IM Injection Sites

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True or False: IM injections must be given in the vastus laterals site for infants because the gluteal muscles are not developed.


How do you locate the ventrogluteal site:

place the palm of your hand over the greater trochanter, with your fingers facing the patient's head. The right hand is used for the patient's left hip, or the left hand for the right hip, to identify landmarks. Place the index finger on the anterosuperior iliac spine and extend the middle finger dorsally, palpating the iliac crest. A triangle is formed, and the injection is given in the center of the triangle.

True or False: Gloves must be worn when preparing injections?

False. Gloves must be worn when administering vaccinations due to exposure to blood.

How do you prepare the skin for SQ injections?

Pinch up on subcutaneous tissue to prevent injection into muscle.

True or false: the abdomen is the only area where Heparin injections can be given?


True or False: Children can receive SQ injections in the posterior upper arm (chicken wing)?


How many milliliters are used with a vaccine injection?

0.5 ml

What is the length of needle used for deltoid injections for a patient 200+ lbs?

1 and 1/2"

What is the maximum amount injected into the deltoid site?

1 ml

How far must you be from the navel when doing SQ injections in the abdomen?


What is the length of needle used for deltoid injections for a patient 130-200 lbs?


What angle are SQ injections given?

45 degrees

When should the patient come back to get the PPD or TST checked?

48 to 72 hours (2 to 3 days)

What angles are PPD/TST injections given?

5 to 10 degrees

What is the length of needle used for SQ injections for a patient under 130 lbs?


What angle are IM injections given?

90 degrees

How far apart must multiple injections given in the same extremity be separated?

A minimum of 1".

What should you do after you insert the needle into the skin?

Aspirate to check for blood in the syringe. Make sure to discard syringe and start with a new syringe.

What questions do you ask before administering a PPD or TST?

Have you ever had the TB vaccine? Have you tested positive for TB? What was done after you had a positive test result?

How do you locate the deltoid site?

Locate the deltoid muscle by palpating the lower edge of the acromion process. A triangle is formed at the midpoint in line with the axilla on the lateral aspect of the upper arm, with the base of the triangle at the acromion process.

How do you locate the vastus lateralis site?

Locate the greater trochanter and the lateral femoral condyle. Divide the thigh into thirds horizontally and vertically and administer the injection in the outer middle third. This space provides a large number of injection sites. The vastus lateralis site is particularly desirable for infants and children, whose gluteal muscles are developed poorly.

How do you locate the dorsogluteal site?

Locate the greater trochanter and the posterior iliac spine. Draw an imaginary line between the two locations, avoiding the middle of the muscle to avoid sciatic nerve. Go up 1" to locate the site.

Where is Heparin injected?

abdomen (SQ). Note: Don't massage injection site after administration.

What should you always ask about before giving a patient an injection?

allergies (confirm with patient's medical chart)

What location should you use for deep IM injections?

dorsal gluteal

How do you locate the ventrogluteal site:

place the palm of your hand over the greater trochanter, with your fingers facing the patient's head. The right hand is used for the patient's left hip, or the left hand for the right hip, to identify landmarks. Place the index finger on the anterosuperior iliac spine and extend the middle finger dorsally, palpating the iliac crest. A triangle is formed, and the injection is given in the center ofthe triangle.

Where is a SQ injection given on the upper arm?

posteriorly "chicken wing"

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