Intro To Info Systems Chapter 4 LO 4.1

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___________________ ____________ is software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such.

Counterfeit software

___________ _____ ________________ is a technological solution that allows publishers to control their digital media to discourage, limit, or prevent illegal copying and distribution.

Digital rights management

Technology poses new challenges for our _______---the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people.


____________ is the right to be left alone when you want to be, to have control over your personal possessions, and not to be observed without your consent.


Privacy is related to _______________________, which is the assurance that messages and information remain available only to those authorized to view them.


Information does not have ethics, __________ do.


A patent is an

exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention and is granted by a government to the inventor.

Figure 4.2 contains examples of ethically questionable or unacceptable uses of information technology. ~Figure 4.2 Ethically Questionable or Unacceptable Information Technology Use

-Individuals copy, use, and distribute software. -Employees search organizational databases for sensitive corporate and personal information. -Organizations collect, buy, and use information without checking the validity or accuracy of the information. -Individuals create and spread viruses that cause trouble for those using and maintaining IT systems. -Individuals hack into computer systems to steal proprietary information. -Employees destroy or steal proprietary organization information such as schematics, sketches, customer lists, and reports.

Figure 4.4 displays the ethical guidelines for information management. ~Figure 4.4 Ethical Guidelines for Information Management

-Information Secrecy- The category of computer security that addresses the protection of data from unauthorized disclosure and confirmation of data source authenticity. -Information Governance- A method or system of government for information management or control. -Information Compliance-The act of conforming, acquiescing, or yielding information. -Information Management- Examines the organizational resource of information and regulates its definitions, uses, value, and distribution, ensuring that it has the types of data/information required to function and grow effectively. Information Property- An ethical issue that focuses on who owns information about individuals and how information can be sold and exchanged.

? refers to the ability of a company to identify, search, gather, seize, or export digital information in responding to a litigation, audit, investigation, or information inquiry.

Ediscovery or electronic discovery

_________ and ___________ are two fundamental building blocks for all organizations. In recent years, enormous business scandals along with 9/11 have shed new light on the meaning of _________ and ___________. When the behavior of a few individuals can destroy billion-dollar organizations, the value of _________ and _____________ should be evident.

Ethics and security ethics and security. ethics and security

Unfortunately, few hard and fast rules exist for always determining what is ethical. Many people can either justify or condemn the actions in Figure 4.2, for example. Knowing the law is important, but that knowledge will not always help because what is legal might not always be ethical and what might be ethical is not always legal. Example of this>?

For example, Joe Reidenberg received an offer foR AT&T cell phone service. AT&T used Equifax, a credit reporting agency, to identify potential customers such as Joe Reidenberg. Overall, this seemed like a good business opportunity between Equifax and AT&T wireless. Unfortunately, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) forbids repurposing credit information except when the informatiion is used for "a firm offer of credit or insurance.'' In other words, the only product that can be sold based on credit information is credit. A representative for Equifax stated, "As long as AT&T Wireless (or any company for that matter) is offering the cell phone service on a credit basis, such as allowing the use of the service before the consumer has to pay, it is in compliance with the FCRA. "However, the question remains--is it ethical?

Figure 4.3 shows the four quadrants in which ethical and legal behaviors intersect. The goal for most businesses is to make decisions within quadrant 1 that are both legal and ethical. There are times when a business will find itself in the position of making a decision in quadrant 3, such as hiring child labor in foreign countries, or in quadrant 2, such as when a business might pay a foreigner who is getting her immigration status approved because the company is in the process of hiring the person. A business should never find itself operating in quadrant __. Ethics are critical to operating a successful business today. ~4.3 Acting Ethically and Acting Legally Are Not Always the Same Thing


_____________________ ______ govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and processing of information itself (with or without the aid of computer technologies). Ethical dilemmas in this area usually arise not as simple, clear-cut situations but as clashes among competing goals, responsibilities, and loyalties. Inevitably, there will be more than one socially acceptable or correct decision.

Information ethics

____________ _______________ is the unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted software.

Pirated software

____ __ is the part of the United States Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that covers the search and seizure of physical and digital evidence.

Rule 41

? was passed to protect minors from accessing inappropriate material on the Internet.

The Child Online Protection Act (COPA)

In April 2016, the Judicial Conference of the United States proposed an _________________ to Rule 41 that allows a federal judge magistrate to issue a warrant that allows an investigator to gain remote access to a digital device suspected in a crime, even if the device is located outside the geographic jurisdiction of the judge issuing the warrant. An important goal of the amendment to Rule 41 is to prevent criminals from hiding the location of a computing device with anonymization technology in order to make detection and prosecution more difficult.


Rule 41 originally granted a federal judge magistrate the authority to issue a warrant to search and seize a person or property located within that judge's district if the person or property is part of a criminal investigation or trial.

criminal investigation or trial.

A few years ago, the ideas of information management, governance, and compliance were relatively obscure. Today, these concepts are a must for virtually every company, both domestic and global, primarily due to the role digital information plays in corporate legal proceedings or litigation. Frequently, digital information serves as key evidence in legal proceedings, and it is far easier to search, organize, and filter than paper documents. Digital information is also extremely difficult to destroy, especially if it is on a corporate network or sent by email. In fact, the only reliable way to obliterate digital information reliably is to?

destroy the hard drives on which the file was stored.

As it becomes easier for people to copy everything from words and data to music and video, the ethical issues surrounding copyright infringement and the violation of intellectual property rights are consuming the ____________ _____.

ebusiness world.

As the importance of ediscovery grows, so does?

information governance and information compliance.

Intellectual property

is intangible creative work that is embodied in physical for and includes copyrights, trademarks, and patents.


is the legal protection afforded an expression of an idea, such as a song, book, or video game.

Privacy advocates are concerned that the amendment of Rule 41 will expand the government's authority to ________ hack individuals and organizations and monitor any computer suspected of being part of a botnet. In addition to giving the government the authority to seize or copy the information of a digital device no matter where that device is located, the amendment also allows investigators who are investigating a crime that spans five or more judicial districts to go to one judge for warrants instead of having to request warrants from judges in each jurisdiction.


Information itself has __ ethics. It does not care how it is used. It will not stop itself from spamming customers, sharing itself if it is sensitive or personal, or revealing details to third parties. Information cannot delete or preserve itself. Therefore, it falls to those who own the information to develop ethical guidelines about how to manage it.


The two primary areas concerning software include ____________ _____________ and _________________ _______________.

pirated software and counterfeit software.

Consumers' concerns that their privacy will be violated because of their interactions on the web continue to be one of the?

primary barriers to the growth of ebusiness.

The protection of customers' ___________ is one of the largest and murkiest ethical issues facing organizations today.


Each time employees make a decision about a privacy issue, the outcome could ____ the company.


Trust among companies, customers, partners, and suppliers is the _________ _______________ of ebusiness. ___________ is one of its main ingredients.

support structure Privacy

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