individual in society/ prejudice and discrimination

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what is social stigma

a discriminated person is effected by self esteem and self worth

what is failure and advantage

a person that internalizes failure

what is prejudice

a preconceived negative judgement of a group and its individual members

what is tokenism

actively giving small concessions to a minorty group to deflect accusations of prejudice and discrimination

what is an authoritarian personality

bigots, likes authority anger on the weak, rank and heirachy

what is group paraidym

by being in a group and working on a task together against another group

what is attributional ambiguity

causes of behavour-why was i treated like that. WHy was i hired, why are people looking at me

what is self fullfilling prophecy

contrain peoples ideas, after they fail , you blame them even though you set them up to fail

social dominance theory

does not accept that we are equal, there is a heichrachy

social identity theory

ethocentrism-centred on ones own group ingroup favourtism intergroup differentation- how is our group different from our group

what is streotype threat

fear that we will be judged and confirm the discrimination of our stereotype

what are the targets of prejudice

gender,health,age,sexuality,race , phsycial

summary of ingroup/outgroup reactions

hetrohenaty - we differ homogenatiy - they are alike atttibuitions for ingroup - situation attributions for outgroup- the person is to blame

what are the forms of discrimination

individiuals v individuals groups institutions (government bodies)

john darley and latenay

introduced the bystander effect

what is attribution of performance by men and women

men attribute ability and high level of effort, needs to be rewarded women attribuite luck and easy task no rewards

what was latne and darley model

notice the incident, interperet as emergency assume responsibility

what is relunctance to help

passively or actively declining to help

belief congurance orientation

pauline hanson

what are the explanations of prejudice

personality and false beleifs

what is reverse discrimination

publicly being prejudice in favour of a minorty group to deflect from showing prejudice against this group.

what is benevelont sexism

putting women on a pedastool

rightwing authoritarianism/dogmatism

rigid and only accepts own views

attribution theory (situation)

stimulus- person attribution- external or internal emotion- empathy or no empathy action -help or not help

what is sterotype

the beleif about a certain group and its attributes

what is discrimination

unjustified negative behaviour towards a group and its members

what is egalitarianism

we are all equal

intergroup behvaviour

we are aware of the groups that we belong to (ingroups) we understand our ingroups but do not undertand outgroup.

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