ISYS 210 Final Exam

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The text effect of a header tag can not be duplicated using a(an) other tag(s) True/False

False Text following <b><font size=4> appears equivalent to text following <h3> Text following <strong><font size=1> appears equivalent to text following <h6> To effect the line spacing following a header tag, each of the above 'equivalents' would need to be followed by two <br> tags

Linked documents and web pages are specified using the SRC property within the <a> tag True/False

False, HREF

Image files are specified using the HREF property within the <img> tag True/False

False, SRC

All tables must have at least ____ row(s) and ____ column(s) TABLE TAGS a. 1,1 b.1,2 c. 2,1 d. 2,2

A, in other words, they must have at least one table data element

Table header element text, by default, is _______ in each table cell a. centered horizontally b. left-justified c. right-justified

A, the TH tag can also have a align property specified

Table data element text, by default, is ________ in each table cell. a. centered vertically b. vertically at top c. vertically at bottom

A, the valign property of a table, tr, or td tag can have three values: top, middle, and bottom

___________ measures and provides financial information about an organization primarily for its decision makers, investors, and taxing authorities.


The five business departments are:

Accounting Human Resource Marketing Research & Development Production

_______________ or advertising-supported software is typically more irritating to a user as it is not usually as malicious.


The default header alignment is centered True/False

False, aligned to left. Header tag has align property whose values may be left, center, or right.

________________ Reporting reports refer to reports that analyze information and are predictive in nature to make strategic and/ or tactical decisions.

Analysis and Predictive

_______________ are computer programs that attempt to identify, prevent and eliminate computer viruses and malware, and typically before they reach a computing system or network.

Antivirus Software

By default, the height of a horizontal rule is ____ pixels. This may be adjusted using the <hr> tag's _____ property. a. 1, size b. 2, size c. 1, height d. 2, height e. none of the choices correctly complete the two sentences.


By default, the width of a horizontal rule is ________ of screen width. This may be adjusted using the <hr> tag's _____ property. a. 100%, size b. 100%, width c. 50%, size d. 50%, width e. none of the choices correctly complete the two sentences.


If <basefont color=red> is utilized, the color of text following <font color = blue> is a. red b. blue c. green d. unknown


If <basefont size=4> is utilized, the effective size of text following <font size = 3> is a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6


If <basefont size=4> is utilized, the effective size of type following <font size = -1> is a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6


The default font size implemented in almost all browsers is ___. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


Unless the default font size has been modified, using the tag <FONT SIZE = +1> would result in text immediately following the tag to be of what size? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7


All files on a computer should be ______________.

Backed up

A ______________ is essentially an online diary, originally called a "web log" and shortened to blog.


___________ were originally called 'web logs' but the term was shortened as it came into the vernacular of the web.


To make a blog 'website', you don't need any special software, just a ____________.


________________ can be defined as the necessary core activities required to operate a successful business.

Business Functional Behaviors

______________ or reporting for short is informational output from an information system to facilitate decision making.

Business System Reporting

By default, the alignment of a horizontal rule is ________________. a. left-justified b. right-justified c. centered


The <dd> tag is found within the opening and closing ______ tags. a. ordered list b. unordered list c. definition list d. menu list e. all of these lists


The <dt> tag is found within the opening and closing ______ tags. a. ordered list b. unordered list c. definition list d. menu list e. all of these lists


The <title> tag is used within the opening and closing ____________ tags. a. <body> b. <html> c. <head>


CellPADDING refers to the amount of space, in pixels, between individual cells in a table and, if not specified, has a default value of 2. True/False

False, cellpadding refers to the amount of space between the border of a cell and the contents of the cell, the default value is 1

CellSPACING refers to the amount of space, in pixels, between the border of a cell and the contents of the cell and, if not specified, has a default value of 1. True/False

False, cellspacing refers to the amount of space between individual cells, the default value is 2

Using the NOSHADE property of the <hr> tag provides a 3-D effect to the line True/False

False, eliminates the 3-D effect and results in a gray colored line UNLESS overridden by a recognized color property value

<b> results in the same text effect as <em> True/False

False, emphasis is same as italic

An image's border color can be selected by using the bordercolor property of the <img> tag True/False

False, not a property of the image tag

The table caption tag has four possible align attribute values that are interpreted exactly the same in both IE and Mozilla FireFox. True/False

False, only 2 (top and bottom) of the 4 align attribute values are similarly interpreted. The other 2 (left and right) are interpreted differently.

To place a blank line between two lines of text, only one <br> tag is required True/False

False, requires two, the first br tag merely takes you back to the left margin

You may not specify the color of a horizontal rule. True/False

False, the <hr> tag's color property may be set to a color name or RGB color value. Now supported by both IExplorer and Mozilla FireFox.

If specified, a default table caption is bold and centered within the borders of the table. True/False

False, the default caption tag (no attributes selected) places default text centered above the table. The equivalent to having centered, bolded text at the top of a table, but actually within the table, use a <th> tag with an appropriate colspan attribute value.

A table header can only be defined in the first row of the table. True/False

False, the th tag can be used anywhere within the table that a td tag could be used

Link, Vlink, and Alink properties are placed in the <title> tag to influence the color of text links and the border of image links within the document True/False

False, these are properties set with the opening BODY tag

Both IE and Mozilla FireFox implement over-riding the background of both a row and individual cell with a image. True/False

False, while IE supports the background property of the <table>, <th> and <td> tags, it does NOT recognize the background property of the <tr> tag

Colored images can be used as markers in an unordered list True/False

False. A true unordered list's markers are always black. However, you may create something that appears similar to an unordered list that does have colored markers.

When clicked, a web site URL link on a web page causes that URL to be opened in a different instance of the web browser . True/False

False. By default, the URL will replace the web page from which it was called in the current browser instance. To cause the URL to open in a different browser instance, within the A(nchor) tag, must specify TARGET property. TARGET="_blank" or TARGET="_new" will open the URL page in either a completely new instance of the browser (IExplorer) or in a new tab in the same browser instance (Mozilla FireFox). TARGET="_top" will open the URL page on top of the page from which it was called, similar behavior to what happens if the TARGET property is not used.

The foreground color of table text can be set by enclosing the entire table within <font> and </font> tags and specifying the color attribute of the <font> tag. True/False

False. Current versions of Mozilla FireFox and IExplorer do notsupport this. If the default text is to be changed within a table, a <font> tag has to be specified for each <td> and <th> tag.

An image tag's align property has the same three properties as the horizontal rule tag. True/False

False. The image tag's align property can have one of five values: top, middle, bottom, left, and right. Only aligns the image with the surrounding area of the web document, primarily text. NOTE: the align property is limited in its page formatting abilities and does not always work as advertised, use style sheets instead.

In terms of operating on a client/ server network, a distributed database application program written with Microsoft Access would be considered a ________________ which typically provides rich functionality on the client side independent of a central server.

Fat Client

___________ keep unauthorized Internet users out of private intranets.


How organizations account for their money is usually mandated by rules and regulations, and in the United States these rules are called _______________.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Even to suggest that a web "page" is sent from a web server to a client is technically incorrect. What is really sent is pure _________ that is turned into a webpage by the client's web browser.


__________ websites are a collection of webpages that support a business enterprise for the purpose of e-commerce or as a brochure type website to incent a user to employ the business.


A _______________ site is often called an eCommerce site whose sole purpose is to sell goods and services online.


________________ is concerned with risk management, confidentiality, integrity and the availability of the electronic information that is processed and stored on a computing system.

Computer Security

________________ are computer files that reproduce by making copies of them self in a computer's memory, storage, or on a network, called metamorphic viruses, similar to what a biological virus does.

Computer Viruses

_______________ sites typically dispense original content and are often supported by advertising.


_______________ sites distribute information about a business to provide background information about their goods and services for public consumption whereas corporate Intranets provide on information to its employees and use authentication and firewalls to keep its information private from the general public.


_____________ advertising is when the website publisher only charges the advertiser when a specific action is completed by the viewer like completely filling out an online form or purchasing a product.

Cost Per Action

________________ is when an online advertiser only pays the website owner if a viewer clicks on their advertisement.

Cost Per Click

_____________ actually means "cost for every thousand impressions or hits".

Cost Per Thousand Impressions

Given the following code string, what is the size and color of 'text2' <basefont size = 4 color = red>text1 <font size = +1 color= blue>text 2 <font size = 2 color = yellow>text3</font> a. 4, red b. 5, red c. 4, blue d. 5, blue e. none of these are correct


The type property of the <ol> tag can have ____ different values. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6

D (Arabic, upper case alphabetic, lowercase alphabetic, uppercase roman, lowercase roman), default value is Arabic (numbers)

_______________ is when experts extract useful data and information from recorded data, like a cookie.

Data mining

_______________ is an attempt to make a computer or any of its resources unavailable to its intended users.

Denial-of-service Attack

_____________ is a lot of information that is simply thrown away around homes and offices, like copies of checks, bank statements, credit card statements which usually bear your name, address, and sometimes even your phone number.

Dumpster Diving

_____________ website styles actually generate a web page directly from the server depending on the context of the user.


The <li> tag is found within the opening and closing ______ tags. a. ordered list b. unordered list c. definition list d. menu list e. all of these lists except c


Type options for the <ul> are a. square b. disc c. circle d. ball e. all but d

E, default value is disc

A table data element can be a. text b. an image c. a text link d. an image link e. all of these

E, just about anything can be found as a table data element

Data and information exchange software and techniques can be categorized as _____________ whereas collaborative software and techniques can be categorized as _____________.

Electronic Computing Tools; Management Tools

_________________ sites are a popular way for multiple businesses to post their jobs online to the public.

Employment Websites

A table can not be embedded inside another table True/False


Ordered lists, unordered lists, menu lists and definition lists can not be True/False


Simply put, when someone is surfing the Web, the act of clicking on a link, or hyperlink, is an _______________ for a webpage to be sent from a web server where the desired content, typically the homepage of a website exists, to the user's computer.

HTTP Request (Hypertext Transfer Protocol = HTTP)

A ____________ is often someone who attempts to evade or disable a computer's security measures, and then steals computer resources at their leisure.


______________ Elements typically define a web document's title, style, and additional information about the document's author, page description, and keywords to help search engines find the web page.


_______________ are like < style > head elements but are used in the body of a webpage and allow the HTML to create presentational effects like italics, bold, and emphasis.

Head Elements

_______________ is primarily involved with administration of a business' personnel.

Human Resource Management

________________ track enormous amounts of information about the people that work for a business, and even the people who are no longer employed by that business.

Human Resources departments

____________ refers to text on a computer that will lead the user to related information.


HTML is the acronym for __________.

Hypertext Markup Language

Berners-Lee invented a standard; platform neutral language that all computers could read called __________________.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

_______________ is a crime concerning the unlawful practice of assuming another individual's identity, and it is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States and Canada.

Identity Theft

__________ and __________ are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.

Identity Theft and Identity Fraud

________________ Elements use special tags to help the browser window display pictures, photographs, and images typically using the GIF or JPEG file formats like the following: < img src =" meadow.gif" alt =" meadow"/ >.


A blog is a website usually maintained by an ___________ with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.


____________ and online chat is another way to collaborate by exchanging data and information.

Instant Messaging

_______________ is actually a very broad term that refers to any fraudulent activity regarding online activity.

Internet Fraud

___________ are websites within a company to support its employees and guarded by firewalls to authenticate its users.


Another language that a browser can read is called ___________, which extends a web site's usability.


____________ are collaborative systems that organize, create and distribute a business' collective knowledge.

Knowledge Management Systems

______________ Elements create elements that can become hyperlinks which allow web page users to navigate to different parts of a web site, or different parts of the World Wide Web.


________________ is programs specifically intended to penetrate or damage a computer system without the end user's knowledge.


_________________ refers to the level of detail or summarization appropriate for a certain levels of employee regardless of report type.

Management Level Reporting

____________ is the promotion of a business' products and is the third core business functional behavior.


_________________ is a computer programming language using a set of annotations that give browsers the instructions to display text, images, and other web elements on a web page.

Markup Language

The "__________" description above provides a description of the web site when it is found by a search engine like Google so a user can read what the website is about before clicking on its URL.


__________ websites are just that; webpages created by an individual that contain content of a personal nature.


_______________ is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques and attempts to deceptively gain private information, like usernames, PIN numbers, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a legitimate business organization typically in a legitimate looking email.


_______________ means that HTML can be read and rendered correctly by any browser that exists on any platform, like Windows 7, Mac, Linux, or UNIX.


___________ refers to what a product costs, or at least what a business is willing to exchange for their products.


_______________ can be defined simply enough as the ability of an individual to keep their personal information out of public view.


_______________ focus their efforts on which goods and services to produce, how to produce them, and what it's going to cost to produce them.


____________ are the actual goods and services a business produces and how they relate to customer's needs including warranties, guarantees, and customer support.


________________ provides a business a collaborative road map for organizing and managing resources to schedule a project from start to finish.

Project Management Software

___________ is the advertisement of a business' products and services, as well as promotion and publicity.


_______________ involve a buyer typically in another country that approaches merchants via spam and asks if they can pay for shipping with a credit card.

Purchase Scams

______________ refers to the level of detail or level of summarization in a report.

Reporting Summarization Levels

________________ departments take a creative and systematic approach to evolve a business' original idea and devise new ones.

Research & Development

_______________ is a relatively newer form of malware, keylogging is when a perpetrator logs on to a computer workstation and installs a program that simply records every keystroke made at the workstation's keyboard.

Reverse Phishing/Keylogging

In a computing system, _________ is the recognition, consequences, and assessment of risk to a computer's assets, and developing strategies to manage and protect them.

Risk Management

For protection against identity theft, the United States Department of Justice urges people to remember the acronym "____________".


To insure the accuracy and fair reporting of these financial statements, laws like the __________________ were enacted to counter fraudulent reporting.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)

A _____________ site offers general information and research and is intended as an entryway for other websites.

Search Engine Website

Although a quaint term, ____________ is exactly what it sounds like; a criminal in a public place will simply glance over their victims' shoulder and watch them dial a phone number, or type in a password on a laptop, or simply listen for a credit card number.

Shoulder Surfing

_______________ or junk email is the abuse of an email system to arbitrarily send typically millions of unsolicited bulk messages.


_______________ is a computer program that is installed covertly on a computer to capture or take control of the computer, without a user's knowledge or consent.


_____________ websites styles rarely, if ever, change their content and display their information the same way to all users.


____________ decisions refer to long-term planning designed to achieve a specific goal, whereas ___________ decisions are specific actions that serve a larger purpose.

Strategic; Tactical Decisions

_______________ passwords are longer in length than ordinary passwords, typically eight to twelve characters.


______________________ are designed to tell a browser how to display and align elements like lists, headings and paragraphs.

Structural (Block) Elements

A ______________ is a client computer or client software like a web browser in client/ server network that depends on the server for computer processing which in turn serves up the information to the client.

Thin Client

The first post to a discussion board is typically a comment that starts a _____________.


_____________ and the data they provide are the groundwork for all other reports.

Transaction Processing Systems

A ______________ program often seems harmless and possibly interesting until it is executed.

Trojan Horse

<I> results in the same text effect as <cite> True/False


<big> results in the same text effect as <font size = +1> True/False


<kbd> and <tt> result in the same text effect True/False


<small> results in the same text effect as <font size = -1> True/False


<strong> and <b> result in the same text effect True/False


By default, the background of a table is transparent. True/False


Color, size, and face are properties of the <font> tag True/False


Unless explicitly specified in the <tr> tag, the height of a table row is automatically based on the height of the tallest element in that row. True/False


Unless explicitly specified, the width of a table column is automatically based on the width of the widest element in that column. True/False


Within document navigation is facilitated using the name property of the <a> tag True/False


A fragmented URL utilizes an anchor tag to go to a specified point within a web page True/False

True, and uses the special character # indicate that the destination is a location within the document

Unless specified by the link property of the page's <body> tag, a linked image's initial border color is, by default, set by the browser. True/False

True, and, by default, will be blue

Both IE and Mozilla FireFox implement over-riding the background color of both a row and a individual cell. True/False

True, both IE and Mozilla FireFox recognize the bgcolor property of the<table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> tags

A pixel is approximately 1/72 inch True/False

True, but really variable based on screen resolution

The background of a table may be a solid color or an image. True/False

True, by using appropriate values for either the bgcolor or background property of the opening table tag

An image's size can be adjusted using properties of the <img> tag True/False

True, height and width

An image's spacing can be adjusted using properties of the <img> tag True/False

True, hspace and vspace

An unlinked image's border color can be manipulated by the color property of a preceding <font> tag True/False

True, the color of a visible border around an unlinked image tag will be governed by browser default text color (black), text property of body tag, or color property of controlling font tag

A single table element can span both multiple rows and columns True/False

True, the rowspan and colspan properties can be specified for both th and td tags

Table column widths can be specified as percentages of the overall table width True/False

True, the width property can also be set to a fixed number of pixels

<hr> widths can be specified in either percentage of screen width or pixels True/False

True. By default the width is 100% o f screen width and may be adjusted using the <ht> tag's width property

The number or character identifying the first element in an ordered list intermingled may be changed from 1, I, i, A, or a. True/False

True. No matter whether using a default ordered list, type=1, or any of the other type values, the value for the start property must be an integer. For example, if you want to start a uppercase Roman numeral list at X, the start value is 10. If you want to start a uppercase Alphabetic list with J, the start value is 10.

An ____________ computer is an extremely easy to breach, especially by a seasoned hacker.


Video sharing sites use _______________ protocols instead of Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP).

User Datagram Packet (UDP)

______________ allow businesses to collaborate through a network by allowing two or more locations interact via video and exchange data during the conference often called a webinar.

Video and Data Conferencing

A ________________ is a dedicated computer connected to the Internet that accepts Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests from Internet users (clients) and fulfills the request by sending (serving) HTML documents, or web pages via HTTP.

Web Server

A _______________ is an assortment of Web pages that can include text, images, videos, and other elements that is hosted on a web server accessible via the Internet.


With the dawn of HTML, the ____________ was born.

World Wide Web

A ______________ is like a virus in that it is self-replicating but many times far more insidious in that it does not need to attach itself to an existing program to spread.


Webpages really don't even exist until they are resolved and rendered by the client's ____________.


A broad definition of a ___________ is that is an organized entity designed to sell goods and/ or services, usually in an endeavor to make a profit.


Without proper configuration, a firewall can often become ____________.


The word "copy" in terms of a web browser is actually referred to as ____________.


Web browsers allow for client's to review their history based on the client's ___________.


JavaScript is a programming language that is considered a _____________ language in reference to websites.


When a client clicks on a hyperlink to make an HTTP request for a webpage residing on a web server, the webpage is sent to the _____________.

clients computer

The fact is business departments need to do more than just share data and information to be successful; they need to _____________ with one another.


Reports can also be ___________ reports, meaning that they can be produced whenever they are needed.

demand reports

HTML is represented in the form of tags called ____________.


A _____________ is specialized hardware and software working together that insures that only authorized personnel and employees within a business can use their Intranet.


In simple terms, a ____________ is configured to deny or permit network users, (many times Internet users) or data into a computer network with different levels of trust.


Fat clients have ___________ functionality than thin clients.


Computer hackers are not just after information, many times they attempt to ____________.

hijack heavily sought-after computer processing cycles and speed, as well as storage space.

If web pages that visited a client's computer are cached, which they typically are, that means all the content a client looked at on the WWW resides on the client's computer, typically called "______________".


Stealing credit card information constitutes _________________.

identity theft

An _____________ is a businesses' private version of the Internet that works the same way as the Internet, but is confined within the business.


It is important to identify that every computer ____________, and understand the enormous penalties for ignoring these problems.

is at risk

There are a lot of misnomers when it comes to website terminologies, for instance, you don't visit a website: _______________.

it vists you

Many times these computers are connected to the Internet, so they receive emails with malicious attachments, ___________________.

like viruses, worms, and malware

Another problem is that fat clients are typically _____________ relative to web browsers which are thin clients.

more expensive

Most reports are __________ in nature, meaning that they are produced at given intervals, sometimes daily, weekly, monthly, etc.


Categories of websites include __________, __________, __________, and __________ websites.

personal, commercial, governmental, intranet

The key aspect of an Intranet is _____________.


Website online software has to be a dynamic website that generates and processes web pages directly from the server, called ________________.

server-side processing

Since the five business departments are interrelated it is imperative that they ___________________.

share data and information

An HTML document typically has a filename extension of _____________.

".html" or ".html"

A fragmented URL is ____________ a normal URL a. an extension of b. a shortened version of c. no different from


The <head> tag is closed ___________ the ____________ tag. a. before, <body> b. after, <body>


The link, alink, and vlink properties are defined within the _____ tag of a web page. a. <body> b. <head> c. <title> d. <html> e. <table>


With HTML 4.0, there are ____ header lines defined with ___ being the largest a. 6,1 b. 6,6 c. 7,1 d. 7,7


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