IP Version 6

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What is the command used on the router to ping using IPv6?

#ping ipv6 <ipv6-address>

what command shows the ipv6 routing table?

#show ipv6 route

What is the command to configure a router to obtain an IPv6 address automatically via SLAAC?

(config)#ipv6 address autoconfig

What is the command to configure the default IPv6 Route?

(config)#ipv6 route ::/0 <next-hop-ipv6-address>

What is the command to configure a static IPv6 Route?

(config)#ipv6 route <ipv6-address/prefix> <next-hop-ipv6-address>

What is the command to turn on IPv6 routing on a router?

(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

How would you configure your interface to use EUI-64 for Address Assignment?

(config-if)#ipv6 address <address/prefix-length> eui-64 ex: (config-if)#ipv6 address FD00:1:1:5::/64 eui-64

What is the command used to manually configure Global/Unique local IPv6 addresses?

(config-if)#ipv6 address <address>

What is the command to turn on IPv6 routing on an interface?

(config-if)#ipv6 enable

An ISP has issues a company the following Global Unicast Address: 2001:04EA:1111::/48 ...in keeping with the standard prefix length for the network, how many possible bits can be used to the subnet?

/16 bits to make up the /64 standard network mask.

What is the standard and default host prefix length for IPv6?

/64 - the last /64 is for the hosts. (total of 128 bits)

What is the IPv6 loop back address?

0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 Using Abbreviation rules: 1) Drop Leading zeros: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1 2) A group of 4 zeros can be replaced with a single zero 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 3) Contiguous groups of zeros can be replaced with a double colon, but can only be done once in an address ::1

For the IPv6 addresses, what 2 ways can the host address be auto generated

1) Completely by random 2) based on EUI-64 (MAC Address)

IPv6 Abbreviation Rules

1) Drop Leading zeros example: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:118d:8a2e:0370:7334 to 2001:db8:85a3:0000:118d:8a2e:370:7334 2) A group of 4 zeros can be replaced with a single zero example: 2001:db8:85a3:0000:118d:8a2e:370:7334 2001:db8:85a3:0:118d:8a2e:370:7334 3) Contiguous groups of zeros can be replaced with a double colon, but can only be done once in an address example: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334

IPv6 Address Types

1) Global Unicast Addresses - globally route-able prefix; used for talking out to the public internet Prefix 2001::/16 is assigned to global registries 2) Link-Local Addresses - Unicast address for the local network link only; will always have a link local address; automatically generated on the interface; Prefix FE80::/64, not globally route-able 3) Unique-Local Addresses - Unicast address that is valid within a site or organization or between a limited number of sites. Not route-able on the internet. Similar to IPv4 addresses Prefixes begin with FC00::/7 (FD00::/8 used in practice)

What are the Functions of Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)?

1) Neighbor MAC Address Discovery 2) Duplicate Address Detection 3) Router Discovery 4) SLAAC

In stateful DHCPv6 what 3 things does the DHCP server provide to a client (if running DHCPv6 server)

1) Prefix (network ID) 2) Prefix length 3) DNS Servers (info)

How Does SLAAC work?

1) Router Informs local hosts about the /64 IPv6 subnet that are connected to and the host then creates their own EUI-64 address 2) Hosts simply learn about their own subnet and gateway using a Router Solicitation (RS) message and create their own address 3) If a router has a Global Unicast IPv6 address on an interface, then it will automatically send Router Advertisements (RA) for SLAAC

How many bits is an IPv6 address?

128 bits

in an IPv6 address, how many bits are in each group of 4 hex digits?


What two hex digits do Global Routing prefixes start with?

2 or 3 ex: 2001:4EA::1111::/48 - IANA has assigned ARIN the prefix 2001::/16 for North America

An ISP has issues a company the following Global Unicast Address: 2001:04EA:1111::/48 ....What might an example network ID look like after subnetting?

2001:04EA:1111:0001::/64 2001:04EA:1111:0002::/64 2001:04EA:1111:0003::/64 2001:04EA:1111:0004::/64 and on and on....

What year did we run out of IPv4 addresses?


How many addresses does IPv4 support?

4.29 billion

How is the host prefix broke up among its 64 bits?

48 bits for Global routing prefix, 16 bits for subnet

How many groups of 4 hex digits back up an IPv6 address?

8 groups


A message that is addressed to a group of nodes, but only sent to the nearest node in the group. Provides for efficient updating of routing tables. New to IPv6


American Registry for Internet Numbers

For the following Solicited Node Multicast Address (SNMA).... FF02::1:FF:46:A702 ...where does the FF02::1:FF part come from?

Automatically assigned. Every SNMA address begins with FF02::1:FF


DHCP Unique Identifier - used to get an IP address from a DHCPv6 server

In stateless DHCPv6, what does the DHCPv6 server provide to the client/host?

DNS server info

In Stateful DHCPv6, when the client recieved the network prefix, what does the host use to generate the remainder of its IPv6 address?


What IPv6 format does SLAAC use?

EUI-64 IPv6 addresses

Stateless Address Auto Configuration

Enables computers to configure their own addresses after transmitting router solicitation multicasts to the routers on the network and receiving router advertisement messages in return.


Extended Unique Identifier-64. This is for configuring the host portion of the IPv6 address

In IPv6, what is the largest hexadecimal digit that can be used?


TRUE/FALSE - SLAAC is able to do the same things DHCP can do

FALSE 1) SLAAC is stateless, meaning it doesn't keep track of where addresses are assigned. 2) Cannot assign a DNS server address 3) Other options DHCP provides

TRUE/FALSE An ISP that supports IPv6 can allocate a /24 or /48 routing Prefix.

FALSE - Actually a /48 or /52 Prefix. /48 is the standard with a /16 bit subnet or a /52 bit prefix with a /12 bit subnet. Has to total /64 for the global routing prefix + subnet prefix because the host bits are always /64 bit

TRUE/FALSE - EUI-64 specifies how the network portion of the IPv6 address is auto generated.

FALSE - It is for auto generation of the Host portion of the IPv6 address

TRUE/FALSE - When a Neighbor Solicitation Message is sent to the Solicited Node Multicast Address, it is send via a broadcast message?

FALSE - There are no broadcast messages in IPv6. It is sent to a multicast group address.

TRUE/FALSE - ISPs assign public IPv6 blocks as /64 network masks

FALSE - They assign them as /48 Network Masks. The customer adds a 16 bit subnet to make up a standard /64 "network ID"

TRUE/FALSE - IPv6 Multipcast Addresses always begin with FE?

FALSE - They begin with FF. FE are the Link Local addresses.

What do each SNMA address begin with?

FF02::1:FF in the first 26 hex characters

For the following Unique Local Network ID FD00:1:1::/48 ...what is the first and last subnets available to use with the CIDR notation?

First - FD00:1:1:0001::/64 Last - FD00:1:1:FFFF::/64

What type of IPv6 address begins with 2001::?

Global Unicast Addresses


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

When did major providers officially turn on IPv6 (World IPv6 Launch Day)?

June 6th 2012

TRUE/FALSE - Enabling IPv6 on the router and interfaces allow for what type of IPv6 addresses to be generated automatically?

Link Local IPv6 addresses (beginning with FE)

What is the Solicited Node Multicast Address used for?

Neighbor Discovery (IPv6)


Neighbor Discovery Protocol (IPv6)

Is it advised to use EUI-64 address assignment for interface addresses?

No, because we want to have better control over what the interfaces addresses are. Not a big issue for host however.

For the following command... GigabitEthernet0/0 [up/up] FE80::2D0:FFFF:FE46:A701 FD00:1:1:2::1 GigabitEthernet0/1 [up/up] FE80::2D0:FFFF:FE46:A702 FD00:1:1:FFF1::2 ...why are their two IPv6 addresses listed for these gigabitethernet interfaces?

One (FE80) IPv6 address is the LinkLocal Address for the interface which show up when you enable IPv6 on the interface. The other (FD) IPv6 address is the unique local IP address.

From the following debug output... Router0#*Mar 1 00:06:26.887: ICMPv6-ND: Received RS on GigabitEthernet0/1 from FE80::2D0:FFFF:FE44:D802 *Mar 1 00:06:26.887: ICMPv6-ND: Sending RA from FE80::260:47FF:FE34:A902 to FF02::1 on GigabitEthernet0/1 ....does this output indicate it is from a host or a router?

Router - You can tell this because it "Received RS", RS being Router Solicitation request from host, and "Sending RA" which is the Router Advertisment which it is sending back the IP prefix for the host to use.


Solicited Node Multicast Address

From the following debug output... Router0#*Mar 1 00:06:26.887: ICMPv6-ND: Received RS on GigabitEthernet0/1 from FE80::2D0:FFFF:FE44:D802 *Mar 1 00:06:26.887: ICMPv6-ND: Sending RA from FE80::260:47FF:FE34:A902 to FF02::1 on GigabitEthernet0/1 ....What is the address "FE80::2D0:FFFF:FE44:D802"?

Solicited Node Multicast Address (SNMA)


Stateless Address Auto Configuration

In stateless DHCPv6, what information does Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) provide to the client/host?

Subnet Prefix, Prefix Length, default router

TRUE/FALSE - ::/0 is the ipv6 equivalent to ipv4


TRUE/FALSE - All IPv6 devices will join a solicited note multicast group address?


TRUE/FALSE - IPv6 needs to be enabled on the router and the interfaces using it in order to work.


TRUE/FALSE - With IPv6, there are no such thing as broadcast messages.


TRUE/FALSE - You can have multiple IPv6 addresses assigned to one interface.


TRUE/FALSE - To get on the internet, a computer needs a link-local IPv6 addres and a Global IPv6 address.

TRUE - Have to have both. One is for internal, the other is for external.

TRUE/FALSE - With IPv6, there is no need for ARP.

TRUE - Replaced with/used is Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)

TRUE/FALSE - ICMPv6 includes all Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) messages.

TRUE - That is how the network discovery is accomplished in NDP

TRUE/FALSE - An example Unique local prefix would be FD00::/8

TRUE - That is what is used in practice. FC00::/7 is the what the IANA reservation begins with however.

TRUE/FALSE - DHCPv6 servers hand out Prefixes to DUIDs, they don't hand out addresses.

TRUE - The host runs EUI-64 which generates the remainder of the IP address

TRUE/FALSE - IPv6 does not use Broadcast messages.

TRUE - There are Unicast, Multicast and Anycast messages

TRUE/FALSE - Link Local IPv6 addresses are auto-generated.

TRUE - They are autogenerated in one of two ways 1) Completely by random 2) based on EUI-64 (MAC Address)

TRUE/FALSE - Every host has a DUID for IPv6.

TRUE - This is used by a DHCPv6 servers to keep track of requests.

TRUE/FALSE - IPv6 is a "separate Internet" than the IPv4 internet.

TRUE - separate infrastructure

In IPv6, what is used as the default gateway?

The Default gateway is the link-local IPv6 address of the gateway router.

For the following static IPv6 route config... (config)#ipv6 route FD00:1:1:1::/64 FD00:1:1:FFF1::1 ...What does "FD00:1:1:1::/64" represent?

The destination IPv6 network ID

....For the following Solicited Node Multicast Address (SNMA) FF02::1:FF:46:A702 ...where does the 46:A702 part come from?

The last 6 hex characters are assigned from the link local IPv6 address of the interface.

Where do the last 6 hex characters for the SNMA come from?

The link local IPv6 address of the interface.


The version of DHCP used with IPv6. DHCPv6 uses port number 546 for client-to-server communications and port number 547 for server-to-client communications.

How does EUI-64 standard work for IPV6 Addressing?

This is for IPv6 address auto configuration. It takes a 48-bit MAC address, split it in half, and insert another 16 bits to make it a 64 bit host address

For the following static IPv6 route config... (config)#ipv6 route FD00:1:1:1::/64 FD00:1:1:FFF1::1 ...What does "FD00:1:1:FFF1::1" represent?

This is the Interface's Unique Local IPv6 address. This is the next hop to send traffic to for anything headed for the FD00:1:1:1::/64 network.

For the following IPv6 address, what type of address is the following: FD00:1:1::/48

Unique Local - Begins with FD. Specifically, this is the Network ID for a Unique Local IPv6 address

What type of IPv6 address begins with FC00::?

Unique-Local Addresses

For the following dubug info for SLAAC ipv6 address autoconfig.... Router1(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig Router1(config-if)#*Mar 1 00:06:26.884: ICMPv6-ND: Sending RS on GigabitEthernet0/1 *Mar 1 00:06:26.887: ICMPv6-ND: Received RA from FE80::260:47FF:FE34:A902 on GigabitEthernet0/1 ....does this output indicate it is from a host or a router?

host - because it "Sending RS" which is the Router Solicitation broadcast requesting Prefix/subnet information

What type of IPv6 address begins with FE80::1?


In Stateful DHCPv6, what does Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) provide to the client? (if running DHCPv6 server)

the default router('s link local address)

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