image production quiz 2

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A rotor and stator are associated with the A induction motor. B control panel. C autotransformer. D filament circuit.


Which of the following is the factor of choice to adjust/correct image receptor exposure? A kVp B mAs C SID D Filtration


Characteristics of the primary x-ray beam include: A lower intensity at the anode end. B more energy at the cathode end. C lower frequency at the anode end. D more leakage at the cathode end.


Electrons are directed toward the output phosphor by the A electrostatic focusing lenses. B photocathode. C input phosphor. D photoanode.


From the following list, select the factor(s) that are most likely to impact image detail;/ spatial resolution: I. motionII. beam restrictionIII. protective filtration IV. mAs A I only B I and II only C II and III only D III and IV only


How do the actual and effective focal spots differ in size? A The effective focal spot is smaller than the actual focal spot B The effective focal spot is larger than the actual focal spot C The effective and actual focal spots are the same size D The effective and actual focal spots vary in relative size depending on outside variables


If a lateral lumbar spine were performed with the center detector selected and the spinous processes centered to the sensor, the resulting image is likely to be A underexposed. B overexposed. C either under- or overexposed. D neither under- nor overexposed.


In what two ways can we reduce the production of scattered radiation? A Use of beam restriction and appropriate kV level B Use of beam restriction and appropriate mA level C Use of grids and appropriate kV level D Use of grids and appropriate mA level


Manipulation of grey level values is associated with A lookup table and window width B window level and lookup table. C window level and edge enhancement. D window width and edge enhancement


SID impacts which 4 of the following factors?I. receptor exposureII. contrast scaleIII. patient doseIV. spatial resolutionV. size distortionVI. shape distortion A I, III, IV, V B II, IV, V, VI C I, IV, V, VI D I, II, IV, VI


The component of HIS that functions to provide each modality work list, patient tracking, scheduling, and image tracking is known as A the radiology information system (RIS) B the hospital information System (HIS) C the picture archiving communication system (PACS) D digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)


The representation of reference luminance values that assess input intensities and assign predetermined VOI (values of interest/grayscale values) describes A lookup table. B windowing. C post-processing D annotation.


What influences shape distortion? I. Tube II. OID III. Part IV. SID V. IR alignment A I, III, and V only B II and IV only C All of the above D None of the above


What is the effect of TFT DEL size in cassetteless digital imaging? A The smaller the DEL size, the better the spatial resolution. B The smaller the DEL size, the worse the spatial resolution. C As DEL size decreases, brightness increases D As DEL size decreases, brightness decreases


What is the name of the device that can be used to measure anatomical parts? A Calipers B Dial indicator C Cruising rod D Lens clock


What is the term that describes no data being collected from a damaged active matrix array? A Dropped pixels B Electronic noise C Incomplete charge transfer D Electronic memory artifact


What kind of image contrast results from a narrow/decreased window width? A Increased/higher contrast B Decreased/lower contrast C Increased/lower contrast D Decreased/higher contrast


What type of technique chart is based on the concept that kVp should be increased as anatomic part size increases? A Variable kVp-fixed mAs B Variable mAs-fixed kVp C Automatic exposure control D Anatomically programmed radiography


Which of the following generally does NOT require a change in exposure factors? A Fiberglass casts B Plaster casts C Additive diseases D Destructive conditions


When x-ray exposure to the digital image receptor is too low (select the two that apply) A Brightness is acceptable B Quantum noise is increased C Quantum noise is decreased D Brightness is unacceptable


Compared to film-screen imaging, digital systems are (select the two that apply) A Less sensitive to low-energy radiation B More sensitive to low-energy radiation C Less sensitive to scatter radiation D More sensitive to scatter radiation


Which of the following will keep size distortion to a minimum? (select the two that apply) A Decrease OID B Increase OID C Decrease SID D Increase SID


All other factors remaining the same, if a 14 × 17 in. field is collimated to a 4-in.-square field, the radiographic image will demonstrate A greater receptor exposure B less receptor exposure C more spatial resolution D less spatial resolution


An increase in mA is associated with A decreased SNR. B increased SNR. C decreased photon intensity D decreased photon wavelength


Fluoroscopic magnification is associated with1. improved spatial resolution2. improved contrast resolution3. reduced patient dose A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3


For the same FOV, arrange the following radiography matrix sizes in order of increasing spatial resolutionI. 1500 x 1500II. 2500 x 2500III. 750 x 750 A I, II, II B III, I, II C II, I, III D None of the above


From the following list, select the factor(s) that are most likely to have an impact on image contrast: I. part thicknessII. pathology III. anode heel effect A I only B I and II only C II and III only D I, II, and III


From the following list, select the factor(s) that are most likely to have an impact on image distortion: I. focal spot size II. SID III. OID IV. kVp V. mAs A I and IV only B II and III only C I, IV, V only D II, III, IV only


From the following list, select the factor(s) that are most likely to impact image spatial resolution: I. part thickness II. anode heel effect III. pathology IV. SID A I only B I and IV only C II and III only D III and IV only


From the following list, select the factors that can have a significant impact on receptor exposure: I. motionII. beam restrictionIII. protective filtration IV. grids A I and III B II and IV C I and II D II and III


In digital systems, the A larger the pixel pitch, the better the spatial resolution. B smaller the pixel pitch, the better the spatial resolution. C the larger the pixel pitch, the longer the gray scale. D the smaller the pixel pitch, the longer the gray scale.


PSPs must be processed and read soon after exposure because signal loss (image fading) becomes apparent after approximately A 90 minutes. B eight hours. C one week. D three months.


Scattered and off-focus radiation outside of the collimated field can have what effect on the width of the histogram? A Causes narrowing of the histogram B Causes widening of the histogram C Causes both narrowing and widening of the histogram D Causes neither narrowing nor widening of the histogram


Select the factor(s) having an effect on digital image brightness: I. Pixel bit depth II. Window width III. Window level IV. Matrix size V. Pixel density A I only B III only C I, II, III D III, IV, V


Select the one incorrect statement below: A A primary display workstation is one that is used for image interpretation. B The higher/greater the bit depth in digital imaging, the lesser the number of gray shades. C Exposure field recognition errors usually occur from scattered radiation outside the VOI area, often as a result of improper alignment of part, x-ray beam, and IP. D Direct digital systems have a fixed spatial resolution that is determined by TFT detector element (DEL) size.


Select the one incorrect statement below: A TFT size in digital systems impacts spatial resolution. B The DAC is the device that converts PSL to an electronic signal for display. C Incomplete erasure of the PSP can cause "ghost" images. D The grid frequency recommended for CR is 70 line/centimeter.


The abbreviation of the fluoroscopic feature that changes kV and/or mAs according to part thickness is A ADC B ABC C PSP D DAP


The action of materials that absorb x-ray energy and emit visible light in response is termed A magnification B scintillation C emission D detection


The comprehensive integrated system that is designed to manage medical, administrative, financial, and legal aspects of hospitals is known as? A Radiology information system (RIS) B Hospital information system (HIS) C Picture archiving communication system (PACS) D Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)


The digital imaging postprocessing function that enables addition of text to an image is termed: A image flip B annotation C inversion D pixel shift


The magnitude of the signal differences in the remnant beam that results from the differing absorption properties of the part describes A quantum noise. B subject contrast. C image contrast. D spatial resolution.


The photoconductor generally used with a TFT array in direct capture digital imaging is A aluminum oxide. B amorphous selenium. C zinc cadmium sulfide. D amorphous silicon.


What influences size distortion? I. Tube II. OID III. Part IV. SID V. IR alignment A I, III, V B II, IV C I, II, IV D III, V


What is the name of the exposure system that uses an established, optimum kV for each anatomical part? A Variable kilovoltage system B Fixed kilovoltage system C Online kilovoltage system D None of the above


What is the term used to describe radiation dose and volume of irradiated tissue? A Deviation index B Dose-area product (DAP) C Values of interest (VOI) D Exposure latitude


What system is responsible for holding a patient's full medical information, ranging from hospital billing to the inpatient ordering system? A RIS B HIS C DICOM D PACS


Which device has greater sensitivity to light and provides a higher SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and improved contrast resolution? A A TV camera B A charge coupled device C A TV camera and a charge coupled device have equal sensitivity to light, provide equal signal-to-noise ratio, and equal contrast resolution D None of the above


Which of the following groups of exposure factors will produce the shortest scale of contrast? A 200 mA, 0.08 second, 95 kV, 12:1 grid B 500 mA, 0.03 second, 70 kV, 8:1 grid C 300 mA, 0.05 second, 95 kV, 8:1 grid D 600 mA, 1/40 seconds, 70 kV, 6:1 grid


Which of the following will result as tube current increases? A An increase in x-ray photon quality B An increase in x-ray photon quantity C A decrease in x-ray photon quality D A decrease in x-ray photon quantity


Which of the following post-processing terms serve to suppress image noise? (select the two that apply) A High-pass filtering B Low-pass filtering C Smoothing D


With digital systems, as the operating speed class increases (select the two that apply) A Patient dose increases B Quantum noise (mottle) potential increases C Patient dose decreases D


All of the following are maintenance steps that should be performed on digital receptors, except: A All receptors should be erased before each shift B The equipment and its environment should be cleaned periodically C The technique charts should be revised on a monthly basis to align with the gain settings D A properly calibrated exposure indicator should be used to conduct periodic checks of the automatic exposure


For a given FOV, as the matrix size increases 1. Pixel size decreases 2. Image quality decreases 3. Spatial resolution increases A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3


From the following list, select the factor(s) having an impact on image distortion: I. part thicknessII. x-ray tube angle III. kV selection IV. IR placement A II, III, IV only B II, IV only C I, II, IV only D I, III only


From the following list, select the factor(s) that are most likely to have an impact on image contrast: I. motionII. beam restriction III. protective filtration IV. grids A I and II only B II and III only C II and IV only D I and IV only


Important function(s) of beam restriction include A reduce patient dose and improve spatial resolution B improve image contrast and reduce distortion C reduce patient dose and improve image contrast D improve image brightness and reduce distortion


Quality control (QC) program has the following component parts: I. acceptance testing II. routine performance monitoring III. maintenance A I only B I and II only C All of the above D None of the above


Requirements for a tilting x-ray table to be used for fluoroscopy are A tilting 30° to the foot side and 30° to the head side. B tilting 90° to the foot side and 90° to the head side. C tilting 90° to the foot side and 30° to the head side. D tilting 30° to the foot side and 90° to the head side.


Select the condition(s) that are likely to require a decrease in exposure: I. congestive heart failureII. sclerosisIII. PneumothoraxIV. Osteoporosis V. cirrhosis A I and III only B II and V only C III and IV only D III and V only


Select the one incorrect statement from those listed below: A The TG 18-QC test pattern is used for visual appraisal of monitor image geometric distortion. B Pincushion distortion is common in cathode ray tubes. C Exposure reproducibility should be consistent to within 10%. D Exposure linearity between adjacent mA stations must be accurate to within 10%.


The general rule(s) for adjusting technical factors when radiographing an adult extremity enclosed in full plaster cast include I reduce mAs by ½ II increase kV 12 to 15% III double the mAs IV no change is required for plaster material A I only B I and III only C II and III only D IV only


The high-voltage side of the typical x-ray circuit contains the following principal part(s): I. Step-up transformer II. autotransformer III. circuit breaker IV. filament transformer V. Rectifiers A II, III, and IV only B I, III, and IV only C I and V only D II, IV, and V only


What term describes the numeric value representing the IR exposure? A Electronic noise B Spatial resolution C Deviation index D Fill factor


What term describes the shortest exposure time that a particular AEC system can produce? A Backup time B Density controls C Minimum response time D mAs readout


When trapped PSP electrons are scanned by a laser beam, electron energy is released via photostimulable A scintillation B detection C luminescence D emission spectrum


When using AEC, the radiographer should set the backup time to which percentage of the total expected required exposure time? A 50% B 100% C 150% D 200%


Which of the following statements regarding matrix size is true? A As matrix size increases, pixel size increases. B As matrix size decreases, sharpness increases C As matrix size increases, pixel size decreases. D As matrix size decreases, pixel size remains the same.


Which of the following statements regarding quantum mottle/noise is most accurate? A As receptor exposure increases, the likelihood of quantum noise increases. B As SID decreases, the likelihood of quantum noise increases. C As receptor exposure decreases, the likelihood of quantum noise increases. D As SID increases, the likelihood of quantum noise decreases


X-ray tubes are surrounded with oil A in order to conduct heat away from the anode B for insulation C in order to conduct heat away from the anode and for insulation D None of the above


A wider (increased) window width (select the two that apply) A decreases the range of densities B increases the image contrast C increases the range of densities D decreases the image contrast


How do changes in pixel density and pixel pitch impact spatial resolution? A Increased pixel density increases spatial resolution; decreased pixel pitch decreases spatial resolution. B Increased pixel density decreases spatial resolution; decreased pixel pitch increases spatial resolution. C Increased pixel density decreases spatial resolution; increased pixel pitch increases spatial resolution. D Increased pixel density increases spatial resolution; decreased pixel pitch increases spatial resolution.


In digital systems, what is the primary controlling factor influencing contrast? A kVp B mAs C Grayscale D LUT


Select the one incorrect statement from those listed below: A In order to produce predictable and accurate results, AECs require precise positioning and centering of CR. B The AEC device automatically terminates the exposure once the IR has received the required radiation intensity. C The x-ray tube may accurately be described as a diode. D The line focus principle refers to the difference in beam intensity between anode and cathode.


The digital imaging postprocessing function that can reregister an image to correct for patient motion during serial image acquisition is A image flip B annotation C inversion D pixel shift


The term that defines the number of shades of gray that can be displayed within a pixel is A exposure latitude B dynamic range C exposure indicator D bit depth


To accurately measure part thickness for use of a technique chart, the caliper may be placed 1. at the location of the CR midpoint 2. at the thinnest portion of the area to be radiographed 3. at the thickest portion of the area to be radiographed A 1 only B 3 only C 1 and 2 only D 1 and 3 only


What is the distribution of tissue densities and/or physiologic changes that are present in the anatomic part undergoing diagnostic study called? A Inherent contrast B Displayed contrast C Window width D Subject contrast


What is the term used to describe the extent/number of exposure intensities an image receptor can accurately detect? A Radiographic density B Exposure indicator C Optical density (OD) D Dynamic range


What is the term used to describe the number of gray shades that can be displayed within a pixel? A Matrix B Exposure latitude C Dynamic range D Bit depth


When changing from half-wave to full-wave rectification, A X-ray quantity remains unchanged; quality doubles. B Both X-ray quantity and quality remain unchanged. C X-ray quantity doubles; quality remains unchanged. D Both X-ray quantity and quality double.


Which of the following causes pitting, or many small surface melts, of the anode's focal track? A Vaporized tungsten on the glass envelope B Loss of anode rotation C A large amount of heat to a cold anode D Repeated, frequent overloading


Which of the following increase(s) as the matrix size increases? 1. Image quality 2. Network transmission time 3. Digital storage space A 1 only B 2 only C 3 only D 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following is NOT true of mAs in digital systems? A mAs no longer controls density B mAs determines patient dose C mAs is selected to provide sufficient quanta/intensity D mAs no longer controls the quantity of radiation that forms the image


Which of the following mathematical formulas is used to calculate the magnification factor? A MF = SOD ÷ SID B MF = OID ÷ SOD C MF = OID ÷ SID D MF = SID ÷ SOD


Which of the following systems permits the radiographer to select a preprogrammed set of exposure factors? A AEC B PSP C TFT D APR


Which post-processing function allows for the reversal of the image from a negative to a positive? A Image magnification B Subtraction/addition C Windowing D Image inversion


: Which of the following are fundamental parts of the typical diagnostic X-ray tube? I. anode II. cathode III. vacuum glass envelope A I only B I and II only C All of the above D None of the above


A mottled or grainy appearance of a digital image caused by too few photons reaching the image receptor is termed A Scatter noise B Fog C Quantum noise D Artifacts


A tool/device available on some systems that terminates the x-ray exposure, thereby consistently controlling the amount of radiation reaching the IR is termed A anatomically programmed radiography (APR) B photomultiplier (PM) tube C automatic exposure control (AEC) D backup time


Artificial contrast agents can be introduced into the body in which way(s)? A Injection B Ingestion C Injection and ingestion D None of the above


: Important guidelines regarding monitor display and lighting in primary display workstations include: 1. Maximal ambient lighting and reflection 2. Minimal veiling glare 3. Luminance of at least 171 candelas/m2 A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only


A device that measures, in candelas per square meter, the luminescence of image display monitors and their uniformity is knows as a(n) A photodetector B exposure indicator C photoconductor D photometer


Common uses of mobile/portable x-ray equipment include: I. trauma radiography. II. bedside radiography. III. surgical radiography. A I only B I and II only C II and III only D I, II, and III


The term windowing refers to changes in A brightness B LUT C contrast/grayscale D all of the above


What is the term used to describe the picture elements within a matrix? A Grayscale B Quantum mottle C Pixel D Pixel pitch


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