ITC Chapter 2

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A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm.


________ enable management to make better decisions regarding organizing and scheduling sourcing, production, and distribution.


Which of the following decisions requires knowledge based on collaboration and interaction?

Should we work with outside vendors on new products and services?

You have been hired by a non-profit agency to implement a system to handle their donations. The system must be able to handle and record telephone, SMS, and Internet donations, provide up-to-the-minute reports, and create highly customizable mailing lists. In addition, event fundraisers need to be able to quickly access a donor's information and history. Which of the following systems will best meet these needs?

TPS with MIS capabilities

The term "management information systems" designates a specific category of information systems serving

middle management functions

Which level of the organization are ESS specifically designed to serve?

senior management

Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true?

successful collaboration can be achieved through technology regardless of the organization's culture or structure

Which type of system integrates supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes?

supply chain management system

The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization is a(n)

systems analyst

T/F A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine transactions of a business.


T/f A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine transactions of a business.


An example of a cross-functional business process is

creating a new product

________ systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully defined in advance.


In ________, digital technology and the Internet are used to execute the major business processes in the enterprise.


Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called


What is the most important function of an enterprise application?

enabling business functions and departments to share information

Which of the following is a firm's CPO responsible for?

ensuring that the company complies with existing data privacy laws

A(n) ________ system collects data from various key business processes and stores the data in a single, comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of the business.


________ systems are also known as enterprise systems.

enterprise resource planning

A(n) ________ system collects data from various key business processes and stores the data in a single, comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of the business.

enterprise system

Which of the following types of system helps coordinate the flow of information between the firm and its suppliers and customers?


You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and click-throughs about their current banner ads. Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution?


All of the following are reasons for the increased business focus on collaboration and teamwork, except for

the need for more efficient work hierarchies`

Which of the following tools would you use to evaluate and choose a collaboration tool for your organization?

the time/space collaboration and social tool matrix

To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment, managers need ________ systems.

transaction processing

T/F An example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool is a Skype conference call using VOIP and webcams.


T/F DSS are used by managers to make decisions about problems that are unusual and not easily specified in advance.


T/F DSS use internal information as well as information from external sources.


T/F Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using synchronous collaboration tools.


T/F Transaction-level information is essential for operational management to be able to direct the day-to-day operations of the business.


________ is a collaboration tool that supports remote (different place), synchronous (same time) collaboration.

video conferencing

T/F An inventory control system is an example of an MIS.


Which of the following is a highly structured decision?

granting credit to a customer

You have been hired by Inspiration Inc., to help improve their profit margin. Inspiration Inc. is a business communications consultancy that services many clients in different industries throughout the United States. The end products of the company are customized recommendations for the best use of a client's existing resources for improving internal communications, typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has approximately 100 consultants, all of whom are located in their central headquarters in Chicago. What system do you recommend to improve the company's business processes and increase their profit margin?

extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the internet, minimize the time spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of paperwork needed

T/F Decision-support systems are most commonly used by the operations management level of an organization.


T/F Identifying customers is a business process handled by the human resources function.


T/F Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific problems.


T/F You would use an MIS to help determine if your business should introduce a new product line.


FWO's use of SharePoint for project management is an example of using information systems to achieve which business objective?

improved decision making

All of the following statements regarding IBM Notes are true except which one?

it began as an email and messaging client

To consolidate the relevant knowledge and experience in the firm and make it available to improve business processes and management decision making, you would use a(n)


Executive support systems are information systems that support the

long range planning activities of senior management

A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions would fall into the category of

management information systems

A business process in the ________ function is producing bills of material.

manufacturing and production

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