job discription

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Jack is an employee at a Best Western Hotel. Some weeks he works with the catering group, and other weeks he assists the reservations clerk or the parking attendant. This is an example of ________. A) job enlargement B) job rotation C) job enrichment D) dejobbing E) job specialization

B Explanation: Job rotation refers to systematically moving workers from one job to another, so when Jack moves from department to department he is participating in job rotation. Job enlargement would occur if Jack was given additional same-level activities, such as washing both sheets and towels as part of his housekeeping duties. Job enrichment occurs when a worker's opportunities are increased to enhance feelings of responsibility and recognition.

Who argued that the best way to motivate workers is to build opportunities for challenge and achievement into their jobs via job enrichment? A) Adam Smith B) Frederick Taylor C) Frederick Herzberg D) Abraham Maslow E) Milton Friedman

C Explanation: Psychologist Frederick Herzberg argued that the best way to motivate workers is to build opportunities for challenge and achievement into their jobs via job enrichment. Herzberg said that empowered employees would do their jobs well because they wanted to, so quality and productivity would rise. Smith believed that specialized jobs improved efficiency.

Which of the following is the primary source of information an employer uses to write a job specification? A) job summary B) work functions C) job description D) performance standards E) personnel replacement charts

C Explanation: A job analysis is used to produce a job description, which is then used to write a job specification. A job summary is one of the elements typically found in a job description, but the entire job description serves as the source for a job specification. Personnel replacement charts indicate the performance and promotability of internal candidates for positions.

According to research, each of the following work behaviors is considered important in all jobs EXCEPT ________. A) thoroughness B) attendance C) experience D) schedule flexibility E) industriousness

C Explanation: According to research, industriousness, thoroughness, schedule flexibility, and attendance are job-related behaviors that are important to all jobs. Experience is not a behavior, and in many entry-level jobs, experience is not necessary.

Janice, a department store manager, is in the process of writing job descriptions using O*NET. Janice has already reviewed the company's business plan, so what should she do next? A) interview employees B) compose a list of job duties C) develop an organization chart D) observe employees performing their duties E) develop a list of human requirements for the job

C Explanation: The first step in using O*NET is to review the firm's business plan, which is followed by developing an organization chart that addresses both the current and future structure of the firm. After having employees complete brief questionnaires, obtaining a list of duties from O*NET, and listing the human requirements for the job, a manager is ready to finalize the job description.

What is the primary benefit of using a position analysis questionnaire to gather data for a job analysis? A) providing the opportunity for employees to vent job frustrations B) monitoring and improving workplace safety and health C) sorting information for government statistics and records D) classifying jobs for the purpose of assigning salaries E) uncovering important yet infrequent job tasks

D Explanation: The primary benefit of using a PAQ is classifying jobs based on scores in the five different categories. With this data, a manager can quantitatively compare jobs relative to one another and then assign pay for each job. Interviewing often allows employees to vent frustrations and often leads to the discovery of important yet infrequent tasks.

Which of the following is identified by the FLSA status section of a job description? A) whether the employer is a non-profit organization B) whether a job is exempt or nonexempt C) whether a job includes health benefits D) whether the employer is a private or public firm E) whether a job requires a college degree

B Explanation: The FLSA status section identifies a job as exempt or nonexempt. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, certain positions, mostly administrative and professional, are exempt from the act's overtime and minimum wage provisions.

For which of the following jobs is direct observation NOT a recommended method for collecting job analysis data? A) assembly-line worker B) accounting clerk C) attorney D) nurse E) salesperson

C Explanation: Direct observation is particularly useful when jobs consist mainly of observable physical activities, such as with nurses, accounting clerks, assembly-line workers, and salespersons. Observation is less appropriate when a job involves mostly mental activity such as with lawyers and design engineers.

What are the three main categories used in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to rate, classify, and compare different jobs? A) reasoning, language, mathematics B) skills, communication, education C) tending, serving, data D) data, people, things E) people, skills, reasoning

D Explanation: Data, people, and things are the three worker function categories used in the Department of Labor procedure that was compiled into the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. The DOL method describes what a worker must do with respect to data, people, and things. Serving is an example of people functions, while tending is categorized under things.

Purrfect Pets is a local pet supply store with a following of loyal customers who appreciate the personal service the store's employees provide. After a very profitable year, Purrfect Pets is expanding by opening two more stores. Before hiring employees for the new stores, the manager is considering the idea of conducting a job analysis for each position. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that the manager should use a position analysis questionnaire to collect job analysis information? A) Compliance with EEO laws requires businesses to compile quantitative data. B) Management wants to develop a pay scale for all employees at Purrfect Pets. C) Purrfect Pets managers are unfamiliar with the typical routines of most employees. D) Managers believe that some Purrfect Pets employees are overlooking important daily tasks. E) The larger staff size now makes the business eligible for a cost effective health insurance plan.

B Explanation: The primary reason to use a position analysis questionnaire is to gather quantitative data that enables managers to compare jobs for pay purposes. Although a PAQ provides quantitative data, businesses are not required by EEO laws to use them. Interviews or observations would be more appropriate for uncovering overlooked tasks or becoming familiar with an employee's duties.

Reviewing relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions is the ________ step of performing a job analysis. A) first B) second C) third D) fourth E) fifth

B Explanation: The second step of the job analysis process involves reviewing relevant background information. Organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions are types of background information that are useful in developing or revising a job analysis.

Which of the following questions will most likely be addressed by a manager who is writing a job description based on a competency-based job analysis? A) What are the typical duties associated with this job? B) What are the working conditions and safety issues related to this job? C) What opportunities for advancement are available to an employee in this job? D) What should the employee be able to do in order to competently perform this job? E) What machines or equipment is the job holder responsible for operating on a daily basis?

D Explanation: The focus of a competency-based job analysis is the skills of the worker rather than the duties , equipment, or working conditions of the job. Traditional job-analysis is more job-focused while competency-based analysis is more worker-focused.

Which of the following describes a job in terms of measurable and observable behaviors that an employee doing the job must exhibit to do the job well? A) competency-based job analysis B) Department of Labor procedure C) functional job analysis D) Standard Occupational Classification system E) high-performance work matrix

A Explanation: A competency-based job analysis refers to describing a job in terms of measurable, observable, behavioral competencies that an employee doing the job must exhibit to do the job well. This method contrasts with traditional job analysis that describes jobs in terms of job duties and responsibilities. Competency-based analysis is worker-focused.

Job analysts collecting information through observations and interviews benefit from the use of a(n) ________ to guide the process and ensure consistency. A) structured list B) electronic diary C) job description D) organization chart E) position analysis questionnaire

A Explanation: A structured list or checklist is useful for guiding an interview or performing a personal observation. Electronic diaries are completed by the worker and would not be used for observations or interviews. Some questionnaires are highly structured checklists that an employee completes in writing or online.

An employer is required to make a "reasonable accommodation" for a disabled individual in which of the following situations? A) if a disabled person has the necessary skills, education, and experience to perform the job but is prevented by the job's current structure B) when an employer fails to provide a job description for a position that a disabled person would most likely be able to perform C) if making changes would present the employer with an undue hardship D) each time that a disabled individual applies for a position E) if the job function is essential

A Explanation: Employers are required to make a "reasonable accommodation" when a disabled person has the necessary skills, education, and experience to perform the job but is prevented from doing so by the job's current structure. Employers are not required to make reasonable accommodations if doing so would present an undue hardship on the employer. Employers are not required to have job descriptions, but they are advisable if a discrimination complaint ends up in court.

Joaquin records every activity in which he participates at work along with the time it takes him to complete each activity. Which of the following approaches to job analysis data collection is most likely being used at Joaquin's workplace? A) diaries B) interviews C) direct observations D) questionnaires E) supervisor verification

A Explanation: Joaquin has been asked to keep a diary or a log of his work activities. With diaries and logs, an employee records every activity and the time spent on each in a log, which provides a complete picture of the job. Diaries and logs are often used in conjunction with interviews, observations, and questionnaires

Murray, Inc. emphasizes a desire for detail-oriented, motivated employees with strong social skills as indicated in the firm's job ________. A) specifications B) analysis C) reports D) descriptions E) context

A Explanation: Job specifications summarize the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting a job done. Murray, Inc. wants detail-oriented, motivated employees, which would be described in the firm's job specifications. Job descriptions address the activities and responsibilities of a job. Both job descriptions and job specifications are products of a job analysis.

What is the first step in conducting a job analysis? A) deciding how the gathered information will be used B) collecting data on job activities and working conditions C) selecting representative job positions to assess D) reviewing relevant background information E) writing job descriptions and job specifications

A Explanation: The first step in performing a job analysis is deciding how the job analysis will be used because this determines the data that will be collected and how it will be collected. Collecting data, selecting which job positions to analyze, reviewing background information like organization charts and process charts, and writing job descriptions are additional steps in the job analysis process.

What type of information is contained in the job identification section of a job description? A) job title B) job summary C) relationships statement D) major functions or activities E) standards of performance

A Explanation: The job identification section of a job description includes the job title, FLSA status, and date. The job summary sections describe the major functions and activities of a job. The standards of performance is a separate section of a job description. Job descriptions that have relationships statements showing the job-holder's relationships with others inside and outside the organization will include such information in a section other than the job identification section.

The Department of Labor procedure uses a set of standard basic activities known as ________ to describe what a worker must do with respect to data, people, and things. A) worker functions B) employee duties C) job procedures D) worker purposes E) job requirements

A Explanation: With the DOL procedure, standard basic activities known as worker functions are used to describe what a worker must do in a specific job with respect to three main categories--data, people, and things. Each worker function is given an importance rating for coding purposes.

The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in performance is called ________. A) job redesign B) reengineering C) process engineering D) job enlargement E) outsourcing

B Explanation: Reengineering, or business process reengineering, refers to redesigning a business process so that small multidisciplinary self-managing teams complete a task together. This differs from the typical business process which is similar to a relay race where one person completes a step and then passes the task to another person.

The most important consideration when developing an online job analysis is to ________. A) require employees to be monitored by supervisors B) make questions and the process as clear as possible C) provide monetary rewards for timely completion D) limit the number of questions to less than twenty E) ask open-ended questions to ensure honest responses

B Explanation: Removing the ambiguity from both questions and the job analysis process will greatly improve the validity of online results. The purpose of collecting data online is to save time and money, so minimal intervention and guidance should be necessary. Although supervisors and employees are involved in the process, a supervisor does not necessarily need to monitor an employee. The number and type of questions is less important than the clarity of the questions.

Experts at the ________ performed the earliest form of job analysis and published the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. A) EEOC B) DOL C) BLS D) DHS E) PAQ

B Explanation: The Department of Labor performed the earliest work in job analysis which resulted in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. The book contained detailed information on nearly every job in America based on ratings of data, people, and things. The DOL work eventually led to the development of position analysis questionnaires (PAQ).

What is the final step in conducting a job analysis? A) conducting an exit interview of all participants B) writing a job description and job specifications C) validating all of the collected job data D) collecting data on specific job activities E) reviewing relevant background information

B Explanation: The final step in the job analysis process involves developing a job description and job specifications, which are the two tangible products of a job analysis. This step occurs after job data has been collected and validated, and background information has been reviewed. Exit interviews are not conducted.

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using interviews to collect job analysis data? A) Interviews are a complicated method for collecting information. B) Employees may exaggerate or minimize some information. C) Interviews provide only general information about a worker's duties. D) Employees may reveal minimal information about their daily activities. E) Interviews may require managers to reveal the job analysis function.

B Explanation: The primary disadvantage of conducting employee interviews for the purpose of gathering job analysis data is the distortion of information. Employees may misunderstand the purpose of the interview and either purposely or mistakenly provide incorrect information. Interviews are considered a simple method for collecting detailed job information especially regarding uncommon but important employee activities.

According to the ADA, job duties that employees must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation, are called ________. A) primary job activities B) job requirements C) essential job functions D) work activities E) job specifications

C Explanation: According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), essential job functions are the job duties that employees must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation. Most ADA legal actions center on the concept of whether a job function is essential or not.

Which of the following best supports the argument that jobs should be described in terms of competencies rather than duties? A) New employees in high-performance work systems receive extensive job skills training for their specific positions. B) Managers in global firms are empowered to implement job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment in order to maximize productivity. C) In high-performance work systems, employees serve as team members rotating among various jobs. D) Globalization and telecommuting require workers to be able to self-manage and perform duties without close supervision. E) Firms in the high-tech industry require workers who are industrious, flexible, experienced, and ambitious.

C Explanation: Competency-based job descriptions are more appropriate than traditional job descriptions when high-performance work systems are the goal. In a HPWS, workers are encouraged to serve as team members and to rotate freely among jobs, so competencies should be the focus rather than a list of specific job duties which might hinder employee flexibility.

The primary drawback of performing a job analysis regards the ________. A) unverifiable data a job analysis typically provides B) certification required to conduct a job analysis C) amount of time a job analysis takes to complete D) redundant information gathered during a job analysis E) costs associated with the technology needed for a job analysis

C Explanation: Conducting a job analysis can be time-consuming because it may take days to interview multiple employees and their managers, which is why an abbreviated version is often used by managers. The information gathered through a job analysis is typically verifiable and useful, and the main cost is time rather than money. Although management training may be necessary to perform an adequate job analysis, it is unlikely that certification is required.

Managers use ________ to uncover essential duties that have not been assigned to specific employees. A) work activities B) job specifications C) job analysis D) performance standards E) job context

C Explanation: Job analysis can help reveal duties that need to be assigned to a specific employee. Job specifications are generated by a job analysis, but they typically focus on the type of person that is most suitable for a specific job. Work activities, performance standards, and job context are the types of information that are provided through a job analysis, but they do not necessarily uncover unassigned tasks.

How many steps are involved in the job analysis process? A) two B) four C) six D) eight E) ten

C Explanation: Six steps are involved in the job analysis process. Step 1 involves deciding how the information will be used, and step 2 involves reviewing relevant background information. Step 3 requires selecting representative positions, and step 4 calls for analyzing the job. Verifying the job analysis information occurs in step 5, while developing a job description and job specification occurs in step 6.

Pocket dictating machines and pagers have replaced traditional diary/log methods in many firms. Which of the following problems have the modern methods most likely eliminated? A) poor penmanship skills among employees B) work time required to fill out forms and surveys C) employee forgetfulness regarding daily activities D) costs associated with copying and filing paperwork E) employee frustration towards bureaucratic requirements

C Explanation: Some firms provide employees with pocket dictating machines and pagers to keep diaries and logs. At random times during the day, the employee is paged. The employee then dictates what he or she is doing. With this method, employers do not have to rely on workers to remember what they did hours earlier when they complete their logs at the end of the day, which was the main problem with paper/pencil diaries.

According to the ________, an individual must have the requisite skills, educational background, and experience to perform a job's essential functions. A) SOC B) DOL C) ADA D) FCC E) SIC

C Explanation: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted by Congress to reduce or eliminate discrimination against disabled individuals. According to the ADA, an individual must have the requisite skills, educational background, and experience to perform a job's essential functions.

The ________ classifies all workers into one of 23 major groups of jobs that are subdivided into minor groups of jobs and detailed occupations. A) Department of Labor Procedure B) Position Analysis Questionnaire C) Standard Occupational Classification D) Federal Professions Classification System E) Dictionary of Occupational Titles

C Explanation: The Standard Occupational Classification classifies all workers into one of 23 major groups of jobs that are subdivided into minor groups of jobs and detailed occupations. The SOC replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, which was used for many years as a source for standard job descriptions.

What has been the most significant impact of modern technology on job analysis methods? A) The Internet has enabled the Department of Labor to update data in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to reflect trends in the high-tech industry. B) Extensive use of the Internet by HR managers enables more people to telecommute from locations far from corporate headquarters. C) Corporate use of the Internet and intranet has enabled HR managers to distribute and collect job analysis surveys to employees in multiple geographic locations. D) Worker functions have changed as a result of modern technology, so the DOL procedure for data collection has been modified and categories have been altered. E) The ability to falsify information on Internet surveys has led to an increase in interviews and observations by HR managers to collect accurate job analysis information.

C Explanation: The greatest impact of modern technology on job analysis methods has been the ability of HR mangers to use the Internet and intranet to distribute and collect job analysis data to geographically dispersed employees. Face-to-face interviews and observations are difficult and time consuming, especially for a global firm, so questionnaires distributed online are more frequently used. The DOL's dictionary has been replaced by Internet-based tools, so Choice A is incorrect. Although falsifying information is always a problem with job analysis, it is too costly for HR managers to perform more interviews or observations.

During the job analysis process, it is important to ________ before collecting data about specific job duties and working conditions. A) test job questionnaires on a small group of workers B) confirm the job activity list with employees C) select a sample of similar jobs to analyze D) develop a job description outline E) assemble the job specifications list

C Explanation: The third step of the job analysis process involves selecting representative positions to analyze. If there are too many similar jobs in a firm, it is best to select a representative sample. After representative positions have been chosen, analysis of the job can occur, which may include interviewing employees or using questionnaires. Job descriptions and job specifications are not developed until the final step of the job analysis process.

Which of the following Web sites was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor and serves as a source for managers who need to write job descriptions? A) B) C) D) E) job

D Explanation: O*NET is a Web tool that was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor to allow managers, workers, and job seekers to see the essential characteristics of various occupations. Managers use the site to develop job descriptions. is also used by managers to develop job descriptions, but it is not sponsored by the DOL.

Purrfect Pets is a local pet supply store with a following of loyal customers who appreciate the personal service the store's employees provide. After a very profitable year, Purrfect Pets is expanding by opening two more stores. Before hiring employees for the new stores, the manager is considering the idea of conducting a job analysis for each position. Which of the following, if true, undermines the argument that the Purrfect Pets manager should observe workers in order to gather job analysis information? A) Purrfect Pets lacks the technology to perform quantitative job assessments. B) Part-time and seasonal workers fill most of the positions at Purrfect Pets. C) Most positions at Purrfect Pets include some element of physical activity. D) The tasks of most Purrfect Pets employees vary widely from day to day. E) During the morning, business at Purrfect Pets typically slows down.

D Explanation: Observation is an inappropriate tool for collecting job analysis information if employees only occasionally participate in certain tasks. If the tasks vary on a daily basis, one day of observation would fail to gather the necessary information. An interview might be the best way to find out what an employee does in this situation. Observation is most appropriate for jobs requiring physical activity, so Choice C supports rather than undermines the use of observation.

Which of the following indicates the distribution of work within a firm and the lines of authority and communication? A) job analysis B) process chart C) employee matrix D) organization chart E) corporate overview

D Explanation: Organization charts show the organization-wide distribution of work with titles of each position and interconnecting lines that show who reports to and communicates with whom. Organization charts are useful when performing a job analysis, which is a process of determining the duties and skills associated with a specific position.

One of the problems with direct observation is ________, which is when workers alter their normal activities because they are being watched. A) flexibility B) constancy C) falsification D) reactivity E) diversion

D Explanation: Reactivity occurs when a worker changes what he or she normally does because observation is taking place for the purpose of job analysis. Knowing that they are being watched may cause some workers to alter their normal work behaviors either on purpose or accidentally.

The fourth step in conducting a job analysis most likely involves collecting data about all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) necessary employee behaviors B) required employee abilities C) typical working conditions D) employee turnover rates E) specific job activities

D Explanation: The fourth step in analyzing a job requires collecting data about job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job. Interviews, questionnaires, and observations are the most popular methods for gathering data. It is unlikely that data regarding employee turnover rates would be gathered during a job analysis.

Which of the following requires workers to make daily listings of the activities in which they engage as well as the amount of time each activity takes? A) flowchart B) agenda C) outline D) table E) log

E Explanation: A diary or a log requires workers to make daily listings of the activities in which they engage as well as the amount of time each activity takes. Diaries and logs can be useful in the job analysis process because they often produce a complete picture of the job, especially when used in conjunction with an interview.

All of the following categories are assessed in a functional job analysis EXCEPT ________. A) judgment B) reasoning C) verbal skills D) mathematical skills E) industry standards

E Explanation: A functional job analysis is similar to the DOL method. Like the DOL method, a functional job analysis rates a job on data, people, and things, but it also rates a job on the extent to which performing the task requires specific instructions, reasoning and judgment, mathematical ability, and verbal and language facilities. Industry standards are not a factor in a functional job analysis.

While performing the fifth step of a job analysis, it is essential to confirm the validity of collected data with the ________. A) EEOC representative B) HR manager C) union leader D) legal department E) worker

E Explanation: According to the fifth step of a job analysis, collected data should be confirmed with the worker performing the job and his/her immediate supervisor. Although HR managers play a role in the job analysis process by observing workers, it is the worker and his/her immediate supervisor that provide direct knowledge of the duties involved in a specific job.

The ________ lists a job's specific duties as well as the skills and training needed to perform a particular job. A) organization chart B) job analysis C) work aid D) job context E) job description

E Explanation: Job descriptions list the specific duties, skills, and training related to a particular job. Organization charts show the distribution of work within a company but not specific duties. A job description is created after a job analysis has been performed.

Most job descriptions contain sections that cover all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) job summary B) performance standards C) working conditions D) responsibilities E) required overtime

E Explanation: Most job descriptions contain sections that cover job identification, job summary, responsibilities and duties, authority of incumbent, performance standards, working conditions, and job specifications. Although information regarding salary and/or pay scale may be included, it is less likely that the amount of overtime required in the position will be included.

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes? A) electronic log B) group interview C) worker diary D) observation E) questionnaire

E Explanation: Questionnaires are particularly useful for quantifying a job's worth for the purpose of compensation. An interview is most appropriate for collecting job analysis information that will be used to create a list of job duties or a job description. Direct observation is useful when jobs involve mostly physical work. Logs and diaries can provide detailed information about a worker's activities, but the tendency of some employees to exaggerate makes logs/diaries less appropriate for quantifying the worth of a job.

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using questionnaires to gather job analysis information? A) Questionnaires are the most expensive method of collecting data. B) Supervisors are required to verify all collected questionnaire data. C) Firms lack the technology to generate electronic questionnaires. D) Questionnaires are too open-ended to provide statistical information. E) Developing and testing questionnaires is time-consuming.

E Explanation: The primary drawback of questionnaires is the time required to develop questionnaires and test them to ensure that workers understand the questions. Questionnaires can be structured or open-ended, and many are a combination of the two. Questionnaires are less costly than interviews and can be completed online.

During the job analysis process, the primary purpose of having workers review and modify data collected about their current positions is to ________. A) confirm that the information is correct and complete B) provide a legal benchmark for employer lawsuits C) enable participants to understand their job strengths D) encourage employees to seek additional job training E) validate the job specification list provided by HR

A Explanation: Allowing employees to review and modify the information collected about their current positions provides the opportunity to confirm that the data is correct and complete, which may help gain employee acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions. Job specifications and job descriptions are created after employees review the collected data.

Which of the following data collection techniques would be most useful when writing a job description for a software engineer? A) distributing position analysis questionnaires B) interviewing employees C) analyzing organization charts D) observing employees E) developing a job process chart

B Explanation: Interviewing employees to determine what the job entails is an effective method of collecting data for writing a job description. Observing employees is typically only effective if a job involves physical tasks, and software engineering involves more thought and discussion than physical activity. Position analysis questionnaires are useful for compensation purposes rather than for writing job descriptions.

Which of the following guidelines is recommended to managers conducting a job analysis? A) Use one tool for gathering information to maintain the validity of the results. B) Rely on the human resource manager to complete questionnaires and verify data. C) Conduct group interviews without supervisors present to ensure accuracy. D) Collect information from employees performing the same job in different departments. E) Develop complex questions using technical jargon specific to the organization.

D Explanation: If several employees perform the same job in different departments, a manager should collect job analysis information from each of them because the manner in which an employee with a particular job title spends his or her time most likely varies from department to department. Several tools should be used to gather information rather than only one, and employees and supervisors typically complete questionnaires rather than HR managers, who instead observe workers performing their job duties. Supervisors should be included in group interviews, and questions should be clear rather than complex.

Which of the following will most likely be used by a manager gathering job analysis information when a large number of employees perform similar work? A) individual employee interviews B) direct observation of all employees C) interview with the HR manager D) group interview with a supervisor E) telephone surveys of all employees

D Explanation: When a large number of employees perform similar or identical work, conducting a group interview is a fast way to gather information. In most cases, the workers' immediate supervisor attends the group session. It would be costly and time consuming to conduct individual interviews with each worker and to observe each worker.

When a sales job is being filled by an untrained individual, the job specifications list will most likely include ________ as a way to predict which candidate will perform the job well. A) age and gender B) length of previous service C) past job performance D) relevant certification E) personality traits

E Explanation: When filling jobs with untrained people that the employer intends to train, the employer will most likely specify qualities like physical traits, personality, interests, or sensory skills that imply some potential for performing or for being trained to do the job. Age and gender should not be elements of a job specification list. Certification, previous service, and past job performance are less likely to predict the success of a person's job performance in an area for which they have never received training.

All of the following requirements are typically addressed in job specifications EXCEPT ________. A) desired personality traits B) required education levels C) essential skills D) necessary experience E) working conditions

E Explanation: Working conditions, responsibilities, and job duties are addressed in a job description rather than the job specifications. Job specifications focus on the human requirements for a job, such as personality, education, skills, and experience.

Which data collection method is most frequently used in conjunction with direct observation? A) interview B) questionnaire C) diary D) electronic log E) survey

A Explanation: Managers frequently combine direct observation with personal interviews to gather job analysis information. Often, managers observe the worker for a complete work cycle to gather as much information as possible, and then they follow up with an interview to gain clarification. Another option is to observe and interview at the same time by asking the worker questions as he or she works.

A ________ is the time it takes to complete a job. A) specification B) work cycle C) work week D) shift E) duty

B Explanation: A work cycle is the time it takes to complete a job, which may be one minute for an assembly-line worker or weeks for an engineer. Managers collecting data for a job analysis may observe a worker on the job for a complete work cycle and take notes of the worker's activities.

Interviews for the purpose of collecting job analysis data will most likely address all of the following topics EXCEPT ________. A) hazardous conditions B) primary work duties C) required education D) necessary experience E) personal hobbies

E Explanation: Typical questions for job analysis interviews address subjects such as the job's major duties, hazardous conditions, performance standards, and required experience and education. It is less likely that an interviewer would ask an employee questions not related specifically to the job, such as personal questions about the worker's hobbies and free time.

Purrfect Pets is a local pet supply store with a following of loyal customers who appreciate the personal service the store's employees provide. After a very profitable year, Purrfect Pets is expanding by opening two more stores. Before hiring employees for the new stores, the manager is considering the idea of conducting a job analysis for each position. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that the manager should conduct group interviews to gather job analysis information? A) The supply manager at Purrfect Pets has been with the company for three years. B) Purrfect Pets is an excellent place to work because of the positive work environment. C) Most of the young employees of Purrfect Pets would feel awkward during a one-on-one interview. D) Employees at Purrfect Pets work well with their colleagues, and few staffing conflicts occur. E) Numerous employees at Purrfect Pets perform similar tasks during the work day.

E Explanation: When a large number of employees perform similar or identical tasks, then a group interview is a quick and inexpensive way to gather job analysis information. The work environment or age of the employees are not important factors in deciding whether a group interview is appropriate. During group interviews, the immediate supervisor is usually present, but the length of time that the supervisor has worked at the company is irrelevant.

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