Imaging Final

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d) Ultrasound

An imaging modality has a small field of view, in operator dependent in its use, and limited to viewing soft tissues. What modality best fits this description?

b) Malunion

Deformity of a healed fracture is most likely the result of

d) There is a riblet on the right at T12 and left sacralization

What is the best description of radiologic findings indicated by the arrows?

d) Anterior, lateral and proximal displacement; inferior deviation

What is the relationship of the radial fragments in this radiograph

d) T2 MRI

What kind of imaging is displayed in this image?

B) Three-dimensional CT

What kind of imaging study is displayed in this image?

a) Delayed union

When a fracture has not healed within reasonable time, this is declared a?

c) Cartilage

When evaluating this radiograph according to the ABC's what is your main concern?

d) Bone exotosis, subluxations, and dislocations

When examining a conventional radiograph according to the radiographic ABCs, under "A" you would examine for?

b) The spinous process turns down and the patient's right side is to the left on the image

When viewing an axial CT image of the spine

a) Alignment

When you evaluate according to the ABC's what is your main concern regarding this image?

b) Bone density and cartilage

When you evaluate according to the ABC's what is your main concern regarding this image?

a) Anterior slippage

Which choice is FALSE in this lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine?

a) Right middle lobe -marked correct on quiz

You are treating a patient with fever and difficulty breathing. This is his lateral chest radiograph. Which lobe(s) is/are affected?

c) Separation of the acromioclavicular joint

A young man received a blow to the left shoulder. Comparing the left shoulder and shoulder girdle to the normal right side, what is your assessment?

a) Has delayed onset of pain

According to the Canadian cervical spine rules, radiography is recommended following cervical spine trauma if the patient:

c) Type IV

According to the Salter-Harris classification, what type of fracture is seen in this drawing?

c) MRI

An 80-year-old patient comes to physical therapy diagnosed with a supraspinatus tear. What imaging study might be the most useful to confirm this diagnosis?

d) A= 2nd rib, B= pedicle, C= diaphragm, D= spinous process

What are the structures marked A-D in this image?

c) A= Transverse process of C1, B= uncinate process, C= clavicle, D= pedicle, E= trachea

What are the structures marked A-E in this image?

c) Magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, computed tomography scan

1. Place the imaging modalities in order of lowest to highest radiation dose to patient?

b) 1, 4, 5, 8

A bone tumor is more likely to be malignant then benign if it 1) affects vertebral bodies rather that the vertebral arch, 2) is slow growing, 3) has a distinct outline, 4) has a moth-eaten appearance, 5) has interrupted periosteum, 6) is a geographic lesion, 7) affects a young individual, 8) affects soft tissues as well as bone

c) Separation of the AC joint and increased distance between the coracoid process and the clavicle. A comminuted fracture of the mid clavicle

A middle- aged man has a work- related injury to his shoulder girdle. Which of the following best describes the findings?

d) Stress films

An altered relationship at the C1- C2 articulation may be an indicator of ligamentous laxity. This can be best demonstrated on which of the following views?

a) AP of the shoulder girdle with and without ten-pound weights in his hands

A patient fell on the top of his shoulder playing rugby. You suspect an acromioclavicular strain. If an imaging study is indicated. What projection is most likely to help you with your diagnosis?

c) Right rotation and left lateral flexion at C1/2

How would you describe the alignment in this AP open- mouth radiograph?

b) Complete, dorsally and medially displaced, anteriorly and laterally deviated, assocaited with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint

How would you describe the radial fracture displayed in this image

b) Distal fragment is displaced laterally and posteriorly

How would you describe the relationship of fragments of this fracture? ( is this correct?????)

a) Left- convex thoracolumbar, structural

In this AP image of a patient with scoliosis, the patient is side-bending towards the convexity. How would you describe the scoliosis?

b) 1= sacroiliac joint, 2= foramen for S1 nerve, 3= body of sacrum, 4= ilium

In this oblique coronal CT of the sacrum, what are the structures marked 1-4?

b) Yes, there is a fracture. The slippage is at the L4/L5 level

Is there a fracture associated with the anterior slippage in this lateral lumbar radiograph?

a) True

This is a sunrise radiograph of the patellofemoral joint of the knee of a man...

b) Bone marrow is bright on T1 and but fairly dark on

On MRI images

b) CT, bone window

Please view this image of the L5/S1 segment, what image technique is being used?

c) An abnormally dark lung field

Radiographic findings for COPD include:

a. True

The PA radiograph of the distal forearm shows a complete fracture?

a) Air, fat, water, bone

The following densities are correctly arranged in order of increasing radiodensity?

c) Osteophytosis, subchondral sclerosis, localized joint space narrowing, subchondral

The hallmarks of degenerative joint disease at the hip joints are?

c) Computed tomography

The imaging modality that most accurately depicts the location, size and orientation of fracture fragments is?

b) Comminuted

The lateral radiograph showing a fracture of the distal 1/3 of the humerus. How would you describe the fracture line?

a) True

The lesion in this radiograph is more likely to be benign than to be malignant?

a) True

The lesion in this radiograph is more likely to be malignant then benign

c) Intervertebral foramina

The pertinent anatomical feature to evaluate on an oblique view of the cervical spine is the:

b) Involvement of the distal interphalangeal joints

The radiograph of the hand of a young woman with RA. Which radiographic finding is not characteristic of RA?

b) False

The radiograph of the right knee of a 30-year-old man shows imaging signs of RA

a) Increased radiolucency on the affected side

The radiographic presentation of pneumothorax includes:

d) A= trapezius, B= supraspinatus, C= subscapularis, D= glenoid, E= fluid filled lesion in the humeral head, F= middle part of deltoid

This is a T1 weighted oblique coronal MR image of the left shoulder. What are the structures marked A-F in the image?

a. True

This is a complete clavicular fracture?

b) Ultrasound

This is a longitudinal image of the supraspinatus, what is the imaging method used?

a. A= right costovertebral joint, B= right costo-transverse joint, C= transverse process of T7, D= Left pedicle of T7, E= aorta -(MARKED WRONG ON QUIZ)

This is a mid-thoracic CT scan. What are the structures, marked A-E, in the image?

a) The loss of joint space is uniform

This is a radiograph of the left shoulder of an older man with osteoarthritis. Which radiographic finding is not characteristic for osteoarthritis?

d) Left C5/6 intervertebral foramen, B= posterior arch of atlas, C= C4 pedicle on the left, D= C2/3 facet joint on the right

This is a right posterior oblique film. The patient's body is rotated 45 degrees to the left, from the lateral view, so that we can visualize the left intervertebral foramina. What are the structures marked A-D in this image?

b) A= lesser tuberosity, B= acromion, C= coracoid process, D= spine of the scapula, E= superior- medial angle of scapula, F= 1st rib

This is an AP (external rotation) radiograph of the right shoulder. What do the dotted lines marked A-F in this image represent?

c) Subchondral cysts

This is an AP radiograph of the hip of a 40-year-old-man with osteoarthritis. What is the most likely explanation for the areas indicated by the arrows?

c) Subchondral sclerosis of the femoral head

This is an AP radiograph of the hip of a man 40-year-old-man with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. Which of the following radiograph signs is NOT present?

a) Flexed position of C3- C7

This lateral radiograph of a young woman shows mal-alignment of the cervical spine. Which best characterizes this image?

b. False

This radiograph shows osteoarthritis?

a) Anterior dislocation of the shoulder

This scapular Y- view radiograph of the right shoulder shows:

a. Oblique projection

To pick up a fracture of the pars interarticularis, the best plan film projection on the

c) T8

View this AP image of a patient with scoliosis. The greatest amount of rotation is at:

a) Left convexity and left rotation

View this AP image of a patient with unknown history and diagnosis. How would you describe the alignment of the mid- lumbar spine?

c) Hypertrophic left transverse process and sacralization

View this AP image of a patient with unknown history and diagnosis. How would you describe the lowermost lumbar vertebrae?

a) Better overview

What advantages does conventional radiography have over the advanced imaging modalities?

c) A= left L3 inferior vertebral border, B= right L3/4 intervertebral foramen, C= inferior articular process of L4, D= inferior border of the right L4 pedicle, E= spinal canal

What are the structures marked A-E in this right lateral radiograph?

a) A= right transverse process of C1, B= vertebral body of C3, C=left pedicle of C2

What are the structures marked a-c in this AP open mouth radiograph?

a) A= acromioclavicular joint, B= subscapularis muscle, C= infraspinatus muscle, D= long head of the triceps

What are the structures marked a-d in this T1 oblique sagittal plane MRI of the shoulder?

b) A= psoas major, B= S1 nerve, C= intervertebral disc, D= L5 lamina

What are the structures marked a-d in this axial T1 MRI of the L5/S1 intervertebral level?

b) Ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament

What are your radiographic findings for this lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine?

a) Disc protrusion

What is the abnormality at the level indicated by the solid arrow of the lateral cervical radiograph?

d) Ultrasound

Which imaging modality best fits the following description? The modality has limited inter-examiner reliability, best demonstrates the internal structure of dense connective tissue, is inexpensive and has a limited field of view?

d) Tissues that release their energy slowly will appear brighter on T2

Which is true of T2 imaging?

a) Congestive heart failure

Which of the following could account for the size of the cardiac silhouette seen in the image below?

c) Osteophytes

Which of the following features is most likely a typical radiographic sign for OA?

d) Sharp defined borders

Which of the following radiological signs is most likely related to a benign lesion?

d) Poorly defined borders

Which of the following radiological signs is most likely related to a malignancy?

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