognitive development, specifically concerning the ability to conserve liquid volume. They showed it could be taught, contrary to Piaget's contention that this ability depended solely on a child's cognitive developmental stage -researched curriculum and instruction, including preschoolers with Down Syndrome and children from impoverished backgrounds, establishing the philosophy and methodology of Direct Instruction -designed numerous reading, math, spelling, language, and writing instruction programs, as well as achievement tests, videos, and games -worked with Project Head Start and Project Follow Through, including his and Wesley Becker's comparison of their Engelmann-Becker model of early childhood instruction with other models in teacher disadvantaged children

Identify some of the infections that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) is passed to fetuses from mothers, who may be asymptomatic. 90% of newborns are also asymptomatic, 5-10% have later problems. Of the 10% born with symptoms, 90% will have later neurological abnormalities, including intellectual disabilities -Congenital Rubella is passed to fetuses from unvaccinated and exposed mothers, causing neurological damage, including blindness or other eye disorders, deafness, heart defects, and intellectual disabilities -Congenital toxoplasmosis is passed to fetuses by infected mothers, who can be asymptomatic, with a parasite from raw or undercooked meat that causes intellectual disabilities, vision or hearing loss, and other conditions -Encephalitis is brain inflammation caused by infection, most often viral. -Meningitis is inflammation of the meninges, or membranes, covering the brain and is caused by viral or bacterial infection; the bacterial form is more serious. Both encephalitis and meningitis can cause intellectual disabilities -Maternal HIV and AIDS can be passed to fetuses, destroying immunity to infections, which can cause intellectual disabilities. -Maternal listeriosis, a bacterial infection from contaminated food, animals, soil, or water can cause meningitis and intellectual disabilities in surviving fetuses and infants.

Identify some metabolic influences that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-congenital hypothyroidism can cause intellectual disabilities -hypoglycemia from inadequately controlled diabetes or occurring independently and infant hyperbilirubinemia -excessive bilirubin buildup in babies -Reye syndrome caused by aspirin given to children with flu or chicken pox, or following these viruses or other upper respiratory infections, or from unknown causes, produces sudden liver and brain damage

explain how EC teachers can incorporate scientific inquiry and discovery, giving some examples

-construct skeletons of dry pasta, using their pictures as heads -cooking activities involve science, as do art activities -explore various substances' solubility in water and which colors are produced by mixing with other colors -compare and contrast different objects -create inexpensive science centers using animal puppets, models, thematically related games, puzzles, books, and writing materials, mirrors, prisms, and magnifiers, scales, magnets, and various observable, measurable objects -teachers should regularly vary materials to sustain interest

Explain some of the advantages of using thematic teaching units as an integrated curriculum teaching strategy in EC classrooms

-create learning environments for young children that promote all children's active engagement, as well as their process learning -build upon children's preexisting knowledge and current interests and also help them relate information to their own life experiences -varied curriculum content can be more easily integrated through thematic units in ways that young children can understand and apply meaningfully -children's diverse individual learning styles are accommodated -involve children physically in learning, teach them factual information in greater depth, teach them learning process-related skills, holistically integrate learning, encourage cohesion in groups, meet children's individual needs, and provide motivation to both children and their teachers

Identify some components and characteristics of good bedtime routines that adults can plan for young children to help them get to sleep timely and sleep well

-daytime activities stop at a specific time -establishing limits early will help parents enforce stopping these activities at bedtime when they are older, too -bath time is one good way to begin bedtime routines -healthy bedtime snacks are important -adults should plan nighttime snacks appropriately for the individual child -bedtime reading promotes interest in books and learning and adult-child/family bonding and calms children -singing lullabies, hugging, and cuddling also support bonding, relax children, and make them feel safe and secure

Describe insecure and disorganized attachment style

-dazed and confused -respond inconsistently -may mix resistant and ambivalent and avoidant behaviors

Describe some characteristics in infants and young children that can indicate developmental delays

-delays can occur in cognitive, speech-language, social-emotional, gross motor skill, or fine motor skill development -signs of delayed motor development include stiff or rigid limbs, floppy or limp body posture for the child's age, using one side of the body more than the other, and clumsiness unusual for the child's age -behavioral signs of children's developmental delays include inattention or shorter-than-normal attention span for the age, avoiding or infrequent eye contact, focusing on unusual objects for long times or preferring objects over social interaction, excessive frustration when attempting tasks normally simple for children their age, unusual stubbornness, aggressive and acting-out behaviors, daily violent behaviors, rocking, excessive talking to oneself, and not soliciting love or approval from parents

Discuss some aspects of promoting and teaching dental hygiene with young children

-dental hygiene practices can affect their permanent adult teeth before they erupt -adults should not only teach children how important it is to brush their teeth twice and floss once daily at a minimum, they should also model these behaviors -integrating tooth brushing into morning and bedtime routines promotes the habit -adults can help motivate resistant children with entertaining toothbrushes that play music, spin, light up, and/or have cartoon illustrations -young children have not developed the fine motor skills sufficient for flossing independently and will need adult supervision until they are older. Individual flossers are easier for them to use with help than traditional string dental floss

Describe some salient aspects of typical early childhood physical development, including brain growth.

-early childhood physical growth is slower than infant growth -from birth to 2 years, children generally grow to 4 times their newborn weight and 2/3 their newborn length/height -From 2-3 years, children usually gain only about 4lbs and 3.5 inches -From 4-6 years, growth slows more with gains of 5-7lbs and 2.5 inches -3 and 4 year olds appear to eat less food but actually just eat fewer calories per pound of body weight -brains attain 55% of adult size by 2 years and 90% by 6 years -The majority of brain growth is around 4/4.5 years, with a growth spurt around 2 years and growth rates slowing significantly between 5 and 6 years -Larger brain size indicates larger neurons, differences in their organization, more glial cells nourishing and supporting neurons, and greater myelination.

Give some general examples of benefits related to creating thematically-based, integrated curriculum teaching units for ECE

-effectively address individual differences and modality-related strengths, as represented in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences -facilitate creating motivational learning centers and hands-on learning activities and are also compatible with creating portfolio assessments and performance-based assessments -Teachers can encompass skill and conceptual benchmarks for specific age/developmental levels within engaging themes

Provide an example of preschool activities that provide affective experiences and promote emotional development, physical activity, and creativity

-emotional movement activities -teacher can begin with prompting the children to demonstrate various types of body movements with postures, like crawling, walking tiptoeing, skipping, hopping, crouching, slouching, limping, or dancing -teacher can ask the children which feelings they associate with each type of movement and body position -teacher can play some music for children to move to and give instructions such as "move like you are happy/sad/scared/surprised/angry -teachers can also use freeze dance games where children move to music and must freeze in position like statues when the music stops -for affective practice, teachers instruct children to depict a certain emotion each time they freeze in place

Summarize some key aspects of the philosophy of the Montessori Method of early childhood education as a curriculum approach

-emphasizes children's engagement in self-directed activities, with teachers using clinical observations to act as children's guides -employs self-correcting (autodidactic) equipment -focuses on the significance and interrelatedness of all life forms, and the need for every individual to find his or her place in the world and to find meaningful work -children learn complex math skills and gain knowledge about diverse cultures and languages -emphasis on adapting learning environments to individual children's developmental levels -believes in teaching both practical skills and abstract concepts through the medium of physical activities -teachers observe and identify children's movements into sensitive periods when they are best prepared to receive individual lessons in subjects of interest to them that they can grasp readily -children's senses of autonomy and self-esteem are encouraged -instructors also strive to engage parents in their children's education

Provide a general summary of the character of the Head Start Program

-emphasizes developing early reading and math abilities preschoolers will need for school success

Summarize some main general features of the curricula developed by Siegfried Engelmann

-emphasizing phonics and computation early in young children's instruction -using a precise logical sequence to teach new skills -teaching new skills in small, separate, "child-sized" pieces -correcting learners' errors immediately -adhering strictly to designated teaching schedules -constantly reviewing to integrate new learning with previously attained knowledge -scrupulous measurement techniques for assessing skills mastery

Describe the language arts section of the Montessori Method

-encourages young children to express themselves in words -learn to identify letters, match them with corresponding phonemes, and manually trace their shapes as preparation for learning reading, spelling, grammar, and writing

Give a general summary description of the Project Approach

-entails having young children choose a topic interesting to them, studying this topic, researching it, and solving problems and questions as they emerge

Describe insecure and resistant attachment style

-exaggerated separation anxiety -ambivalence and resistance to their mother upon reuniting -fear strangers -cry more -explore less

Identify some of the things that can cause traumatic brain injuries in babies and young children

-falls, MVAs, and physical abuse -aneurysms and strokes -open and closed head injuries -shaken baby syndrome

Summarize some disadvantages for young children that researches have found in economically deprived and culturally diverse environments

-fewer stimulating toys -less diverse verbal interaction -commonly inadequate nutrition

Comment on the HighScope Curriculum for preschool education relative to its technology use

-frequently incorporates computers as regular program components, including developmentally appropriate software, for children to access when they choose

Discuss some disabling conditions that generally can result from premature births

-generally, the lower the birth weight and the more prematurely a child is born, the greater the risk is for complications -infants born at less than 34 weeks of gestation typically cannot coordinate their sucking and swallowing and may temporarily need feeding or breathing tubes or oxygen. They also need special nursery care until able to maintain their body temperatures and weights -long-term complications of prematurity can include bronchopumonary dysplasia, a chronic lung condition, delayed physical growth and development, delayed cognitive development, mental or physical delays or disabilities, and blindness, vision loss, or retinopathy of prematurity -While some premature infants sustain long-term disabilities, some severe, other babies birth prematurely grow up to show no effects at all; any results within this range can also occur

Describe the general sleep needs and behaviors of young children

-sleep is vital for young children's growth and development -children aged 2-5 need 10-12 hours of sleep daily -children 5-7 years old typically need 9-11 hours of sleep -sleep schedules should be fairly regular -overall inconsistent/disorganized schedules cause lost sleep and lethargic and/or cranky children -some young children sleep fewer hours at night but need long daytime naps, while others need longer, uninterrupted nighttime sleep but seldom nap

Discuss some significant signs of progress in the typical motor development of young children

-genetics, physiological maturation, nutrition, and experience through practice combine to further preschoolers' motor skills development -Newborns' reflexive behaviors progress to preschoolers' voluntary activities -children's perception of the size, shape, and position of the body and boy parts becomes more accurate by preschool ages -increases in bilateral coordination of the body's two sides enhance preschoolers' motor skills -motor skills development entails both learning new movements and gradually integrating previously learned movements into smooth, continuous patterns, as in learning to throw a ball with skill. Both large muscles and small muscles develop -Hand-eye coordination involves fine-motor control -preschoolers use visual feedback, seeing whether they are making things go where and do what they want them to, in learning to manipulate small objects with their hands and fingers

Give some benefits of the Project Approach

-gives children greater practice with creative thinking and problem-solving skills, which supports greater success in all academic and social areas -enabling both children's skills advancement and their gaining knowledge they recognize is required and applies in their own lives -Children become life-long learners with this recognition

Provide a general summary of the functions of the Head Start program

-gives local public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit agencies grants for delivering comprehensive child development services to promote disadvantaged children's school readiness by improving their cognitive and social development

Describe the sensorial section of the Montessori Method

-gives young children experience with learning through all five senses -participate in activities like ordering colors from lightest to darker, sorting objects from roughest to smoothest texture, and sorting items from biggest to smallest/longest to shortest -they learn to match similar tastes, textures, and sounds

Summarize some considerations for early childhood nutrition involving protein

-good protein sources include legumes, nuts, lean poultry, and fish. -Serving nut butters instead of whole nuts is safer, but spread thinly on whole-grain breads, crackers, or vegetable pieces, because young children can choke on large globs

Identify several types of neurological damage that have been found in children with LDs and ADHD

-have at least one of several kinds of structural damage to their brains -smaller numbers of cells in certain important regions of the brain -brain cells of smaller than normal size -dysplasia; some brain cells migrate into the wrong area of the brain -blood flow is found to be lower than normal to certain regions of the brain -brain cells show lower levels of glucose metabolism

Identify some examples of physical and health impairments in babies and young children that cause disabling conditions

-health problems can be acute or chronic -cerebral palsy, spina bifida, amputations or missing limbs, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, asthma, rheumatic fever, sickle-cell anemia, nephritis or kidney disease, leukemia, tourette syndrome, hemophilia, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS, and lead poisoning -in addition to seizure disorders, which often cause neurological damage, seizure controlling medications also frequently cause drowsiness, interfering with attention and cognition -ADD and ADHD limit attention span, focus, and concentration and thus are sometimes classified as health impairments requiring special education services

Describe the practical life section of the Montessori Method

-helps children develop care for self, others, and the environment -children learn many daily skills, including buttoning, pouring liquids, preparing meals, and cleaning up after meals and activities

Viktor Lowenfeld's contributions to art education

-identified adolescent learning styles and corresponding instructional approaches -His book Creative and Mental Growth was the most influential text in art education during the later 20th century. This book gave scientific foundations to creative and artistic expression and identified developmentally age appropriate art media and activities.

Describe some of the signs of hearing impairments in babies and young children

-if an infant does not display a startle response to loud noises, that is a potential sign of hearing loss. This can also indicate other developmental disabilities, but because hearing loss is the most prevalent disability among newborns, hearing screening is a priority -Between birth and 3-4 months, babies should turn toward the source of a sound -a child who does not utter first words by age 1 could have hearing impairment -when babies or young children do not turn their heads when their names are called, adults may mistake this for inattention or ignoring, however children turning upon seeing adults, but not upon hearing their names can indicate hearing loss -babies and children who seem to hear certain sounds but not others may have partial hearing losses -delayed speech-language development or unclear speech, not following directions, saying Huh often, and wanting higher TV or music volumes can indicate hearing loss in children

Identify some requirements for arranging EC learning environments related to children's personal, privacy, and sensory needs

-indoor space should include easily identifiable places where children and adults can store their personal belongings -should be given indoor and outdoor areas allowing solitude and privacy while easily permitting adult supervision -playhouses and tunnels can be used outdoors, while small interior rooms and partitions can be used indoors -environments should include softness in various forms like grass, carpet, pillows, and soft chairs, adult laps, clay, playdoh, finger paints, water, and sand -noise should be controlled by noise-absorbing elements like rugs, carpets, drapes, acoustic ceilings, and other building materials -outdoor play areas supplied by a school or community should be separated from roadways and other hazards by fencing and/or natural barriers -awnings can substitute for shade, and inclines/ramps for hills, when these are not naturally available -surfaces and equipment should be varied

Discuss some considerations for adults in feeding young children relative to hydration

-infants derive enough water from their mother's milk or from formula, but young children should be given plenty of water and/or milk in sippy cups to stay hydrated

Identify some information that is recommended in screening young children for developmental disorders in general and including health and physical impairments

-informal measures -checklists, rating scales, and inventories may be used to screen a child's behavior, mood, and performance of motor skills, cognitive skills, and self-help skills, and social and emotional skills -behavioral observations and existing records and information are also used

Identify some information that is required in screening young children for developmental disorders in general and including health and physical impairments

-initial screenings, but if a young child has been screened for developmental disorders or delays within the past 6 months and no changes have been observed or reported, repeat screening may be waived -hearing and screenings are mandatory when screening young children -formal developmental measures are also required, which may include screening tests of motor skills development, cognitive development, social-emotional development, and self-help skills development -formal screening tests of speech-language development are also required

Describe relational aggression

-involves emotional/social harm, such as rejecting or excluding another from a group of friends or spreading malicious rumors about another

Discuss some considerations for young children's sleeping related to adults in children's bedrooms and family beds

-majority of EC experts think young children should not have adults in their room every night while they fall asleep. They believe this can interfere with young children's capacity for self-soothing and falling asleep on their own, making them dependent on an adult presence to fall asleep -parents/caregivers are advised to help children relax until sleepy, and then leave, saying goodnight and I love you. -young children may feel more comfortable going to bed with a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or night light -fears and nightmares are still fairly common in early childhood -family bed are controversial but is traditional in many developing question and was in America. -whatever the family choice, it should be consistent, as young children will be frustrated by inconsistent practices and less likely to develop good sleeping habits

Identify some nutritional influences that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

-malnutrition results from starvation, vitamin, mineral, or nutrient deficiency, deficiencies in digesting or absorbing foods, and some other medical conditions

-Give some examples of how to arrange indoor learning environments to curricular activities planned for toddlers and preschoolers

-mathematical and scientific preschool activities may occur in multiple parts of a classroom, though the room should still be laid out to facilitate their occurrence -sufficient space for infants to crawl and toddlers to toddle is necessary, as are both hard and carpeted floors -bolted-down/heavy, sturdy furniture is needed for infants and toddlers to use for pulling up, balancing, and cruising -art and cooking activities should be positions near sinks/water sources for cleanup -designating separate areas for activities like block-building, book reading, and musical activities, and dramatic play facilitates engaging in each of these -to allow ongoing project work and other age-appropriate activities, school-aged children should have separate areas -materials should be appropriate for each age group and varied -books, recordings, art supplies, and equipment and materials for sensory stimulation, manipulation, construction, active play, and dramatic play, all arranged for easy, independent child access and rotated for variety, are needed

Describe dyslexia

-most common subcategory of specific learning disability that primarily affects reading but can also interfere with writing and speaking -reversing letters in words, like b and d, won and now, confusing similar speech sounds like /p/ and /b/, and perceiving spaces between words in the wrong places

Describe insecure and avoidant attachment style

-no separation anxiety or stranger anxiety and little interest on reunions with their mother and are comforted equally by their mother or strangers

Describe secure attachment style

-normal separation anxiety when their mother leaves and happiness when she returns -avoid strangers when along but are friendly when their mother is present -use their mother as a safe base for environmental exploring

Discuss some symptoms of child-onset schizophrenia and how they differ from other symptoms

-one example of differential diagnosis involve distinguishing qualitatively between true auditory hallucinations and young children's hearing voices otherwise: in the latter case, a child hears his or her own or a familiar adult's voice in his or her head and does not seem upset by it, while in the former, a child may hear other voices, seemingly in his or her ears, and is frightened and confused by them -Tantrums, defiance, aggression, and other acting-out, externalized behaviors are less frequent in childhood-onset schizophrenia than internalized developmental differences, for example, isolation, shyness, awkwardness, fickleness, strange facial expressions, mistrust, paranoia, anxiety, and depression -Children demonstrate non psychotic symptoms earlier than psychotic ones. However, it is difficult to use pre psychotic symptoms as predictors due to variance among developmental peculiarities -while psychiatrists find the course of childhood-onset schizophrenia somewhat more variable than in adult, child symptoms resemble adult symptoms. COS is typically chronic and severe, responds less to medication, and has a more guarded prognosis than adolescent- or adult-onset schizophrenia

Summarize some advantages for young children that researchers have found in economically deprived and culturally diverse environments

-opportunities for young children to play with peers and older children with little adult intervention, promoting empathy, cooperation, self-control, self reliance, and sense of belonging -experience with multiple teaching styles, especially modeling, observation, and imitation -language acquisition within a culturally-specific context through rich cultural traditions of stories, songs, games, and toys

Identify some of the benefits of an integrated curriculum relative to early childhood education

-organized planning mechanism -greater flexibility -the ability to teach many skills and concepts effectively, include more varied content, and enable children to learn most naturally -enable teachers to ensure children are learning pertinent knowledge and applying it to real-life situations

Define an integrated curriculum relative to early childhood education

-organizes early childhood education to transcend the boundaries between the various domains and subject content areas -unites different curriculum elements through meaningful connections to allow study of wider areas of knowledge -treats learning holistically and mirrors the interactive nature of reality -the principle that learning consists of series of interconnections is the foundation for teaching through use of an integrated curriculum

Summarize some of the positions of Froebel's educational theory regarding learning and teaching

-orginated the concept and practice of kindergarten -found that observation, discovery, play, and free, self-directed activity facilitated children's learning -observed that drawing/art activities develop higher-level cognitive skills and that virtues are taught through children's games -found nature, songs, fables, stories, poems, and crafts to be effective learning media -attributed reading and writing development to children's self-expression needs -recommended activities to develop children's motor skills and stimulate their imaginations -believed in equal rather than authoritarian teacher-student relationships, and advocated family involvement/collaboration -pointed out the critical nature of sensory experiences, and the value of life experiences for self-expression -believed teachers should support students discovery learning rather than prescribing what to learn -embraced constructivist learning -stressed the role of parents, particularly mothers, in children's educational processes

Describe overt aggression

-physically harming others or threatening to do so

Identify some signs and symptoms of prematurity in infants

-premature infants can have difficulty with breathing, as their lungs are not fully developed, and with regulating their body temperatures -may be born with pneumonia, respiratory, distress, extra air or bleeding in the lungs, jaundice, sepsis or infection, hypoglycemia, severe intestinal inflammation, bleeding into the brain or white-matter brain damage, or anemia -lower-than-normal birth weights, body fat, muscle tone, and activity -apnea, lanugo, thin, smooth, shiny, translucent skin through which veins are visible, soft, flexible, ear cartilage, cryptorchidism, and small, no-rigid scrotums in males, enlarged clitorises in females, and feeding difficulties caused by weak or defective sucking reflexes or incoordination of swallowing with breathing

Identify some cautions about young children's exposure to TV and other media

-preschool-aged children are not yet cognitively able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Therefore, overly violent or intense content in TV or other media can frighten them. -exposure to video violence has been proven to increase aggressive behaviors in young children -using TV as a babysitter for long times excludes more cognitively stimulating and interactive pursuits

identify some optimal environmental conditions to provide for young children's leisure activities

-provide young children with paints, crayons, and modeling clay -play board games and simple card games, do puzzles, sing songs, and read stories with young children -play house or dress up -park and playground trips afford outdoor play and physical activity and exercise -visiting local museums, zoos, or planetariums combine education and entertainment with outings -one on one time with parents regularly

Summarize some considerations for early childhood nutrition involving produce

-raw or lightly steamed veggies are best because excess heat destroys nutrients and frying adds fat calories -fresh, in-season, and flash-frozen fruits are more nutritious and less processed than canned. -adults should monitor young children's diets to limit highly processed produce, which can have excessive sugar, salt, or preservatives

Give a general summary of some main features of the High/Scope Curriculum for ECE

-recommends dividing classrooms into well-furnished, separate "interest areas" and regular daily class routines, affording children time to plan, implement, and reflect upon what they learn and to participate in large and small group activities -teachers establish socially supportive atmospheres, plan group learning activities, organize settings and set daily routines, encourage purposeful child activities, problem-solving, and verbal reflections, and interpret child behaviors according to HighScope's key child development experiences

Describe some characteristics of classrooms for 5-6 year olds that are advocated by the Bank Street Curriculum

-recommends that children should have classrooms that are efficient, organized, conducive to working, and designed to afford them sensory and motor learning experiences -classrooms should include rich varieties of appealing colors, which tend to energize children's imaginations and activity and encourage them to interact with the surroundings and participate in the environment -interest corners are places where children can display their artwork, use language, and depict social life experiences -multipurpose tables in the classroom to use for writing, drawing, and other activities -importance of libraries in schools for supporting classroom content and providing materials for extracurricular reading

Discuss some general principles related to early childhood behavior management

-repetition and consistency -adults must always follow and enforce whichever rules they designate -rules must be repeated over and over to be effective -behaviorism has shows it is more powerful to reward good behaviors than punish bad behaviors -consistently rewarding desired behaviors enables young children to make the association between behavior and reward -knowing the function of a behavior is necessary to changing it -feeling valued and loved within a positive relationship greatly supports young children's compliance with rules -the 10:1 rules prescribes at least 10 positive comments per 1 negative comment/correction

Characterize some of the requirements and roles of classrooms and teachers and rationales for these, according to the Bank Street Developmental Interaction Approach

-requires educators to create well-designed classrooms and finds children are enabled to develop discipline by growing up in such controlled environments -teachers are considered to be extremely significant figures in student's lives -requires that teachers always treat children with respect, to enable children to develop strong senses of self-respect -teachers having faith in their students and believing in their ability to succeed are found to have great impacts on young children's performance and their motivation to excel in school and in life -emphasizes the importance of providing transitions from one type of activity to another -stresses changing the learning subjects at regular time intervals, which facilitates children's gaining a sense of direction and taking responsibility for what they do -views these practices as helping children develop internal self-control, affording them discipline for dealing with the external world

Discuss some common kindergarten and preschool literacy practices that are not developmentally appropriate, including their causes, and alternative practices that acknowledge developmentally appropriate practices and emergent literacy theory

-research finds some preschools are like play centers but are not optimal for literacy because their curricula exclude natural reading and writing activities -researches have identified a trend in many kindergartens to ensure children's reading readiness by providing highly academic programs, influencing preschool curricula to get children ready for such kindergartens -influenced and even pressured by kindergarten programs' academic expectations, parents have also come to expect preschools to prepare their children for kindergarten -experts find applying elementary-school programs to kindergartens and preschools developmentally inappropriate -formal instruction in reading and writing and worksheets are not suitable for younger children -research finds print-rich preschool environments both developmentally appropriate and more effective

Indicate how age, ethnicity, and income disparately affect health and school outcomes in the US according to recent statistics

-research traces many variations in well-being and health to early childhood -these differences come from inequities in service access and treatment, congenital health problems, and early exposure to greater familial and community risk factors -minority groups tend to be overrepresented below the FPL and low-income families statistically carry the highest birth rate -childhood poverty has long-lasting effects on students' developmental, socioeconomic, and academic success -the earlier a student is in poverty, the more likely they are to encounter the adverse effects of poverty, as they may miss certain milestones or lack the support needed to keep up with their peers

comment on emergent literacy theory's perspective regarding research conclusions about activities, teachers' roles, and qualities of ideal learning

-researchers conclude that teachers should furnish open-ended activities allowing children to show what they already know about literacy, to apply that knowledge, and to build upon it -teachers take the role of creating a learning environment with conditions that are conducive to children's learning in ways that are ideally self-motivated, self-generated, and self-regulated

Summarize general research findings comparing major world cultures in regard to individualistic vs. collectivistic

-researchers note that when asked to finish "I am" statements, members of interdependent cultures tend to supply a family role, religion, or organization, whereas members of individualistic cultures cite personal qualities -Research finds American cultures more individualistic, Latin American and Asian cultures most interdependent, and European cultures in the middle.

give some examples of preschool activities for developing large muscle skills

-running, skipping, and playing tag develop large muscle skills -kicking, throwing, and catching balls give good unstructured exercise without game rules preschoolers cannot understand -preschoolers short attention spans preclude long activity durations

Discuss some guidelines from ECE experts regarding indoor space use in the learning environment

-safe, clean, and attractive -35 square feet of usable play space per child -staff must have access to prepare spaces before children's arrival -Gyms or other larger indoor spaces can substitute if outdoor spaces are smaller -Children's products and other visuals should be displayed at child's-eye level -Spaces should be arranged to allow individual, small-group, and large-group activity -Space organization should create clear pathways enabling children to move easily among activity without overly disturbing others, and should promote positive social interactions and behaviors -activities in each area should not distract children in other areas

Discuss some guidelines from ECE experts regarding outdoor space using in the learning environment

-safe, clean, and attractive -75 square feet of useable play space per child -the youngest children should be given separate outdoor times/places -outdoor scheduling should ensure enough room and prevent altercations/competition among different age groups

Discuss some considerations for adults in feeding young children relative to unhealthy fats

-saturated fats from meats and full-fat dairy should be limited; they can cause health problems like high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes -trans fats are produced chemically by hydrogenating normally liquid unsaturated fats and converting them to solid, saturated fats as in margarine and shortening used in many baked goods

Summarize how general, differential features of developmental screenings and evaluations relate to identifying developmental delays in young children

-screening tests are not intended to diagnose specific conditions or give details, they are meant to identify children who may have some problem -screenings can over identify or under identify developmental delays in children -if the screening identifies a child as having developmental delays, the child is then referred for a developmental evaluation, which is a much longer more thorough comprehensive in-depth assessment, using multiple tests, administered by a psychologist or other highly trained professional -evaluation provides a profile of a child's strengths and weaknesses in all developmental domains -determination of needs for early intervention services or treatment plans is based on evaluation results

Summarize some general, differential features of developmental screenings and evaluations

-screening tests are quickly performed and yield more general results -the hospital or doctor's office may give a questionnaire to the parent or caregiver to complete for a screening -a health or education profession may administer a screening test to the child

Give some examples of preschool activities for developing physical coordination

-seeing how long they can balance on one foot and hopping exercise can help improve balance and coordination -hopping exercise let preschoolers participate in groups and observe peer outcomes, which can also enhance self-confidence and supporting others -freeze dancing without eliminations provides physical activity and improves coordination -preschoolers are more likely to fall because their lower bodies are not yet developed equally to their upper bodies, giving them higher centers of gravity

Describe some things adults should not do to minimize aggressive behavior in young children

-should not model verbally and/or physically aggressive behaviors such as calling others names, yelling at others, or punishing others' undesirable behaviors using physical force

Identify some factors that can contribute to speech and language impairments in young children

-some speech and language disorders in children have unknown causes -hearing loss: speech and language are normal acquired through the auditory sense, so children with impaired hearing have delayed and impaired development of speech and language -brain injuries, neurological disorders, viral diseases, and some medications can also cause problems with developing language or speech -children with intellectual disabilities are more likely to have delayed language development, and their speech is also more likely to develop more slowly and to be distorted -cerebral palsy causes neuromuscular weakness and incoordination of speech. when severe, it can cause the inability to produce recognizable speech sounds; some children without speech can still vocalize and some cannot -a cleft palate or lip and other physical impairments affect speech -inadequate speech-language modeling at home inhibits speech-language development -vocal abuse in children can cause vocal nodules or polyps, causing voice disorders -stuttering can be related to maturation, anxiety or stress, auditory feedback defects, or unknown causes

Give some general examples of skills related to creating thematically-based, integrated curriculum teaching units for ECE

-state governments' educational standards/benchmarks for various skills

Generally summarize a few of the contributions to early childhood education made by Constance Kamii, including her general background, major theoretical influence, and belief of education's primary goal

-studied extensively with Jean Piaget -worked with the Perry Preschool Project in the 1960s, fueling her subsequent interest in theoretically grounded instruction -believes in basing early childhood educational goals and objectives upon scientific theory of children's cognitive, social, and moral development, and moreover, that Piaget's theory is the sole explanation for child development from birth to adolescence -she has done much curriculum research in the US and published a number of books on how to apply Piaget's theory practically in EC classrooms -Kamii agrees with Piaget that education's overall, long term goal is developing children's intellectual, social, and moral autonomy

Identify some of the causes of visual impairments in babies and young children

-syndrome-related and other malformations like cleft iris or lens dislocation causing visual impairment can have prenatal origins -cataracts clouding the eye's lens can be congenital, traumatic, or due to maternal rubella -eyes can be normal, but impairment in the brain's visual cortex can cause visual impairment -infantile glaucoma, like adult glaucoma, causes intraocular fluid buildup pressure and visual impairment -conjunctivitis and other infections cause visual impairment -strabismus and nystagmus are ocular-muscle conditions -trauma damaging the eyeballs is another visual impairment cause -the optic nerve can suffer from atrophy or hypoplasia -refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are correctable -retinoblastoma can cause blindness and fatality -premature infants can have retinopathy of prematurity or retrolental fibroplasia

express some basic principles EC teachers should use in helping young children use inquiry and discovery in science to learn

-teach using material with which they are familiar -teachers who like plants can have young children plant beans, water them, and watch them grow, and incorporate the story "Jack and the Beanstalk" -teachers can bring in plants, leaves, and flowers for children to observe and measure their sizes, shapes, or textures -recommend teachers utilize their everyday environments to procure learning materials, such as pine needles and cones, feathers, and leaves found outdoors, animal fur, snakeskin, or shells -use observational skills during inquiry and discovery activities: if children apply nonstandard and/or unusual uses of some materials, teachers should observe what could be a new discovery -teachers should let children play with and explore new materials to understand their purposes, uses, and care before using them in structured activities

Comment on the role and importance of using integrated curricula in early childhood education relative to recent accountability trends and overall educational goals

-teaching integrated curricula in early childhood classrooms has proven effective for both children and teachers -integrating learning domains and subject content, in turn, integrates the child's developing skills with the whole child -when teachers use topics children find interesting and exciting, in-depth projects focusing on particular themes, and good children's literature, they give children motivation to learn the important concepts and skills they need for school and life success

Summarize generally the theoretical orientation, philosophy, and approach of the Kamii-DeVries approach to EC curriculum and instruction

-the Kamii-DeVries Constructivist Perspective model of preschool education is closely based upon Piaget's theory of child cognitive development and on the constructivist theory to which Piaget and others subscribed -The KD approach finds that children learn via performing mental actions, which Piaget called operations, through the vehicle of physical activities -This model favors using teachers experienced in traditional preschool education, who employ a child-centered approach and establish active learning settings, are in touch with children's thoughts, respond to children from children's perspectives, and facilitate children's extension of their ideas -the KD model has recently been applied to learning assessments using technology (2003) and to using constructivism in teaching physics to preschoolers (2011)

Discuss some considerations for adults in feeding young children relative to sugar drinks and fruit juices, and portion sizes

-the common practice of giving children fruit juice should be avoided -even without added sugars, fruit juiced crowd out room in small stomachs for food nutrients and cause dental cavities and weaken permanent teeth before they erupt. children can also gain weight, as juice calories do not replace food calories the way actual fruit does with its fiber and solids -young children should eat two-things of adult-sized portions

Discuss some considerations for adults in feeding young children relative to sugar drinks and fruit juices

-the common practice of giving young children fruit juice should be avoided -even without added sugars, fruit juices crowd out room in small stomachs for food nutrients and cause dental cavities and weaken permanent teeth before they erupt -children can also gain weight, as juice calories do not replace food calories the way actual fruit does with its fiber and solids

Discuss generally how cultures and cultural values influence early childhood development

-the culture in a society influences and determines one's individual values, as do both historical and current social and political occurrences -one's values then influence the ways in which children are valued and raised -americans tend to fixate on their own culture's beliefs of truth as the only existing reality, but depending on personal histories and values and current conditions, there can actually be multiple right ways of doing things -western cultures value children's early attainment of independence and individuality, but eastern cultures value interdependence and group harmony more than individualism -in affluent societies, letting children explore the environment early and freely is valued, but in poor and/or developing societies, parents protect children, keeping them close and even carrying them while working, and thus do not value early freedom and exploration

Summarize the general philosophy and methods of the Bank Street Curriculum approach to early childhood education

-theoretical concepts from Piaget, Erik Erikson, Dewey, and others -called a developmental-interaction approach. It emphasizes children's rich, direct interactions with a wide variety of ideas, materials, and people in their environments -gives young children opportunities for physical, cognitive, emotional and social development through engagement in various types of child care programs -typically, multiple subjects are included and taught to groups -children can learn through a variety of methods and at different developmental levels -by interacting directly with their geographical, social, and political environments, children are prepared for lifelong learning -using blocks, solving puzzles, going on field trips, and doing practical lab work -school can simultaneously be stimulating, satisfying, and sensible -school is a significant part of children's lives, where they inquire about and experiment with the environment and share ideas with other children as they mature

Describe some EC benefits of aesthetic experiences focusing on color, giving an example of a preschool lesson focused on the element of color in visual art

-to help children learn color names and develop sensory discrimination and classification abilities, some art museums offer preschool lessons, which teachers can also use as models -a teacher can read a children's story or sing a song about color, then present artwork for children to examine, and then a separate display with different shapes of different colors used by the artist, asking children to name these and any other colors they know, and identify any other colors the artist used not represented in the second display -the teacher then demonstrates how mixing produces other colors -the teacher gives each child a piece of heavy-duty paper and a brush. The children explore mixing primary colored paints together

Note some adult considerations and practices for hand washing as an important part of hygiene in early childhood

-toddlers are typically learning toilet-training, getting many germs on their hands -preschoolers are often exposed to germs in daycare or school settings -adults must explain to young children using concrete, easily understood terms how germs spread, how hand washing removes germs, and when and how to wash their hands -adults also need to remind children frequently to wash their hands until it becomes a habit -hand washing should be required before eating, after toileting, after being outdoors, after sneezing/coughing, and after playing with pets -young children have short attention spans and can be impatient so are unlikely to wash long or thoroughly enough -adults can encourage this by teaching children to sing 15-20 second songs while washing, both assuring optimal hand-washing duration and making the process more fun

Give an example of the results achieved by Engelmann with toddlers using his method

-toddlers could master upper-elementary-grade-level computations and even simple linear equations

Regarding how babies and young children learn to read and write, sum up three out of six basic principles of emergent literacy theory

-two and three year olds commonly can identify logos, labels, and signs in their homes and communities -young children's scribbles show features/appearances of their languages specific writing system -young children learn to read and write concurrently, not sequentially; the two abilities are interrelated -though with speech, receptive language comprehension seems to develop easier/sooner than expressive language production, this does not apply to reading and writing: first learning activities involving writing are found easier for preschoolers than those involving reading -research finds that form follows function, not the opposite: young children's literacy learning is mostly through meaningful, functional, purposeful/goal-directed real-life activities -literacy comprises not isolated, abstract skills learned for their own sake, but rather authentic skills applied to accomplish real-life purposes, the way children observe adults using literacy

Summarize some social skills considered most important for early childhood

-understanding of their own and others' emotions -constructive management of their strong feelings -skills in forming and maintaining relationships -since physical aggression is antisocial, social development includes learning more acceptable, verbal emotional expressions

summarize some risk factors for young children that researchers have found in economically deprived and culturally diverse environments

-unhealthy family environments -medical illness without treatment -insufficient social-services, such as education, policing, and medical care

give some examples of preschool activities for developing fine motor skills

-using writing implements, tying shoes, and playing with small items develop fine motor skills -with preschoolers, it is more effective and developmentally appropriate to incorporate fine motor activities into playtime than to separate quiet activity from play -on nature walks, teachers can have children collect pebbles and twigs and throw them into a stream, developing coordination and various muscles

Describe six basic principles of emergent literacy theory about how young children learn to read and write

-very early literacy learning -concurrent and interrelated development of reading and writing in early childhood -function dictating form in literacy development -through being actively involved in reading and rereading their favorite storybooks. This activity exemplifies young children's reconstruction of a book's meaning. Young children's invented spellings are examples of their efforts to reconstruct what they know of written language; they can inform us about a child's familiarity with specific phonetic components -adult's reading to children is crucial to literacy development. It helps children gain a feel for the character, flow, and patterns of written/printed language, and an overall sense of what reading feels like and entails. It fosters positive attitudes toward reading in children, strongly motivating them to read. Being read to also helps children develop print awareness and formulate concepts of books and reading -views reading and writing as developmental processes having successive stages

Characterize some of the general practices used for early childhood education in the Montessori Method of teaching

-work refers to developmentally appropriate learning materials which are set out so each student can see the choices available -children can select items from each of the five sections -when a child is done with a work, he or she replaces it for another child to use and selects another work -teachers work one on one with children and in groups, however, the majority of interactions are among children as Montessori stresses self-directed activity -teachers and older children help younger ones in learning new skills, so classes usually incorporate 2 or 3 year age ranges -school days are generally half days. -most schools offer afternoon or early evening options

Comment on emergent literacy theory's perspective regarding instructional models

-yields an instructional model for the learning and teaching of reading and writing in young children that is founded on building instruction from the child's knowledge

comment on emergent literacy theory's perspective regarding assumptions

-young children already know a lot about language and literacy by the time they enter school -regards even 2 and 3 year olds as having information about how the reading and writing processes function, and as having already formed particular ideas about what written/printed language is -dictates what teaching should build upon what a child already knows and should support the child's further literacy development

Describe some common characteristics of young children's nutritional needs and how adults should feed them accordingly

-young children have smaller stomachs than adults and cannot eat as much as one time as teens or adults -adults can help young children by teaching them to respond to their own bodies' signals and eat only until they are satisfied -adults can only place smaller portions of food on young children's plates and request to-go containers at restaurants to take leftovers home -because young children cannot eat a lot at once, they must maintain their blood sugar and energy throughout the day by snacking between meals -snack foods need not be high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats -cut pieces of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain crackers and low-fat cheeses, and portable yogurt tubes make good snacks for young children

Briefly explain rationales for using manipulative for preschool math learning

-young children learn primarily through visually inspecting, touching, holding, and manipulating, concrete objects -while they are less likely to understand abstract concepts presented abstractly, such concepts are likelier accessible to preschoolers through the medium of real things they can see, feel, and manipulate -manipulatives are proven as effective learning devices; some early math curricula even require them -they are particularly useful for children with tactile or visual learning styles

Identify some of the benefits of exercise for young children

-young children need daily physical exercise to strengthen their bones, lungs, hearts, and other muscles -throwing, catching, running, jumping, kicking, and swinging actions develop young children's gross motor skills -children sleep better with regular physical activity and are at less risk for obesity -Playing actively with other children also develops social skills, including empathy, sharing, cooperation, and communication -family playtimes strengthen bonding and let parents model positive exercise habits -outdoor play is fun for youngsters and lifts children's moods -pride at physical attainments moreover boosts children's self-images and self-esteem

Identify some considerations regarding bathing as a component of hygiene in early childhood

-young children should never be left unsupervised by adults in the bath. young children can drown very quickly, even in an inch of water -adults should not let young children run bathwater: they are likely to make it too cold or hot -adults can prevent scalding accidents by turning down the water heater temperature -adults should adjust water temperature and test it on their own inner arm -parents should choose baby shampoos, soaps, and washes that do not irritate young eyes or skin, and keep adult bath products out of children's reach and sight -very active children may need to bathe daily; others suffering dry, itchy skin should bathe every other day and/or have parents/caregivers apply mild moisturizing lotion

Describe instrumental aggression

-younger preschoolers frequently shout, hit, or kick others to get concrete objects they want

Identify three main approaches to remedial or compensatory education using in Project Follow Through

Affective, Basic Skills, and Cognitive

Define prematurity of preterm birth

Babies born before 37 weeks' gestation are classified as premature or preterm

What are the two basic types and subtypes of aggression

Basic types: Instrumental and Hostile aggression Hostile aggression subtypes: overt and relational

Identify some gender differences in early childhood motor development and generally characterize how overall physical and motor development compares between genders

Boys: have larger muscles so they can run faster, climb higher, and jump farther. Tend to be more muscular physically. Usually exceed girls in large-muscle, gross motor abilities like running, jumping, and climbing. Girls: Less muscular but on average are more mature physically for their ages. Tend to surpass boys in small-muscle, fine motor abilities like buttoning, scissors, and small tools. More advanced in gross-motor skills that do not demand strength so much as coordination like hopping, balancing, and skipping. It is also found that motor development patterns are generally more similar than different overall.

Period of decision stage

Children ages 14+ reflect the adolescent identify crisis

List some different types of learning disabilities

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, central auditory processing disorder, visual processing disorders

Use the failure to thrive syndrome as an example of the nature-nurture interaction in early childhood physical development

Failure to thrive syndrome is a dramatic example. When children are abused or neglected for long periods of time, they actually stop growing. the social environments of such children create psychological stress. This stress makes the child's pituitary gland stop releasing growth hormones, and growth ceases. When such environmental stress is relieved and these children are given proper care, stimulation, and affection, they begin growing again. They often grow rapidly enough to catch up on the the growth they missed earlier.

Summarize some of Froebel's theoretical concepts regarding human nature

Froebel felt human potential is defined through individual accomplishments. He believed humans generally are productive and creative, attaining completeness and harmony via maturation

Summarize some of Froebel's theoretical concepts regarding education

Froebel said education's goals include developing self-control and spirituality. He recommended curricula include math, language, design, art, health, hygiene, and physical education.

Identify the most famous achievement of Friedrich Froebel relative to early childhood education

Froebel's theory of education had widespread influences, including using play-based instruction with young children. The educational theory emphasized the unity of humanity, nature and God. He believed the success of the individual dictates the success of the race, and that school's role is to direct student's will. He believed nature is the heart of all learning. He felt unity, individuality, and diversity were important values achieved through education.

Scribble Stage

From 2 to 4 years, children first make uncontrolled scribbles, then controlled scribbling, then progress to naming their scribbles to indicate what they represent.

Schematic Stage

From 7 to 9 years, drawings more reflect actual physical proportions and colors.

Pseudorealistic stage

From ages 11 to 13, children reflect their ability to reason

Preschematic Stage

From ages 4 to 6, children begin to develop a visual schema. Without complete comprehension of dimensions and sizes, children may draw people and houses the same height; they use color more emotionally than logically. They may omit or exaggerate facial features, or they might draw sizes by importance

Dawning Realism

From ages 9 to 11, drawings become increasingly representational

Summarize some of Froebel's theoretical concepts regarding knowledge

He noted school's role in social development. Schools should impart meaning to life experiences; show students relationships among external, previously unrelated knowledge; and associate facts with principles

Describe how musical activities enhance the emotional skills of young children

Music is a great aid to emotional development in that younger children can express happiness, sadness, anger, and more through singing and/or playing music more easily than they can with words

Describe how musical activities enhance the school readiness skills of young children

Music promotes pre literacy skills by enhancing phonemic awareness. As growing children develop musical appreciation and skills, these develop fundamental motor, cognitive, and social skills they need for language, school readiness, literacy, and life.

Six stages of growth and development in art and age ranges

Scribble Stage: 2-4 Preschematic Stage: 4-6 Schematic Stage: 7-9 Dawning Realism: 9-11 Pseudorealistic: 11-13 Period of Decision: 14+

Discuss some ways that sensory characteristics of cognitive development in young children dictate what kinds of premathematical learning experiences would benefit them

Preschool children's thinking is strongly based upon and connected to their sensory perceptions. This means that in solving problems, they depend mainly on how things look, sound, feel, smell, and taste. Therefore, preschool children should always be given concrete objects that they can touch, explore, and experiment with in any learning experience.

Discuss some ways that centration characteristics of cognitive development in young children dictate what kinds of premathematical learning experiences would benefit them

Since young children "centrate" on one characteristic, object, person, or event at a time, adults can offer activities encouraging decentration/incorporating multiple aspects (grouping all red triangles separately from blue triangles)

Identify what the High/Scope Curriculum terms as "key experiences" for preschoolers, including naming their total number

The HighScope Curriculum identified a total of 58 key experiences it found critical for preschool child development and learning

Cite some at-risk child groups overrepresented in our population

young children, low-income children, and minority children

Discuss some ways that concrete characteristics of cognitive development in young children dictate what kinds of premathematical learning experiences would benefit them

They are not yet capable of understanding abstract concepts or manipulating information mentally, so they must have real things to work with to understand premath concepts. They cannot benefit from rote math memorization or "sit still and listen" lessons

Give the IDEA's legal definition of traumatic brain injury

an acquired injury to the brain from external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affect a child's educational performance

Define seriation in HighScope

arranging things in prescribed orders, like size and number

Describe how musical activities enhance the social skills of young children

children of preschool ages not only listen to music and respond to what they hear, but they also learn to create music through singing and playing instruments together with other children. These activities help them learn crucial social skills for their lives, like cooperating with others, collaborating, and making group or team efforts to accomplish something

Define numbers in HighScope

focuses on counting

Define creative representation in HighScope

includes recognizing symbolic use, imitating, and playing roles

Define music in HighScope

includes singing, listening to music, and playing musical instruments

Define initiative and social relations in HighScope

includes solving problems, making decisions and choices, and building relationships

Define classification in HighScope

includes sorting objects, matching objects or pictures, and describing object shapes

Define language and literacy in HighScope

includes speaking, describing, scribbling, and narrating/dictating stories

Define movement in HighScope

including activities like running, bending, stretching, and dancing

Define time in HighScope

including concepts of starting, sequencing, and stopping actions

Define space in HighScope

involves activities like filling and emptying containers

summarize some examples of available math manipulatives, including manufactured and homemade

linking cubes, 3D geometric shapes and geoboards, large magnetized numbers, weights, scales, and balances, math blocks, math games, numbers boards and color tiles, flashcards, play money, toy cash registers, objects for sorting and patterning, tangrams, bottle caps, seashells, pebbles/stones, buttons, keys, balls, coffee stirrers, cardboard tubes, etc.

Identify three process skills that preschool science programs help develop

observation, classification, and communication

Name the attachment styles identified in toddlers by Mary Ainsworth

secure, insecure and avoidant, insecure and resistant, insecure and disorganized

Discuss the nature-nurture interaction in early childhood physical development.

the physical development of babies and young children is a product of the interactions between genetic and environmental factors. Also, a child's physical progress is equally influenced by environmental and psychological variables. For the body, brain, and nervous system to grow and develop normally, children must live in healthy environments. When the interaction of hereditary and environmental influences is not healthful, this is frequently reflected in abnormal patterns of growth.

Describe how musical activities enhance the aesthetic skills of young children

when children are given guided musical experiences, they learn to make their own judgments of what is good or bad music; this provides them with the foundations for developing an aesthetic sense

Discuss some considerations for adults in feeding young children relative to portion sizes

young children should eat two-thirds of adult-sized portions

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