Interactions of Living Things-Questions

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What is Mattter?

Anything that has mass and takes up space

Compare a food chain to a food web

Food chain models how energy flows in an ecosystem through feeding relationships, but food chain is a model that shows severeal connected food chains

What does an energy pyramid show?

How energy is transferred in a food chain and how the amount of usable food energy decreses

How does the oxygen cycle illistrate how organisms can be mutually dependent on eachother for survival?

animals breathin oxygen and release carbon dioxide and the plants take in the caorbon dioxide and release oxygen

What is an example of a symbolic relationship?

ants and fungi-multualistic mistletoe and tree host-parasitism cocklbur sticking onto animals and humans-commenalism

Name 2 abiotic limiting facters and 2 biotic limiting facters

biotic-food , compitition abiotic-water temperatrure

What do animals release as awaste product?

carbon dioxide

Which contains more diverisity: a population or community?

community many different species live in one place

Why must producers be present in an enviroment?

convert water carbon dioxide and sunlight into organic molecules that are the foundation of life on earth

What type of water do you need to survive?


What is different between a habitat and a niche?

habitat is the living place of the organism niche iis how the organism protects itself survives obtains food and shelter and stays away from danger

What are 4 types of consumers?

herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detritivores

Whey is the carbon cycle considered a cycle?

is part of the biogeochemical cycle

Why is a populations biotic potincial rarely if ever met?

most species don't live in ideal enviromental conditions

What does popuilation density describe?

number of organisms per unit of area

What do plants release as a wast product?


What makes up the atmosphere?

oxygen and nitrogen and water vapor carbon dioxide

How may interactions among organisms differ in population and community?

population-the same species interacts with eachother community-many different species interact with eachother

Where is carbon in living organisms?

protiesn lipids carbohydrates nuclaeic acids

Where does your water supply come from?


Why does a succelsful ecosystem need all types of consumers?

regulates the population growth and gives energy to other organisms

What forms does water take in the water cycle?

solid liquid gas

Why is overpopulation harmful to organisms?

thier would not be enough of resourcdes for all of r=tjem so they would die off

Why do most living things need oxygen?

very few living things can survive in an ecosystem without oxygen

What are some of the living and nonliving things in our ecosystem?

water, leaves deer sun

How does energy move from a producer to othe organisms?

when it is eaten

Could 5 organisms of the same speceis make up a population?

yes because it is a group of organisms of the same speiceis rhat are living together at the same time

Can a person or group of hunters be considered a limiting facter for that populataion?

yes because they killing the members of that specieas

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