Implicit attitudes
cognitive capacity is low
this is when the IAT can predict consumer brand choice more accurately by implicit preferences ( food choice and soft drink choice)
changing implicit attitudes
1. seek exposure to the opposite experiences 2. avoid exposure to the negative stereotype 3. remain alert to unwanted preferences
spreading activation
AKA "priming"-- when activation of one node automatically activates the other nodes linked to it, often an unconscious action (i.e. Gerber babies= cuteness)
(positive) recall strategy
Toyota uses this strategy to deal with bad publicity
persuasive appeals, implicit
___ may change an explicit attitude, but new explicit attitudes do no necessarily change the old ___ one
structure of memory
associative network of nodes and links that work via "spreading activation"
automatic evaluative response; gut response
link strength
based on the frequency and recency of exposure to said link
conscious and evaluative response; individuals are aware of this response
types of attitudes
explicit and implicit
implicit attitudes are rigid or malleable?
retrieval strategy
increased Mcdonald's ratings compared to rumor being left alone
being informed
link formation-- GMO--> article about dangerous GMOs--> GMO=danger
inference making
link formation-- European brand name-> Europe -> classy, cultured
link formation
nodes co-occur in space and time
IAT (implicit association test)
predicts, w/ relative accuracy, the decisions people might make based on implicit attitudes
refutation strategy
same ratings of Mcdonalds as if the refuting statement was left out
explicit (higher or lower involvement)
the attitude that drives higher involvement decisions
implicit (higher or lower involvement)
the attitude that drives lower involvement decisions
person posing as a volunteer participant, but he/she is actually apart of the study
verifying attitude change
why implicit attitudes may be useful (i.e. Sexiest vegans next door contest)