Intertestamental Period test

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Sect of Judaism; supporters of Herod.

Antiochus Epiphanes

last of the Seleucid rulers in Palestine, thinks he is a god by taking on the title meaning "manifestation".

Aristobulus and Hyrcanus

2 brothers fighting over the throne; Hyrcanus allowed the Romans entry into Jerusalem in exchange for rule;


An ascetic school that rejected all else to attain virtue and happiness.

400 years

Approximate time between Old and New Testaments; Intertestamental period's duration.


Belief that denied earthly comforts.


Belief that moderation and self-control was what mattered most; "stiff upper lip" mentality.


Belief that the universe is god/divine.


Coercion/adoption of Greek language and culture.

70 AD

Date of the destruction of the Temple by the Romans.


Defined pleasure as the highest good; 'eat, drink, and be merry--for tomorrow we die" mentality.

Roman Empire

Empire ruling when Jesus Christ was born

Persian Empire

First Empire to rule over Jews; started during the time of the prophets; Esther is associated with this dynasty.


Greek translation of the Old Testament (done by approx. 70 elders).

As Protestants, what value do the Apocryphal books possess?

Historical insight.

Emperor worship

Initiated by Julius Caesar and perpetuated by Emperors to follow; seen as a harmless patriotic duty by most Roman citizens.


Jewish day of rest initiated by God; celebrated the seventh day of the week by OT believers and the first day of the week by NT believers.


Jewish festival celebrating the exodus from Egypt.


Jewish festival celebrating the giving of the Law.


Jewish festival celebrating the restoration of the Temple by J.Maccabee.


Jewish local/community place of worship; school for boys, mercy ministry and place of community business.


Jewish religious group who only accepted the Torah; upper class Jews and members of preistly aristocracy who approved of Hellenization.


Jewish religious group; accepted the entire OT; middle/lower class Jews who did not agree with Hellenization.


Jewish supreme court of 72 elders led by the High Priest.


Jewish teacher; conducted school for boys in the synagogue.

Court of Women

Just inside the Outer court of the Jewish Temple; Israelite men could venture one court further.


Language of Jewish Oral Tradition; Jesus spoke this language.


Language of the original OT.

Judas Maccabeus

Leader of the Jewish revolt against the Greeks; took over after his father's death.

Ignition of the Maccabean Revolt

Mattathias (Jew, father of 5 sons) killing a fellow Jewish man who complied to a pagan sacrifice demanded by the Greeks.


Means "hidden books";collection of 16 books written during Intertestamental period, not included in Protestant Bible

Holy of Holies

Most sacred place in the Jewish Temple; Ark of the Covenant, hence God's presence, rested there; only the chief priest could enter here.

"Period of Silence"

Name given to Intertestamental Period because no Biblical prophecy was recorded during this time.

Court of the Gentiles

Outer court at the Jewish Temple; Israelites could venture further.

Greek Empire

Second Empire to rule the Jews; led to aggressive Hellenization of Jewish culture.


Sect of Judaism; monastic; separated from the priesthood.


Sect of Judaism; recorded and interpreted Jewish Law.


Sect of Judaism; revolted violently against Roman occupation.

Antiochus Epiphanes

Syrian ruler who defiled Jewish temple altar and martyred many Jews


Taught that knowledge was supreme and matter was evil.


Tetrarch of Judea at the time of Christ's birth.

Why is the Apocrypha rejected by Protestants?

These writings were not affirmed by OT Jews, Christ, NT writers, and 7 major ecumenical councils; their teachings do not harmonize with the books in the canon.

Hasmonean Dynasty

Third and only Jewish major ruler of the Jews; established by the Maccabean revolt.


Writings from the Intertestamental Period associated with an OT figure; name means "false writings".

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