Intro to Psych Final Exam Study Set

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We attribute consciousness in others if there is:

. capacity for experience and capacity for agency

Which theory of the effects of alcohol is most closely related to placebo effects?

expectancy theory

The chemical senses of taste and smell combine to produce


The fact that Little Albert feared a Santa Claus mask after the fear conditioning referred to in question #15 demonstrates the psychological process of:


_______ is defined as a gradual reduction in responding to repeated stimuli.


What part of the ear does a cochlear implant substitute for?

hair cells

Why had Emilio started to salivate when he heard the 4 honks?

he had been classical conditioned to associate the horn with lunch

Which sense(s) contributes to balance?

hearing, touch, and vision

According to signal detection theory, if a stimulus is present, and we respond it is present, it can be categorized as a:

hit/true positive

A perceptual mistake whereby features from multiple objects are incorrectly combined:

illusory conjunction

The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep is called:


Which aspect of consciousness refers to direction towards objects?


Cones register/are sensitive to which of the following wavelengths of light?

red, green, and blue

Examples of unconditioned responses (UCRs) are:

salivation, fear, sexual arousal

Dichotic listening and the cocktail party phenomena nicely illustrates which aspect of consiciousness?


The detection of physical energy by our sense organs/receptors would be a good definition of:


For Emilio, the conditioned stimulus (CS) was:

the sound of the horns

Antagonists __ neurotransmitters.


The part of the neuron that receives chemical messages is call the what?


What neurotransmitters is associated with Parkinson's Disease?


The case study method was most closely associated with which famous psycholgist?

Dr. Sigmund Freud

What psychologist is most closely linked with psychoanalysis?

Dr. Sigmund Freud.

What term reflects the role of expectation in an experimental design?

Placebo effect.

An action potential starts when?

Positively charged ions rush into the nerve cells open channels.

The middle ear, between the eardrum and the cochlea, is comprised of :

The hammer, anvil, and stirrup (ossicles)

What is philosophical empiricism?

The idea that all knowledge is gained through experience. Aristotle.

A common test for checking consciousness is what?

The mirror test "Rouge."

A valid psychological construct does what?

The operational definition captures the property it is trying to measure.

What is psychology?

The scientific study of brain, behavior, and mental processes.

What are the foundational aspects of the field of psychology?

The study of behavior, mind, and brain, that methods matter, and the use of the scientific method.

The seven sins of memory could rightly be considered

Vices and virtures

Who opened the first experimental psychology laboratory?

Wilhem Wundt

In his "puzzle box" experiments, Thorndike hoped to show that:

animals learn through a gradual trial-and-error process

Visual information is processed mainly in the:

occipital lobe

According to the famous psychoanalytic theorist Sigmund Freud, dreams can be understood as:

often "wish fulfillments;" surface or manifest content is censored and latent or underlying content is expressed symbolically

In Pavlovian conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) is:

originally neutral with respect to the response being measured

The organization and interpretation of sensations is a good definition of:


Which of the seven sins of memory is most related to emotion and memory?


Transduction involves converting __________ energy into ____________ energy.

physical, neural

What scientist is most closely associated with the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin.

Which of the seven sins of memory is most related to failures to encode information?


What group of cultural psychologists would argue that culture makes no difference in psychological phenomena?


The reticucular formation controls what?

Alertness and arousal.

What brain wave is associated with meditation and relaxation?

Alpha wave.

Which brain area has been linked with fear conditioning?


An action potential is what?

An electrical signal that travels down the length of the axon.

In psychology, what three levels of analysis are appropriate?

Behavior, social, and neurochemical analysis.

The field associated with studying observable behaviors and ignores the mental processes behind them is known as what?


The brain wave that is displayed when one is awake and alert is known as?

Beta wave.

According to the Law of Effect, how are desired behaviors strengthened?

By following them with a "satisfying state of affairs," which "stamps them in" the mind

The sleep wake cycle is what kind of rhythm?


The subjective experience of the world and the mind is referred to as what?


What technique attempts to predict one variable based on another variable?


What scientific method allows researches to explore causality?


The individual most closely associated with psychophysics is:


Phineas Gage demonstrated that emotional centers are regulated in what area?

Frontal Lobe.

What is a testable prediction?


An agonist __ the activity of neurotransmitters?


Scientific knowledge is not what?


What method was Wilhelm Wundt known for?


Brain structures can be imaged using:

MRI scans

Brain functions can be studied using:

MRI, PET, and EEG recordings.

What two words best capture the essence of the experimental method?

Manipulation and control

What measure of central tendency is usually the most misleading?


What is the belief that talent dictates destiny?


An instrument that can detect small amounts of a substance is called what?


sleep may serve important functions with regard to:

Protection, dreaming, and memory consolidation.

What are three features of a science?

Public verification, errors aid progress, and useful knowledge.

Based on what you know about sleep stages, vivid dreams are most likely to occur during which stage of sleep?


What is the best way to handle a third variable problem?

Random assignment.

An instrument that gives the same result when reused is said to be what?


What is not a philosophical issue relevant to psychology?

Religious faith and agnosticism.

When H. M. had the removal of his hippocampus to relieve seizures, it eliminated his ability to do what?

Remember new experiences

What three things are important in psychological research?

Respect the participants, provide informed consent, and provide debriefings at the end of the study.

The resting potential of a neuron is what?

Slightly negative.

Behavioral psychologists look to what to explain behavior?

Stimulus-Response relationships

Psychodynamic psychology is most associated with what?

Subconscious drives

Brocas patient could only say what word that he was nicknamed after?


What is learned in instrumental/operant conditioning?

That one's own behavior has certain consequences (good or bad).

What was Franz Gall right about?

That some brain functions are localized.

What is phrenology?

The belief held by Franz Gall that the bumps and indentations on the skull indicated the shape of the brain. It's not accurate.

What is not a property of light waves?


In the classic example John B. Watson's attempt to use fear conditioning on Little Albert, the CS was:

a white rat

Which animal has the greatest average daily sleep total?

brown bats

Gestalt principles of perceptual organization include:

closure, proximity, and similarity

Pavlov is most famous for his work on digestion in ____


The __________ stream processes object location/"where," whereas the __________ stream processes object identity/"what.

dorsal, ventral

When a person has to take more and more of a drug over time to achieve the original drug effects, we call it:

drug tolerance

According to valence-centered models of of perception of smells, which is true?

emotional responses precede memories/identities of odor objects

_______ is defined as the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, or responses.


According to lecture and the text, taste aversion learning is a form of classical conditioning, but it differs from most classical conditioning cases in that:

learning can occur in just one pairing, learning can occur even when taste and illness are separated by many minutes, and that a single pairing learning can last a lifetime

A gentleman with slurred speech, a right leg limp, and a weak right handshake would have damage to what area?

left hemisphere, with Brocas area.

What is not a measure of central tendency?

standard deviation

The "fight or flight" response is linked to which subdivision of the autonomic nervous system?

sympathetic nervous system

A major relay station for sensory input is found in the:


drug addiction (physical dependence) is defined by:

the occurrence of physical withdrawal syndrome after drug taking is stopped

Psychophysics is best defined as the study of:

the relation between variation in real physical stimuli and how they are perceived

Which of the sevens sins of memory is most related to decay or loss of stored information?


Which aspect of consciousness refers to resistance to division?


According to lecture and the text, rebound effects and ironic effects of thought suppression are nicely illustrated by trying not to think about what?

white bears

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