Imperial China

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The Mongols created the largest land empire in the history of the world in less than

25 years

The use of a brush and ink to write beautiful characters on paper is called ____.


artistic handwriting


a count of the number of people in a country


_____ were based on Confucian principles and helped establish a new class in society.

civil service examinations

What was the result of using coal for heating instead of wood?

creating steel from iron

Because the Mongols had their own language, laws, and customs, they ____.

did not mix socially with the Chinese

Strict rules prevented scholar-officials from ____.

doing physical work

Early Ming rulers built a large fleet of ships in order to ____.

expand China's influence abroad

During the Tang dynasty, candidates for civil service positions were judged by whom they knew and how wealthy they were


European missionaries had great success in converting Chinese people to Christianity


The Mongols expanded their empire by conquering Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.


The Mongols were a nomadic warrior people who lived in clans, or ____.

family groups

The development of the ____ helped make the Chinese army a powerful fighting force.

fire lance

The first Ming ruler, Hong Wu, restored law and order but was a(n)____ leader.


What was a key principle of Neo-Confucianism?

helping others

What did the Mongols learn from the Chinese?

how to use gunpowder

a new form of the ideas of the philosopher Confucius; included Buddhist and Daoist beliefs


a long fictional story


What became popular during the Ming dynasty?


A census helped Ming officials determine who ____.

owed taxes

Printing led to the invention of ____.

paper currency or books

Followers of Confucianism believed that if they followed Confucius' teachings, they would find ______.

peace of mind

During the Tang and Song dynasties, writers best expressed their ideas through ____.


Which was a result of decisions by Tang rulers to give more land to farmers?

population grew

a ceramic made of fine clay baked at very high temperatures


Which invention helped the Chinese solve the problem of needing more money for trade?


China's trade increased because Tang dynasty rulers had what rebuilt?

roads and waterways

flat dry grassland


Mongol warriors were greatly feared for their use of ____ in fighting their enemies.


violent acts that are meant to cause fear in people


What was built during the early Ming dynasty and still stands today?

the Forbidden City

Who was Kublai Khan?

the first Yuan emperor

What was Genghis Khan's main goal as leader of the Mongols?

to establish trade relations with Europeans

Who brought Buddhism to China in the AD 100s?

traders and missionaries

At the height of its power and influence, the Mongol Empire stretched from eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean and from Siberia to the Himalaya mountain ranges.


Buddhist monks and nuns helped meet poor people's needs, and were tolerated by early Tang rulers.


During the Ming dynasty, most Chinese wore cotton clothes.


The Mongols in China practiced Buddhism and respected the religions of others


The printing of books was important because it helped spread ideas and info more rapidly.


The most ambitious project under Emperor Yangdi was the ______, which helped unite China throughout China

Grand Canal

Who was best known for writing poems about nature?

Li Bo

Who was the most famous European to live in China during the period of Mongol rule?

Marco Polo

Since the days of Marco Polo, the ____ were the first Europeans to make contact with the Chinese.


In A.D. 581, the __ dynasty unified China under the rule of the emperors.


Who led seven overseas expeditions between A.D. 1405 and 1431?

Zheng He

uncivilized people


Which city prospered under the Tang dynasty?


What happened after Ming dynasty officials cancelled sea voyages?

China saw its foreign trade go into steep decline

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