Japan, Korea, and China

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"The way of the warrior" the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai.

Korea Geography and impact

-70% covered in steep mountains -peninsula has 6,000 mile coastline good for harbors and fishing -mountainous -1/5 is able to be cultivated -Few forests remain today due to increased urbanization -Farmable lowlands and river valleys are located in the south and west of the peninsula -Border with China is 640 miles long. Border with Russia is 10 miles long. -Southern tip of peninsula is only __20__ miles from Japanese territory IMPACT: -Most people live in the western coastal plains where farming is easier. Today, fewer farms exist, mostly urban and industrial areas. -It is harder to farm because of how mountainous it is. -It has become more urban and less rural because of the mountains. -Their culture blends with Japan because of how close they are.


-Came to Japan via Korea -Gave Japanese a way of dealing with death and suffering -Studying the Lotus Sutra helps people reject desire and have compassion for others -Practice involves prayer, chanting, and meditation. -Listening- language can be the cause of suffering The emperor and his court adopted Mahayana Buddhism as a new Japanese religion. The essential tenet of Buddhism--suffering and its elimination through less desire--gave the Japanese a means of dealing with death and suffering, something that Shintoism had not provided. It affected the Japanese deeply, but their innate delight in the simple joy of life also modified Buddhism by infusing it with an appreciation for life and nature. The most important text in the Japanese Buddhist tradition is the Lotus Sutra, based on sermons preached by the Buddha. Its central thesis/argument is that all life contains "Buddha nature" (the capacity for compassion and the rejection of desire). Acting on one's Buddha nature through prayer, chant, and meditation brings one closer to nirvana and the goal of being released from the cycle of death and rebirth. Even today, ceremonies to celebrate birth and marriage often come from Shinto, the joyful religion. Funeral celebrations are Buddhist, the religion that acknowledges suffering and pain.


-Original Japanese religion -Spirits in nature called Kami -Emphasis on purification -Practice involves trying to feel the good kami enter the body -Celebrates nature, the cycle of life, love, and gratitude

Why don't historians believe the ideas in the book 1421: The Year China Discovered America? What evidence might help prove his claim?

1. He had little hard evidence to support his claim, since most of the Ming Naval records were destroyed. 2. If they had maps of America, bones, people who passed away, records of a different language. ARTIFACTS from the culture- pottery shards.

Why did Chinese emperors commission a sea voyage? The Chinese ships were so advanced that they were used to design which famous European ship? According to the video, why did Ming emperors abandon sea exploration?

1. To gather intelligence and demonstrate Chinese superiority to the world. 2. They were used to design the famous European ship, Titanic. 3. The outside world had nothing to offer to China and left them alone. Zheng He was ordered to never return to the sea.

Composite Bow

A special bow created by the Mongols, which could pierce armor and fire faster than any other bow.


A sturdy stirrup allowed horsemen to be steadier and more accurate in shooting when mounted. It allowed them to stand up and balance when shooting. The invention of the stirrup allowed for Mongol soldiers to conquer lands through conquest with their advancements. They were able to ride a horse without rains, stand, balance, and shoot their composite bows well.


A type of pottery that was made in China. It can only be made in a VERY HOT kiln. (an oven that makes pottery.) Impact: People purchase it for their weddings- Highly traded commodity around the world- highly value VALUE IN TRADE- WORLDWIDE

How did the Emperor and Shogun maintain power and control over Samurai?

Act as leaders/teachers- can punish others for not following rules (exercise restraint in the process of punishment) During times of peace samurai must maintain way of the warrior by being loyal to their masters, and practice martial arts regularly to prepared at all times for war. Follow strict rules- no drinking, partying. Train for war. Marriages must be approved. They must follow a dress code.


All land was owned by the emperor Land was assigned to each family, but unlike the Chinese, there was no communal plot Each family had to give a portion of what they grew to the government. Officials distributed and taxed all arable (farmable) land Land was assessed every six years, but not much changed in that time so families felt like theu had private property ownership But there was a catch... WHY DID FEUDALISM EMERGE IN JAPAN? CONSCRIPTION: Men were expected to work on public works projects for 60 days at the expense of their families --Enormous burden on families Families took out government loans with high interest rates to pay off their taxes and for the supplies needed for the public works projects Effect: many poor people illegally abandoned their land Government was left without taxes and laborers- weakens the emperor's power- they need the peasants to work the land and pay the taxes HOW DID FEUDALISM EMERGE FROM THIS SITUATION? Those who abandoned their land worked on others' farms. Wealthy people bought the abandoned land and became a wealthy aristocratic class --They developed privately owned estates called shoen Aristocrats did not pay taxes at first and when the government did start taxing them, they bribed the tax collectors so the emperor still did not see much of the tax money Aristocrats hired warriors to protect their lands and investments- these warriors were the samurai

Describe a Mongol Cruelty/Invasions.

Approaching Chengdu, Genghis Khan issued an ultimatum-- Surrender or die. Prisoners were decapitated, towers of human skulls, children slaughtered. The people were trapped inside by the Mongols who were at the gates of the city, preventing them from leaving.

Zen Buddhism

Because language fails to capture experience - and fill you with the ultimate truth of the world: emptiness. Then you are free to experience enlightenment. Why do you think Zen Buddhism was so popular in Medieval Japan? It emphasized meditation and devotion to duty. Zen accepts contradictory ideas. Zen monks are scholars, but they value the state of "non-knowing" and the uncluttered mind. They preach compassion for all. Zen Buddhists sought absolute freedom, yet they used rigid rules and exercised complete authority over their students. Zen Buddhism also stressed a devotion to nature and precise performance of everyday tasks

What did the emperor do that ultimately made him a figure-head? What was the only reason he had some semblance of power?

Because they believe he is descended from the Sun God- similar to the Mandate of Heaven

How did the Ming Emperors attempt to restore Chinese greatness?

Brings back Confucian values and Civil service Continues Great Wall of China Builds the Forbidden City - home to Chinese royal family Changes in Chinese agriculture, cities, waterways and the arts: ----Arts- pottery and literature ----New crops (corn and potatoes) ----New industries in cities (porcelain and paper) and improved waterways ----Increased interest in sea traveled exploration Voyages of Zheng He ~~Could travel through ~~waterways because of the compass

How did the Ming Dynasty revive Chinese greatness?

Brings back Confucian values and Civil service Continues Great Wall of China Builds the Forbidden City - home to Chinese royal family Changes in Chinese agriculture, cities, waterways and the arts: ~Arts- pottery and literature ~New crops (corn and potatoes) ~New industries in cities (porcelain and paper) and improved waterways ~Increased interest in sea traveled exploration ===Voyages of Zheng He ===Could travel through waterways because of the compass

How do the golden ages of this period differ? How are they similar?

Brings back Confucian values and Civil service Continues Great Wall of China Builds the Forbidden City - home to Chinese royal family Changes in Chinese agriculture, cities, waterways and the arts: Arts- pottery and literature New crops (corn and potatoes) New industries in cities (porcelain and paper) and improved waterways Increased interest in sea traveled exploration Voyages of Zheng He Could travel through waterways because of the compass UNLIKE other golden ages where they came up with their own inventions, the Ming Dynasty added upon other inventions, making further advancements. --Which invention that you learned about today has had the greatest impact on the modern world? Why? Block printing had the greatest impact since today you see people reading books almost everywhere. They allowed for people to learn about the past and share their creations with others as well. --How do you think each invention contributed to a Golden Age? Each invention contributed to a Golden Age since they all paved the way for further advancements and technology.

Beauty standards and footbinding

Broke bones of girls and bandaged them tightly so they wouldn't grow Bind them when they were young Outlawed in 1912 Any woman who didn't bind their feet was arrested. 3-inch feet- very tiny Painful Emperor found it beautiful after seeing a women wrap her foot in silk to dance. It would help her daughter to achieve marriage. Symbolized wealth- servants worked for you-you didn't need to work in the fields.

To what extent do belief systems (old and new) unite or divide civilizations?

Buddhism began in India in the 500s B.C.E. About one thousand years later, it came to Japan from China by way of Korea. The emperor and his court adopted Mahayana Buddhism as a new Japanese religion. It was accepted because the essential tenet of Buddhism--suffering and its elimination through less desire--gave the Japanese a means of dealing with death and suffering, something that Shintoism had not provided.

How did civilizations both borrow from others and maintain their own cultural uniqueness?

CIVIL SERVICE EXAM: Koreans adapted and modified Chinese ideas. For instance, they used the Chinese civil service exam, but only members of the aristocracy were allowed to take the test. Whereas, in China, anyone could improve their social status through successful completion of the civil service exam. BUDDHISM: Buddhism was another element of Chinese culture that spread to Korea. LITERATURE AND ART: Korean scholars modeled their histories and poems after Chinese literature. Artists created landscape paintings similar to those of the Chinese. CAPITAL: The Koryo dynasty in Korea even built their capital city following the plan for the Tang dynasty capital. INVENTIONS: Koreans also used woodblock printing from China to create Buddhist texts. Korean inventors made movable metal type to print large numbers of books. Porcelain- They learned to make porcelain from China, but then perfected the technique of making celadon, a porcelain with an unusual blue-green glaze. Celadon vases and jars were highly valued throughout Asia. However, the secret of making this porcelain was lost forever after the Mongols overran Korea in the 1200s. Korea received a lot of China's culture and added it to their, while keeping their own uniqueness.

Block printing

Characters could be rearranged and reused making it quicker and easier to print books and documents, and to keep government records. Impact: A singular stamp- interchangeable almost like a typewriter The larger impact of Block printing and moveable type is mass production. Going to make more BOOKS!! Record records and information. Results in more education

Why was conquering China so important to people?

China was home to the biggest cities in the world and the great prize and if you could conquer China, you conquered the land of infinite supplies. Grain, silk, and tea. China was the richest prize the Mongols could possibly take.

How might the world be different if China had not halted their exploration?

China would have gotten credit for their inventions and discoveries.


Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.

selective borrowing

Close proximity impacted Japan greatly Japan engaged in selective borrowing- used some ideas and adapted them to their society. Ex. Chinese writing, Zen Buddhism adopting or adapting some cultural traits but discarding others The Japanese asserted their identity by revising the Chinese system of writing and adding Kana. Japanese artists developed their own styles.

How does Geography influence trade; isolation, and the creation and spread of political systems (including empires)?

Closure: How has Japan's geography impacted its history and culture? Meditative practice allows them to embrace the geography in which they are isolated from many other places. Fear that your home could be destroyed. Loud noises- crowded. Allowed for people to cope with the challenges of daily life in a crowded environment. People feel that their role in nature is to respect nature and one is smaller than everything around you. Endure- everlasting- the impact of nature People either have to adapt to their geography or find ways to work around it. TERRACE FARMING AND STRONGER BUILDINGS TO HELP LIMIT THE DESTRUCTION OF EARTHQUAKES. HOW DID THE LOCATION OF JAPAN (RELATIVE TO KOREA AND CHINA) IMPACT ITS DEVELOPMENT? The surrounding seas both protected and isolated Japan. It was close enough to the mainland to learn from Korea and China, but too far for the Chinese to conquer. The seas also provided plentiful resources. Japan adopted a law code similar to that of China. The Japanese rulers killed themselves "Heavenly Emperor: and claimed absolute power. Set up a bureaucracy. Japanese emperors built a new capital at Nara, modeled on the Tang Chang'an. There, Japanese nobles spoke Chinese and dressed in Chinese fashion. Tea drinking, along with an elaborate tea ceremony was imported from China.

Japanese Values

Confucian values of filial piety and humility Respect for nature and its power Honor, bravery, loyalty, duty (samurai) Frugality - do not be wasteful with money Simplicity / minimalism Zen Buddhism - death and suffering are part of life - let it all go through quiet, peaceful meditation in nature

The Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE)

Continued the Civil Service tradition Created an effective BUREACRACY with centrally appointed officials Society not rigidly structures. GENTRY (scholar-officials) lived beside middle class shopkeepers, artisans and merchants. Most Chinese were PEASANTS. Merchant class grows due improved trade and education - new opportunities to gain wealth Improved WRITING, landscape painting, poetry, calligraphy and porcelain. Developed MOVEABLE TYPE and the SPINNING WHEEL. Replaced metal coins with PAPER MONEY and improved the magnetic COMPASS, which led to more trade in further places. DYNASTY ended in 1279 when invaded by GENGHIZ KHAN, leader of the Mongols.

Korea influence of China

Five Relationships of Confucius: The Chinese believed they were the older brother and that Korea was its loyal younger brother. As China's "younger brother," Korea borrowed some of China's culture, though it maintained its own culture and had its own unique identity, which included Hangul and Turtle Ships. CIVIL SERVICE EXAM: Koreans adapted and modified Chinese ideas. For instance, they used the Chinese civil service exam, but only members of the aristocracy were allowed to take the test. Whereas, in China, anyone could improve their social status through successful completion of the civil service exam. BUDDHISM: Buddhism was another element of Chinese culture that spread to Korea. LITERATURE AND ART: Korean scholars modeled their histories and poems after Chinese literature. Artists created landscape paintings similar to those of the Chinese. CAPITAL: The Koryo dynasty in Korea even built their capital city following the plan for the Tang dynasty capital. INVENTIONS: Koreans also used woodblock printing from China to create Buddhist texts. Korean inventors made movable metal type to print large numbers of books. Porcelain- They learned to make porcelain from China, but then perfected the technique of making celadon, a porcelain with an unusual blue-green glaze. Celadon vases and jars were highly valued throughout Asia. However, the secret of making this porcelain was lost forever after the Mongols overran Korea in the 1200s.

Arts- woodblock printing, haiku, calligraphy, language, kabuki theater

Flourishes during the Edo Period under the Tokugawa Shogunate Includes: Kabuki Theater Woodblock Printing and Silkscreen Landscape Painting Haiku and Literary Prose Architecture- pagodas, temples, and shrines

Why was Korea called "the bridge"? Explain.

From early, Japan and Korea were in continuous contact with each other. Koreans would settle in Japan and spread knowledge of Chinse writing and culture.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan (c. 1162 - August 18, 1227) was born with the name Temüjin Genghis Khan was one of the fiercest warlords in human history. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and began attacking neighboring peoples beyond Mongolia, including Northern China. Genghis Khan ran his army by imposing strict discipline and demanding complete loyalty. Genghis turned westward and captured the Muslim states of Central Asia. Under his successors, Mongol rule eventually extended over Persia, Russia, Iraq, and all of China.

How large was his empire?

Genghis Khan conquered more land in 25 years than Rome did in 400. Four and a half million square miles. The largest so far in human history.

Yuan Dynasty (Mongols)

Genghis Khan's grandson Kublai became successor. Kublai Khan defeated the rest of Southern China and conquered the Song Dynasty. He established the Yuan Dynasty and crowned himself emperor. He combined many aspects of Mongol and Chinese administration. ~~~~~He incorporated Chinese leaders into the government but they could not hold the highest offices ~~~~The Mongols were good at fighting wars, but he knew they could learn a lot about running a large government from the Chinese.

What are two ways that the emperor's power was undermined or taken away?

Government was left without taxes and laborers after the Conscription which weakens the emperor's power- they need the peasants to work the land and pay the taxes. Aristocrats did not pay taxes at first and when the government did start taxing them, they bribed the tax collectors so the emperor still did not see much of the tax money.

What was it like to be a samurai?

Great emphasis on Bravery, honor, self-discipline, and the acceptance of death Physical and moral training, poetry and spiritual discipline Bushido ("The Way of the Warrior"), A strict ethical code influenced by Confucianism that stressed loyalty to one's master, ethical behavior in all aspects of life and complete self-discipline

Japanese Feudalism

Grew out of the Chinese well-field system where the emperor owned all the land and distributed plots to the people Land was divided into 9 plots 8 were privately owned 1 was worked communally When someone died, the land went back to the emperor for redistribution The Japanese adapted this system, which developed into feudalism.

Korean uniqueness- Hangul (language), social classes, turtle ships

HANGUL: Scholars invented Hangul to give the Korean people their own distinct writing system. The system was introduced in 1446 and enacted by King Sejong the Great, who replaced a complicated system of writing in Chinese characters. This enabled more Koreans to learn to read and write. In 2009 a minority tribe in Indonesia chose to use Hangul as its official writing system because it is simple and logical (the first case of the Korean alphabet being used by a foreign society). TURTLESHIP: They had a great defense and offense system. Spikes and land on other ships and board other ships. Take other sailors prisoners. Couldn't board the ship because of the spikes. Offensive attack smoke came out of the dragons head- psychological warfare (terrifying). Offensively they had cannons that shoot very far. Ramming capability. Have 10 ores on each side to help them turn on its axis. Sails and two matts. Japanese couldn't defeat the Koreans. WARD OF ATTACKERS AND INVADERS.

Japan Geography

HOW DID THE LOCATION OF JAPAN (RELATIVE TO KOREA AND CHINA) IMPACT ITS DEVELOPMENT? The surrounding seas both protected and isolated Japan. It was close enough to the mainland to learn from Korea and China, but too far for the Chinese to conquer. The seas also provided plentiful resources. Archipelago (greece too), terrace farming, korea-land bridge to china 4 main islands: Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Kyushu IMPACT: Isolated because they are separated. Lots of traveling with boats and ships, and a navy eventually. Sushi!- Food is hard to come by- fishing

How did Genghis Khan's childhood impact his life?

He was the son of a tribal chief. His father was murdered and Genghis was sentenced to exile but escaped his capturers and fought his way to the top.

How is power gained, consolidated, maintained, and lost?

How do you think the Code of Bushido helped maintain power within Japanese feudal society? The Code of Bushido made it so the people in power didn't take advantage of their power and make decisions justly, and not made from anger. People respected the samurai because they treated soldiers and servants fairly which helped them to maintain power. People know their place. They received a lot of China's culture and added it to their, while keeping their own uniqueness.

What is the main difference between Buddhism and Zen Buddhism?

In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths explain why people suffer and the Eightfold Path explains how to get rid of suffering. According to Mahayana Buddhism, people suffer because they have desires. According to Zen Buddhism, it is language that causes people to suffer.

Magnetic Compass

It had a magnetized needle that was used as a "direction finder" to ensure buildings were built in harmony with nature. Impact: Made traveling easier. Allowed for travel, exploration, and navigation.


It was invented by accident! It was originally used for fireworks. Later used by the Tang military as a weapon when they realized its potential. Impact: Used for warfare and weaponry

Paper Money

It was made from Chinese paper and used as receipts as merchants and then was adopted by the Chinese gov't to collect taxes. Impact: Lighter and easier to use than metal coins and allowed them to record and collect taxes.

How did Japan's proximity to China affect its culture? Provide three examples.

Japan adopted a law code similar to that of China. The Japanese rulers killed themselves "Heavenly Emperor: and claimed absolute power. Set up a bureaucracy. Japanese emperors built a new capital at Nara, modeled on the Tang Chang'an. There, Japanese nobles spoke Chinese and dressed in Chinese fashion. Tea drinking, along with an elaborate tea ceremony was imported from China.


Japan's original religion was Shinto. This religion expresses the love and respect of the Japanese for nature. Its followers worship spirits in nature called kami. Kami are impressive natural objects, such as wind, lightning, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, large trees, and unusual stones. The emperor and other special people can be vessels (containers) for kami. Shinto stresses purifying whatever is unclean, such as dirt, wounds, and disease. Touching the dead also makes one unclean. Rituals often honor ancestors and forces of nature. Most of all, however, Shinto celebrates life, the beauty of nature, love and gratitude. There is no sacred scripture in Shinto and worship takes place in a simple sanctuary, located in a grove, where a believer stands still, bows deeply and tries to feel the deity (spirit) in his heart. There are Shinto priests but Shinto worship can take place without them. A Shinto priest's duty is to purify all that is unclean. A Shinto temple or Shinto shrine is an important building that is used for the safekeeping of sacred objects, not for worship.

European Feudalism

Knights followed the Code of Chivalry. The relationship between the lord and the knight was contractual Put women on a romantic pedestal, as though they were fragile, inferior beings. Western European feudal aristocracy rejected learning and the arts Knights were worried about sins and believed that death marked an abrupt end to life and a time for judgment.

Women's rights in Korea and how Confucian changed them

Korea learned a lot from the Chinese tradition of Confucianism. They emphasized the family as the foundation of the state and adopted Confucian ideas concerning the rights of women. Early in Korea's history, Korean women had the right to inherit property and some upper-class women even held public roles. However, as Confucianism took hold, women's rights were restricted. Women could no longer inherit property, and women's position in the family became more subordinate.

How did the Chinese well-field system differ from the Japanese estate system?

Land was assigned to each family, but unlike the Chinese, there was no communal plot.

What inferences can you make about the state of Chinese technology?

Large ships- larger than Columbus'- show that the technology was advanced. Could travel so far on dangerous waters. More advanced- made the ships before anyone else and traveled farther or close to the same amount as later explorers and inventions.

How many people is Genghis Khan responsible for the death of?

Massacre over 100,00 people in Chengdu, then torched the city. In his lifetime, Genghis Khan is believed to be responsible for the death of up to 40 million people-- AS many as Adolf Hitler.

Kublai Khan

Mongol ruler, he completed the conquest of China and founded the Yuan dynasty

How did the Mongols effectively communicate across their empire?

Mongols sent messages through horseback, across an are twice the size of the United States. Every 30 miles there was a relay post with 400 horses. Government messengers carrying an official pedalion could claim food and a fresh mount--The worlds first passport. Because of Genghis Khan's conquests, for the first time in history, one could safely travel from one end of the world to the other end. Paper printing and gunpowder could head from east to west

How does Japanese art and culture reflect their values?

Nature, minimalism, Samurai, and embrace death as a part of the cycle of life. Confucian values of filial piety and humility Honor, bravery, loyalty, duty Frugality Zen Buddhism

What impact did climate change have on the Mongols/world?

Nomadic changes in the ancient world and the pre-modern world directly affected historical events. In Mongolia, drought turned paster into desert. To survive the Mongols swept South towards China, the great power in Asia.

Why did people abandon their land during this time?

People abandoned their land during this time because of conscription where men were expected to work on public works projects for 60 days at the expense of their families, it was too much of a burden and cost way too much money for them.

How did the Mongols use their own people against themselves?

Prisoners of war attacked their own city. To defend themselves, Chengdu soldiers had to kill their own people. Mongols forced Chinese engineers to create batting ramps.

How did the Emperor and Shogun maintain power and control over Artisans and Merchants?

Punish commoners who violate principles-- establish fair pricing. Live respectful life. Treat others appropriately (respectfully and honestly). Do not live luxuriously (be frugal - save money and don't live ostentatiously)

The Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE)

Reformed the government- reintroduced and expanded the civil service exam Conquered parts of Central Asia and revived trade on the Silk Road. Expensive wars, nomadic attacks, and costly govt. projects led to higher taxes

Difference and similarity between Shinto and Buddhism

SIMILIAR: Shinto and Buddhism both believed in suffering and its elimination through less desire Zen Buddhist temples, like Shinto shrines, honor nature as a place to help focus on finding peace and quiet within oneself. Zen Buddhism also stressed a devotion to nature and precise performance of everyday tasks as well. DIFFERENCE: Shinto infused Buddhism with an appreciation for life and nature.

Japanese Feudalism

Samurai lived life according to the Bushido The system focused less on law and more on morality and respect between the samurai and those with whom the samurai served (likely from Confucian influence). No system of chivalry. The Japanese warriors expected their women to be as tough as they were and accept self-destruction out of loyalty or family. Japanese warriors did not reject learning and the arts. Many samurai were followers of Zen Buddhism, which stressed discipline, obedience, and reincarnation. Therefore, samurais accepted death as part of the natural cycle of life.

Japanese Social classes

Shogun- military dictator in feudal Japan Daimyo - powerful military lords (warlords) who ruled land in exchange for allegiance to the shogun Samurai - warrior class in feudal Japan who swore to protect the kingdom by fighting in private armies for the daimyo in exchange for land and other rewards Bushido - code of honor and morals developed by the Samurai Sankin Kotai - alternate attendance system - daimyo were required to reside in Edo (Tokyo) during alternate years. While they visited their home territory, their families remained hostages of the state in Edo. This policy helped shoguns maintain control since adhering to the requirement was both time-consuming and costly, leaving them little money to raise armies or munitions.

Social Structure during the Tang and Song dynasties

Social classes in China became less rigid because...even if you were a peasant or a merchant there was a way to become higher in class. For a peasant, taking the schooling government service allowed for them to become Gentry. For merchants, if they were to purchase land education they could also become Gentry. It became less difficult to move up in social class and being born into a social class didn't mean you were forced to stay in it.

Why was the horse so important to the Mongols? How were they utilized in Mongol conquests?

The Mongols could cover up to 300 miles in a day with the horse. Using the horses for warfare unlocked a new key for mankind. Mongols started on horseback at the age of 3. They learned to ride without using reigns. They could shoot well even on horseback. Mongol warriors had 4 horses each. They can eat and sleep on horseback. They could travel faster than the news of their arrival.


The Mongols were significant invaders and conquerors from the steppes. The Mongols were skilled horsemen ----They literally grew up on horseback so that they could be skilled warriors on horses! ----Mongol soldiers could travel for days on little more than a handful of grain and a cup of milk. ----They created the stirrup which allowed them to ride without reins The Mongols were eventually united by Genghis (Chinggis) Khan.

Why is the Yomato clan significant?

The Yomato set up Japan's first and only dynasty.

Mechanical clock

The clock operated with water steadily dripping on a wheel that made a full revolution every 24 hours. Impact: Allowed people to plan, standardization. People were able to tell the time of day and plan and schedule.

Civil service exam during the Tang and Song dynasties

The government of China was improved during the Tang and Song Dynasties because they... Developed the Chinese Civil Service Exams which allowed for them to appoint people to civil service positions not chosen through special or inherited privilege, but through an individual's own abilities.


The steppes are dry and mostly treeless grasslands that stretch across Eurasia (Europe and Asia) Nomads typically lived in the steppes. The unique environment of the steppes allowed nomadic peoples to excel at horsemanship and develop fierce fighting skills. Throughout much of history, various nomadic ethnic groups have pushed out of the steppes to conquer their neighbors, sometimes with devastating effects.

Based on Emperor Hongxi's reasoning and what you know about Zheng He, do you think the Chinese should have continued sea exploration? Explain.

They looked at the other places as savage and can't imagine that the rest of the world can offer anything to them More important to build the Great Wall and it was too expensive No economic gain Taught that Merchants were parasites. Confucius values do not value trade or the industry. Ethnocentrism Concern of outsiders. Yes, they should have continued sea exploration because then they would have learned about the many other advancements in other nations, instead of sticking to their ethnocentric attitude. Could have built on the advancements of other civilizations- just like Muslims and the Byzantine Empire. Could improve knowledge. Reasons they decided to stop was invalid, the high taxes to support the exploration may seem ridiculous and they may rebel.

How did the Emperor and Shogun maintain power and control over Peasants/Farmers?

Took away farmers and peasants weapons so they could not revolt. Use these weapons/swords to make statues of Buddha. And they will follow Buddhist practices when not farming. Keep busy planting and farming. Owing thanks to their lords and masters while maintaining respect for the samurai.

Trade during Tang and Song dynasties

Trade during these dynasties affected the Chinese economy and society because it...Allowed for China to receive more resources from many different places because of how far their improvements spread. Since they had new inventions, they could trade it to many civilizations and as a result get more in return than what they traded from the many places they were trading with.

Based on this description, what can we learn about the attitude of the Chinese toward outsiders?

Very ethnocentric. They believed that they were the most advanced group of people and people were not as advanced as them- "savage waves".

Decline of the Yuan Dynasty

What are four reasons why the Yuan dynasty fell into decline? Kublai Khan was drunk, distracted and then died Empire was too big to manage Heavy taxes, natural disasters, corruption (Chinese people believed the Mongols lost the Mandate of Heaven)

Comparison of Japanese Feudalism to European Feudalism

What similarities and differences do you see between feudal class structure in Japan and in Medieval Europe? The nobles/daimyo were the actual landowners that were loyal to the king and the Samurai were loyal to the kings like the knights were. SIMILARITIES: A knight's and Samurai's training began early in life. Valued Loyalty Family lineage and honor were of great importance. Knights all follow an ethical code Both Codes value making just decisions and having good morals

Zheng He

What was the purpose of Zheng He's voyage? To display the might of Chinese power and collect taxes from the "barbarians from beyond the seas."- other nations Proving to the rest of the world how great China is by bragging. An imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa. Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty, he led great voyages that spread China's fame throughout Asia

Mongols: Creators or Destroyers

When we think of when we hear the word murderer? We think of a monster, someone with no remorse and who steals the lives of innocent people. This is exactly how one would describe the Mongols-- the destroyers of the 12th and 13th centuries. Genghis Khan, the merciless leader of the savage tribe, the Mongols. He is believed to be responsible for the death of up to 40 million people-- innocent people. When conquering Chengdu, a flourishing city in China, he would have prisoners of war attack their own people with their own creations. Prisoners were decapitated, there were towers of skulls, and children slaughtered. He would burn the conquered lands to the ground, leaving no trace of the life that once lived there. A destroyer of culture and innocent lives-- a monster, a murderer, and a beast.

Should the Ming have continued exploration? Why or why not?

Yes, they would have been able to build on their intelligence and learn more from other cultures. Reasons they decided to stop was invalid, the high taxes to support the exploration may seem ridiculous and they may rebel.

How were the Mongols eventually defeated by 1368?

Zhu Yuanzhang, a Chinese peasant leader, forged a rebel army that toppled the Mongols ----In 1386, he founded the Ming Dynasty (ming = brilliant)

Ming Dynasty (accomplishments and exploration)

centralized government, expanded size of empire, strengthened the Great Wall and made peace with nomadic tribes of the north, established a nation wide school system, renovated the Grand Canal, making trade and transportation easier Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China. This series of seven major expeditions led by Admiral Zheng He between 1405 and 1433 greatly expanded Chinese power, prestige, and influence throughout the Indian Ocean region.

Tang/Song Golden Age

many new innovations such as rice cultivation,gunpowder and paper money. No war or fighting. More urbanization and Commercialism.

Very little room for crops

very little plans for agriculture. Not much soil or natural resources for fuel. Farming is limited No place to grow grain IMPACT: Meat is most imported to Japan. Get their main resources from outside Get the oil that they need for a navy from the outside Energy is a major issue for Japan


very low agriculture People will live in the valleys and on the plains where there are no mountains IMPACT: Terrace farming is developed to grow rice in the mountainous regions Irrigated their rice patterns So few people could live in the mountains- population growth is 91.6% urban. People are living in urban areas- cities Everyone crams into the cities Tall buildings and large cities develop Minimalism is a part of their culture Everything is convertible and Minimalist. Hotels formed- little pods to stay in for a night while traveling ****MINIMALISM- don't need a lot of stuff because there is nowhere to put it. Train is overcrowded.

Pacific ring of Fire

volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics. Active volcanoes IMPACT: Tsunami- a giant wave that destroys cities Gets all of the coastlines and brings everything in with it. Keeps them protected from invasions. Mongols were defeated by tsunamis when trying to conquer Japan

Alternate Attendance System

○ Required daimyo (military leaders who were often the strongest or most powerful samurai) to live in the capital - Edo - every other year. When they returned home to their "manor" their families stayed in Edo as hostages of the state. ○ This system made it so that the shogun kept a close eye on daimyo to prevent rebellion while ensuring their loyalty. Sankin Kotai - alternate attendance system - daimyo were required to reside in Edo (Tokyo) during alternate years. While they visited their home territory, their families remained hostages of the state in Edo. This policy helped shoguns maintain control since adhering to the requirement was both time-consuming and costly, leaving them little money to raise armies or munitions.

Tokugawa Shogunate

● End wars between conflicting daimyo by uniting clans under the rule of the Tokugawa Shogun ● Move capital city from Kyoto to Edo (Tokyo) ● Established a militaristic police-like state, isolated from most other nations. ● Created the Alternate Attendance System: ○ Required daimyo (military leaders who were often the strongest or most powerful samurai) to live in the capital - Edo - every other year. When they returned home to their "manor" their families stayed in Edo as hostages of the state. ○ This system made it so that the shogun kept a close eye on daimyo to prevent rebellion while ensuring their loyalty.

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