Intro to GIS Midterm Exam

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A three-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface

Map projection is a process of converting from: a. a three-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface. b. a two-dimensional surface to a three-dimensional surface. c. a two-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface. d. None of the above.

They are the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid system and the SPC (State Plane Coordinate) system.

Name two commonly used projected coordinate systems that are based on the transverse Mercator projection.

integer rasters: land use, spoil types floating point rasters: precipitation, elevation

Name two examples each for integer rasters and floating point rasters.

satellite images

National Land Cover Data 1992 were compelled from: a. field survey data b. USGS quadrangle maps c. air photos d. satellite images


One can build a file geodatabase in ArcGIS by importing coverages and shape files. True or False?


One can create a digital map by using a text file with x-, y- coordinates? True or False?


One can use both vector data and raster data in a GIS project. True or False?


One can use the Internet to download GIS data from a web server. True or False?

database construction

One would normally begin with ________ in a GIS project: a. data display b. database construction c. data analysis d. data exploration


Some GPS receiver can collect the elevation in addition to the horizontal position of a point on the Earth's surface. True or False?


Some of the newer satellite images have a spatial resolution of 1 meter or less. True or False?

PLSS (Public Land Survey System)

The Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) is a database based on the: a. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) Grid system b. SPC (State Plane Coordinate) system c. PLSS (Public Land Survey System) d. None of them


The TIGER file has build-in topology. True or False?

The Human, Society, and The computer

The UCGIS in 1996 proposed a simple conceptual framework for GIScience that allowed its various research topics to be organized in a straightforward way. Each research topic was seen as combining three domains in different proportions. What were the three domains? a. The Human b. Society c. The space d. The computer e. The culture

central parallel and central meridian

The center of a map projection is determined by the: a. standard parallel and standard meridian b. standard parallel and central meridian c. standard meridian and central parallel d. central parallel and central meridian


The central meridian of a UTM zone has a scale factor of: Question options: a. 1 b. 0.9996 c. 0.9 d. None of them


The data exchange format recommended by the Federal Geographic Data Committee in the USA is called. a. DLG (Digital Line Graph) b. SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard) c. TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) d. VPF (Vector Product Format)


The longitude reading of a point in Oregon should be entered as a _______ value in a GIS package: a. positive b. negative

the linear measure along a route

The m values in polylines represent: a. the symbol of a route b. the linear measure along a route c. the length of a line segment d. the number of points that make up a line segment

upper left

The origin of a raster is at the ______corner of the raster: a. lower left b. upper left c. upper right d. lower right


The process of converting a raster to a polygon feature class is called: a. rasterization b. vectorization


The secant case means that a cylindrical projection has ___ line(s) of tangency: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3


The secant case means that a cylindrical projection has _____ line(s) of tangency: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3


The shapefile format is NOT topology-based True or False?

one-to-one relationship

The simplest data relationship for GIS operations is the: a. one-to-one relationship b. one-to-many relationship c. many-to-one relationship d. many-to-many relationship


The width used in a text field definition should be chosen to accommodate the longest string in the data. True or False?

right click

To open the context menu of a data set, one should _____ the dat set: a. highlight b. right click c. left click

discrete, continuous

Vector data are better suited for representing __________ features and raster data are better for representing _________ features a. continuous, discrete b. discrete, continuous

Raster, vector

Vectorization refers to the process of converting from ____________ data to _________ data: a. raster, vector b. vector, raster c. vector, vector d. raster, raster

What properties do you ant to preserve? Where is the area? What is the shape of the area? How big is the area?

What are 4 questions to ask yourself when deciding what type of map projection to use?

Continuous features: features that exist spatially between observations. (e.g. elevation, precipitation)

What are continuous features?

Discrete features: Individually distinguishable features that do not exist between observations (e.g. points, lines, and areas)

What are discrete features?

*T*ransverse Mercator *A*lbers Equal-Area Conic *L*ambert Conformal Conic *E*quidistance Conic

What are some common Map Projections?

Association, Aggregation, Composition, Type Inheritance

What are the 4 classes of the Object-Oriented Data Model?

(1) Cell value (2) Cell size (3) Raster bands (4) Spatial reference.

What are the basic elements of the raster data model?

1. Conformal (Shape) preserves shapes and local angles 2. Equivalent (Area) represents areas in correct relative size 3. Equidistant (Distance) maintains consistency of scale along certain lines 4. Azimuthal (Direction) retain certain accurate directions.

What are the four groups of map projections?

Conformal Equal Area Equidistant Azimuthal

What are the four groups of projection?

Shape Area Distance Direction

What are the four types of distortions of projections?

Shape files have two main advantages over topology-based data such as coverages. First, shape files can display more rapidly on the computer monitor. Second, shape files are nonproprietary and interoperable, meaning they can be used across different software packages.

What are the main advantages of using shaplefiles?

Geodetic Cadastral Orthoimagery Elevation Hydrography Administrative Units Transportation

What are the seven common types of GIS data

Connectivity: Arcs connect to each other at nodes. Area definition: Arcs that connect to surround an area define a polygon. Contiguity: Arcs have direction and left and right sides.

What are the three basic topological concepts:

Spatial Temporal Spectral

What are the three major resolutions of remote sensing images?

Cylindrical (cylinder) Conic (cone) Azimuthal (plane)

What are the three types of projection?

Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic

What are the two common map projections used for the SPC (State Plane Coordinate) system?

Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system - UTM State Plane Coordinate Systems -SPC

What are two commonly used Projected Coordinate Systems?

Topology explicitly defines spatial relationships between connecting or adjacent features in geographic data.

What does Topology define?

P: Angle D: Area, Shape

What does a Azimuthal projection preserves the property of ____________ and distorts the property ______________

P: Shape D: Area

What does a Conformal projection preserves the property of ____________ and distorts the property ______________

P: Area D: Shape, Scale, Angle

What does a Equal Area projection preserves the property of ____________ and distorts the property ______________

P: Distance between points D: Other distances

What does a Equidistant projection preserves the property of ____________ and distorts the property ______________

ArcObjects is the collection of objects, properties and methods, which provides the foundation for ArcGIS Desktop.

What is ArcObjects?

A GIS topology is a set of rules and behaviors that model how points, lines, and polygons share coincident geometry.

What is GIS topology?

Geomatics is the discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering of geographic information, including land surveying, photogrammetry, and remote sensing. Geomatics is the measurement and survey component of the broader field of geographic information systems .

What is Geomatics?

A Digital Elevation Model consists of an array of uniformly spaced elevation data.

What is a DEM?

A Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle (DOQ) is a computer-generated image of an aerial photograph in which the image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilt has been removed.

What is a DOQ?

A Geographic Base File (GBF) is a map in machine-readable form (for 1970s and 1980s censuses), and Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME)is the method used to encode map features in data files. TIGER file after 1980s

What is a GBF file?

a computer system for capturing, storing, querying, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced data.

What is a GISystem?

A Geodatabase is the storage of geographic data implemented with the relational database of your choice. Geodatabase elements of any kinds including topology rules are managed in standard RDBMS tables.

What is a Geodatabase?

The location reference system for spatial features on the Earth's surface using meridians and parallels (lines of Longitude and latitude)

What is a Geographic Coordinate System?

A datum is a mathematical model of the Earth, which serves as the reference or base for calculating the geographic coordinates of a location. A "datum" is a set of parameters that define a model to describe the position, direction, and scale relationships of a reference surface to positions on the surface of Earth. The geoid and the ellipsoid, in the context of vertical and horizontal positions, are called datums.

What is a datum?

A line of constant bearing

What is a rhumb line?

Attribute data: describes the characteristics of spatial features

What is attribute data?

A geocoding tool to convert street addresses to points with coordinates in ArcMap. The locator allows you to match the address reference data provided to a format ArcGIS supports.

What is the ArcGIS address locator?

Uses a base station with a known coordinate in addition to two receivers in the field to determine the most accurate position. Taking a measurement at the base station allows for a correction to be made.

What is the GPS differential measurement method?

A means to assemble geographic data nationwide to serve a variety of users

What is the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)?

GCS is used for coordinates on a 3D sphere, PCS is used for coordinates on a 2D map.

What is the difference between a Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) and a Projected Coordinate System (PCS)?

Vectorization refers to the conversion of raster data into vector data.

What is vectorization?

Hypsography Hydrography Boundaries Transportation US Public Land Survey

What kind(s) of data is contained in the USGS DLG files?


What projection surface is commonly used to project the area surround the poles?


What projection surface is commonly used to project the equatorial area?


What projection surface is commonly used to project the mid attitudes?


What property does the triangulation survey method use?


What property does the trilaeration survey method use?

Local operations Focal operations Zonal operations Global operations

What type of analysis can be done using the Raster data model?

Map overlay Map manipulation Buffering Distance measurement

What type of analysis can be done using the Vector data model?


When a polygon shapefile is converted into a raster, an attribute from the shapefile's attribute table must be chosen for the cell value of the raster. True or False?

46.50 decimal degree

When converted from DMS to DD units, 46 degree 30 minutes 00 second will read: a. 46.30 decimal degree b. 46.50 decimal degree c. 46.70 decimal degree d. none of them


When converted from NAD27 to NAD83, horizontal shifts of point positions in the conterminous United States can be as much as 100 meters (328 ft). True or False?


When was the first US decennial census taking place? a. 1790 b. 1900 c. 1980 d. 1850

U.S. Geological Survey

Which agency is in charge of the National Map program in the US? a. U.S. Geological Survey b. U.S. Census Bureau. c. Natural Resources Conservation Service d. Bureau of Land Management


Which coordinate does a false easting apply to?Select one: a. X b. Y

Cell by cell

Which data structure stores raster data as a matrix and writes the cell values into a file by row and column? a. Cell by cell b. Run length code. c. Quad tree d. None of the above.

Run length code

Which data structure stores the cell values by row and by group? a. Cell by cell b. Run length code c. Quad tree d. None of the above


Which datum are GPS readings based on? a. NAD27 b. NAD83 c. WGS84 d. CORS96


Which is the simplest version of ArcGIS? a. ArcView b. Arc Editor c. ArcInfo

digitizing using a table digitizer

Which of the digitizing methods is normally more accurate? a. digitizing using a table digitizer b. on screen digitizing


Which of the following (select multiple) represents the neutral format for data exchange? a. Shapefile b. Arc Coverage c. DLG (Digital Line Graph) d. SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard) e. c and d

none of the above

Which of the following activities cannot use a GIS? a. crime mapping b. interactive map c. transportation planning d. none of the above


Which of the following applications in ArcGIS Desktop is designed for data management? a. ArcMap b. ArcCatalog


Which of the following best describes the relationship between census tracts and census block groups? a. Association b. Type inheritance c. Aggregation d. None

Both A and B

Which of the following coordinate systems is treated as a predefined coordinate system in ArcGIS? (multiple correct choices) a. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) b. SPC (State Plane) c. IDTM (Idaho Transverse Mercator)

1/9 arc-second DEM

Which of the following data sources can produce elevation data with the highest level of vertical accuracy? a. 2 arc-second DEM b. 1 arc-second DEM c. 1/3 arc-second DEM d. 1/9 arc-second DEM

A and B

Which of the following features is a continuous feature? a. Precipitation b. Elevation c. Land Use d. All of the above e. A and B


Which of the following features is a discrete feature? a. Precipitation b. Elevation c. Roads d. None of the above

A satellite image

Which of the following is an example of a multiband raster? a. An elevation raster b. A vegetation raster c. A satellite image

A satellite image

Which of the following is an example of a multiband raster? a. A satellite image b. A vegetation raster c. An elevation raster d. All of the above

digitizing using a scanner

Which of the following is considered an automatic digitizing method? a. digitizing using a scanner b. digitizing using a table digitizer c. on screen digitizing

digitizing using a scanner and a vectorization algorithm

Which of the following is considered an automatic digitizing method? a. digitizing using a scanner and a vectorization algorithm b. digitizing using a digitizing table c. on-screen digitizing

None of the above.

Which of the following is not true about a relational database? a. A primary key and a foreign key are needed to relate two tables in the database. b. Attributes in the database can be numeric or character c. The database can be made of separate tables. d. None of the above.

All of the above

Which of the following is true about a line feature? a. A line feature is made of lines b. A line connects two end points. c. The shape of a line is made of connected points. d. All of the above. e. Only a and c.

All a, b, and c.

Which of the following is true about the vector data model? a. The representation of spatial features using the vector data model depends on map scale. b. The model uses x-, y-coordinates to store the geometry of spatial features. c. The model uses points, lines, and polygons to represent simple spatial features. d. Only a and b e. All a, b, and c.


Which of the following objects is not part of the vector data model in ArcGIS? a. point b. line c. area d. volume

Federal Geographic Data Committee

Which of the following organizations has been coordinating the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)? a. Environmental Protection Agency b. Federal Geographic Data Committee c. Natural Resources Conservation Service d. US Forest Service

Paper maps

Which of the following represents a secondary data source? a. GPS readings b. Satellite images c. Paper maps


Which of the following represents composite features? a. Polygons b. TINs c. Lines d. Non of the above

Clarke 1866

Which of the following spheroids is ground measured, rather that satellite-determined? a. Clarke1866 b. WGS84 c. GRS80


Which of the following spheroids is ground-measured, rather than satellite-determined? a. Clarke1866 b. WGS84 c. GRS80

Both A and B

Which of the following statements are true about North American Datum (NAD)? a. NAD83 is a newer datum than NAD27. b. NAD83 is based on a satellite-determined spheroid. c. Maps based on NAD83 can register spatially with maps based on NAD27. d. The WGS84 is the one commonly used as the North American Datum.

A file geodatabase stores data in a Microsoft Access database.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the geodatabase? a. A geodatabase can be designed for single or multiple users. b. A single-user geodatabase can be a personal geodatabase or a file geodatabase. c. A file geodatabase stores data in a Microsoft Access database. d. None.

None of the above

Which of the following statements is NOT ture about the polygon feature? a. A polygon is a two-dimensional object. b. A polygon has the properties of area and boundary. c. A polygon may form a hole within another polygon. d. None of the above.

The meridian must be the line of 00 longitude.

Which of the following statements is not true about a meridian with a scale factor of 1? a. The meridian must be a standard meridian. b. There is no projection distortion along the meridian. c. The meridian must be the line of 00 longitude. d. None of them.


Which of the following statements is not true about the polygon feature? Question options: a. A polygon is a two-dimensional object. b. A polygon has the properties of area and boundary. c. A polygon may form a hole within another polygon. d. None.

Only a and b

Which of the following statements is true about North American Datum (NAD)? a. NAD83 is a newer datum than NAD27 b. NAD83 is based on a satellite-determined spheroid. c. Maps based on NAD83 can register spatially with maps based on NAD27. d. All of the above. e. Only a and b.

The extension is only available in ArcMap

Which of the following statements is true about the Spatial Analyst extension to ArcGIS? a. The extension is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap b. The extension is only available in ArcMap c. The extension is only available in ArcCatalog

Topology rules apply both to features withing a feature class and features between two or more classes

Which of the following statements is true about the topology rules in ArcGIS? a. Topology rules only apply to features within a feature class. b. Topology rules only apply to features between two or more feature classes. c. Topology rules apply both to features withing a feature class and features between two or more classes

A coordinate system is based on a map projection.

Which of the following statements is true? a. A coordinate system is based on a map projection. b. A map projection is based on a coordinate system. c. Map projection and corrdinate system are unrelated.

ArcToolbox is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap

Which of the following statements is true? a. ArcToolbox is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap b. ArcToolbox is only available in ArcMap c. ArcToolbox is only available in ArcCatalog d. None of the above

Meridians are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Meridians are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction. b. Meridians are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction. c. Meridians are points for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are points for measuring location in the N-S direction. d. Meridians are points for measuring location in the N-S direction, and parallels are points for measuring location in the E-W direction.

Areas of complex topography are represented by small triangles in a TIN.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Areas of complex topography are represented by small triangles in a TIN. b. Regardless of the topography, all triangles are of the same size in a TIN. c. Areas of complex topography are represented by large triangles in a TIN. d. None of them.


Which of the following topological relationships describe the arc-node relationship in the coverage model? a. connectivity b. area definition c. contiguity

All the Above

Which of the followingis true about the vector data model? a. The model uses x-, y-coordinates to store the geometry of spatial features. b. The model uses points, lines and polygons to represent simple spatial fatures. c. The choice of a geometric type to represent spatial features using the vector data model depends on map scale. d. All of the above. e. Only a and b.


Which of the folowing is not considered a data type? a. date b. degree c. number d. text or character

nearest neigboor

Which resampling method is recommended for resampling categorical data? a. nearest neigboor b. bilinear interpolation c. cubic convolution

Affine transformation

Which transformation method is most commonly used in GIS? a. Equiarea transformation b. Similarity transformation c. Affine transformation d. Projective transformation

a floating-point raster

Which type of raster typically does not have an attribute table associated with it? a. an integer raster b. a floating-point raster c. both a and b

Michael Goodchild

Who defined GIScience as "the generic issues that surround the use of GIS technology, impede its successful implementation, or emerge from an understanding of its potential capabilities."

Waldo R. Tobler

Who is the first GIScientist elected to the US National Academy of Sciences? a. Michael Godchild b. Waldo R. Tobler c. Gerardus Mercator d. Brian J.L. Berry

A datum is important in GIS because it serves as the reference or base for calculating geographic coordinates of a location.

Why is the datum important in GIS?

Local Shapes

A conformal projection preserves the property of: a. relative size b. Local shapes. c. distances d. None of the above.


A feature class can be stored in a geodatabase as a stand alone feature class or a feature class in a feature dataset. True or False?


A lower RMS value is always preferable to a higher RMS value in any circumstance. True or False?


A raster with a larger cell size has a higher resolution than a raster with a smaller cell size. True or False?


A stream is more likely to be represented as a single line on a 1:100,000 scale map than on a 1:24,000 scale map. True or False?


A vegetation raster is most likely a(n) _________ raster: a. integer b. floating point


A vegetation raster is most likely a(n) _________________ raster: a. integer b. floating point


A wavelet transform can perform either lossless or lossy compression. True or False?

must have the same coordinate system.

All feature classes in a feature dataset: a. must have the same coordinate system. b. must contain polygon features. c. must be converted from shapefiles. d. must contain point features.


An X-shift of -500,000 means you add 500,000 to the original X coordinate value. True or False?

It reflected a deeper transition from thinking about GIScience as concerned with the accurate processing of the contents of maps, to thinking about the entire process of representing and characterizing the geographic world.

As Goodchild observed (Goodchild 2010), GIScience research in the 1980s had stressed on the topic of error or data accuracy, and by the late 1990s, a fundamental change had occurred, as researchers focused on the uncertainty in defining geographic features. What does this shift from error to uncertainty reflect? a. It reflected a deeper transition from thinking about GIScience as concerned with the accurate processing of the contents of maps, to thinking about the entire process of representing and characterizing the geographic world. b. It reflected on the spatial heterogeneity as a major feature of geographic world and that the general principals about the geographic world will be elusive, especially in the social domain. c. It reflects on the first law of geography and its implication on the uncertainty studies, i.e., relative errors over short distances will almost always be less than absolute errors. d. It opens the possibility of real-time, continuous monitoring of various aspects of the geographic world, and hence of real-time analysis and modeling.

survey data

COGO (coordinate geometry) can convert ______ into spatial features: a. remotely sensed data b. GPS data c. street addresses d. survey data


DEMs can be created from satellite imagery. True or False?

Geometric data describes the locations of spatial features, which my be discrete or continuous. Attribute data describes the characteristics of spatial features.

Define geometries and attributes as the two components of GIS data.

Geospatial data is data that describes both the location and characteristics of spatial features such as roads, land parcels, and vegetation on the earths surface.

Define geospatial data.

The simplest model for approximating the earth is a sphere, which is typically used when discussing map projections. But the earth is wider at the equator than between the poles. Therefore a better approximation to the shape of the earth is a spheroid, also called an ellipsoid, an ellipse rotated about its minor axis. The geoid is an even closer approximation of the Earth than a spheroid. the geoid has an irregular surface which is affected by irregularities in the density of the Earths crust and mantle.

Describe the three levels of approximation of the shape and size of the earth for GIS applications.

The first common datum used in the US is NAD27, which is a local datum based on the Clarke 1866 spheroid, a ground measured spheroid. The second common datum is the NAD83, and earth centered or geocentered datum, based on the GRS80 spheroid.

Describe two common datums used in the US.

A county is a subdivision of the state and is made up of cities, towns and villages. Counties are geographically larger then cities. A city is a permanent settlement with a historical background. Main difference is the legal/legislative bodies that govern them. Counties are headed by commissioners and cities head by mayors. Cities and counties are different ways of dividing up land geographically for political reasons.

Difference between a city and a county?


Digital orthophotos do not contain image displacement or distortion. True or False?


ESRI coverage format is topology-based. True or False?


Each UTM zone covers ______ degrees in longitude: a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

feature, characteristic

Each row in an attribute table represents a ________ and each column represents a ________ a. characteristic, feature b. feature, characteristic c. characteristic, characteristic d. feature, feature

A UTM zone is mapped onto a secant case transverse Mercator projection, which a scale factor of 0.9996 at the central meridian. The standard meridians are 180 km to the east and west of the central meridian.

Explain how a UTM zone is defined in terms of its central meridian, standard meridian and scale factor.

The main advantage of the raster data model is having fixed locations, which make it easter for data manipulation, aggregation, and analysis. The main disadvantage is its weakest in representing the precise location of spatial features.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the rater data model vs the vector data model.

A personal geodatabase stores data as table in a Microsoft Access database, where as a file geodatabase stores data in many small sized files in a folder. Unlike the personal geodatabase, the filegeodatabase has no overall database size limit and can work across platforms.

Explain the difference between a personal geodatabase and a file geodatabase.

The georelational data model uses a split system to store spatial data and attribute data. The object based data model stores spatial data and attribute data in a single system. The object-based data model allows a spatial feature (object) to be associated with a set of properties and methods.

Explain the difference between the georelational data model and the object based data model.

A standard line referee to the line of tangency between the projection surface and the reference globe (there is no projection distortion along a standard line) The central lines define the center of a map projection.

Explain the difference between the standard line and the central line.

Vector data uses points and their x,y, coordinates to represent spatial features of points, lines and area. Raster data uses a grid and did cells to represent the spatial variation of a feature.

Explain the difference between vector data and raster data?

A map projection offers a couple of advantages. First, a map projection allows us to use two dimensional maps, either paper or digital, instead of a globe. Second, a map project allows is to work with plane or projected coordinates rather then longitude and latitude values. Computations with geographic coordinations are more complex and yield less accurate distance measurements.

Explain the importance of map projection.

A larger cell size means a lower raster data resolution and greater difficulty in representing spatial features with cells.

Explain the relationship between cell size, raster data resolution, and raster representation of spatial features.

Geodatabase, feature dataset, and feature class form a hierarchical structure. A geodatabase can contain one or more feature datasets, and a feature dataset can store one or more feature classes that share the same coordinate system and area extent.

Explain the relationship between geodatabase, feature dataset, and feature class.

Topology is important in GIS for two reasons. First, it ensures data quality, such as lines meeting perfectly and playgoers closed properly. Second, topology can enhance certain types of GIS analysis such as geocoding and traffic volume analysis.

Explain why topology is important in GIS.

A poor map scan

For wich type of image would a "rubbersheeting" (high order polynomial) transformation be required? a. A satellite image b. An aerial photograph c. A poor map scan d. All of the above


GPS readings of longitude and latitude are based on: a. NAD27 b. NAD83 c. WGS84 d. none of the above

All of the above

Geospatial One-Stop is called a portal, instead of a clearinghouse, because: a. It includes a directory of websites b. It provides links to other websites c. It offers interactive functionality d. All of the above


Geospatial technology is considered by the US department of Labor as a high growth industry. True or False?

Landsat images AVHRR SPOT IKONOS Quirkbird

Give some examples of some types of Raster Data.

Data exploration involves activities of exploring the general trends in the data, taking a close look at data subsets, and focusing on possible relationships between data sets, where as data analysis uses GIS commands to perform operations on data.

How does data exploration differ from data analysis?

It defines the ratio of the local scale to the principle scale.

How is the scale factor related to the principle scale?

15m, 30m, 60m

How much is the major/representative spatial resolution of the Landsat images?

900 square meters

If a raster has the cell resolution of 30 meters, then a cell in the raster measures: a. 300 square meters b. 600 square meters c. 900 square meters d. None of the above.


In ArcGIS, one can add a field in either ArcCatalog or ArcMap. True or False?


In ArcMap, resampling of pixel values is included as part of the rectification process. True or False?

all of the above

Integration of raster and vector data can take place with a. data analysis b. data display c. data processing d. all of the above

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