Intro to Indian Civ Final

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Kushana empire

-ruling line descended from the Yuezhi: a people that ruled over most of the northern Indian subcontinent Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia during the first three centuries of the Common Era. - one of the four great Eurasian powers; instrumental in spending Buddhism in central Asia + dev Mahayana Buddhism and Gandhara/Mathura schools of art - traded with Rome



Thomas Macaulay's "Minute on Education"

1835, written for gov general of India; argue that learning Sanskrit and Arabic was of no use for India, want english education instead

Ranjit Singh's Kingdom

1888-1839; kingdom reigned from Cyber Pass to Sutlej River, to Kashmir to That Desert Had armies of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims


Aryan name for indigenous people of Indus valley region; regarded as socially inferior to Aryans - servants of God, in Bahkti ppl are servants/ slaves to god - also in early Islam

Three Jewels of Buddhism

Buddha: the man, Dharma: his teaching, Sangha: the community formed around his teaching -- can see an imitation of these in the jains three jewels

four noble truths

Buddhism: 1. life is suffering: there is no soul, the 'I' is only combination of const shifting elements 2. suffering due to craving: suffer due to craving 3. suffering is stopped only through cessation of craving, Nirvana = blowing out ignorant ideas 4. way to achieve is by 8 fold path

Radcliffe Line

The 1947 boundary line separating India and Pakistan - decided by Sir Cyril ..., never had been to India - led to hysteria bc people did not want to be in the wrong place


The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths (One of the four goals of human life along with Kama, artha, dharma -- if you achieve these three then you will be free)

Sayyid Abul ala Mududi

The Islamic vision of an Islamic State 1837-1898: first elite muslim to react to modern situation; praised and blamed for being the first modernizer of Islam in India + being founder of Muslim separatism on the subcontinent - was angejlist, learned english, founded Aligarh College in 1875 (believe Indians need to learn importance of W education) + say that Hindu/Muslim need British to keep the peace - died in Bengal in 1898

Delhi Sultanate

The first Islamic government established within India from 1206-1520. Controled a small area of northern India and was centered in Delhi......


The fourth avatar of Vishnu; the man-lion. takes demons on his lap and rips them apart most important in the 6-13th cent


The name of a proposed Sikh state hoped for by some Punjabi Sikhs; separatist movement, people no want a Punjab state, want to succeed from India - proposed area would be Punjab (Pak + india) - formed in 1971 and flourished in Indian state Punjab --> Indiria Gandhi sent troops to stop the movement


The state of englightenment for Buddhists. blowing out ignorant ideas, said to be blissful state; can only be achieved through the 8 fold path (right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi)

Shah Bano Case

In 1985, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Shah Bano, a Muslim woman, against her husband, who was backed by the re- ligious community. Shah Bano's husband had used the Muslim concept of triple talak divorce in order to abandon her. When the court ruled that he must pay her recompense, the Mus- lim community felt that it was under attack. In response Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi en- acted the Muslim Women's Bill, or the Muslim Women's Protection of Rights on Divorce Act, in 1986, which sided with the more conserva- tive members of the Muslim community in state that women could not seek criminal procedures in the matter of religious divorce.


In the Ramayana, is married to Rama; is kidnapped by Rayana two endings (1) Rama is not interested in ... wondering if she has been faithful to him; must walk through fire (2) forces ... to live in forest - is a diety, found in early Vedic stories; ideal wife, she is an intermediary and helps right wrongs

Uniform Civil Code

In the const of India (1935) - personal laws that govern individual communities> marriage, adoption, divorce ( want same laws for everyone)

Dara Shikoh

One of Shah Jahan's sons that fought for power of the empire during his fathers illness. He is described as progressive and humane but possessed a violent temper and a strong sense of mysticism. 1615-1659: was defeated by brother Aurangzeb


Term encompassing the historical secular national and social consciousness of the Kashmiri people. Partition of India: comes from Seikh Muhammad Abdullah and the Jammu + Kashmir National Conference in 1938 -- was secular, leftist, had Hindu and Sikhs + links to Indian national congress occurred around the battle b/w India and Pakistan which led to division of Kashmir

the cow of Dharma

comes from the Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata + the idea of the four ages - Krita:.... stand on 4 legs Treta: small evil, stand 3 legs Dyapara: 2 legs Kali: present, stand on one leg, world in constant flux

Indian National Army

formed by Chandra Bose (was originally involved with the Indian national congress with Gandhi, dedicated to the nationalist cause but no agree with nonviolence Bose tried to look abroad for support, no Hitler, decide to join Axis party + turn to Japan. Formed in 1942 from Singapore falling to the axis powers, trained POW from Singapore to work -went to Eastern India to Kohima and Imphal w/ goal of marching to Delhi but the British were able to push them back, many people died retreating through India terrain

Indian national congress

formed in 1885, formed as movement for Indians (mainly hindu) to lobby British for more justice within the system- early 20th cent endorse swadeshi movement to only buy things made in India - 1920/30s led by Gandhi who advocated for noncooperation -WWII no support war effort until made independent -1951-1964 Nehru led party


founder of Mughal dynasty in India; descended from Ghangus Kahn; first led invasion of India in 1526; died in 1530. Come from Kaiber pass into Dehli + beat last Sultan

first urbanization

marked by the rise of the Indus Valley River Civilization, roughly 3000-1300 BCE—the first major civilization in South Asia—and other early civilizations (Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro), this period saw a rise of urban centers with sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture.


marriage within the tribe, caste, or social group


most important avatar or incarnation of Vishnu; comes from Vedic times but continues throughout India's history - Mahabharata: Arjuna choses Krishna -Bhagavad-Gita: .... is a friend and charioteer, come for me and if you love me I will have love for you -Story: he was born in Matura but was given to farm herds; people try to kill him but he drains the life out of them + picks up Mount Govardhana to protect the community; Krishna loves Radha


one's own dharma; personal righteousness - comes about in bhakti and in relation to the varnashramdharma system - bhdtidharma takes precedent (dharma/ duties you have out of devotion to the lord)

Hindutva (1923)

proposed by VD Savarkar -- contrast nehru's 'the discovery of india' + was threatened by Calafat movement Book = what is a Hindu, coincides with the rise of hindu nationalism; not a word but a history, what it means to be Hindu (involves civilization, shared language)

Uddalaka and his son Svetaketu

represents the quintessential seeker of knowledge In the Chandogya Upanishad, tells kid about seed, salt and blinded man Story: Atman and Bayan are the same, cannot be born Bahaman must become one - dad shocked to hear conceited son - three metaphors: seed and salt = pervasive - blindman = perception, need teacher to help you

Forward Castes

social groups that no qualify for reservation benefits + affirmative axe schemes - have non backward castes of all religious communities and ethnicities

Second Urbanization

sometimes called the "Iron Age Vedic Civilization," this period dates roughly from 6th- 3rd century BCE. This era saw the composition of the Vedas and social stratification based on classes of people based on occupation (and occupation-based clans into which people were born). This civilization extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic Plain and included great kingdoms, including Kuru-Pañcāla and Greater Magadha (see below).


term launched at the end of the 1990s by Nalin de Silva. It means 'Sinhalaness'. It parallels, and is asscociated with, Hindūtva, 'Hinduness'. - takes place in South Asia - wants a unitary state - is a political ethno-nationalist ideology with a strong base also in the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, which includes a special identi -able section known as the siṃhalatva kavandaya, 'the Siṃhalatva body'

Sangh Parivar

the umbrella term to the collection of Hindu nationalist orgs associated with the RSS; BJP, VHP, BJP

Battle of Plassey

the victory in 1757 by the British under Clive over Siraj-ud-daula that established British supremacy over Bengal - 1757: small town in W Bengal highway: small fight w/ sig results, state British control of India -- E India defeat Mughal rep army + Nawab Siraj-ud-duala defeated Dutch E India company + 1761 defeat french

zia ud-din Barni

was Muslim poly thinker of the Delhi sultanate during during Muhammad bin Tughlaq and Firuz Shah's reign - known for tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi + Fatwa-i-Jahandari (1285-1358 CE)


was one of the largest city-settlements in the Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan civ) which thrived in ancient times along the Indus River (Modern day Pakistan) - 25th-26h cent BCE - modern day pakistan and N India

Laws of Manu

work of Hindu law and ancient Indian society, written 200 BC in India. It is one of the eighteen Smritis of the Dharma Sastra (or "laws of righteous conduct"); - first translated into English by William Jones in 1974

Feb 21, 1952

Language martyrs movement: students at U of Dhaka protest bc split W + E Pakistan -- oppose writing Bengali language in Urdu and Arabic script want Bengali as official language

Svetasvatara Upanishad

ancient sanskrit text embedded in the Yajurveda; is associated with the Shvetashvatara tradition


"Skillful Means" was developed into a form of Buddhist practice that encourages imaginatively applying wisdom to whatever circumstances one is in to assist in easing suffering or cultivating insight - Bodhisattva: approach ppl and use skill that is specifically tailored to the person they are with (approach all people diff)

Mauryan Empire

(321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya. - expand east and west; followed by Ashoka who expanded to the West + Kalinga - followed by Kushana empire


(isolation or aloneness, the highest spiritual value in Yoga, the discrimination of purusa from prakriti) - separating the aljiva from the jiva; you are free from karma

Salt March

- Gandhi vs Lord Irwin (April-may 1930); British create new taxes , lord Irwin no do anything March 13, 1930 Gandhi left Ashrama to walk 200 miles to the coast, 24 ays later had thousands of people join him - goal to go to the salt works to liberate workers (but Gandhi was arrested) -- people would collect and sell salt without a tax

Sheikh Abdullah

1905-1982: nicknamed "lion of Kashmir" founded poly party (Kashmir + Jammu National Conference), was secular, leftist, Hindu + Sikh, practice Kashmiriyat - says article 370 was not enough, need permanent - jailed bc Nehru worry was becoming too pro-pakistan - 1975 was released and signs accord with Gandhi on the implementation of article 370 won elections in 1983 but Mrs Gandhi start smear campaign against him

first partition of Bengal

1905: Lord Curzon split bengal Presidency into two - split Muslim majority + hindu parts w/o consulting the citizens reversed in 1911

McMahon Line

1914: tibet and Britain - aug 1959 Chinese troops came over line bc think agreement not bw China and India - bordered the NE frontier tracks

Khilafat Movement

1921-24 was led by Mohamed and Shaukat Ali: protect the religious successor to Muhammad after the Ottomans had been defeated; worry that... was in Turkey -Congress and Gandhi both supported the movement -movement died out in 1924

Communal Award

1932: during dis of india partition Gandhi no like this - voting scheme that cot incorp into cost, everyone got separate electorates --> let to the poona pact where the primary level have separate electorates but gen vote at general election

China's RBI

2013: started by President Xi Jinping economic endeavor to link China to rest of the world, India will not let China so they must go around

Indira Gandhi

3rd PM of India (1917-1984); daughter of Nehru, leader of INA, hired Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to stir up problems in Punjab when Sikh majority came to power (military operations in the golden temple) --> she was assassinated by her own two bodyguards - known for poly intransigency and centralism of power; went to war with Pakistan

Third urbanization

4th cent CE, Guptas (high trade, built first Hindu temples)


4thBC - 13thAD southern India, longest running dynasty in southern India and organized a navy Followed the Pallavas w/ capital at Tanjore 888CE take over whole region, expand to Sri Lanka

Abul Mansur Ahmad

Abul Mansur Ahmad


An extreme aesthetic who founded the religion Jainism and thought of several Hindu concepts, such as karma, in a very concrete way - 597-527 born as prince, lived in NE India - believe religions to be external, taught asceticism + extreme nonviolence - salvation through 5 mahavrata (1) no killing (2) no lies (3) no sex (4) no greed (5) no attack

Taj Mahal

beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife

Princely States

Domains of Indian princes allied with the British Raj; agents of East India Company were stationed at the rulers courts to ensure compliance; made up over one-third of the British Indian Empire - they did not Gandhi to succeed; wanted to be ruled by British

the killing of Vali

From the Ramayana: Controversial literal back-stabbing (back-shooting) by Rama (Vishnu) of son of Indra and brother, a strong, courageous, and overall good and pious king. -His one fault was almost killing his younger brother in rage after a misunderstanding, and forcing his younger brother to flee his kingdom. The controversy comes from how Rama uses Vali's brother as a distraction before shooting and killing Vali from behind, breaking the rule that any fight should be face-on.


Gandhi's message to people of India about self-rule, literally means "self rule" need to purify ourselves to obtain this; need to obtain this before having safeguards - included in the Satyagraha (Gandhi poly life post 1915)


Gandhi's name for untouchables ; "children of god"(was trying to get Hindus to follow in his example of accepting and loving untouchables)-- Ambedkar did not like this term

varnashramadharma system

Hinduism (Brahmanical synthesis) - First Varna refers to class or caste, ashrama is the stage of life one is in and dharma is a person's duty. - Brahman (priest scholar) Kshatriyas: rulers Vaishya: business people Sudra: servants

Guru Granth Sahib

Holy scripture of Sikhism, which has the sayings and teachings of the ten Sikh Gurus. - main/central religious scripture of Sikhism, final/ eternal living Guru -started by Guru Arjan, include hymns of Sufi and Hindu Paktas

Operation Bluestar

June 1-8, 1984: remove militant religious leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale + followers from the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Amritsar, Punjab. initiated by indira gandhi

Pataliputra (Patna)

Mauryan Empire: 320-185 BCE Gupta Empire: 320-550 CE A city in Northeastern India that was the capital of the Mauryan Empire. Both the Buddha and Mahavira were from here. The city thrived during Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka's reigns. Pataliputra later became the capital of the Gupta Empire from 320-550 CE. It is located in the present day state of Bihar.

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Rebel group formed in 1983- attack Sri Lanka military base by Ptabhakaram (militant Tamil who no support govt), all out war erupts 1990s - called a terrorist group, defeated in 2009 -rejected 1987 accord that would allow Sri Lanka to redress minority rights

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

PM of Bangladesh 1972-1975; during split between West and East Pakistan. After the Language Martyrs movement, Bengali was not added back in which pissed people off - made 6 point demand (1) go back to lahore resolution and acknowledge two states + have fed govt give equal rights (2) two states should have all per exp defense + foreign affairs (3) demand separate currencies (4) want taxes to stay w/i state (5) separate banking (6) want on militia - demands not acceptable to W Pakistan

Abul Kalam Azad

President of Congress from 1940-46. Muslim against partition and two-nation theory. Thought that Hindus and Muslims could live together in an independent India -- against partition believe unity is important

"Hymn of Cosmic Man"

Purushasukta, 10th book in the rigveda -- the world was created out of the parts of a single cosmic man( Purusha) when his body was offered as sacrifice; the four castes came from his body Brahman(mouth), Kshatriya (arms), Vaisya (thighs) and shudra(feet)

official languages act of 1956 in Sri Lanka

Sinhala made the official language of the state, replaced english -- essentially cut the Tamils out of everything --> led to the civil war

Shore Temple

South India: Mamallapuram, 8th century; stacked superstructure w/2 shrines; started out for Vishnu, changed to Shiva mid-construction (image of reclining Vishnu was hidden and then worn away by the ocean); granite stone

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