Intro to FBLA

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FBLA-ML state dues amount.


FBLA-ML national dues amount


How many FBLA Bylaws are there?


How many members are on the National Board of Directors?


Where is the FBLA-PBL National Center located?

1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA

Number of FBLA members in 13,000 chartered chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the Cayman Islands, and the Department of the Defense Schools worldwide.


The minimum number of members required to start a new/reactivated chapter in FBLA-ML.


How many administrative regions are there?


The number of administrative regions FBLA-PBL is divided into.


The FBLA Middle Level membership is open to students in these grades.


Number of entries


Other than the chair and the chair-elect, how many members are there on the National Board of Directors?


Section 1

A National Leadership Conference shall be held each year.

Section 7

A state committee chairperson is recommended and approved by higher authority.

Section 6

A vacancy in office will by filled by the person the president appoints.

Section 1

Advisory committees are appointed by the board of directors.

Section 3

Affairs and property are managed by the board of directors.

Article 13


On the national level, the ____ winner receives the ________ .

American Enterprise Project; Edward D. Miller Award

In 1942...

An experimental chapter is chartered in Johnson City, Tennessee, on February 3. A second chapter is started two days later in St. Albans, West Virginia. By the end of the year, 39 chapters are added; and over the next three and a half years, another 38 chapters join.

Section 4

An officer screening committee shall be appointed.

Section 2

Annual dues from 1990-1993 were $5.00. Annual dues from 1994-Present are $6.00.

Goal #8

Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals

Section 4

Association president and chief executive officer shall overlook finances, annual budgets, and audits.

When will the term of office begin for a National Officer?

At close of NLC

Where will the 2018 National Conference be held?

Baltimore, Maryland

The official colors of FBLA-PBL are ____ & _______.

Blue & Gold

Section 2

Board of Directors:


Business Achievement Award

What is not an official publication of FBLA-PBL?

Business Leaders of Tomorrow

What is this years theme for FBLA-PBL, Inc?


Career and Technical Student Organization acronym?


Section 3

Candidates are nominated by state chapters for office.

Section 1

Chapters need to be chartered.

Section 5

Committee business shall be conducted by mail at the discretion of the chair.

Article 10


The land for the FBLA-PBL National Center was purchased through a grant from the ________?

Conrad Hilton Foundation

Goal #3

Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise

Any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to.


Goal #5

Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism

Goal #1

Develop competent, aggressive business leadership

High school students that join FBLA receive benefits that include

Discounts, Scholarships, Publication, Awards and recognition programs

The Parliamentary Procedure Event is named after what person?

Dorothy L. Travis

Article 4

Dues and finance

Article 7

Duties of FBLA National Officers

Section 2

Duties of the national executive council

Section 5

Duties of the parliamentarian

Section 1

Duties of the president

Section 3

Duties of the secretary

Section 4

Duties of the treasurer

Section 2

Duties of the vice president

Section 8

Each local chapter shall have an adviser who is a current business teacher at the school.

Section 3

Each local chapter shall send from two-four voting delegates from its active membership.

Section 2

Each state chapter shall send 2 voting delegates.

Section 4

Each voting delegate shall be officially certified at least 20 days before the conference.

What are the administrative regions?

Eastern(including foreign chapters)

In 1997...

Edward D. Miller retires as president and chief executive office of the national association. Jean Buckely is appointed president and chief executive officer.

Article 11

Emblems and Colors

Section 2

Emblems and insignia shall be uniform.

Goal #6

Encourage and practice efficient money management

Goal #4

Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community

Goal #7

Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty

FBLA Publications

FBLA Chapter Management Handbook(CMH), Tomorrow's Business Leader magazine, conference guides, competitive event guides

In 1987...

FBLA annual membership tops 200,000 for the 1st time


FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, Phi Beta Lambda, Professional division

In 1969...

FBLA-PBL is granted independent status as a nonprofit educational student association under Internal Revenue Cos 501 (c)(3). FBLA-PBL. Inc. acquires its own board of directors and full-time staff.

In 1973...

FBLA-PBL, appoints Edward D. Miller as the association's first full-time executive director.

Goal #9

Facilitate the transition from school to work

FBLA-PBL Week is held during this month.


Section 5

Fiscal year: July 1- June 30

Section 5

Five administrative regions:

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

For high school students, with over 214,000 members and more than 5,250 chapters.

In 1937...

Hamden L. Forkner of Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City proposes to business teachers across the country that a national organization is needed for the thousands of business clubs in the nation's high schools and colleges

The Gold Seal Award of Merit is named after

Hollis and Kitty Guy

The first stanza of the FBLA-PBL Creed.

I believe that education is the right of every person.

What is the FBLA-PBL pledge?

I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda and, as an active member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader.

On the national level, FBLA Competitive Event fall into these categories.

Individual, Team, and Chapter

What are the three categories of competitive events?

Individual, Team, and Chapter

Three type of events

Individual, team, chapter

What is the name of the program offered in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference that is offered to national, state, and local FBLA-PBL officers, members, and advisers for Leadership Development and Training?

Institute for Leaders

_________ is head each year in conjunction with the National Fall Leadership Conference and was created to prepare and equip FBLA-PBL members and advisers with The Business Achievement Award include _________.

Institute for Leaders; Future Award, Business Award, Leader Award, and America Award

The first FBLA State Chapter was ______?


In 1947...

Iowa becomes the first FBLA state chapter. Indiana and Ohio quickly follow. Within the next three years, FBLA state chapters total ten.

The location where the first FBLA local chapter was organized.

Johnson City, TN

When is the fiscal year of FBLA?

July 1- June 30

Programs Focus on

Leadership development, academic competitions, educational programs,membership benefits, community service, and Awards & recognition

Section 2

Local and state chapters may select advisory committees.

In order to qualify for participation in the competitive events program for FBLA, dues must be received in the National Center by what date?

March 1

Article 3


A formal proposal by a member suggsting that the assembly take a certain action.


Article 1


Article 1

Name of the organization is "Future Business Leaders of America" and may be referred to as "FBLA"

Who is the policy-making body of FBLA-PBL, Inc?

National Board of Directors

Article 9

National Executive Council

Article 9 Overview

National Executive Council

Article 8

National Leadership Conference

Article 8 Overview

National Leadership Conference

In 2001...

National center mortgage is retired

Section 1

National dues are mandatory by all members, and are determined by state voting delegates an the National Leadership Conference.

Section 1

National officers include a president, 5 vice presidents that represent each region, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Section 2

Nationals FBLA shall be open for membership to four classes of members: Active Members, Professional Members, Honorary Life Members, and National Honorary Life Members.

When is American Enterprise Day?

November 15

Article 6

Officers and Elections

Section 4

Officers are elected by state voting delegates via a ballot.

Section 1

Only chapters in good standing shall be referred to as FBLA.

Article 5


FBLA-PBL Mission

Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

Article 12

Parliamentary Procedure

Article 12 Overview

Parliamentary Procedure (Robert's Rule of Order Newly Revise)

The chapter officer that presides over and conducts meetings is typically the __________.


Article 13

Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in writing by local or state chapters, or by a national officer to the president.

Article 2


Section 2

Qualifications for national officers.

Section 6

Quorum for meetings is majority.

The FBLA-PBL National Center is located where?

Reston, VA

The FBLA-PBL official parliamentary authority is what?

Robert's Rules of Order- Newly Revised

members have exclusive access to

Scholarships, Cash rewards, and individual and chapter recognition programs.

The chapter officer who prepares and reads the minutes of meetings.


The three words on the FBLA and PBL emblems are

Service, Education, and Progress

Section 6

State chapters are created upon approval from the board of directors.

Goal #2

Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work

Section 5

Term of office is one year.

In 1981...

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation purchases 1.6 acres of land in the Center for Educational Associtaions, Reston, Virginia, as the site for a future FBLA-PBL National Center.

In 1994...

The FBLA-Middle Level division is formend for students in grades 5-9.

In 1940...

The National Council for Business Education (now known as the National Business Education Association) sponsors the proposed student organization. Committees are appointed to formulate the organization's general plans. The name "Future Business Leaders of America" is selected for the organization.

Section 4

The National Executive Council shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

What region is the Carthage FBLA chapter a part of?

The North Central region

In 1989...

The Professional Division is formed to include alumni an professional business persons.

In 1946...

The United Business Education Association assumes sponsorship of FBLA. Headquarters office at the National Education Association Center in Washington, D.C.

Section 3

The association president and chief executive officer are completely liable for FBLA.


The board of directors approves estaclishment of the FBLA-PBL Alumni Division.

In 1991...

The grand opening of the FBLA-PBL National Center is held.

In 1990...

The groundbreaking ceremony is held for the FBLA-PBL National Center.

Section 1

The national officers shall constitute the national executive council.

Section 3

The official FBLA colors are blue and gold.

Section 7

The person who scores highest on the Parliamentary Procedure test is appointed Parliamentarian.

In 1958...

The postsecondary division, Phi Beta Lambda is created. The University of Northern Iowa is the first PBL chapter.

Section 3

The president shall establish committees.

Section 1

The purpose of FBLA is to provide opportunities for secondary students to to develop skill in business related fields.

Article 12

The rules contained in Robert's Rule of Order Newly Revised shall govern FBLA.

Mission Statement

Their mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

Section 1

There is a patent on the emblem and insignia of FBLA.

Section 6

These officers shall perform listed duties above.

Who is the chapter officer who assists the president in the discharge of duties and presides at the meetings in the absence of the president.

Vice President

Section 3

Voting by mail

Section 5

Voting delegates vote on all matters coming before the general session.

Article 13 Overview


Article 10 Overview


FBLA members also demonstrate their leadership skills through

community service projects, fundraising activities, and chapter officer positions.

Article 4 Overview

dues and finance

Article 7 Overview

duties of national officers

Parl Law

each individual takes the test, then the test scores are averaged for the contest, they also perform

FBLA-PBL sponsors and partners provide many benefits and programs for members and advisers including

educational programs, scholarships, and discount programs, and provide the cash awards and trophies for the top winners of our National Leadership Conference (NLC) competitive events program and other conference activities.

Article 11 Overview

emblems and colors

Professional Division (PD)

for FBLA-PBL alumni, business professionals, educators, and parents who support the goals of the association, with over 3,350 members.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)

for college students, with over 10,000 members and more than 500 chapters

FBLA-Middle Level (FBLA-ML)

for junior high and middle school students, with over 21,500 members and more than 700 chapters.

Proposed amendments to the FBLA National Bylaws must be submitted in writing by ____ or by a ____ to the association president and chief executive officer no later than _________.

local or state chapter; national officer; April 1

The quorum for all business meetings of the National Leadership Conference is a ______

majority of the registered voting delegates.

Article 3 Overview


Article 1 Overview

name of organization

Article 6 Overview

officers and elections

Article 5 Overview


chapter events recognize

overall achievement and performance in chapter management and growth.

Article 2 Overview

purpose and goals

Individual and team events focus on

skills useful in leadership and career development

Each _________ in good standing is entitled to send _________ and _________ from its active membership to the national leadership conference.

state chapter; two voting delegates; one alternative

At the State Leadership Conferences

students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills.

Who recommended and approved the date and location of the National Leadership Conference?

the national staff and approved by the national board of directors

In debate, each member has the right to speak _____________ on a motion.


The official national website address of FBLA-PBL.

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