Industrialization Test (actual)

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Which of the following is NOT associated with Thomas Jefferson?

"Father of the Constitution

Which of the following did NOT deal with the issue of slavery?

18th Amendment

What sparked the abolitionist, temperance, and suffrage movements?

2nd Great Awakening

Which one of the associations is FALSE?

Alexander Graham Bell-power generator

who made following statement? We women of America tell you that America is not a democracy Twenty million women are denied the right to vote

Alice Paul

What can be determined from the picture?

America was seen as the land of opportunity and freedom by immigrants

What was a Tory?

American who opposed revolution and independence from Britain

Who had the greatest impact on the production trend shown in the table?

Andrew Carnegie

Whose ideas about the way to achieve racial equality are reflected in the picture?

Booker T. Washington

What is one thing that the Articles of Confederation did have?


Who had the greatest impact on the economic development featured in the map of the US?

Cornelius Vanderbilt

have been insane on the subject of moneymaking all of my life." Who made this statement?

Cornelius Vanderbilt

(Negroes) are so far inferior, that they have no rights which the white man is bound to respect. The negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit" What court case asserted this belief?

Dred Scott v Sanford

The picture best illustrates whose feelings?

Eugene Debs

What parties argued about weather the US should have a national bank?

Federalists and Democratic Republicans

What asserted that the government should be "for, by, and of the people?

Gettysburg Address

All of the following pushed for women's voting rights, EXCEPT

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who is most closely associated with the work project shown in the picture?

Henry Bessemer

The woman in the picture most likely belonged to what organization?


Our country's national crime is lynching.. Brave men do not gather by thousands to torture and murder a single individual. Who made this statement?

Ida Wells-Barnett

What British law specifically designed to punish the Americans and demonstrate England's authority over the colonies?

Intolerable Acts

Which of the following was NOT a radical who wanted to change things?

JP Morgan

Which of the statements about immigrants is FALSE?

Jews and Slavs were the first ethnic groups to be restricted from coming to the US

would rather earn 1 % off a 100 people 's efforts , than 100 % of my own efforts . Who made this statement ?

John D. Rockefeller

Which of the following led to the birth of the Republican Party?

Kansas Nebraska Act

What political party opposed immigration?

Know Nothings

Who formed covenant communities?


All of the following dealt with money and the economy, EXCEPT

Quartering Act

All of the following dealt with westward expansion, EXCEPT

Seneca Falls Declaration

We demand that big business give the people a square deal Who made this statement?

Teddy Roosevelt

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

Thomas Jefferson?

Who was the author of Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

What treaty brought France into the Revolutionary War against Great Britain?

Treaty of Alliance

The last workers were trapped against the blackened windows, burning to death before our very eyes. The glass they were pressed against shattered Down came the bodies in a shower- burning, smoking, flaming bodies, with disheveled hair trailing upward. The bodies lay there on the sidewalk three or four high, burning. What is this describing?

Triangle Fáctory

There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage. There would be stored in great piles in rooms and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on top of it Who described this in a book on the meatpacking industry?

Upton Sinclair

Who is most closely associated with the group that is protesting in the picture?

WEB DuBois

What did the Anti-Federalists fear?

a powerful national government

Send me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse.. Send these.. to me" In what ways was this statement by the statute of liberty misleading?

a. Americans eventually restricted what type of immigrants, and how many could come to the US b. Americans were often prejudiced against the new immigrants' cultures c. Americans often feared that immigrants would take away their jobs d. all of the answers are true

They wipe a man out here every little while. Sometimes a chain breaks, and a ladle tips over, and the iron explodes Sometimes the slag falls on the workmen Why would this occur?

a. big business owners were more concerned about profit than safety b. government did not regulate working conditions during the Industrial Revolution c. laborers were largely powerless to improve the conditions on their own d. all of the answers are true

What was similar about Saratoga and Gettysburg?

a. they were key turning points in wars

Which of the following did NOT reside in great numbers in the southern colonies?


What established the relationship that is illustrated by the graphic?

b. 17th Amendment

JP Morgan

banking and finance-

Which of the following was NOT associated with Native Americans?

battle of the Alamo

All of the following contributed to industrialization

cheap labor new technology a large supply of natural resources

What cash crop was most closely associated with Eli Whitney?


What explained the change in immigration illustrated in the graphic?

decreased due to the Emergency Quota Act

The weak members of civilized societies make more of their kind . No one who understands the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this harms the race of man. Hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed Why do we let mankind do this? What does this refer to?


What was the overall goal of the Progressive Era?

fix the problems of the Industrial Revolution

What does the "invisible hand" refer to?

forces that influence capitalist economies

All of the following contributed industrialization, EXCEPT

government regulation which helped small businesses to compete

Who was Samuel Gompers?

head of the American Federation of Labor

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Progressive Era?

help immigrants adapt to life in the US

This picture specifically illustrates American dislike of which group of people?


What was unique about Maryland when it was a colony?

it was a Catholic sanctuary

Grover Cleveland stated that "I do not believe that the government ought to relieve individual suffering.. Though the people support the government, the government should not support the people. His statement reflects what idea?

laissez faire

Thomas Edison

lightbulb and electricity

What was the main goal of the Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust Acts?

limit monopolies

What does the Hartford Convention show?

many Americans opposed the War of 1812

Henry Ford

mass production and the assembly line

What did McCulloch v Maryland assert?

nswerthe federal government can do things that are implied (but not specifically spelled out) in the Constitution

What reforms were made during the Progressive Era in response to the political problems illustrated in the picture, titled The Bosses of the Senate

political power was given to the people

What did the 10 % Plan deal with ?

readmittance of southern states into the Union

What enables voters to hold a special election in order to remove an unpopular political leader?


What idea does the following statement about factory owners reflect? "They saw their wealth, their power, as a perfectly legitimate reward for their hard work and ingenuity And that that was the best thing for American society That was the best thing for the economy

social darwinism

What does the Nullification Crisis show?

tariffs were connected to the issue of states rights

What does the Monroe Doctrine show?

the US looked at the Americas as its territory

What is the common trait between the Cavaliers and the Robber Barons?"

they were both extremely wealthy

What was significant about the election of 1800?

was the first peaceful transfer of power from one party to another

What should go on the box marked with question marks?

worker strikes

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