Jesus- baptism

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as baptized catholics what are we supposed to continue to do

-commemorate the resurrection by attending mass -prepare for eucharist, confess sins -receive eucharist at least during the Easter Season -observe days of fasting and not eating meat -provide for the needs of the Church

essential elements of baptism

-triple immersion into a baptismal pool or the triple pouring of water on the head -the minister saying the trinitarian formula: I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy spirit

age of reason


describe catechumenate process

instead of simply getting baptized, the basic form requires that the person be presented to the community followed by years of formation

why does baptism play a crucial role in slavation

it frees us from original sin and personal it, it joins us to Christ and makes us temples of the holy spirit

how is jesus' role as a king different from the role of an earthly king

jesus' role as a king implied power and prestige

what does it mean that we are called to an ongoing conversion to discipleship

keep going, not just believe in him but entirely follow him by imitating what he did and good works

how can we be prophets

listen to God's word, read and live out scripture, live jesus

when does the actual baptism occur

liturgy of the word, after the prayer of the faithful

why might a person decide to become a catechumen

may be marrying someone of that religion, want a new life with Jesus, seen other people

things to look at

mercy and forgiveness steps of rcia essay article #1 on first reading guide

after the middle ages, if an adult wanted to enter the church what was the process

met over a period of time to study beliefs and practices of the Church

baptism of desire

people who die before receiving baptism

baptism of blood

people who died for faith, many were unbaptized

we are called to be

priests, prophets, and kings

what must happen for a baptism to be valid

proven intention of the celebrant, desire to be baptized for an adult, water must flow (3 times), and the trinitarian formula must be used

what were john's baptisms a sign of


what is rcia

rite of christian initiation of adults- process when adults want to convert

when did it stop and why

sixth century because the large number of converts and the practice of baptizing babies led to a decline in the catechumenate

what are the dynamics of the paschal mystery

suffering, loss, and new beginnings--- all human beings

baptism brings us into the family of Hod and therefore we're sisters and brothers to

the Church universal

sacrament of baptism

the first sacrament on initiation, through the pouring of water/immersion into water, and the words of Baptism, Original Sin, and any personal sins are washed away, a person is born to new life in Christ


the fragrant sacramental oil used during the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders that is consecrated by the bishop during Holy Week and distributed to the parishes, signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit

what special grace is given in Baptism

the grace of the Holy Spirit in Baptism is given to enable us to be like Christ

Original sin

the loss of original holiness and justice in human nature, handed down from the first sin of Adam and Eve

what usually happens at the beginning of Mass

the minister asks the parents what name and what they want for the child


the name for Confiramtion in the Eastern Catholic Church


the official teaching office of the Church that interprets Scripture and Tradition and ensures faithfulness to the teachings of the Apostles regarding matters of faith and morals


the period of time between the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens and the Rite of Election

why can the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders never be repeated

the person receiving the sacrament is sealed with an indelible character, or spiritual sign, this mark is imprinted on the soul, marking the person for Christ forever

what did the ancient Jews believe about sin and suffering

the problems they faced were caused by their sin or the sin of their parents, or even their parent's parents

what is the difference between catechumenate and a catechumen

the process known as the catechumenate in the early church prepared people to become members of the Church. a catechumen then was a person who took part in the process of preparation or instruction to join the Church

Rite of christian initiation of adults (RCIA)

the process of gradual initiation into the Christian community and the rites that celebrate the various stages of that process

what was practiced after the catechumenate stopped

the rite of baptism

priesthood of the faithful

the share that all the faithful have in the one priesthood of Jesus by virtue of being make members of the Body of Christ through Baptism

sacraments of initiation

the three sacraments- baptism, confirmation, eucharist- through which a person is fully initiated into the Church

why do some Christian communities only baptize adults

they feel that an explicit profession of faith is a necessary requirement for Baptism, infants can't say I want to be baptized


those who through the Sacrament of Baptism have joined the higher life of the Church

what do we have to do to die and why

we die to ourselves or own interests because its easy to make everything about thing we're interested in, need to not be self-centered

what does it mean to be a part of the priestly people

we have a right and a responsibility to join with Christ in offering worship to God the Father, to join in the liturgy with "full, conscious and active participation, help people reconcile, live out the prayer of unity, offer ourselves to God

what does it mean that we are members of Christ's priesthood

we in company are consecrated for worship and for service to the People of God

what are the three questions considered during the catechumenate

what the scriptures are telling them about God's plan what changes they can make to respond to God's call what does membership in the church mean

when does a person become a catechumen

when the person inquiring about the Church will stand among a parish community and state their intentions to become a baptized member of the Catholic Church

what is the rite of election and when does it happen

where they request baptism and their names are recorded in a book, they are now called the elect instead of catechumens, happens on the first Sunday of lent

adopted children of God- what does it mean we're adopted children of God

God chose us to live lives of gratitude under his influence

two parts of conversion

God's invitation and our response

what does the Holy Spirit do within us

Guides and prompts us, teaches us

how did jesus' message mirror that of John the Baptist

Jesus preached repentance also, calling people to a conversion of heart and mind, urging them to turn from their sinful ways and to turn back to God

what kind of ritual were the baptisms of John the Baptist

Jewish purification ritual

how does the Catholic Church defend her practice of infant baptism

insists that faith is a free gift

how are the sacraments of initiation celebrated in the easter rite

infants are baptized, confirmed, and given Holy COmmunion in a single ceremony

what is a mystagogy and what does it involve

a period of post-baptismal formation and catechesis, it involves reflecting on their experiences at the Easter Vigil, they continue to learn about the Church


a radical reorientation of the whole life away from sin and evil, and toward God

why can people still commit sins after baptism

all Baptism does is free them of Original Sin. We as Christians still have free will meaning that we have to decide right from wrong, that choice does not go away even after we are Baptized.


allows us to follow Christ's commands to love God above all things and to love each other as we love ourselves


allows us to seek God, look for God, expect to find him

character or mark

an indelible sign imprinted on the soul in the non repeatable Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Orders, and Confirmation

what happens after baptism

anointing with Chrism, white garment, light candle

when did the practice of infant baptism begin

at least the second century

how are we reminded of our baptism

ater sprinkled at easter, at other baptisms, every time we bless ourselves w/ holy water

what is the responsibility of parents for their baptized child

be models of christian virtues and to nourish them in a Christian houshold

who are the ordinary ministers of baptism

bishops, priests, or deacons

how do we share in jesus' prophetic mission

by listening to God's Word, read and pray Scripture, and apply it to our lives. The second step is proclaiming it to others and professing our faith to our peers

how long is the process

can last years or a much shorter time depending on how quickly the person grows in faith


ceremonial acts of washing parts of the body



lent is a time for


love aka


what doesn't go away even after we're baptized

consequences of sin

when do the elect receive the sacraments ofinitiation

easter vigil on holy saturday

what are the theological virtues

faith, hope, love

when did the church bring back the catechumenate process

following the second vatican council (1962-1965)

what is it that Jesus commissions the disciples to do

go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father son and holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you

why didn't Jesus need to be baptized by john

he was free from sin and had no need to change his life


how we trust Christ, and how we rely less on ourselves and more on the race of the Holy Spirit

why might the church decide not to baptize an infant if the parents asked for the sacrament

if the parents who bring the child show no signs of faith and seem unlikely to raise the child as christian

how/when does baptism was away personal sin

if the person baptized is old enough to have sinned, that person's sins are forgiven in this sacrament

who can a person be saved without receiving baptism

if they explicitly desire Baptism, are sorry for their sins, and practice acts of justice, their desire to be baptized and their good actions enable them to be saved

what is a person called at the beginning of the process


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