Java - Data Types and Operators
Assigning variables
Enter type var = value int count = 10 // give count an initial value of 10 char ch = 'X' // initialize ch with the letter X
Hexadecimal, octal, and binary literals
Number system based on 8 = octal, uses 0 through 7, must begin wiht 0 oct = 011 // 9 in decimal Number system based on 16 = hexadecimal - uses digits 0-9 and letters A-F for 10-15. Must begin with 0x or 0X. hex = 0xFF = 255 in decimal
Eight primitive types
boolean - True/False byte - 8 bit interger char - Character double - Double-precision floating point float - Single-precision floating point int - integer long - long integer short - short integer
Short circuit operators
special version of AND and OR for efficient code AND, if the first operand is false, the outcome is false OR, if the first outcome is true, the rest doesn't matter Short circuit versions only evaluate the second operand when necessary
Arithmetic operators
+ - * / % ++ -- Can also be used on type char If dividing, the reaminder is truncated , 10/3 = 3. For the remainder, enter 10%3
16 bits wide -32,768 to +32767
32 bits wide -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
64 bits wide -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to + 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
8 bits long -128 to +127 range
A block defines a scope A scope determines what objects are visible to your program and the lifetime of those objects. The scope defined by a method begins with its opening curly brace. Generally inside the scope = not visible to code outside of scope Variables are only valid after they're declared/if it's in the block they can be accessed. Outside of scope = variable doesn't exist
String literals
A string is a set of characters enclosed by double quotes like "this is a test" Can combine with escape sequences like "First line \nSecond line" would use \n to generate a new line. or "A\tB\tC" = A tab B tab C
Data type
All variables, expressions and values are assigned a type. The operations are type checked by the compiler for type compatibility and what operators are allowed.
Object Oriented Data Types
Are defined by classes
Comparison operators
Can only be applied to those types that support ordering realtionship. Relational operators can be applied to all numberic types and char boolean can only be compared for equality or inequality
Fixed values also called constants Can be any primitive data type Integer literals - default type is int and can have underscores
Relational operators
How things related to each other == != > < >= <=
Dynamic initialization
Java allows variables to be initiliazed dynamically, using any expression valid at the time the variable is declared. Ex. doule volume = 3.14 * radius * radius * height; Radius is initliazed by constants and volume is initilized dynamically
Char details
Java uses unicode = all the characters in the human language Enclose the value assigned to char in quotes char ch ch = 'x' characters can be incremented. ch++ would give you a value of y, then z.
Math is a class Have math. precede math functions like sqrt.
Math or logical equation Four classes Arithmetic bitwise relational logical
Primitive details
Primitive types have a range and behavior for each type
Boolean details
Represents true/false details When a boolean value is output by println(), true or false is displayed The value of a boolean variable controls the if statement so you don't need to enter if (b==true) The outcome of a relational operator like < is a boolean value, which is why 10>9 displays as "true".
Logical operators
True and false can be connected & | = OR ^ = XOR (exclusive OR) || = short circuit OR && short circuit AND ! NOT
float and double details
Used for flowting piont types float is 32 bits wide double is 64 bits wide double is used for math
byte details
Useful with binary data
Increments and decrements
X= X + 1 is X++ X = X - 1 is X-- X= X+1 is ++X or X++ X = 10, Y = ++X, Y would be 11 X = 10, Y = X++, Y would still be 10, X would be 11
Character escape sequences
\' = single quote \"" = double quote \\ = backslash \r = carriage return \n = new line \f = farm feed \t = horizontal tab \b = backspace \ddd = Octal constant where ddd is an actual constant \uxxx = Hexadecimal constant where xxxx is a hexadecimal constant Can assign these to values like ch = '\t'; will assign ch the ta character
Logical operands must be type
int details
int are often used in control loops, index arrays, and math. If you need an interger greater than int, use long.