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AF Form 2096

"Classification/On-the-job Training Action" is used to document changes to an Airman's personnel record

Intelligence Service

- An intelligence service is defined as assistance provided to another entity during the performance of ISR support, including: 1) The actual action of delivering or conveying intelligence to a user (e.g., presenting a briefing, tipping and cuing, collaboration, threat modeling, etc.) 2) The process of enabling an ISR mission (e.g., exercise planning, skill knowledge training, security clearance indoctrination, etc.).

COM versus CRM

- CRM, which determines what intelligence systems must collect, and collection operations management (COM), which specifies how to satisfy those requirements. CRM focuses on the requirements of the customer, is multidiscipline oriented, and advocates what information is necessary for collection.

Individual Reservists

- Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) - Participating Individual Ready Reserve (PIRR) - Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) - Standby Reserve (SR)

Standby Reserve (SR)

- Maintain a military affiliation in one of two statuses (active or inactive) - Removed from ready reserve due to circumstances such as civilian employment or temporary hardship - Subject to recall only under full mobilization

Aspects of the Operational Environment (OE)

- The adversary and other actors - The physical domains - The information environment - Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and infrastructure (PMESII) systems and subsystems

Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

- executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces - conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all source intelligence and security operations - delivers linguist support and intelligence-related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications, and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition Commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community

Twenty-Fifth Air Force (25 AF)

- multisource intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) - cyber and geospatial forces and expertise - Service Cryptologic Component responsible to the National Security Agency/Central Security Service - electronic warfare airborne national command and control (C2) - nuclear operations, and some aspects of nuclear C2

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

- provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planner in the Department of Defense and the intelligence community in support of U.S. military planning and operations, and weapon systems and acquisition.

Numbered Air Force (NAF)

-A command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM -Provide operational leadership, supervision, and prepare forces for deployment and employment. -Is assigned subordinate units, such as wings, groups, and squadrons. Do not have complete functional staffs

Global Force Management (GFM)

-Base and unit level deployments are not stand-alone processes. They are a culmination of a melding of National strategy with joint planning and GFM processes -Supports the planning process by apportioning, assigning, and allocating resources to combatant commanders (CCDRs) to execute assigned missions -Air force force providers directly support the allocation phase of GFM

Air Force Requirements Lifecycle

-Begins when CCDR requirement approved by Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) -Ends when capability / Airman arriving in AOR

OPLANs prepared when...

-Contingency has a compelling national interest, a specific threat, is critical to national security and requires detailed prior planning -Nature of the contingency requires detailed prior planning for complex issues -Detailed planning will contribute to deterrence by demonstrating readiness and resolve -Detailed planning is required to support multinational planning - Detailed planning is necessary to determine force and sustainment requirements, determine available resources to fill identified requirements, and validate shortfalls


-Critical resource that enables combat capability -Requirements are identified and resources are subsequently allocated to man AF peacetime and wartime missions in the form of funded authorizations on Unit Manpower Documents -System of record for housing these manpower requirements/authorizations is within the Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES) -Congress controls manpower levels by authorizing and funding military end strengths

Joint Staff (JS)

-Is composed of personnel from each of the 5 armed services that assists the CJCS and the Vice-CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS), who is a Lt Gen or Navy Vice Admiral. - Organizational structure is broken into a J1-J7 format, with J2 being "Joint Staff Intelligence"

Tenth Air Force

-Located at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Fort Worth, Texas, and its subordinates units are responsible for "power/vigilance with intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, network operations, space, and special operations forces" -Include fighters, bombers, remotely piloted aircraft, cyber, space operations, and special operations flying and training

Joint Planning

-Process primarily driven by NAtional Security Council Systems, Joint Strategic Planning System, and the Programming, Planning, Budgeting, and Execution process -Unified Command Plan gives guidance to CCDRs establishing functions, Responsibilities, and force structure, and lays out geographic areas of responsibility

Title 10

-Roles of the Armed Forces as well as providing the legal basis for roles, mission, and organization, also governs when members are called to Active duty -Establishes the SecDef as principal advisor to the President in all DoD matters and is authorized to utilize DoD intel assets to provide support to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the DoD Service Departments, and to combatant Commanders (CCDRs)

MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM)

-SNCOs who manage designated enlisted career fields for a MAJCOM and serve as the MAJCOM liaisons for their respective AFCFMs -Monitor the health and manning of their career field and elevate concerns to the AFCFMs -Manage command training for their career field and coordinate command training and personnel issues across their MAJCOM staff and with AFCFM -Coordinates with the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC)

Force Assignment

-consolidate target development and capabilities analysis results -assemble data on friendly force status, factoring in operational limitaions and apportionment guidance -Assign forces to specific targets and supporting missions - present joint targteting recommendations to the joint force commander for approval issue tasking orders to forces

Dept. of State (DOS) Bureau of Intelligence & Research's (INR)

-harness intel to serve U.S. diplomacy - supports foreign policy & national security purposes -they direct the intel analysis and research, liases with the IC, and represents teh DOS on committees and in interagency intel groups


-scientific and technical intelligence obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data - Types of data: EO, radar, radio frequency, geophysical, materials, and nuclear radiation

3 main characteristics of resources

1) Utility 2) Limited availability 3) Potential for depletion or consumption

Four Levels of Planning for Contingency Plans

1. Commander's Estimate 2. Base Plan (BPLAN) 3. CONPLAN - requires expansion 4. OPLAN - complete and detailed plan

Joint Targeting Cycle Steps

1. Commander's Objectives 2. Target Development 3. Capabilities Analysis 4. Commander's Decision and Force Assignment


1. Define the OE 2. Describe the impact of the OE 3. Evaluate the adversary and other relevant factors 4. Determine adversary and other relevant actor COAs

What are the Steps of the JIPOE process?

1. Define the operational environment 2. Describe the impact of the operational environment 3.Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors 4. Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action

What are the creative methods to assist in creativity?

1. Evolution 2. Synthesis 3. Revolution 4. Re-Application 5. Change Direction

Long tour selection priorities

1. IPCOT extended tour volunteers 2. IPCOT standard tour volunteers 3. COT extended tour volunteers 4. COT standard tour volunteers 5. CONUS-based extended tour volunteers in a mandatory move situation 6. CONUS-based standard tour volunteers in a mandatory move situation 7. CONUS-based non-volunteers in a mandatory move situation who are vulnerable for involuntary OS assignment within 24 months 8. CONUS-based extended tour volunteers (by longest time on station) 9. CONUS-based standard tour volunteers (by longest time on station) 10. All other CONUS-based non-volunteers

Short tour selection priorities

1. In-place consecutive OS (IPCOT) volunteers 2. Consecutive OS tour (COT) volunteers 3. CONUS-based volunteers in a mandatory move situation 4. CONUS-based non-volunteers in a mandatory move situation who are also vulnerable for an involuntary OS assignment within 24 months 5. CONUS-based volunteers 6. CONUS-based non-volunteers

What is perception influenced by?

1. Past Experience 2. Education 3. Cultural Values 4. Role Requirements 5. Organizational Norms

6 modes of reasons

1. Status Quo: making immediate judgements 2. Authoritative: making inferences from expert testimony 3. Comparative: drawing conclusions from examples 4. Empirical: drawing conclusions from interactions 5. Scientific: drawing inferences using facts 6. Market: drawing conclusions from structured consensus of persons

What four main components is the NIS broken out into?

1. The Strategic Environment Section 2. The Mission Objective Section 3. The Enterprise Objective Section 4. The Implementing the Strategy Section


1. True or False? To understand manning and manpower more clearly, it often helps to think of manning as the available "spaces" to be filled by personnel, and of manpower as the "faces" who fill them.

Vehicles/ Formats to communicate assessments to consumers include ...?

1.Analytic Writing 2. Visuals 3. Briefings 4. Multimedia Products

What are the five Strategic Vectors the SMP focuses on?

1.Provide effective 21st-century deterrence 2.Maintain a robust and flexible global intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability 3.ensure a full spectrum capable, high-end focused force 4.Pursue a multi domain approach to out five core missions 5. continue the pursuit of game-changing technology

How many MAJCOMS are there in the AF?

10 (8 functional, 2 geographic)

How many MAJCOMS are there?

10 MAJCOMS. 8 are functional and 2 are geographic.

The intelligence community is a coalition of #__ agencies and organizations that work independently and collaboratively to gather and analyze intelligence


Step 3 - Evaluate the adversary and other relevant factors

17. During which step of the JIPOE would an analyst prepare a detailed assessment on an adversary s capabilities to include tactics and key centers of gravity?

Which specialty code operate, evaluate, and manage airborne SIGINT?


Which specialty code fly as primary aircraft on board a wide variety of aircraft?


Which specialty code prepare, maintain, and present intelligence displays, reports, and briefings?


Which specialty code exploit and analyze multi sensor imagery?


Which specialty code perform noncommunication SIGINT analysis?


Which specialty code performs communication SIGINT analysis?


Which specialty code translate spoken or written foreign language material?


Which specialty code employ techniques to collect, indentify, and exploit appropriate communications on global network environments?


Which specialty code perform detailed analysis on target network communications for additional exploitation?


Which specialty code collect and report intelligence information obtained from human sources?


Which specialty code make recommendations on the appropriate form required to disable an adversary's targeting system?



2 or more ideas combined into a 3rd new idea

The three IC Directives that prescribe standards and principles for dissemination and require annual assessments for compliance are ICD ___, ___, and ___. These ICDs underscore the importance of communication.

203, 206, 208

There are three Intelligence Community Directives that prescribe standards and principles for dissemination and require annual assessments for compliance. What are they?

203, 206, 208

1st Quarter Funding Timeline

25% budget allocation, fall out money starts

1st Qtr

25% of the budget is allocated and spent for the fiscal year. Fall out money starts during this quarter, especially when the money has been allocated during previous cycle

1st Quarter

25% of the budget is allocated and spent for the fiscal year. Fall out money starts during this quarter, especially when the money has been allocated during the previous cycle

Which IC department delivers intel in support of Air Force?

25th AF

The SMP gives a plan/direction of how the U.S. Force will operate over the next_____years


Big Data has defining characteristics known as the #_ V's


How many steps are in the Joint Targeting Cycle (JTC)?


Status quo, authoritative, comparitive, empirical, scientific, and market are the #_ _____ __ _________

6 modes of reasoning

3rd Quarter Funding Timeline

75% budget allocation, preparation for end-of-year spending begins

3rd Quarter

75% of the budget is allocated; begin preparing for end-of-year spending

3rd Qtr

75% of the budget is allocated; preparations for end-of-year spending begins

Purpose, question at issue, information, interpretation and inference, concepts, assumptions, implications and consequences, and point of view are the #_ ________ __ _______

8 elements of thought

unstructured data

80% of data, includes text documents, radar%sonar data, social media, or data that is not structured

Which specialty code is an enlisted airman apply leading edge physical sciences on a variety of systems and platforms?


broad, single

A Unified Combatant Command (CCMD) is a command with a ______continuing mission under a _______ commander(s).


A command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM.

A Unified Combatant Command (CCMD)

A command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander

Machine Vision

A common example of AI is the use of _______ to identify people in photographs.

General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP)

A defense NIP managed by the Director of the DIA which funds a wide range of national-level defense intelligence activities to include intelligence centers that support the services and unified combatant commands (UCCs), defense HUMINT, counterintelligence (CI), and MASINT

Consolidate Cryptologic Program (CCP)

A defense NIP managed by the Director of the NSA (DIRNSA) which funds NSA and intelligence activities related to national-level SIGINT

Commander's Critical Information Requirement (CCIR)

A limited number of information requirements that enable the staff to focus limited resources on those aspects of the operation the commander is interested in closely monitoring and upon which a decision may be based. Consist of Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) and friendly force information requirements (FFIRs).

CCIR (Commander's Critical Information Requirement)

A limited number of information requirements that enable the staff to focus limited resources on those aspects of the operation the commander is interested in closely monitoring.

Target Nomination List (TNL)

A list of targets from the JTL and RTL which are nominated.

Joint Target List (JTL)

A list of validated targets upon which there are no target engagement restrictions.

Restricted Target List (RTL)

A list of validated targets upon which there are target engagement restrictions.

Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL)

A listing of enlisted requirements (assignments) HQ AFPC intends to make to and from overseas areas for individuals in the rank of Airman Basic (AB) through Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt). Assignments posted 8 times a year (4 returning / 4 departing)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A sub-discipline of cognitive science that integrates with other disciplines such as computer science and engineering with the purpose of producing machines capable of replicating human intelligence and human senses.

What is a limit or obstacle of AI?

A system only built for a specific task, A system ingesting a lot of data and knowing where that data came from


A well-framed intelligence question is the least important factor in assuring the overall quality of intelligence analysis. (T/F)

Operation Plan (OPLAN)

A written description, or plan, of the combatant commander's concept of operations to counter a perceived threat using military operations.

Operation Plan (OPLAN)

A written description, or plan, of the combatant commander's concept of operations to counter a perceived threat using military operations. -Includes a list of UTCs that are used to carry out the mission

Which is manpower, personnel, and services, and manages personnel programs and carrying out policies affecting AF active duty and civilian members?


Which is deterrence and nuclear integration, and provides guidance, advocacy, and oversight of the AF nuclear enterprise and countering weapons of mass destruction mission?


Which is operations, enabling airman to fly fight and win in air space and cyberspace?


Which is Logistics, engineering and force protection, to build strategy, write best policy, advocate for resources, develop our work forces?


Which is strategic plans, programs, and requirements, and leads the AF strategic planning and programming effort to develop and sustain unmatched capabilities through air space and cyberspace?


Which is studies, analyses, assessments and lessions learned, and represents both the SECAF and CSAF in senior analytic venues as the AF Cheif analyst, and they serve as a member of the AF corporate structure and council?


Which MAJCOM recruits, trains, and educates airman, headquartered in Randolph AFB, Joint bade San Antonio, Texas?


RFI and Analysis/Production Process

AF 14-134 establishes and details the AF RFI and analysis production process, which is the construct through which AF intelligence entities address customer requirements, share analytic findings, tap into analysis expertise across the IC and collaborate on production


AF Historian

A3 - Operations

AF operations lead enabling airmen to fly, fight and win in air, space, and cyberspace

What is the USAF senior intel officer and is responsible for functional management of all AF global integrated ISR capabilities?


The ______ dictates how the USAF will conduct ISR in order to accomplish both individual AF mission and support the Joint environment


Timeliness, appropriate sourcing, accuracy, level of confidence, assumptions vs. judgment, alternative analysis, relevance, logical argumentation, utility, and customer engagement are all referenced in

AFI 14-133

What AFI establishes the AF RFI process?

AFI 14-134

Request for Information (RFI) and Analysis/Production Process

AFI 14-134 establishes and details the AF RFI and analysis/production process. The RFI and analysis/production process is the construct through which AF intelligence entities address customer requirements, share analytic findings, tap into analysis expertise across the IC, and collaborate on production. It is the mechanism that enables the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Enterprise (AFIAE) to Appendix C - Module 2 Baseline Course Content 75 achieve decision advantage. RFIs are integral in answering intelligence gaps found in PIRs and EEIs.

RFI and Analysis/Production Process

AFI 14-134 establishes and details this process. is construct through which AF intel; entites address customer req. share analytic findings, tap into analysis expertise across the IC and collaberate on production It is the mechanism that enables the AF Intel Analysis Enterprise (AFIAE) to achieve decision advantage. "These" are integral in answering intel gaps found in PIR and EEI

Which MAJCOM provides combat ready forces to fly, fight, and win, headquartered at Robins AFB, Georgia?


A sub-discipline of cognitive science creating machines capable of replicating human intelligence

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

CCMD Campaign Plans

AKA TCPs and FCPs. Implement military portion of national policy and defense strategy. Designated campaign plans direct activities the command will do to shape OE.

Active Guard Reserve (AGR)

ANG or AFR on federal active duty status under title 10 or full-time ANG duty under title 32 for a period of 180 consecutive days or greater in order to provide full-time support to NG and Reserve organizations for the purpose of leading, organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the Reserve Component

Analysis & Production

Accomplished in response to expressed and anticipated user requirements. Intelligence (in the form of both products and services) responds to the chain of command and the decision-making authority it supports; US policy decisions and military operational requirements; and changes in strategy, tactics, equipment, and overall capabilities of US and foreign military forces. Fused joint intelligence assessments, rendered through a continuous JIPOE process, support the JFC's decision making regarding the critical requirements; vulnerabilities; COGs of adversary forces; current military capabilities of adversary, friendly, and neutral forces; and estimates of the most likely/most dangerous adversary COAs. The main process of Analysis and Production is broken out into the following four parts:

3rd Air Force analytic excellence standard

Accurate: analysis makes most accurate judgement and assessment possible

1N2 Signals Intelligence Analyst

Acquires, processes, identifies, analyzes, and reports on electromagnetic equipment and computer systems to exploit signals Intelligence production efforts 1N2X1A - focus on non-comm intel 1N2X1C - focus on comm intel

Acquisition Intelligence Production

Acquisition intelligence analysts support acquisition programs and initiatives by helping to identify and document intelligent dependencies (such as Intelligence Mission Data [IMD], modeling and simulation, etc.) that provide critical input to intelligence production efforts and the development of product/service requirements.

Strategic Level

Activities at the strategic level establish national and multinational military objectives; develop global or theater campaign plans to achieve these objectives; sequence operations; define limits and assess risks for the use of military and other instruments of national security policy; and provide military forces and other capabilities in accordance with strategic plans. At this level, the analysis of the adversary's strategic capabilities will concentrate on considerations such as civil-military relations; national ideology, will, and morale; ability of the economy to sustain warfare; mobilization of the strategic reserve; and possible intervention by third-party countries.

JIOC (Joint Intel Ops Center)

Acts as the collection management authority on behalf of the J-2.

Nation Security Strategy (NSS)

Addresses the tasks that, as a Nation, are necessary to provide enduring security for the American people and shape the global environment. It provides a broad strategic context for employing military capabilities in concert with other instruments of national power. (End goals/objectives or Ends)

JIPOE is used to analyze all relevant aspects of the environment, including what 4 things?

Adversary, psychical domains, information environment, systems and subsystems

Equal Quarterly Assignments List

Advertises most available enlisted assignments sending airmen overseas. Matched eight times per year (four cycles each for those departing to, and four returning from overseas duty locations) AMS OS Short tour


Air Force Future Operating Concept. Describes how future AF forces will provide Global Vigilance, Global Reach, and Global Power.

Which MAJCOM delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon systems, headquartered in Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio?

Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)

What is the AF overarching Force development concept?

Air Force future operating concept

Which MAJCOM provides strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support, headquartered in Barksdale AFB, Louisiana?

Air Force global strike command (AFGSC)

Which MAJCOM provides resilient, defendable, and affordable space capabilities for the Air Force, Joint Force and the Nation, headquartered in Peterson AFB, Colorado?

Air Force space command (AFSPC)

Which MAJCOM provides our nations specialized AirPower, capable across the spectrum of conflict, headquartered in Hurlburt Field, Florida?

Air Force special operations command (AFSOC)

Which MAJCOM delivers decisive air, space and cyberspace capabilities for USCENTCOM and allies, headquartered in Shaw AFB, South Carolina?

Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT)

Which MAJCOM supports global implementation of national security strategy, fighter/bomber/reconnaissance, battle management, electronic combat aircraft, command, control, communications, intel systems, and global information operations, headquartered in Langley AFB, joint base Langley-Eustis, Virginia?

Air combat command (ACC)

Which MAJCOM provides air mobility and is headquartered in Scott AFB, Illinois?

Air mobility command (AMC)

What is headed by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and is patterned in the JS structure to improve communication with other DoD organizations?

Air staff

What is primarily composed of uniformed USAF officials who assist the CSAF in carrying out his role as the principal military advisor to SECAF and as a member of the Joint Cheif of Staff?

Air staff


Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst


Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst. Operates, evaluates, and manages airborne SIGINT info systems and ops activities.


Airborne ISR Operator. Fly as primary air crew to operate, evaluate, and manage airborne ISR information and related ground processing systems.


Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operator


Airmen preparing to travel on TDY orders must use what application to process travel authorizations and vouchers?


All Source Intelligence Analyst

Combat Zone Tax Exclusion (CZTE)

All earnings received in combat zones are excluded from taxes

Palace Front

Allows Active Duty members to transition to the ANG or the AF Reserve as soon as the day after separating from Active Duty service

Base of Preference (BOP)

Allows First-term airmen to apply for a CONUS-to-CONUS BOP, an OS-to-CONUS BOP or in-place BOP Processed quarterly

6th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Alternative Analysis: incorporate alternative assessment/ judgement

Creativity is ...

An ability, an attitude, a process

Collection Manager (CM)

An individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission

CM (Collection Manager)

An individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of collection resources.

Collection Manager (CM)

An individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission.

Collection Agency

An individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them.


An intelligence gap is information that is needed to appropriately conduct intelligence analysis and help answer an intelligence question. (T/F)

Intelligence Product

An intelligence product is defined as tangible information in written, visual, digital, and/or verbal form that: 1) Conveys information of intelligence value (e.g., written assessment, threat map, targeting materials, database, etc.); 2) Facilitates the accomplishment of an intelligence mission (e.g., assessment checklists, training folders, etc.).

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

An intelligence requirement that the commander and staff need to understand the threat and other aspects of the operational environment.

PIRs (Priority Intelligence Requirements)

An intelligence requirement that the commander and staff need to understand the threat.

Step 4 of PCPAD

Analysis and Production


Analysis and Production Analyst


Analysis and Production Analyst. Detailed analysis on target network comms for additional exploitation. Author time-sensitive intel reports to support decision makers.

Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs)

Analysis and production is driven by leading questions or requirements for intelligence to fill a gap in knowledge or understanding of the environment, adversary capabilities, centers of gravity, or intentions

Tactical Level

Analysis of OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space, and other aspects that could pose a direct threat to the security of the friendly force.

Tactical Level of Warfare

Analysis of the OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space, and other forces as well as other relevant aspects of the OE that could pose a direct threat to the security of the friendly force or the success of its mission

Customer Engagement

Analyst will be responsive to customer feedback.


Analysts should make every effort to ensure products/services fulfill customers' intent and requests, while also ensuring products/services are available to others for use beyond the original intent.

These help capture and expose knowledge and focus collection on the right needs

Analytic Models

ICD 203 describes what?

Analytic Standards


Analytical process used by joint intelligence organizations to produce intelligence assessments, estimates, and other intelligence products in support of the JFC's decision making process.

Step 6 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Analyze how sensitive your conclusion is to a few critical items of evidence

Collection Agency

Any individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them

Collection Agency

Any individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them.

Career Field Manager (CFM)

Appointed to represent each functional family in the AF CFM does not manage or have any impact on assignments for ISR airmen

2nd Air Force analytic excellence standard

Appropriate Sourcing: cites all sources used

Contingency Plans

Are branches of campaign plans that are planned for potential threats, catastrophic events, and contingent missions without a crisis at-hand. Contingency plans identify how the command might respond in the event of a crisis or the inability to achieve objectives. Contingency plans specifically seek to favorably resolve a crisis that either was not or could not be deterred or avoided by directing operations toward achieving specified objectives

What is EQUAL ?

Are used to fill joint service duty assignments, special duty assignments (e.g. 8-series jobs), jobs with specific requirements (e.g. Tech school instructor, advanced training units) and CMSgt Assignments. 9S100 jobs are also typically advertised via EQUAL Plus. Jobs are typically advertised for a minimum of 21 days, after which AFPC has 10 days to select, and then the Airman will have 120 days to report (~ 6 month process). Jobs can be published daily. Airman can only apply for 1 job at a time (any subsequent volunteer clicks will overwrite the first).

CCDRs responsibility

Area of Responsibility (AOR) Function (ex SPECOPS)

Which IC department delivers intel related advanced skills training in support of Army?

Army intelligence and security program (INSCOM)

Request for Information (RFI)

Asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence collection gap. This request is sent up the Collection Management chain to RFI managers that will determine the best solution to support the request.

RFI (Request for Information)

Asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence collection gap.

Request for Information (RFI)

Asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence gap. This request is sent up the Collection Management chain to RFI managers that will determine the best solution to support the request.

Joint Targeting Cycle Step 6


Step 6 of JTC


Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)

Assigned to the IRR program typically receive no pay. Members are not required to participate in monthly drill exercises, complete annual training, or participate in any other routine military activities, with the exception of period Muster activities


Assistant Vice Chief of Staff

Mirror Imaging

Assumption that others see events and react to them just as we do

5th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Assumptions vs Judgements: distinguish intel, assumptions, judgements

Changing direction (creative insight)

Attention is shifted from one angle of a problem to another. The goal is to solve the problem, not to implement, not to implement a particular solution.

Change Direction

Attention shift from one angle to another

Mode of reasoning that involves drawing inferences from expert testimony


Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies held by a single person, not all collection managers.

National Defense Authorization Act

Authorizes appropriations for each fiscal year for military actives of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes

Which contingency level doesn't include annexes, but contains alternatives, FDOs, and provides flexibility in addressing a contingency as it develops?


Cognitive Bias; tendency to believe something because many others believe it

Bandwagon Effect

Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

Barksdale AFB, Louisiana August 7, 2009 All CCMDs

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Based on publicly available data

Illusory correlation

Belief that two events are related when they might not be.


Big Data in the Intelligence Community can be collected from a multitude of sources. Which intelligence discipline intercepts communication, emissions, and signals?

Contingency Plans

Branches of campaign plans made for potential threats, catastrophic events, and contingent missions without a crisis at-hand.

A4 - Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection

Build Strategy, Write Best Policy, advocate for resources, develop our work forces

A4 responsibilities

Build strategy, write best policy, advocate for resources, develop our work forces


Build upon the president's NSS, National Space Policy, the DOD's Quadrennial Defense Review, and the IC NIS

2nd qtr

By January, RA submits the first iteration for the BER. All initial requests must be submitted for unit prioritization 50% of the budget is allocated

2nd Quarter

By January, the RA submits the first iteration for the BER. All initial requests must be submitted for unit prioritization of funds; 50% of the budget is allocated

______/_____ develop concepts for their forces that are intended to meet the strategic direction


What develops concepts for their forces that are intended to meet strategic direction?


USNORTHCOM - US Northern Command

CCMD based in Colorado. Operates in North America. Responsible for civil support and homeland security, oversees NORAD.

USSOUTHCOM - US Southern Command

CCMD based in Florida. Oversees 31 nations in Latin America. Deter trafficking.

USCENTCOM - US Central Command

CCMD based in Florida. Responsible for ops in twenty middle eastern countries, to include Afghanistan and Syria.

USSOCOM - US Special Operations Command

CCMD based in Florida. Responsible for planning and conducting special operations. Short strikes and small offensives.

USAFRICOM - US Africa Command

CCMD based in Germany. Deals with Africa.

USEUCOM - US European Command

CCMD based in Germany. Works with NATO to address security and defense needs of Europe and Middle East.

USPACOM - US Pacific Command

CCMD based in Hawaii. Oversees responsibility stretching from US west coast to the western border of India, and from Antarctica to North Pole, includes 36 nations.

USTRANSCOM - US Transportation Command

CCMD based in Illinois. Enables joint mobility missions.

USCYBERCOM - US Cyber Command

CCMD based in Maryland. Directs cyberspace ops.

USSTRATCOM - US Strategic Command

CCMD based in Nebraska. Responsible for command of U.S. nuclear capabilities.

Which IC department provides overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside of the US?


Who delivers the NMS to the SECDEF to govern U.S. Military?



CJCS delivers to SECDEF to govern US military

What ensures unity of collection effort, effectively employs synchronized collection to support combat operations, and asses the collection process?



COM determines what information that intelligence systems collect. (T/F)

Which contingency level is an OPLAN in an abbreviated format that may require considerable expansion or alteration to convert it into a complete and detailed level 4?



CRM determines what intelligence systems must collect and COM specifies how to use collection systems to satisfy those requirements CRM focuses on the requirements of the customer, is multidisipline oriented and advocates what information is necessary for collection COM focuses on the selection of the specific systems within a discipline to collect information to satisfy the customer's request. COM is conducted by organizations to determine which collection assests can best satisfy the customers' requests


CSAF and SECAF to all AF personnel (Active, Guard, Reserve and Civilians)




CSAF, and SECAF to all US personnel


Camp Smith Honolulu, Hawaii

Which plan implements the military portion o the national policy?


What are the two main types of plans?

Campaign Plans and Contingency Plans

What are the 2 types of plans?

Campaign and contingency



Joint Targeting Cycle Step 3

Capabilities Analysis

Step 3 of JTC

Capabilities Analysis

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR)

Category of CCIR; designated by the commander to focus information collection on the enemy or adversary and the OE to provide information required for decision making.

Who functions whithin the chain of command by transmitting the orders from the president or SECDEF to the CCMDs ?

Chairman of the joint chief of staff (CJCS)

Anticipatory Intelligence

Characterization. and reduction of uncertainty by providing decision makers with timely and accurate forecasts of significant glob events

What is Anticipatory Intelligence?

Characterizing and reducing uncertainty by providing decision makers with timely and accurate forecasts


Chief AF Reserve


Chief Scientist


Chief of Chaplain Services


Chief of Safety


Chief of Staff of the AF

AF form 2096

Classification/On-the-job Training Action used to document changes to airman's personnel record

Step 1 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Clearly define the intelligence question to be answered

Cognitive Bias; tendency to overvalue small runs/ streaks in large data sets

Clustering Illusion

Which IC department supports coastguard?

Coast guard intelligence (USCG)

ICD 501 describes what action taken outside the IC?


Processing and Exploitation

Collected data is correlated and converted into a format suitable for subsequent analysis and production of intelligence. Processing remains distinct from analysis and production in that the resulting information is not yet fully subject to analytical assessment.

Step 2 of PCPAD


What is an individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of info and the capability of collecting?

Collection agency (CA)

What is an individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources?

Collection manager (CM)

1N7 HUMINT Specialist

Collects and reports Intelligence information obtained from human sources in response to requirements

PID, CID and target validation

Combat operations are dynamic. What are the things that require particular attention?


Combat operations are dynamic. What are the things that require particular attention?

Joint Planning

Combatant Commanders are charged with turning guidance into executable actions

Joint Planning

Combatant Commanders are charged with turning that guidance into executable actions

Joint Targeting Cycle Step 4

Commander's Decision and Force Assignment

Step 4 of JTC

Commanders Decision/Force Assignment

Which contingency level has the least amount of detail, focuses on producing multiple COAs, provides SECDEF with military COAs, and reflects commanders analysis of the various COAs?

Commanders estimate

What are the 4 levels of contringency plans?

Commanders estimate, BPLAN, CONPLAN, OPLAN


Commanders need __________ analysis for the current environment and evidence-based ___________ analysis of potential enemy courses of action in order to plan for both day-to-day operations and contingencies.

accurate historical

Commanders need __________ analysis for the current environment and evidence-based ___________ analysis of potential enemy courses of action in order to plan for both day-to-day operations and contingencies.


Communication Signals Intelligence Analyst


Communications SIGINT Analyst. Acquiring signals through optimum antenna manipulation and receiving tuning. Utilize hardware and software to process signals.

Mode of reasoning that involves drawing conclusions from examples, cases or analogies



Concerned with operationally relevant information -Location, Movement, Employment, Tactics


Conducts global operations in partnership with other combatant commands, services and U.S. government agencies to deter and detect strategic attacks against the united states. USSTRATCOM is responsible for command of U.S. nuclear capabilities, space operations, global surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence, communications, computers, global missile defense and combating weapons of mass destruction.

Cognitive Bias; tendency to overvalue data supporting initial assumptions or expectations

Confirmation Bias

National Defense Authorization Act "WHO"

Congress and President for all defense programs and personnel

4th Quarter

Congress normally approves next year's funding by 15 Sept; all spending must be done by 30 September unless prior approval has been obtained. New Fiscal year begins 1 Oct.

4th Qtr

Congress normally approves next year's funding by 15 sept; all spending must be done by 30 sept, unless prior approval has been obtained

Air National Guard (ANG)

Consists of federally recognized organized militia of the States and Territories, including Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia

CMA (Collection Management Authority)

Constitutes authority and ensures unity of collection effort.

Which plan are planned for potential threats, catastrophic events, and contingent missions without a crisis at hand?



Contingency plans direct the activities the command will do to shape the operational environment and prepare for, mitigate, or deter crises on a daily basis. (T/F)

Step 2 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Convene group of experts

The ISR flight plans lines of effort will directly contribute to which 4 AF priorities?

Cost effective modernization, driving innovation, developing exceptional leaders, strengthening alliances

Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

Covers defense intel activities intended to support tactical military operations and priorities

Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

Covers defense intelligence activities intended to support tactical military operations and priorities

National Intelligence Program (NIP)

Covers programs, products, and activities of the intel community oriented toward strategic needs of decision makers

Step 6 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Create Bumper Sticker phrases to capture the future in each quadrant

What is the main goal of AI?

Create a machine capable of imitating human behaviors


Cryptologic Language Analyst


Cryptologic Language Analyst. Translate spoken or written foreign language material.

10th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Customer Engagement: fully address customer requirements within time restraints

Who is the head of the CIA? Who does he report to?

DCIA, reports to DNI

Which IC department helps initiate new investigations of major drug organizations, strengthens ongoing investigations and subsequent prosecutions?


Which IC department provides military intel to warfighters, defense policy makers and force planners in the DoD and the IC in support of US military planning?


Other MIPs

DIA, NGA, NRO, and NSA MIPs are each managed by their respective directors and fund activities which support tactical-level operations not already funded by each organizations NIP

Which programs use Machine Vision?

DIVA (deep intermodal video analysis)


DIrector of Operational Plans and Joint Force Deployment

The _____ to all members and organizations of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC)


Who acts as the principal advisor to the President, the NSC, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security?


Who directs each IC organization to anually publish a POA to provide comprehensive intelligence analysis and production focus for their organization?


Who is responsible for developing and managing the NIPF?


Programs of Analysis (POA)

DNI has directed each IC organization to annually publish one to provide comprehensive intelligence analysis and production focus for their organization. Collectively, it offers a framework for collaboration with customers, stakeholders, and IC partners.


DNI to all members and organizations of the US IC


DNI to all memebers and organizations of the IC

A systematic approach to triaging and organizing information to ID trends and patterns

Data Organization

Consolidated Cryptologic Program (CCP)

Defense NIP managed by the Director of National Security agency (DIRNSA) which funds NSA and intel activities related to national-level SIGINT

National Geospatial-Intelligence Program (NGP)

Defense NIP managed by the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) which funds national-level GEOINT-related activities

General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP)

Defense NIP managed by the Director of the Defense intelligence agency. Funds a wide range of national-level defense intel activates to include intel centers which support military services and unified combatant commands, defense HUMINT, counterintelligence, and MASINT

JIPOE Step 1

Define Operational Environment

What are the 4 steps to JIPOE?

Define operational enviroment, describe impact of the operational environment, evaluate adversary and other relevant factors, determine adversary and other relevant COAs


Define the operational enviroment


Defines how the US military as a whole Joint Force will support/contribute to National Security and the NSS Current Version is July 2018. Reiewed no later than 15 FEB, of every even numbered year (Title 10 Ch 5 Pg 144)

Air Force Material Command (AFMC)

Deliver and support agile war-winning capabilities AFMC delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all air force weapon systems

AFMC Mission

Deliver and support agile war-winning capabilities AFMC delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through the development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon systems. From cradle to grave, AFMC provides the work force and infrastructure necessary to ensure the US remains the worlds most respected air and space force

PACAF Mission

Deliver rapid and precise air, and space and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the US, its territories and our allies and partners, provide integrated air and missile warning and defense, promote interoperability throughout the Pacific area of responsibility, maintain strategic access and freedom of movement across all domains, and posture to respond across the full spectrum of military contingencies in order to restore regional security.

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

Deliver rapid and precise air, space and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the united states, its territories and our allies and partners; provide integrated air and missile warning and defense; promote interoperabilitiy throughout the Pacific area of responsibility; maintain strategic access and freedom of movement across all domains; and posture to respond across the full spectrum of military contingencies in order to restore regional security


Deputy Chief of Staff Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration.


Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements.


Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. Responsible for functional management of all Air Force ISR capabilities.


Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services. Manages personnel and carries out policies.


Describe the impact of the operational enviroment

JIPOE Step 2

Describe the impact of the operational environment


Designed to supplement the EQUAL by advertising special duty assignments (e.g. joint and departmental service requirements, special duties, and all chief master sergeant assignments)


Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action

JIPOE Step 4

Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action

Strategic Level of Warfare

Determines national or multinational (alliance or coalition) security objectives and guidance, and uses all national resources to achieve objectives and desired end states.


Determines the capabilities and limitations of target emitters

CRM (Collection Requirements Manager)

Determines what intelligence systems must collect.


Deterrence & Nuclear Integration

What are the 3 sub steps of step 2 of JIPOE?

Develop a geospatial, develop a systems perspective, describe the impact

Step 1 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Develop focal issue

ISR Flight Plan "HOW"

Develop smarter airman (critical thinking, force/talent management), leverage new technology (cloud computing, machine intelligence, bid data, publicly available information)


Dictates how all members of the US government that support National Defense should be planning to conduct operations for today and the future.


Dictates how the AF will conduct ISR in order to accomplish both individual AF missions and support the Joint environment


Dictates that the US requires a military to defend the homeland, conduct sustained and distributed counter terrorist operations, deter aggression and assure allies through forward presence and engagement


Digital Network Intel Analyst. Collect, ID, and exploit appropriate comms to ensure accurate targeting. Produce technical reports.


Digital Network Intelligence Analyst


Director Manpower and Personnel


Director of Air National Guard


Director of Force, Structure, Resources and Assessment


Director of Intelligence


Director of Logistics

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) serves as head of the US IC, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program. Acts as the principal advisor to the President, National Security Council, and Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters relating to national security

The ______to all members and organizations of the US intelligence community (IC) for the NIPF

Director of National Security (DNI)


Director of Operations


Director of Strategic Plans and Policy


Director of Test and Evaluation

Who serves as the head of the US IC, overseeing and directing implementation of the national intelligence program (NIP)?

Director of national intelligence (DNI)

Step 5 of PCPAD

Dissemination and Integration

Joint Publication 1

Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States

Joint Publication 1 ( JP -1 )

Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States

Step 5 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Draw tentative conclusions


Drawing casual inferences using facts, premises, and logic


Drawing conclusions from a structured consensus of persons


Drawing conclusions from examples cases, or analogies


Drawing conclusions from personal interaction with real evidence


Drawing inferences from expert testimony or strong belief

Joint Planning

Driven by National Security Council System, the Joint Strategic anning System, and Programming, Planning, Budgeting and Execution; orchestrates the use of forces, weapons systems, equipment, and other resources to achieve national and military objectives and strategies


During analysis, deductions are made by comparing integrated and evaluated information with known facts and predetermined assumptions. These deductions are combined and assessed to discern patterns or recognize events

2nd Quarter

During which quarter of the fiscal year are unit budgetary requests submitted and prioritized?


During which step of the analysis and production phase is information received, organized, and entered into appropriate databases by the analysis and production elements of intelligence community organizations?

This is intelligence derived from the interception and analysis of noncommunicstion emitters



ENDS end goals/objectives National Priorities


Each new item of information is evaluated by the appropriate analysis and production element with respect to the reliability of the source and the credibility of the information

Palace Chase

Early release program which allows members to transfer from active duty into the Air Force Reserve (USAFR) If approved, the members remaining Active Duty serve commitment is waived in exchange for accepting an extended assignment in the AF Reserve


Electronic Intelligence; derived from foreign non communications electromagnetic radiation


Electronic SIGINT analyst. Monitors and collects noncommunications electronic signal transmissions using passive receiving equipment.


Electronic Signals Intelligence Exploitation Analyst

Barrier to reasoning; The primary problem is that this hijacks reason


Mode of reasoning that involves drawing conclusions from personal interaction with real evidence


Logical Argumentation

Employ coherent and logical reasoning techniques, be supported by all key relevant information, and be internally consistent.

1N3 Cryptologic Language Analyst

Employs foreign language skills to collect, transcribe, translate, analyze, and report Intelligence information

Joint Targeting Cycle Step 1

End State and Commander's Objectives

Step 1 of JTC

End State/Commanders Objectives

What are the 6 steps to the joint targeting cycle?

End state, target development, capabilities analysis, commanders decision, mission planning, assessment

What is EQUAL ?

Enlisted Quarterly Assignments List :are used to fill joint service duty assignments, special duty assignments (e.g. 8-series jobs), jobs with specific requirements (e.g. Tech school instructor, advanced training units) and CMSgt Assignments. 9S100 jobs are also typically advertised via EQUAL Plus. Jobs are typically advertised for a minimum of 21 days, after which AFPC has 10 days to select, and then the Airman will have 120 days to report (~ 6 month process). Jobs can be published daily. Airman can only apply for 1 job at a time (any subsequent volunteer clicks will overwrite the first).

The benefits of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses?

Ensure that all the information and argumentation is evaluated and given equal treatment or weight when considering each hypothesis. Prevents the analyst from premature closure on a particular explanation or hypothesis Protects the analyst against innate tendencies to ignore or discount information that does not fit comfortably with the preferred explanation at the time

What is the purpose of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses?

Ensures all information and arguments are evaluated and given equal treatment when considering hypotheses. ACH is a tool to aid judgment on important issues requiring careful weighing of alternative explanations or conclusions. It helps an analyst overcome, or at least minimize, some of the cognitive limitations that make prescient intelligence analysis so difficult to achieve. ACH is particularly appropriate for controversial issues when analysts want to develop a clear record that shows what theories they have considered and how they arrived at their judgments.

Step 4 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Establish most relevant endpoint for each factor

Strategic Level

Establish national and multinational military objectives; develop global or theater campaign plans to achieve these objectives; sequence operations; define limits and assess risks for the use of military and other instruments of national security policy; and provide military forces and other capabilities

Unified Command Plan

Establishes the missions and geographic responsibilities among the combatant commanders


Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors

JIPOE Step 3

Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors

Big Data

Exceptionally large amount of data collections and the process of extracting value from them.

What does the term Big Data refer to?

Exceptionally large data collections and the process of extracting value from them

Big Data

Exceptionally large data collections and the processes of extracting value from them


Executive Services

Which IC department is a threat focused national security organization with both intel and law enforcement responsibilities?


What focuses on information the JFC must have to asses the status of friendly forces and supporting capabilities?


A well-framed intelligence question is the least important factor in assuring the overall quality of intelligence analysis.


The three levels of warfare (strategic, operational, and tactical) model the relationship between tactical objectives and tactical actions. (T/F)


Title 32

Federal authority over National Guard members falls under title 3. This is considered federal active duty for specific state missions and full-time guard positions. State-level activation is guided by state laws and policies but it is funded by the federal government after approval from the president Governor is the boss, even though the state mission is sanctioned and funded by the federal government

Air National Guard

Federal military reserve force as well as the militia air force for each US state Both federal and state mission

Learned Helpless ness

Feeling that you don't have the tools, knowledge, materials, ability, to do anything, so you might as well not try.

Define the OE

First JIPOE Step 1. ID the joint force's operational area 2. Analyze the mission and JFC's 3. Determine the significant characteristics of OE 4. ID the limits of the joint force's areas of interest 5. Determine the level of detail required and feasible within the time available. 6. Determine intel and info priorities, gaps, and shortfalls. 7. Collect material and submit requests for info to support further analysis.


Focuses on acquiring information about relevant aspects of the (OE), determined through the ATO/OPLAN & Broken out through JIPOE, then providing that information to intelligence processing and exploitation elements. Is the process of converting information requirement into collection requirements, tasking, or coordinating action s with appropriate collection organizations or agencies, and monitoring results and re-tasking as required.


For _________to be effective, data must be collected, managed, analyzed, reviewed for accuracy, and the results disseminated in a timely manner.

Step 5 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Form a futures matrix by crossing two chosen axis


Fort Meade, Maryland

Determine adversary and other relevant actor COAs

Fourth JIPOE Step 1. Identify the adversary's and other relevant actors' likely objectives and desired end state 2. Identify the full set of adversary and other relevant actor COAs 3. Evaluate and prioritize each course of action 4. Develop each COA in the amount of detail time allows 5. Identify initial collection requirements

Cognitive Bias; tendency to draw different conclusions from the same data

Framing Effect

Operational Chain of Command

From President through Secretary of Defense to a commander of a unified or specified command to the assigned operational forces. Joint Staff works with Unified Combatant Commands

USAFE-AFAFRICA - United States Air Forces in Europe

GEOGRAPHIC MAJCOM based in Germany. Executes AF, USEUCOM, and USAFRICOM missions.

PACAF - Pacific Air Forces

GEOGRAPHIC MAJCOM based in Hawaii. Delivers rapid capabilities. Supports USPACOM.

AFCENT - Air Forces Central Command

GEOGRAPHIC MAJCOM based in US and delivers air, space, and cyberspace capabilities. Supports USCENTCOM.

This used mission specific layers built from order of battle (OB), intelligence reports, and other information derived from intelligence


What is it called when data is collected from satellite imagery, geodesy data, or GPS waypoints?



GEOINT analyst. Exploits multi-sensor geospatial and target intelligence products.

Big Data Sources


Step 7 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Generate sign post of indicators for each quadrant that reflect potential events

How are unified commands organized?

Geographical Functional


Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)


Gives a plan/direction of how the AF will operate the next 30 years, with a focus on five strategic vectors: -Provide effective 21st Century Deterrence -Maintain a robust and flexible global ISR capability -ensure a full-spectrum capable, high end focused force -pursue a multi-domain approach to out five core missions -Continue the pursuit of game-changing technology

USAF Strategic Master Plan (SMP)

Gives plan/direction of how USAF will operate for next 30 yrs

Total Force Integration (TFI)

Goal is to provide the AF and the Combatant Commanders (CCDR) the best possible capabilities to meet their requirements by leveraging of Active Duty, Guard, and reserve members

Barrier to reasoning; This is a deterioration of mental efficiency


Unified Command Plan (UCP)

Guidance to the Unified Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) that establishes missions, responsibilities, and force structure; delineates geographic and/or functional area of responsibility.

Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

HQ: Barksdale AFB, Louisiana Develops and provides combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations—safe, secure, effective—to support the President of the United States and combatant commanders Supports: all CCMDs

Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

HQ: Hurlbert Field, Florida Responsible to US Special Operations Command for the readiness of Air Force special operations forces to conduct the war on terrorism and to disrupt, defeat, and destroy terrorist networks that threaten the United States, its citizens, and interests worldwide. Supports: all CCMDs

Air Combat Command (ACC)

HQ: Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia To support global implementation of national security strategy, ACC operates fighter, bomber, recon, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. It also provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations. Supports: USCENTCOM, USSOUTHCOM, and USNORTHCOM

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

HQ: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii -Deliver rapid and precise air, space, and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the United States, its territories and our allies and partners -Provide integrated air and missile warning and defense -Promote interoperability throughout the Pacific area of responsibility -Maintain strategic access and freedom of movement across all domains -Posture to respond across the full spectrum of military contingencies in order to restore security Supports: USPACOM

US Central Command (USCENTCOM)

HQ: MacDill Air Force Base, Florida Middle East, Egypt, and Central Asia promotes cooperation among nations, responds to crises, deters or defeats state and nonstate aggression, and supports development and, when necessary, reconstruction in order to establish the conditions for regional security, stability, and prosperity.

Air Force Central Command (AFCENT)

HQ: Macdill AFB, Florida delivers air, space, and cyberspace capabilities for United States Central Command, ally nations, and America Supports: USCENTCOM

United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa (USAFE - AFAFRICA)

HQ: Ramstein AB, Germany executes the Air Force, USEUCOM, AND USAFRICOM missions with forward-based Airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations Supports: USAFRICOM, USEUCOM

Air Mobility Command (AMC)

HQ: Scott AFB, Illinois - Airlift and Aerial Refueling - Aerovac - Global Reach Laydown (GRL) - bare base items Supports: all CCMDs

Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)

HQ: Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Delivers war-winning technology, acquisition support, sustainment, and expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter. Supports: all CCMDs

What is it called when data is derived from clandestine and covert collection of documents and knowledge?



HUMINT analyst. Collects and reports intel from human sources.

Enlisted Intelligence Assignments Functional Manager (FM)

Handles enlisted assignments via a systematic process based on the most eligible airman. Enlisted system is designed to ensure everyone who is eligible for reassignment has a chance to compete for the known advertised requirements - NO 'by-name" requests allowed


Head of IC and oversees NIP. Advises president and NSC.

Air Staff

Headed by the CSAF, is an organizational structure similar to the JS structure to improve communications with the other DOD organizations Primarily composed of uniformed USAF officials who assist the CSAF in carrying out his role as the principal military advisor to the SECAF and is a member of the JCS.

Joint Staff (JS)

Headed by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF), the Air Staff organizational structure is patterned on the __________ structure to improve communication with other DoD organizations.

US Pacific Command (USPACOM)

Headquarters: Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii AOR encompasses about half of the earth's surface, stretching from the waters off the west coast of the US to the western border of India and from Antarctica to the North Pole.

US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Headquarters: Fort Meade, Maryland direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners.

US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

Headquarters: MacDill AFB, Florida Conducts several covert and clandestine missions, such as unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, psychological operations, civil affairs, direct action, counter-terrorism and war on drugs operations

US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)

Headquarters: Miami, Florida Encompasses 31 countries and 16 dependencies and areas of special sovereignty. Responsible for providing contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation for Central and South America, the Caribbean (except U.S. commonwealths, territories, and possessions), and Cuba, as well as for the force protection of U.S. military resources at these locations

US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

Headquarters: Offutt AFB, Nebraska Charged with space operations (such as military satellites), information operations (such as information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.

US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

Headquarters: Peterson AFB, Colorado air, land, and sea approaches and encompasses the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and surrounding water out to approximately 500 nautical miles. responsible for theater security cooperation with Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas; conducts homeland defense, civil support, and security cooperation to defend and secure the United States and its interests.

US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

Headquarters: Scott AFB, Illinois As the single manager of America's global defense transportation system, USTRANSCOM is tasked with the coordination of people and transportation assets to allow the US to project and sustain forces, whenever, wherever, and for as long as they are needed.

US European Command (USEUCOM)

Headquarters: Stuttgart, Germany all of Europe, large portions of Asia, parts of the Middle East and the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans responsible for US military relations with NATO and 51 countries on two continents with a total population of close to a billion people. conducts military operations, international military partnering, and interagency partnering to enhance transatlantic security and defend the United States forward.

US Africa Command (USAFRICOM)

Headquarters: Stuttgart, Germany responsible for military relations with African Nations, African Union, and African regional security organizations


How are overseas major commands organized?


How many steps does the Force assignment consist of?


How often are overseas and overseas returnee/CONUS mandatory mover assignments advertised?


How relevant or appropriate the data is to a particular questions

What is the purpose of the ISR flight plan?

How the AF will conduct ISR operations for the next 20 years


Human Intelligence Specialist

Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

Hurlburt Field, Florida May 22, 1990 All CCMDs

Step 8 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

ID milestones for future observations


IS complete and detailed plan containing: -full description of CONOPS -All applicable annexes to the plan including: time phased force and deployment list, and a transportation feasible notional (TPFDD) -Identifies the force requirements, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan and provide closure estimates for their flow into the theater




ISR Airmen face unique challenges of falling under both the AF rules and restrictions and the overall IC. This is the most strategic document that directs the IC on who is in charge and how the IC needs to operate in order to meet customers needs and maintain security.

What are the 5 sub steps of JIPOE?

Identify adversaries, identify full set of adversary, evaluate and prioritize, develop each COA, identify intitial collection requirement

What are the 7 sub steps of step 1 of JIPOE?

Identify the joint force, analyze the mission, determine the significant characteristics, identify the limits, determine the level of detail, determine intelligence, collect material

Cognitive Bias; belief that two events are related when they might not be

Illusory Correlation


In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information and the provision of this information to processing elements.


In the operational environment when does planning and direction occur?

To facilitate the transition to war and establish the feasibility of the plan's concept of operations.

In which of the following situations would an OPLAN normally be prepared?


Incremental Improvement


Incremental improvement. Every problem that has been saved can be resolved again in a better way


Information from single or multiple sources is received, collated, and entered into appropriate databases by the analysis and production elements of IC organizations, the theater JIOCs or equivalents, or subordinate joint force JISE. Information is integrated and grouped with related pieces of information according to predetermined criteria to facilitate the evaluation of newly received information


Information produced qualitative and quantitative analysis and physical attributes of targets and events in order to characterize and identify them

Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR)

Information requirements identified by the commander as being critical to facilitating timely decision-making

Essential Elements of Information (EEIs)

Information requirements that are also critical or that would answer PIRs are known as EEIs. EEIs may require answering numerous specific questions regarding the collected area/target, such as threat OB, operational status and readiness of troops and equipment, or identification of unique signature information as well as human factor analysis and information operations intelligence integrations (IOII).

Elements of Information (EEIs)

Information requirements that are also critical or that would answer PIRs. "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How"

EEI - Essential Elements of Information

Information requirements that would answer PIRs.

Cognitive Bias; tendency to underestimate the variation in small data samples

Insensitivity to Sample Size

What is being implemented to identify and describe intelligence priorities for the diverse set of DoD customers?

Integrated defense intelligence priorities (IDIP)

4 - Commander Decision Force Assignment

Integrates previous phases of joint targeting and fuses capabilities analysis with available forces, sensors, and weapons systems. It is primarily an operations function, but requires considerable intelligence support to ensure Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets are integrated into the plan.


Intelligence Process that describes how various types of intel ops interact to meet the commander's intel needs.

Key Intelligence Questions

Intelligence analysis and production are driven by leading questions or requirements for intelligence to fill a gap in knowledge or understanding of the environment, adversary capabilities, centers of gravity, or intentions.

What is tangible information that conveys information of intelligence value and facilitated the accomplishment of an intelligence mission?

Intelligence product

What is the development, tailoring, and presentation of intelligence knowledge to meet customer requirements?

Intelligence production

Intelligence Production

Intelligence production is the development, tailoring, and presentation of intelligence knowledge via products and/or services that meet or address customer requirements.

What is an assistance provided to another entity during the performance of ISR?

Intelligence service


Intelligence, Surveillance, & reconnaissance

What is an objective mental process of comparison and deduction based on common sense, life experience, military knowledge, and existing information and intelligence?



Interpretation is an objective mental process of comparison and deduction based on common sense, life experience, military knowledge covering both adversary and friendly forces, and existing information and intelligence. This mental process involves the identification of new activity, recognizing the absence of activity, and a postulation regarding the significance of that activity


Is NOT a mechanism used to affect the overseas assignment advertisement process.


Is a continuous process that Intelligence professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevant entities

Artificial Intelligence

Is a sub-discipline of cognitive science that integrates with other disciplines such as a computer science and engineering with the purpose of producing machines capable of replicating human intelligence and human senses


Is an objective mental process of comparison and deduction based on common sense, life experience, military knowledge covering both adversary and friendly forces, and existing information and intelligence. This mental process involves the identification of new activity, recognizing the absence of activity, and a postulation regarding the significance of that activity


Is an unconscious belief that conditions, governs, and compels our behavior

Cognitive Bias

Is considered a mental error that is consistent and predictable regardless of cultural differences and much like an optical illusion, it can remain compelling even when we know it exists.

National Reconnaissance Program (NRP)

Is managed by the director of the National Reconnaissance office. They fund effort to develop, build, launch, and operate satellites associated with multi-intelligence collection.

2 - Target Development and Prioritization

Is the analysis, assessment, and documentation processes to identify and characterize potential targets that, when successfully engaged, support the achievement of the commander's objectives. A fully developed target must comply with national and command guidance, law of war, and the applicable ROE to be engaged.


Is the document used to request a zero sum change to a units's authorizations as defined on its UMD.

Target System Analysis (TSA)

Is the foundational process of system-level target development. Is equally applicable to systems and capabilities associated with both nation-state and non-state actors. The TSA process enables additional, more detailed stages of target development.

National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

Is the primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing and communicating national intelligence priorities.


Is the process that airmen preparing to travel on TDY orders must use to process travel authorizations and vouchers.

Target List Management ( TLM )

Is the third step of the joint targeting cycle phase 2 and begins when a target is nominated for target development and ends with the creation and maintenance of a prioritized target list. TLM includes target vetting, validation, listing, nomination, and prioritization.

How does the NIPF impact ISR Airmen?

It directs the IC on who is in charge and how the IC needs to operate in order to meet the customer needs and maintain security

National Intelligence Strategy

It supports NSS, the NIS provides the IC with the mission direction of the DNI for the next to four to five years.

How is Joint staff structure organized?

J1-J7, J2 is intel

What is a continuous process that intelligence professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevant entities?


What is used to analyze adversary capabilities and COG, identify potential adversary COA, and assess the most likely and most dangerous adversary COA?



JIPOE is a ____________ process that intelligence professionals use to manage analysis and the development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevent entities.

2nd Quarter Funding Timeline

January, submits the Budget Execution Review (BER) and all initial requests must be submitted for unit prioritization; 50% budget allocation


Joint Air Operations Plan. Details how the air component will execute air ops.

Air Combat Command (ACC)

Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia June 1, 1992 USCENTCOM, USSOUTHCOM, USNORTHCOM

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii July 1, 1957 USINDOPACOM

Air Education and Training Command (AETC)

Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas Recruits, trains, and educates quality people for aerospace force and the nation. Provides basic military training, initial and advanced technical training, flying training, and professional military and degree-granting professional education. Conduct joint, medical service, readiness and AF security assistance training. Supports: all CCMDs

Air Education and Training Command (AETC)

Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas January 1942 All CCMDs

What acts as the collection management authority on behalf of the J-2?

Joint intelligence operations center (JIOC)

What is the deliberate process of balancing ways, means and risk to achieve directed objectives and attain desired end states by synchronizing and integrating the employment of joint force?

Joint planning

What is composed of personnel from each of the five armed services that assist the CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is mangaged by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS)?

Joint staff

JP 3-60

Joint targeting is governed by which joint publication?


Judge Advocate


Kelly Barracks Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany


Lays out a plan of how the US DOD will conduct operations based off the current global situations, while projecting forward for the next 20 years. Current Version is 2018. Reviews every four years (Title 10, Ch 2, Pg 118)

A9 - Studies, Analyses, Assessments and Lessons Learned

Leading, carrying out, reviewing and ensuring the analytic integrity of studies and analyses, assessments, and the lessons learned program of the Department of the AF across air, space and cyberspace domains. represents both the SECAF and CSAD in senior analyst, and he/she serves as a member of the AF corporate Structure and Council

A5/8 - Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements

Leads the AF's strategic planning and programming effort to develop and sustain unmatched capabilities through air, space, and cyberspace to win today's fight and meet tomorrow's challenges

Level 1 - Commander's Estimate

Least amount of detail focuses on producing multiple COA Products can be COA briefing, Command directive, Commander's estimate, memorandum with a required force list Provide SECDEF with COAs reflects commander's analysis of various COA's

4th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Level of confidence: indicate degree of confidence/ certainty

Process of Perception

Links people to their environment and is critical to accurate understanding

Step 2 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

List all significant evidence and and assumptions relevant to the question

Alpha Roster

List of every member in the unit, includes: -Date arrived station (DAS) -Projected date of separation (DOS) -Assignment Availability (AAC) -Assignment Limitation codes (ALC)

Twenty-second Air Force

Located at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, and its subordinate units are responsible for "tactical Airlift, combat support, training and institutional forces"

Force Generation Center

Located at robins, AFB, Georgia, serves as the single point for request, receive, oversee, and deliver Air Force Reserve Forces and capabilities

8th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Logical argumentation: analysts will employ coherent and logical reasoning techniques


Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection


Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection


Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection. Advocate for resources and develop work forces.


Look at something old in a new way


Look at something old in a new way. Go beyond labels. Remove prejudices, expectations and assumptions and discover how something can be re-applied

Authorization Change Request apporved by...


What represents major Air Force subdivisions having and specific portion of th Air Force mission?


ACC - Air Combat Command

MAJCOM based at Langley. Supports global implementation of national security strategy. Supports USCENTCOM, USSOUTHCOM, USNORTHCOM.

AETC - Air Education and Training Command

MAJCOM based at San Antonio. Recruits and trains. Supports all CCMDs.

AFSC - Air Force Space Command

MAJCOM based in Colorado. Provides space and cyberspace capabilities. Supports USSTRATCOM.

AFSOC - Air Force Special Operations Command

MAJCOM based in Florida. Provides specialized airpower. Supports all CCMDs.

AFRC - Air Force Reserve Command

MAJCOM based in Georgia. Mission is to provide combat ready forces. Supports all CCMDs.

AMC - Air Mobility Command

MAJCOM based in Illinois. Airlift, air refueling, air mobility support and aeromedical evacuation to enable Global Reach. Supports all CCMDs.

AFGSC - Air Force Global Strike Command

MAJCOM based in Louisiana. Commands nuclear and conventional global strike. Supports all CCMDs.

AFMC - Air Force Material Command

MAJCOM based in Ohio. Develops and sustains aerospace power needed to defend US. Supports all CCMDs.

How does a MAJCOM chain of command go?

MAJCOM-numbered Air Force (NAF)-Wing-group-squadron

This is scientific and technical intelligence obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data


What is it called when data is derived from scientific measurements or chemical analysis?



MEANS the means of meeting the goals/objectives Strategic Direction


MEANS. Supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS. CJCS delivers to SECDEF.

Total Intelligence Spending



MacDill AFB, Florida


MacDill AFB, Florida

A common example of AI is the use of _______ to identify people in photographs.

Machine Vision

How AI ID's people in pictures

Machine Vision

Traditional Reservists (TR)

Make up majority of AFR who serve in the Unit Program. Report for duty at least one weekend each month with their parent AFRC Unit; typically wing, group, or squadron

Status Quo

Making immediate judgments and inferences

National Reconnaissance Program (NRP)

Managed by Director of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) funds efforts to develop, build, launch, and operate satellites associated with multi-intel collection

Air Force MIP

Managed by the deputy Chief of Staff for ISR (AF/A2) which funds tactical-level systems and activities related to air and space operations

1N1 Geospatial Intelligence

Manages, supervises, and performs intelligence activities and functions, including planning, collection, analysis, exploitation, development, and dissemination of muli-sensor geospatial and target intelligence products to support war fighting operations and other activities

1N8 Targeting Analyst

Manages, supervises, and performs targeting intelligence activities and functions, including analyzing targets

__________ is a critical resource that enables combat capability.



Manpower, Personnel & Services


Manpower, Personnel, and Services

Which IC department supports marines?

Marine Corps intelligence

Operational Tactical Levels

Marine Corps intelligence activities are oriented toward the _____________.

Mode of reasoning that involves drawing conclusions from a structured consensus of persons


ICD 208 describes what?

Maximizing Utility of Products

6 - Assessment

Measures whether desired effects are being created, objectives are achieved, and next steps are evaluated. Effective planning and execution require continuing evaluation of the effectiveness of friendly and enemy action. Is a continuous process that assesses the effectiveness of the activities that occurred during the first five phases of the joint targeting cycle.

6 - Assessment

Measures whether desired effects are being created, objectives are achieved, and next steps are evaluated. Effective_______________________ require continuing evaluation of the effectiveness of friendly and enemy action. Is a continuous process that assesses the effectiveness of the activities that occurred during the first five phases of the joint targeting cycle.

Barrier to reasoning; This is the basis of expertise

Mental Shortcuts


Miami, Florida


Military-to-Military (Mil-to-Mil) assignments are hand-matched. (T/F)

Cognitive Bias; assumption that others see events and react to them just as we do

Mirror Imaging

Joint Targeting Cycle Step 5

Mission Planning and Force Execution

Step 5 of JTC

Mission Planning/Force Execution


Most senior leaders of the AF believe in the significance AF ISR currently has and will continue to have into the future. This document, along with the SMP drives how AF ISR will need to operate and gives strategic goals to achieve, that will directly impact how all ISR Airman will need to train and fight over the next 20 years

What is a command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM?


What continually monitors and produces intel on adversary capabilities deemed critical to operation success for the developing capability in support of acquisition?


Which one is ways?


The ____ is the primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing and communicating national intelligence priorities


What is the primary mechanism to establish, manage, and communicate national intelligence priorities, published annually and reviewed quarterly?


The _____ sets the overall picture for the IC as a whole to include mission, vision, mission objectives, and enterprise objectives


What Analytic Method is a process that enables computers to understand human languages?

NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Which one is means?


Which one is ends?


The _____ is jointly signed by the SECDEF and Director of National Security to all users of Space assets


The _____ is a U.S. Law that governs defense budget/spending

National Defense Authorization Act


National Defense Strategy. WAYS. By SecDef and submitted to US Congress. Lays out plan on how DOD will conduct ops, projecting forward 20 yrs.


National Security Strategy. ENDS. Addresses tasks that are necessary to provide U.S. security.

What authorizes appropriations for each fiscal year for military activities of the DOD?

National defense authorization act

What outlines DOD's approach to implementing the President's National Security Strategy?

National defense strategy (NDS)

What promulgates policy and establishes responsibilities for setting the national intelligence priorities and translating them into action?

National intelligence priority framework (NIPF)

What provides the IC with the mission direction of the DNI for the next 4-5 years?

National intelligence strategy (NIS)

What supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS?

National military strategy (NMS)

What handles everything to do with space?

National security space policy (fact sheet)

What addresses the tasks that are necassary to provide enduring security for the American people and shape the global government?

National security strategy (NSS)

Central Intelligence Agency Program (CIAP)

Non-defense NIP, funds everything related to CIA activities to HUMINT and OSINT

What provides operational leadership, supervision, and prepare forces for deployment and employment? It is assigned subordinate units like wings, groups, squadron, and don't have complete functional staffs.

Numbered Air Force (NAF)


Numbered/Named Air Force is a command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM

Tactical Level of Warfare

OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space, and other forces

Department of Treasury

OIA advanes national security and protects financial integrity by informing Treasury decisions with timely, relevant, and accurate Intelligence and analyis

Which contingency level is a complete plan, focuses on force requirements, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan?



OPLAN in an abbreviated format

This is based on publicly available information


What is it called when data has been collected from mass media or professional/academic publications?


Which IC department supports the navy?

Office of naval intelligence (ONI)


Office of the Director of National Intelligence: serves as the head of the Intelligence community

Which IC department is staffed by officers from across the IC and is organized into directorates, centers and oversight offices that support the DNIs role as head of the IC and manager of the NIP?

Office of the director of national intelligence (ODNI)


Offutt AFB, Nebraska


One of the six modes of reasoning, this draws inferences from expert testimony or belief.


Open Source Intelligence






Operations lead.

structured data

Organized data that conforms to a model so that it can be searched, analyzed, and queried using traditional analysis tools

Collection Operations Management (COM)

Organizes, directs, and monitors the equipment and personnel that collect the data to satisfy requirements. COM personnel develop collection plans against requirements in cooperation with CRM personnel, predict how well a system can satisfy requirements, monitor and report the operational status of technical collection systems, allocate and task technical collection assets and processing and/or exploitation systems or HUMINT collection assets with the capability to collect, and evaluate the performance of the collection systems or platforms.

COM (Collection Operations Management)

Organizes, directs, and monitors the equipment and personnel that collect the data to satisfy requirements.

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

Outlines DOD's approach to implementing the President's NSS, The ____________ establishes a set of overarching defense objectives that guide DOD's security activities and provide direction for the National Military Strategy

Title 50

Outlines the role of War and National Defense and states that traditional military operations are not "covert action" ~Chapter 15 - National Security (DNI roles and responsibilities) ~Chapter 33 - War Power Resolution ~Chapter 36 - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Title 10 United States Code

Outlines the role of the armed forces

Title 50

Outlines the role of war and national defense and states that traditional military operations are not "covert action"

For AF/A2/6, what are the 3 ISR capabilities?

Oversight of planning, programming and budgeting; developing and implementing AF policies and guidance for AF isr activites; professional development of 50,000 employees

What is the intelligence process that describes how the various types of intelligence operations need to interact to meet the commanders intelligence needs?


What provides the framework for prioritization of all global integrated ISR within a CCMD?


Which MAJCOM delivers rapid air, space and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the US, headquartered at Hickam AFB, Joint base Pearl Harbor Hickam, Hawaii

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

Dept. of Treasury Office of Intel and Analysis

Part of IC. Advances national security and protects financial integrity.


Part of IC. Delivers world-class geospatial intel.


Part of IC. Enforces controlled substance laws and regulations in the U.S.


Part of IC. Gain and hold decisive information advantage over adversaries.

Dept. of State Bureau of Intel and Research

Part of IC. Harnesses intel for US. diplomacy.


Part of IC. Has both intelligence and law enforcement responsibilities.

Dept. of Homeland Security Office of Intel and Analysis

Part of IC. Helps keep homeland safe.

Army Intelligence and Security Command

Part of IC. INSCOM. Executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces.


Part of IC. Leads both SIGINT and IA products and services.


Part of IC. Maintains U.S. satellites.


Part of IC. Provide HUMINT.

25th AF

Part of IC. Provides ISR capabilities and products.

Marine Corps Intelligence

Part of IC. Provides commanders at every level intel for operational planning.


Part of IC. Provides military intel to warfighters and policymakers.

Dept. of Energy Office of Intel and CounterIntel

Part of IC. Responsible for all intel and counterintel activities throughout DOE.


Part of IC. Three areas of focus: Core Mission, Enablers, and Oversight.


Patch Barracks Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany

Barrier to reasoning; This imposes on the order our mind seeks and can blind us to new explanations


1N0 All Source Intelligence Analyst

Performs/manages intelligence activities/functions including discovering, developing, evaluating, and providing intelligence information


Peterson AFB, Colorado

Air Force Space Command (AFSC)

Peterson AFB, Colorado provides resilient and affordable space amd cyberspace capabilities for the Joint Force and the nation Supports: USSTRATCOM

Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)

Peterson AFB, Colorado September 1, 1982 USSTRATCOM

Step 1 of PCPAD

Planning and Direction


Planning and Direction Collection Processing and Exploitation Analysis and Production Dissemination and Integration "Evaluation and Feedback"

What are the 5 steps to PCPAD?

Planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, dissemination and integration


Preconceptions often prevent us from seeing beyond what we already know or believe to be possible. They also inhibit us from accepting change and process

Variety of statistical techniques from predictive modeling, machine learning, and data mining that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future or unknown events

Predictive Analysis

Step 3 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Prepare a matrix with hypotheses across the top and evidence on the sides


Prepares, maintains, and presents intel displays, reports, and briefings.

The operational chain of command order:

President Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Combatant Commanders (CCDR)

How does the operational chain of command run from?

President, SECDEF, CCMD

The operational chain of command runs from the _________, to the _________, to the _________

President, Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Combatant Commander (CCDR)

Participating Individual Ready Reserve (PIRR)

Primarily participate for points only and are attached to Active Component units. Earn pay/points on MPA or RPA status. Generally reserved for members who may have lost their position in the unit for reasons outside of their control.

US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

Primarily responsible for civil support and homeland security and also oversees the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). It has few permanent forces and is instead assigned forces by the Secretary of Defense or the President whenever required for the execution of its missions

Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)

Primary mechanism for joint planning Used by planners and decision makers to quantify and document CCDR deployment and in-place requirements, and compare those requirements to available resources

The DNI acts as the _______ to the president, the national security council, and the homeland security council for intelligence matters related to national security

Principal adviser


Process of forming conclusions

Step 3 of PCPAD

Processing and Exploitation


Products/services will use formats the best enable understanding by the customer, and be disseminated at the lowest classification and widest releasability levels without jeopardizing its usefulness to the customer.

What offers a framework for collaboration with customers?

Programs of analysis (POA)

Why are Structured Analytic Techniques important?

Promote an analyst's ability to keep an open mind, to consider multiple-including highly unlikely-hypotheses, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to assess the impact of important information gaps or deception on analytic judgments and confidence levels.

Programs of Analysis (POA)

Provide a comprehensive intelligence analysis and production focus for each IC organization; offer a framework for collaboration with customers, stakeholders, and IC partners.

Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

Provide our Nation's specialized airpower, capable across the spectrum of conflict

AFSOC Mission

Provide our Nation's specialized airpower, capable across the spectrum of conflict... Any Place, Any Time, Anywhere

AFGSC Mission

Provide strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support

Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

Provide strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Provides geospatial intelligence in support of US national security and defense, as well as disaster relief

Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP)

Provides guidance to CCDRs, Service Chiefs, and DoD agencies to aid in accomplishing tasks or missions based on near-term military capabilities Air

Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP)

Provides guidance to the combatant commanders, Service Chiefs, and DoD agencies to accomplish tasks and missions based on near-term military capabilities. The JSCP implements deliberate planning guidance reflected in the Contingency Planning Guidance (CPG) and provides updated strategic guidance developed after publication of the CPG

AF / A10

Provides guidance, advocacy, and oversight of the Air Force nuclear enterprise and countering weapons of mass destruction mission to ensure Airmen have the necessary capabilities to defend our Nation.

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

Provides personnel to augment the active duty community to carry out the warfighting mission with approximately 14% of the total force 4AF - "strategic reach forces", aerial refueling and long-range, strategic airlift mission 10AF - "power/vigilance with ISR network ops, space, and special operations" 22AF - "tactical airlift, combat support, training and institutional forces"

AFSPC Mission

Provides resilient and affordable Space and Cyberspace capabilities for the Joint Force and the Nation

Air Force Space Command (AFSC)

Provides resilient and affordable space and cyberspace capabilities for the Joint Force and the Nation?

National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

Published annually and reviewed quarterly, the NIPF is the primary mechanism to establish, manage, and communicate national intelligence priorities.


Published annually and reviewed quarterly, is the primary mechanism to establish, managed and communicate national intelligence priorities

NIPF (National Intelligence Priorities Framework)

Published annually and reviewed quarterly, the NPF establishes, manages, and communicate national intelligence priorities. DNI is responsible for developing and managing the NIPF.

National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

Published annually and reviewed quarterly. Is the primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing and communicating national intelligence priorities and reflects customer priorities for support and ensures the IC continues to meet enduring and emerging issues. .

What asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence collection gap?


What process is the contruct through which AF intelligence entities address customer requirements, share analytic findings, two into analysis expertise across the IC, and collaborate on production?

RFI and analysis/production

United States Air Forces in Europe- Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFARICA)

Ramstein AB, Germany January 19, 1942 USAFRICOM, USEUCOM

AETC Mission

Recruit, train and educate Airmen to deliver airpower for America. We take America's sons and daughters and develop them into Airmen. Develop denotes more than educating or training them- it implies bringing them to embrace our culture, teaching them (by our example) our core values of integrity, service before self and excellence in all we do.

Air Education and Training Command (AETC)

Recruit, train, and educate Airman to deliver airpower for America

Step 4 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Refine matrix and reconsider the hypotheses delete evidence and arguments that have no diagnostic value

AFI 36-2110

Regulation that gives direction for how the Air Force Assignment System is to be managed.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

Releases the US intelligence community budget for each FY consistent with 9/11 Commission act of 2007

7th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Relevance: Ensure products and services fulfill the request

Step 7 of Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

Report conclusions

Air Force Requirements Lifecycle Step 1

Requirement Development a. CCDR sends request for forces or capabilities b. Joint Staff reviews request; SECDEF approves c. AFPC/DPW builds rotational requirements d. Requirements are entered into JOPES & DCAPES

Air Force Requirements Lifecycle Step 2

Requirement Sourcing Phase a. AFPC/DPW match requirements with AF resources or shortfalls b. Supporting MAJCOM pre-verifies or shortfalls c. Base or unit flagged for deployment in DCAPES d. Base/unit accepts or shortfalls requirement

Air Force Requirements Lifecycle Step 3

Requirement Verification/Validation a. Supporting MAJCOM verification b. Supported C-MAJCOM validation c. USTRANSCOM schedules transport to supported theater d. Forces arrive in theater; requirement process is complete

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

Requirements deemed most important to mission accomplishment are identified as priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and must be satisfied for a commander and staff to conduct the JIPOE process and successfully plan and conduct a mission. PIRs are general statements of intelligence need, such as, "What terrorist groups are active within the area of interest?" PIRs provide the framework for prioritization of all Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (GIISR) operations within a CCMD.


Reserve component forces are to be staffed and trained to meet the same training standards and readiness levels as regular component forces. (T/F)



A1 - Manpower, Personnel and Services

Responsible for managing personnel programs and carrying out policies affecting AF Active duty and civilian members. AFPC is a field operating agency of Headquarters USAF. Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

Responsible for satellite reconnaissance. Each of the armed services has a separate tactical intelligence unit, and satellites gathering military intelligence circling the globe

Cognitive Bias

Results from subconscious mental procedures for processing information "mental error that is consistent and predictable regardless of cultural differences"

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

Robins AFB, Georgia provides combat ready dorces to fly, fight and win Supports: all CCMDs

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

Robins AFB, Georgia February 17, 1997 All CCMD

These help take a systematic approach to problem solving


Visualization and Analytic Modeling are companion concepts to ...?



SECDEF, with consultation of CJCS, submitted to US Congress

What is it called when data is collected from intercepted communications, emissions, and signals?



SIGINT analyst. Non-communication intelligence matters.

The AF FOC and the ____ are complementary documents


This Analytic Method is a process that analyzes structures of social networks

SNA (Social Network Analysis)

MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM)

SNCOs who manage designated enlisted career fields, liaise with CFMs, monitor the health and manning of their career fields within their command, coordinate with AFPC to coordinate the distribution of personnel and ensures proper command prioritization of allocated personnel resources

Mode of reasoning that involves drawing casual inferences using facts, premises and logic



Scientific Applications Specialist


Scientific Applications Specialist. Science based ISR career path that operates in surveillance for treaty verification.


Scott AFB, Illinois

Air Mobility Command (AMC)

Scott AFB, Illinois June 1, 1992 All CCMD's

Describe the impact of the OE

Second JIPOE Step 1. Develop a geospatial perspective of the OE 2. Develop a systems perspective of the OE 3. Describe the impact of the OE on adversary and friendly capabilities and broad COAs

Who submits the National Defense Strategy?

Secretary of Defense

Step 3 of Alternative Futures Method (AFM)

Select two most critical and uncertain forces

Director of National Intelligence

Serves as the head of the U.S. Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program (NIP)

Air Force Central Command (AFCENT)

Shaw AFB, South Carolina January 1, 1983 USCENTCOM

Unit Manning Document (UMD)

Shows funded (authorizations) and unfunded requirements, broken down into AFSC, skill level, and grade requirements


Signals Intelligence; derived from interception of electromagnetic radiation


Signed by SECDEF and Director of National Security to all users of Space assets

Psychological Blocks

Some solutions are not considered or are rejected simply because our reaction to them is "yuck"


Sometimes the best idea is a completely different one


Sometimes the best new idea is a completely different one; a marked change from the previous version

Functional Fixation

Sometimes we see an object only in terms of its name rather than in terms of what it can do

ICD 206 describes what?

Sourcing Requirements

National Security Space Policy (NSSP) Mission

Space is vital to the national security of the US and its allies. The space environment evolves, we are faced with new opportunities and new challenges. The current and future strategic space environment is driven by three trends space is becoming increasingly: - congested - contested - competitive


Special Programs

Developmental Special Duty

Special jobs like MTI, MTL, First Sergeant, Recruiter, PME Instructor

Mode of reasoning that involves making immediate judgements and inferences

Status Quo

What are the six modes of reasoning?

Status Quo Authoritative Comparative Comparative Empirical Scientific Market

the adversary's likely COA that will influence accomplishment of the command's mission.

Step 4 of the JIPOE process identifies and develops _________________.


Strategic Plans, Programs, & Requirements


Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements

What direction identifies a desired military objective or end state, national level planning assumptions, and national level limitations?

Strategic direction

What identifies a desired military objective or end state, national level planning assumptions, and national level limitations?

Strategic direction

Levels of Warfare

Strategic, Operational, Tactical

What are the 3 levels of ware fare?

Strategic, operational, and tactical


Strategy, Plans, Doctrine, Force Development


Studies, Analyses, Assessments and Lessons Learned. Ensures analytic integrity of studies and analyses. Represents both SecAF and CSAF.


Studies, Analyses, Assessments, & Lessons Learned


Studies, Analyses, Assessments, and Lesson Learned

Cognitive Bias

Subconscious mental procedures for processing information

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

Subordinate joint force tactical units develop collection requirements in support of current and future operations and commander's priorities and objectives and send those requirements to the subordinate joint force J-2 for validation and tasking to tactical collection assets. The CCMD J-2 validates or modifies standing collection requirements submitted by subordinate joint force or component commands. The CCMD J-2 tracks the status of research, validation, submission, and satisfaction of all collection requests received.

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

Subordinate joint force tactical units develop collection requirements in support of current and future operations and Commander's priorities and objectives, and send those requirements to the subordinate joint force J-2 for validation and tasking to tactical collection assets

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

Subordinate joint force tactical units develop collection requirements in support of current and future operations and commander's priorities and objectives and send those requirements to the subordinate joint force J-2 for validation and tasking to tactical collection assets


Supplies of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by an individual or organization in order to function effectively

National Military Strategy (NMS)

Supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS (The MEANS of meeting the goals/objectives)


Surgeon General

How do we create catalogs or categories of data?

Tagging Data

Joint Targeting Cycle Step 2

Target Development and Prioritization

Step 2 of JTC

Target Development and Prioritization


Targeting Analyst


Targeting Analyst. Target development and combat assessment.


Technical, geographic, and intelligence information derived through the interpretation or analysis of imagery and collateral materials. derived from multi-sensors.

Framing Effect

Tendency to draw different conclusions from the same data if it presented differently

Confirmation Bias

Tendency to overvalue data supporting initial assumption or expectation, and undervalue that which contradict

Clustering Illusion

Tendency to overvalue small runs, streaks, or clusters, in large data sets

Insensitivity to Sample Size

Tendency to underestimate the variation in small data samples


The Air Force Chief of Staff has a dual-hatted role as the principal military advisor to the Secretary of the Air Force and as a member of the ________.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Air Force Chief of Staff has a dual-hatted role as the principal military advisor to the Secretary of the Air Force and as a member of the ________.


The Air Force's Enlisted Assignment System is designed to send and return Airmen to/from ________.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

The CIA assists the DCIS in carrying out the following responsibilities: - collecting intelligence through human sources and by other means - Correlating and evaluating intelligence related to national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence - Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside of the U.S

Programs of Analysis (POAs)

The DNI has directed each IC organization to annually publish a PoA to provide comprehensive intelligence analysis and production focus for their organization. Collectively, the IC PoAs offer a framework for collaboration with customers, stakeholders, and IC partners.


The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) provides ______ intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community in support of U.S. military planning and operations, and weapon systems acquisition.


The JS is composed of personnel from each of the _______ armed services that assists the CJCS and the Vice-CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS)

How does the NDS impact ISR Airman?

The NDS drives the U.S.'s overall plan to defend itself, it is the foundation for all other defense plans and documents to include NMS

National Military Strategy (NMS)

The NMS is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's (CJCS) strategic direction for the U.S. Armed Forces. 4 Objectives: -Counter Violent Extremism -Deter and Defeat Aggression -Strengthen International and Regional Security -Shape the Future Force

National Military Strategy ( NMS )

The NMS provides both classified and unclassified direction to the Armed Forces in support of the National Security and National Defense Strategies. Those strategies provide the "what", and the NMS provides the "how" in aligning ends, ways, means, and risk to accomplish the missions called for in support of U.S. national interests and objectives


The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America s intelligence _________.


The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America's intelligence _________.

Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

The U.S. Army s __________________executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations; and delivers linguist support and intelligence-related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications, and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition Commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community.


The U.S. Army's __________________executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations; and delivers linguist support and intelligence-related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications, and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition Commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community.


The _____ provides the organizational framework for the IC


The ______ defines how the U.S. military as a whole Joint Force will support/contribute to national security and the National Security Strategy.

National Security Space Policy (NSSP)

The _______ outlines the environment, objectives, approaches and challenges in the Space domain with a specific focus on National Security


The _______ outlines the environment, objectives, approaches and challenges in the space domain with a specific focus on national security.


The amount of raw data produced and stored


The analysis of the OE can include considerations such as sociocultural factors, the location of adversary political and economic support structures, military support units, force generation capabilities, potential third-nation or third-party involvement, logistic and economic infrastructure, political treaties, press coverage, adversary information activities, and the potential to affect the information environment. JIPOE analysis should be tailored to the relevant characteristics in the JTF's OE. While most joint operations may encompass considerations and characteristics associated with many or all PMESII systems, the staff's focus and the balance of these considerations will vary according to the nature and phase of the operation

Operational Level of Warfare

The analysis of the OE can include considerations such as socuocultural factors,

Operational Level

The analysis of the OE focuses on sociocultural factors, the location of adversary political and economic support structures, military support units, force generation capabilities, and more.


The analysis of the OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space, and other forces as well as other relevant aspects of the OE that could pose a direct threat to the security of the friendly force or the success of its mission. The tactical level evaluation of a military adversary should concentrate on standard order of battle factors and account for the relevant conditions in the OE that enable or restrict the actions of friendly, neutral, and hostile populations.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The branch of the Department of Justice responsible for investigating violations of federal law.

NIPF and the NIS

The combination of the _______ and the _____ detail how and why the entirety of the IC will support the National Defense Strategy.


The commander's staff has produced a document that identifies forces and supplies required, and provides a schedule for moving resources. What is this document called?

limited availability

The defining characteristics of an ISR resource include all of the following except its ________.

Authorization Change Request (ACR)

The document used to propose adjustments to a Unit Manning Document

Authorization Change Request (ACR)

The document used to propose adjustments to a Unit Manning Document, approved at MAJCOM level

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

The federal agency responsible for enforcing the nation's laws and regulations regarding narcotics and other controlled substances.

Learned Helplessness

The feeling that you don't have the tools, knowledge, materials, or ability to do anything so you might as well not try is a mental block to creative thinking.


The first 25% of a unit's budget must be allocated prior to the start of a new fiscal year beginning 1 October. (T/F)

Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve member

The goal of Total Force Integration is to provide the Air Force and Combatant Commanders the best possible capabilities to meet their requirements by leveraging the combined human resources of ________.


The number of different types and sources of data


The preconception often preventing us from seeing beyond what we already know or believe to be possible is a mental block to creative thinking.

Who appoints the DNI?

The president, with advice and consent from the Senate


The primary purpose of capabilities analysis is to _________the employment efficiency of forces through application of enough force to create the desired effects while minimizing collateral damage and waste of resources.

social network analysis

The process of investigating social structures through the use of networks and graph theory.

Global Force Management (GFM)

The process that aligns force assignment, apportionment, and allocation methodologies in support of National Defense Strategy. It serves as the Sec Def's force management tool across all Services.


The purpose of the Air Force Assignments process is to "satisfy operational, rotational, and ________ requirements.


The purpose of the Air Force Assignments process is to satisfy operational, rotational, and ________ requirements.


The purpose of the Air Force Assignments process is to satisfy operational, rotational, and ________ requirements.


The speed at which data is produced and changed


The systematic effort to procured information to answer specific collection requirements by direct and indirect questioning techniques of a person who is in the custody of the forces conducting the questioning.

Bandwagon effect

The tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same. .

Framing Effect

The tendency to draw different conclusions from the same data if it is presented differently

Dissemination and Integration

The timely dissemination of critical information and finished intelligence to appropriate consumers is paramount to attaining and maintaining information superiority (see Figure 13). Intelligence should be disseminated in such a manner that it is readily accessible by the user. Time considerations dictate that information is "pushed" in a way that is automatically rendered or visualized in the GCCS COP


The trustworthiness, quality, timeliness, etc of data

ICD 208, 203, 206

There are three Intelligence Community Directives that prescribe standards and principles for dissemination and require annual assessments for compliance. What are they?


These are managed by the respective directors of each agency or organization and fund activities that support tactical-level operations not funded by the GDIP, NGP, NRP, or CCP

Unfunded requests

These may NOT still fall within a unit's mission priorities is the do not exceed the appropriated budget for a given fiscal year.

Campaign Plans

These type of plans implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis.

Evaluate the adversary and other relevant factors

Third JIPOE Step 1. Update or create adversary and other relevant actor models 2. Determine the current adversary and other relevant actor situation 3. Identify the adversary and other relevant actor COGs and decisive points 4. Identify adversary and other relevant actor capabilities and vulnerabilities

United States Central Command (USCENTCOM)

This Command is responsible for operations in twenty countries that fall in the central area of the globe.


This DCOS is responsible for managing personnel programs and carrying out policies affecting Air Force active duty and civilian members.


This DCOS leads, carries out, reviews, and ensures the analytic integrity of studies and analyses, assessments, and the lessons learned program of the Department of the Air Force across air, space, and cyberspace domains.

USSOCOM - U.S. Special Operations Command

This MAJCOM is responsible for planning for and conducting special operations.

AFSOC - Air Force Special Operations Command

This MAJCOM provides our nation a specialized airpower, capable across the spectrum of conflict "Any Place, Any Time, Anywhere."

AFGSC - Air Force Global Strike Command

This MAJCOM provides resilient and affordable space and cyberspace capabilities for the Joint Force and the Nation.


This agency leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services.


This creative method, when talking about assisting creativity, is two or more existing ideas that are combined into a third, new idea?

National Intelligence Priority Framework (NIPF) Mission

This directive promulgates policy and established responsibilities for setting the national intelligence priorities and translating them into action

How does the National Defense Authorization Act impact ISR Airmen?

This directly funds everything from USAF manning, to programs, to systems for the current fiscal year and sets the overall plan for future spending

AFDD 2-0

This document combines the guidance in the NDS, NMS, NIPF, and NIS with the vision from the USAF SMP and AF FOC into one document to give specific instruction on how the USAF conducts ISR operations.

AFDD 2-0

This document dictates how the USAF will conduct ISR in order to accomplish both individual AF missions and support the joint environment.

National Defense Authorization Act

This document governs defense budget/spending and ultimately enables the U.S. defense agencies to accomplish their mission.

Alpha Roster

This document is a list of every member in a unit, including personnel data such as: DAS, projected DOS, and any AAC or ALC which might apply to each member.

Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR)

This document is used to put faces to spaces. This has the names of your unit's currently assigned personnel in accordance with the positions listed on your unit's UMD.


This document is written by SECDEF and lays out the plan of how the DoD will conduct operations.


This document, along with the SMP, drives how AF ISR needs to operate and gives strategic goals to achieve, that directly impacts how all ISR Airmen need to train and fight over the next 20 years.

How will the AF FOC impact ISR Airmen?

This document, along with the SMP, drives how AF ISR will need to operate and give strategic goals for AF ISR to be able to achieve that will directly impact how all ISR Airmen will need to train and fight over the next 20 years

3rd Quarter

This fiscal quarter is when organizations begin preparing for end of the year spending.

The Alpha Roster

This is a list of every member in a unit. It includes such personnel data as when a member arrived on station, his or her projected date of separation, and any assignment availability or limitation codes which might apply to the member


This is the Intelligence Process that describes how the various types of intelligence operations interact to meet the commander's intelligence needs (see Figure 8). The PCPAD model facilitates an understanding of the wide variety of intelligence operations and their interrelationships.


This is the intelligence process that describes how the various types of intelligence operations interact to meet the commanders intelligence needs.


This is the most strategic document that directs the IC on who is in charge and how the IC needs to operate in order to meet the customer needs and maintain security.

Planning and Direction

This occurs continuously as the intelligence component of the commands planning effort. Joint Intel. planners, through participation in the joint planning and assessment processes, lead development if the PIRs and concept of the intelligence operations. They coordinate the planning and direction of joint intelligence operations on behalf of the joint force J-2 to satisfy the intelligence needs of the commander and staff Goal: develop an overarching ISR plan based off of mission requirements and PIRs and establish what assets/personnel are required versus what is available to determine if additional assistance is needed to meet the commander's intent

Planning & Direction

This occurs continuously as the intelligence component of the commands planning effort. Joint intelligence planners, through participation in the joint planning and assessment processes, lead development of the (PIRs) and concept of intelligence operations.

National Security Space Policy (NSSP)

This outlines the environment objectives, approaches and challenges in the space domain with a specific focus on National Security

Chapter 3

This part of the Joint Travel Regulations outlines different TDY types and allowances for TDY travel.

Capabilities Analysis

This phase of the joint targeting cycle involves evaluating all available capabilities against a target's critical elements to determine the appropriate options available to the commander for target engagement while highlighting the best possible solution under given circumstances.

Capabilities analysis

This phase of the joint targeting cycle involves evaluating all available capabilities against targets critical elements to determine the appropriate options available to the commander for target engagement while highlighting the best possible solution under given circumstances.

3 - Capabilities Analysis

This phase of the joint targeting cycle involves evaluating all available capabilities against targets' critical elements to determine the appropriate options available to the commander for target engagement while highlighting the best possible solution under given circumstances. The primary purpose of capabilities analysis is to maximize the employment efficiency of forces through application of enough force to create the desired effects while minimizing collateral damage and waste of resources.

Strategic Level

This stablish national and multinational military objectives; develop global or theater campaign plans to achieve these objectives; sequence operations; define limits and assess risks for the use of military and other instruments of national security policy; and provide military forces and other capabilities in accordance with strategic plans. At this level, the analysis of the adversary's strategic capabilities will concentrate on considerations such as civil-military relations; national ideology, will, and morale; ability of the economy to sustain warfare; mobilization of the strategic reserve; and possible intervention by third-party countries.

contingency plan

This type of plan identifies how the command might respond in the event of a crisis or the inability to achieve objectives.

OS Short Tour

This volunteer category has the highest priority for overseas assignment selection?

1st Air Force analytic excellence standard

Timeliness: deliver info at earliest time and place

Dissemination and Integration

Timely of critical information and finished intelligence to appropriate consumers is paramount to attaining and maintaining information superiority (see Figure 13). Intelligence should be disseminated in such a manner that it is readily accessible by the user. Time considerations dictate that information is "pushed" in a way that is automatically rendered or visualized in the GCCS COP

ISR Flight Plan Purpose

To address how the AF will change the way it conducts ISR operations in the next 20 years

What's the primary purpose of capabilities analysis?

To maximize the employment efficiency of forces through application of enough force to create the desired effects while minimizing collateral damage


To understand manning and manpower more clearly, it often helps to think of manning as the available "spaces" to be filled by personnel, and of manpower as the "faces" who fill them. (T/F)

T or F? ISR flight plans lines of effort will not only restore, but increase, readiness and lethality


True or false? A targets importance derives from it potential contribution to achieveing a commanders goal or otherwise accomplishing an assigned task


True or false? The president, SECDEF and CJCS use strategic direction to communicate their broad goals and issue guidance to the DoD through the NSS, NDS, NMS and other sources



True or False? A Reserve Component Airman performing inactive duty training ordinarily receives no travel or transportation allowances


True or False? A well-framed intelligence question is the least important factor in assuring the overall quality of intelligence analysis


True or False? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a sub-discipline of cognitive science that integrates with other disciplines such as computer science and engineering with the purpose of producing machines NOT capable of replicating human intelligence and human senses.


True or False? Contingency plans direct the activities the command will do to shape the operational environment and prepare for, mitigate, or deter crises on a daily basis.


True or False? First-term Airmen can decline PCS retain ability and still re-enlist when he or she is eligible.


True or False? Military-to-Military (Mil-to-Mil) assignments are hand-matched


True or False? Of the modes of reasoning, status quo is the making of immediate judgements and inferences.


True or False? Reserve component forces are supplied the same equipment and resources as regular component forces, only at a lower priority


True or False? The Air Force Enlisted ISR Career Field Manager does not manage or have any impact on assignments for ISR Airmen.


True or False? The Air Force Enlisted ISR Career Field Manager does not manage or have any impact on assignments for ISR Airmen.


True or False? The CIA carries out the following responsibilities:-Collecting intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means; -Correlating and evaluating intelligence related to national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence; - Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the U.S


True or False? Unfunded requests may still fall within a unit s mission priorities if they do not exceed the appropriated budget for a given fiscal year


Two or more existing ideas are combined into a third, new idea

Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA)

Typically train for pay and/or points alongside Active duty Component units. IMAs maintain the same fiscal year drill requirements as Traditional Reservists, except drills may be completed throughout the year with no monthly requirement

________ and _______ for all defense programs and personnel for National Defense Authorization Act

U.S. Congress and President

National Defense Authorization Act "WHAT"

US Law that governs defense budget/spending

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

US law that governs defense budget/spending

The AFDD 2-0, GIISR (CSAF to _____ ISR)


What translates the USAF's 30 year strategy?

USAF strategic master plan

A3 responsabilities

USAF's operations lead; enabling Airmen to fly, fight and win in air, space, and cyberspace

What CCMD is responsible for Africa and is headquartered in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany?


What CCMD is responsible for the "central" area of the globe and is headquartered in MacDill AFB, Florida?


What functional combatant command's mission is to direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests, headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland?


What are four Functional Combatant Commands


Which IC department advances national security and protects financial integrity by informing treasury decisions with timely, relevant, and accurate intel and analysis?


What CCMD is responsible for Europe and is stationed in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany?


What CCMD is responsible for the waters from the west coast to the western border of India, headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii?


What CCMD is responsible for the US and surrounding borders and is headquartered in Peterson AFB, Colorado?


What functional combatant command's mission is responsible for planning and conducting special operations, headquartered in MacDill AFB, Florida?


What CCMD is responsible for Latin, central and South America, and the Caribbean Sea, headquartered in Miami, Florida?


What functional combatant command's mission is to conduct global operations in partnership with other allies to deter and detect strategic attacks against the US, headquartered in Offutt AFB, Nebraska?


What functional combatant command's mission is to provide the DoD with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets, headquartered in Scott AFB, Illinois?



Under the Total Force Policy established in 1973, both regular and reserve assets are considered separate parts of a single US Military resource. (T/F)

1 - End State and Commanders Objectives

Understanding the military end state and the commander's intent, centers of gravity (COGs), objectives, desired effects, and required tasks developed during operational planning provides the initial drive for the targeting process. The military end state is the set of required conditions that defines achievement of all military objectives for the operation. The combatant commander (CCDR) typically will be concerned with the military end state and related strategic military objectives, while a subordinate JFC will focus on military end state, operational objectives, and supporting tasks. Understanding the JFC's guidance, concept of operations (CONOPS), and intent is the most important and first activity of joint targeting because they document the set of outcomes relevant to the present situation and set the course for all that follows

What is a command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander, composed of 2 or more military departments?

Unified combatant command (CCMD)

Funded Requests

Unit priorities throughout the FY

Which MAJCOMs executes missions with forward based AirPower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations, headquartered in Ramstein AB, Germany?

United States Air Forces in Europe- Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA)

US Central Command (USCENTCOM)

United States Central Command utilizes national and international partnerships to build cooperation among nations, respond to crisis, deter and defeat threats and support development that ultimately increases stability in the region

What are the 4 sub steps of step 3 of JIPOE?

Update or create adversary, determine current adversary, identify adversary COGs, identify adversary vulnerabilities

5 - Mission Planning and Force Execution

Upon receipt of tasking orders, detailed planning should be performed for the execution of operations. The joint targeting process supports this planning by providing tactical level planners with direct access to detailed information on the targets, supported by the nominating component's analytical reasoning that linked the target with the desired effect (conducted in Phase 2 of the joint targeting cycle). This may provide the background information necessary for the warfighter to focus on the JFC's objectives as the operation unfolds

Phase 5: Mission Planning and Force Execution

Upon recipt of tasking orders, detailed planning must be performed for the execution of operations During execution the operational environment changes as a result of actions from the joint force, adversary and other actors. The joint targeting process monitors these changes in order to allow commanders to decisively use joint force capabilities to seize and maintain the initiative. These dynamic changes require particular attention to PID, combat identification (CID) and target validation.

Adversary Intent Matrix

Used to analyze options that an adversary would likely consider in response to a certain situation, done from the point of view of the adversary.

Argument Mapping

Used to test a single hypothesis through logical reasoning, creates a visual map of your argument by using box-and-arrow diagram to lay out evidence both for and against. Helps to recognize weaknesses in opposing arguments.

Alternative Futures

Used when a situation is too complex or the situation outcome is too uncertain to trust a single outcome assessment. Useful in highly ambiguous situations.

9th Air Force analytic excellence standard

Utility: products will use formats that best enable understanding

Predictive Analytics

Variety of statistical techniques to make predictions about future or unknown events


Vice Chief of Staff of the AF

What is an entity in cyberspace that provides a function that contributes to a target systems capability?


This can assist analysts in deriving meaning from large volumes of fragmented information


Big Data Characteristics

Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value


WAYS the way we will meet those goals/objectives Department Guidance

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

Washington DC. Produces meaningful maritime intelligence and moves that intelligence rapidly to key strategic, operational, and tactical decision-makers.


What are the 3 ICDs that prescribe standards and principles for dissemination and require annual assessment for compliance


What are the components of an OPLAN?


What are the mechanisms used to affect the overseas assignment advertisement process?

Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

What command provides our Nation's specialized airpower, capable across the spectrum of conflict Any Place, Any Time, Anywhere.


What creative method, when talking about assisting creativity, is an incremental improvement, every problem that has been solved can be resolved again in a better way?


What document is used to communicate manpower authorizations to a unit?


What document is used to communicate manpower authorizations to a unit?


What document is used to request a zero sum change to a unit's authorizations as defined on its UMD?

Centers of Gravity (COG)

What is a country's source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act?


What is the highest command level at which an ACR may be approved/disapproved?

MAJCOM level

What is the highest command level at which an Authorization Change Request may be approved/disapproved?


What is the process where commanders take strategic guidance and turn it into executable actions?

Joint Planning

What is the process where commanders take strategic guidance and turn it into executable actions?


What is the purpose of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses?

Identify the joint forces operational area.

What is the purpose of the first step in the JIPOE process?

Describe the impact of the operational environment

What is the second step of the Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment?


What level of JIPOE generally requires a greater level of detail over a smaller segment of the operational environment?


What mechanism do planners and decision makers use to compare combatant commanders' deployment and in-place requirements to available resources?

Joint Operation Planning & Execution System (JOPES)

What mechanism do planners and decision makers use to compare combatant commanders' deployment and in-place requirements to available resources?


What online resource available to Airmen and their supervisors lists formal training courses for which TDY funds may be used?

Big Data

What term refers to exceptionally large amount of data collections and the process of extracting value from them?

Availability Bias

What type of bias is the strongest when making quick "gut" judgements without really analyzing the situation?


What type of bias is the strongest when making quick "gut" judgments without really analyzing the situation?


What type of information requirement does the commander and staff need to understand the threat and other aspects of the operational environment?


What type of information requirement does the commander and staff need to understand the threat and other aspects of the operational environment?

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

What type of information requirement does the commander and staff need to understand the threat and other aspects of the operational environment?

Contingency Plans

What type of plan identifies how the command might respond in the event of a crisis or the inability to achieve objectives?

Campaign plans

What type of plans implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis?

AF / A2

Which A-Staff Office Symbol Codes refers to the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance?

AF Form 2096

Which Air Force document is used to document changes to an Airman's personnel record, such as adding or removing SEIs, upgrading a member's job skill level, or changing his or her duty title?


Which Air Force system allows Airmen to fill out their Enlisted Assignment Preference (aka "dream sheet")?

AFDD 2-0

Which document combines the guidance in the NDS, NMS, NIPF, and NIS with the vision from the USAF SMP and AF FOC into one document to give specific instruction on how the USAF conduct ISR operations?

Strategic Master Plan (SMP)

Which document has five strategic vectors?

National Defense Strategy

Which document is written by SECDEF and Lays out the plan of how the DoD will conduct operations?


Which of the following A-Staff Office Symbol Codes refers to the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance?

Technical Training Instructor

Which of the following is NOT considered a Developmental Special Duty assignment?


Which of the six modes of reasoning draws inferences from expert testimony or strong belief?

Chapter 3

Which part of the Joint Travel Regulations outlines the different TDY types and allowances for TDY travel?

Processing & Exploitation

Which phase in the PCPAD process comes after the collection phase?

Processing and exploitation

Which phase in the PCPAD process comes after the collection phase?

AFI 36-2110

Which regulation gives direction for how the Air Force Assignment System is to be managed?

Crisis action

Which type of planning does the joint planning and execution community employ to accomplish planning in a time-sensitive manner?

Analytic Writing

Which vehicle/format do analysts use to communicate their assessments to consumers by utilizing a well-written product that shares a common set of attributes?

Enlisted MAJCOM Functional Managers (MFMs)

Who monitors the health and manning of their career fields and serves as the MAJCOM liaison to their respective AFCFM?


Who works with AFPC to coordinate the distribution of personnel and ensures proper command prioritization of allocated personnel resources?

9th reconnaissance, 55th wing

With the inclusion of the________ and __________, 25 AF missions expanded to include electronic warfare, airborne national command and control (C2), reconnaissance in support of nuclear operations, and some aspects of nuclear C2

9 RW and 55th Wing

With the inclusion of the________ and __________, 25 AF missions expanded to include electronic warfare, airborne national command and control (C2), reconnaissance in support of nuclear operations, and some aspects of nuclear C2.

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Within the DoD, CMA constitutes the authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies. CMA ensures unity of collection effort, effectively employs synchronized collection to support combat operations, and assesses the collection process. It is important to note that CMA is an authority held by a single leader and not one exercised by all collection managers.

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Within the DoD, CMA constitutes the authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies. CMA ensures unity of collection effort, effectively employs synchronized collection to support combat operations, and assesses the collection process.

Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT)

Works in concert with coalition, joint, and inter agency partners. delivers decisive air, space, and cyberspace capabilities for United States Central Command, ally nations, and america

US European Command (USEUCOM)

Works with NATO and other partner nations to address the security and defense needs of nations in Europe and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia. Coordinates with these nations to find cooperative solutions in peace and wartime alike,to plan training missions, provide humanitarian assistance and to develop strategies for promoting peace and stability in the region

Air Force Material Command (AFMC)

Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio July 1, 1992 All CCMD

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

______ delivers world-class geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intelligence professionals, and first responders

AF / A9

______ leads, carries out, reviews, and ensures the analytic integrity of studies and analyses, assessments, and the lessons learned program of the Department of the Air Force across air, space, and cyberspace domains.

Numbered/Named Air Force (NAF)

_______ command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM.


_______ oversees an area of responsibility stretching from the waters of the United States west coast to the western border of India, and from Antarctica to the North Pole, encompassing 36 diverse nations.

(USTRANSCOM) U.S Transportation Command

_______ provides the Department of Defense with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets.

US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

_______ provides the Department of Defense with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets.


________ is the system of record for housing manpower requirements/authorizations.

(USEUCOM) U.S. European Command

_________ works with NATO and other partner nations to address the security and defense needs of nations in Europe and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia.

Unified Combatant Command (CCMD)

a command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander.

Unified Combatant Commands (CCMD)

a command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander. composed of significant assigned components of two or more departments.

Level 4 - OPLAN

a complete and detailed plan containing: full description of CONOPS applicable annexes to the plan including: time-phased force and deployment list (TPFDL), a transportation feasible notional time phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) it identifies the force requirements, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan and provide timing estimates for their flow into the theater

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE)

a continuous process that intelligence professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevant entities

What does the SMP consist of?

a core narrative, goals, objectives, and four annexes: the Human Capital Annex (HCA), Strategic Posture Annex (SPA), Capabilities Annex (CA), and the Science and Technology Annex (STA)

Nation Geospatial Intelligence Program (NGP)

a defense NIP managed by the Director of DIA which funds national-level GEOINT related activites

National Reconnaissance Program (NRP)

a defense NIP managed by the the Director of NRO which funds efforts to develop, build, launch, and operate satellites associated with multi-intelligence collection

Strategic Direction Identifies.....

a desired military objective or end state; national-level planning assumptions; and national-level constraints, limitations, and restrictions


a device that provides a function that contributes to a target system's capabilities


a geographically located, defined physical structure, group of structures, or area that provides a function that contributes to a target system's capability

Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR)

a limited number of information requirements that enable the staff to focus limited resources on those aspects of the operation the commander is intrested in closely monitoring and upon which decision may be based. Consists of Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs), and friendly force information requirements (FFIRs)

Candidate Target List (CTL)

a list of intermediate target development entities being vetted and validate

Central Intelligence Agency Program (CIAP)

a non-defense NIP which funds everything related to CIA activities to include HUMINT and OSINT


a person or persons that contribute to a target system's capability

contingency plan

a plan that outlines alternative courses of action that may be taken if an organization's other plans are disrupted or become ineffective

In which of the following situations would an Operation Plan (OPLAN) normally be prepared?

a. The contingency is critical to national security and requires detailed prior planning. b. The magnitude or timing of the contingency requires detailed planning. c. Detailed planning is required to support multinational planning. d. Detailed planning is necessary to determine force deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment requirements; determine available resources to fill identified requirements; and validate shortfalls.

The three types of basic reasoning are: deductive, inductive, and _________


creativity is...

ability, attitude, and process

Analysis and Production

accomplished in response to expressed and anticipated user requirements. Intel ( in the form of products) responds to the chain of command and the decision making authority it supports, US policy decisions and military operational requirements and changes in strategy, tactics, equipment and overall capabilities of US and foreign military forces. Fused joint intelligence assessment, rendered through a continious JIPOE process, support the JFC's decision making regarding the critical requirements, vulnerabilities, COG of adversary forces, current military capabilities of adversary, friendly and neutral forces and estimates of the most likely/most dangerous COA BROKEN INTO FOUR PARTS Goal: take the processed and exploited data and using the proper tools and analysts produce quality intelligence products that are usable by the customer

IC standards

accuracy, level of confidence, assumptions vs judgements, alternative analysis, relevance, logical argument, utility, customer engagement


activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity.

Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)

acts as the CMA on behalf of the J-2 and exercises collection requirements for certain assets and all national resources.

The Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)

acts as the collection management authority on behalf of the J-2 and exercises collection requirements for certain assets and all national resources

Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)

acts as the collection management authority on behalf of the J-2 and exercises collection requirements for certain assets and all national resources

National Security Strategy (NSS)

addresses tasks that are necessary to provide enduring security for the American people. It provides a broad strategic context for employing military capabilities in concert with other instruments of national power (Ends)

NMS Mission

addresses the need to counter revisionist states that are challenging international norms as well as violent extremist organizations (VEOs) that are undermining trans-regional security. We are working with allies and partners to deter, deny, and when necessary, defeat potential state adversaries. Concurrently, we are leading multiple coalition efforts to disrupt, degrade, and defeat VEOs. Central to these efforts is strengthening our global network of allies and partners. This integrated strategy requires us to conduct synchronized operations around the globe, implement institutional reforms at home and sustain capabilities, capacity and readiness required to prevail in conflicts that may differ significantly in scope, scale and duration

National Security Strategy (NSS)

addresses the tasks that, as a Nation, are necessary to provide enduring security for the American people and shape the global environment. Provide a broad strategic context for employing military capabilities in concert with other instruments of national power

The National Security Strategy (NSS) (ENDS)66. What type of plans implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis?

addresses the tasks that, as a Nation, are necessary to provide enduring security for the American people and shape the global environment. It provides a broad strategic context for employing military capabilities in concert with other instruments of national power. (End goals/objectives or Ends)

Dept. of Treasury Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA)

advances national security and protects financial integrity by informing Treasury decisions with timely, relevant, and accurate intel and analysis.

The 4 types of Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) are: analysis of competing hypotheses, alternative futures, _________ intent matrix, argument mapping


_________ ______ ______ is used to analyze options that an analyst would likely consider in response to a certain situation

adversary intent matrix

Unfunded Drills

airmen in the reserves who perform inactive duty training ordinarily receive no travel or transportation allowances

Temporary Duty (TDY)

airmen routinely travel officially for training, conferences, or other activities; they are issued Government Travel Cards (GTCs) to cover the expenses of travel

Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force to____

all U.S. Air Force Personnel

The Chief Staff of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force gives the SMP to.....

all U.S. Air Force Personnel (Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, Civilians)

Evaluation and Feedback

all intel operations are interrelated and the success or failure of one operation may impact the rest of the intel process. REALLY IMPORTANT TO GIVE THIS SO ISSUES CAN BE FIXED

Palace Front

allows AD to seamlessly transition to the ANG or Reserve as soon as the day after separating from AD service

Base of Preference (BOP)

allows first-term airmen (FTA) to apply for a CONUS-to-CONUS BOP, Overseas-to-CONUS BOP, or an In-Place BOP (IPBOP)

Campaign Plans

also known as theater campaign plans (TCPS) and functional campaign plans (FCP) implement military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis direct the activities the command will do to shape the OE and prepare for, mitigate or deter crises on a daily basis.

___________ _______ is used when a situation is too complex to trust a single outcome

alternative futures

Define volume

amount of data


an entity in cyberspace that provides a function that contributes to a target system's capabilities

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest

Collection Manager (CM)

an individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

an intel driven and threat focuses national security organization with both intel and law enforcement responsibilities. It is the principal investigative arm of the US Department of Justice and a full member of the IC. Has the authoirty and responsibility to investigate crimes assigned to it, such as fingerprint identification, labaortry examinations and training. also gathers and shares and analyzes intel both to support its own invetigations and those of its partners. Works closely with private sector partners to share information on emerging threats.


an intel process that describes how the various types of intelligence operations interact to meet the commander's intelligence needs. Has 6 Phases

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

an intelligence requirement that the commander and staff need in order to understand the threat and other aspects of the OE

________ __ _________ __________ is used to ensure all information and arguments are evaluated and given equal treatment

analysis of competing hypotheses

Operational Level of Warfare

analysis of the operational environment that includes considerations such as sociocultural factors, the location of adversary political and economic support structures ETC......

What is the JIPOE process used for?

analyzing adversary capabilities and COGs, identify potential adversary courses-of-action (COAs), and assess the most likely and most dangerous adversary COAs

Collection Agency

any individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them

Short tour

any locations in which an accompanied tour is not authorized or a location in which the unaccompanied tour length is less than 18 months and the accompanied tour is 24 months

Career Field Manager (CFM)

appointed to represent each functional family in the AF; must be a CMSgt and will serve as the day-to-day advocate for their assigned functional community, addressing issues and coordinating specialty concerns across various staffs (no impact on assignments)

________ _______ is used to test a single hypothesis through logical reasoning

argument mapping

Request for Information (RFI)

asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence gap. This request is sent up to collection management chain to the managers that will determine the best solution to support the request.

Humanitarian Assignment

assist members in resolving severe short-term problems involving a family member (spouse, child, mother, father, in-laws, stepparent, person in loco parentis, or other persons actually residing in the household who are depended for over half of their financial support)

barriers to reasoning - mirror imaging

assuming another person's or organization's actions based on your own

types of bias - mirror imaging

assumption that others see events and react to them just as we do

creative methods - changing direction

attention is shifted from one angle of the problem to another

Creativity consists of process, ability, and ________


ISR Flight Plan "Desired End-State"

automated mission prosecution that allows the air force to operate with fewer airmen that concentrate on the analysis (why?) versus identifying (what?).

What type of bias is the strongest when making quick "gut" judgments without really analyzing the situation?


Code of Laws

backbone of US legislation, comprised of all general and permanent federal laws; 52 total titles - establishes and governs the form, function, duties, and responsibilities of the US government


became more reliant on US Space assets to accomplish their mission and as such as it has become a true domain and mission area for the AF. This will only continue to grow in importance in the future.

Target List Management (TLM)

begins when a target is nominated for target development and ends with the creation and maintenance of a prioritized target list. Includes target vetting, validation, listing, nomination and prioritization

types of bias - illusory correlation

belief that two events are related when they might not be

An unconscious belief that conditions, governs, and compels our behavior is known as a


___ ____ refers to exceptionally large collection of data collections and extracting the value from it

big data

Contingency Plans

branches of campaign plans that are planned for potential threats, catastrophic events and contingent missions without a crisis at-hand. identify how the command might respond in the even of a crisis or the inability to achieve an objective favorably resolve a crisis that either was not or could not be deterred or avoided by directing operations toward achieving specified objectives. There are Four Levels.

Entity-Level Target Development

builds TSA and generally occurs in three stages: basic, intermediate and advanced. Each Stage is defined by a minimum set of essential data required to progress a target from initial identification and functional characterization to execution-level detail. A target is considered fully developed when the three stages are complete.

Entity - Level Target Development

builds on TSA and generally occurs in three stages: basic, intermediate, and advanced. Each stage is defined by a minimum set of essential data required to progress a target from initial identification and functional characterization to execution-level detail. A target is considered fully developed when the three stages are complete (i.e., when the target is characterized enough to be engaged effectively).

Dept. of Treasury (USDT) office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA)

builds on a strong tradition of intel and national security at the department. advances national security and protects financial integrity by informing decisions with timely, relevant, and accurate intel and analysis. Supports Mission by: driving intel to meet the priorities of "these" decision makers and external customers producing all source assessments and other material to identify threats and vulnerabilities delivering timely, accurate, relevant intel to decision makers providing the security infrastructure necessary to safeguard the Treasury's national security information

National Security Space Policy

builds upon NSS, National Space Policy, DoDs Quadrennial Defense Review, and ICs NIS


can impact all AF operations, the extreme importance of AF ISR capabilities and Airman is understood by AF leadership. One of the 5 Vectors is " To maintain a robust and flexible goal ISR capability" where the AF ISR community is challenged with being able to employ agile multi-domain solutions to deter, characterize, deter, and defeat adversaries. This requires an agile, coordinated multi-domain ISR approach that provides commanders with multiple options. This shows that even at the highest levels of the AF, ISR has a high value and impact.


captured documents and media, when properly processed and exploited, may provide valuable information such as adversary plans and intentions, force locations, equipment capabilities and logistical status

With respect to cognitive biases, this type occurs because of analyst's need to explain the past, understand the present, and estimate the future: Biases in Perception of _____ ___ ______

cause and effect

Which intellectual standard is the gateway standard?_______


analytic standards

clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, fairness

Artificial Intelligence is a sub-discipline of ___________ __________ that integrates other disciplines with the purpose of producing machines capable of replicating human intelligence

cognitive science

1N7X1 - Human Intelligence Specialist

collect and report intelligence information obtained from human sources in response to requirements

1N4X1A -Digital Network Intel

collect, identify and exploit appropriate communications to ensure accurate targeting, enabling all aspects of US network operations.

Processing and Exploitation

collected data is correlated and converted into a format suitable for subsequent analysis and production of intelligence. Processing remains distinct from analysis and production in that the resulting information is not yet fully subject to analytical assessment. Nevertheless, relevant time sensitive information resulting from processing and exploitation should be immediately disseminated to decision makers (to facilitate timely operations) and to intelligence personnel. Goal: execute collection planned during collection management and ensure that the collected data is passed to the appropriate personnel for immediate action and/or analysis (ensuring the correct information goes to the appropriate analyst). based off of requirements established in Planning and Direction.

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

collects analyzes, and produces relevant maritime intel and disseminates it rapidly to key strategic, operational, and tactical decision-makers to meet Navy, DoD, and national requirements

What does the DOD provide

combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation

Unified Combatant Command (CCMD)

command with broad continuing mission under one single commander

AF Future Operating Concept (AF FOC)

complements SMP, providing context for direction of SMP


complete and detailed plan containing: - full description of CONOPS - all applicable annexes to the plan including: - TPFDL - TPFDD

creative methods - revolution

completely different idea

A Fully developed Target must..

comply with national and command guidance, law of war, and the applicable ROE to be engaged

Joint Staff (JS)

composed of personnel from each of the five armed services that assists CJCS and the Vice-CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS). Broken into a J1-J7 format

Base Plan (BPLAN)

concept of operations, major forces, concepts of support, anticipated timelines for completing the mission

US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

conducts global operations in partnership with other combatant commands, services and US government agencies to deter and detect strategic attacks against the US. Is responsible for command of US nuclear capabilities, space operations, global surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence, communications, computers, global missile defense and combatting weapons of mass destruction.

Coast Guard Intelligence

conducts intelligence activites to provide timely, objective, relevant, and actionable maritime intelligence to drive operations, enable mission support, and inform decision-making for coast guard and homeland security missions and national security requirements

Coast Guard Intelligence (USCG)

conducts intelligence activities to provide timely, objective, relevant and actionable maritime intelligence to drive operations, enable mission support and inform decision making for Coast Guard and Homeland Security missions and National Security requirements. Their vision is a nation safeguarded by intelligence-driven Coast Guard


confused with HUMINT, obtains information by or through the functions of CI operations, investigations, collection and reporting, analysis, production, dissemination and functional services. Not solely a collection discipline.

4th Quarter Funding Timeline

congress approves budget for next FY by 15 September

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

constitutes the authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies

Phase 6: Assessment

continuous process that assesses the effectiveness of the activities that occurred during the first 5 phases. Helps the commander and staff determine if the end goals were achieved.

Characteristics of Resources

cost-effectiveness, utility, limited availability, and potential for depletion or consumption

Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

covers defense intelligence activities intended to support tactical military operations

National Intelligence Program (NIP)

covers programs, projects, and activities of the IC oriented toward the strategic needs of decision makers

prejudice, learned helplessness, functional fixation, and psychological blocks are the 4 mental blocks to ________ ________

creative thinking

evolution, synthesis, revolution, re-application, and changing direction are 5 ways to assist __________


________ ________ is self-guided and self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality

critical thinking

In the Adversary Intent Matrix, analysis is done from the point of view of the ________-_____



deductions are made by comparing integrated and evaluated information with known facts and predetermined assumptions. These deductions are combined and assessed to discern patterns or recognize events

National Military Strategy (NMS)

defines how US military as a whole Joint Force will support/contribute to NSS and National Security


deliberate process of balancing ways, means and risk to achieve directive objectives and attain desired end states by synchronizing and integrating the employment of the joint force.

Hard Copy

delivering intel products through fax, message or courier, typically used during multinational operations or not having access to digital systems

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

delivers world-class geospatial intel (GEOINT) that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intel professionals, and first responders

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

delivers world-class geospatial intel (GEOINT) that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intel professionals, and first responders. is the lead federal agency for GEOINT and manages more than 400 commercial and government relationships. The director and "this" serves as the functional manager and the head of the National System for GEOINT and the coordinator of the global Allied System for GEOINT. receives guidance and oversight from the DOD, the DNI and Congress.


derived from info collected and provided by human sources

Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)

derived from the exploitation of foreign material and scientific information


derived from the interception and analysis of non communications electromagnetic radiation has 2 subcategories OPELINT and TECHELINT

Level 2 - Base Plan (BPLAN)

describes: the concept of operations (CONOPS), major forces, concepts of support, anticipated timelines for completing the mission normally does not include annexes, may contain flexible deterrent options (FDO), alternatives, provide flexibility as it develops.


designed to combine many of the strategic documents and thoughts on how the AF should operate and how to apply them all. It gives a conceptualized picture of what the AF should look like now and in the future. The focus is on the five AF missions expectations for 2035: - Multi-domain command and control -Adaptive domain control, -Global integrated ISR (GISR), -Rapid Global mobility -Global Precision Strike.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

designed to protect airmen and their families by ensuring that the airmen's report location has the necessary care

1N4X1B - Analysis and production analyst

detailed analysis on target network communications for addition exploitation; author time sensitive intelligence reports in accordance with established guidelines to support decision makers

How does the NMS impact ISR Airmen?

determines why the U.S. Military will conduct operations, which drives intelligence support requirements to all operations at all levels

Intelligence Production

development, tailoring, and presentation of intelligence knowledge via products and/or services that meet or address customer requirements

Step 4: Determine adversary and other relevant actor COA

develops understanding of adversary and other relevant actors' probable intent and future strategy -ID the adversary's and other relevant actors' likely objectives and desired end state - identify the full set of adversary and other relevant actor COA - Evaluate and prioritize each COA -Develop each COA in the amount of time allowed -ID initial collection requirements.

What process do analysts employ to challenge an analytic consensus or a key assumption regarding a critically important intelligence question? _____'_ ________

devil's advocacy

AF Doctrine Document 2-0, Global Integrated ISR (GIISR) Operations

dictates how USAF will conduct ISR to accomplish both individual AF missions and support joint environment

Designated Campaign Plans

direct the activities the command will do to shape the OE and prepare for, mitigate, or deter crises on a daily basis

ISR Flight Plan

directly contribute to the following AF priorities: - cost-effective modernization - driving innovation - developing exceptional leaders - strengthening alliances These will not only restore but increase readiness and lethality

National Defense Authorization Act "ISR AIRMAN"

directly funds everything from AF manning, to programs, to systems for the current fiscal year and sets the overall plan for future spending


directs what the AF needs to focus on over the next 30 years in order to ensure continued success and dominance as a global power while directly reflecting and supporting the NMS and NDS.


drawing casual inferences using facts, premises, and logic


drawing conclusions from a structured consensus of persons


drawing conclusions from examples, cases, or analogies


drawing conclusions from personal interaction with real evidence


drawing inferences from expert testimony or strong belief


drives the US overall plan to defend itself. This is the foundation for all other defense plans and documents to include the National Military Strategy


each new item of info is evaluated by the appropriate analysis and production element with respect to the reliability of the source and the credibility of the information

Palace Chase

early release which allows members to transfer from AD to Reserve and the ANG; if approved the member's remaining AD service commitment is waived in exchange for doue that time in the reserve or ANG

What barrier to reasoning hijacks reason i.e. rationality becomes secondary?


Which of the six modes of reasoning draws conclusion from personal interaction with real evidence?


1N4X1A - Digital network intelligence analyst

employ techniques to collect, identify and exploit appropriate communications to ensure accurate targeting; produces technical products and intelligence reports for consumers; provides studies used to shape the global network environment

US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)

encompasses 31 nations in Latin America south of Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean Sea. Works to increase the security of the united states by engaging its partners to enhance the peacekeeping abilities of the region, to promote human rights, to deter illegal activities associated with illicit trafficking and to conduct multinational military exercises designed to strengthen partnerships while developing collective capabilities

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

equips the homeland security enterprise with the timely intel and information is needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient


essentially combines the guidance in the NDS, NMS, NIPF, and NIS with the vision from the AF SMP and AF FOC all into one document to give specific instructions on how the USAF conducts ISR operations. Everything from Wing/Squadron make-up to authorities and responsibilities, to assets available is broken out and directly drives how and why an ISR Airman has the mission they do.

Strategic Level of Warfare

establish national and multinational military objectives will concentrate on civil-military relations; national ideology, will, and morale


establish national and multinational military objectives, develop global or theater campaign plans to achieve these objectives, sequence operations, define limits and assess risks for the use of military and other instruments of national security policy, and provide military forces and other capabilities in accordance with strategic plans. the adversary's strategic capabilities will concentrate on considerations such as civil-military relations, national ideology, will and morale, ability of the economy to sustain welfare, mobilization of the strategic reserve and possible intervention by third-party intervention by third-party countries

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

establishes set of overarching defensive objectives that guide DOD security activities and provide direction for NMS

Step 2: Describe the impact of the operational environment

evaluates and describes broad COA and the impact of the OE on adversary, friendly and neutral military capabilities. - develop geospatial perspective - develop systems perspective of the OE - Describe the impact of the OE on adversary and friendly capabilities and broad COA

Phase 3: Capabilities Analysis

evaluating all available capabilities against targets' critical elements to determine the appropriate options available to the commander for target engagement while highlighting the best possible solution under given circumstances. is to maximize the employment efficiency of forces through application of enough force to create the desired effects while minimizing collateral damage and waste of resources

What type of bias occurs when an analysts overestimates the quality of the analytic performance? Bias in __________ __ _________

evaluation of reporting

How often is the core SMP updated?

every two years, but may be revised annually as required

What creative method, when talking about assisting creativity, is an incremental improvement, every problem that has been solved can be resolved again in a better way?


Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces, conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations, and delivers linguist support and intelligence related advance skills training acquisition support logistics communications and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint and Coalition commands and the US IC

Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations.


executes the AF, with forward based Airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations

United States Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA)

executes the Air Force, USEUCOM, and USAFRICOM missions with forward-based Airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations


exists in order to ensure that the US IC as a whole is meeting the requirements of the US people, US government, and our allies, while acting under the appropriate authority. establishes specific roles and responsibilities for the overarching leadership of the IC

1N1X1A - Geospatial Imagery Intelligence

exploit and analyze multisensory imagery in conjunction with all-source information.

This intellectual standard is met when the analysis is free from bias, dishonesty, and favoritism: ________


mental blocks - learned helplessness

feeling like you don't have the tools, knowledge, materials, or ability to do something, so you don't try

Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIRs)

focus on information the JFC must have to assess the status of the friendly force and supporting capabilities JP 5-0, as an intel professional there will be little interaction with "them".


focuses on acquiring information about relevant aspects of the OE, determined through the ATO/OPLAN and broken out through JIPOE, then providing that information to intelligence processing and exploitation elements. occurs at all levels foremost challenge of collection management is to maximize the effectiveness of limited collection resources within the time constraints imposed by operational requirements GOAL: create an achievable ISR plan for all avaliable assets and personnel that is able to meet the prioritized requirements of the Commander/mission.

__________ ________ is when we see an object only in terms of its name rather than in terms of what it can do.

functional fixation

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)

functions within the chain of command by transmitting to the commanders of the unified combatant commands the orders of the president or the SECDEF

National Defense Authorization Act "WHY"

funds and enables, the US defense agencies to accomplish their mission and plan for the future

The National Defense Authorization Act ______ and ultimately ______ the U.S. defense agencies to accomplish their mission and plan for the future

funds, enables

Unified Commands are Organized on a ________ or _________ basis

geographical, functional

Unfunded Requests

get prioritized at the squadron level and if a funded request is unable to be implemented, the unit can use those funds to cover unfunded requests

What barrier to reasoning refers to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment that results from in-group pressures?


Mil-to-Mil and Joint Spouse

hand-matched and are predicated on each member's assignment preference based on intent codes

Enlisted Intelligence Assignments Functional Manager

handles enlisted assignments via a systematic process based on the most eligible airman

Air Staff

headquartered at the Pentagon and is head by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force; comprised of uniformed US Air Force officials who assist the Chief of Staff in carrying out his dual-hatted role as the princip military advisor toe the SECAF and as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Individual Medical Readiness (IMR)

how members ensure they are cleared to deploy medically

Define value

how relevant or appropriate the data is

barriers to reasoning - patterns

humans try to make sense of things to create order

Strategic Direction

identifies a desired military objective or end state, national-level planning assumptions and national level constraints, limitation and restrictions.

Contingency Plans

identifies how the command might respond in the event of a crisis or the inability to achieve objectivities.

Geospatial Information

identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth. Like Maps, and charts.

Campaign Plans (TCPs) (FCPs)

implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis

Campaign Plan

implement the military portuon of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CMMDs will conduct on a daily basis

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining americas intelligence satellites

AFCENT Mission

in concert with our coalition, joint, and interagency partners, delivers decisive air, space, and cyberspace capabilities for USCENTCOM, ally nations and US

Why does the NIPF exist?

in order to ensure that the U.S. IC as a whole is meeting the requirements of the U.S. people, U.S. government, and our allies. Additionally the NIPF established specific roles and responsibilities for the overarching leadership of the IC

Collection Manager (CM)

individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

information collected and provided by human sources


information collected and provided by human sources; information gathered by humans, direct recon and observation to the use of recruited sources and other indirect means

Source operations

information collection from walk-in sources, developed sources and unwitting persons


information from single or multiple sources is received, collated, and entered into appropriate databases by the analysis and production elements of IC organizations, the theater JIOCs or equivalents, or subordinate joint force JISE. Information is integrated and grouped with related pieces of information according to predetermined criteria to facilitate the evaluation of newly received information

Essential Elements of Information (EEI)

information requirements that are also critical or that would answer PIRs. May require answering numerous specific question regarding the collected area/target, such as threat OB, operational status, readiness of troops and equipment, or identification of unique signature information as well as human factor analysis and information operations intelligence integrations (IOII)

intelligence analysis is what transforms data in the ___________ & _________ necessary for warfighters and decision-makers to decide and act

information, knowledge

Step 1: Define the Operational Environment

initial survey of adversary and other relevant characteristics identify joint forces operational area -analyze the mission and joint force commander's intent -determine the significant characteristics of the operational environment -ID the limits of the joint forces areas of interest determine the level of detail required and feasible within the time available - determine intelligence and information priorities, gaps, and shortfalls -Collect material and submit request for information to support further analysis


integrates imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information; comprised of a series of information levels categorized as foundation layers or mission specific layers. The foundation layers are built from GI&S and any other information that rarely or slowly changes. The mission specific layers are built from order of battle (OB), intelligence reports, and other information derived from intelligence sources. provides a valuable source of information for automated planning systems and precision-guided munitions, which require digital imagery and geo-spatial data to operate. The full utility of GEOINT comes from the integration of imager, IMINT, and geospatial information which results in comprehensive, tailored products for a wide scope of problems and customers across all functional areas.


integrates imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information; valuable source of information for automated planning systems and precision-guided munitions

Phase 4: Commander's Decision/Force Assignment

integrates previous phases of joint targeting and fuses capabilities analysis with available forces, sensors and weapons systems

Key Intelligence Questions (KIQ)

intel analysis and production are driven by leading questions or requirements for intelligence to fill a gap in knowledge or understanding of the environment, adversary capabilities, COE, or intentions

Acquisition Intelligence Production

intel analysis and production are integral to the entire life cycle process of req. definitions acquisitions, and sustainment of weapon systems. Customers req. the production of specific threat assessments and potentially unique forms of data to support research, development, testing and fielding of warfighting capabilities. Acquisition intel analyst support acquisition programs and initiatives by helping to identify and document intel dependencies (such as Intel Mission Data [IMD], modeling and simulations) that provide critical input to intel production efforts and the development of product/service requirements As part of threat support to acquisition, NASIC and other service intel centers continually monitor and produce intel on adversary capabilities deemed critical to operation success for the developing capability In partnership, acquisition intel specialists, operational command intel planners, and service intel center analysts provide direct support acquisition decision processes as defined in the DIAP Users Guide and DOD directives and instruction. These documents provide additional guidance for specific requirements and resourcing activities.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

intel-driven and threat-focused national security organization with both intel and low enforcement responsibilities

Acquisition Intelligence Production

intelligence analysis and production are integral to the entire life cycle or requirements definition, acquisition, and sustainment of weapons systems


intelligence and technical information derived from collecting and processing intercepted foreign communications passed by radio, wire, or other electromagnetic means

Annex B

intelligence annex from the OPLAN. Includes the intelligence collection plan

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

intelligence produced by exploiting foreign communications systems and communications emmiters

In intelligence analysis, the purpose of AI machines is to combine what two concepts? Human ____________ and human ______

intelligence, senses


involves the technical analysis of data intercepted from foreign equipment and control systems such as telemetry, electronic interrogators, tracking/fusing/arming/firing command systems, and video data links

Numbered/Names Air Force (NAF)

is a command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM provide operational leadership, supervision, and prepare forces for deployment and employment. is assigned subordinate units, such as wings, groups and squadrons. They do not have complete functional staff AFI 38-101 Manpower and Organization

Unified Combatant Command

is a command with a broad continuing missions under a single commander. Each __________ is composed of significant assigned components of two or more military departments

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE)

is a continuous process that intel. professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevant entities. used to see adversary capabilities, COG, COA, and most likely/dangerous adversary COA

Target Description

is an entity (person, place, or thing) considered for possible engagement or action to alter or neutralize the function it performs for the adversary. It's importance derives from it's potential contribution to achieve a commander's objectives. These objectives must be consistent with national strategic direction and selected to accomplish the assigned missions and tasks.


is an objective mental process of comparison and deduction based on common sense, life experience, military knowledge covering both adversary and friendly forces, and existing information and intelligence. this mental process involves the ID of new activity recognizing the absence of activity and a postulation regarding the significance of that activity.

Level 3 - CONPLAN

is an operations plan (OPLAN), may require considerable expansion or alteration to convert it to a complete and detailed OPLAN or OPORD

Long tour

is any location in which both an accompanied and unaccompanied tour is authorized and the unaccompanied tour length is 18 months or more

Joint Staff (JS)

is composed of personnel from each of the five armed services that assist the CJCS and the Vice-CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS), who is a lieutenant general or Navy vice admiral. is broken out into J1-J7, with J2 being "Joint Staff Intelligence"

Intelligence Service

is defined as assistance provided to another entity during the performance of ISR support - the actual action of delivering or conveying intel to a user -the process of enabling an ISR mission.

Intelligence Product

is defined as tangible information in written, visual, digital, and or verbal form that -conveys information of intelligence value -facilitates the accomplishment of an intelligence mission

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

is part of the Navy's information Warfare community whose goal is to gain and hold decisive information advantage over America's potential adversaries. Collects, analyzes and produces relevant maritime intel and disseminates it rapidly to key strategic operational and tactical decision makers to meet Navy DoD and national requirements. produces intel on naval weapons and technology proliferation, transnational threats in civil counter-proliferation, counter-narcotics and the global environment and other activities directly supporting the Navy, joint war-fighters and national decision makers and agencies.

US Africa Command (USAFRICOM)

is responsible for US military relations with 53 African nations, the African Union and African regional security organizations. It protects and defends the interests of the United States by strengthening the defense capabilities of African nations and in cooperation with African governments, conducts military missions that increase security while deterring and defeating a variety of transnational threats.

Department of Energy (DOE)

is responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence activities throughout the "this" complex, including nearly 30 offices nationwide. The Office protects vital national security information and technologies, representing intellectual property of incalculable value. Its distinctive contribution to national security is the ability to leverage "this" unmatched scientific and technological expertise in support of policymakers as well as national security missions in defense, homeland security, cyber security, missions in defense, and energy security.

US Central Command (USCENTCOM)

is responsible for operations in 20 countries that fall in the "central" area of the globe; Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. Utilizes national and international partnerships to build cooperation among nations, respond to crisis, deter and defeat threats and support development that ultimately increases stability in the region.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

is staffed by officers from across the IC and is organized into directorates, centers and oversight offices that support the DNI's role as head of the IC and Manager of the National Intelligence program (NIP)

A2/6 - ISR and Cyber Effects Operations

is the AF Senior Intelligence Officer and is responsible for functional management of all AF global integrated ISR capabilities, including oversight of planning, programming, and budgeting, developing and implementing the AF policies and guidance for managing AF global integrated ISR activities, professional development, training, education, readiness and deployment of 50,000 military and civilian USAF intelligence personnel.

AF Future Operating Concept (AF FOC) Mission

is the AF overarching force development concept. It describes how future AF forces will provide responsive and effective, "Global Vigilance-Global Reach-Global Power" in light of the anticipated future strategic and operational environment. Broadly portrays how the future AF will conduct its five core missions as part of joint, interagency or multinational force, or independently in support of national security objectives.

PPBE ( Programming, Budgeting, and Executing Process )

is the U.S. Government's strategic planning, program development, and resource determination process, which is used to craft plans and programs that satisfy National Security Strategy demands within resource constraints

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

is the US government agency in charge of designing, building, launching and maintaining Americas Intelligence satellites. Whether creating the latest innovation in satellite technology, contracting with the most cost-efficient industrial supplier, conducting rigorous launch schedules, or providing the highest-quality products to customers, the NRO is always focused on protecting the US and its citizens

Intelligence Production

is the development, tailoring, and presentation of intelligence knowledge via products and/or services that meet or address customer requirements. In some cases, analysts tailor existing intel to answer customer requirements. In other cases, analysts perform analysis on existing data, information, and intelligence to create new intelligence and knowledge. Still, in other cases analysts request collection of new data to consider in their analysis. Ultimately, production culminates in at least one intelligence output for a customer and may be an intel product or service

Target System Analysis (TSA)

is the foundational process of system-level target development. is equally applicable to systems and capabilities associated with nation-state and non-state actors. enables additional, more detailed stages of target development


is the primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing and communicating national intelligence priorities and reflects customer priorities for support and ensures the IC continues to meet enduring and emerging issues

US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

is to direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners

Department of Homeland Security (DHS/HLS)

is to equip the Security Enterprise with the timely intel and information it needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient. I&A is the only IC element statutorily charged with delivering intel, to our state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners, and developing intelligence from those partners for the DHS and the IC. I&A customers and partners are DHS leadership/components, state, local tribal territorial and private sector partners and the IC, all whom require and generate homeland security intel and information.

Dept. of State (DOS) Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)

is to harness intel to serve US Diplomacy Drawing on all-source intel, provides value-added independent, analysis to DOS policymakers, ensures that intel activities support foreign policy and national security purposes and serves as the focal point for ensuring policy review of sensitive counterintelligence and law enforcement activities worldwide. They also direct intel analysis and research, liaise with the IC and represent the DOS on committees and in interagency intel groups. also analyzes international boundary issues.

AFRC Mission

is to provide combat ready forces to fly, fight, and win.

Marine Corps Intelligence

is to provide commanders seamless, tailored, timely, and mission-essential Intel and to ensure this intel is integrated into the operational planning process. Intel activites are orienates toward operational and tactical levels, two-thirds of all intel Marines serve in the operating forces. provides the basis for all training, doctrine, and development and supports specific missions in maritimes, expeditionary, land, and air warfare. Functionally, Intel provides intel support through its traditional intel disciplines: HUMINT, CI, GEOINT, and SIGINT

USAF Strategic Master Plan (SMP)

it translates the United States Air Force's 30 year strategy, America's Air Force: A Call to the Future, into comprehensive guidance, goals, and objectives.

A9 responsibilities

leading, carrying out, reviewing, and ensuring the analytic integrity of studies and analyses, assessments, and the lessons learned program of the Department of the Air Force across air, space, and cyberspace domains

A5/8 responsibilities

leads the Air Force's strategic planning and programming effort to develop and sustain unmatched capabilities through air, space, and cyberspace

National Security Agency (NSA)

leads the US government in cryptology that encompasses both SIGINT and information assurance (IA) products and services, and enables Computer Network Operations in order to gain a decision advantage for the nation and our allies under all circumstances. Central Security Service (CSS), part of this agency , provides timely and accurate cryptologic support, knowledge and assistants to the military cryptologic community., CSS coordinates and develops policy and guidance on the SIGINT and IA missions of NSA/CSS to ensure military integration

National Security Agency (NSA)

leads the US in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and enables computer network operations in order to gain a decision advantage for nation and our allies under all circumstances

The feeling that you don't have the tools, knowledge, materials, ability, to do anything so you might as well not try is known as _______ ____________

learned helplessness

commanders estimate

least amount of detail


likeliness or representation of an natural or manmade feature, related object or activity, and the positional data acquired at the time the likeliness or representation was acquired. produced by satellites, airborne platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles or other means. does not include handheld photos taken for HUMINT

Alpha Roster

list of every member in the unit

Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List (JIPTL)

list of targets from the TNL which are prioritized according to the JFC objectives

Fourth Air Force

located at March Air Reserve Base, Cali, and its subordinate units are responsible for "strategic reach forces," which includes aerial refueling and long-range, strategic airlift missions

creative methods - re-application

look at something old in a new way

IARPA's Mercury Program is an example of _______ _______

machine hearing

_______ ______ is used to identify people in photographs using facial recognition used to "Tag" people

machine vision

Traditional Reservists

majority of reserve component; typically serve one weekend a month, with an additional two weeks a year

1N8X1 - Targeting Analyst

make recommendations on the appropriate form required to disable an adversary's targeting system.

status quo

making immediate judgements and inferences

Resource Manager

manages squadron funded and unfunded requests

A1 Responsibilities

managing personnel programs and carrying out policies affecting Air Force active-duty and civilian members

A cognitive bias is a ______ _____ that is consistent and predictable regardless of cultural differences. Much like an optical illusion, cognitive biases remain compelling even when we know they exist.

mental error

Viewed as the basis of expertise, this barrier to critical thinking occurs when analysts utilize previous experiences to respond to new problems: ______ _________

mental shortcuts

Assuming that other individuals will act just the way another particular person does is called

mirror imaging


mission is to direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners

Family Separation Allowance (FSA)

money allocated to servicemembers on unaccompanied tours of duty; accrues from the day of departure from the home station and ends the day prior to the members return to home station

Define variety

number of different types of sources

Dynamic/Deliberate targeting

often called F2T2EA (find, fix, track, target, engage, assess)/ kill chain specifically used to engage in time-sensitive targets (TST). Targets of Opportunity have to be bade quickly and are the traditional focus of "this". Planned Targets simply confirm, verify, and validate previous decisions.

OS Returnee & CONUS Mandatory Mover ( OSR/CMM)

one-for-one positions that are made available for the exact number of individuals in the applicable categories slated to move during their PCS cycle

1A8X1 - Airborne cryptologic language analyst

operate, evaluate and manage airborne SIGINT information systems and operate activities; performs identification, acquisition, recording, translating, analyzing and reporting of assigned voice communications

US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

operates in the AOR encompassing US, Alaska, Mexico, Canada, portions of the Caribbean and surrounding waters. is primarily responsible for civil support and homeland security and also overseas the North American Aerospace Defense Council (NORAD). It has a few permanent forces and is instead assigned forces by SECDEF or the President whenever required for the execution of its missions.

When it comes to the barriers to reasoning, perception was one of the barriers. What we perceive is influenced by past experience, education, cultural values, role requirements and ______________ _____.

organizational norms


organized into broad, overarching analytic categories, each with multiple KIQs that represent the most pressing analysis required in each category. AF analysis organizations use these categories and KIQ to guide their analytic focus. All POA are referenced NIPF

Collection Operations Management (COM)

organizes, directs and monitors the equipment and personnel that collect the data to satisfy requirements

Collection Operations Management (COM)

organizes, directs and monitors the equipment and personnel that collects data to satisfy requirements. Develop collection plans against requirements in cooperation with CRM, predict how well a system can satisfy requirements, monitor and report the operational status of technical collection systems, allocate and task technical collection assets and processing and/or exploitation systems or HUMINT collection assets with the capability to collect, and evaluate the performance of the collection systems or platforms

Collection Operations Management (COM)

organizes, directs, and monitors the equipment and personnel that collect the data to satisfy requirements. COM personnel develop collection plans against requirements in cooperation with CRM personnel, predict how well a system can satisfy requirements, monitor and report the operational status of technical collection systems, allocate and task technical collection assets and processing and/or exploitation systems or HUMINT collection assets with the capability to collect, and evaluate the performance of the collection systems or platforms.

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

outlines DOD's approach to implementing the President's NSS. establishes a set of overarching defense objectives that guide DOD's security activities and provide direction for the NMS.

The National Defense Strategy (NDS) (WAYS)

outlines DOD's approach to implementing the President's NSS. The NDS establishes a set of overarching defense objectives that guide DOD's security Activities and provide direction for the National Military Strategy (NMS). (The way we will meet those goals/objectives or Ways)

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

outlines DOD's approach to implementing the president's NSS. Establishes a set of over arching defense objectives that guide DOD's security activities and provide direction for the NMS (Ways)


outlines the environment, objectives, approaches and challenges in the Space domain with specific focus on National Security

Title 32

outlines the role of the US National Guard

US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)

oversees AOR stretching from the waters of the US west coast to the western border of India, and from Antarctica to the North Pole, encompassing 36 diverse nations. work to promote the development of the region while cooperating to enhance security, deter aggression, respond with force when necessary and provide humanitarian assistance

US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)

oversees an AOR encompassing 31 nations in Latin America south of Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean Sea. Works to increase the security of the US by engaging its partners to enhance the peacekeeping abilities of the region, to promote human rights, to deter illegal activities associated with illicit trafficking and to conduct multinational military exercises designed to strengthen partnerships while developing collective capabilities.

US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)

oversees an area of responsibility stretching from the waters of the United States west coast to the western border of india, and from Antarctica to the North Pole. It works with its partners to promote the development of the region while cooperating to enhance security, deter aggression, respond with force when necessary and to provide humanitarian assistance

Air Staff

patterned on the JS structure to improve communication with other DoD organizations

__________ links people to their environment and is critical to accurate understanding of the world around us.


1N4X1B - Fusion Analyst

perform a detailed analysis on target network communications for additional exploitation. author time-sensitive intelligence.

1N2X1C - Communication Signals Intel

perform communications SIGINT analysis to include acquiring signals through optimum antenna manipulation and receiver tuning.

Contingency Plans

planned for potential threats, catastrophic events, and contingent missions without a crisis-at-hand

mental blocks - prejudice

preconceptions that prevent us from seeing beyond what we already know or believe


predominate method of dissemination, improves timeliness

_________ is the preconception often preventing us from seeing beyond what we already know or believe to be possible


1N0X1 - All Source Intelligence

prepare, maintain, and present intelligence displays, reports and briefings.

1A8X2 - Airborne ISR operator

primary aircrew onboard a wide variety of aircraft to operate, evaluate, and manage airborne ISR information and related ground processing systems

JOPES (Joint Operation Planning Execution System)

primary mechanism for joint planning, is used by planners and decision makers to qualify and document CCDR deployment and in-place requirements, and compare those requirements to available resources

National Intelligence Priority Framework (NIPF)

primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing, and communicating national intelligence priorities and reflects customer priorities

Targeting Purpose

prioritizes targets, and matches appropriate levels of lethal and nonlethal actions to those targets to create specific desired effects that achieve JFC's objectives.

Integrated Defense Intelligence Priorities (IDIP)

process is being implemented to identify and describe intel priorities for the DOD customers, policy, operations, and acquisitions. is the DOD intelligence inject into the NIPF and provides an additional layer of data with traceability to analytic stakeholders. Analyst reference the NIPF and "this" for understanding of analysis and production priorities, and reference these priorities wen feasible in development of respective AF intelligence products and services


process of questioning human sources to satisfy intelligence requirements, consistent with applicable law. Usually willing to cooperate.

spatial analysis

process of using location information to organize data spatially and identify the resultant patterns and relationships

Step 3: Evaluate the Adversary and Other Relevant Factors

processes identifies and evaluates the adversaries capabilities, limitations, current situation, COG, doctrine, patterns of operation and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) - update or create adversary and other relevant actor models -determine the current adversary and other relevant actor situation -identify adversary and other relevant actor COG and decisive points - ID adversary and other actor capabilities and vulnerabilities

natural language processing

processing that allows the computer to understand and react to statements and commands made in a "natural" language, such as English


produced by exploiting foreign communication systems and noncommunication emitters

Marine Corps Intelligence

produces tactical and operational intelligence for battlefield support

National Intelligence Priority Framework (NIPF)

promulgates (wtf?) policy and establishes responsibilities for setting the national intelligence priorities and translating them into action

Total Force Integration (TFI) Objective

provide AF and the CCDR the best possible capabilities to meet their requirements by leveraging the combined human resources of Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve members

Air Mobility Command (AMC)

provide air mobility, Right Effects, Right Place, Right Time

A10 - Deterrence and Nuclear Integration

provide guidance, advocacy, and oversight of the AF nuclear enterprise and countering weapons of mass destruction mission to ensure Airmen have the necessary capabilities to defend our nation.

Air Force Space Command (AFSC)

provide resilient, defendable and affordable space capabilities for the Air Force, Joint Force and the Nation

US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

provides DOD with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets. Together with commercial partnerships, enables a diverse array of joint mobility missions.

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

provides combat ready forces to fly, fight and win

Marine Corps Intelligence

provides commanders seamless, tailored, timely, & mission-essential intel and to ensure this intel is integrated into the operational planning process

A10 responsibilities

provides guidance, advocacy, and oversight of the Air Force Nuclear enterprise and countering weapons of mass destruction mission to ensure Airmen have the necessary capabilities to defend our nation

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners in the DOD and the IC in support of the US military planning and operations, and weapon systems acquisition. is a divers workforce is skilled in military history and doctrine, economics, physics, chemistry, world history, political science, bio-sciences and computer sciences to name a few. officers travel the world , meet and work closely with professionals from foreign countries.

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers, and force planners in the Dept of Defense and the IC in support of US military planning and operations, and weapon systems acquisition

25th AF

provides multi-source ISR products applications capabilities and resources to include cyber and geospatial forces and expertise. Additionally, it is the Service Cryptologic Component responsible to the NSA/CSS for AF matters involving the conduct of cryptologic activities, including the full spectrum of missions directly related to both tactical warfighting and national level operations. With the inclusion of the 9th reconnaissance wing and 55th Wing, missions expanded to include electronic warfare airborne national command and control (C2) recon. in support of nuclear operations and some aspects of nuclear C2

Air Force Intelligence (25AF)

provides multisource intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) products, applications, and resources, to include cyber and geospatial forces and expertise.

NAF Responsibilities

provides operational leadership, supervision, and prepare forces for deployment and employment

National Intelligence Strategy (NIS)

provides organizational framework for IC

National Security Strategy (NSS)

provides overview of US strategic stance towards the world


provides the Department of Defense with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets. Together with commercial partnerships, USTRANSCOM enables a diverse array of joint mobility missions.


provides the organizational framework for the IC, broken out into four main components -The strategic Environment section which portrays the global national security milieu -The mission Objective section describes key mission priorities and expected outcomes -the enterprise objective section describes resource and capability outcomes needed to enable mission success -implementing the strategy section provides broad organizational guidance to meet the NIS requirements


publicly available information and other unclassified information that has limited public distribution or access

8 elements of thought

purpose, question, information, inference, concepts, assumptions, implications and consequences, and point of view

A critical thinker will discover ways to improve its surroundings by contributing to a more ________ civilized society


Which type of creative method is utilized when previous solutions to problem sets are looked at in a new way? __-___________


barriers to reasoning - mental shortcuts

reduces the need to relearn lessons, thus promoting efficient thinking

9S100 - Scientific applications specialist

reporting identifier that applies leading edge physical sciences to perform data collection, analysis, observation, study, experimentation, acquisition, maintenance, research and development, fielding of prototype and operational active and passive sensors and systems; process and analyze scientific data and derive, develop, integrate and report information to customers

Major Command (MAJCOM)

represent major AF subdivisions having a specific portion of the AF mission. Each is subordinate to HQ, AF (HAF. has HQ staff, subordinate organizations, such as numbered AF (NAF), Wings, Groups, and Squadrons Currently has 10 of theses, 8 functional and 2 geographic, the ANG reports directly to HAF USAFCENT is not one.

Department of Energy (DOE)

responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence throughout the DOE complex, as well as protecting vital national security information and technologies

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

responsible for enforcing the controlled substance laws and regulations of the U.S. DEA's Intel Program helps initiate new investigations of major drug stuff

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

responsible for enforcing the controlled substance laws and regulations of the US. helps initiate new investigations of major drug organizations, strengthens ongoing investigations and subsequent prosecutions, develops information that leads to seizures and arrests, and provides policy-makers with drug trend information upon which programmatic decisions can be based consists of several entities that are staffed by both intel analysts and Special Agents, intel groups/functions in the domestic field divisions, district resident, and foreign offices, the El Paso Intel Center, and the Intel Diviosn.

A2 responsibilities

responsible for functional management of all air force global integrated ISR capabilities, including oversight of planning, programming, and budgeting; developing and implementing the Air Force policies and guidance for managing air force global integrated ISR activities; professional development, training education, readiness, and deployment

US Africa Command

responsible for military relations with African nations, the African Union and African regional security organizations . It protects and defends the interests of the United States by strengthening the defense capabilities of African nations and, in cooperation with African governments, conducts military missions that increase security while deterring and defeating a variety of transnational threats


responsible for planning and conducting special operations. It offers direct action in the form of short duration strikes and small-scale offensives, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, civil affairs operations, counterterrorism, psychological operations, information operations, counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, security force assistance, counterinsurgency operations and any specific activities directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

responsible for planning and conducting special operations. Offers direct action in the form of short duration strikes and small-scale offensives, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, civil affairs operations, counterterrorism, psychological operations, information operations, counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, security force assistance, counterinsurgency operations and any specific activities directed by the President or SECDEF.

Which of the six modes of reasoning draws causal inferences using facts, premises, and logic?


Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT)

scientific and technical intelligence obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA)

serves as the head of the CIA and reports to the DNI

Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

serves as the head of the US IC overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program (NIP). also acts as the principal advisor to the president, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security. The president appoints the DNI with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

serves as the head of the US Intelligence Community, oversees the NIP


sets the overall picture for the IC as a whole to include a Mission, Vision, Mission Objectives and Enterprise Objectives

Unit Manning Document (UMD)

shows funded and unfunded requirements, broken down by AFSC, skill level, and grade requirements

Each CCMD is composed of....

significant assigned components of two or more Military Departments

Counterintelligence (CI)

similar in collecting information as HUMINT acts upon information for both offensive and defensive purposes by coordinating with other intelligence disciplines, law enforcement, and security elements

Force Generation Center

single point to request, receive, oversee, and deliver AFR forces and capabilities

creative methods - evolution

small improvements that can be reused, but more precisely

mental blocks - functional fixation

sometimes we see an object only in terms of its name, rather than what it can actually do

The process of geotagging locations on social media is also known as _______ ________ in the Intelligence Community?

spatial analysis

Define velocity

speed at which data is produced

What are the 3 levels of warfare?

strategic, operational, and tactical-model

What does SAT stand for; SATs are tools an analyst can utilize to take a systematic approach to problem solving, mitigate bias and error, and enhance analytic credibility

structured analytic technique

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

subordinate joint force tactical units develop collection requirements in support of current and future operations and commander priorities and objectives and send those requirements to the subordinate joint force J-2 for validation and tasking to tactical collection assets. The CCMD J-2 validates or modifies standing collection requirements submitted by subordinate joint force or component commands. The CCMD J-2 tracks the status of research, validation, submission and satisfaction of all collection requests received.


supplies of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by an individual or organization in order to function effectively

1N2X1A- Electronic Signals Intel

support SIGINT activities and operations by monitoring and collecting noncommunications electronic signal transmissions using passive receiving equipment

National Intelligence Strategy (NIS) Mission

supports NSS, which sets forth national security priorities, this provides the IC with the mission direction of the DNI for the next four to five years. IC activities must be consistent with and responsive to national security priorities and must comply with the constitution, applicable statutes and Congressional oversight requirements. Should be read along with the NIPF and Unifying Intelligence Strategies to inform and guide mission, as well as planning programming, and budgeting activities.

Air Combat Command (ACC)

supports global implementation of national security strategy ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. Provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

supports the DNI's role as head of the IC and manager of the NIP

National Military Strategy (NMS)

supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS

National Military Strategy (NMS)

supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS (Means)

The National Military Strategy (NMS) (MEANS)

supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS. (The means of meeting the goals/objectives or Means)

Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES)

system for record for housing manpower requirements/authorizations


technical analysis of data intercepted from foreign equipment and control systems


technical intelligence; analysis of fielded equipment for training, research, and the development of new weapons and equipment for eventual intelligence use

How many MAJCOMs are there?


Types of Bias - bandwagon effect

tendency to believe something because many others believe it

types of bias - framing effect

tendency to draw different conclusions from the same data if it is presented differently

types of bias - confirmation bias

tendency to overvalue data supporting initial assumptions or expectations, and undervalue that which contradict

types of bias - clustering illusion

tendency to overvalue small runs, streaks, or clusters in large data sets

types of bias - insensitivity to sample size

tendency to underestimate the variation in small data samples

AF Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-0, GIISR Mission

the AF Keystone doctrine publication on GIISR and defines how the service plans and conducts these operations to enable joint operations. It compiles the best practices of how an Airman conducts and employs ISR capabilities and why GIISR is unique. The three chapters define: - global integrated ISR - the command relationships and authorities that enable it. - how these operations are planned and conducted

Air Force Future Operating Concept (AF FOC)

the Air Force's overarching force development concept. It describes how future Air Force (AF) forces will provide responsive and effective Global Vigilance-Global Reach-Global Power in light of the anticipated future strategic and operational environment.

Department of Homeland Security

the DHSs Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) is to equip the Homeland Security Enterprise with the timely intelligence and information it needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient

NDS Mission

the DOD's enduring mission is to provide combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation. Should deterrence fail, the Joint Force is prepared to win. Reinforcing America's traditional tools of diplomacy, the DOD provides military options to ensure the President and our diplomats negotiate from a position of strength.

Department of Energy (DOE)

the DOEs Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence is responsible for all intel and counterintel activities throughout DOE complex, including nearly 30 offices nationwide. Protects vital national security information and technologies, representing intellectual property of incalculable value.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

the Director of the "this" serves as the head, and reports to the DNI. assist the Director in carrying out the following responsibilities: -collecting intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means -correlating and evaluating intelligence related to national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intel. -Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the US

Department of State (DOS)

the State Depts Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) primary mission is to harness intel to serve US diplomacy

Operational Environment

the adversary and other actors -physical domains -the information environment -political, military, economic, social, information and infrastructure systems and subsystems important for reaching objectives

Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-0, Globally Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations (GIISR)

the air force's keystone doctrinal publication on GIISR and defines how the service plans and conducts these operations to enable Joint Operations

Phase 2: Target Development/ Prioritization

the analysis assessment, and documentation process to identify and characterize potential target that, when successfully engaged, support the achievement of the commander's objectives comprised of three steps


the analysis of the OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space and other forces as well as other relevant aspects of the OE that could pose a direct threat to the security of the friendly force or the success of the mission. The evaluation of a military adversary should concentrate on standard OB factors and account for the relevant conditions in the OE that enables or restrict the actions of friendly, neutral and hostile populations.


the analysis of the operational environment (OE) can include considerations such as sociocultural factors, the location of adversary political and economic support structures, military support units, force generation capabilities, potential third-nation or third-party involvement, logistic and economic infrastructure, political treaties, press coverage, adversary information activities, and the potential to affect the information environments. JIPOE ANALYSIS should be tailored to the relevant characteristics in the JTF's OE. While most joint operations may encompass considerations and characteristics associated with many or all PMESII systems, the staff's focus and the balance of the se considerations will vary according to the nature and phase of the operation


the deliberate process of balancing ways, means, and risk to achieve directed objectives and attain desired end states by synchronizing and integrating the employment of the joint force

What need does the NMS address?

the need to counter revisionist states that are challenging international norms as well as violent extremist organizations (VEOs)

Define veracity

the trustworthiness of data

ISR Flight Plan "WHY"

the way we conduct war and are structured to conduct war currently is insufficient to conduct the wars to come


this document breaks out how the AF will conduct ISR operations across all domains and using all assets

Air Force MIP

this is managed by the Deputy Chief of Staff for ISR (AF/A2) which funds tactical-level systems and activities related to air and space operations

air force analytic standard (afi 14-133)

timeliness and appropriate sourcing

According to AFI 14-133, what are the two additional standards used to measure and assess analytic excellence and readiness? __________ and ________ __________

timeliness, customer engagement

Dissemination and Integration

timely passing of critical info and finished intel to appropriate consumers is paramount to attaining and maintaining info superiority. Should be pushed in GCCS COP GOAL: ensure that the finished intel. products are distributed to the necessary personnel or systems, based off the requirements established, in a timely and relevant manner to ensure that the needs of the customer are met

National Defense Authorization Act Mission

to authorize appropriations for each fiscal year for military activities of the DOD, for military construction and for defense activities of the department of energy to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year and for other purposes

AMC Mission

to provide air mobility: right effects, right place, right time

ACC Mission

to support global implementation of national security strategy. operates fighter, bomber, recon, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations

Unit Personnel Manning Roster (UPMR)

tool for commanders to visualize their units manpower (spaces) and manning (faces)

1N3X1 - Cryptologic Language Analyst

translate spoken or written foreign language material

USAF Strategic Master Plan (SMP) Mission

translates the AF 30 year strategy, "America's AF: A call to the future" into a comprehensive guidance, goal and objectives. The complete SMP consists of a core narrative, goals, objectives and four annexes: - the Human Capital (HCA) - Strategic Posture Annex (SPA) - Capabilities Annex (CA) - Science and Technology Annex (STA). The core SMP will be updated every two years, while the annexes may be revised annually as required.

Operational Planning

translates the commander's concepts into executable activities, operations, and campaigns, within resource, policy, and national limitations to achieve objectives

operational planning

translates the commander's concepts into executable activities, operations, and campaigns, within resource, policy, and national limitations to achieve objectives.

How does the CJCS function in the Chain of Command?

transmits to the commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands the orders of the President or the SECDEF

creative methods - synthesis

two or more existing ideas are combined into a 3rd idea


ultimately determines why the US military will conduct operations, which drives Intelligence support requirements to all operations at all levels.

barriers to reasoning - biases

unconscious belief that conditions, governs, and compels our behavior

Phase 1: End State and Commander's Objectives

understanding the goals of the commander, and the outcomes that we are trying to reach

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

unique intelligence discipline that integrates imagery, IMINT, and geospatial information

Joint Targeting Cycle (JTC)

used to achieve the JFC's objectives JP 3-60 6 Phases

Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH)

used to ensure all information and arguments are evaluated and given equal treatment when compared to different hypotheses. Helps minimize cognitive limitations. Prevents the analyst from making premature decisions about a particular hypothesis and discounting information that does not comfortably fit with the preferred hypothesis.

Joint planning is the deliberate process of balancing...

ways, means, and procedures

A ____-_______ intelligence question is the most important factor is assuring the overall quality of intelligence analysis


barriers to reasoning - emotion

when emotion arises, rationality becomes secondary

barriers to reasoning - groupthink

when similarly-minded individuals create a group mentality; groups aims for unanimity and overrides logic and reason

How does the NIS impact ISR Airmen?

will detail how the USAF will meet objectives set in the National Defense Strategy


will meet objectives set in the NDS, the combination of the NIPF and the NIS detail how and why the entirety of the IC will support the NDS. Between the AF and IC guidance an ISR Airman begins to take shape in order to meet the requirements of the US and its leaders.

US European Command (USEUCOM)

works with NATO and other partner nations to address the security and defense needs of nations in Europe and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia. coordinates with these nations to find cooperative solutions in peace and wartime alike, plan training missions, provide humanitarian assistance and develop strategies for promoting peace and stability in the reigion


works with SMP. it provides context for the direction in SMP, while the SMP provides credible pathways toward the concepts projections

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