immune system mc

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Tissue fluid originates from A) the cytoplasm of cells B) lymph fluid C) blood plasma D) protein metabolism


A hapten is a very small molecule that can stimulate an immune response by themselves. A) True B) False


An example of an autoimmune disease is A) Cystic fibrosis B) Rheumatoid arthritis C) septicemia D) Leukemia


Antibodies attack foreign proteins A) directly B) by activating complement C) stimulating local changes to localize pathogens D) all of the above


B-lymphocytes respond to foreign protein by A) phagocytosis B) secreting and synthesizing cytokines C) producing antigens D) producing antibodies or immunoglobulins


Compartments within a lymph node contain dense masses of A) epithelial tissue B) connective tissue C) oocytes D) lymphocytes


Edema can occur in tissue distal to damage to lymphatic tissue. A) True B) False


Functions of lymph nodes include A) filtering foreign substances from lymph B) immune surveillance C) both D) neither


Immune surveillance is provided by which of the following parts of lymph nodes? A) macrophages and lymphocytes B) Peyer's patches and macrophages C) the hilum and lymphocytes D) lymph sinuses and the hilum


Immunity is resistance to particular pathogens or their toxins or metabolic by-products. A) True B) False


Inflammation is solely a response to infection. A) True B) False


Interferon, a hormone-like peptide produced by lymphocytes and fibroblasts, is an example of a chemical barrier to infection. A) True B) False


Lymph flows only in one direction, toward the heart. A) True B) False


Lymph nodes are usually shaped like A) almonds B) peas C) beans D) convex disks


Lymph rejoins the blood and becomes part of the plasma in the A) lymph nodes B) right and left subclavian veins C) inferior and superior venae cavae D) right atrium


Macrophages attack infecting pathogens and lymphocytes attack damaged cells and foreign proteins. A) True B) False


Movement of lymph is primarily due to A) blood pressure B) alternate constriction and dilatation of lymph vessels C) muscle contraction D) gravity


Phagocytic cells can leave the bloodstream by squeezing between the cells of blood vessel walls in the process of diapedesis. A) True B) False


T cell activity is remarkable in all of the following except A) lymph nodes B) lungs C) thoracic duct D) spleen


T cells and B cells are to be able to recognize foreign proteins because A) of changes in the nucleus of these lymphocytes B) the cytoplasm of the T cell and B cell is altered C) of changes in the permeability of the cell membrane of these lymphocytes. D) of the presence of receptor molecules on T cells and B cells which fit the molecules of antigens


T cells produce an initial immune response by A) producing hormone-like substances that affect the DNA of antigens B) suppressing the maturation of all non T-cell leukocytes C) attaching to antigen bearing cells D) destroying the cell membranes of antigens


The Thymus is located in the A) posterior neck B) thorax behind the sternum C) upper abdomen D) ileum of the small intestine


The cell first attacked and harmed by the HIV virus is the A) neutrophil B) T cell C) B cell D) monocyte


The fact that a given disease may affect humans but not their cats and dogs is an example of species resistance. A) True B) False


The function(s) of lymph is(are) to A) recapture protein molecules from the capillary bed B) transport foreign particles to lymph nodes C) both D) neither


The immunoglobulin implicated in allergic responses is A) IgA B) IgM C) IgD D) IgE


The largest lymph vessel is the A) lumbar trunk B) thoracic duct C) lymphatic duct D) intestinal trunk


The largest of the organs of the lymphatic system is the A) collection of lymph nodes B) spleen C) red bone marrow D) none of the above


The major symptoms of inflammation are A) pain B) localized redness C) swelling and heat D) all of the above


The skin is poorly supplied with lymph capillaries. A) True B) False


The smallest of the lymph vessels are tubes with closed ends called lymphatic capillaries. A) True B) False


The structure of the walls of large lymphatic vessels are most similar to the structure of A) arteries B) capillaries C) sinuses D) veins


The thymus enlarges throughout childhood and reaches its maximum size in the 4th and 5th decades. A) True B) False


The type of allergic response that occurs soon after contact with an allergen is a(n) A) collagen response B) delayed reaction allergy C) inflammatory response D) immediate reaction allergy


The upper skin layer is an example of which of the following body defenses against infection? A) immunity B) inflammation C) mechanical barrier D) phagocytosis


Tissue rejection following organ transplantation resembles A) a T cell response to an antigen B) destruction of tissue due to large amounts of histamine C) a cell-mediated response to a non-self antigen D) inflammatory responses


Which of the following characteristics of the stomach enable it to act as a chemical barrier? A) low pH B) presence of lysozyme C) presence of amylase D) presence of pepsin


Which of the following diseases has been eliminated by a world-wide vaccination program? A) Smallpox B) Measles C) Polio D) Haemophilus influenzae type B


Which of the following is not an antigen-presenting cell? A) macrophages B) red blood cells C) B cells D) monocytes


Which of the following may be a pathogen? A) bacteria and protozoans B) viruses C) fungi D) all of the above


Which of the following white cells mature in the thymus? A) eosinophils B) T cells C) monocytes D) agranular white cells

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