Jeff's Part 135 Study Guide (121 Questions)

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When shall sterile cockpit be in effect?

"Critical phase" of flight defined as ground operations including taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other flight operations below 10,000 feet, except cruise flight.

If you are intercepted by military aircraft, what frequency and transponder code should be used for the remainder of the flight?

- 7700 (AIM 5-6-1)

When must a pilot wear an oxygen mask during flight in a pressurized aircraft equipped with quick-donning type-oxygen masks?

- Continuously when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 10,000 ft MSL. - When operating above 35,000 ft MSL, one pilot at the controls shall wear an oxygen mask. - When one pilot leaves a duty station when operating above 25,000 ft MSL, the remaining pilot at the controls shall wear an oxygen mask.

When may a pilot continue the approach below the DH or MDA and touch down?

- Normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers that allow landing within the touchdown zone; - Flight visibility > than required for the approach; - At least one of the following visual references is distinctly visible and identifiable: 1. ALS: continue below 100' above TDZE if red terminating bar/red side row bars in view; or 2. Threshold, marking or light; or 3. REIL, VASI; or 4. Touchdown zone or runway, markings or lights.

What are the restrictions for serving alcoholic beverages to passengers?

- The certificate holder must serve any alcoholic beverage aboard its aircraft. - No alcoholic beverage may be served to any passenger that appears to be intoxicated. - No person that appears to be intoxicated may board the aircraft.

If the pitot tube becomes clogged, which instrument becomes unreliable?

-A blocked pitot tube affects the accuracy of the Airspeed Indicator Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 8, pg 8-10

Why and how might you legally deviate from an accepted ATC clearance?

-Amended clearance is obtained, -An emergency exist, -The deviation is in response to a traffic alert (FAR 91.123)

Between weather checks you notice that the wind has shifted from 230-350, temperature and dew point have dropped and the pressure has begun to rise. What has happened?

-Cold Front Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 12

What type of weather can you expect from moist, unstable air and very warm surface temperatures?

-Cumulus clouds, showers, and turbulence. Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 12

If you refuse to take a drug or alcohol test, what regulatory and administrative actions can be taken against you?

-Denial of an application for any certificate or rating issued under this part for a period of up to 1 year after the date of that refusal; or -Suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating issued under this part (FAR 63.12.A)

Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test is grounds for what type of action?

-Denial of an application for any certificate, rating, or authorization issued under this part for a period of up to 1 year after the date of that refusal; or -Suspension or revocation of any certificate, rating, or authorization issued under this part. (FAR 61.16)

Emergency drill training is a requirement of the FARs. Name at least 3 of the items required to be trained.

-Emergency Assignments, -Operation of Emergency Equipment,, -Handling of Emergency Situations, -Etc. (FAR 135.331)

If you lose your airmen certificate or medical certificate, how may you replace said document and how long is that good for?

-FAA by letter or online with a fee. -Valid for 60 days. (FAR 61.29)

While inflight you encounter a potentially hazardous meteorological condition or irregularity with a ground facility that you consider essential to the safety of flight. What is your responsibility with respect to the issue?

-Knowledge of which the pilot considers essential to the safety of other flights, the pilot shall notify an appropriate ground radio station as soon as practicable. (FAR 135.67)

Are Controlled Firing Areas charted? Who is responsible for the actions inside of a CFA when an aircraft approaches?

-No - Activities are suspended immediately when spotter aircraft, radar, or ground lookout positions indicate an aircraft might be approaching the area. (AIM 3-4-7)

Other than required for medical concern of the patient, is Tri-State allowed to carry any Narcotic drug, depressant drug, or stimulant drug on board any aircraft it operates?

-No, it's a violation of FAR Part 91.19(a) (FAR 135.41)

To act as a PIC or in any other capacity as a required flight crew member of a civil aircraft what must the pilot have in his/her possession?

-Pilot Certificate -Medical -Official Photo ID (FAR 61.3)

When an aircraft controller issues traffic information in relation to the "12 hr clock", what reference are they using? Magnetic or ground track?

-Referencing azimuth based of Radar Contact. -Direction is based off ground track. (AIM 4-1-14)

You receive a flight that requires you to fly greater than 100 nautical miles from your base site. What information must you obtain prior to accepting this flight?

-Weather Reports, -Forecasts, -Fuel requirements, -Alternatives, -Runways and Lengths (FAR 91.103)

Are PIC responsibilities pertaining to aircraft worthiness required to be covered in the Operations Manual?

-Yes -Procedures for ensuring that the pilot in command knows that required airworthiness inspections have been made and that the aircraft has been approved for return to service in compliance with applicable maintenance requirements (FAR 135.23 (e))

Your DME shows one mile. Where are you in relation to the DME station? What is your altitude?

1 NM slant range from the DME station. (Instrument Flying Handbook 9-19)

What is the F.A.R requirement with respect to the first airport of intended landing and fuel requirements? 135.223

1-2-3 rule. Must carry sufficient fuel to first airport of landing plus fuel to alternate plus 45 minutes unless: The airport has an I.A.P and the weather reports/forecast or combination indicate from *1 hour before/after ETA* ceiling will be 1500 ft above lowest circling MDA or if no circling procedure, 1500 ft above lowest published minima or 2000 ft above airport elevation, whichever is higher; and .... 3 miles visibility or 2 miles more than the lowest visibility minima for I.A.P to be used, whichever is greater.

PIlots with less than 100 hours in type must increase ceiling and visibility minima by how much?

100 feet and 1/2 mile.

What is the required (compensatory) rest period when a flight time limitation has been exceeded (because of circumstances beyond the control of either the FMT or the crew member? 135.267(e)

11 consecutive hours of rest for 30 minutes; 12 consecutive hours of rest for 30 to 60 minutes; 16 consecutive hours of rest for in excess of 60 minutes.

What is the period that a Class 1 medical is good for? Class 2?

12 Calendar Months. (FAR 61.23)

How many rest periods of at least 24 consecutive hours are required in any calendar quarter? 135.267(f)


How long do you have to notify the FAA of a permanent change of address?

30 Days (FAR 61.60)

What are the maximum number of flight hours a pilot can fly in a quarter, any two quarters or a year? 135.267

500 hours in any one quarter, 800 hours in any two consecutive quarters or 1400 hours in a year.

What is the maximum flight time a pilot may fly in any 24 hour period? 135.267

8 hours for a single pilot or 10 hours for a two pilot crew.

How much oxygen must be carried for the passengers onboard a pressurized aircraft flying above FL250?

A 10-minute supply of supplemental oxygen must be available for use by the passengers when a descent is necessary due to loss of cabin pressurization.

Which seat must be available for the FAA inspector while conducting enroute inspections?

A forward observer's seat on the flight deck, or forward passenger seat with the headset or speaker must be provided to the FAA inspector. The suitability of the location of the seat and the headset or speaker for use in conducting enroute inspections is determined by the Administrator.

A NASA ASRP form does not protect you in the case of what type(s) of offense(s)?

Accidents or criminal offenses (FAR 91.25)

What values are used to determine the current empty weight and balance at 36 month intervals?

Actual Weighing (FAR 135.185)

Under which circumstances may a pilot continue an approach after conditions have deteriorated below the published or derived minimums?

Aircraft has passed the FAF on an ILS approach or has been turned over to final approach controller on ASR or PAR approach, or on a non-precision approach has passed the facility or FAF or if no FAF has completed the procedure turn and is established inbound. Upon reaching the DA/MDA actual weather at or above minimums prescribed for procedure.

How much fuel must an airplane carry for VFR operations under Part 135?

Airplane fuel requirements must ensure enough fuel to fly to the destination plus to fly after that for at least 30 minutes (day) or 45 minutes (night).

What are the VFR visibility requirements for airplane operations under Part 135?

Airplane operations under VFR in uncontrolled airspace when the ceiling is less than 1,000 ft requires 2 miles flight visibility.

What is the alcohol testing requirement for maintenance personnel?

All employees who perform safety sensitive duties are required to the Alcohol/Drug testing program.

Under what circumstances can a pilot commence an instrument approach to a facility that does not have an approved source of weather?

Alternate airport must have an approved source of weather and and latest weather report includes altimeter setting for destination airport. pilot may use the current altimeter setting provided by the facility designated on the approach chart for the destination airport.

How long is an Area Forecast valid?

Area forecasts are issued three times a day and are valid for 18 hours. Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 13, pg 13-10

By regulation, what credential must an FAA inspector present to the PIC in order to gain access to the pilot compartment of the aircraft?

Aviation Safety Inspector credential, FAA Form 110A (FAR 135.75)

What are the minimum qualifications for PIC?

CPL with instrument rating and 1500 hours total time, 500 hours cross country, 100 hours night, 75 actual or simulated IFR of which 50 must be actual flight.

What is the F.A.R requirement with respect to commencement of an I.A.P.? 135.225

Cannot commence the approach unless the airport has a weather facility operated by NWS and latest reported conditions are at or above the authorized IFR landing minimums for that airport.

What are some conditions of Hypoxia?

Common symptoms include: -Cyanosis (blue fingernails and lips), -Headache -Decreased response to stimuli and increased reaction time -Impaired judgment -Euphoria -Visual impairment -Drowsiness -Lightheaded or dizzy sensation -Tingling in fingers and toes, Numbness. Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 17, pg 17-4

Define the phrase "critical phase of flight" with respect to the conduct of flight crewmember duties.

Critical phases of flight includes all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff and landing, and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 ft, except cruise flight.

If a pilot declares and emergency, who shall he report to?

Director of Operations and/or Chief Pilot who will forward it to the FAA no later than ten (10) business days after the day of the deviation.

How are the landing minimums affected for the PIC who has low time in a specific type of airplane while operating under Part 135?

Each PIC of a turbine-powered airplane who has not served at least 100 hrs as PIC in that type of airplane will raise the landing minimums (MDA/DA/DH and visibility) in the OPSPECs by 100 ft and 1/2 mile respectively, not to exceed the ceiling and visibility minimums for that airport when used as an alternate airport.

How much fuel must an aircraft carry for IFR operations under Part 135?

Enough fuel to: 1. Complete the flight to the destination; 2. Continue the flight to the alternate airport; and 3. Fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.

How frequently must the PIC demonstrate autopilot in lieu of required SIC on checkrides? 135.297(g)

Every second 135.297 Instrument Competency Check.

What are the takeoff minimums for a pilot operating in IFR conditions under Part 135?

For airports with published takeoff minimums, no pilot may take off unless the weather is at or above these published takeoff minimums or OPSPECs. For airports without published takeoff minimums, no pilot may take off unless the weather is either 1 SM (aircraft having 2 engines or less) or 1/2 SM (aircraft having more than 2 engines or helicopters). In addition, where straight-in approaches are authorized, the winds and reported weather must be landing minimums.

When are ATIS broadcast updated?

Hourly at H+55

If a flight is going to take a pilot beyond 14 hrs duty time, how far can a pilot go?

IAW 135.267(d).

When an unsafe condition occurs at a destination, and there is no acceptable alternative but to continue to that destination, is that considered a normal operation or an emergency situation?

If the conditions that are a hazard to safe operations may reasonably be expected to be corrected by the estimated time of arrival, it is considered a normal operation. If there is no safer procedure, the continuation toward that airport is an emergency situation under §135.19. (FAR 135.69)

Is there an exception to the shoulder harness rule requiring a shoulder harness to be worn?

If the crewmember cannot perform the required duties with the shoulder harness fastened. (FAR 135.171)

In an unpressurized aircraft, _____________ percentage of the occupants, other than the pilot, must be supplied oxygen between ____________ and ____________ feet lasting longer than 30 minutes.

In an unpressurized aircraft, 10 percentage of the occupants, other than the pilot, must be supplied oxygen between 10,000 and 15,000 feet lasting longer than 30 minutes. (FAR 135.157)

For the PIC to operate for a certificate holder under IFR, what must he/she pass every 6 months?

Instrument Proficiency check [FAR 135.297]

If a required check ride is given the month before or the month after the check ride is due, how does that change when the next check ride is given?

It doesn't. If a crewmember who is required to take a test or a flight check under this part, completes the test or flight check in the calendar month before or after the calendar month in which it is required, that crewmember is considered to have completed the test or check in the calendar month in which it is required. [FAR 135.301]

For Part 135 commuter operations, how many hours must the pilot have as PIC in the make and basic model aircraft in the crewmember position before the operator may designate the pilot as PIC for commuter operations?

Make and Model Aircraft -- PIC Operating Experience Aircraft single engine -- 10 hrs Aircraft Multi Engine (Recip) -- 15 hrs Aircraft Multi Engine (Turbine) -- 20 hrs Airplane Turbojet -- 25 hrs

Under which conditions can the 8 or 10 hour flight time limitation is exceeded? 135.267(c)

Must occur during a regularly scheduled 14 hour duty period, must be preceded by and followed by 10 consecutive hour rest period.

Where would you find information regarding taxiway closures?

NOTAM (D) Information includes such data as taxiway closures, personnel and equipment near or crossing runways, and airport lighting aids that do not affect instrument approach criteria. (AIM 5-1-3)

As a PIC for Tri-State, is your flight time limitation concerned with only time accrued while in the employ of Tri-State?

No "...crewmember's total flight time in all commercial flying" (FAR 135.256)

You are enroute to your destination and notice that your fuel situation has become critical (inside 20 minute reserve). ATC wants to vector you around the edge of the airspace for traffic separation so you declare "minimum fuel". Does this automatically give you priority?

No The term "minimum fuel" is not an emergency situation,but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur. (AIM 5-5-15)

If you as a PIC are required to travel to another base for duty as a PIC, may you consider travel time either to or from that base as part of a required rest period?

No Time spent in transportation, not local in character, that a certificate holder requires of a flight crewmember and provides to transport the crewmember to an airport at which he is to serve on a flight as a crewmember, or from an airport at which he was relieved from duty to return to his home station, is not considered part of a rest period. FAR (135.263 (C))

If you are injured and required to take a medication that causes drowsiness, is your medical certificate valid?

No (FAR 61.53)

Is Tri-State authorized to assign any specific non-flying duties to a PIC during any required rest period?

No No certificate holder may assign any flight crewmember to any duty with the certificate holder during any required rest period. FAR (135.263 (B))

When must the airborne thunderstorm detection equipment be in satisfactory operating condiotn for aircraft or helicopters (except operating day VFR) with 10 or more passenger seats?

No person may begin a flight under IFR or night VFR conditions when current weather reports indicate that thunderstorm or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that can be detected with airborne thunderstorm detection equipment may reasonably be expected along the route to be flown.

What is the F.A.R requirement with respect to designating an alternate airport weather minimums? 135.221

No person may designate an alternate airport unless the weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate that the weather conditions will be at or above authorized alternate airport landing minimums for that airport *at the estimated time of arrival*.

During preflight you notice the airworthiness certificate is faded, torn, and unreadable. What actions must you take? Can you legally operate the aircraft?

No person may operate a civil aircraft unless the airworthiness certificate required by paragraph [a] of this section or a special flight authorization issued under §91.715 is displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew. (FAR 91.203)

You check NOTAMs at the beginning of your shift and note that the VOR located on the field at the center of the class B airspace is going to be out of service for the next 5 hours for maintenance. You depart on a flight and note that you hear the ID and the OBS appears to be receiving a signal. Should you use this as a source of navigation?

No. VOR may be unreliable or intermittent.

May an aircraft operating under Part 135 operations depart to the destination when the forecast at the time of arrival is such that weather conditions are forecast to be below the authorized IFR landing minimums?

No. In order to take off, the destination airport weather must be forecast to be at or above authorized IFR landing minimums at the ETA.

May a pilot operating IFR under Part 135 begin an instrument approach procedure to an airport when the weather conditions are below authorized IFR landing minimums?

No. The weather conditions must be at or above the authorized IFR landing minimums to begin the final approach segment of the instrument approach procedure.

What must the route check consist of? 135.299

One flight over one route segment and must include takeoffs and landings at one or more representative airports, at least one flight shall be flown over a civil airway, an approved off-airway route, or a portion of either of them.

How much oxygen must be carried for the passengers onboard a pressurized aircraft flying above 10,000 ft MSL through 15,000 ft MSL?

Oxygen must be available to at least 10% of the occupants of the aircraft, excluding the pilots, for that part of the flight at those altitudes that is of more than 30 minutes duration.

How much oxygen must be carried for the passengers onboard a pressurized aircraft flying above 15,000 ft MSL?

Oxygen must be available to each occupant of the aircraft, excluding the pilots, for one hour unless, at all times during flight above that altitude, the aircraft can safely descend to 15,000 ft MSL within 4 minutes, in which case only a 30-minute supply is required.

What are the recency of experience requirements within the preceding 90 days, for a PIC operating under Part 135?

PIC of an aircraft carrying passengers must have: 1. Made 3 takeoffs and 3 landing in an aircraft of the same category and class or in the same type in which the PIC is to serve; 2. For operations between 1 hr after sunset and 1 hr before sunrise, the same as # 1 above during this period of time. 3. For tailwheel airplanes, each takeoff/landing must be in a tailwheel airplane, with each landing to a full stop.

Give 3 examples of personnel whom the provisions of Part 135 are acceptable.

Personnel employed by a commuter or on-demand operations certificate holder to include -Pilots -Maintainers -Crew (FAR 135.1.a (2))

You receive a call for a flight 1 hour before sunrise. It is mid April and your weather check shows clear skies and light to no wind conditions. The visibility has reduced over the past 2 hours and the temp/dew point spread is nearing the 4 degree mark. What kind of conditions can you expect if you accept the flight?

Radiation Fog Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapter 12

What about flying directly over a stadium or sporting event is not listed in 91.145? Would a regular season game be protected as well? Where would you look to find the boundaries of such a protected area?

Stadiums with 30,000 people, operations are prohibited within 3 nautical miles and 3000ft AGL. NOTAMS (FAR 91.145) (99.7)

If you falsify your Pilot Duty Logs, what action can be taken against you?

Suspension or revocation of certificate (FAR 61.59)

What are the altitude and range boundaries for Terminal and Low VORs?

Terminal- 25 NM between 1,000 and 12,000 AGL Low- 40 NM between 1,000 and 18,000 AGL Range varies below 1,000 AGL. (AIM 1-1-8)

What are the responsibilities of the PIC regarding mechanical irregularities that comes to his/her attention during flight?

The PIC shall enter or have entered in the aircraft maintenance log each mechanical irregularity that comes to the pilot's attention during flight time. Before each flight, the PIC shall, if the pilot does not already know, determine the status of each irregularity entered in the maintenance log at the end of the preceding flight.

What publications and materials must a certificate holder make available to each pilot?

The certificate holder shall inform each person in its employment of the OPSPECs that apply to that person's duties and responsibilities. In addition, each pilot shall have access to: 1. AIM. 2. FAR Part 91 and Part 135. 3. Aircraft equipment manuals and flight manuals. 4. International Flight Information Manual (for foreign operations).

You have inadvertently found yourself the cause, victim, or performer of a safety sensitive function of an aircraft that has just suffered a mishap. What are your restrictions from consuming alcohol following the mishap?

The employee is prohibited from consuming alcohol with 8 hours following an accident/incident or prior to conducting a post accident alcohol test, whichever comes

Does Tri-State, as a certificate holder, have any limitations on using an individual who has a prohibited drug in his/her system?

The employer must not permit an employee who is required to hold an airman medical certificate under 14 CFR part 67 to perform a safety-sensitive duty to resume that duty Appendix I Part 121

What portable electronic devices are acceptable for operation on aircraft operating under FAR Part 135?

The following are acceptable: 1. Portable voice recorders; 2. Hearing aids; 3. Heart pacemakers; 4.Electric shavers; 5. Any other portable electronic device that the certificate holder has determined will not cause interference with the navigation or communication system of the aircraft on which it is to be used.

Your route of flight will take you directly over the parking lot of a local stadium hosting the Major League Baseball All Star Game. What type of restrictive airspace will overlay this event? Are you allowed to overfly this event?

There will be a TFR present over the event. Any sporting event with grater than 30,000 people, operations are prohibited within 3 Nautical Miles and 3000ft AGL. Medical Transportation operation may be the exception when warranted by the FAA administrator. (FAR 91.145) (99.7)

For carrying passenger for VFR over the top, what must the weather reports/forecast indicate for the point of termination and for how long?

VFR and is forecast to remain so until at least 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival. (FAR 135.211)

When is an alternate airport required when operating under Part 135?

When a standard instrument approach procedure is not available; or for +- 1 hr of the ETA: 1. Ceiling less than 1,500 ft above the lowest circling approach MDA; or 2. If circling is not authorized, a celing less than 1,500 ft above the lowest published minimum or 2,000 ft AGL, whichever is higher; 3. Visibility forecast less than 3 SM, or 2 SM above the approach to be flown, whichever is higher.

When must cross country weather minimums be utilized?

When flight is located outside the local flying area or pilot is not qualified and current in the local flying area. (FAR 135.609)

When must a takeoff alternate be designated?

When making a takeoff at an airport where the weather is at or above takeoff minimums but is below the authorized IFR landing minimums, an alternate airport must be available within 1 hour of the departure airport.

When must a FAA inspector be given access to the pilot's compartment of the aircraft?

When performing the duties of conducting an inspection, an FAA inspector presents an Aviation Safety Inspector credential, FAA Form 110A, to the PIC. The inspector must be given free and uninterrupted access to the pilot's compartment of that aircraft. However, this paragraph does not limit the emergency authority of the PIC to exclude any person from the pilot's compartment in the interest of safety.

Must your Mode-C be operational to fly above Class C airspace?

Yes (FAR 91.215)

Under "normal flight planning" is there an allowance for exceeding flight time limitations?

Yes A flight crewmember is not considered to be assigned flight time in excess of flight time limitations if the flights to which he is assigned normally terminate within the limitations, but due to circumstances beyond the control of the certificate holder or flight crewmember (such as adverse weather conditions), are not at the time of departure expected to reach their destination within the planned flight time. FAR (135.263 (D))

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