internal medicine 2
headache due to wc
back of neck headache, adversion to wind and cold, aggravated by wind, absence of thirst pink, thin white coat, floating and tight pulse chuan xiong cha tiao san ub11, ub12, li4, tai yang, st8, gb20
damp heat in lv+gb- hypochondriac pain
bitter taste, chest tight, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, red eyes, yellow sclera, yellow skin, yellow and greasy tongue, wiry slippery rapid pulse long dan xie gan tang lv14, lv3, sj6, gb34, gb24, st36
predominance of heat over damp- jaundice
bright orange complexion, fever, thirst, anguish in the heart, dry mouth, bitter taste, red tongue, yellow greasy, rapid wiry pulse yin chen hao tang sp9, ub19, gb34, lv3, st44, du9
constipation due to qi stag
difficulty passing, belching, fullness, discomfort in flank, thin greasy coat, wiry pulse liu mo tang st25, st28, lv3, ren12, ub25, sj6
lv qi stag- hypochondriac pain
distending pain, associated w/ emotions, tight chest, short breath, frequent belching, thin coat, wiry pulse chai hu shu gan san ub18, lv14, gb43, pc6
headache, hyperactivity of lv yang
distending, dizziness, blurry vision, neck stiffness, reslessness, insomnia, red eyes, malar flush, tinnitus, sore low back and knees, red tongue, scanty yellow coat, wiry thin powerful pulse tian ma gou tang yin lv3, lv4, ub18, gb20, gb38, st8
headache due to wh
distending/ splitting headache, fever, aversion to wind, red face and eyes, yellow urine, red tongue tip and edges, thin yellow coat, superficial and rapid pulse xiong zhi shi gao tang li4, gb20, li11, gb14, du14
yin def of lv and kd- ascites
distension and fullness, exposure of ab veins, dusky complexion, purple lips, dry mouth, reslesness, insomnia, gum or nasal bleeding, dry dark red tongue, wiry thready rapid pulse liu wei di huang wan sp9, kd5, kd7, kd3, sp6, ub18, ub23
headache, blood def
dizziness, palpitations, mental fatigue, poor memory, insomnia, blurry vision, pale, pale thin white coat, thready and weak pulse jian wei si wu tang
constipation due to blood def
dry stool, lusterless complextion, dizziness, blurry vision, pale tongue, thready pulse run chang wan ub25, st25, st28, st29, st26, sp6
constipation due to heat
dry stool, scanty yellow urine, difficult stool, fever, dry mouth , red w/ dry yellow coat, slippery and rapid pulse ma zi ren wan ub25, st25, sj6, LI4, st37, st44
lv yin def- hypochondriac pain
dull, lingering pain aggravated by fatigue, dry mouth, throat, feverish on chest, blurry vision, red scanty tongue, thready wiry rapid pulse yi quan jian lv14, ub18, sp10, ub23, sp6
yin jaundice
dusky smoky yellow dicoloration, poor appetite, loose stool, metal fatigue, cold intolerance, absence of thirst, tastelessness, pale tongue, white greasy coating, sofy moderate or deep slow pulse yin chen zhu fu tang ub19, ub20, ub17, sp9, lv3, gb34, st 36, du9, pc6
yang def of sp and kd-ascites
enlargement, discomfort better in morning worse at night, sallow bright complexion, poor appetite, mental fatigue, cold intolerance, cold limbs, edema in lower limbs, pale purple and swollen tongue, deep wiry weak pulse fu zi li zhong wan sp9, kd5, kd7, st36, ub20, ub23, du4
constipation due to yin def
extremely dry, lamb stool, tinnitus, sore back and knees, weight loss, rosy cheeks, tidal fever and night sweats, red w/ scanty coat, thready and rapid pulse zeng ye tang st25, st28, st36, sp6, kd6
blood stasis in lv and sp- ascites
firm ab, exposure of ab veins, stabbing pain, dark complexion, spider nevi on face, neck or chest or arms, palmar erythema, dark purple lips, thirst inability to drink, tarry stool, purple red or w/ ecchymosis tongue, thready choppy or hollow pulse tiao ying yin sp9, li4, sp8, ub17, ub18, ub20
def cold in sp+st- vomiting
intermittent vomit, introduced by improper diet, puffy pale tongue, thin moist coat, deep, weak, slow pulse ub20, ub21, st36, sp1, ren12, ren4, ren6 li zhong wan
constipation due to yang def
lassitude, fatigue, difficult passing stool w/ great effort, clear profuse urine, luminous pale complexion, cold limbs, pale with teethmarks, white and moist coat, deep weak slow pulse ji chuan jian st25, sj6, ub25, ub20, ub23, ren8, ren4
headache, lv fire flaming up
recurrent attacks, unilateral and throbbing or pulsating, nausea, vomitting, restlessness, photophobia, phonophobia, triggered by stress, anger, menstruation, wine red with thin yellow coat, wiry and rapid pulse dan zhi xiao yao san lv2, li4, li11, gb34, tai yang
def of the sp+st- chronic diarrhea
recurrent loose stool, increased fequency of bowel movement, sallow complexion, lassitude, pale red w/ thin white coat, weak pulse shen ling bai zhu san ub20, ub21, st25, st37, sp9, sp3, ren9
st yin def- vomiting
recurrent vomit, dryness, dry and red tongue, thready and red pulse ub20, ub21, sp1, ren12, kd3 mai men dong tang
headache, kd essence def
sense of hollowness, dizzy, lumbar soreness and weak, mental fatigue, tired, nocturnal emmisions, leuccorhea, tinnitis poor sleep , red w/ scanty coat, thready and weak pulse da bu yuan jian
cold abdominal pain
sudden cramping, spasm, loose stool, pale tongue, greasy coating, deep and tight pulse ren 12, ren 8, st 36, sp4 liang fu wan zheng qi tian
acute heat toxin jaundice
sudden onset of jaundice w/ gold discoloratioon, high fever, irritability, thirst, coma or delerium, nasal bleeding, bloody stool, dark red tongue w dry yellow coat, wiry slippery and rapid or thready pulse xi jiao san ub18, ub19, gb34, gb24, lv2, du9
dysentery due to epidemic toxin (fulminant)
sudden onset, stools w/ fresh or purple blood, severe pain, tenesmus, strong fever w/ thirst headache reslessness coma convulsions. dark purple w/ dry yellow coat, slippery and rapid pulse bai tou weng tang st 25, ren10, st36, st44, li4, li11, du14, li3
pathogenic factors effecting st- vomiting
sudden vommiting, chills, fever, white and greasy tongue, soft and moderate pulse ren12, st36, pc6, sp4, li4, gb20 huo xiang zheng qi san
dysentery due to def cold in sp+st
thin clear stool w/ white mucus, incotinence, dull ab pain, poor appetite , mental fatigue, cold limbs, lumbar soreness, cold sensation, pale thin white coat, deep thready weak pulse tao hua tang zhen ren yang zang st25, ren10, ren6, st36, ub20, ub23, ren12, ren4
damp heat- acute diarrhea
urgent or difficult passing of yellow brown stool, foul. odor, burning sensation restlessness , red with yellow greasy coat, slippery rapid pulse ge gen qin lian tang st25, st 37, st44, sp9, ren9, LI11
internal accumulation of phlegm fluids- vomiting
vomit of clear fluids, dizzy, blurry vision, palpitations, white and greasy coat, slippery pulse pc6, ren12, st36, st40, sp9 xiao ban xia tang ling gui zhu gan tang
lv qi overact on st- vomiting
vomit w/ acid reflux , pain in hypochondriac, thin greasy tongue w/ red sides, pulse is wiry pc6, ren12, st36, lv3, gb34 ban xia hou po tong zuo jin wan
food retention - vomiting
vomit w/ sour and foul smell, belching, loose stool thick and greasy tongue, slippery and excessive pulse pc6, ren12, ren10, st36 bao he wan
qi stag w. damp- ascites
ab distension, ab is soft upon palpatation, fullness, pain is decreased when ingesting food, belching, scanty urine, white greasy coating, wiry pulse chai hu shu gan san sp9, ren 9, kd7, li3, kd13
cold damp obstructing sp- ascites
ab enlargement, fullness sense of water filled bag, facial fulness, edema of lower limbs, alleviated by warmth, mental fatigue, cold intolerance, loose stool, physical inactivity, white greasy coat, decelerating pulse shi pi yin sp9, ren9, kd7, sp6, st40, bl20, st25
lv overacting on sp- chronic diarrhea
ab pain and diarrhea occurs after repressed anger or mental stress. loud intestinal gurgling and frequent flatus, distension in chest, pink w/ thin white coat, wiry pulse tong xie yao fang st25, st37, sp9, sp3, lv3, ub18, gb34
food retention- acute diarrhea
ab pain can be relieved by bowl movement, smell like rotten eggs, foul breath, red with a turbid thick and greasy coat, pulse is slippery bao he wan st 25, st 36, st37, sp9, ren12
dysentery due to damp heat
ab pain, tenesmus, stools w/ blood+white mucus, burn sensation around anus, dark yelow urine, greasy slight yellow coat, slippery rapid pulse shao yao tang w/ jin yin hua st25, ren10, st36, st44, li11
food retention abdominal pain
aggrevated by palpitation, fullness, loose stool, thick and greasy tongue, slippery and excessive pulse st25, ren12, st36, st44, ub20, ub21 zhi shi dao zhi wan
damp heat abdominal pain
aggrevated by pressure, chest tight, loose constipation, yellow greasy tongue, slippery and rapid pulse ren12, st36, st39, st44, li11, lv13 da cheng qi tang
def col abdominal pain
chronic dull, intermittent pain, loose sttol, pale and swollen togue w/ thin coat, deep weak slow pulse ub20, lv13, ub23, ren4 xiao jian zhong tong
wc damp- acute diarrhea
clear loose watery stool, chills fever, nasal congestion, bowel sounds, headache, bodyache, pink with white greasy coat, soft and moderate pulse st21, st25, st36, st37, sp9, ren9, ren8 huo xiang zheng qi san
recurrent dysentery
decreased food ingestion, cold intolerance, ab pain w. urge to have bowel movement, tenesmus, stools contain mucus or blood , pale w. greasy coat, soft or def weak pulse lian li tang st25, ren10, st36, ub20, ub23, ren4, li13
kd yang def- chronic diarrhea
diarrhea before dawn, ab pain relieved by bowel movement, cold limb, low back pain, pale with thin white and moist coat, deep weak and slow pulse si shen wan st25, st37, sp9, ub23, ren9, du4, kd3
constipation due to cold retention
difficult passing stool, cramping, tenderness, cold extremities, hiccups, vomiting, white and greasy coat, wiry and tight pulse wen pi tang st25, st37, ub25, ub20, st26
lv qi stag abdominal pain
migrating and distending pain, slight red tongue w/ thin white coat, wiry pulse ren17, lv3, pc6, gb34 chai hu shu gan san
headache, blood stasis
persistant stabbing headache, fixed location, head trauma, purple thin white coat, choppy pulse tong qiao huo xue tang gb20, gb8, li4, sp10, lv3, ashi points
accumulation of damp heat- ascites
solid ab enlargement, restlessness, bitter taste, thirst no desire to drink, dark yellow urine, constipation or loose stool, possible jaundice, red tip, yellow greasy or dark grey coat, wiry rapid pulse zhong man fen xiao wan/ yin chen hao tang zhou che wan sp9, ren9, kd7, li11, kd2
blood stasis in lv channel- hypochondriac pain
stabbing fixed pain, aggravated @ night, masses on hypo area, dark purple tongue, deep choppy pulse xuan fu hua tang lv2, ub17, sp6, gb34, gb24
blood stasis abdominal pain
stabbing fixed pain, persistant, severe, dull purple tongue, thin wiry or choppy pulse ren12, ren6, st36, sp10, ub17 shao fu zhu yu tang
dysentery due to cold damp
stool w. more white sticky mucus , ab pain, tenesmus, poor appetite, gastric fullness, heavy sensation of head and body, pale w/ white greasy coat, soft and moderate pulse wei ling tang st25, ren12, ren10, st36, ren6, ub20
dysentery due to yin def
stool w. purulent blood or sticky fresh blood, burning pain around umbilicus, strain during bowel movement, poor appetite, restlessness dry mouth, dark red w/ scanty coat, thready rapid pulse zhu che wan st25, st36, ren12, sp9, sp6, kd3
constipation due to qi. def
strain during bowel movement, sweating, short breath after passing stool, pale and tender with a thin white coat, weak pulse huang qi tang ub20, ub25, st25, ren6, sj6
headache due to wind damp
wrapping around head, heavy body and limbs, poor appetite, chest tightness, hesitant urine, loose stools, white and greasy tongue, soft pulse qiang huo sheng shi tang lu7, ub10, gb8, sj8, st8, ren12, st40
predominance of damp over heat- jaundice
yellow discoloration, heavy senation of head and body, focal distension, loose stool, thick greasy and slight yellow tongue, wiry slippery or soft moderate pulse yin chen wu ling san ub19, sp9, ub13, st44, pc6, du9