Intro to Psychology All Chapters

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Rhonda has just learned that her neighbor Patricia was involved in an automobile accident at a nearby intersection. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error may lead Rhonda to conclude

"Patricia's recklessness has finally gotten her into trouble."

Melissa's toddler is 2 years old but is not yet toilet trained. Melissa takes the toddler to the toilet every 30 minutes, offers rewards if the toddler is successful, and praises the toddler for sitting on the toilet. But, nothing is working! What should you tell Melissa?

"You can't rush toilet training. Muscular and neural maturation needs to occur first."

Brenda is "colorblind." This is rather rare for women; most of the approximately ________ people who are "colorblind" are men.

1 in 50

About how many women are killed each year by male family members in India and Pakistan for "dishonoring" their families by being a victim of sexual aggression?


Mathematical computations by a computer are faster than your quickest mathematical computations because the top speed of a neural impulse is about ________ times slower than the speed of electricity through the wired circuitry in a computer.

3 million

When you rate yourself, your manager, and other colleagues on performance, and then they rate your performance, most likely you have participated in

360-degree feedback.

Which statement illustrates cognitive development during the course of adult life?

43 year old Sophia has better recall than 72 year old Kylie

Our immediate short-term memory for new material is limited to roughly ________ bits of information.


For the diagnosis of an intellectual disability, guidelines specify performance on an intelligence test of approximately

70 or below

A 12-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 9-year-old was said to have an IQ of


Mr. and Mrs. Klostreich have six children ages 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, and 16. The mean age of the Klostreich children is


Five-year-old Wilbur performs on an intelligence test at a level characteristic of an average 4-year-old. Wilbur's mental age is


An integrated understanding of associative learning in terms of genetic predispositions, culturally learned preferences, and the predictability of certain associations is most clearly provided by

A biopsychosocial approach.

The Harlows' studies of attachment in monkeys showed that

A cloth mother produced the greatest attachment response

Antisocial personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by

A lack of guilty feelings

Which of the following is an example of shaping?

A parrot is rewarded first for making any sound, then for making a sound similar to "Laura," and then for "speaking" its owner's name.

Learning is best defined as

A relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience.

Who proposed the social-cognitive perspective?

Albert Bandura

________ emphasized the interaction among behavior, internal personal factors, and environmental influences in his ________ perspective on personality.

Albert Bandura; social-cognitive

Which test has been demonstrated to be a highly reliable measure?

All of these tests have proven to be highly reliable

Juan's friends ask him to participate in some activities. He feels pressure to join them, even though the adventures might not be in his best interest. Which of the following reasons might be strengthening Juan's conformity to the group?

All of these things are contributing to Juan's desire to conform to the group

In Asch conformity experiments, researchers find that conformity to the group increases when:

All of these things will increase conformity to the group

Dr. Martinez, who specializes in treating people with depression, uses techniques from several forms of therapy to treat his clients. Dr. Martinez is using

An Eclectic Approach

Two-year-old Damien frequently refuses to obey his parents because he derives immense pleasure from demonstrating his independence from their control. Freud would have suggested that Damien is going through the ________ stage of development.


The levels of stress hormones among adults with ________ were lower than average when they were children.

Antisocial personality disorder.

Which of the following correctly lists the order of structures through which sound travels after entering the ear?

Auditory canal, eardrum, middle ear, cochlea

The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning was

B. F. Skinner.

Persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of

Beck's cognitive therapy

For the most rapid conditioning, a CS should be presented

Before the US.

Madison has a fear of spiders. Her therapist has designed a therapy to replace fear with calm when Madison sees a spider. Madison's therapist is applying ________ therapy.


It has been suggested that compulsive acts typically exaggerate behaviors that contributed to the survival of the human species. This idea best illustrates the ________ perspective.


The treatment of serious psychological disorders with prescribed medications or medical procedures that directly influence the nervous system is called

Biomedical therapy

Classical conditioning is most clearly biologically adaptive because it enables us to learn that the ________ predicts the onset of the _________.


Classical conditioning is most clearly biologically adaptive because it enables us to learn that the ________ predicts the onset of the _________. Question 7 options:


In classical conditioning, the NS becomes a ________ after it reliably signals the impending occurrence of the ________


Lamont has frequently been rebellious, inconsiderate, and self-centered, yet the pastor of his local church has always accepted and respected him. The pastor's attitude toward Lamont is most explicitly recommended by

Carl Rogers.

Freud believed that the manifest content of dreams consisted of

Censored expression of unconscious wishes

Which psychologist most strongly emphasized that those who score above average on tests of spatial ability typically also score above average on tests of verbal or reasoning ability?

Charles Spearman

The type of learning in which we learn to associate two stimuli is

Classical conditioning

________ is biologically adaptive because it helps humans and other animals prepare for good and bad events.

Classical conditioning

Figures tend to be perceived as whole, complete objects, even if spaces or gaps exist in the representation, thus demonstrating the principle


Figure is to ground as _____ is to _____.

Cloud; sky

Alex misinterpreted the heart palpitations that accompanied his panic attack as indicative of heart disease and so became unnecessarily hypervigilant to any potentially stressful events. This best illustrates the importance of ________ in anxiety disorders.

Cognitive processes

When we adjust our own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, we are exhibiting:


Which of the following Freudian ideas is most consistent with today's psychological research findings?

Conscious awareness of what goes on in our own minds is very limited.

The tendency to organize stimuli into smooth, uninterrupted patterns is called


the procedure involving reinforcement of each and every response is called _______ ________. Under these conditions, learning is _______. When this type of reinforcement is discontinued, extinction is _________

Continuous reinforcement; Quick; Quick

In an experiment, the group that is NOT exposed to the treatment being tested is called the ________ group.


Which of the following is the correct order of the structures through which light passes after entering the eye?

Cornea, pupil, lens, retina

Albert Bandura's work has provided social models for all of the following EXCEPT A) reducing unplanned pregnancies. B) protecting against AIDS. C) promoting environmental conservation. D) encouraging adaptive learning.

D) encouraging adaptive learning. (MIGHT BE WRONG)

Many clinicians diagnose disorders by using the detailed diagnostic criteria in the


In order to obtain a reward, a monkey learns to press a lever when a 1000-Hz tone is on but not when a 1200-Hz tone is on. What kind of training is this?


Dr. Cheng studies social influence. He is concerned because he is finding that the rates of conformity in his experiments are much higher than those reported by his cousin, another social influence researcher. Which of the following reasons might account for this difference?

Dr. Cheng is conducting his experiments in a country that honors group standards, whereas his cousin is conducting experiments in a country that prizes individualism

The developmental theorist who suggested that securely attached children develop an attitude of basic trust is


When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus, _____ will soon take place.


According to Piaget, the ability to reason abstractly is characteristic of the stage of

Formal operations.

Sherry is often overly generous in sacrificing her time to help others. Her friend suggests that by keeping busy in this way Sherry avoids confronting her own unconscious conflicts. Her friend's suggestion illustrates the type of explanation that is most typical of

Freudian psychology

Sigmund Freud explained personality in terms of unconscious motivations, whereas ________ described personality in terms of enduring traits.

Gordon Allport

sensory experiences that occur without an external sensory stimulus are called


Juan studies for his biology class each day. He generally reviews material covered previously as well as the new material. Based on what you know about Ebbinghaus' retention curve, what can Juan expect to experience during his study sessions?

He will require less and less time to relearn the previous material.

James, who was tackled during the last football game he played, has no memory of the game. What is the likely reason?

His working memory did not have time to consolidate the information into long-term memory

Who is most likely to be criticized for extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of talents?

Howard Gardner

________ laid the groundwork for positive psychology.

Humanistic psychology

Which of the following observations provides the BEST evidence that intelligence test scores are influenced by heredity?

Identical twins reared separately are more similar in their intelligence scores than fraternal twins raised together

Elderly Mr. Flanagan, a retired electrician, can easily remember how to wire a light switch, but he cannot remember the name of the president of the United States. Evidently, Mr. Flanagan's ________memory is better than his _______memory.

Implicit; explicit

In distinguishing between negative reinforcers and punishment,

In contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by ending a negative stimulus

According to the serial position effect, when recalling a list of words you should have the greatest difficulty with those

In the middle of the list

_____________ result(s) from a person's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality.

Informational social influence

Dr. Ward is a client-centered therapist and strives to provide unconditional positive regard to her clients. Which of the following is NOT something she should do?

Interpret what her clients say to her

Overrating one's ability to predict people's futures is called the

Interviewer illusion

Who is most likely to conform to a group?

Jwa, who is from Korea

John was born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. Which intersex condition was John born with?

Klinefelter syndrome

According to Freud, dreams are the key to understanding our inner conflicts. In interpreting dreams, Freud was most interested in their

Latent content or symbolic meaning.

Which of the following statements concerning reinforcement is correct?

Learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement, but intermittent reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction.

Brandon remembers how to tie his shoes, drive a car, and his father teaching him to ride a bike as a young boy. All of this information is contained in his

Long-term memory (MIGHT BE WRONG)

To detect Mr. Ziegler's loss of brain tissue from a degenerative disease, his physicians are most likely to request that he receive a(n)


Who of the following is likely to have the best working memory?

Marika, a 25-year-old woman

Organizational psychologists are most likely to be involved in

Modifying work environments in order to improve employee engagement

Which of the following is NOT true of the brain's association areas?

More intelligent animals have smaller association areas

Sleepwalking typically occurs during

N3 sleep

Hypnagogic sensations are most closely associated with ________ sleep


A behavior followed by the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is being

Negatively reinforced.

__________ result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval, whereas _____________ result(s) from a person's willingness to accept other's opinions about reality

Normative social influence; informational social influence

Learning by imitating others' behaviors is called _____ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is _____.

Observational; Bandura

Which of the following is NOT true regarding relationships in late adulthood?

Older adults experience increased cognitive functioning compared with younger adults.

To identify which of Lucy's brain areas was most active when she talked, neuroscientists gave her a temporarily radioactive form of glucose and a(n)

PET scan.

The procedure in which responses are reinforced only part of the time is called _______ reinforcement. Under these conditions, learning is generally _____ than it is with continuous reinforcement. Behavior reinforced in this manner is _______ resistant to extinction.

Partial; Slower; Very

Which of the following is a major limitation of longitudinal studies?

Participants may withdraw from the study or not survive until the end of the study

The phenomenon that refers to the ways in which an individual's expectations influence perceptions is called:

Perceptual set.

Piaget held that egocentrism is characteristic of the

Preoperational stage.

A conditioned reinforcer gains its reinforcing power through its link with a

Primary reinforcer

________ provide a type of "psychological X-ray" by asking test-takers to describe an ambiguous image or tell a story about it.

Projective tests

Freud believed that certain troubling symptoms could be traced to painful unconscious memories. This led him to suspect that these symptoms resulted from

Psychological processes

Brain regions that are active as people learn to perform a visual discrimination task are especially likely to be active again later as they experience

REM Sleep

Brain regions that are active as rats learn to navigate a maze show similar activity patterns again as the rats later experience

REM sleep

The cognitive ability that has been shown to decline during adulthood is the ability to

Recall new information.

Because Mr. Maloney trusts his employees, he treats them kindly. His kindness leads them to work diligently on his behalf, which in turn increases his trust in them. This pattern of trust, kindness, diligence, and increasing trust illustrates what is meant by

Reciprocal determinism

Lewis cannot remember the details of the torture he experienced as a prisoner of war. According to Freud, Lewis' failure to remember these painful memories is an example of


The transduction of light energy into nerve impulses takes place in the


The receptor of the eye that functions best in dim light is the


During which stage of cognitive development do children begin to show object permanence?


Which is the correct sequence of stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Stacey is 10 months old. Which of the following is true regarding her gender development?

She can differentiate between a male and female face.

Which of the following is NOT recommended as a strategy for improving memory?

Speed Reading

Those who believe that becoming a professional musician requires inborn talent as well as a lot of practice are emphasizing the importance of

Sternbergs creative intelligence

Which of the following people requires the most of sleep each day?

Suan, an infant boy

Two relatively rare sleep disorders are narcolepsy and sleep apnea. With narcolepsy, the person _____; with sleep apnea, the person _____.

Suffers periodic sleepiness; stops breathing every few minutes or so

Sensory receptor cells that project antenna-like hairs are located within

Taste buds

The receptors for taste are located in the

Taste buds.

Subliminal priming effects best illustrate

That information can be processed outside of conscious awareness

Before Piaget, people were more likely to believe that

The child's mind is a miniature model of the adult's.

Which of the following has been suggested as an explanation for infantile amnesia?

The hippocampus is one of the last brain structures to mature.

According to Freud's theory, the behavior of a newborn is controlled by

The id

Long-term potentiation refers to

The increased efficiency of a synapse's firing potential following learning.

The psychotherapeutic value of hope is best illustrated by

The placebo effect

Which approach to personality focuses on describing individual differences?

The trait perspective

During extinction, the _____ is omitted. As a result, the _____ seems to disappear.


In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert, the loud noise was the _____ and the white rat was the _____.


The test that provides separate verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed scores, as well as an overall intelligence score, is the


In classical conditioning, spontaneous recovery occurs:

When the CS is reintroduced following extinction of the CR and a rest period.

An integrated understanding of Tara's consistent cheerfulness in terms of her supportive peer relationships, her calm temperament, and her optimistic expectations best illustrates

a biopsychosocial approach

Understanding that the development of depression is related to one's genetic predispositions, learned behaviors from one's home environment, as well as how one interprets life events best illustrates

a biopsychosocial approach.

By revealing what can happen through an in-depth examination of an atypical individual, ________ often suggests directions for future research.

a case study

Researchers at one point in time assess and compare the performance of different age groups on the SAT. The procedure used in this research best illustrates

a cross-sectional study

Marge recently lost her long-time partner and is suffering from severe grief. According to revisions in the DSM-5, her symptoms may qualify for a diagnosis of

a depressive disorder

Brenda remembers everything about the day she was married. This is an example of

a flashbulb memory.

The belief that intelligence is changeable facilitates

a growth mindset

Psychoanalysis is most likely to view patient transference as

a potential aid to the patient in developing insight.

A disorder in which a person loses contact with reality and experiences irrational ideas and disordered perceptions is

a psychotic disorder.

The term critical period refers to

a restricted time for learning

Monica sees Laurena, who is normally shy, give a speech in class with confidence. Monica therefore attributes Laurena's behavior to the course requirement. Monica's explanation for Laurena's behavior is an example of

a situational attribution

John B. Watson would have expressed the greatest disapproval of attempts to scientifically study whether

academic achievement is influenced by a positive self-concept.

Which neurotransmitter plays the most direct role in learning and memory?


Tests designed to assess what a person has learned are called ________ tests.


A single word formed from the first letters of items you want to remember is called a(n)


An electrical current traveling down a wire is to ________ as an electrical current not moving is to ________.

action potential; resting potential

Case studies have helped us to understand psychological concepts related to

all of these instances

The classic case of railroad worker Phineas Gage best illustrated that frontal lobe damage can

alter one's personality

A survey of the history of intelligence testing reinforces the important lesson that

although science strives for objectivity, scientists can be influenced by their personal biases

The mental process people use to explain their behavior and the behavior of others is called

an attribution

Edith abuses both her 3-year-old and 1-year-old daughters. Her behavior is most likely related to a lack of

an early and secure attachment to her own parents.

Nine-year-old Jesse is frustrated by his inability to read at the same level as the other children in his class. On the playground, he bullies and teases those who read well in class. According to Alfred Adler, Jesse's behavior is a result of

an inferiority complex

An experiment was designed to study the potential impact of alcohol consumption on emotional stability. A specification of the procedures used to measure emotional stability illustrates

an operational definition

Academic problem solving is an example of which type of intelligence, according to Sternberg?


David's motorcycle would occasionally lose power or stall out. David thought about possible solutions: changing the ignition wires, putting an additive in the gas tank, or taking his motorcycle to a mechanic and letting the mechanic figure out the problem. David decided to put an additive in the gas tank to see if that corrected the problem. Which of Sternberg's intelligences was David using?

analytical intelligence

There is some evidence that a relatively low level of autonomic nervous system arousal may contribute to

antisocial personality disorder.

Although the DSM-5 classifies posttraumatic stress disorder separately from disorders such as panic disorder, this disorder does involve


Freud suggested that defense mechanisms protect an individual from


On average, the intelligence test scores of the Dingbats are much higher than those of the Dodos. The difference in the average test scores of the two groups might be a product of

any of these things.

Which of the following is the best example of a conditioned reinforcer?

applause for an excellent piano recital

Cindra achieved an intelligence test score of 100 on a current version of the Stanford-Binet test. This indicates that relative to other adults her age her intellectual abilities

are average.

Consciousness is most important for the correct performance of behaviors that

are novel and challenging.

The MMPI, which was originally developed to identify emotional disorders, is also currently used to

assess personality traits.

The fundamental attribution error is illustrated in our tendency to underestimate the extent to which others' behavior is influenced by

assigned roles

The cortical regions that are NOT directly involved in sensory or motor functions are known as

association areas

The fact that the ability to interpret and integrate sensory information with stored memories is lost following damage to the ________ disconfirms the claim that we really use only 10 percent of our brain.

association areas

The process of imprinting involves the formation of a(n)


he Harlows' studies of infant monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that body contact promotes


Which of the following is located in the temporal lobes?

auditory cortex

The McDougals use harsh discipline on their children and demand unquestioning obedience. Psychologists are likely to characterize the McDougals as ________ pare


Several studies have revealed fewer-than-normal fiber tracts connecting the front to the back of the brain among those with

autism spectrum disorder.

Learning how to write in cursive took great effort on Shane's part as a child. Now, with practice, it has become


Respondent behavior is a(n) ________ response, whereas operant behavior is a(n) ________ response.

automatic; voluntary

Information about where, when, and how often you ate a meal in the last couple of days is likely to be

automatically processed.

In which form of therapy is unwanted behavior systematically associated with unpleasant experiences?

aversive conditioning

Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which people

banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness.

The deep brain structure(s) involved in motor movement and the formation of our procedural memories for skills is(are) the

basal ganglia.

Hair cells line the surface of the

basilar membrane

Contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of

behavior and mental processes

Principles derived from psychologists' understanding of classical conditioning have most directly influenced the development of

behavior therapies

Smiling is to feeling as ________ is to ________.

behavior; mental process

Akira believes that her son has become a good student because he is frequently praised for his learning efforts. Her belief best illustrates a ________ perspective.


John B. Watson considered himself to be a


The normal curve is often described as


Researchers filmed two people as they interacted. Then they showed each person a replay of their interaction—filmed from the other person's perspective. This reversed the participants' attributions of the behaviors. Seeing the world from the actor's perspective, the observers

better appreciated the situation

Psychologists generally agree that intelligence test scores are ________ in terms of being sensitive to differences caused by cultural experiences and are ________ in terms of their predictive validity for different groups.

biased; not biased

Depression is more likely to be a shared tendency between identical twins than between fraternal twins. This most clearly supports explanations of this mood disorder from a(n) ________ perspective.


Psychologists once believed that any stimulus (whether a taste, sight, or sound) could serve as a conditioned stimulus. This belief was challenged by research demonstrating the importance of

biological constraints.

Generally, ________ predispose(s) organisms to learn associations that ________.

biological constraints; are naturally adaptive

Dr. Robinson conducts research on the relationship between brain chemistry and intellectual functioning. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Robinson's research best represent?

biological psychology

Sex is to ________ characteristics as gender is to ________ characteristics

biologically influenced; socially influenced

The direct link between a single cone and a single ________ preserves the fine details in the cone's message.

bipolar cell

After several weeks of feeling apathetic and dissatisfied with his life, Mark has suddenly become extremely cheerful and so talkative that he can't be interrupted. He seems to need less sleep and becomes irritated when his friends tell him to slow down. Mark's behavior is indicative of

bipolar disorder

A person is able to accurately point to the current location of certain moving objects that she is unable to consciously see. This best illustrates


The humanistic perspective emphasizes

boosting people's self-fulfillment by helping them grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance.

How does biology influence gender?

both genetically and physiologically

Which of the following can shift our expression of personality traits?

both new situations and major life events

The empirical approach draws on

both observation and experimentation

In which brain structure are nerves from the left side of the brain routed to the right side of the body?


The sequence of brain regions from the oldest to newest is

brainstem, limbic system, cerebral cortex.

The primary goal of psychoanalysis is to

bring repressed feelings to conscious awareness to help the person reduce growth-impeding inner conflicts.

The world's first mass administration of intelligence tests involved tests administered

by the U.S. government to immigrants and World War I army recruits.

The effortful processing of information

can become automatic through practice

After carefully studying how three single parents dealt with the loss of their jobs, Dr. Phong began to overestimate the national rate of unemployment. In this instance, Dr. Phong should be warned that ________ may be misleading.

case studies

The relentless rehearsal of overgeneralized, self-blaming thoughts by depressed clients is called


The part of the ________ that carries information from your senses to your brain and motor-control information to your body parts is the spinal cord.

central nervous system

Which part of the brain plays a key role in forming and storing the implicit memories created by classical conditioning?


A Skinner box is a(n)

chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.

Gardner's argument for multiple intelligences receives support from the

characteristics of savant syndrome

Which of the following does NOT appear to be a contributing factor to the development of ASD?

childhood vaccinations

The use of acronyms to improve one's memory of unfamiliar material best illustrates the value of


Growth hormone secretions peak in women at predictable hours of each night. This best illustrates the dynamics of the:

circadian rhythm.

With the approach of night, our body temperature begins to drop. This best illustrates the dynamics of

circadian rhythm.

To reduce Juan's fear of certain medical procedures, his therapist repeatedly paired the sight of a hypodermic needle, which triggered a learned fear response, with the taste of chocolate, which triggered an unlearned sense of pleasure. Juan's therapist was most clearly using a technique involving

classical conditioning

Former crack cocaine users often feel a drug craving when they are again in places they associate with previous highs. Their reactions are best explained in terms of

classical conditioning.

The retina is to the eye as the ________ is to the ear


The retina is to the eye as the ________ is to the ear.


Which of the following is NOT a part of the middle ear?


Prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. This best illustrates that the content of dreams reflects

cognitive development.

Through language we often learn things that we ourselves have neither personally experienced nor directly observed. This best illustrates the importance of

cognitive learning.

Some psychologists believe that rats develop mental representations of mazes they have explored. These representations are called

cognitive maps.

The predictability rather than the frequency of CS-US associations appears to be crucial for classical conditioning. This highlights the importance of ________ in conditioning.

cognitive processes

Training people to actively dispute their own self-defeating ideas best illustrates

cognitive therapy

The group of people that move through life with you are called your


Erica has an orange house cat. Regardless of the room that the cat is in, and even when the cat is outside, Erica still sees her cat as orange. This is an example of

color constancy.

Compared with females, males use conversation

communicate solutions.

Research on people's feelings of satisfaction with their lives indicates that

compared with other phases of life, the over-65 years are not notably unhappy.

Which of the following is most clearly an operant behavior?


In Milgram's first study of obedience, the majority of "teachers" who were ordered to shock a "learner":

complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock

Assessing an individual's standing on the Big Five today has the advantage of providing a ________ personality description.


Repeatedly checking to see if your stove is turned off is to ________ as repeatedly thinking you might try to set your own house on fire is to ________.

compulsion; obsession

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the ________ stage.

concrete operational

A child's learned fear at the sight of a hypodermic needle is a(n)

conditioned response.

In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," infants develop a fear of roses after roses are presented with electric shock. In this fictional example, the presentation of the roses is the

conditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, an originally neutral stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response is called a(n)

conditioned stimulus.

Which of the following has helped prevent coyotes and wolves from attacking sheep?

conditioned taste aversion

Melissa is fearful of men and refuses to go out on dates. Her therapist suggests that she is fearful because she was physically abused by her first intimate partner and has generalized her fear to all men. The therapist's suggestion most clearly reflects a view that her fear is caused by


In most people who are color deficient, the red-sensitive or green-sensitive ________ do not function properly.


A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait dimension of


Those who score high on the Big Five trait of ________ tend to have a larger frontal lobe area that aids in planning and controlling behavior.


Psychodynamic theories emphasize that personality involves a dynamic interaction between

conscious and unconscious mental processes

Automatic processing most clearly occurs without

conscious rehearsal.

When an arithmetic average is reported in the news, it is most important for readers to

consider whether it is distorted by a few extreme cases

According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious

contains archetypes derived from our species' universal experiences.

Although Sue Yen sees her chemistry professor several times a week, she didn't recognize the professor when she saw her in the grocery store. This best illustrates the importance of

context effects.

After learning that kicking would move a crib mobile, infants showed that they recalled this learning best if they were tested in the same crib. This best illustrates

context-dependent memory.

To assess the extent to which death rates increase as people age, researchers would most likely make use of


Sleep reactivates recent experiences stored in the hippocampus and shifts them for permanent storage in the


Rebekah has a fear of flying. What conditioning technique might a psychologist use to help her overcome her fear?


Golden hamsters that are repeatedly threatened and attacked while young grow up to be ________ when caged with same-sized hamsters.


Checking on the credibility of the sources of information you use in a class report is most indicative of

critical thinking

Discerning the unstated assumptions and values that underlie conclusions best illustrates ________, which is an important learning tool.

critical thinking

Discerning the unstated assumptions and values that underlie conclusions best illustrates ________, which is an important learning tool. Question 10 options:

critical thinking

People of different ages are compared with one another in a ________ study.


Three key attitudes of scientific inquiry are

curiosity, skepticism, and humility

Researchers report a 10-year rule for expert performance that highlights the importance of

daily practice

Prolonged exposure to any sounds above 85 ________ can produce hearing loss.


The loudness of sounds is measured in


Explicit memory is also known as

declarative memory.

Positive punishment ________ the rate of operant responding, and negative punishment ________ the rate of operant responding.

decreases; decreases

Encoding verbal information semantically involves

deep processing

Encoding a word on the basis of its meaning produces a better memory of the word than encoding a word on the basis of its sound. This best illustrates the value of

deep processing.

As our visual system processes light energy, the last step in converting one form of energy into another is

delivering neural information to the brain.

Abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin are associated with


Professor Orlando eats a diet rich in vegetables, fish, and olive oil, referred to as the "Mediterranean Diet." According to the text, this diet will reduce the chances of him developing


Stressful events interpreted with a negative explanatory style can encourage dampened mood states that lead to behavioral withdrawal and subsequent social rejection by others. This best illustrates

depression's vicious cycle

Which of the following psychological disorder(s) was reported by the most people in the United States in 2015?

depressive disorders

Trait theorists are more concerned with ________ personality than with ________ it.

describing; explaining

Newer research reveals that stimulating the brain's reward circuits in humans produces more ________than pure enjoyment.


A brain lesion refers to ________ of brain tissue.


When the participants in Milgram's study were later surveyed about taking part in the research, most reported that they:

did not regret taking part in the experiment.

The social roles assigned to women and men

differ widely across cultures

The ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus is called


Zach is punished for swearing at home but reinforced for swearing on the school playground. This demonstrates a patterned habit of swearing that is indicative of


After his mother smiles, Jimmy's request for a snack is reinforced. But if his mother is not smiling, his subsequent request for a snack is not reinforced. By indicating that Jimmy's request for a snack will be reinforced, the mother's smile is a(n)

discriminative stimulus.

Schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by

disorganized thinking and disturbed perceptions.

Attributing a behavior to a person's stable, enduring traits is known as

dispositional attribution

Which of the following techniques is more likely to produce better long-term recall of information?

distributed practice

By consciously rehearsing in many separate study sessions over the semester the facts you need to learn, you are most clearly taking advantage of

distributed practice.

The spacing effect means that

distributed study yields better retention than cramming

Arnold was not paying attention to his professor's lecture. But when the professor asked him what she had just said, he was surprised that he had a fleeting memory of her last few words. Arnold's experience best illustrates ________ memory.


As a therapist, Dr. Cioffi often uses systematic desensitization. She also considers active listening to be an invaluable therapeutic tool, and she frequently makes use of free association. Dr. Cioffi's therapeutic approach would best be described as


Although Garth wants to interact sexually with his girlfriend, he also wants to avoid premarital sex. Freud would have suggested that both desires might be partially satisfied by Garth's


Freud emphasized that the ________ operates on the reality principle.


Rebecca is 4 years old and is staring at the chocolate chip cookies cooling on the kitchen counter. She really wants one. They are sweet and yummy! Before leaving the room. Rebecca's mother told her that she could have some cookies after she eats her dinner. As Rebecca goes to grab a cookie, she pauses and decides to sit at the dinner table. Rebecca calls for her mother and says, "I'm ready for dinner." Which aspect of Rebecca's personality, according to Freud, is responsible for her actions?


According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the

ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized.

If personality were a balance scale, the ________ would balance the ________.

ego; id and superego

Evidence that preschoolers develop a theory of mind suggests that Piaget overestimated young children's


According to Piaget, the preoperational stage is to the concrete operational stage as ________ is to ________.

egocentrism; conservation

When Andy becomes upset about getting a poor grade, he typically fails to realize that he feels scared. This lack of self-insight best illustrates an inadequate level of

emotional intelligence

Temperament is an individual's characteristic

emotional reactivity and intensity.

Although Arturo has looked at his watch thousands of times, he is unable to recall whether the watch features Arabic or Roman numerals. This is most likely because of a failure in


Nancy was daydreaming about her college plans during a boring lecture on the history of computers. She doesn't remember that ENIAC was the first functioning digital computer because she wasn't paying attention. Nancy's poor memory is best explained in terms of:

encoding failure

The inability to recall which numbers on a telephone keypad are not accompanied by alphabetically sequenced letters is most likely due to

encoding failure.

The steps in memory information processing are

encoding, storage, retrieval

One way for people to break the vicious cycle of depression is to

engage in more pleasant and competent behavior.

Diet, drugs, and stress can place molecular tags on our chromosomes and thereby play a decisive role in whether we suffer an increased risk of depression. This best illustrates the impact of

epigenetic effects.

Professor Zinn suggests that depression may stem from the impact of stressful experiences on molecular structures that control gene expression. The professor's suggestion most clearly highlights the importance of

epigenetic influences.

Which of the following can help distinguish heterosexual and homosexual identical twins?

epigenetic marks that may be related to the development of sexual orientation

Gina and Tina are identical twins. Gina has had a series of traumas and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Tina is demonstrating no symptoms of schizophrenia. Because schizophrenia tends to run in families, the difference between the twins can be explained through


The study of how genes and environment interact to influence intelligence and other human characteristics is called


The study of influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change is called


When confronted by a large and potentially dangerous snake, Alissa experienced a surge of energy triggered by the release of ________ into her bloodstream.


To find out if her new spatial reasoning test is good at measuring what it was designed to measure, Dr. Chu compares the scores on her test with the scores and grades of college students enrolled in courses that involve spatial reasoning. In this instance, Dr. Chu is in the process of

establishing the test's validity

Which of the following is generally the poorest predictor of future job performance

evaluations from informal interviews

Which of the following is generally the poorest predictor of future job performance?

evaluations from informal interviews

In classical conditioning, an organism forms associations between

events that it does not control.

Exploring how we humans are alike because of our common biology and evolutionary history is the focus of

evolutionary psychology

The study of how our behavior and mind have changed in adaptive ways over time due to natural selection is called

evolutionary psychology

Conscious memories of facts and experiences are called ________ memories.


The hippocampus helps process ________ memories for long-term storage.


The ability of some Alzheimer's patients to learn how to do something despite the fact that they have no conscious recall of learning their new skill best illustrates the need to distinguish between

explicit memory and implicit memory.

Episodic memory is best described as ________ memory of ________.

explicit; personally experienced events

Freud emphasized that effective treatment of psychological disorders involves the

exploration of repressed memories

A critical period is a phase during which

exposure to certain experiences is needed for proper development.

Transference refers to a client's

expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier life relationships.

A patient who had long feared going into elevators was told by his therapist to force himself to enter 20 elevators a day. The therapist most likely wanted to encourage the ________ of the patient's fear.


Zack's doctor performed a test to reveal both the function and structure of his brain. Which brain scan was used?


To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n)


A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related test items that seem to tap a common ability is called

factor analysis

At any point during the psychosexual stages of development, strong conflict could ________ the person's pleasure-seeking energies at that stage.


In Freud's view, conflicts unresolved during earlier psychosexual stages could surface as maladaptive behavior in the adult years. When this occurs, according to Freud, the person is ________ at a psychosexual stage.


Freud emphasized that unresolved childhood conflicts often lead to


Paul and Michael sell magazine subscriptions by telephone. Paul is paid $1.00 for every five calls he makes, while Michael is paid $1.00 for every subscription he sells, regardless of the number of calls he makes. Paul's telephoning is reinforced on a ________ schedule, whereas Michael's is reinforced on a ________ schedule.

fixed-ratio; variable-ratio

Exceptionally clear memories of emotionally significant events are called

flashbulb memories.

When Molly told her therapist about her frightening car accident, the therapist instructed her to close her eyes and verbalize any further thoughts stimulated by this experience, even if they were scary or embarrassing. The therapist was making use of a technique known as

free association

Molecules that are toxic to neurons are called

free radicals.

Neuroscientists have discovered mirror neurons in the

frontal lobe adjacent to the motor cortex.

By manipulating a single gene, scientists have been able to control sexual orientation in

fruit flies.

Compared to people from East Asian cultures, those from individualistic Western countries are more likely to demonstrate

fundamental attribution error

Epigenetics is the study of environmental influences on

gene expression

Joshua has a predisposition for aggressive behavior. As a child, he lived in a neighborhood in which a lot of violent gangs roamed the streets. By the time Joshua was 18 he had been arrested multiple times for aggressive actions against other teens. Joshua's aggressive behavior is a result of

gene-environment interactions

The tendency for a CR to be evoked by stimuli similar to the CS is called


Which of the following is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by constant, excessive, and unjustified anxiety about a wide range of issues and circumstances?

generalized anxiety disorder

The superego is the part of personality that

generates feelings of guilt

A traumatic experience may trigger a lasting phobia in a child with a sensitive, high-strung temperament. The same experience, however, may have no long-term impact on a child with a more relaxed temperament. This best illustrates the role of ________ in the development of phobias.

genetic predispositions

By selective breeding, researchers can produce bold or shy birds. This best illustrates that some personality differences among birds are

genetically influenced

Which psychosexual stage of development focuses on the maturation of sexual interests?


With repeated exposure to any erotic stimulus, our emotional response often lessens. This illustrates the process of


When Sperling visually displayed three rows of three letters each for only one-twentieth of a second, research participants

had a momentary photographic memory of all nine letters.

Wilma is extremely agitated because she hears voices that tell her to curse at the nurses in her hospital ward. Wilma is most clearly suffering from


When children grow up and leave home, parents most frequently report feeling


Mr. and Mrs. Vernays are parents of an adult child who received a diagnosis of intellectual disability. It is most likely that their child

has difficulty adapting to the demands of independent adult life

Freire did very poorly on his last arithmetic test. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his sixth-grade teacher to conclude that Freire did poorly because

he is unmotivated to do well in school

Intelligence tests have effectively reduced discrimination in the sense that they have

helped limit reliance on educators' subjectively biased judgments of students' academic potential.

Operant response rates tend to be ________ when linked to a ratio schedule rather than an interval schedule. Operant response rates tend to be ________ consistent when linked to a variable schedule rather than a fixed schedule.

higher; more

A sense of humility regarding the accuracy of our intuitions is most likely to be undermined by

hindsight bias

A subregion within the ________ is likely to be especially active when people and mice learn social information.


Damage to the ________ would most likely interfere with a person's ability to form new memories of a family vacation trip.


Which neural center in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage?


Who would be most involved in designing user-friendly programming controls for a virtual reality system?

human factors psychologists

Effectively designing physical environments—such as the layout of a kitchen in a way that maximizes safe and efficient meal preparation—is of special interest to

human factors psychologists.

Designing aircraft instrument displays so pilots can easily and accurately monitor flight data would be of most direct interest to

human factors psychology

The new field of positive psychology has been heavily influenced by

humanistic psychology.

Which limbic system structure regulates thirst and body temperature?


A momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli is called ________ memory.


Stephen's mother bought a cake for dessert after tonight's dinner. While she was in the other room, Stephen grabbed a piece with his hands and took a bite. Which part of his personality, according to Freud, was obviously in control?


According to Freud, the need to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive desires comes from the ________, which operates on the ________.

id; pleasure principle

Environmental influences on personality traits are most clearly highlighted by comparing

identical twins raised together with identical twins raised apart

You just started a supervisory position at a company. What is one thing that you can do to increase employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and profitability?

identify and enhance employee strengths

Psychological disorders consist of emotions, behavior, and cognitive processes that are all of the following EXCEPT


People can develop classically conditioned emotional reactions without any conscious recollection of how or when those reactions were learned. This best illustrates ________ memory.


Retention of skills and classically conditioned associations without conscious recollection is known as ________ memory.


The cerebellum and basal ganglia play an important role in the processing of ________ memories.


The original Atkinson-Shiffrin three-stage information-processing model did not consider the formation of

implicit memories.

Memory for skills is called

implicit memory

Harry Bahrick observed that three years after people completed a Spanish course, they had forgotten much of the vocabulary they had learned. This finding indicates that information is lost while it is

in storage.

Cognitive changes that accompany depression include a(n)

increased expectation of negative outcomes

People who regularly sleep less than normal experience a(n) ________ risk of depression and a(n)________ risk of gaining weigh

increased; increased

Behavior geneticists are most interested in assessing the extent to which heredity and environment contribute to our

individual differences

Informational social influence is defined as

influence resulting from the acceptance of others' opinions about reality.

The Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky suggested that children's ability to solve problems is enhanced by

inner speech.

Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter and frequently ignores her cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display sign

insecure attachment.

Two-year old Anna perceives her parents as cold and rejecting. This is most indicative

insecure attachment.

Animals tend to revert from newly learned habits to their biologically predisposed behaviors. This is an example of

instinctive drift.

The sort of problem solving that demonstrates "school smarts" is what researchers have historically assessed in their tests of


Factor analysis has been used to assess whether

intelligence is a single trait or a collection of distinct abilities

Because the execution of people with an intellectual disability is "cruel and unusual punishment," in 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that states with death row penalties must consider

intelligence scores and other evidence

When Carlos was promoted, he moved into a new office with a new phone extension. Every time he is asked for his phone number, Carlos first thinks of his old extension, illustrating the effect of


Sensory neurons transmit signals to


Psychodynamic therapy techniques involve efforts to understand patients' current symptoms by focusing on recurring patterns in their

interpersonal relationships

If interviewers instantly like a job applicant because of his or her good looks, they may judge the person's complimentary remarks as indicating "polite manners" rather than "manipulative flattery." This best illustrates the impact of ________ on the interpretation of interviewees' responses.

interviewers' preconceptions

You are most likely to experience flow if you are

intrinsically motivated for the task

The size of the pupil is controlled by the


In one experiment, Canadian university students were prompted to recall two events supposedly from their past. One was a false event that involved their committing a crime. The experiment demonstrated that

it is surprisingly easy to lead people to construct false memories.

According to Freud, the latent content of a dream refers to

its underlying but censored meaning.

Those who view their work as a necessary but personally unfulfilling way to make money are said to view work as a


The fact that learning can occur without reinforcement is most clearly demonstrated by studies of

latent learning.

The ability to recognize faces with the right hemisphere but not with the left hemisphere best illustrates


Stacey tries extra hard in school because she receives 10 dollars for every A she earns on her report card. According to Thorndike's ________, Stacey is likely to continuing trying to earn As.

law of effect

When given a red pen rather than a black pen for correcting essays, people spot more errors. This best illustrates the subtle impact of

learned associations.

In Milgram's experiments, participants were torn between whether they should respond to the pleas of the ______ or the demands of the ______.

learner; experimenter

Participants in Milgram's obedience experiments were informed that they were involved in a study of


People who can hear usually process their speaking with the ________ hemisphere. Deaf people usually process their language signing with the ________ hemisphere.

left; left

With increasing age, adopted children's verbal ability scores become ________ positively correlated with their adoptive parents' scores and ________ positively correlated with their biological parents' scores.

less; more

The barn owl's right ear opens slightly upward, while its left ear opens slightly downward. This difference enables the owl to detect the ________ of a sound.


George is amazing with numbers and seems to learn math easily. Nina has wonderful writing, reading, and speaking skills. Gardner would say that George is high in ________ intelligence and Nina is high in ________ intelligence.

logical-mathematical; linguistic

Which type of memory has an essentially limitless capacity?

long-term memory

The same people are retested over a long period in a ________ study.


The same people are tested and retested over a period of years in a

longitudinal study.

After suffering damage to the hippocampus, a person would probably

lose the ability to store new facts

Romanian children raised in orphanages with untrained and overworked staff were found to have ________ than found in children assigned to quality foster care settings.

lower intelligence scores

Which of the following disorders typically occurs in periodic episodes that eventually terminate by themselves even without professional help?

major depressive disorder

Rebecca suffers from social anxiety disorder and stays home most of the time to avoid feeling anxious. Her behavior is considered ________ because it prevents her from learning to cope with her environment and increases feelings of loneliness.


A state in which an individual is overexcited, hyperactive, and wildly optimistic is known as


Julie reported that she had a dream in which she was chased by a large dog. According to Freud Julie's account represents the ______ content of her dream


Watson and Rayner's study of Little Albert demonstrated how specific fears

may be produced through classical conditioning

In a distribution of test scores, which measure of central tendency would likely be the most affected by a couple of extremely high scores?


Deep processing of verbal information involves encoding the ________ of words.


A good night's sleep is most likely to improve exam grades by supporting the process of

memory consolidation.

During the day, Bekah learned a lot of information about World War II. During her sleep that night, memories of this history were transferred from her hippocampus to areas within her brain's cortex. This transfer best illustrates

memory consolidation.

The hippocampus and brain cortex display simultaneous activity rhythms during sleep. This appears to be an indication of

memory consolidation.

When retrieving memories of a past event, we often fill in memory gaps with guesses about details. The fact that these guessed details are then incorporated into our memory of that event is most relevant to appreciating the importance of

memory construction.

In one experiment, being told that a wine cost $90 rather than its real $10 price made it taste better. This best illustrates that taste is influenced by

mental expectations.

According to some researchers, a televised fistfight may lead viewers to mentally simulate fistfighting thanks to the activation of

mirror neurons.

Children with ASD show less activity in brain areas involved in ______ others' actions.


Bandura's experiments indicate that ________ is important in the process of learning.


Children often imitate behaviors seen on television and online videos. This best illustrates the impact of


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is designed to

modify clients' self-defeating thoughts and their maladaptive behaviors.

Organizational psychologists are most likely to be involved in

modifying work environments in order to improve employee engagement

Compared with formerly depressed people, those who are currently depressed are more likely to recall their parents as rejecting and punitive. This best illustrates

mood-congruent memory.

In one study, when teens were down, they rated their parents as cruel; when they were up, their parents were angels. This best illustrates

mood-congruent memory.

Whenever he feels jealous, David is flooded with painful memories of instances when he thought his girlfriend was flirting with other men. David's experience best illustrates

mood-congruent memory.

Business units with high levels of employee engagement experience somewhat

more organizational productivity and less employee turnover

With increasing age, identical twins' intelligence test scores become ________ positively correlated. With increasing age, adoptive siblings' scores become ________ positively correlated.

more; less

In laboratory experiments, men have been found to be ________ willing than women to blast people with what they believed was intense and prolonged noise. Outside the laboratory they have been found to be ________ willing than women to support war

more; more

Those who view their work as a calling report ________ work satisfaction than those who view their work as a job and ________ work satisfaction than those who view their work as a career.

more; more

The maternal relatives of homosexual men produce ________ offspring than the maternal relatives of heterosexual men, and male homosexuality is more likely to be transmitted by genes from the ________ side of the family.

more; mother's

Compared with parallel processing, sequential processing tends to be ________ conscious and better for solving ________ problems.

more; novel

Repression is an example of

motivated forgetting

We may perceive a bottle of fruit juice as less expensive when we are most thirsty. This best illustrates that perceptions are influenced by


When promised money for doing well on an intelligence test, adolescents in four dozen studies scored higher. This best illustrates that intelligence test performance is influenced by


An area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movements is called the

motor cortex

Applying mild electrical stimulation to parts of an animal's cortex, Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig discovered what is now called the

motor cortex

Degeneration of the myelin sheath results in

multiple sclerosis

Second graders who ________ while doing math problems grasped third-grade math better the following year.

muttered to themselves

great with animals. She cares for them deeply and seems to have a knack for interacting with them. Howard Gardner would most likely suggest that she is high in ________intelligence.


Dr. Branson conducts research on how our genetic inheritance affects development. His research involves which major issue in developmental psychology?

nature and nurture

Escape from a punishing event is a ________ reinforcer.


Taking away the driver's license of a reckless teen driver is intended to serve as a

negative punishment.

Jack finally takes out the garbage in order to get his father to stop pestering him. Jack's behavior is being influenced by

negative reinforcement

Carl Rogers suggested that those who fall far short of their ideal self experience

negative self-concept

We have trouble processing information if it is

neither meaningful nor related to our experience.

Those who score high on the Big Five trait of ________ have brains that are wired to experience stress intensely.


The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by those with

no diagnosed psychological disorder

In making wedding preparations, Jason conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family, simply to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of:

normative social influence

Acquiring new responses by watching the behaviors of a teacher is called

observational learning.

Children of abusive parents often learn to be aggressive by imitating their parents. This illustrates the impact of

observational learning.

Repeatedly thinking about your own death is to ________ as repeatedly washing your hands is to ________.

obsession, compulsion

Brain scans of people with ________ reveal elevated activity in a brain region that monitors our actions and checks for errors.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessions are

offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person

Researchers find that conformity to the group is more likely when all of the following occur EXCEPT

one is made to feel secure

Being highly imaginative is most closely related to the Big Five trait dimension of


The tendency to associate a response and its consequence forms the basis of _______conditioning.


An action that influences the environment and is maintained by its consequences is called an

operant behavior

When Henry's little brother accidentally locked himself inside his mother's car, Henry used his mother's car key to unlock the door. Henry's action could best be described as a(n)

operant behavior

Researchers are studying how rapidly a hungry pigeon in a confined cage will learn to peck at a lighted disk in order to receive food. The researchers are most clearly using a(n) ________ to study learning.

operant chamber

An enclosure containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforcer is called a(n)

operant chamber.

A company executive enhances the success of her sales department by sending a congratulatory note to department employees who exceed their monthly sales quotas. The executive is most clearly making effective use of

operant conditioning

Operant conditioning involves ________ behavior, whereas classical conditioning involves ________ behavior.

operant; respondent

Improving employee morale and business profitability by developing a new chain of command between subdivisions of a large manufacturing company best illustrates the work of a

organizational psychologist

Modifying management practices and work assignments to increase employee engagement best illustrates the professional concerns of

organizational psychologists

The Gestalt principle of proximity refers to the way in which we

organize stimuli into coherent groups.

Incoming vibrations cause the cochlea's ________ to vibrate.

oval window

As students prepare for a test, they often believe that they understand the course material better than they actually do. This best illustrates


After suffering stroke damage to specific areas of her brain, "Mrs. M." cannot visually perceive the motion of objects, though she can visually perceive their form, color, and depth. Her experience best illustrates the role of ________ in visual perception.

parallel processing

The processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously is called

parallel processing.

Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back?


Using the Asch procedure, conformity to group judgments would be LEAST likely when

participants are not observed by other group members when giving their answers

Although he was wearing a pair of glasses that shifted the apparent location of objects 20 degrees to his right, after a short practice time Lars was still able to play tennis very effectively. This best illustrates the value of

perceptual adaptation.

Observing yourself on a video replay is most likely to increase your tendency to attribute your behavior to

personality traits

We have a tendency to explain the behavior of strangers we have observed in only one type of situation in terms of ________ and to explain our own behavior in terms of ________.

personality traits; situational constraints

Mental health workers would be likely to identify alcohol misuse as a psychological disorder because it is

personally dysfunctional

Developing assessment tools for selecting and placing employees is of most direct relevance to

personnel psychology

Among deaf people, a temporal lobe area normally dedicated to hearing may begin to process visual signals. This best illustrates the impact of


During memory tasks, the left frontal lobes are especially active in young adult brains, while older adult brains use both left and right frontal lobes. This age-related change in brain functioning best illustrates


The brain's development of new neural connections in response to experience is said to demonstrate what is known as


With assistance from the _________, the cerebellum ___________.

pons; coordinates voluntary movement

People's scores on a test of extraversion are ________ predictors of how agreeable they will act in one particular situation. Their scores are ________ predictors of how agreeable they will act on average over many different situations.

poor; good

By praising their employees' positive behaviors, managers often encourage their workers to continue laboring productively. This best illustrates the value of

positive reinforcement

Forgotten memories that we can easily recall were said by Freud to be


Which of the following is NOT a major issue in developmental psychology?

predictability and unpredictability

Hypotheses are best described as


The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict is called

predictive validity

Correlational studies show that prolonged viewing of televised violence ________ increased rates of violent behavior.


Alexis is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be diagnosed as a symptom of a psychological disorder if it is

preventing her from functioning effectively.

Hearing the word "rabbit" may lead people to spell the spoken word "hair" as "h-a-r-e." This best illustrates the outcome of a process known as:


Effective retrieval cues trigger the process known as


Shortly after you see a missing-child poster you are more likely to interpret an ambiguous adult-child interaction as a possible kidnapping. This best illustrates the impact of


Ebbinghaus found the task of learning new lists of nonsense syllables increasingly difficult as his research career progressed. Which of the following best explains his problem?

proactive interference

Memories for well-learned automatic skills such as how to tie your shoes are called ________ memories.


Research has found that when people develop an expertise in an area, they tend to

process information in hierarchies.process information in hierarchies.

After the first thirty to forty-five minutes of sleep, you have progressed from NREM-1 to NREM-3sleep. After this, you ______

progress back up the ladder from NREM-3 to NREM-2 to NREM-1

Janet's behavior therapist is teaching her how to release tension in one muscle group after another until she reaches a comfortable state of complete relaxation. Janet is learning

progressive relaxation.

The defense mechanism by which people disguise threatening impulses by attributing them to others is called


The type of personality test that involves interpreting an ambiguous image and is used to assess unconscious motives and conflicts is a(n)

projective test.

Physical punishment can do all of the following EXCEPT

provide direction for appropriate behavior.

The underlying theme of _________ is to help the person reduce growth-impending inner conflicts


A therapist claims that Luke's irrational fear of snakes results from repressed childhood feelings of hostility toward his own father. The therapist's interpretation reflects a ________ perspective.


A therapist thinks that Jordan would be less agitated and more effective at work if he could recognize his own conflicting feelings of respect for and irritation toward his workplace supervisor. The therapist's belief best illustrates the ________ perspective.


Which contemporary theoretical approach is most directly descended from Freud's psychoanalysis?

psychodynamic thoeries

When a power outage shut off the lights in her house late one night, Shelly could see very little. But within 20 minutes she could see quite well in the dark because of

pupil dilation.

In late adulthood, the light-sensitive inner portion of the eye receives less light because the eye's ______ shrinks and its ________ grows cloudy.

pupil; lens

When every individual in a large population has a small but equal chance of being included in a survey, researchers are using a procedure known as

random sampling

Freud emphasized that the ego operates on the ________ principle.


Ego is to id as ________ is to ________.

reality principle; pleasure principle

Which measure of memory typically provides the fewest retrieval cues?


Which of the following represents the first of three steps basic to all sensory systems?

receiving sensory stimulation

Analena's refusal to purchase fattening snacks at the grocery store is both a cause and a consequence of her superior dietary self-control. This best illustrates the importance of

reciprocal determinism

Randy's substandard academic performance is both a result and a cause of his feelings of academic inferiority. This best illustrates the importance of

reciprocal determinism

Simply identifying previously learned items in a multiple-choice test question constitutes a measure of retention known as


You are taking an online psychology class and have weekly online quizzes. The quizzes all contain only multiple-choice questions, which are used to assess your ________ of course material.


Displacement refers to the process by which people

redirect aggressive or sexual impulses toward less threatening targets

In people with major depressive disorder, interest in activities is ________ and agitation may be ________.

reduced; increased

The simplest neural pathways are those that govern our


Alfredo is on his way to the store and is repeating aloud the list of items he needs to get. Which method is he using to encode the information?


After being asked to remember three consonants, participants in a study by Peterson and Peterson counted aloud backward by threes to prevent


Latent learning can occur in the absence of:


Phobic behaviors such as avoiding insects or snakes may increase in frequency because they reduce anxiety. This best illustrates the impact of


An event that increases the frequency of a behavior is a


Glenda has spread false rumors about a classmate in order to ruin his reputation. Her behavior best illustrates

relational aggression.

Researchers assess the correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test in order to measure the ________ of the test.


Those who survive a hippocampal brain tumor in childhood are likely to have difficulty ________ in adulthood.

remembering new information

Managers with a task-leadership style would be most likely to

remind employees of the exact deadlines for the completion of work projects

According to Freud, thoughts that are too unsettling for people to acknowledge are


Freud believed that the latent content of dreams is


Environmental influences can determine whether a gene is expressed. For some people, that will be decisive in whether they develop a psychological disorder. This best illustrates the need for

research on epigenetics

Client-centered therapy is most likely to involve

restating and clarifying what clients say during the course of therapy.

Storage is to encoding as ________ is to ________.

retention; acquisition

The process of getting information out of memory storage is called


When information that is stored in memory temporarily cannot be found, _____failure has occurred.


Mood-congruent memory best illustrates that the emotions we experienced while learning something become

retrieval cues.

After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material he memorized that morning. Alonzo's difficulty best illustrates

retroactive interference.

The nucleus accumbens has been identified as a

reward center

People who suffer partial paralysis as a result of damage to the ________will sometimes obstinately claim they can move a paralyzed limb.

right cerebral hemisphere

A picture of a cat is briefly flashed in the left visual field and a picture of a mouse is briefly flashed in the right visual field of a split-brain patient. The individual will be able to use her

right hand to indicate she saw a mouse

The most light-sensitive receptor cells are the


If a ringing bell causes a dog to salivate because the bell has been regularly associated with food in the mouth, the UR is the

salivation to the food in the mouth.

In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, a CR was

salivation to the sound of a tone.

An abnormal shrinkage of cerebral tissue is most likely to be associated with


In which type of disorder is a person's speech likely to be so full of unrelated words and phrases that it could be characterized as word salad?


Mr. Kalish, a long-term government employee, falsely believed that his supervisor was a communist agent who was putting poison in the employees' coffee. When Mr. Kalish was referred to a psychiatrist, he claimed to be the grandson of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Kalish is most likely suffering from


The birth of psychology is often attributed to Wilhelm Wundt because he pioneered the investigation of mental processes using

scientific methods

Money is to food as ________ is to _______

secondary reinforcer; primary reinforcer

Money is to food as ________ is to ________.

secondary reinforcer; primary reinforcer

Nonreproductive sexual characteristics such as the deepened male voice and male facial hair are called

secondary sex characteristics.

Children's sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable is most indicative of

secure attachment.

The eugenics movement would have been most likely to encourage

selective breeding of highly intelligent people

Humanistic therapies aim to boost people's self-fulfillment by helping them to grow in


Cognitive therapies are most likely to focus on the extent to which emotional disturbances result from

self-blaming and overgeneralized explanations of bad events

The humanistic perspective emphasized the value of


The Big Five trait dimensions were identified by means of

self-report inventories.

Ebbinghaus found that memorizing familiar words required much less effort than memorizing nonsense syllables. This best illustrates the advantage of

semantic processing.

Wei Dong was asked to memorize a long list of words that included ship, effort, professor, and inquire. He later recalled these words as boat, work, teacher, and question. This best illustrates the impact of

semantic processing.

After long-term potentiation has occurred

sending neurons release their neurotransmitters more easily

Which of the following poses the greatest risk of an accident while driving?

sending text messages

The principles of continuity and closure best illustrate that

sensations are organized into meaningful patterns.

The parietal lobes are to ________ as the occipital lobes are to ________.

sensing touch; seeing

According to Piaget, a person develops an awareness that things continue to exist even when they are not perceived during the ________ stage


Which of the following outlines the sequence of the Atkinson and Shiffrin three-stage model of memory?

sensory memory -short-term memory -long-term memory

Stacey is eating lunch with a long-time friend. Which of the following helps Stacey detect information from her environment?

sensory receptors

The part of the central nervous system that carries ________ information to your brain and ________ information to your body parts is the spinal cord.

sensory; motor-control

Adding two large numbers together by consciously focusing on and solving each subcomponent of the task in serial order best illustrate

sequential processing.

The tendency to remember the first and last items in a list best is called the

serial position effect

Male and female brains show different patterns of prenatal development due to the influence of

sex hormones.

Which of the following is defined as "any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient"?

sexual assault

Contemporary psychodynamic theorists are most likely to disagree with Freud's assumption that

sexual drives are central to personality development.

The procedure in which a person teaches a complicated behavior by building up to it in small steps is called


For the most rapid acquisition of a CR, the NS should be presented

shortly before the US.

Although 5-year-old Katelyn is not really thirsty, she frequently begins whining for a glass of water about 10 minutes after being put to bed. Her parents would be best advised to:

simply ignore her complaining

In explaining our own behavior or the behavior of those we know well, we often resort to

situational attributions

The fundamental attribution error refers to our tendency to underestimate the impact of ________ and to overestimate the impact of ________ in explaining the behavior of others.

situational influences; personal dispositions

As Sherod walked away from the camera, the image of his body filled a smaller area of the television screen. Nevertheless, viewers did not perceive Sherod as suddenly shrinking. This illustrates

size constancy.

Two people learned nonsense syllables and then tried to recall them after up to eight hours had elapsed. Jenkins and Dallenbach observed that forgetting occurred LEAST rapidly when the individuals spent their time


compared with continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement is associated with

slower acquisition and faster extinction

Compared with boys, girls are more likely to play in ________ groups.


Persistent avoidance of social situations due to an intense fear of being negatively evaluated by others is most characteristic of

social anxiety disorder

Emotional intelligence is a critical component of

social intelligence

As a manager, Juan is good at dividing employees into effective groups for specific projects and at resolving any conflicts that occur. He appears to be high in

social leadership.

Bryce has always considered himself a "nonconformist," but on his first date with Amanda, he opens the car door for her and insists on paying for dinner. Bryce's behavior illustrates

social norms

Our desire to gain others' approval and avoid their rejection most clearly contributes to the powerful influence of

social norms

Professor Hegg conducts research on cultural factors that contribute to the development of romantic love. Which specialty area does the professor's research best represent?

social psychology

In assessing candidates for spy missions during World War II, U.S. Army psychologists subjected them to simulated undercover conditions. This best illustrates the use of an assessment strategy favored by ________ theories.


Research suggest that women are more vulnerable to depression than men because women are more likely to respond to negative life events with self-focused rumination. This suggestion best illustrates a _____ perspective


Your score on an extraversion test does not neatly predict how sociable you will be on any given occasion. This observation is most clearly highlighted by ________ theories.


Maddie is a personality theorist who believes that our individual traits and thoughts interact with our social world as we move from one situation to another. Maddie is most likely to agree with which of the following perspectives on personality?

social-cognitive perspective

Sweden and Iceland exhibit little of the gender gap in mathematical abilities found in Turkey and Korea. This best illustrates that mental abilities are

socially influenced.

Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce people's ability to

solve arithmetic problems

Which part of the brain specializes in receiving information from the skin senses and from the movement of body parts?

somatosensory cortex

Which of the following provides evidence that a CR is not completely eliminated during extinction?

spontaneous recovery

Long after being bitten by a stray dog, Alonzo found that his fear of dogs seemed to have disappeared. To his surprise, however, when he was recently confronted by a stray dog, he experienced a sudden twinge of anxiety. This sudden anxiety best illustrates

spontaneous recovery.

A belief that adult personality is completely determined in early childhood would be most relevant to the issue of

stability and change

Samantha wants to learn about how people change and stay the same throughout the life span. She is most interested in the developmental issue of

stability and change.

When a person's test performance can be compared with that of a representative and pretested sample of people, the test is said to be


Blacks have been found to score lower on tests of verbal aptitude when tested by Whites than when tested by Blacks. This best illustrates the impact of

stereotype threat

Any event or situation that evokes a response is a


Cognitive therapies would be most likely to encourage depressed clients to

stop blaming themselves for negative circumstances beyond their control

Many interesting details of Gwenda's once-vivid childhood memories have been lost because her memory trace has faded over the decades of her adult life. Her memory loss most clearly illustrates

storage decay.

The amygdala boosts activity in the brain's memory-forming areas when stimulated by

stress hormones.

The availability of glucose energy necessary for memory consolidation is most likely to be enhanced by

stress hormones.

The vicious cycle of depression is often initiated by

stressful experiences

Michelle is toilet training her young daughter. The child will probably be most successful with toilet training if Michelle rewards her based on

successive approximations

To assess personal growth during therapy, Carl Rogers looked for

successively closer ratings of the actual and ideal selves.

Janine is repulsed by the thought of watching a pornographic video. Freud would have attributed these feelings to Janine's


The circadian rhythm is influenced by light sensitive retinal proteins that trigger signals to the

suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Suppose you want to find out which candidate college students will vote for in an upcoming national election. To be sure the sample of college students you survey is representative of the college student population, you should

survey a large representative sample of the college student population

Animals most readily learn the specific associations that promote


Creating a list of anxiety-triggering situations and training in relaxation are important aspects of

systematic desensitization.

Humanistic therapists are likely to teach clients to

take more responsibility for their own feelings and actions

James has been spanked for yelling inside his house, so he doesn't do it anymore. However, he repeatedly gets in trouble at school for yelling. In this case, spanking has

taught James to discriminate among situations.

Supercell clusters are

teams of cells that respond to complex patterns

The inability to recognize familiar faces even though one can clearly see and describe features of the faces is associated with damage to the right ________ lobe.


Information from the taste buds travels to an area of the

temporal lobe.

In Milgram's obedience experiments, "teachers" were most likely to deliver high levels of shock when

the "learner" was placed in a different room from the "teacher."

In Milgram's obedience experiments, "teachers" were least likely to deliver the highest levels of shock when:

the "teachers" observed other participants refuse to obey the experimenter's orders.

Over the last few years, Mr. Helmus has been obsessed with bizarre thoughts and has become increasingly agitated and socially withdrawn. Which of the following would be most helpful for assessing the nature and severity of his symptoms?

the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Garcia and Koelling's findings on taste aversion in rats challenged the previously accepted principle that

the US must immediately follow the CS for conditioning to occur.

Carl Rogers would have suggested that many of the defense mechanisms described by Freud are used to minimize the perceived discrepancy between

the actual self and the ideal self.

In all of Milgram's obedience experiments, participants were deceived about:

the amount of shock the victim actually received

Research participants who worked alongside someone who rubbed his or her face or shook his or her foot were observed to do the same thing themselves. This best illustrated

the chameleon effect

Our inability to fall asleep early, as we had planned, is most likely a reflection of

the circadian rhythm.

Stranger anxiety develops soon after

the concept of object permanence

Neo-Freudians placed greater emphasis than did Freud on the role of ________ in personality development.

the conscious mind

It is difficult to resist food temptations when sleep deprived because

the cortical responses that help us resist temptation decrease.

Proactive interference refers to the

the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Those who score above average on tests of mathematical aptitude are also likely to score above average on tests of verbal aptitude. According to Spearman, this best illustrates the importance of

the g factor

The placebo effect refers to

the healing power of positive expectations.

Four-year-old Karen can't remember anything of the first few months of her life. This is best explained by the fact that

the hippocampus and frontal lobes are immature during early infancy.

Megan's profane language increases in frequency when it leads to her friend's approving laughter but decreases in frequency when it leads to her parent's criticism. This best illustrates:

the law of effect.

Which of the following poses the greatest threat to the credibility of children's recollections of sexual abuse?

the misinformation effect

Many of the research participants who were asked how fast two cars in a filmed traffic accident were going when they smashed into each other subsequently recalled seeing broken glass at the scene of the accident. This experiment best illustrated

the misinformation effect.

When asked misleading questions after observing an accident, eyewitnesses often reconstruct their initial memories of the event. This best illustrates

the misinformation effect.

Memory is best defined as

the persistence of learning through the storage and retrieval of information

Place theory suggests that

the pitch we hear is related to the place where the cochlea's basilar membrane is stimulated.

Long-term memory refers to

the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system.

People from around the world are able to communicate through facial expressions, such as a smile or a frown. This demonstrates that

the same underlying processes guide people everywhere

Jamille is taking French in school. She gets her best grades on vocabulary tests if she studies for 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as

the spacing effect

The tendency for distributed study to yield better long-term retention than massed study is known as

the spacing effect.

Experimental studies have shown that media violence viewing can cause aggression. This is called

the violence-viewing effect.

Recognizing that one of your friends is feeling angry and that another friend is feeling sad illustrates an ability known as Question 12 options:

theory of mind.

People's response to subliminal priming indicates that

they are capable of processing information without any conscious awareness of doing so.

In 1942, German reserve police officers obeyed orders to kill 1500 Jews in the village of Jozefow, Poland. This incident illustrated that people are most likely to be destructively obedient when

they perceive their orders to come from legitimate authority figures.

The same brand of chocolate truffles tasted better to Julia when she thought they cost $20 a pound than when she thought they cost half that much. This best illustrates the impact of

top-down processing.

A characteristic pattern of behavior or tendency to act and feel in a certain way is called


The process by which our sensory systems transform stimulus energies into neural impulses is called


Employee engagement is most likely to be facilitated by

transformational leadership

Psychotherapy is defined as

treatment involving psychological techniques that consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to achieve personal growth.

Research indicates that we have a receptor for a fifth taste sensation, the meaty taste of


Reuben's psychotherapist is nonjudgmental and supportive of him even when Reuben reveals some of his questionable motives and less-than-admirable personality traits. The psychotherapist most clearly is demonstrating

unconditional positive regard

Carl Rogers referred to an attitude of total acceptance toward another person as

unconditional positive regard.

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus signals the impending occurrence of

unconditioned stimulus.

According to Freud, the ________ is a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories of which we are unaware.

unconscious mind

The original IQ formula would be LEAST appropriate for representing the intelligence test performance of

university students

The Rorschach inkblot test has been harshly criticized for lacking


Watching the night sky for shooting stars is likely to be reinforced on a ________ schedule.


When Julie saw her brother being praised for cleaning his bedroom, she increasingly engaged in cleaning her own bedroom. This best illustrates the impact of

vicarious reinforcement.

Karen was born blind and learned to navigate her environment with her other senses, particularly touch, as she grew up. Now, as an adult, Karen has undergone surgery to restore her vision. All of the following skills can be expected to be true of Karen after surgery, EXCEPT that she cannot

visually recognize objects that she learned about via touch.

To say that a test was empirically derived means that it

was developed by testing a pool of items and then selecting those that discriminate between groups.

In Milgram's original obedience experiment, participants who were assigned the role of "teacher"

were deceived about the real role of the learner and the level of shock that he actually received

Harlow observed that most monkeys raised in total isolation

were incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity.

A majority of respondents in a national survey agreed that "classroom prayer should not be allowed in public schools." Only 33 percent of respondents in a similar survey agreed that "classroom prayer in public schools should be banned." These differing findings best illustrate the importance of

wording effects

The integration of new incoming information with knowledge retrieved from long-term memory involves the activity of

working memory.

The _________ at the back of the brain enables nonverbal learning and skill memory.


The benefits of brain plasticity are most clearly demonstrated in

children who have had a cerebral hemisphere surgically removed

The ________ project enables researchers to examine differences between the brains of healthy people and those with various disorders.


What led to the myth that humans use only 10 percent of our brains?

Scientists electrically probed the association areas and received no response

James just left his physician's office where he underwent a brain scan that measured the magnetic fields from his brain's neural electrical activity. Which brain scan was this?


Dr. McAllister is studying anger as it relates to violent criminal offenders. He is particularly interested in how environmental circumstances relate to feelings of anger among these offenders, as well as how feelings of anger affect thought processes. He is working from a(n)

cognitive perspective

Rather than seeking to change people to fit their environments, ________ work to create social and physical environments that are healthy for all.

community psychologists

Researchers who emphasize learning and experience tend to view development as a ________, while those who emphasize maturation often view development as a ________.

continuous process; a sequence of stages

As you are walking to class one day, another student bumps into you. The last step in your processing of this touch stimulus is

delivering neural information to your brain.

In an experimental study of the extent to which sexual arousal is stimulated by laughter, sexual arousal would be the

dependent variable

The simplified reality of laboratory experiments is most helpful in enabling psychologists to

develop general principles that help explain behavior

Dr. Santaniello conducts research on how children's moral thinking changes as they grow older. It is most likely that Dr. Santaniello is a(n) ________ psychologist.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, only one country in the world granted women the right to vote. Today, only one country in the world denies women this right. This best illustrates a dramatic shift in

gender roles.

Steven believes that the Earth is flat and has befriended several people on social media who also hold this view. This is an example of how ________ can feed the acceptance of misinformation.

group identity

Addictive disorders may stem from malfunctioning reward centers in the

limbic system

The ________ the body region, the ________ the somatosensory cortex area devoted to it.

more sensitive; larger

Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins have been found to be ________ similar in neuroticism, and ________ similar in extraversion.

more; more

In comparing the pace of life in 31 countries, Robert Levine and Ara Norenzayan found that the pace is fastest in Japan and Western Europe and slower in economically less-developed countries. What research method did they use?

naturalistic observation

One study found that the proportion of anger-related words in 148 million tweets from 1347 U.S. counties predicted the counties' heart disease rates better than other predictors such as smoking and obesity. This research best illustrates the use of

naturalistic observation

Innate ability is to learned skill as ________ is to ________.

nature; nurture

In the past, U.S. mothers typically engaged in ________. Today, U.S. mothers typically engage in ________.

nearly twice as much child care as fathers; nearly twice as much child care as fathers

The process of forming new neurons within the brain is called


One function of glial cells is to

provide nutrients to neurons

The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a


According to evolutionary psychologists, our predisposition to overconsume fatty junk foods most clearly illustrates that we are biologically prepared to behave in ways that promoted the ________ of our ancestors.

reproductive success

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