Intro to A&P Test bank 4

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Simple squamous epithelium would be found A) at the surface of the skin. B) lining the trachea. C) lining blood vessels. D) lining the stomach and small intestine. E) lining the urinary bladder.


Skeletal muscle is to muscle tissue as bone is to A) connective tissue. B) muscle tissue. C) nervous tissue. D) epithelial tissue. E) bone tissue.


Which of the following is a term used to describe the number of layers of epithelial cells? A) transitional B) squamous C) cuboidal D) columnar E) stratified


Which of the following is a type of connective tissue? A) muscle tissue B) nervous tissue C) bone tissue D) simple squamous tissue E) glandular tissue


Which of the following is a type of secretion in which cells become packed with secretions and then burst apart and die? A) holocrine B) merocrine C) apocrine D) mucous E) ceruminous


Which of the following is one of the four main types of tissue? A) glandular B) cardiac C) serous D) epithelial E) skeletal


Which cells of connective tissue proper release chemicals that mobilize the immune system? A) fibroblasts B) adipocytes C) macrophages D) osteocytes E) melanocytes


Collections of specialized cells and cell products that perform a specific function are A) cellular aggregates. B) tissues. C) organs. D) organ systems. E) cellular strata.


Connective tissue fibers are formed from protein subunits secreted by A) macrophages. B) adipocytes. C) fibroblasts. D) antibody-producing cells. E) mast cells.


Connective tissue structures that attach muscles to bone are called A) mast cells. B) tendons. C) ligaments. D) cartilage. E) nerves.


A difference between mucous membranes and serous membranes is A) whether the cavity is open to the exterior or not. B) the amount of blood vessels lining the cavity wall. C) whether the tissue is epithelial or connective. D) the density of collagen fibers in the cavity wall. E) whether the membrane is thick or thin.


Damaged skin cells are usually shed in sheets because the cells are held together by A) gap junctions. B) intermediate junctions. C) tight junctions. D) desmosomes. E) junctional complexes.


How could this tissue be described? A) It is the outer protective tissue over the organ. B) This tissue is for compression, which moves food through the organ. C) This tissue conducts electrical impulses. D) This tissue is multinucleated. E) This tissue produces a material that lubricates food.


A simple cuboidal epithelium would be found A) lining the urinary bladder. B) lining the small intestine. C) lining kidney tubules. D) lining the stomach. E) at the surface of the skin.


A type of intercellular connection in which the outermost lipid portions of two plasma membranes is fused is termed a(n) A) tight junction. B) gap junction. C) intermediate junction. D) desmosome. E) CAM.


Approximately 70-80 percent of cancers in the aging population are the result of A) inadequate diets. B) genetics. C) chemical exposure or environmental factors. D) smoking. E) remission.


Cells that release histamine and heparin in response to tissue injury are called A) fibroblasts. B) adipocytes. C) melanocytes. D) macrophages. E) mast cells.


Durable intercellular connections that are abundant between cells in the superficial layers of the skin are called A) tight junctions. B) gap junctions. C) desmosomes. D) CAMS. E) proteoglycans.


During regeneration, fibroblasts produce a dense network of collagen fibers known as ________ tissue. A) scar B) callous C) infected D) reticular E) necrotic


Epithelial cells that are adapted for moving material along their apical surface usually have A) many mitochondria. B) cilia. C) microvilli. D) Golgi complexes. E) junctional complexes.


Identify the cellular junction labeled 1. A) hemidesmosome B) gap junction C) spot desmosome D) tight junction E) connexon


Exocrine secretions are discharged onto some external or internal body surface through a A) flagellum. B) cilium. C) plasma membrane. D) duct. E) microvillus.


Flattened cells on the surface of an epithelial tissue are characteristic of ________ epithelia. A) squamous B) ciliated C) columnar D) transitional E) cuboidal


Functions of connective tissue include A) specialization for contraction. B) the conduction of electrical impulses. C) glandular secretion production. D) storage of energy reserves. E) control of permeability.


Identify the tissue in the image, which is comprised of short, spindle-shaped cells that are found in the walls of blood vessels and in digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive organs. A) fibrocartilage B) dense regular connective tissue C) smooth muscle tissue D) reticular tissue E) cardiac muscle tissue


Identify the type of connective tissue that strengthens and supports areas subjected to stresses from many directions. A) dense regular connective tissue B) reticular tissue C) areolar tissue D) adipose tissue E) dense irregular connective tissue


Identify the type of epithelial tissue shown in the figure. A) simple squamous B) stratified squamous C) pseudostratified ciliated columnar D) simple cuboidal E) transitional


If you had a genetic disorder resulting in a lack of functional mast cells, you would have a problem with A) nerve impulse transmission. B) the repair of connective tissue. C) movement of nutrients and waste products to and from cells. D) blood cell production. E) a response to tissue injury.


If you were looking at connective tissue in the microscope, you would notice A) most of the cells in mitosis. B) long, large, multinucleated cells. C) goblet cells embedded in the tissue. D) spaces between the cells. E) the cells layered on top of each other and packed together.


In response to tissue injury, the process during which fibroblasts produce a dense network of collagen fibers that are known as fibrous tissue is the start of A) inflammation. B) germination. C) striation. D) ossification. E) regeneration.


In which type of cell junction are two cells held together by embedded membrane proteins called connexons? A) spot desmosome B) gap junction C) tight junction D) hemidesmosome E) CAM


Membranes that consist primarily of areolar tissue and an incomplete layer of epithelial tissue are called ________ membranes. A) serous B) mucous C) cutaneous D) synovial E) peritoneal


Milk production from mammary glands is an example of what type of secretion? A) merocrine B) holocrine C) apocrine D) serous E) endocrine


Neuroglial cells are A) supporting cells around the neurons. B) cells that conduct electrical impulses. C) found outside of the nervous system, whereas neurons are found within the nervous system. D) specialized cells in nervous tissue for contraction. E) for lining of serous membranes.


Neurons have A) a cell body and collagen fibers. B) connective tissue membranes surrounding them. C) striations and intercalated discs within their cell body. D) cilia along their cell membranes. E) a cell body, dendrites, and an axon.


One of the key features of epithelial tissue that differentiates it from the other three types of tissue is A) the density of the tissue, with cells connected very closely. B) semipermeability. C) its ability to reproduce. D) the ability to carry large amounts of oxygen. E) its control over the other tissues.


Regions in which muscle cells are interconnected via specialized attachment sites, containing gap junctions and desmosomes, are called A) synovial membranes. B) CAMs. C) connexons. D) intercalated discs. E) adhesion belts.


Secretions that are discharged directly into the blood are characteristic of ________ glands. A) exocrine B) merocrine C) endocrine D) apocrine E) holocrine


Smoking damages the epithelial lining of the trachea, larynx, and airways of the respiratory system. Which problem would be related to this kind of damage? A) diabetes B) snoring C) obesity D) respiratory infections E) problems sleeping


Specialized gap junctions between muscle cells produce A) actin and myosin filaments. B) dendrites. C) striations. D) fibers. E) intercalated discs.


Tendons and ligaments would have a high concentration of ________ cells. A) macrophage B) fibroblast C) reticular D) mast E) collagen


The cell that accounts for almost half of the volume of blood is the A) red blood cell. B) leukocyte. C) platelet. D) thrombocyte. E) megakaryocyte.


The combination of extracellular fibers and ground substance in supporting connective tissues is known as A) proteoglycan. B) lymph. C) plasma. D) collagen. E) matrix.


The most common type of cartilage is A) ligamentous. B) hyaline. C) elastic. D) fibrous cartilage. E) osseous.


The most diverse tissues of the body are A) muscle tissues. B) nervous tissues. C) epithelial tissues. D) connective tissues. E) adipose tissues.


The muscle tissue without striations is ________ muscle. A) skeletal B) smooth C) cardiac D) voluntary E) multinucleated


The process of tissue repair where damaged tissue is replaced or repaired to restore normal function is called A) necrosis. B) fibrosis. C) inflammation. D) regeneration. E) differentiation.


The serous membrane that covers the exposed surfaces of enclosed organs such as the liver and stomach is called the A) pleura. B) peritoneum. C) pericardium. D) perichondrium. E) periosteum.


The skin is sometimes referred to as the A) cutaneous membrane. B) mucous membrane. C) serous membrane. D) synovial membrane. E) peritoneal membrane.


The spleen and liver consist of mainly which connective tissue type? A) areolar tissue B) reticular tissue C) dense regular connective tissue D) fluid connective tissue E) dense irregular connective tissue


The study of tissues is called A) systemic physiology. B) pathology. C) cell physiology. D) cytology. E) histology.


The tissue type in the body that lines internal passageways is ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous E) contractive


The type of connective tissue shown in the figure is the least specialized in adults. What is its primary function? A) It cushions organs and provides support but permits independent movement. B) It provides a storage of energy resources. C) It provides firm attachment of muscles to bone, and conducts the pull of muscles. D) It provides insulation. E) It provides strength to resist forces applied from many directions.


The type of epithelium found lining the trachea is A) simple squamous. B) simple cuboidal. C) stratified squamous. D) transitional. E) pseudostratified columnar.


The type of epithelium that is found in the exchange surfaces of the lungs is A) simple squamous. B) stratified squamous. C) simple cuboidal. D) stratified cuboidal. E) transitional.


The type of epithelium with multiple cell shapes where the distance between cell nuclei and the exposed surface varies is A) pseudostratified columnar epithelium. B) simple columnar epithelium. C) simple cuboidal epithelium. D) stratified columnar epithelium. E) stratified cuboidal epithelium.


The type(s) of muscle cell that has/have the ability to divide, and regenerate after injury, is/are ________ muscle(s). A) smooth B) skeletal C) cardiac D) skeletal and smooth E) cardiac and skeletal


This connective tissue is found in organs with an open meshwork of thin collagen fibers-the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. It facilitates diffusion and cell movements. A) dense regular connective tissue B) reticular connective tissue C) adipose tissue D) dense irregular connective tissue E) blood


This picture of epithelial tissue represents A) gap junctions between the cells. B) the attachment of the epithelial cells to the basement membrane. C) glandular tissue. D) the blood supply within the epithelial tissue. E) stratified epithelia tissue.


Tissue that contains large amounts of actin and myosin is ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) nervous C) areolar D) osseous E) muscle


Tissue that is specialized for contraction is ________ tissue. A) cartilage B) nervous C) epithelial D) connective E) muscle


What is the primary function of any serous membrane? A) It covers the outer surface of the body. B) It lines joint cavities and produces fluid within a joint. C) It lines cavities that communicate with the exterior, including the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary tracts. D) It attaches muscles to the skeleton. E) It minimizes friction between the opposing surfaces when an organ moves or changes shape.


Which connective tissue type provides insulation? A) dense regular connective tissue B) fluid connective tissue C) adipose tissue D) dense irregular connective tissue E) areolar tissue


Which feature is true for muscle tissue? A) Muscle cells are considered to be involuntary because they have to receive information from the brain for contraction. B) Muscle cells always contain microscopic bands called striations. C) Muscle cells contain actin and myosin filaments. D) Muscle cells have only one nucleus. E) Muscle cells contain collagen protein.


Which membrane type lines cavities that communicate with the exterior and have moist surfaces? A) cutaneous membranes B) serous membranes C) mucous membranes D) synovial membranes E) fibrocartilaginous membranes


Which muscle is involuntary? A) skeletal B) smooth C) cardiac D) smooth and cardiac E) smooth, cardiac, and skeletal


Which of the following accounts for most of the volume of connective tissues? A) blood vessels B) lipid molecules C) carbohydrates D) cells E) extracellular matrix


Which of the following cartilage types has little ground substance and has a matrix dominated by collagen fibers? A) fibrocartilage B) hyaline cartilage C) elastic cartilage D) reticular cartilage E) transitional cartilage


Which of the following consists of stratified squamous epithelial tissue, areolar tissue, and dense irregular connective tissue? A) mucous membrane B) synovial membrane C) serous membrane D) glandular membrane E) cutaneous membrane


Which of the following is a characteristic of ground substance in connective tissue proper? A) It is dark red in color. B) It accelerates the movement of bacteria for phagocytosis. C) It is intracellular. D) It is similar in consistency to maple syrup. E) It consists of a solid, crystalline matrix.


Which of the following is a connective tissue with a solid matrix? A) cartilage B) blood C) adipose connective tissue D) dense connective tissue E) areolar connective tissue


Which of the following is a correct statement about stratified epithelia? A) They afford little mechanical protection. B) They are characteristic of regions where secretion or absorption occurs. C) They line only internal compartments and passageways. D) They cover surfaces that are subjected to mechanical or chemical stress. E) They are vascular.


Which of the following may occur with aging? A) more efficient tissue maintenance B) increased ability to repair connective tissues C) more fragile connective tissue D) increased bone strength E) thicker epithelia


Which secretion type, secreted by the parotid salivary glands, is comprised of a watery solution containing enzymes? A) mucous B) merocrine C) apocrine D) serous E) holocrine


Which statement is true about nervous tissue? A) Neuroglial cells are the cells that conduct electrical impulses. B) Neurons only communicate with other neurons. C) Neurons are very short cells. D) Cells of the nervous tissue repair themselves at a very fast rate. E) Not all nervous tissue is located within the brain and spinal cord.


Which tissue is found in the walls of blood vessels, and in digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive organs? A) skeletal muscle B) striated muscle C) intercalated muscle D) smooth muscle E) cardiac muscle


Which type of epithelium lines the stomach and intestinal tract? A) transitional B) simple columnar C) stratified squamous D) simple cuboidal E) pseudostratified ciliated


Which type of epithelium secretes enzymes and buffers in the pancreas and salivary glands? A) simple squamous B) stratified squamous C) transitional epithelium D) pseudostratified columnar epithelium E) simple cuboidal


Why does damaged cartilage heal slowly? A) Chondrocytes cannot be replaced if killed, and other cell types must take their place. B) Cartilage is avascular, so nutrients and other molecules must diffuse to the site of injury. C) Damaged cartilage becomes calcified, thus blocking the movement of materials required for healing. D) Chondrocytes divide more slowly than other cell types, delaying the healing process. E) Damaged collagen cannot be quickly replaced, thus slowing the healing process.


Why is smooth muscle called by that name? A) There are no collagen fibers in smooth muscle. B) The actin and myosin filaments are not organized. C) There are no receptors embedded in its cell membrane. D) The tissue is soft to touch. E) This tissue is not crumpled like other muscle tissues.


You have damaged your knee playing soccer, specifically the cartilage structure between the bones called the meniscus, and no tissue other than the cartilage has been damaged. Your doctor tells you that it will be many months before you might be able to return to soccer after surgery. What is the best explanation for this? A) Bone has to re-grow in the area, and that takes a while. B) Nerves to the knee have been damaged. C) There is slow healing because of a normal lack of blood supply to cartilage. D) Excessive inflammation inactivates the knee mobility for many months. E) Blood vessels have been destroyed, so the cartilage is not receiving enough nutrients.


Your 75-year-old grandmother has a small dog that does not like to have its nails clipped. As a result, the nails stay long. Since the dog is constantly jumping up and down in your grandmother's lap, he tends to scrape and cut her skin in the process. These abrasions, caused by blood vessels being damaged, are seen all over her arms. What factor is related to this problem? A) She takes large amounts of calcium for her osteoporosis. B) She does not get enough exercise. C) Her blood supply is bad because of lack of exercise. D) She smokes. E) Her age is related to thinner tissues.


________ are cells that support and protect the neurons. A) Matrix B) Neuroglia C) Ground substance D) Goblet cells E) Proteoglycans


________ release during inflammation causes increased blood vessel permeability. A) Elastin B) Histamine C) Fibroblast D) Fibrillin E) Collagen

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