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There are a number of advantages to using the web to access an organiza- tion's internal database:

-web browser software is much easier to use than proprietary query tools -the web interface requires few or no changes to the internal database. It costs much less to add a web interface in front of a legacy system than to redesign and rebuild the system to improve user access. Accessing corporate databases through the web is creating new efficiencies, opportunities, and business models

tuples vs key field vs primary key vs foreign key

=Rows =table uniquely identifies each record =unique identifier for all the information in any row of the table =a lookup field to look up data about the supplier of a specific part.

most widely used revenue model in e-commerce

The advertising model

spear phishing

In a more targeted form of phishing called spear phishing, messages appear to come from a trusted source, such as an individual within the recipient's own company or a friend

Transaction Broker`

Sites that process transactions for consumers normally handled in person, by phone, or by mail

social graph

Social e-commerce is commerce based on the idea of the digital social graph, a mapping of all significant online social relationships.`

how IT improves business processes

-automation, simultaneously -enables entirely new processes like changing the flow of info, eliminate delays, supports new business models

transaction processing systems (tps)

-keep track of elementary and transactions activities -sales, deposits, payroll, materials in inv -principal purpose is to answer routine questions and track flow of transactions is a computerized system

small businesses, lack the resources or expertise to provide a secure high-availability computing environment on their own. They can outsource many security functions to

managed security service provid- ers (MSSPs)`

the technical approaches to MIS

management science, computer science, operations research

why must antivirus software must be continually updated

most antivirus software is effec- tive only against malware already known when the software was written

The foundation technology for web services is

XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language.

No one owns the Internet, and it has no formal management. However, worldwide Internet policies are established by

a number of professional orga- nizations and government bodies with the goal of keeping the Internet operating as effi- ciently as possible

After you've identified the main risks to your systems, your company will need to develop a

a security policy `

information technology infrastructure

all the technologies like hardware, soft, data manag, intra extranet, etc + the people who run & manage them MAKE UP THE (IT) INFRASTRUCTURE

Web beacons

also called web bugs (or simply track- ing files), are tiny software programs that keep a record of users' online click- streams. They report this data back to whomever owns the tracking file invisibly embedded in e-mail messages and web pages that are designed to monitor the behavior of the user

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

also provides some copyright protection. implemented a World Intellectual Prop- erty Organization Treaty that makes it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials. Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to take down sites of copyright infringers they are hosting when the ISPs are notified of the problem

Standards and network effects

among manufacturers and widespread consumer acceptance of technology standards.

Portals generate revenue primarily by

attracting very large audiences, charging advertisers for display ad place- ment (similar to traditional newspapers), collecting referral fees for steering customers to other sites, and charging for premium services.

Application controls can be classified`

as (1) input controls, (2) processing controls, and (3) output controls.

The types of information obtainable from data mining include

associations, sequences, classifications, clusters, and forecasts. a; occurrences linked to a single event s: events are linked over time Clustering works in a manner similar to classification when no groups have yet been defined

Behavioral targeting takes place at two levels:

at individual websites or from within apps and on various advertising networks that track users across thou- sands of websites.

Each characteristic or quality describing a particular entity is called an

attribute For example, Student_ID, Course, Date, and Grade are attributes of the entity COURSE.

To gain access to a system, a user must be

authorized and authenticated. Authentication refers to the ability to know that a person is who he or she claims to be.

the leading methodology for understanding the really important information needed by a firm's executives is called the

balanced scorecard method

Marketing in this new period is based on

based on firms engaging in multiple online conversations with their customers, potential customers, and even critics.

The workhorse of online marketing was the ____. It still is, but it's increasingly being replaced by ______, which are far more effective.

display ad video ads

The key words for understanding this new e-commerce in 2017 will be

"social, mobile, local."`

walmart as an example who got operational excellence thru investment in information systems

'retail link system' where it links its suppliers to every one of their stores as soon as cx purchases an item, the suppliers knows to ship replacement

The two most important management challenges in building a successful e-commerce presence are

(1) developing a clear under- standing of your business objectives and (2) knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives.

Moore's Law and Microprocessing Power

(1) the power of microprocessors doubles every 18 months, (2) comput- ing power doubles every 18 months, and (3) the price of computing falls by half every 18 months. but this expo growth/decline may not be able to con- tinue much longer may reach the physical limits

management information systems (MIS) supports..

+ tries to achieve this broader information systems literacy

how has changes in tech transformed social and busieness practices

-250m+ americans have mobile phones and 195m access the net w their smart phones and tablets -smartphones, social networking, texting, emailing, and webinars have all become essential tools of business -150+ businesses worldwide have internet sites registered for online shopping -businesses are using information technology to sense and respond to rapidly changing demands, reduce inv to lowest possible lvls, and obtain higher levels of operational efficiency.

voyage-estimating system

-An interesting, small, but powerful DSS -calculates financial and technical voy- age details. Financial calculations include ship/time costs (fuel, labor, capi- tal), freight rates for various types of cargo, and port expenses. Technical details include a myriad of factors, such as ship cargo capacity, speed

TLDR on Kroger

-Grocery store of the future -collect data using infrared sensors to make predictions "QueVision" -has cut average wait time 4min -> 30secs -also temperature monitoring system, no longer need employees to manually check and less spoilage -started own online ordering service, pickup w/o leaving car -mobile app -focused on higher cx satisfaction levels

difference betwn electronic business and electronic commerce

-business refers to the use of digital tech and the internet to execute business proceses includes activities for the internal managment and coordination for outsiders -commerce deals with the buying and selling over the internet also activities supporting market transactions like ads, cx support, security

explain the interdependance between a firms information systems and its business capabilities

-changes in strategy, rules, and business processes would require changes in the hardware, software, databases and telecommunications -yet often what the organization would LIKE to do ends up DEPENDING on that their systems permit to do

what are the reasons why collaborations are important today

-changing nature of work [changed from factory manufacturing] -growth of professional work, "interaction" jobs [pro jobs req lots of info and opinions, lots of ppl with special expertise] -changing organization of the firm [no longer organized in a hierarchical fashion, today work is done in group and teams] -changing scope of the firm [from single location to multiple, often global] -emphasis on innovation [strong collab practices and technologies are believed to increase the rate of innovation] -changing culture of work [diverse teams instead of solo work is the standard]


-company w lots of employees all over world -used to have intranet but found that it lacked tools to share ideas and work efficiency -then replaced with Inside+, which include microsoft yammer, office 365, and sharepoint -this made them become "social", able to collab, discover ppl, etc -but tech alone did not solve ABB's problem, had to include changes to mangement (develop strats ans goals) and organization (change processes and company culture) illustrates how much organizations today rely on informa- tion systems to improve their performance and remain competitive.

what are other alternatives to enterprise applications

-enterprise often costly and difficult to implement -use intra and extranets

systems for business intelligence

-focused on delivery of info to support desicison making -3 parts to business intel 1]management info systems [mis] -for middle management -reports on preformance -answers to routine questions -report on the company's basic operations using data supplied by transaction processing systems 2]decision support systems [dss] -focus on problems that are unique and rapidly changing -uses internal info like [mis] and [tps] and also external info like stock market -"what rate should we use to increase profits by 60%?" 3]executive support systems (ess) -help make stratgic and long term decisions -non routine, requires evaluation -designed to incorporate data about external events

explain the concept of complementary assets when it comes to reaping and sowing results with information systems

-you might invest a lot and receive a lot but not all businesses face this -suggests that investment itself does not guarantee good returns -this variation is due to complementary assets (those assets req to derive value from a primary investment) -research indicates that firms that support their investments like new business modles, processes, behaviour, culture, or training will receive superior returns


. High-end videoconferencing systems feature telepresence technology, an integrated audio and visual environment that allows a person to give the appearance of being present at a location other than his or her true physical location

In a legal action, a firm is obligated to respond to a

/discovery request for access to information that may be used as evidence, and the company is required by law to produce those data.

contemporary approaches to information systems

1- technical approach emphasize math models to study the systems and also the physical tech establish theories of computability 2- behavioral approach long term issues that arise like integration, design, implementation how systems effect people but does NOT ignore technology just concentrates on changes in attitude and behaviour

the four layers of the TCP/IP reference model for communications.

1. Application layer. ----enables client application programs to access the other layers and defines the protocols 2. Transport layer. ----providing the Application layer with communication and packet services. tcp used here 3. Internet layer. ----addressing, routing, and packaging data packets ip used here 4. Network Interface layer ----responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium

levels in a firm

1. Senior Management 2. Middle Management (scientists and knowledge workers) 3. Operational Management (production and service workers, data workers)

time/space matrix 6 steps to evaluate the software tool to use

1. identify challenge -Locate your firm in the time/space matrix. 2. identify solutions avail - Within each cell of the matrix where your firm faces challenges 3. analyze costs and benefits 4. eval security risks 5. consult ppl for implementation and training issues 6. evaluate product vendors

behaviorally targeted ads are generally ___ times more likely to produce a consumer response than a randomly chosen


businesses invest in information systems to achieve what 6 strategic objectives?

1] operational excellence -info systems and tech are some of the most important tools to increasing lvls of efficiency and productivity 2] new prod/ser and business models -tech r major enabling tool -b.model: describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells to create wealth 3] cx and supplier intimacy -knows cx well = serves good = more purchases -intimacy w suppliers = lower costs 4] improved decision making -before they operated with an 'info fog bank' where managers rely on forecasts and luck, now can use real-time data 5] competitive advantage -any points from 1~4 already allows you to be superior 6] survival -sometimes these changes are 'necessities' and u need to follow the trends, redundant old stuff not effective anymore

information systems literacy vs computer literacy

1] the understanding of the management and organizational dimensions of systems as well as the technical dimensions of systems = broader under- standing of information systems, 2] focuses on primarily on knowledge of information technology

the 3 interrelated changes in the technology area

1] the wide spread adopting of the mobile computing platform 2] growing use of 'big data' and data from internet-linked networks of sensors aka internet-of-things [IoT] 3] the growth in 'cloud computing' where more business softwares are running over the internet (major business applications are delivered online now) (performing tasks on the internet that was traditionally done on corporate computers)

the 2 different management groups

1] transaction processing systems (tps) 2] systems for business intelligence

Today wireless car- riers offer

3G networks, with transmission speeds ranging from 144 Kbps for mobile users + 2 Mbps for stationary users offer fair transmission speeds for e-mail, browsing the web, and online shopping but are too slow for videos 4G networks have much higher speeds: 100 megabits/second download and 50 megabits upload speed

repetitive stress injury (RSI)

A common occupational disease today is repetitive stress injury (RSI). RSI occurs when muscle groups are forced through repetitive actions often with high-impact loads (such as tennis) or tens of thousands of repetitions under low-impact loads (such as working at a computer keyboard). The incidence of RSI is estimated to be as much as one-third of the labor force and accounts for one-third of all disability cases.

nonobvious relationship awareness (NORA)

A data analysis technology has given both the government and the private sector even more powerful profiling capabilities. NORA can take information about people from many disparate sources, such as employment applications, telephone records, customer listings, and wanted lists, and correlate relationships to find obscure connections that might help identify criminals or terrorists

Declining Communications Costs and the internet

A fourth technology driver transforming IT infrastructure is the rapid decline in the costs of communication and the exponential growth in the size of the Internet To take advantage of the business value associated with the Internet, firms must greatly expand their Internet connections, including wireless connectiv- ity, and greatly expand the power of their client/server networks, desktop cli- ents, and mobile computing devices

Management and Governance FOR IT

A long-standing issue among information system managers and CEOs has been the question of who will control and manage the firm's IT infrastructure.

Alternatively, LANs may use a peer-to-peer architecture--meaning?

A peer-to-peer network treats all proces- sors equally and is used primarily in small networks with 10 or fewer users. The various computers on the network can exchange data by direct access and can share peripheral devices without going through a separate server.

public vs private cloud

A public cloud is owned and maintained by a cloud service provider, such as Amazon Web Services, and made available to the general public A private cloud is operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party and may be hosted either internally or externally. Companies that want flexible IT resources and a cloud ser- vice model while retaining control over their own IT infrastructure are gravitat- ing toward these private clouds.

The Law of Mass Digital Storage

A second technology driver of IT infrastructure change The amount of digital information is roughly doubling every year Fortunately, the cost of storing digital information is falling at an exponential rate of 100 percent a year.

Software Packages and Enterprise Software

A software package is a prewritten commercially available set of software pro- grams that eliminates the need for a firm to write its own software programs for certain functions, such as payroll processing or order handling. software packages that can support the primary business processes of a firm worldwide from warehousing, customer rela- tionship management, and supply chain

real-time bidding platforms (RTB)

Ad networks create real-time bidding platforms (RTB) where marketers bid in an automated environment for highly targeted slots available from web publishers. ad platforms can predict how many targeted individuals will view the ads, and ad buyers can estimate how much this exposure is worth to them.

information policy

An information policy specifies the organization's rules for sharing, dis- seminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying informa- tion

Semantic Search vs Social search

Another way for search engines to become more discrimi- nating and helpful is to make search engines capable of understanding what we are really looking for understand human language and behavior Google and other search engine firms are attempting to refine search engine algorithms to capture more of what the user intended vs effort to provide fewer, more relevant, and trustworthy search results based on a person's network of social contacts

In-Memory Computing

Another way of facilitating big data analysis relies primarily on a computer's main memory (RAM) for data storage.thereby eliminating bottlenecks from retrieving

some of the negative social consequences of systems

Balancing Power: Center Versus Periphery -corporate Internet behemoths such as Google, Apple, Yahoo, Amazon, and Microsoft have come to dominate the collection and analysis of personal private information of all citizens Rapidity of Change: Reduced Response Time to Competition -Time-based competition has an ugly side; the business you work for may not have enough time to respond to global competitors and may be wiped out in a year along with your job. -developing a just- in-time society -no benefits or insurance for employees Maintaining Boundaries: Family, Work, and Leisure -The traditional boundaries that separate work from family and just plain leisure have been weakened. -more people are working when traditionally they would have been playing or communicating with family and friends. -extends far beyond the eight-hour day -Extensive Internet and cell phone use, even for entertainment or recreational purposes, takes people away from their family and friends. Dependence and Vulnerability -highly vulnerable if these systems fail Computer Crime and Abuse

A technology called deep packet inspection (DPI) helps solve

Bandwith-consuming applications clog and slow down corporate networks, degrading performance how: examines data files and sorts out low-priority online material while assigning higher priority to business-critical files

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Because search engine marketing is so effective companies seek to opti- mize their websites for search engine recognition is the process of improving the quality and volume of web traffic to a website by employing a series of techniques that help a web- site achieve a higher ranking with the major search engines when certain key- words and phrases are put into the search field

Risk Assessment

Before your company commits resources to security and information sys- tems controls, it must know which assets require protection and the extent to which these assets are vulnerable

In general, courts appear to be following the reasoning of a 1989 case

Brown Bag Software v. Symantec Corp—in which the court dissected the elements of software alleged to be infringing. The court found that similar concept, func- tion, general functional features (e.g., drop-down menus), and colors are not protectable by copyright law

Collaboration vs . Teams

Collaboration can be short-lived, lasting a few minutes, or longer term, depending on the nature of the task Teams have a specific mission that someone in the business assigned to them. Teams have a specific mission that someone in the business assigned to them.

What are the components of IT infrastructure?

Computer Hardware Platforms Operating System Platforms Enterprise Software Applications Data Management and Storage Networking/Telecommunications Platforms Internet Platforms Consulting and System Integration Services

define information technology [IT]

Consists of all the hardware and software that a firm needs in order to achieve business objectives

information vs data

Data are streams of raw facts =before they have been organized and arranged Information is data shaped into meaningful form

There are six elements in this business intelligence environment:

Data from the business environment: deal with both structured and unstructured data from many different sources Business intelligence infrastructure Business analytics toolset: software tools are used to analyze data and produce reports` Managerial users and methods Delivery platform—MIS, DSS, ESS User interface: data visualization tools, such as rich graphs, charts, dashboards, and maps

______ provides insights into corporate data that cannot be obtained with OLAP & why

Data mining by finding hidden patterns and relationships in large databases and inferring rules from them to predict future behavior. rules are used to guide decision making and forecast the effect of those decisions

Data Redundancy vs Inconsistency

Data redundancy is the presence of duplicate data in multiple data files so that the same data are stored in more than one place or location leads to data inconsistency >>may be updated in some sys- tems but not in others

entity-relationship diagram

Database designers document their data model with an entity-relationship diagram The lines connecting the boxes represent relationships that ends in two short marks designates a one-to- one relationship. A line connecting two entities that ends with a crow's foot topped by a short mark indicates a one-to-many relationship.

Candidate Ethical Principles

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (the Golden Rule) (Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative). Ask yourself, "If everyone did this, could the organization, or society, survive?" slippery slope rule Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value (utilitarian princi- ple) Take the action that produces the least harm or the least potential cost (risk aversion principle) Assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise. (ethical no-free- lunch rule.)

Text mining

E-mail, memos, call center tran- scripts, survey responses, legal cases, patent descriptions, and service reports are all valuable for finding patterns and trends that will help employees make better business decisions tools are able to extract key elements from unstructured big data sets, discover patterns and relationships, and summarize the information.

Exchanges [Net marketplaces]

Exchanges are independently owned third-party Net marketplaces that con- nect thousands of suppliers and buyers for spot purchasing. Exchanges proliferated during the early years of e-commerce, but many have failed encour- aged competitive bidding that drove prices down and did not offer any long- term relationships

Most American and European privacy law is based on a regime called

Fair Information Practices (FIP) is a set of principles governing the collection and use of information about individ- uals. based on the notion of a mutuality of interest between the record holder and the individual.

If you work in a firm providing financial services, your firm will need to com- ply with

Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ensure the security and confidentiality of customer data. Data must be stored on a secure medium, and special security measures must be enforced to protect such data on storage media and during transmittal.

FTC added three practices to its framework for privacy

Firms should adopt privacy by design, building products and services that protect privacy, firms should increase the transparency of their data practices, and firms should require consumer consent and provide clear options to opt out


For handling unstructured and semi-structured data in vast quantities, as well as structured data, organizations are using Hadoop is an open source software framework that enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across inexpensive computers. It breaks a big data problem down into sub-problems, distributes them among up to thousands of inexpensive computer processing nodes, and then combines the result into a smaller data set that is easier to ana- lyze. Hadoop's non-relational database, provides rapid access to the data stored on HDFS and a transactional platform for running high-scale real-time applications. ex do a search on Google, or connect with a friend on Facebook.

why are some Companies are turning to "NoSQL" non-relational database technologies

For more than 30 years, relational database technology has been the gold stan- dard. Cloud computing, unprecedented data volumes, massive workloads for web services, and the need to store new types of data require database alter- natives to the traditional relational model of organizing data in the form of tables, columns, and rows use a more flexible data model and are designed for managing large data sets across many distributed machines and for easily scaling up or down.


HTML is limited to describing how data should be presented in the form of webpages, XML can perform presentation, communication, and storage of data. XML makes it possible for computers to manipulate and interpret their data automatically and perform operations on the data without human intervention. XML provides a standard format for data exchange, enabling web services to pass data from one process to another.

hub & switch

Hubs are simple devices that connect network com- ponents, sending a packet of data to all other connected devices. A switch has more intelligence than a hub and can filter and forward data to a specified des- tination on the network.

the world is about to run out of available IP addresses being replaced by a new version of the IP addressing schema called

IPv6 (Internet Protocol ver- sion 6) quadrillion possible unique addresses.

five-step process Ethical Analysis

Identify and describe the facts clearly Define the conflict Identify the stakeholders Identify the options that you can reasonably take Identify the potential consequences of your options

information policy in a small business vs large

If you are in a small business, the information policy would be established and implemented by the owners or managers. In a large organization, manag- ing and planning for information as a corporate resource often require a formal data administration function.

Micropayment systems

In the sales revenue model of e-comm provide content providers with a cost-effective method for processing high volumes of very small monetary transactions (anywhere from 25 cents to $5.00 per transaction)`

Transaction Fee Revenue Model vs Sales Revenue Model

In the transaction fee revenue model, a company receives a fee for enabling or executing a transaction (eBay provides the market, but gets a small transaction fee if sales) In the sales revenue model, companies derive revenue by selling goods, infor- mation, or services to customers.

Mashups and Apps

Individual users and entire companies mix and match these software components to create their own customized applications and to share information with others. EX: personalized your Facebook -provides more customer value than the original Apps are small specialized software programs (application software) that are designed for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. -provide a streamlined non-browser pathway for users to perform a number of tasks

Five Moral Dimensions of the Information Age

Information rights Property rights Accountability and control System quality Quality of life [What values should be preserved]

Cloud computing consists of three different types of services:

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): Customers use processing, storage, networking, and other computing resources from cloud service providers to run their information systems. Software as a service (SaaS): Google Docs, Google Apps, and related software ser- vices for desktop productivity and collaboration Platform as a service (PaaS): where customers can develop their own applications for use within

Every computer on the Internet is assigned a unique

Internet Protocol (IP) address, which currently is a 32-bit number represented by four strings of numbers ranging from 0 to 255 separated by periods

Internet Platforms

Internet platforms include hardware, software, and management services to support a firm's website, including web hosting services, routers, and cabling or wireless equipment.

intranet vs extranet

Intranet- private version of Internet used by organizations to facilitate internal communication but present barriers to external access Extranet- the private intranets that are EXTENDED to users outside of the organization (often used to coordinate activities w other firms)

In addition to firewalls, commercial security vendors now provide

Intrusion detection systems =`feature full-time monitoring tools placed at the most vulnerable points or hot spots of corporate networks to detect and deter intruders continually.

Mainframes--current situation

Mainframes have not disappeared. They continue to be used to reliably and securely handle huge volumes of transactions, for analyzing very large quantities of data, and for handling large workloads in cloud computing cen- ters However, the number of providers has dwindled to one: IBM

social engineering

Malicious intruders seeking system access sometimes trick employees into revealing their passwords by pretending to be legitimate members of the company in need of information


Malicious software programs include a variety of threats such as computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses


Malware /proliferating on both desktop and mobile devices. tries to extort money from users by taking control of their computers or displaying annoying pop-up messages.

behavioral targeting

Many e-commerce marketing firms use refers to tracking the clickstreams (history of clicking behavior) of indi- viduals on thousands of websites to understand their interests and intentions and expose them to advertisements that are uniquely suited to their online behavior.

Telephone service based on Internet technology is more vul- nerable bc

Most Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic over the Internet is not encrypted. Hackers can intercept conversations or shut down voice service by flooding servers supporting VoIP with bogus traffic. does not run over a secure private network.

FTC FIP principles

Notice/awareness (core principle) Choice/consent (core principle) Access/participation Security Enforcement

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

OLAP supports multidimensional data analysis, enabling users to view the same data in different ways using multiple dimensions. ex your company sells four different products—nuts, bolts, washers Each aspect of information—product, pricing, cost, region, or time period—represents a different dimension. So, a product manager could use a multidimensional data analysis tool to learn how many washers were sold in the East in June,

The Dark Side of Big Data

Predictive policing =racial profiling. Computerized hiring =is it fair to screen job applicants this way? Targeting financially vulnerable individuals new opportunities for invading your privacy and using informa- tion that could cause you harm.


Online retail stores similar to the typical bricks-and-mortar storefront, except that customers only need to connect to the Internet to check their inventory and place an order. `


Phase 1: Planning Phase 2: Website development Phase 3: Web Implementation Phase 4: Social media plan Phase 5: Social media implementation Phase 6: Mobile plan

Podcasting vs Streaming`

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio or video broadcasts through the Internet, allowing subscribing users to download Streaming is a publishing method for music and video files that flows a continuous stream of content to a user's device without being stored locally on the device

Nevertheless, the government, privacy groups, and the online ad industry are still at loggerheads over two issues

Privacy advocates want both an opt-in pol- icy at all sites and a national Do Not Track list. The industry opposes these moves and continues to insist that an opt-out capability is the only way to avoid tracking

There are six analytic functionalities that BI systems deliver

Production reports Parameterized reports: pivot table to filter data and isolate impacts of parameters Dashboards/scorecards: These are visual tools for presenting Ad hoc query/search/report creation: These allow users to create their own reports based on queries and searches Drill down: This is the ability to move from a high-level summary to a more detailed view. Forecasts, scenarios, models

Internet-based distribu- tors

Providers do not have to be the creators of the content (although sometimes they are, like content produced and created by others. For example, Apple sells music

disintermediation effects on consumers and sellers

Removing layers lowers the final cost to the customer is affecting the market for services. Airlines and hotels operating their own reservation sites online earn more per ticket because they have eliminated travel agents as intermediaries`

Basic Concepts of Ethical choices:

Responsibility, =means that you accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions you make. Accountability, =determine who took action and who is responsible. and Liability =is a feature of political systems in which a body of laws is in place that permits individuals to recover the damages done to them

Two methods for encrypting network traffic on the web are

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP) but it is limited to individual messages, whereas SSL and TLS are designed to establish a secure connection between two computers.

Security vs Controls

Security refers to the policies, procedures, and technical mea- sures used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems. Controls are methods, policies, and organizational pro- cedures that ensure the safety of the organization's assets, the accuracy and reli- ability of its records, and operational adherence to management standards.

types of Net marketplaces

Some sell direct goods and some sell indirect goods. used in a production process, such as sheet steel for auto body production. Indirect goods are all other goods not directly involved in the production process, such as office supplies [New Ways of B2B Buying and Selling]

The most prominent data manipulation language today is

Structured Query Language would employ SQL to retrieve information they needed from the database.


The 802.11 set of standards for wireless LANs and wireless Internet access wireless devices communicate with a wired LAN using access points. An access point is a box consisting of a radio receiver/ transmitter and antennas that links to a wired network, router

long tail marketing

The Internet enables this--before : attracting the largest number of consumers with popular hit prod- ucts, whether music, Hollywood movies, books find potential customers inexpensively for products where demand is very low. For instance, the Internet makes it possible to sell independent music profitably to very small audiences.

information asymmetry

The Internet reduces this when one party in a transaction has more information that is impor- tant for the transaction than the other party balanced bargaining power`

seven hardware trends:

The Mobile Digital Platform = alternatives to PCs and larger computers =Wearable computing devices are a recent addition Consumerization of IT and BYOD ="bring your own device" =consumer market spreads into business organizations. =but also business uses of software services Quantum Computing =would gain enormous processing power through this ability to be in multiple states at once, allowing it to solve some scientific and business problems millions of times faster than can be done today Virtualization =accessed in ways that are not restricted by physical configuration or geographic location Cloud Computing =is a model of computing in which computer processing, storage, software, and other services are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over a network, primarily the Internet. Green Computing =or green IT, refers to practices and technologies =minimize impact on the environment. High-Performance and Power-Saving Processors =now fea- ture multiple processor cores =more processor cores have been attached for enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks.

service level agreement (SLA)

The SLA is a formal contract between customers and their service pro- viders that defines the specific responsibilities of the service provider and the level of service expected by the customer. SLAs typically specify the nature and level of services provided, criteria for performance measurement, support options,

Evolution of IT Infrastructure

The five eras are general-purpose mainframe and minicomputer computing =widespread commercial use of mainframe comput- ers =(usually in a cor- porate data center) =most elements of infrastructure provided by a single vendor, the manufacturer of the hardware and the software. =began to change with the introduction of minicomputers =instead of sharing on a single huge mainframe personal computers =The Wintel dominance as a computing platform =Worldwide PC shipments have declined more than 10 percent because of the popularity of tablets and smartphones, but the PC is still a popular tool for business client/server networks = desktop or laptop computers called clients are networked to powerful server computers that provide the client computers with a variety of services and capabilities. =can be one server or multitiered enterprise computing = firms turned to networking standards and software tools that could integrate disparate networks and applications throughout the firm =links different pieces of computer hardware and smaller networks into an enterprise-wide network so that information can flow freely across the organization and cloud and mobile computing. =shared pool of computing resources (computers, storage, applications, and services) over the network, often the Internet = accessed by desktop computers, laptop com- puters, tablets etc

Wired Equivalent Pri- vacy (WEP)

The initial security standard developed for Wi-Fi is not very effective because its encryption keys are relatively easy to crack. need 2 `using it in con- junction with virtual private network (VPN)

logical view vs physical view in DBMS

The logical view presents data as they would be per- ceived by end users or business specialists, whereas the physical view shows how data are actually organized and structured on physical storage media.

Relational DBMS

The most popular type of DBMS today Relational databases represent data as two-dimensional tables contains data on an entity and its attributes.

Transmission Speed: "hertz"

The number of cycles per second that can be sent through that medium is measured in hertz 1 cycle, is required to transmit one or several bits


The process of creating small, stable, yet flexible and adaptive data structures from complex groups of data is called normalization. //to minimize redundant data elements and awkward many- to-many relationships


The removal of organizations or business process layers responsi- ble for intermediary steps in a value chain By selling directly to consumers or reduc- ing the number of intermediaries, companies can raise profits while charging lower prices. Digital markets provide this`


The totality of blog-related websites

Data Warehouses and Data Marts [A contemporary infrastructure for business intelligence has an array of tools for obtaining useful information from all the different types of data used by businesses today]

The traditional tool for analyzing corporate data for the past two decades has been the data warehouse. The data originate in many core operational transaction systems The data warehouse makes the data available for anyone to access as needed, but the data cannot be altered. --- they create smaller, decen- tralized warehouses called data marts. A data mart is a subset of a data ware- house in which a summarized or highly focused portion of the organization's data is placed in a separate database for a specific population of users.


The use of handheld wireless devices for pur- chasing goods and services from any location`1

investments in information technology are not helpful for all managerial roles why

There are three main reasons: information quality, management filters, and organizational culture -corporate databases and files have varying levels of inaccuracy and incompleteness -Even with timely, accurate information, managers often make bad decisions. Man- agers (like all human beings) absorb information through a series of filters decisions based on intuition, feelings, and the framing of the problem as opposed to empirical data -balancing of the firm's various interest groups rather than the best solution to the problem

Non-relational database manage- ment systems are useful for

They are useful for accelerating simple queries against large volumes of structured and unstructured data, including web, social media, graphics, and other forms of data that are difficult to analyze with traditional SQL- based tools. without requiring tedious, expensive, and time-consuming database mapping.

just what is the responsibility of a producer of computer services—should it withdraw the product that can never be perfect, warn the user, or forget about the risk (let the buyer beware)?

Three principal sources of poor system performance are (1) software bugs and errors, (2) hardware or facility failures caused by natural or other causes, and (3) poor input data quality.

Intellectual property is subject to a vari- ety of protections under three legal traditions:

Trade Secrets =Any intellectual work product -vary from state to state. -protects the actual ideas in a work product, not only their manifestation -The limitation of trade secret protection is that, although virtually all soft- ware programs of any complexity contain unique elements of some sort, it is difficult to prevent the ideas in the work from falling into the public domain when the software is widely distributed Copyright a statutory grant that protects creators of intellectual property from having their work copied by others for any purpose during the life of the author plus an additional 70 years after the author's death - For corporate-owned works, copyright protection lasts for 95 years after their initial creation. -protects against copying entire programs or their parts

how does OLAP, or multidimen- sional analysis, supports much more complex requests for information

Traditional database queries answer such questions as "How many units of product number 403 were shipped in February 2016?"


Ubiquity Global Reach. Universal Standards Richness Interactivity Information Density. Personalization/Customization Social Technology.

Cloud computing has some drawbacks:

Unless users make provisions for storing their data locally, the responsibility for data storage and control is in the hands of the provider.


Websites with the largest viewership or that attract a highly specialized, differ- entiated viewership and are able to retain user attention (stickiness) can charge higher advertising rates

how do intruders sniff out wireless network traffics

Wi-Fi transmission technology was designed to make it easy for stations to find and hear one another. The service set identifiers (SSIDs) that identify the access points in a Wi-Fi network are broadcast multiple times and can be picked up fairly easily by intruders' sniffer programs "war driving" = intercept

The most common LAN operating systems are physical network?

Win- dows, Linux, and Novell. phys: Ethernet

safe harbor

Working with the European Commission, the U.S. Department of Commerce developed a safe harbor framework for U.S. firms. A safe harbor is a private, self-regulating policy and enforcement mechanism that meets the objectives of government regulators and legislation but does not involve government regu- lation or enforcement However, in October 2015, Europe's highest court struck down the safe harbor agreement entirely, in large part due to the revelations by Edward Snowden that Facebook had shared personal information on European citizens with the NSA and there- fore violated the terms of the agreement

Client/server computing has largely replaced

[ small, inexpen- sive client computers and resides literally on desktops or laptops or in handheld devices. ] centralized mainframe comput- ing in which nearly all the processing takes place on a central large mainframe computer. The Internet is the largest implementation of client/server computing.

types of Operating System Platforms

[[for corporate servers]] -Microsoft Windows Server, Unix, and Linux [[At the client level]] -81 percent of PCs use some form of the Microsoft Windows operating system -Google's Chrome OS, lightweight operating system for cloud com- puting using a web-connected computer -Android, open source operating system for mobile devices -iOS

developed a new family of standards known as WiMax to deal with

[rural groups do not have access to Wi-Fi ] stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, Standard 802.16. WiMax antennas are powerful enough to beam high-speed Internet connections to rooftop antennas of homes and businesses that are miles away

Signals: Digital Versus Analog

[two ways to communicate a message in a network] a: -continuous waveform -voice communication d: -discrete, binary waveform -communicate information as strings (one and zero bits) -Com- puters -require a modem to convert these digital signals into analog signals

the major hardware, software, and transmission components in a simple network:

a client computer and a dedicated server computer, network interfaces, a connection medium, network operating system software, and either a hub or a switch.

A server is

a computer on a network that performs important network functions for client computers, such as display- ing web pages, storing data

what is a digital firm

a digital firm is one in which nearly all of the organizations significant business relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees are DIGITALLY ENABLED AND MEDIATED the core processes are accomplished thru digital networks spanning the entire organization their corporate assets are managed digitally

The collection of web services that are used to build

a firm's software systems constitutes what is known as a service-oriented architecture. to create a working software application

Business analytics (BA)

a vendor-defined term that focuses more on tools and techniques for analyzing and understanding data statistics, models, and data mining

BI analytics include loca- tion analytics, the ability to..

ability to gain business insight from the location including location data from mobile phones, output from sensors or scanning devices, and data from maps

Predictive analytics

ability to model future events and behaviors use statistical analysis, data mining techniques, historical data, and assumptions about future conditions to predict future trends and behavior patterns`

for digital goods, the marginal cost is`

about zero (it costs nothing to make a copy of a music file). However, the cost of producing the original first unit is relatively high

In-Memory Computing viability

advances in contemporary com- puter hardware technology that make in-memory processing possible These technologies help companies optimize the use of mem- ory and accelerate processing performance while lowering costs.

most E-commerce companies rely on one, or some combination, of the following six revenue models:

advertising, sales, sub- scription, free/freemium, transaction fee, and affiliate`

When you adopt these BI and BA systems, you are in essence taking in a new partner--why

all BI and BA systems lock the firm into a set of vendors and switching is very costly. Once you train thousands of employees across the world on using a particular set of tools, it is extremely difficult to switch.

apple as an example of shaping a new business model with the investment of information systems

apple transformed the old business model of music distribution with itunes music service


are col- laborative websites on which visitors can add, delete, or modify content, includ- ing the work of previous authors

Digital certificates

are data files used to establish the identity of users and electronic assets for protection of online transactions uses a trusted third party, known as a certificate authority (CA), to validate a user's identity`


are gateways to the web and are often defined as those sites that users set as their home page. Some definitions of a portal include search engines`

Legacy systems

are generally older transaction processing systems created for mainframe computers that continue to be used to avoid the high cost of replacing or redesigning them. Replacing these systems is cost prohibitive and generally not necessary if these older sys- tems can be integrated into a contemporary infrastructure.

T1 and T3

are international telephone standards for digital communication offer guaranteed delivery at 1.54 Mbps, and 45 Mbps vs. The Internet does not provide guaranteed service

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

are networks of interconnected wireless devices that are embedded in the physical environment to provide measurements of many points over large spaces.

Community providers

are sites that create a digital online environment where people with similar interests can transact (buy and sell goods); share interests, photos, videos; communicate (Social Networks)


are small text files deposited on a computer hard drive when a user visits websites. Cookies identify the visitor's web browser software and track visits to the website. When the visitor returns to a site that has stored a cookie, the website software searches the visitor's com- puter, finds the cookie, and knows what that person has done in the past. It may also update the cookie, depending on the activity during the visit. In this way, the site can customize its content for each visitor's interests.

Decision-support systems (DSS)

are the BI delivery platform for managers are "super users" and keen business analysts who want to create their own reports and use more sophisticated analytics and models to find patterns in data rely more heavily on modeling than MIS, using mathematical or ana- lytical models to perform what-if or other kinds of analysis.`

The universal technical standards of the Internet and e-commerce [impacts]

bc any computer to link with any other computer regardless of the technology platform each is using greatly lower market entry costs—the cost merchants must pay simply to bring their goods to market. At the same time, for consumers, universal standards reduce search costs—the effort required to find suitable products.

on-demand computing

bc organizations using public clouds do not own the infrastructure, they do not have to make large investments in their own hardware and soft- ware. Instead, they purchase their computing services from remote providers and pay only for the amount of computing power they actually use (utility computing) or are billed on a monthly or annual subscription basis. The term on-demand computing has also been used to describe such services.

technologies that characterize one era may also

be used in another time period for other purposes. For example, some companies still run traditional mainframe systems or use mainframe computers as servers supporting large websites and corporate enterprise applications.

Spamming has mushroomed because

because it costs only a few cents to send thou- sands of messages advertising wares to Internet users. Spammers know how to skirt fil- ters by continually changing their e-mail accounts, by incorporating spam mes- sages in images, by embedding spam in e-mail attachments and digital greeting cards, and by using other people's computers that have been hijacked Employment: Trickle-Down Technology and Reengineering Job Loss =redesigning business processes has caused millions of mid-level factory managers and clerical workers to lose their jobs Equity and Access: Increasing Racial and Social Class Cleavages -access to these resources through educational institutions and public libraries are ineq- uitably distributed along ethnic and social class lines -digital divide

Mobile device viruses pose serious threats to enterprise computing because

because so many wireless devices are now linked to corporate information systems

Management information systems [MIS] deals with..

behavioural issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use and impact of information systems used by managers and employers in the firm

A computer system organizes data in a hierarchy that starts with

bits and bytes and progresses to fields, records, files, and databases' bit = smallest unit of data a computer can handle A group of bits = byte grouping of characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number = field A group of related fields, such as the student's name = record a group of records of the same type is called a file.

The total amount of digital information that can be transmitted through any telecommunications medium is measured in

bits per second (bps)

Commercial database vendors have developed specialized high-speed analytic platforms using

both relational and non-relational technology that are opti- mized for analyzing large data sets.

A major problem with software is the presence of hidden

bugs or program code defects. it is virtually impossible to eliminate all bugs from large programs

Market creators

build a digital environment in which buyers and sellers can meet, display products, search for products, and establish prices. Online auction markets such as eBay

an organization coordinates work thru its hierarchy and thru its______

business processes (includes formal rules which guides employees thru tasks)

define information system

can be defined as a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products.


can secretly install itself on an Internet user's computer by piggybacking on larger applications. Once installed, the spyware calls out to websites to send banner ads and other unsolicited material to the user, and it can report the user's movements on the Internet to other computers.

benefits of digital firm

can sense and respond to their environments far more rapidly than traditional, giving them more flexibility to survive in bad times offers more opportunites as it allows for TIME SHIFTING AND SPACE SHIFTING time--conducting things 24/7 instead of the regular 'work hours' space--global workplace wherever in the world it is best accomplished.

Contemporary digital networks and the Internet are based on three key tech- nologies:

client/server computing, the use of packet switching, and the develop- ment of widely used communications standards (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

A router is a

communications processor that routes packets of data through different networks, ensuring that the data sent get to the correct address.

address the question of how much your firm should spend on IT infrastructure.

competitive forces model -Market demand for your firm's services [are customers complaining of slow responses to their queries about price and availability?] -Your firm's business strategy -Your firm's IT strategy, infrastructure, and cost [plans for the next five years and assess its alignment with the firm's business plans.] -Information technology assessment [Is your firm behind] -Competitor firm services.

High-Velocity Automated Decision Making

computer algorithms that precisely define the steps to be followed to produce a decision, very large databases, very high-speed processors, and soft- ware optimized to the task humans (including managers) are eliminated from the decision chain because they are too slow

Designing Databases, requires both a

conceptual design and a physical design. The conceptual, or logical, design of a database is an abstract model of the database from a business perspective, //describes how the data elements in the data- base are to be grouped. //most efficient way of grouping? whereas the physi- cal design shows how the database is actually arranged on direct-access stor- age devices.

drive-by downloads

consisting of malware that comes with a downloaded file that a user intentionally or unin- tentionally requests.

Data cleansing, also known as data scrubbing

consists of activities for detect- ing and correcting data in a database that are incorrect, incomplete, improp- erly formatted, or redundant. Data cleansing not only corrects errors but also enforces consistency among different sets of data that originated in separate information systems

networking and telecommunications technology

consists of both physical devices and software, links the various pieces of hardware and transfers data from one physical location to another a NETWORK links 2 or more computers to share data or resources like a printer

Security policy also includes provisions for identity management... which is?

consists of business processes and software tools for identifying the valid users of a system and controlling their access to system resources.

a security policy

consists of statements ranking information risks, identifying acceptable security goals, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals

computer software

consists of the detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information system

data management technology

consists of the software governing the organization of data on physical storage media

An information system

contains information about an organization and its surrounding environment. Three basic activities—input, processing, and output

Software Outsourcing

contract custom software development or maintenance of existing legacy programs to outside firms often oper- ate offshore in low-wage areas of the world.

A key word in social business is

conversations Customers, suppliers, employ- ees, managers, and even oversight agencies continually have conversations about firms, often without the knowledge of the firm or its key actors (employ- ees and managers). if firms could tune into these con- versations, they would strengthen their bonds with consumers, suppliers, and employees, increasing their emotional involvement in the firm.

how can Search engines can be gamed by scammers

create thousands of phony website pages and link them or link them to a single retailer's site in an attempt to fool Google's search engine. Firms can also pay so-called link farms to link to their site.

Bluetooth AKA

creating small personal area networks (PANs). It links up to eight devices within a 10-meter area using low-power, radio-based communi- cation

the promise of B2B e-commerce

current: The process of conducting trade among business firms is complex and requires significant human intervention; therefore, it consumes significant resources --high administrative overhead If even just a portion of inter-firm trade were automated, and parts of the entire procurement process were assisted by the Internet, literally trillions of dollars might be released for more productive uses

DBMS have a specialized language called a

data manipulation lan- guage that is used to add, change, delete, and retrieve the data in the database.

The resulting problems for the traditional approach to information processing.

data redundancy and inconsistency, program-data dependence, inflexibility, poor data security, and an inability to share data among applications.

Web structure mining examines

data related to the structure of a particular website. For example, links pointing to a document indicate the popularity of the document

acceptable use policy (AUP)

defines acceptable uses of the firm's information resources and computing equipment, including desktop and laptop computers, wireless devices, telephones, and the Internet. A good AUP defines unacceptable and acceptable actions``

Disaster recovery planning

devises plans for the restoration of disrupted computing and communica- tions services. Disaster recovery plans focus primarily on the technical issues involved in keeping systems up and running

In Europe, privacy protection is much more stringent than in the United States how?

do not allow businesses to use per- sonally identifiable information without consumer's prior consent. and they have the right to access that information, correct it, and request that no further data be collected.

The U.S. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

does not out- law spamming but does ban deceptive e-mail practices by requiring commer- cial e-mail messages to display accurate subject lines, identify the true senders, and offer recipients an easy way to remove their names from e-mail lists. It also prohibits the use of fake return addresses.

Both website publishers and the advertising industry defend tracking of individuals across the web because

doing so allows more relevant ads to be targeted to users, and it pays for the cost of publishing websites.

the behavioural approaches to MIS

economics, sociology, psychology

Parts of an organization's culture can always be found embedded in... give example

embedded in its information systems. ex UPS's first priority is cx service which this culture can be found in the company's package tracking system

technologies that can protect user privacy during interactions with website

encrypting e-mail, for making e-mail or surfing activities appear anonymous, for preventing client computers from accepting cookies, or for detecting and eliminating spyware attention has shifted to browsers. Many browsers have Do Not Track options

the 4 major enterprise applications

enterprise systems, (betwn sales/marketing+production+finance/accounting+hr) supply chain management systems, (manage relationships w suppliers) crm management systems, (cx satisfaction, retention, increase sales) and knowledge management systems (collect knowledge and experience and make it avaliable whenever)

A record describes an

entity. An entity is a person, place, thing, or event on which we store and maintain information.

information value chain

every business has one raw info is systematically acquired and then transformed thru various stages that add value to that information the value to a business is determined by the extent to how much it will improve processes and profitability

evil twins and pharming

evil twins and pharming harder to detect Evil twins are wireless networks that pretend to offer trustworthy Wi-Fi connec- tions to the Internet, such as those in airport lounges, hotels --- users who log on to the network ---capture passwords or credit card Pharming redirects users to a bogus web page, even when the individual types the correct web page address into his or her browser ---possible when hacked into ISP companies

An organization can be held liable for needless risk and harm created if the organization

fails to take appro- priate protective action to prevent loss of confidential information, data corrup- tion, or breach of privacy.

Analytic Platforms

feature preconfigured hardware-software systems that are specifically designed for query processing and analytics Analytic platforms also include in-memory systems and NoSQL non-relational database management systems

The largest industries using transaction brokers

financial services and travel services

network operating system (NOS)

routes and manages communica- tions on the network and coordinates network resources. It can reside on every computer

Business continuity planning

focuses on how the company can restore business operations after a disaster strikes

each organization has a unique culture--whats this

fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things, that has been accepted by most members

Web 3.0

future of the Internet, so-called Web 3.0, is already visible. tools for individuals to make sense out of the trillions of pages on the Internet, or the millions of apps where you can walk through pages in a 3D environment. Internet of Things--billions of Internet- connected sensors throughout our physical world.

Information systems controls are both manual and automated and consist of general and application controls which are...

general controls apply to all computerized applications and consist of a combination of hardware, software, and manual procedures that create an over- all control environment. /Application controls are specific controls unique to each computerized application, such as payroll or order processing. They include both auto- mated and manual procedures

Location-based services include

geosocial, geoadvertising, and geoinforma- tion services A geosocial service can tell you where your friends are meeting. Geoadvertising services can tell you where to find the nearest Italian restaurant, and geoinformation services can tell you the price of a house you are looking at or about special exhibits at a museum you are passing


grants the owner an exclusive monopoly on the ideas behind an inven- tion for 20 years. The key concepts in patent law are originality, novelty, and invention.

In addition to switching to cloud services, these firms could reduce their TCO through

greater centralization and standardization of their hardware and soft- ware resources.

denial-of-service (DoS) attack vs distrib- uted denial-of-service (DDoS)

hackers flood a network server or web server with many thousands of false communications or requests for services to crash the network. receives so many queries that it cannot keep up ddos; attack uses numerous computers to inundate and overwhelm the network from numerous launch points.

An IT infrastructure includes investment in

hard- ware, software, and services—

Spoofing and Sniffing

hide their true identities often spoof, or misrepresent, ---may also involve redirecting a web link to an address different from the intended one, with the site masquerading as the intended destination. sniffer is a type of eavesdropping program that monitors information trav- eling over a network ---enable hackers to steal proprietary information from anywhere on a network,

DNS has a ____ structure + list it

hierarchical root domain (.) ^ top-level domain (.com, .edu, .gov) ^ second-level ("google") ^ host name (specific computer or a private network)

break down the URL

http names the protocol that displays web pages, is the domain name, content/features is the directory path that identifies where on the domain web server the page is stored, and 082610.html is the document name and the name of the format it is in.

Large firms are most likely to adopt a ____computing model

hybrid cloud where they use their own infrastructure for their most essential core activities and adopt public cloud computing for less-critical systems or for additional process- ing capacity during peak business periods.

Input controls vs Processing controls vs Output controls

i: check data for accuracy and completeness when they enter the system establish that data are complete and accurate during updating ensure that the results of computer processing are accurate, complete, and properly distrib- uted.

Before a new database is in place, organizations need to

identify and correct their faulty data and establish better routines for editing data once their data- base is in operation. Analysis of data quality often begins with a data quality audit, which is a structured survey of the accuracy

why might business processes can be liabilities

if they are based on inefficient ways of working that impede on the firms responsiveness and efficiency

Group Decision-Support Systems (GDSS)

if you are part of a team and need to make a decision as a group are interactive computer- based systems that facilitate the solution of unstructured problems by a set of decision makers working together flexible virtual collaboration rooms

employing software metrics can

improve system quality and reliability Examples of software metrics include the number of transactions that can be processed in a specified unit of time, online response time,

how was outsourcing may have acclerated the development of new systems in the US

in the past decade, US lost million manufacturing jobs to offshore, low wage producers it is due to these low wages that allow the new systems to be developed and maintained

carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

in which pressure on the median nerve through the wrist's bony structure, called a carpal tunnel, produces pain. The pressure is caused by constant repeti- tion of keystroke The most common kind of computer-related RSI

IT governance

includes the strategy and policies for using information technology within an organization. It specifies the decision rights and framework for accountability to ensure that the use of information technology supports the organization's strategies and objectives

using unified communications technology...

integrates disparate channels for voice communications, data communications, instant messaging, e-mail, and electronic conferencing into a single experience by which users can seamlessly switch back and forth between different communication modes. b4 operated independently of each other and had to be managed separately

define key corporate assets

intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets

Making a decision is a multistep process.described four differ- ent stages in decision making:

intelligence, design, choice, and implementation Intelligence consists of discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization—why a problem exists, where, and what effects it is having on the firm. Design involves identifying and exploring various solutions to the problem. Choice consists of choosing among solution alternatives. Implementation involves making the chosen alternative work and continu- ing to monitor how well the solution is working.

Supply chain management systems are one type of

interorganizational system because they automate the flow of information across organizational boundaries.

Henry Mintzberg found that these managerial roles fell into three categories:

interpersonal, infor- mational, and decisional. -act as leaders, attempting to motivate, counsel, and support subordinates -receiving the most concrete, up-to-date information and redistributing it -act as entrepreneurs by initiating new kinds of activities


is a collection of data organized to serve many applications efficiently by centralizing the data and controlling redundant data Rather than storing data in separate files for each application, data appear to users as being stored in only one location


is a collection of web pages linked to a home page. Web pages are formatted using hyper- text with embedded links that connect documents

Internet service provider (ISP)

is a com- mercial organization with a permanent connection to the Internet that sells temporary connections to retail subscribers.

Business intelligence

is a contemporary term for data and software tools for organizing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help managers and other enterprise users make more informed decisions. Business intelligence addresses the decision-mak- ing needs of all levels of management

Packet switching

is a method of slicing digital messages into parcels called packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destinations makes much more efficient use of the communications capacity of a network

Due process

is a related feature of law-governed societies and is a process in which laws are known and understood, and ability exists to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws are applied correctly.

computer virus

is a rogue software program that attaches itself to other soft- ware programs or data files to be executed, Most computer viruses deliver a payload. The payload such as instructions to display a message or image, or it may be highly destructive—destroying programs or data, clogging computer memory, reformatting a computer's hard drive

virtual private network (VPN)

is a secure, encrypted, private network that has been configured within a public network It protects data transmitted over the public Internet by encoding the data and wrapping them within the Internet protocol. dont need large private networking firms anymore

the world wide web

is a service provided by the internet that uses universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying info in a page format on the internet ex; by clicking on highlighted words can link to related pages to find additional information

Trojan horse

is a software program that appears to be benign but then does something other than expected. The Trojan horse is not itself a virus because it does not replicate, but it is often a way for viruses or other malicious code to be introduced into a computer system like capturing people's key- strokes


is a state-sponsored activity designed to cripple and defeat another state or nation by penetrating its computers or networks to cause damage and disruption also includes defending

What is Business Intelligence?

is a term used by hardware and software vendors and information technology consultants to describe the infrastructure for ware- housing, integrating, reporting, and analyzing data that come from the busi- ness environment, including big data

Instant messaging

is a type of chat service that enables participants to cre- ate their own private chat channels


is an advanced networking representing more than 500 U.S. universities, private businesses, and government agencies a high-capacity, 100 Gbps network that may eventually migrate to the public Internet

data dictionary

is an automated or manual file that stores definitions of data elements and their characteristics.

Intellectual property

is considered to be tangible and intangible products of the mind created by individuals or corporations

Content is defined as

is defined broadly to include all forms of intellectual property.`

Online viral marketing

is like traditional word-of-mouth market- ing except that the word can spread across an online community at the speed of light and go much further geographically than a small network of friends.

Data administration

is responsible for the spe- cific policies and procedures through which data can be managed as an orga- nizational resource. include developing an information policy, planning for data, overseeing logical database design and data dictionary development, and monitoring

database management system (DBMS)

is software that permits an orga- nization to centralize data, manage them efficiently, and provide access to the stored data by application programs. DBMS finds this item in the database and presents it to the application program relieves the programmer or end user from the task of understand- ing where and how the data are actually stored

The most universal and power- ful WAN

is the Internet Wide area networks (WANs)

Computer crime vs Computer abuse

is the commission of illegal acts by using a computer or against a computer system. Simply accessing a computer system without authorization or with intent to do harm, even by accident vs is the commission of acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical. spam

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

is the communica- tions standard that transfers pages on the web. when you type a web address browser sends an HTTP request to the server, requesting the home page

Transmission Speed: "bandwidth"

is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that can be accommodated on a single channel.

what is 'feedback' in information systems

is the output information that is supplied to the organization and then returned to the input stage in order to help them evaluate the system more better

computer hardware

is the phsycial equipment used for input, processing, and output activities computers, mobile devices, storage devices, and telecommunication devices that link computers together


is the process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the intended receiver. encrypted by using a secret numerical code

Computer foren- sics

is the scientific collection, examination, authentication, preservation, and analysis of data held on or retrieved from computer storage media in such a way that the information can be used as evidence in a court of law

the term cracker

is typically used to denote a hacker with criminal intent, although in the public press, the terms hacker and cracker are used interchangeably.

The balanced scorecard framework is thought to be "balanced" because

it causes managers to focus on more than just financial performance.

The strength of the encryption key is measured by

its bit length. Today, a typical key will be 56 to 256 bits long

Referral fees are also referred to as

lead generation fees

Unfortunately, behavioral targeting [cons]`

leads to the invasion of personal privacy without user consent. When con- sumers lose trust in their web experience, they tend not to purchase anything.

Behavioral models argue that the actual behavior of managers appears to be +the actual 5 attributes

less systematic, more informal, less reflective, more reactive, and less well organized than the classi- cal model would have us believe. -work at an unrelenting pace -activities are fragmented (last for less than nine minutes) -prefer current, specific, and ad hoc information -prefer oral forms of communi- cation -give high priority to maintaining a diverse and complex web of contacts that acts as an informal information system`

explain why business processes are tied to a specific functional area

like for example HR is responsible for hiring ppl and not the sales team

Social marketing means all things social:

listening, discussing, interacting, empathizing, and engaging.`

Types of Networks

local area network (LAN) =within a half-mile or 500-meter radius. metropolitan area network (MAN) =usually a city and its major suburbs Wide area networks (WANs) =entire regions, states, continents, or the entire globe

Types of E-commerce

looking at the nature of the participants. The three major electronic commerce categories are business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce, business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce.`

structured decisions are more prevalent at

lower organizational levels


made to overcome the cons of passwords is a physical device, similar to an identification card, that is designed to prove the identity of a single user. small gadgets that typically fit on key rings

How has technology changed management information systems regarding a management standpoint

managers adopt online collabs + social networking to improve coordination, knowledge sharing, etc (google drive, online meeting) more powerful business intelligence and machines which accelerate info and insights which then helps managers to make better decisions

e-commerce and the Internet have changed entire industries and enabled new business models, no industry has been more affected than...

mar- keting and marketing communications.

The very rapid growth in e-commerce in the early years created a

market bubble in e-commerce stocks`

The major business functions performed by business organi- zations, consist of

marketing, manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, and human resources

what does the journalist thomas friedman mean that the world has now become flat

meant that the internet and global communications had greatly reduced the economic and cultural advantages of developed countries competing with jobs, markets, resources and even ideas globalization presents both challenges and also opportunities for businesses

menu costs

merchants' costs of changing prices Digital markets are very flexible and they lower these menu costs



total cost of ownership (TCO)

model can be used to analyze these direct and indirect costs to help firms determine the actual cost of specific technology implementations Hardware and software acquisition costs account for only about 20 percent of TCO, so managers must pay close attention to administration costs to under- stand the full cost of the firm's hardware and software

Modem stands for


Advances in data storage techniques and rapidly declining storage costs have been responsible for the ____.

multiplying databases on individuals These advances in data storage have made the routine violation of individual privacy both inexpensive and effective stored on computers much more easily than in the past.

The expected annual loss for each exposure can be determined by

multiplying the average loss by its prob- ability of occurrence.

How does management know that information systems security and controls are effective?`

must conduct comprehen- sive and systematic audits. An information systems audit examines the firm's overall security environment as well as controls governing individual informa- tion systems.

Bluetooth is the popular name for

name for the 802.15 wireless networking standard

Tap-and-go services like Apple Pay or Google Wallet use an RFID-related technology called

near field communication (NFC). NFC is a short-range wireless connectivity standard that uses electromagnetic radio fields to enable two compatible devices to exchange data when brought within a few centime- ters of each other.

There are two parts to developing executive support systems ESS

need a methodology for under- standing exactly what is "the really important performance information" second, you will need to develop systems capable of delivering this information to the right people in a timely fashion.

Click fraud

occurs when an individual or computer program fraudulently clicks an online ad without any intention of learning more about the advertiser or making a purchase. Click fraud has become a seri- ous problem at Google and other websites that feature pay-per-click online advertising. companies hire third parties (typically from low-wage countries) to click a competitor's ads fraudulently to weaken them by driving up their mar- keting costs

Service Provider e-tailers

offer services online. Photo sharing and online sites for data backup and storage all use a service pro- vider business model. software as a service (SaaS)--no longer a physical product with a CD {subscribe}

There are two different strategies for adopting BI and BA capabilities for the organization:

one-stop integrated solutions versus multiple best-of-breed ven- dor solutions one: sell your firm integrated hardware/software solu- tions that tend to run only on their hardware ----carries the risk that a single vendor provides your firm's total hardware and software solution, making your firm dependent on its pricing power. ----totally integrated solution multi: software that runs on any machine they want. In this strategy, you adopt the best database and data warehouse solution, and select the business intelligence and analytics package from what- ever vendor you believe is best. ----offers greater flexibility and independence, but with the risk of potential difficulties inte- grating the software to the hardware platform, as well as to other software

Ensuring System Availability requires

online transaction processing, transac- tions entered online are immediately processed by the computer + Fault-tolerant computer systems contain redundant can be removed and repaired without disruption to the computer or downtime.

operational intelligence

operational decisions, andis type of business activ- ity monitoring identify the opti- mals

investments in organization and managment are also known as

organizational and management capital

Using information systems effectively requires an understanding of

organizations, =structures reveal a clear-cut division of labor management, =make decisions, and formulate action plans to solve organizational problems. =must also create new products and services and even re-create the organization from time to time and information/tech = one of many tools managers use to cope with change.

personalization vs customization in E-commerce

p: Merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a per- son's clickstream behavior, name, interests, and past purchases customization—changing the delivered product or service based on a user's preferences or prior behavior.

Authentication is often established by using


users of the software to track these vulnerabilities, test, and apply all patches. This process is called

patch management.

One increasingly popular tactic is a form of spoofing called

phishing involves setting up fake websites or sending e-mail messages that look like those of legitimate businesses to ask users for confidential personal data

native advertising

placing ads in social network newsfeeds or within traditional editorial content, such as a newspaper article. This is also referred to as organic advertising content and advertising are in very close proximity or integrated together.

Metcalfe's Law and Network Economics

point to the increasing returns to scale that network members receive as more and more people join the network. Demand for information technology has been driven by the social and business value of digital networks


prevent unauthorized users from accessing private networks. A firewall is a combination of hardware and software that controls the flow of incoming and outgoing network traffic acts like a gatekeeper that examines each user's credentials before it grants access to a network identifies names, IP addresses, applications, and other characteristics of incoming traffic.

explain the changes in newspaper

print readership continues to decline -> online digital newspaper readership explosion of new writers and new forms of cx feedback that did not exist before (blogs, videos, yelp)

Who is liable for any economic harm caused to individuals or businesses w Computer-Related Liability Problems

producer of the software and the operator can be held liable for damages In general, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to hold software producers liable Flawless software is economically unfeasible

The use of computers to combine data from multiple sources and create digital dossiers of detailed information on individuals is called.


Businesses use their databases to keep track of basic transactions But they also need databases to ___

provide information that will help the company run the business more efficiently and help managers and employees make better decisions If a company wants to know which product is the most popular or who is its most profitable customer, the answer lies in the data.

geographic information sys- tem (GIS)

provide tools to help decision makers visualize problems that benefit from mapping. ties location data about the distribution of people or other resources to points, lines, and areas on a map

Cable Internet connections

provided by cable television vendors deliver high-speed Internet access to homes and businesses. can provide high-speed access to the Internet of up to 50 Mbps, although most providers offer service ranging from 1 Mbps to 6 Mbps.

introduction of new information technology has a ripple effect--explain

raising new ethical, social, and political issues that must be dealt with on the [[individual, social, and political levels]] powerful shock of new informa- tion technology and systems hitting a society confronted with new situations often not covered by the old rules.


record every keystroke made on a computer to steal info

Relational database systems try to enforce ___rules to ensure that relationships between coupled tables remain consistent.

referential integrity


refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a large number of users without breaking down. changes in business volume all affect computer workload

Program-Data Dependence

refers to the coupling of data stored in files and the specific programs required to update and maintain those files such that changes in programs require changes to the data . Such changes could cost mil- lions of dollars to implement properly.


refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals, acting as free moral agents, use to make choices to guide their behaviors Ethics is about indi- vidual choice: When faced with alternative courses of action, what is the correct moral choice?

Free/Freemium Revenue Model

revenue model of e-comm firms offer basic services or content for free and charge a premium for advanced or special features` The idea is to attract very large audiences with free services and then convert some of this audience to pay a subscrip- tion for premium services.

symmetric key encryption and public key encryption

s: establish a secure Internet session by creating a single encryption key and sending it to the receiver so both the sender and receiver share the same key ---problem with all symmetric encryption schemes is that the key itself must be shared somehow among the senders and receivers, which exposes the key to outsiders p: uses two keys: one shared (or public) and one totally private`

Web 2.0

second-generation interactive Internet-based services Today's websites don't just contain static content—they enable people to col- laborate, share information, and create new content online. four defining features: interactivity, real-time user control, social participation (sharing), and user-generated content.

unified threat management (UTM) systems

security vendors have combined into a single appliance various security tools, including fire- walls, virtual private networks, intrusion detection systems, and web content filtering and anti-spam software.`

In a relational database, three basic operations are:

select, join, and project. Select creates, a subset of rows that meet certain criteria The join operation combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is available in individual tables user to create new tables that contain only the information required

Google's revenue derives from

selling keywords (AdWord), selling ad spaces (AdSense), and selling display ad spaces to advertisers (DoubleClick)

Affiliate Revenue Model`

send visitors to other websites in return for a referral fee or percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales

social shopping sites

sites such as Pinterest and Kaboodle, you can swap shop- ping ideas with friends.`

How has technology changed management information systems regarding a organization standpoint

social business: the usage of social platforms to deepen interactions w/ employees, cx, suppliers telework: internet, wifi, tablets, allows people to work away from the traditional office co-creation of business value: collaberation w cx to help define new products and services

A web server is

software for locating and managing stored web pages. It locates the web pages a user requests on the computer where they are stored and delivers the web pages to the user's computer.

Sentiment analysis

software is able to mine text comments in an e-mail message, blog, social media conversa- tion, or survey form to detect favorable and unfavorable opinions about specific subjects.

In a phenomenon called the wisdom of crowds,

some argue that large numbers of people can make better decisions about a wide range of topics or products than a single person or even a small committee of experts. suggests that firms should consult with thousands of their customers first as a way of establishing a relationship with them and, second, to understand better how their products and services are used and appreciated (or rejected).

When users enter a search term on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any of the other sites serviced by these search engines, they receive two types of listings:

sponsored links, for which advertisers have paid to be listed (usu- ally at the top of the search results page), and unsponsored, organic search results. [Search Engine Marketing]

number of firewall screening technologies, including

static packet filtering, examining individual packets in isolation stateful inspection, determining whether pack- ets are part of an ongoing dialogue between a sender and a receiver Network Address Translation (NAT) con- ceals the IP addresses application proxy filtering examines the application content of packets.

Decisions are classified as

structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. Unstructured decisions are those in which the decision maker must provide judgment, evaluation, and insight to solve the problem Structured decisions, by contrast, are repetitive and routine have elements of both types of decisions and are semi-structured

Enterprise Social Networking Tools

such as Salesforce Chatter, Microsoft Yammer, Jive, and IBM Connections. Enterprise social networking tools create business value by connecting the members of an organization through profiles, updates, and notifications similar to Facebook features but tailored to internal corporate uses.

Knowledge workers vs data workers

such as engineers, scientists, or architects, design products or services and create new knowledge for the firm vs such as secretaries or clerks, assist with scheduling and com- munications at all levels of the firm

Uber, along with other ride services, uses ____ pricing

surge adjust prices of a ride based on demand (which always rises during storms and major conventions).`

the traditional approach to information processing.

systems tended to grow independently without a companywide plan. Accounting, finance, manufacturing, etc all developed their own systems and data files. required its own files and its own computer program to operate.

digital goods

s— goods that can be delivered over a digital network Music tracks, video, Holly- wood movies, software etc are intellectual property, which is defined as "works of the mind."`

SQL injection attacks

take advantage of vulnerabilities in poorly coded web application software to introduce malicious program code into a company's systems and networks. uses this input validation error to send a rogue SQL query to the underlying database to access the database

common threats 4 potential for unauthorized access, abuse, or fraud can stem from

technical, organizational, and environmental factors compounded by poor management decisions.

Digital subscriber line (DSL)

technologies operate over existing telephone lines to carry voice, data, and video at transmission rates ranging from 385 Kbps all the way up to 40 Mbps

Voice over IP (VoIP)

technology delivers voice infor- mation in digital form using packet switching digitizes and breaks up a voice message into data packets that may travel along different routes before being reassembled at the final destination

An effective electronic document retention policy ensures

that electronic documents, e-mail, and other records are well organized, accessible, and nei- ther retained too long nor discarded too soon.

E-commerce is ubiquitous, meaning

that it is available just about everywhere all the time. —a marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal and geographic location.`

Because it would be incredibly difficult for Internet users to remember strings of 12 numbers in IP... what is done/

the Domain Name System (DNS) converts domain names to IP addresses. The domain name is the English-like name

If you work in the healthcare industry, your firm will need to comply with

the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) outlines medical security and privacy rules retain patient information for six years and ensure the confidentiality of those records

If you work in a publicly traded company, your company will need to com- ply with

the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002, better known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act designed to protect investors after the financial scandals at Enron

uniform resource locator (URL)

the address tells the browser software exactly where to look for the information made of http and domain name

business processes are

the collection of activities required to produce a prod/service. also refers to the unique ways a firm coordinate work, info, and knowledge

Information richness refers to

the complexity and content of a message. Prior to the development of the web, there was a trade-off between richness and reach; the larger the audience reached, the less rich the message. The web makes it possible 4 x2

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

the computer-to-computer exchange between two organizations of stan- dard transactions such as invoices, bills of lading, shipment schedules transmitted` from one information system to another through a network, eliminating the printing


the intentional disruption, deface- ment, or even destruction of a website or corporate information system.

dynamic pricing,

the price of a product varies depending on the demand characteristics of the customer or the supply situation of the seller ex: Walmart change prices on many products based on time of day,

The Internet and the web vastly increase information density—the

the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants make prices and costs more transparent (price & cost) +Online merchants can discover much more about consumers than in the past = segment the market into groups that are willing to pay different prices, engage in price discrimination

The drawback to copyright protection is

the underlying ideas behind a work are not protected, only their manifestation in a work.

Pub- lic key infrastructure (PKI)

the use of public key cryptography working with a CA, is now widely used in e-commerce.`

social business

the use of social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and internal corporate social tools—to engage their employees, customers, and suppliers

a sociotechnical perspective on information systems

this book adopts this view perspective that the performance of a system is optimized when both the technology and the organization mutually adjust to one another until a satisfactory fit is obtained helps to avoid a purely tech- nological approach to information systems

time/space matrix

this framework helps firms choose the most appropriate collaboration and teamwork tools inside: =Face to face interactions [place+time] =Continuous task [place] ex: team rooms =Remote interactions [time] ex: skype =Communication + coordination [n/a] ex: email, blogs

Perpetrators of DDoS attacks often use

thousands of zombie PCs infected with malicious software without their owners' knowledge and organized into a botnet.

DBMS have a data definition capability to

to specify the structure of the con- tent of the database. It would be used to create database tables and to define the characteristics of the fields in each table.

TCP/IP and Connectivity

today, corporate networks are increasingly using a single, common, worldwide standard called Transmission Control Protocol/Inter- net Protocol (TCP/IP) set of rules and procedures governing transmission of information between two points in a network TCP establishes a connection between the computers, sequences the transfer of packets, and acknowledges the packets sent. (IP), which is responsible for the delivery of packets and includes the disassembling and reassembling of packets during transmis- sion.

New authentication technologies 2 overcome some of these passwords problems

tokens, smart cards, and biomet- ric authentication

From a consumer point of view, ubiquity reduces

transaction costs—the costs of participating in a market. no longer necessary for you to spend time or money traveling to a market, and much less mental effort

business performance management (BPM)

translate a firm's strategies (e.g., differentiation, low-cost producer, market share growth, and scope of operation) into operational targets. Once the strategies and targets are identified, a set of KPIs are developed that measure progress toward the targets.

Private industrial networks

typically consist of a large firm using a secure website to link to its suppliers and other key business partners Another term for a private industrial network is a private exchange.`

TLDR on EasyJet

under pressure to keep costs down, but it still must offer services such as online seat selec- tion that are provided by competing airlines. Management had to find a low- cost solution that enabled the company to remain competitive example of a hybrid cloud strategy using cloud computing services.

Micro- blogging,

used in Twitter, is a type of blogging that features short posts of 140 characters or fewer.

___ is the single greatest cause of network security breaches.

user lack of knowledge


uses individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thou- sands of times smaller than current technologies permit.

Biometric authentication

uses systems that read and interpret individual human traits, such as fingerprints, irises, and voices to grant or deny access.

Net marketplaces serve vertical markets and horizontal which are..

vertical markets for specific industries, such as automobiles horizontal markets for goods and services that can be found in many industries, such as office equipment or transportation.

Good testing begins before a software program is even written, by using a

walkthrough—a review of a specification or design document by a small group of people

The primary measure of success of very beginning of the Internet e-commerce

was how many eyeballs (unique visitors) a website produced and how many impressions a marketing campaign generated. (An impression was one ad shown to one person.) Both of these measures were carryovers from the world of television, which measures marketing in terms of audience size and ad views.

popular web- sites download dozens of

web tracking cookies, bugs, and beacons, which report user online behavior to remote servers without the users' knowledge.

The visual web refers to

websites such as Pin- terest, where pictures replace text documents, where users search pictures

four kinds of e-commerce presence:

websites, e-mail, social media, and offline media.

rent-versus-buy decision.

whether a firm should purchase and maintain its own IT infrastructure components or rent them from external suppliers, includ- ing those offering cloud services.

Especially troublesome are zero-day vulnerabilities, which are

which are holes in the software unknown to its creator. Hackers then exploit this security hole before the vendor becomes aware of the problem and hurries to fix it


which are independent com- puter programs that copy themselves from one computer to other computers over a network. Unlike viruses, worms can operate on their own without attach- ing Worms destroy data and programs as well as disrupt or even halt the operation of computer networks.

ambient data,

which are not visible to the average user. Electronic evidence may reside on computer storage media in the form of computer files and as ambient data

Net marketplaces

which are sometimes called e-hubs, provide a single, dig- ital marketplace based on Internet technology for many buyers and sellers`

key performance indicators (KPIs)

which are the measures proposed by senior management for understanding how well the firm is performing along any given dimension.

The classical model of management

which describes what managers do planning, organizing, coordinating, deciding, and controlling

In the public sector, big data analytics have been driving the movement toward "smart cities,"

which make intensive use of digital technology to make better decisions about running cities and serving their residents like crime data, health department stats, public education records, utility reviews

software- defined storage (SDS)

which separates the software for managing data stor- age from storage hardware. SDS enables firms to replace expensive storage hardware with lower-cost commodity hardware and cloud storage hardware.


which stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, pulls specified content from websites and feeds it automatically to users' computers use RSS to keep up with your favor- ite blogs without constantly checking them for updates

why were enterprise application/systems needed

with all the types of systems, getting them to work together is a challenge, like tends to be a barrier betwn middle, executive, hr, sales, accounting this system help become more flexible and productive by coordination and integrating the groups


working with customers to design better actively helped in solving some business problems

Conversational Commerce

world of social-mobile-local e-commerce are the dual and related concepts of conversations and engagement.

According to small world theory,

you are only six links away from any other person on earth.

There are four major themes in contemporary software platform evolution:

• Linux and open source software is software produced by a community of several hun- dred thousand programmers around the world. most well-known open source software is Linux • Java, HTML, and HTML5 -java:leading interactive programming environment for the web -(HTML) is a page description language for specifying how text, graphics, video, and sound are placed on a webpage and for creating dynamic links to other webpages and objects -The next evolution of HTML, called HTML5, -embed images, audio, video, and other elements directly into a document without processor-intensive add-ons. • Web services and service-oriented architecture -software components that exchange information with each other using universal web communication standards and languages. • Software outsourcing and cloud services - three external sources for software: software packages from a commercial software vendor, outsourcing custom application development to an external vendor, and cloud

cloud computing as having the following essential characteristics

• On-demand self-service: Consumers can obtain computing capabilities such as server time or network storage as needed automatically on their own. • Ubiquitous network access: Cloud resources can be accessed using stan- dard network and Internet devices, including mobile platforms. • Location-independent resource pooling: Computing resources are pooled to serve multiple users, with different virtual resources dynamically assigned according to user demand. The user generally does not know where the com- puting resources are located. • Rapid elasticity: Computing resources can be rapidly provisioned, increased, or decreased to meet changing user demand. • Measured service: Charges for cloud resources are based on amount of resources actually used.

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