JLAB Unit 3 Practice Test

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So they will be prepared for his tests, your history teacher tells students what types of notes they should take before each lesson. Today he said, "Pay attention to the concepts and ideas in this lesson. You will be required to use critical thinking to formulate an answer and organize a response." For this lesson, what type of question do you think will be on the test?


What are the five team positions found in the structured teamwork of service learning?

Facilitator, Recorder, Reporter, Timekeeper, Debriefer

T or F: The best time to study is during the evening hours of the day.


What is "constructive feedback"?

Feedback or criticism that is helpful and productive

You are trying to motivate yourself to study for an important test. You close your eyes and picture yourself walking across a stage and receiving your bachelor's degree from the college president. The audience is clapping and cheering. When you open your eyes, you find that you are ready to study. Which technique did you just apply?

Goal-state visualization

Cadet Chase wrote an essay that was critical o the school cafeteria, but contained suggestions for possible changes. The feedback he got from his fellow students was all positive. However, when he gave it to all of the school's administrators, a lot of them got mad. He told you, "I don't know what went wrong. The feedback I got from the students was great." What should you tell him was most likely the reason for the difference of opinion?

He probably wrote it with a student audience in mind, and didn't consider how the administration might interpret it.

Chris was trying to referee an argument between three friends. Even though he did his best to listen, all three friends were talking at once. When he became unsure of who said what, he said, "Whoa! That's too much information at once, and I can't evaluate what you mean!" What was Chris implying about the status of his brain functions?

He's implying that the reached his sensory flooding stage and was unable to process the information

You are trying to be a more effective listener. Since you like astronomy you go to the planetarium to practice effective listening techniques. During the presentation, you notice that the speaker, who you think is very good, doesn't say anything about the moons around Jupiter, your favorite planet. Just in case the speaker talks about the moons later, which guideline for effective listening should you practice?

Hold your fire

Which goal about hiking the Appalachian Trail is doable, observable, measurable, helpful, and risk tolerable?

I would like to hike the Appalachian Trail before this summer ends and fill at least one trash bag with litter as I walk.

Which of the following options (A-D) would NOT be a rule for Executing the Service in a service learning project:

If you are a team leader, make sure your team members are assigned to the easiest tasks.

What are the Four-Phases of a lesson plan?

Inquire, Gather, Process, Apply

Which of the following are the steps in the self-discovery process.

Introspection, observation, giving and receiving feedback, using assessment tools (all of the above)

A friend that has known you for a long time asked you what you are going to do next summer. You took out a pencil and piece of paper and started using the FINDS process. Then your friend said, "Why do you always do that?" Which of the following reasons would you NOT say.

It helps to define goals

You found an index card with the following diagram. What is it and what was somebody trying to do with it?

It's a word map that someone was using to learn about the word "caveat"

Study the Double Bubble Thinking Map and select the option (A-D) that best completes it.

X= Best for challenges; Y= Logical procedure; Z= Establishes future

Study the information and select the option (A-D) that indicated the type of negative behavior in a diverse society. Conflicts in Diversity X. An employer shows a preference for hiring people of a specific race or nationality Y. A man thinks that people from different cultures all behave the same Z. A Cadet notices that some ethnic groups in her class rarely get promotions or recognition for outstanding performance, and they don't participate as much.

X= Discrimination; Y= Stereotyping; Z= Racial Tension

Study the table and select the option (A-D) that indicates the correct type of goal. Types of Goals: X. I will work for the most powerful law firm in the city Y. I will get no grade lower than a "B" for the rest of the year. Z. I will finish this essay assignment before I go out with my friends.

X= long-term goal; Y= mid-term goal; Z= short-term goal

What elements can be included to make a speech persuasive

logic, testimony, statistics, facts

Explain the GIST strategy of reading comprehension

"GIST" means the main point. In this strategy, you focus on short passages of 3-5 paragraphs and create summaries for each passage

What are the three parts of the human brain?

Neocortex, limbic system, and brain stem

Read carefully the following paragraph and select the most correct option (A-D) Yvonne agreed to mediate a disagreement between two of her friends. She listened to both of them tell their side of the story, summarized their feelings, and help them brainstorm possible solutions. Then she thought about it and made her decision. One friend was happy, the other was not. Did Yvonne do a good job? Why or why not?

No. She should not have made a decision

What is the formula for service learning?

Orientation and Training + Meaningful service + Structured Reflection = Service learning

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

People use both sides of the brain to coordinate, synchronize, and store

In Winning Colors, __________________ are quiet, introspective, and detail oriented. They are good listeners and tend to hide their feelings.


What are the three common time wasters?

Procrastination, poor organization, and crisis management

Steve is preparing to teach a lesson on the principles of leadership. He is struggling to decide how to assess his students' performance. You ask to see his lesson plan and learning outcomes. The target competency for the lesson is, "Understand the principles of leadership." Which of the following would you recommend to Steve to help him improve his lesson plan and select an appropriate assessment?

Suggest that Steve replace "understand" with a measurable verb such as "apply" in the target competency and create an assessment that requires students to apply the principles of leadership.

You are a Cadet Platoon Sergeant. Cadet Cleveland is the squad leader of a very diverse squad. Cadet Cleveland is usually a very effective communicator, but he is getting frustrated because he always has to repeat instructions several times before his whole squad understands. What should you do to help him understand why he has to explain more than once, and what he can do to improve understanding by his diverse squad?

Tell him that since he had a very diverse squad, he may always have to explain things more than once, but to pay attention for words that effectively get his message across, and to use them more often.

What kind of graphic organizer is best used for comparing and contrasting topics?

The Venn Diagram

What is a source card?

A card used to record publication of data for resources being used during research for a project such as a paper or speech

What is a case study?

A teaching method that consists of an oral or written account of a real or realistic situation, with sufficient detail to make it possible for the learners to analyze the problems involved and determine possible solutions.

You asked three friend to give you feedback on your behavior and tendencies. They all said that you were too polite, even to strangers. One complimented you on it , one said it wasn't really necessary, and the third kind of mocked you and said it was a weakness. You accept the fact that you're polite, but aren't sure if it's a good or bad thing.

Accept all of the opinions, but makes your own judgment about whether it is a good or bad behavior.

Those who approach learning as "thinking" are called___________ learners


You were asked to arbitrate a disagreement between two people of different races. It didn't take you long to realize that the disagreement was based on misunderstandings and mistrust between the two. You decide the following: Each person would invite the other to dinner at each other's house. They would be respectful and would spend at least one additional hour getting to know that person and their family. Which approach to conflict management are you using?

Creative response approach

The technique of controlling your emotion so you can resolve a conflict in a calm, rational manner is__________.

Anger management

You are developing a lesson plan to teach orienteering to your fellow Cadets. You will begin the lesson by having students share experiences with hiking or orienteering . Next, a guest speaker will share his or her adventures with orienteering . Students will then perform research on orienteering, and will watch a video demonstration on orienteering techniques. Finally, students will complete a practice activity on using a compass. As you review your lesson plan with your JROTC instructor, she suggests that you are missing one of the phases in a Four-Phase lesson plan. Which phase do you determine needs to be added to your lesson plan?


Another name for those who learn by listening is

Auditory learner

As a part of a geography class exercise, three teams competed with each other to show which states belonged in which regions. Each member of the team was given 30 seconds to show as many as they could. Two of the teams began by listing all of the states in one specific area. The first person in the winning team was a JROTC Cadet who drew this Thinking Map. Of the choices below, which one best describes why her team won?

Because Brace Maps are perfect for showing part-whole relationships like these

Name Gardner's eight intelligences.

Bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, logical/mathematical, verbal/linguistic, naturalist, musical/rhythmical, interpersonal, intrapersonal

Which of the following teaching methods would be most effective for introducing a lesson on citizenship?

Brainstorm examples of good citizenship

__________ is the process by which people are able to transfer meaning between themselves.


Effective speaking and active listening ar the skills most needed to manage_____________.


You submitted a major project in one of your JROTC courses. When you received your grade, you instructor gave you a "C+" and added the comment: "You did an acceptable job on this project." Which of the following options (A-D) describes a guideline for feedback that would have made this feedback more useful to you?

Cover the major strengths and weaknesses. Try to be specific, giving examples if possible.

Cadet Weaver, Hilton, and Shaw were assigned to teach a class on the human brain. Cadet Weaver wanted to lecture; Cadet Hilton wanted to do a slide presentation; and Cadet Shaw wanted to build a model brain. If your primary sensory systems were kinesthetic and visual, who would you like to teach the class?

Cadets Hilton and Shaw

You are apart of a group of new drill instructors. Before your first session instructing drill, your company commander shows you this Thinking Map, and says the following."This Flow-Map indicated how important your jobs are as drill instructors. From the days of Revolutionary War to the present, drill instructors have taught and guided groups of individuals into becoming proud and disciplined members of cohesive teams. As dedicated drill instructors, you are charged with teaching your Cadets to the best of your ability. You must also realize that the Cadets that you teach today will become the drill instructors of tomorrow, and that you are all apart of a tradition that started with Baron von Steuben and the Continental Army. What part of the above paragraph should you change to make it correct?

Change "Flow-Map" to "Bridge Map"

Craig's success profile showed that he needs a lot of improvement in time management, stress management, and physical wellness. He also needs to improve his self-esteem and interpersonal assertion skills. He was overwhelmed at first, but after six months, his JROTC Instructor commended him for improving in all five areas. Which of the following key emotional skills most allowed Craig to improve in all of these areas?

Change Orientation

Jason gets angry often, even about things that most people consider to be unimportant. He knows it's a problem, but he doesn't know how to stop it. When you ask him if he's satisfied with himself and the world around him, he thinks about it, and then he says, "No. I'm not. I'm not satisfied with: myself, the way I manage time; and the way I relate to people." Which strategy for managing anger should you recommend he try?

Change orientation

You usea planner to organize your time. You just finished prioritizing your tasks for the day. What should you do next?

Create an agenda for the day

Which of the following are team-building exercises?

Developing a team cheer; selecting a team color to represent the personality of the group; choosing a symbol; selecting a celebratory food; designing a team logo; naming the team; creating a team song

When at a formal dinner, courses are served from the _________ and removed from the __________.

Left; right

Sam likes to play computer games. His favorites are complex games that require him to use logic to solve problems and work through puzzles. In classes, Sam always asks questions, and he likes to participate in group discussions. Outside of class, he always seems to be talking to someone.

Logical/Mathematical and Interpersonal

You saw one of your schoolmates take your favorite pencil. When you asked him to return it he got angry and said it was his. He then took an aggressive stance and had his fists clenched and said, "Are you calling me a thief?" Both of you are the same size, so a fight would be fair, and you might win. What should you do?

Look at him straight in the eye and say "I guess not." Then pull out another pencil and continue your school work.

What are the four procedures for a successful mediation?

Make introductions and explain mediation's role; Have both sides tell their story; Explore possible solutions; and Don't give up.

_________________ is using a neutral third party who acts as a facilitator in conflict resolution


Louise and Carla are study partners. They study at the same time every day. Both of them have a strong aural ability to learn. Even when they aren't in the same classes, they are able to help each other learn the material. Which of the following study techniques would they probably use to help the other understand something?

Read and paraphrase the material loud for each other

Effective communication does not take place until the _________ understands the message.


In Winning Colors, those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and loe to talk are known as..


Read the following passage and select the correct option (A-D) You can help prevent violence. Broadening your social circle will help you learn about others who are different from you. Remain silent when others use jokes or slurs that target people or groups. Most importantly, respect all people and value differences.

Replace "Remain silent" with "Speak out"

Read the following paragraph and select the correct option (A-D) You are working on a service learning project to provide tutoring to elementary school students. You have volunteered to perform the role of Debriefer for your team because you like to take notes and organize information.

Replace Debriefer with Recorder

Read the following scenario and choose the correct option (A-D) David has completed his service learning project and is working to complete the demonstration phase of his after action review. He is reviewing his learning log a writing his response to set of reflection questions.

Replace demonstration with structured reflection

JROTC learning plans support Cadet learning by communicating the target outcome, performance expectations, learning activities, and assessment activities for each lesson to students. Which of the following describe the most effective way to use learning plans to enhance student learning?

Review the information provided in the learning plan at the beginning of the lesson. Refer to the learning plan throughout the learning process.

Writing papers are exercises in research and organization. Papers should include: an introduction that grabs the reader's attention; a well researched and organized body that supports the thesis; a conclusion that reinforces what the writer wants the readers to remember. After completing a first draft, what should writers wait at least one day to do?

Revise and rewrite your paper

Your service learning team is developing a plan of action for a community wide recycling drive. As you plan for all of the tasks that need to be completed, you realize that there is no way that you can accomplish a recycling drive for the whole community in the time that you have for the project. What should you do?

Revise the project goal. Instead of trying to cover the whole community, target a realistic number of neighborhoods.

Cheryl was the fourth of five speakers at a seminar. The host introduced her, and Cheryl immediately stated her main and supporting ideas. The audience seemed to lose interest almost right away because they weren't aware of the purpose of her speech. What should she have done better to capture their attention?

She should have made a dramatic statement

Cadet Parr considers herself to be an active learner and a good student. She draws Thinking Maps to help her understand concepts and formulas, and she asks questions when she doesn't understand. She sticks to a regular study schedule, completes all assignments on time, and gets good test grades. However, she loses sleep because she always worries if she remembered everything that will be on her tests.

She should realize that she already gets good grades on tests by applying concepts and ideas to formulate her answers, not by remembering everything.

Samantha is teaching a lesson on the Bill of Rights and has decided to incorporate a Think-Pair-Share activity into her lesson. What do you think her reason would be for selecting this strategy?

She wants students to respond to questions about the Bill of Rights. Think-Pair-Share is an effective team-building strategy.

The acronym SPAM can be used to evaluate goals. What does SPAM stand for?

Specific, Positive, Achievable, Measurable

What does the Interpersonal Deference scale measure on the Personal Skills Map?

The degree to which you communication style is indirect, self-inhibiting, self-denying, and ineffectual for the accurate expression of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

The guest of honor for your dining out asks, "What's the order in the receiving line?" What should you tell her?

The host and his spouse are first, then you and your spouse, and then the company commanders and their spouses or guests.

What is a thesis statement?

The main point of a paper, which you try to support through research

Providing feedback on a person's speech should not be negative or destructive. It should be in the form of constructive criticism, and should be more straightforward and honest. It should also be more respectful of the speaker's feelings and self-esteem. To give effective feedback, which of the following should you not focus on?

The negative factors that make up constructive criticism

As a part of an exercise to help learn Thinking Maps, your class was broken down into teams of two. One person was supposed to draw a Thinking Map, and the other was supposed to guess what the other was trying to visually learn. What is your teammate trying to show with this Thinking Map? (Fireman)

The qualities that he thinks firemen possess

What are the three parts of a learning objective?

The task (the action to be performed), the condition (the circumstances under which the task must be performed), and the standard (how well the task must be performed)

What are the two main purposes of providing feedback?

To provide information or to provide motivation

What is the purpose of an after-action review?

To reflect on what was learned.

T or F: According to the Violence Prevention Profiler, it is important to choose your words carefully when you are angry.


T or F: Critical and creative thinkers use facts to form an opinion.


Read the following sentence and decide which option (A-D) is most correct. "When using Thinking Maps, it is very important to match the Thinking Map to the thinking process that you want students to use in completing the activity."

True: Thinking Maps are directly tied to particular thinking processes, and establish a "common language" for illustrating each thinking process.

"Hot Buttons" are strategies used for positive, clear communication in conflict resolution. Carefully read the "Hot Buttons" listed in the table and indicate corresponding Winning Colors behaviors. W. Take a light-hearted/fun/action approach; Be willing to change and be flexible; Use humor and an easy-come-easy-go manner; be spontaneous. X. Take a bottom-line approach; Explain directions step-by-step; Look for law, order, and routine; be prepared. Y. Take a serious approach; show interest and patience; be calm; supply details and allow more time for decisions; use new and innovative ideas. Z. Take a friendly approach; show genuine concern and smile; allow them to express themselves; respect their feelings and show appreciation.

W= adventurers; X= builders; Y= planners; Z= relaters

Study the diagram and select the option (A-D) that correctly indicates the type of speech described. Types of Speeches: Y. "I would like to summarize by saying that you will never have another class that will be as challenging, interesting, and rewarding, as JROTC. With that said, I hope that you will make the commitment and become a Cadet in our school's JROTC program. Thank you." Z. "Members of the jury, the evidence shows that my client is not only innocent of the charges brought by the prosecution, but that he has been unfairly targeted by reason of his economic standing. Thank you vey much."

Y= Persuasive; Z= Argumentative

You have completed a very meaningful service learning project where you tutored children who were in the hospital with various health problems. As part of your after action review you plan to give a presentation to school and community members about the project and write an article for the local paper. Which of the following options (A-D) is not a purpose or benefit of completing the demonstration phase of your project.

You are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the health care provided to the children.

How do you known you are moving towards success?

You see self-improvement and forward movement toward you goals.

The assessment tool, Winning Colors, groups human behavior into categories. Name the four behavior clusters.

builder, planner, adventurer, and relater

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