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Social Networking

use of Internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both.

Difference Engine and Analytical Engine

It an automatic, mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions. Invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834 It is the first mechanical computer.


1840 and 1940. The telegraph was created in the early 1800s. Morse code was created by Samuel Morse in 1835. The telephone (one of the most popular forms of communication ever) was created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The first radio developed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894.


1940 and right now. he ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems. This computer was designed to be used by the U.S. Army for artillery firing tables. This machine was even bigger than the Mark 1 taking up 680 square feet and weighing 30 tons - HUGE. It mainly used vacuum tubes to do its calculations.

The First Generation

1946 to 1958. first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire room

The Second Generation

1959 to 1964. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. One transistor replaced the equivalent of 40 vacuum tubes. Allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable.

The Third Generation

1965 to 1970 The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.

The Fourth Generation

1971 to Today. microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet.


Allows the user to interact with the page

Harvard Mark 1

Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC). Invented by Howard H. Aiken in 1943 The first electro-mechanical computer.

Augusta Ada Byron

First Computer Programmer. suggests to Babbage that he use the binary system. She writes programs for the Analytical Engine.

Entertainment Website

If you think about your internet browsing habits, you can probably think of a few websites that you visit purely for entertainment purposes.

Nonprofit Website

In the same way that businesses need websites to be their online presence, nonprofits do as well.


Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.

Stepped Reckoner

Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672

Tabulating Machine

Invented by Herman Hollerith in 1890. To assist in summarizing information and accounting.

Napier's Bones

Invented by John Napier in 1614

Scheutzian Calculation Engine

Invented by Per Georg Scheutz in 1843. Based on Charles Babbage's difference engine

Slide Rule

Invented by William Oughtred in 1622. Is based on Napier's ideas about logarithms

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

It was the first electronic digital computing device. Invented by Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry at Iowa State University between 1939 and 1942.

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

It was the first electronic general-purpose computer. Completed in 1946. Developed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

Wiki or Community Forum Website

Most people are familiar with wikis through the most famous example of one out there: Wikipedia.

Personal Website

Not all websites exist to make money in some way or another. Many people find value in creating personal websites to put their own thoughts out into the world. This category includes personal blogs, vlogs, and photo diaries people share with the world.

Web 3.0: (Read-write intelligent web)

Suggested name by John Markoff of the New York Times for the third generation of the web.

Electronic Controls Company

The First Computer Company. •The first computer company was the Electronic Controls Company.• Founded in 1949 by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

Osborne 1

The First Portable Computer. Released in 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation

Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

The First Stored Program Computer Designed by Von Neumann in 1952. It has a memory to hold both a stored program as well as data.


The first programmable computer. Created by Konrad Zuse in Germany from 1936 to 1938.

digital computing

The first was the era of vacuum tubes and punch cards like the ENIAC and Mark 1. Rotating magnetic drums were used for internal storage. The second generation replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, punch cards were replaced with magnetic tape, and rotating magnetic drums were replaced by magnetic cores for internal storage. Also during this time high-level programming languages were created such as FORTRAN and COBOL. The third generation replaced transistors with integrated circuits, magnetic tape was used throughout all computers, and magnetic core turned into metal oxide semiconductors. An actual operating system showed up around this time along with the advanced programming language BASIC. The fourth and latest generation brought in CPUs (central processing units) which contained memory, logic, and control circuits all on a single chip. The personal computer was developed (Apple II). The graphical user interface (GUI) was developed.

Educational Website

The websites of educational institutions and those offering online courses fall into the category of educational websites. These websites have the primary goal of either providing educational materials to visitors or providing information on an educational institution to them.

The Fifth Generation

Today to future. Artificial Intelligence (AI). Still in development. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. The goal is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.

Jacquard Loom

a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard in 1881.


allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely chosen keywords

Tally sticks

an ancient memory aid device to record and document numbers

Brochure Website

are a simplified form of business websites. For businesses that know they need an online presence, but don't want to invest a lot into it

Web Portal

are often websites designed for internal purposes at a business, organization, or institution. They collect information in different formats from different sources into one place to make all relevant information accessible to the people who need to see it.

Portfolio Website

are sites devoted to showing examples of past work. Service providers who want to show potential clients the quality of the work they provide can use a portfolio website to collect some of the best samples of past work they've done.

Media Website

collect news stories or other reporting.

Web site

collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or focus

Rich User Interface

content is dynamic and is responsive to user's input. An example would be a website that shows local content


discussion or informational website published on the world wide web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.


earliest age of information technology. 3000B.C. and 1450A.D. When humans first started communicating they would try to use language or simple picture drawings known as petroglyths which were usually carved in rock. Early alphabets were developed such as the Phoenician alphabet.


electronic device that manipulates information, programmable machine.

UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1

first commercial computer. Designed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

User Participation

he owner of website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content on their own by means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.


hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience directly using a web browser.

Web (World Wide Web)

information organized into Web pages containing text and graphic images.

Sir Timothy John Berners

inventor of the World Wide Web

eCommerce Website

is a website people can directly buy products from you've probably used a number of eCommerce websites before, most big brands and plenty of smaller ones

Business Website

is any website that's devoted to representing a specific business

world wide web

larger collection of interconnected documents or content. It contains hypertext links, or highlighted keywords and images that lead to related information.


mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de Colmar in 1820, The first reliable, useful and commercially successful calculating machine. first mass-produced calculating machine.


mechanical device used to aid an individual in performing mathematical calculations

Web 1.0 (Read Only Static Web)

old internet that only allows people to read from the internet. First stage worldwide linking web pages and hyperlink. Web is use as "information portal"

Semantic Web

provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content specifically targeting the user.

Long Tail

services are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent on Internet or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you used.

Web 2.0 (Read-write interactive web)

term used to describe a new generation of Web services and applications with an increasing emphasis on human collaboration.

information and communications technology

the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing.


time between 1450 and 1840. Technologies like the slide rule (an analog computer used for multiplying and dividing) were invented. Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline which was a very popular mechanical computer. Charles Babbage developed the difference engine which tabulated polynomial equations using the method of finite differences

Video Sharing Sites

website that lets people upload and share their video clips with the public at large or to invited guests.

Infopreneur Website

websites overlap a bit with business and eCommerce websites, but they represent a unique type of online business. Infopreneurs create and sell information products.

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