Industrial and Product Safety Exam 3

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Approximately how many people are direct victims of workplace violence annually?

1 million

Essential components of a lesson plan

1. Opening/Anticipatory Set 2.) Input 3.) Modeling 4.) Ongoing Checking for Understanding 5.) Guided Practice 6.) Independent Practice 7.) Closing/Evaluation

explain the concept of crime prevention through the concept of environmental design

4 major elements: natural surveillance, control of access, establishment of territoriality, and activity support (author added administrative controls)

What is the total decompression time for an employee who works for four hours under pressure of 20 psig?


Summarize the mistrust that sometimes exists between labor and management concerning safety and health training.

A major inhibitor in the provision of safety and health training is mistrust between labor unions and management, a fact that safety and health professionals must be prepared to handle. Such professionals are normally part of a company's management team and, as a result, may be viewed with suspicion by workers. Safety and health professionals often feel as if they are caught in the middle with neither side appreciating their work.When management and labor debate the safety and health issue, both sides usually make many charges and counter charges. In short, management claims labor is not sufficiently sensitive to the bottom line, and labor claims management is not sufficiently sensitive to the safety and health of workers.The mistrust that is at the heart of this issue runs both ways. Therefore, safety and health professionals have a very important task in convincing both sides that providing a safe and healthy workplace is not only ethically right but also profitable in the long run.Safety and health professionals should be able to articulate specifically how employers can meet their legal and ethical obligations concerning workforce training

What is the difference between sound and noise?

A noise is any unwanted sound. A sound is any change in pressure that can be detected by the ear. The difference between noise and sound is in the perception of the person hearing it

Explain nitrogen narcosis.

A partial pressure hazard which results from a higher than normal level of nitrogen pressure. when breathed under pressure, nitrogen causes a reduction of cerebral and neural activity.

Describe the process of audiometric evaluation.

A pure tone audiometry test measures the softest, or least audible, sound that a person can hear. During the test, you will wear earphones and hear a range of sounds directed to one ear at a time.

What are the important qualities of an evacuation warning signal?

A sufficient number of signal generators must be installed to cover all personnel who may need to be evacuated. The signal shall be unique unduplicated, and instantly recognizable in the plant where it is located. The signal must be long enough in duration to ensure that all potentially affected employees are able to hear it. The signal generator must respond automatically without the need for human activation, and it must be fitted with backup power

Explain the OSHA regulations on instructing and informing personnel.

All employees must be informed of existing radiation hazards and where they exist: the extent of hazards: and how to protect themselves from the hazards. All employees must be advised of any reports of radiation exposure requested by other employees. All employees must have ready access to 29 CFR 1910.1096(i) and any related company operating procedures.

Discuss altitude sickness.

Altitude sickness is a form of hypoxia associated with high altitudes. Ascent to an altitude of 10,000 feet above sea level can result in a feeling of malaise, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

Explain noise-induced hearing loss at work place.

An overall gradual change or decline overtime in the cochlea or Acoustic trauma.acoustic trauma defintionsudden loud exposure that causes permanent hearing loss

Chapter 17: Against which references is pressure measured? How are these references measured?

Atmospheric pressure is usually measured using a barometer.

What document could you use as a guide to the OSHA training requirements?

CFR Parts 1910 and 1926 follow

List the situations in which caution signs are required of employers.

Caution signs and labels have always been an important part of safety and health programs. Caution signs are required by both OSHA and the NRC in the following areas and situations: radiation areas, high-radiation areas, airborne radiation areas, areas containing radioactive materials, and containers in which radioactive materials are stored or transported.

3 components of a lecture

Content. Design. Delivery.

Explain Dalton's law of partial pressures.

Dalton's law of partial pressures states that in a mixture of theoretically ideal gases, the pressure exerted by the mixture is the mixture is the sum of the pressures exerted by each component gas of the mixture.

Define how to conduct destructive testing of pressure vessels.

Destructive testing methods destroy the material being checked. proof pressures generate stresses to the gas container, typically 1.5 to 1.667 times the max expected operating pressure for that container. Strain measurements may also be collected to indicate permanent weakening changes to the container material that remain after the pressure is released.

What is the relationship between trapped gas effects and dysbarism?

Dysbarism is often associated with underwater diving or working in pressurized containers (such as airplanes) Jet travel causes the most commonly occurring instance of trapped gas effects

Briefly explain the term dysbarism.

Dysbarism: When the formation of gas bubbles is due to rapid ambient pressure reduction. The major causes of dysbarism are the release of gas from the blood and the attempted expansion of trapped gas in body tissues. The sickness may occur with the decompression associated with rapidly moving from sea level to approximately 20,000 feet above sea level.

Explain the four classifications of HPDs that are widely used.

Enclosures, earplugs, superaural caps and earmuffs. Enclosures: devices that completely encompass the employee's head, much like the helmets worn by motorcycle riders. Earplugs: devices that fit into the ear canal, custom Superaural caps: fit over the external edge of the ear canal and are held in place by a headband. Earmuffs: cover the entire ear with a cushioned cup that is attached to a headband.

Differentiate between engineering and administrative controls.

Engineering controls are defined as any modification or replacement of equipment or related physical change at the noise source or along the transmission path that reduces the noise level at the employee's ear. Administrative controls are defined as changes in the work schedule or operations that reduce noise exposure.

How does MSHA define the term experienced miner ?

Even with a waiver from MSHA, at least 8hrs of training must be provided before the miner begins work.

Describe the incidents that require immediate notification concerning radiation over-exposure.

Exposure of the whole body of any individual to 25 rems or more of radiation. Exposure of the skin of the whole body of any individual to 150 rems or more of radiation. Exposure of the feet, ankles, hands, or forearms of any individual to 375 rems or more of radiation. The release of radioactive material in concentrations which if averaged over a period of 24 hours would exceed 5000 times the limit specified.

a violent act that occurs away from the employer's premises cannot be considered work related


employees who commit violent acts forfeit their rights and can be dealt with accordingly


What factors do medical professionals consider in determining casual relationships of hearing loss?

Four factors that affect the risk of hearing loss are sound level, frequency, duration, and distribution.

Define the term partial pressure.

Gas exchange occurs between air in the lung alveoli and gas in solution in blood. The pressure gradients causing this gas exchange are call partial pressures.

What is HAV? How can it be prevented?

HAV- Hand arm vibration syndrome, HAV prevention strategies include purchasing low-vibration tools, limiting employee exposure, and changing employee work habits.

Define hypoxia and hyperoxia.

Hypoxia: A reduction in partial pressure can result from reduced available oxygen and cause a problem in breathing. Hyperoxia: too much oxygen or oxygen breathed under pressure that is too high.

Give a brief description of ANSI S12.13.

In 1991, draft standard ANSI S12.13 was published, offering methods for using the variability in audiometric data as an indicator of the effectiveness of hearing conservation programs (HCPs) in protecting noise‐exposed personnel from occupational hearing loss.

Beyond the legal requirements of the OSH Act, how does OSHA promote safety and health training?

No amount of legislation can properly regulate every hazardous substance or every potentially hazardous situation. Chemicals and technologies are developed and put in place much more rapidly than is legislation. The federalRegistry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substancesmaintained by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) typically adds several thousand new chemicals to its list each year.Clearly, the only way to guarantee that employees are well informed about the safety and health aspects of their jobs is for companies to fulfill their moral obligations along these lines. According to Spencer and Simonowitz,If the sick person has rights to information and determination regarding his or her body, should the well, healthy employee or working person have any less right to the same consideration when there are health implications of exposure on the job? If the sick person is entitled to know about procedures and prognosis, discomforts and inconveniences, risk, and experience of pro-posed treatment, surely working persons should have similar rights to information about the nature and toxicity of the substances with which they work, controls and their effectiveness,personal discomforts and inconvenience of both hazards and controls, morbidity and mortality data, and the relative risk.

Explain noise control strategies.

Noise can be reduced at its source by enclosing the source, altering the acoustical design at the source, substituting equipment that produces less noise, making alterations to existing equipment, or changing the process so that less noisy equipment can be used. Noise can be reduced along its path by moving the source farther away from receivers and improving the acoustical design of the path so that more sound is absorbed as it travels toward receivers. Noise can be reduced at the receiver by enclosing the worker, using personal protective devices, and changing job schedules so that exposure time is reduced.

Define the term nonionizing radiation.

Nonionizing radiation is that radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum that has a frequency (hertz, cycles per second) of 10^15 or less and a wavelength in meters of 3 Hz 10^-7 or less. This encompasses visible ultraviolet, infrared, microwave, radio, and alternating current (AC) power frequencies.

Chapter 13: Define the following terms as they relate to violence in the workplace: occupational violent crime, employee, and outsider

Occupational violent crime: Intentional battery, rape, or homicide during the course of employment. Employee: An individual with an employment-related relationship with the victim of a workplace violence incident. Outsider: An individual with no relationship of any kind with the victim of a workplace violence incident or with the victim's employer.

Explain how an employer can accommodate the training needs of workers with limited English-speaking ability.

Offer classes to help them learn English

Chapter 12: Explain briefly each of the steps in the four-step teaching method

Preparation1st step- motivates the student to learn Presentation2nd step- present the content in the form of a lesson plan Application3rd step- apply the presented material and gauge students' understanding Evaluation4th step- demonstrate competency in the form of a written test or skills demonstration

What causes vacuums?

Pressures below atmospheric level (hurricanes and tornadoes)

What are the primary sources of concern regarding nonionizing radiation?

Radiation at these frequency levels does not have sufficient energy to shatter atoms and ionize them. However, such radiation can cause blisters and blindness. In addition, there is mounting evidence of a link between nonionizing radiation and cancer. The greatest concerns about nonionizing radiation relate to the following sources: visible radiation, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, radio frequency and microwave radiation, extremely low frequency radiation, laser, and video display terminals.

How should radioactive material be treated when stored in a non-restricted area?

Radioactive materials that are stored in unrestricted areas shall be secured against unauthorized removal from the place of storage. This requirement precludes the handling and transport, intentional or inadvertent, of radioactive materials by persons who are not qualified to move them safely.

Explain how to conduct a job safety analysis.

Step One: Select Which Job to Analyze. Step Two: Job Task Breakdown. Step Three: Identifying Hazards. Step Four: Develop Preventative Measures. Step Five: Document and Communicate Job Hazard Analysis Findings. Step Six: Get Help (If Needed)

Give a brief description of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95, Hearing Conservation Amendment.

The Hearing Conservation Amendment to the OSHA Occupational noise exposure standard, 29 CFR 1910.95, requires that employers establish a hearing conservation program for employees whose noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average

What does the Nuclear Regulatory Commission do?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is an independent federal regulatory agency responsible for licensing and inspecting nuclear power plants and other commercial uses of radioactive materials. The NRC's primary responsibility is to ensure that workers and the public are protected from unnecessary or excessive exposure to radiation and that nuclear facilities, including power plants are constructed to high-quality standards and operated in a safe manner.

Establish the legal framework for providing safety and health training.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSH Act, mandates that employers provide safety and health training. The OSH Act requires•Education and training programs for employees•Establishment and maintenance of proper working conditions and precautions•Provision of information about all hazards to which employees will be exposed on the job•Provision of information about the symptoms of exposure to toxic chemicals and other substances that may be present in the workplace•Provision of information about emergency treatment proceduresIn addition, the OSH Act requires that employers make information available to workers concerning the results of medical or biological tests and that workers be given opportunities to observe when activities for monitoring regulated substances are undertaken.However, the OSH Act did not specifically cover numerous toxic substances in its requirement for employee training. This broad-based exclusion represented a serious and dangerous loophole in the law. Since the passage of the OSH Act, this loophole has been closed. According to Spencer and Simonowitz,With the Federal standards promulgated in the early 80s called the "Right-to-know" laws, com-posed of the "Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records" (29 C.F.R. 1910.20) and the"Hazard Communication" (29 C.F.R. 1910.1200), it is now the duty of employers to provide awide variety of all information.As a result of the OSH Act and subsequent federal regulations, workers have a right toinformation about any aspect of the workplace that may affect their safety and health. Inaddition, the OSH Act and subsequent federal legislation clearly establish the employer'sresponsibility for providing employees with the information they need to work safely.One of the specific responsibilities of employers set forth in the Hazard Communica-tion Regulation (29 CFR 1910.20) is the provision ofhazard communication programs.These programs should include such components as warning labels, training, access to records, and the distribution of material safety data sheets.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) makes grants available for companies to use for programs that will improve the understanding of material safety data sheets (MSDSs). "The education program developed . . .may also involve providing training to employees or a combination of both.

Explain the OSHA regulation regarding hearing conservation programs.

The basic requirements generated from this standard for hearing conservation programs are: hearing hazards monitoring, engineering and administrative controls, audiometric evaluation, personal hearing-protection devices, education and motivation, record keeping, and program evaluation.

What are the critical noise risk factors?

The sound level frequency, duration and distribution of noise.

What does the hazard communication regulation (29 CFR 1910) require of employers?

This program should include such components as warning labels, training, access to records, and the distribution of material safety data sheets.

Explain the procedure of conducting nondestructive testing of pressure vessels.

To prevent leakage or rupture, it is necessary to examine pressure vessels periodically. Nondestructive testing methods do not harm the material being tested. Nondestructive methods may include mixing dye penetrants and magnetic or radioactive particles with the gas and then measuring the flow of the gas.

Summarize the MSHA training requirements for newly employed but experienced miners

Typically, training takes place before the miner begins work, however, with prior approval of MSHA, up to 16 hours of the training may be provided after the new miner begins work.

Explain three ways to conduct nondestructive testing of pressure vessels.

Visual examination, liquid penetration test, magnetic particle test, x-ray radiography, ultrasonic tests

Explain briefly the rationale for providing safety training.

Workers who have not been trained to perform their jobs safely are more likely to have accidents. Besides the commonsense fact that a well-trained employee is more likely to be a safe employee, there are also legal and ethical reasons for providing safety and health training. The Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSH Act, mandates that employers provide safety and health training.

List the required contents in a written report of radiation overeposure.

Written reports are required when an employee is exposed as set forth in the previous section, or when radioactive materials are on hand in concentrations greater than specified limits. Each report should contain the following material as applicable: extent of exposure of employees to radiation or radioactive materials; levels of radiation and concentration of radiation involved; cause of the exposure; levels of concentrations; and corrective action taken.

What do length of exposure, the bends, the chokes, and aseptic necrosis of bone have in common?

all pressure dangers to humans associated with decompression sickness

Chapter 22: Define hazardous noise.

any sound for which any combination of frequency, intensity, or duration is capable of causing permanent hearing loss in a specified population.

4 ways in which an angry person may respond in a work setting

attacking, retaliating, isolation, coping

List three appropriate follow-up activities when an audiometric test reveals hearing loss in an employee.

conducting the test once again to verify, change or improve type of personal protection, test other employees to determine if they have any hearing loss

what are the primary causes of conflict on the job?

dictatorial management, role ambiguity, partial inconsistent supervision, unattended hostility, no respect for privacy, insufficient training

Define the following terms: follow-up, noise survey, and audiometric testing.

follow-up: corrective action at the first sign of hearing loss. noise survey: measures the noise levels at different locations in the workplace. audiometric testing: measures the hearing threshold of employees

Explain why online safety and health training has become so popular.

has begun to eclipse all other forms of safety and health instruction- this rise is because of several factors including convenience, quality, computer proficiency of younger employees, and employee preference

what elements of OSHA's guidelines for workplace violence can be adapted for future use in most types of business and industrial firms?

management commitment & employee involvement, hazard prevention & control, workplace analysis, record keeping & evaluation, safety & health training

.List five principles of learning.

people learn best when they are ready to learn- people learn best in step-by-step manner- people learn by doing- the more often people use what they are learning, the better they will remember and understand it- success in learning tends to stimulate additional learning- people need immediate and continual feedback to know if they have learned

what is the exclusivity provision of workers comp laws?

provides employers with some protection from liability in cases of workplace violence, provided that the incident is work related. significant because

Explain the main components of an evaluation of a hearing loss prevention program.

training & education, supervisor involvement, noise measurement, engineering & administrative controls, monitoring & record keeping, referrals, hearing protection devices, administration

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