Jackson's presidency

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The Bank of the United States was set to expire in


Between 1840 & 1860, more than ? people made the trek westward


Black Hawk War

A brief 1832 conflict, between the United States and Native Americans, led by Black Hawk; over the next five years, American diplomatic pressure and military power forced seventy Indian peoples to sign treaties and move west of the Mississippi

The Whigs ran 3 sectional candidates to

throw the election to the House of Reps

Jackson used the ? more than any other president


Territorial Expansion by the mid-19th century

Canada, Maine, Texas, Oregon, California

Pet Banks

-Federal money deposited in state banks -These banks were loyal to the Democratic Party

Consequences of Bank of the U.S.

-"King Andrew the First" -Less stable currency -New political party - Whigs

Re-Charter Bill of 1836

-"The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it." -Vetoed and charter expired in 1836 -Bank became a Philadelphia bank

The Constitution gave no definite authority to abolish slavery other than voluntary state action

-Abolitionists knew it would be impossible to get enough votes to pass an amendment outlawing slavery -But, northerners in Congress could forbid slavery in new states as they were added to the Union

Reasons for Compromise of 1850

-After becoming president, Taylor proposed the immediate admission of New Mexico & California as states -The South reacted angrily

Jackson Strengthening the Presidency

-Age of Jackson was more Democratic than anything that came before it -Beginning of modern American politics -Expanded executive power

Federalists (vs Democratic-Repubs)

-Alexander Hamilton -Strong central gov't & economic planning -Loose interpretation of the Constitution -Strongest support in the North -Supported by urban workers, merchants, & the wealthy

Whigs (vs Democrats)

-Anti-Jackson coalition in 1834 -Strong central gov't, urban industry, & commercial growth -National & state-directed economy -Supported by NE, NW, merchants, & some planters

The Beginnings of Sectionalism

-As Americans expanded West in the 1840s, conflicts intensified between the North & the South regarding the issue of slavery -But...the existence of two strong political parties (Democrats & Whigs) that were both popular in the North, South, & West helped keep America from splitting apart

The Wilmot Proviso was presented by Northerners in 1846 to

-Banned slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War -Attempt to limit the perceived "pro-Southern" Polk presidency

The Rise & Fall of Van Buren

-By the time Van Buren entered office, the Panic of 1837 caused: bank closures & failures, 10% unemployment & poverty -The laissez-faire philosophy of the 1800s prevented gov't assistance to end the depression -"Van Ruin" took the blame & the Whigs gained power & appeal

Cherokee: Trail of Tears (1838)

-Cherokee sent off for the 800 mile trek -¼ of the Cherokee die reroute to Oklahoma -Land was far inferior to that in which they left

"Five Civilized Tribes"

-Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole -Southeastern tribes begin adopting European culture -Sequoyah creates alphabet and bilingual newspaper

Cherokee: Worcester v. GA (1832)

-Court recognized Cherokee as a political community -GA not entitled to regulate or invade Cherokee land -"John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it."


-Daniel Webster and Henry Clay -Named after British group intent on limiting royal power

Slavery in the West was a key issue in the Election of 1848

-Democrat Lewis Cass proposed popular sovereignty to allow territorial settlers (not Congress) to decide slavery in the West -Whig candidate Zachary Taylor evaded the slavery issue -The Free Soil Party was created by Northern abolitionists who nominated Martin Van Buren

Tariff of 1828 - "Tariff of Abomination"

-England exports less to the United States due to tariff -South forced to buy more expensive Northern goods -North getting rich at expense of the South

"Rotation in Office" - Spoils System

-Federal jobs had 4 year term→regular turnover prevented inefficient and corrupt officeholders -Appointed friends and supporters to Federal jobs

Heyday of the 2nd Party System-The 1840 election marked the return of the two-party system

-For the 1st time since the 1800 election, voters had a choice between 2 official parties -Would be a permanent part of U.S. politics -In the 1790s, parties were seen as bad; but in the 1830s, parties were seen as essential

Andrew Jackson (vs Henry Clay)

-General/President -Hero of New Orleans -Florida cession -President: Peggy Eaton affair, 1830-Indian Removal Act, 1833-Force Bill (Nullification Crisis), Death of the BUS, Specie Circular

The term "Manifest Destiny" was 1st used in 1845 by newspaper editor John O'Sullivan, who said

-God wants the U.S., His chosen nation, to become stronger -Expansion of American democracy & economic opportunities was a good thing (Indians didn't like it and women did bc equality)

The takeover by the Whigs was historic, but short-lived

-Harrison died 2 months into his term & for the 1st time, a VP took over as president -John Tyler soon butted heads with Whigs in his cabinet & in Congress & was unable to accomplish much as president -The Whigs only other presidential victory was in 1848

By 1840, the Whigs were fully organized & chose William Henry Harrison to run against Van Buren

-Harrison's image as a "common man" & war hero at Tippecanoe -John Tyler chosen as VP to get Southern, states-rights Dems -"Tippecanoe & Tyler too" beat Van Buren in 1840 Picked a candidate much like Andrew Jackson's image and the Whigs took control of Congress-used grassroots organization & popular electioneering

The impact of territorial expansion

-Historian Frederick Jackson Turner noted in the 1890s that expansion shaped Americans into an adventurous, optimistic, & democratic people -But, expansion created sectional conflicts between the North & South, especially over slavery


-In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain -The new Mexican government opted for a free-trade policy with USA -Thousands of U.S. speculators moved to Texas


-In 1833, the new Mexican gov't awarded land grants to rancheros who quickly replaced the missionary padres -In 1830s, the U.S. was eager to enter the cowhide trade

The Republic of Texas (1836-1845)

-In 1836 Texans declared their independence from Mexico & wrote a national constitution -But the war for independence still had to be fought -Sam Houston was the 1st president of the Republic of Texas & asked the U.S. to make Texas a state -Presidents Jackson & Van Buren both refused to annex Texas to avoid war with Mexico -Texas offered free land grants to U.S. settlers; white families in search of land & opportunity moved to Texas in 1830s & 1840s

Polk and Texas Annexation

-In 1844, the Whigs nominated Henry Clay & the Democrats nominated James Polk -Polk won on expansionist platform: called for Texas annexation (appealed to south) and for an end to the joint U.S.-British control of Oregon (appealed to north) -Polk & Congress interpreted the election as mandate for expansion & Texas was quickly made a state

Polk and Oregon Question

-In 1846, President Polk notified Britain that the U.S. wanted full control of Oregon -England proposed & the Senate approved the division of Oregon along 49° parallel in 1846 -Benefits: the U.S. gained its 1st deep-water port in the Pacific & Northern abolitionists saw Oregon as a balance to slave-state Texas

Revolution of 1828

-Jackson (democrat) - supported by the South & West; outsider looking in -Adams (republican) - supported by New England -Increased turnout

States' Rights

-Jackson favored a limited federal government -He would guard against "all encroachments upon the legitimate sphere of State sovereignty"

Mexican-American War

-Mexico recognized Texas' independence & U.S. annexation, but disagreed over Texas' southern border -In May 1846, Polk sent U.S. General Zachary Taylor beyond the Rio Grande River which led to the Mexican-American War

Problems with the National Bank

-Monopoly - received all federal tax revenue -Stockholders benefited from interest, NOT taxpayers -Nicholas Biddle loaned money to Congressmen and media for lower rates = corruption

Trends in Antebellum America (1810-1860)

-New intellectual & religious movements -Social reforms -Beginning of the American Industrial Revolution -Greater democracy & the return of a two-party system -Increase in federal power -Further westward expansion

Jackson impact on states

-Policies of states' rights -States revise their constitutions

How did the South react angrily to the Compromise of 1850?

-Popular sovereignty would make California a free state -New Mexico had no slaves or a climate adequate for slavery -John C Calhoun led the Nashville Convention to discuss Southern secession

Democrats (vs Whigs)

-Pro-Jackson coalition in 1824 -States' rights, agrarian farming, & Western expansion -Laissez-faire & opposition to banks -Supported by rural South & West, some urban workers

Tariff of 1832

-Reduced tariff rate from Tariff of 1828 -Still unacceptable to the Southern states

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

-Rio Grande became the U.S. southern border -The U.S. grew 20% by adding the Mexican Cession -Added territory in NM & AZ with the Gadsden Purchase in 1853 (bought to build a southern transcontinental railroad)

Hayne v. Webster Debate

-Senators Robert Hayne (SC) & Daniel Webster (MA) -Hayne supported Calhoun's Compact Theory -Webster believed the PEOPLE created the Constitution not the states -Jackson supported Webster

Cherokee: Treaty of New Echota (1835)

-Small group of Cherokee wanted to relocate -Federal agents named them the true representatives of the Cherokee Nation -Cherokee land sold for $5 million and land in Oklahoma

Henry Clay (vs Andrew Jackson)

-Speaker of House/Sec of State -American System: 2nd BUS, Protective Tariff, Roads & canals -1820- Missouri Comp -1824- Corrupt Bargain -1833- Compromise Tariff (Nullif Crisis) -2-time presidential candidate

In 1820s, Mexico encouraged US immigration to Texas but problems emerged between "Anglos" & the Mexican gov't

-Texans never fully accepted Mexican rules -In 1834, Santa Ana became dictator & was viewed as threat to Texans' interests -Armed rebellion broke out in 1835, led by Stephen F. Austin

Texas war

-Texans were defeated at the Alamo (Davey Crockett) -But Texans won at San Jacinto & captured General Santa Ana -In May 1836, Santa Ana recognized Texas' independence & Pits territory to the Rio Grande

But the new states added in the 1840s & 1850s led to problems

-Texas (slave state) balanced by Oregon (free territory) -California & New Mexico were south of the Missouri Compromise line

Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

-The U.S. received ½ the disputed land -Established a clear border in Maine

Democratic-Repubs (vs Federalists)

-Thomas Jefferson -States' rights & individual liberties -Strict interpretation of the Constitution -Strongest support in South & West -Supported by planters & farmers

In 1844, President Tyler called for the annexation of Texas

-Tyler & Calhoun created a propaganda campaign that England wanted Texas & would end to slavery there -Northern Senators did not fall for it & refused to ratify the treaty to annex Texas -Tyler was not nominated by either party in the 1844 election


-U.S. & Britain jointly occupied Oregon (Spain relinquished its claims to Oregon in the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819) -Britain claimed a greater stake of Oregon via Hudson Bay Co. (fur trade)

The Rise and Fall of Van Buren

-VP Martin Van Buren was the hand-selected as the Democratic successor to Jackson in 1836 -Van Buren won the election of 1836 but problems lay ahead: -Strong anti-Jackson opposition (the Whigs) -The beginning of Panic of 1837

"New Democracy" no property qualification

-Vermont 1st to adopt "universal manhood suffrage" -Meant very little in the West (land was so cheap) -South was the last region to give up property qualification

"New Democracy" voting requirements

-White males -No property qualification

"Kitchen Cabinet"

A small group of Jackson's friends and advisors who were especially influential in the first years of his presidency

Force Bill

Allowed federal government to use the army and navy against South Carolina if state authorities refuse to pay the duties

Specie Circular (1836)

An executive order in 1836 that required the Treasury Department to accept only gold and silver in payment for lands in the national domain

Van Buren replaced ? as VP in 1831 after the Peggy Eaton affair


The Bear Flag Republic

California settlers used John Fremont's occupation of California during the Mexican-American War as an opportunity to revolt from Mexico in 1846

California became a U.S. state as part of the

Compromise of 1850

In 1836 the Whigs mounted their first presidential campaign, running three regional candidates against Martin Van Buren

Daniel Webster, the senator from Massachusetts who had substantial appeal in New England; Hugh Lawson White, who had appeal in the South; and William Henry Harrison, who fought an Indian alliance at the Battle of Tippecanoe and appealed to the West and to Anti-Masons in Pennsylvania and Vermont. The party strategy was to throw the election into the House of Representatives, where the Whigs would unite behind a single candidate. Van Buren easily defeated all his Whig opponents, winning 170 electoral votes to just 73 for his closest rival.

Northwest Boundary Dispute

England & the U.S. agreed to divide Oregon at the 49° parallel

Peggy Eaton Affair

an 1830-1831 U.S. scandal involving members of President Andrew Jackson's Cabinet and their wives

Indian Removal Act (1830)

Federal government negotiated new treaties to relocate tribes west of the Mississippi River

Compromise Tariff of 1833

Henry Clay steps in; proposes a gradual reduction in the tariff rate over a 10-year period

Impact of Andrew Jackson

Jackson's personality & policies alienated many leaders & led to the formation of America's current two-party system: -The economic recession hurt the Jacksonian Democrats under Van Buren -The anti-Jackson Whigs took advantages of these flaws to make a run at the presidency

South Carolina Exposition - "Compact Theory"

John C. Calhoun: -Compact among sovereign states created federal government -States can nullify a federal law to protect minority

Compromise of 1850

Laws passed in 1850 that were meant to resolve the dispute over the status of slavery in the territories. -California was admitted as a free state -Ended the slave trade in Washington DC (but not slavery) -Popular sovereignty would decide slavery in Utah and New Mexico -A stronger Fugitive Slave Law as created to appease the South

In 1839, fighting broke out between Maine & Canada over the disputed

Maine border

The slavery issue in the West had been settled by the

Missouri Compromise in 1820

Joseph Smith's murder led to resettlement in Salt Lake, Utah, where Brigham Young built a Mormon community. In 1857...

Mormon Utah became a U.S. territory and Young was named governor

2nd BUS veto

National bank with multiple branches chartered in 1816 for twenty years. Intended to help regulate the economy, the bank became a major issue in Andrew Jackson's reelection campaign in 1832. They had the votes in Congress to enact the required legislation and hoped to lure Jackson into a veto that would split the Democrats just before the 1832 elections. Jackson turned the tables on Clay and Webster. He vetoed the rechartering bill with a masterful message that blended constitutional arguments with class rhetoric and patriotic fervor.

Maysville Road Veto (1830)

Occurred when United States President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill that would allow the federal government to purchase stock in the Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company, which had been organized to construct a road linking Lexington to Maysville on the Ohio River, the entirety of which would be in the state of Kentucky

Jacksonian Democracy

People should be governed as little as possible AND governing should be done directly by the people

Andrew Jackson Cabinet

Secretary of State: Martin Van Buren Vice President: John C. Calhoun

Texans never fully accepted Mexican rules

Texans -ignored the Mexican ban on slavery -refused to convert to Catholicism -refused to pay import duties -wanted self-rule like in the U.S.

How did the Mexican-American War end?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The California Gold Rush

The discovery of gold in 1848 led to a massive influx of prospectors in 1849 (the "forty-niners"): -Few miners struck it rich; Real money was in supplying miners with food, booze, & provisions -Led to a population boom, agriculture, & multicultural society in California

What is Manifest Destiny?

The spread of settlers beyond U.S. borders led to widespread call for annexation of newly-settled lands

South Carolina Nullifies Tariff of 1832

Threatened to secede if customs officials tried to collect duties

Seminole War

Three conflicts in Florida between the Seminoles and the United States Army, were the longest and most expensive (both in human and monetary terms) Indian Wars in United States history

The Santa Fe Trail

allowed the U.S. to sell goods to Texas

The California Trail

allowed traders and ranchers to move to California in 1830s-40s

Taylor threatened to veto the compromise but his death in 1850 allowed

VP Millard Fillmore to sign the Compromise of 1850

Not everyone supported the Mexican-American War

Whigs opposed it, Northerners saw it as a Southern "slave-power" plot to extend slavery

The Aroostook War ("Lumberjack's War")

fought over lumbering in disputed territories

Tyler needed to make Texas a campaign issue in the election of 1844 because

he had been kicked out of the Whig Party & hoped to appeal to the common man

The Oregon Trail

led to massive immigration of western farmers in 1840s and demands to end the joint U.S.-British occupation of Oregon

Both parties had ? (rather than exclusively regional) appeal


Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church in 1830, but they were

persecuted in the East for their unorthodox beliefs

the Mexican Cession

present-day NM, AZ, CA, Utah, NV, & parts of CO & WY

The Wilmot Proviso did not pass in Congress but its debate revealed

sectional (not party) divisions (a major shift in politics is looming involving sectional political parties)

popular sovereignty

territories could decide for themselves if they wanted slavery (democrats liked)

Like Texas, California operated as an independent nation

the California Republic existed for one month from June 1846 to July 1846 when it was annexed by the United States

free soilers

were against the expansion of slavery (not slavery in the South), wanted to expand West & keep the land free of both blacks & slaves

zachary taylor

won the election of 1848, northern and southern whigs liked him

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