Jobes/Silva Study Guide

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Bernard A. Taylor has employed computer technology to create a critical condition of the Lucianic manuscripts boc2e2 for what book?

1 Reigns or 1 Samuel

What book provides evidence that resurrection was the expected reward for those devout Jews martyred under Seleucid persecution?

2 Maccabees

Tov and Ulrich agree that the Greek version of Samuel represents a literary edition of the Hebrew distinct from the MT, but what fragment do they disagree upon?

4QSam a

The number of surviving LXX manuscripts is about _________.

A. 2,000

_____________ didn't deny the existence of Semitisms in the NT but argued that these "are merely birthmarks."

A. Adolf Deissmann

Melvin Peters has produced critical editions of the _________ Pentateuch, which provide the necessary textual basis for further study of its relationship to the LXX.

A. Coptic

In 1820, Johann Friedrich Schleusner published a __________ of the LXX.

A. Dictionary

Who has argued that Biblical Greek is "a language which stands by itself"?

A. Edwin Hatch

According to Jobes and Silva, the language of the LXX may be described as ______________ Greek.

A. Hellenistic

____________ argued in his first Schweich Lecture that while the Jewish-Egyptian pioneers in Alexandria executed the translation of the Pentateuch and the Latter Prophets, there were some gaps left in the Former prophets and these were filled by the Asiatic-Palestinian school.

A. Henry St. John Thackeray

Some scholars claim that traditional theories of biblical __________ and ___________ are to blame for attributing excessive authority to the original form of the text.

A. Inspiration and Infallibility

According to the author of this letter, the king's librarian requested the high priest of the temple in Jerusalem to send translators with the Hebrew Torah scrolls to Alexandria.

A. Letter of Aristeas

Numbers 24:7 and 24:17 are frequently cited as ___________ readings found in the LXX but not in the Hebrew.

A. Messianic

The Greek biblical manuscripts from the Judean Desert, along with the Egyptian papyri, provide a representation of the text as it appeared before the work of __________ in the third century of this era.

A. Origen

What do many scholars say was in Origen's fifth column?

A. Revised Greek text

The LXX contains the variant προσεσχεν in Genesis 4:5, which can be explained only on ___________ grounds.

A. Stylistic

What books in the LXX are known as 1-4 Reigns?

A. The books of Samuel and Kings

Henry St. John Thackeray proposed that the earliest Greek translation of Samuel-Kings was composed where?


Joseph Ziegler's detailed examination of the Greek manuscripts of Isaiah for his critical edition of the Gottingen LXX yielded what four broad groups?

Alexandrian text, Hexaplaric recension, Lucianic recension, Catena group

After working many years on Genesis, who realized that his original goal of collating all extant manuscript evidence for every book of the LXX, evaluating all the variant readings so identified, and editing a critical text of the entire corpus was a task that would take several lifetimes?

Alfred Rahlfs

How many of the surviving manuscripts of the AT include the refernce to the bull in D:7?

All four

____________ demonstrate how pervasive the impact of the LXX on the authors of the NT has been.


This scholar differentiates between translation and technique understood as an object of study and translation technique "regarded as a question of method followed in the study of linguistic phenomena in the translation."

Anneli Aejmelaeus

Victoria Spottorno examined __________________ for textual affinities in the 120 readings where the LXX text of 1-2 Kings (3-4 Reigns) disagrees with the critically restored Antiochene text (L).

Antiquities of Josephus

Of the three translators, who was led by his theological conviction to decide that every element of the Hebrew text must have a correspondence in its Greek translation?


Translator: His policy was to represent every detail in the most consistent fashion, even at the cost of acceptable Greek.


List the three translators referred to as "the Three."

Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion

Jesus probably more often spoke in his native tongue of __________.


According to Jobes and Silva, what formulation has "the appearance of objectivity" but really is "too vague to be of much value."

Assigning equal weight to the MT and LXX

Paul de Lagarde sought the goal of producing what? His work was continued by his student Alfred Rahlfs upon his death.

B. A Critical Text for the Septuagint

The Hebrew Bible often speaks of the invisible God by means of ________________ expressions, such as the hand or face or mouth of God.

B. Anthropomorphic

Before determining if a reading in the Greek of a particular book reflects a Hebrew Vorlage different from the MT, the overall ___________ of the translation must be ascertained.

B. Character

When ___________ produced the critical Greek text of Leviticus for the Gottingen edition, he did not choose even one of the Qumran readings as original.

B. John W. Wevers

Following ____________'s program, most LXX scholars recognize the need to establish the pre-Hexaplaric form of the text.

B. Lagarde

By the end of _____________'s life he had published critical editions of texts in Latin, Syrian, Babylonian, Arabic, Coptic, and Persian, with occasional papers in Armenian, all in addition to his critical work on the Greek text of the LXX.

B. Paul de Lagarde

He is considered by many to be the father of modern Septuagint textual criticism.

B. Paul de Lagarde

Fernandez Marco began his search for the text of the Lucian recension in the late 1970's by examining the ______________ of the Antiochene fathers.

Biblical quotations

He distinguished himself with an article that came to be foundational in the textual criticism of the Peshitta.

C. Alfred Rahlfs

Thackeray argued that the earliest Greek translation of Samuel-Kings excluded anything derogatory about __________.

C. David

Almost all manuscripts of the Septuagint are found in codices that date from the ____________ century of our era or later.

C. Fourth

Two centuries before Jesus, Jews in the diaspora spoke what language?

C. Greek

Most of the discussion concerning the relationship of the Qumran Hebrew texts to the Greek LXX texts has focused on the books of ___________ and ____________.

C. Jeremiah and Samuel

In his preface to Chronicles, he complained that the Christian world was in conflict over three forms of the Septuagint text.

C. Jerome

Frank M. Cross proposed in the 1960s that the Samuel manuscripts found at Qumran preserve a ___________ text-type different from the MT but close to the Vorlage of the Greek Samuel.

C. Palestinian

_____________, a Jewish Alexandrian philosopher who lived in the first century of our era, embellished the story of the origin of the Greek version of the Bible.

C. Philo

Where was the first printed edition of the entire Greek Old Testament produced?

C. Spain

____________ argues that the Hebrew text of the Qumran scroll was corrected to agree with the Greek version of Samuel and that therefore the shorter text in MT is the original reading here.

C. Stephen Pisano

In 1974 Raymond Martin developed a method called _________________ that attempts to characterize translation Greek and distinguish it from composition Greek.

C. Syntax Criticism

The Septuagint came into English from the Latin Septuaginta ("seventy"), a shorted form of the title "Interpretatio septuaginta virorum" that translates _____________.

C. The translation of the seventy men

According to Jobes and Silva, since the LXX is a Greek translation of a Hebrew text and a lexicon must give the equivalent word or definition in a modern language, the production of a LXX lexicon is a ____________ task.

C. Trilingual

The phrase διελθωμεν εις το πεδιον has no corresponding phrase in the MT but is attested in the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Peshitta, and the ___________.

C. Vulgate

The LXX has strong affinities with the NT in matters of __________ and ___________.

Character and style

The purpose of the Hexapla was to settle the dispute between who?

Christians and Jews

What is the name of the manuscript discovered by Tischendorf, which turned out to be one of the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Greek Bible.

Codex Sinaiticus

The editors, led by Cardinal Antonio Carafe, working on the Sixtine edition were convinced that _____________ was the best manuscript to base their edition upon.

Codex Vaticanus (B)

____________ is the process of comparing the readings of various manuscripts against a selected standard text and noting where and how each one differs from the standard.


Scholars who minimize the value of traditional text-critical canons typically argue that we are dependent on the _________.


A section of notes indicating variant readings, usually found at the bottom of the page in a critical edition of the text, is called the ________________.

Critical apparatus or various Masora

D.M. Turpie made an extensive study of 275 NT passages and concluded that the NT, the LXX, and the Hebrew text all agree in only about _____ percent of the quotations.

D. 20

In the Greek version of Esther, the theme of royal ____________ is amplified.

D. Assassination

Theodotion's translation of the Book of _________ supplanted that of the "Septuagint", which was widely regarded as defective.

D. Daniel

According to Jobes and Silva, "The work of the Masoretes assures us that the form of their text takes us as far back as the late ________ century of our era."

D. First (revised)

How many identical copies were there of the thousands of handwritten codices by the fifteenth century?

D. None

Montgomery adopted the methodology of Max L. Margolis in his commentary on __________.


The manuscripts discovered in Qumran and elsewhere in the Judean Desert are popularly referred to as the _____________.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The deliberate revision of a biblical text introduces a ___________ that breaks the genetic lineage of a text.


What approach is used by the United Bible Societies and Nestle-Aland in determining the most likely original reading?

Eclectic approach

___________ believed that the difference between Classical Greek and NT Greek was that the latter was written by men under Semitic influence rather than Hellenistic.

Edwin Hatch

Who believes that the Qumran documents may represent an older form of the Greek version, while the uncial tradition reflects at times a later revision?

Emanuel Tov

In the book of ___________, a book notorious for its lack of any mention of God, the additional chapters in the Greek add the explicitly religious elements missing from the Hebrew.


One of the distinctive traits of the Greek versions of ________ in comparison to the Hebrew is that both Greek versions (LXX and AT) contain six additional chapters.


T/F: A large amount of Greek manuscripts have been discovered in the Judean Desert but only a small amount of Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts.


T/F: According to Jobes and Silva, the sources we have are sufficient to deduce a reconstruction of Jewish theology in the Hellenistic period.


T/F: After supplying the Hebrew text and a second column to help the reader pronounce it, Origen next included Theodotion's version because its word-for-word representation of the Hebrew provided a "crib" for the reader.


T/F: All of the mistranslations in the LXX occurred because of textual corruption in the Hebrew Vorlage.


T/F: Biblical quotations in Jewish writings, the NT, and the early Christian fathers provide additional but unimportant data for reconstructing the various recensions.


T/F: Biblical scholarship of the 19th and early 20th centuries did not focus on philology.


T/F: Comparison of MT Isaiah with LXX Isaiah reveals only a couple minor differences.


T/F: During the Reformation, the authority of the Hebrew Bible was challenged by Protestants.


T/F: Every quotation of the OT in the NT reflects a textual difference with the LXX.


T/F: Greek Samuel and 4QSama contain many common readings that do not appear to be errors.


T/F: Hebrew and Greek requires that the object of a verb be made explicit if that object is evident from the context.


T/F: How scholars conceive of the origin and history of the Greek text(s) is not beneficial in LXX studies.


T/F: It would be wise to disregard the evidence of less reliable witnesses.


T/F: Jobes and Silva believe that the concern that we may never succeed in fully reconstructing the original LXX is a good argument to slacken our efforts.


T/F: Jobes and Silva refer to the LXX as Jewish Hellenistic Greek because these terms suggest that the "dialects" in question possess a unique grammatical structure.


T/F: LXX Genesis 4:7 contains two conditional sentences while the MT only contains one.


T/F: LXX lexicography is a fairly simple and straightforward task.


T/F: Mass duplication did not help with the work of the scribes nor with the inevitable errors and changes they introduced to the text.


T/F: Origen was fully aware that the Hebrew text available to him did not match with the Hebrew parent text.


T/F: Origen's Hexapla has been printed at 6,000 pages and is bound in fifteen volumes.


T/F: Philippians reveals no OT influence in its text.


T/F: The AT typically translates the proper nouns more frequently than does the LXX.


T/F: The Day of Atonement is sometimes referred to as the "Sabbath" in the LXX.


T/F: The Lucianic or Antiochene recension is attested by a massive amount of manuscripts.


T/F: The MT version of Jeremiah is significantly shorter than LXX Jeremiah.


T/F: The arrival of the codex helped make the Septuagint homogeneous.


T/F: The native syntactic structures of Greek and Hebrew are very similar.


T/F: The term Hellenistic is used precisely the same way by all scholars


T/F: The titles and order of the books of the Greek and English Septuagint correspond exactly with our English Bibles.


T/F: Ulrich calls the conclusion that a distinct text-type is represented in the agreements between the Qumran scrolls and the Greek Samuel an "optical illusion presented by the evidence."


The translator of Isaiah rendered the Hebrew infinitive absolute with only a ________ verb.


The use of the participle in LXX Leviticus is significantly less frequent than in ___________.


_________ died suddenly of heart disease leaving an unfinished concordance of the LXX.


Jobes and Silva believe that the greatest significance of the LXX has been its extensive use by scholars in the textual criticism of the _____________.

Hebrew Bible

The author of Hebrews appears to have not used the ________ text but instead depends on the ________.

Hebrews; LXX

According to Jobes and Silva, what approach has to a large extent ignored the role of the reader in interpretation?

Historical Criticism

The concept of ________________ can be described by means of an exegetical question: What is the author most likely to have written?

Intrinsic probability

______________ seeks to determine what the author was most likely to have written.

Intrinsic probability

Who provided an analysis of the Greek version of Isaiah calling it a "document of Jewish-Alexandrian theology"?

Isaac L. Seeligmann

Ronald Troxel studied the word εσχατος to investigate eschatology in what LXX book?


Who was the first American-born scholar who left an ongoing legacy of LXX studies in North America?

James A. Montgomery

Midrashic rewriting of the biblical text is a distinctively __________ technique.


Scholars often debate whether a Greek word in the LXX or NT nears the common sense of the word as it would generally be used in ________ Greek, or a more peculiar sense in the context of theological and religious discourse.


The earliest extant account of the original Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible is found in the _____________.

Letter of Aristeas

Seeligmann uses the ___________ approach to examine the differences between the Hebrew and Greek texts of Isaiah for insight into how Alexandrian Judaism understood God.


An Italian project, "La Bibbia dei Settanta," has been undertaken by scholars to produce a very ________ translation, even if the results are stylistically harsh.


James Barr attempts to bring precision to the term _________ by identifying six degrees.


The __________ character of Aquila's translation has not always been adequately understood.


According to Jobes and Silva, "[T]he first step in determining the value of a Greek text for reconstructing its Vorlage must be to discover to what extent and in what ways the translation is __________ or ______.

Literal or free

A Hebrew variant due to mechanical transmission errors is quite a different concept from a Hebrew Vorlage that reflects a different stage of ________ development.


_________________ is the adoption of a foreign phrase by translating its constituent parts rather than by rendering the meaning of the whole phrase.

Loan translation

Jobes and Silva refer to the term "pascha" (Passover) as what kind of word?


The Hebrew language has left its mark on the Greek of the LXX at the lexical level in three forms: ______________, ________________, and ______________.

Loanwords, loan translations, semantic loans

The 4th century edition of the Greek OT is attributed to ____________.

Lucian/Antiochene recension

The ____________ manuscripts offer an additional, distinctively different Greek text for the whole of 1-4 Reigns.


The complexities involved in reconstructing the history of the Greek texts lead ____________ Marcos to conclude that "the alternative between unity/plurality does not appear as final and exclusive as Kahle and Lagarde supposed."


_____________ is arguably one of America's greatest Jewish biblical scholars, his foundation was formed by the work of an anti-Semitic German scholar.

Max Leopold Margolis

The largest and most significant Hexapla fragment is the __________ palimpsest.


Text material: Relatively less important but should not be ignored.


The Greek translator's motivation for his change in Gen. 4:7 was a desire to understand why God should be upset with Cain for bringing an offering that is approved in the _________ legislation.


By numbering the translators of the Torah as seventy, the tradition portrays them as assistants to ________ working centuries later to administer the law.


Joshua 9:14 in the LXX avoids using the anthropomorphic term ____________.


The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1-2 exists in two different forms in the ____________ as compared to the MT.

Old Greek

What are the two kinds of Greek manuscripts that paleographers make a distinction between?

Older ones written in the uncial script and later ones written in the miniscule script.

According to Jobes and Silva, the most important work on the text of the Greek Old Testament was done by _________.


What discoveries during the last decades of the 19th century served to confirm that NT Greek is best understood not as a peculiar semitized dialect but as a true representative of living Koine Greek?


Text material: Most of these are fragmentary containing only small portions of the biblical text.


LXX Greek is characterized by ____________, that is, the chaining of independent clauses through a coordinating conjuction.


The use of the ____________ in LXX Genesis 4:1 makes for a more pleasing Greek style and demonstrates the translator's sense of freedom to depart occasionally from a strict representation of Hebrew syntax.


Who denied that all extant manuscripts of the Hebrew text go back to a standard single recension, the pre-MT of the first century?

Paul E. Kahle

This LXX scholar has been described as a "sentimental theist."

Paul de Lagarde

Who maintained the hypothesis that the Hebrew text takes priority over common Greek syntax of neuter substantives and their verbs in the Hellenistic period?


Translations of the Septuagint into Coptic have been preserved in both the ____________ and ___________ dialects.

Sahidic and Bohairic

The correct pronunciation of the Hebrew vowels was preserved in Origen's ______________.

Second column

Classical Greek uses the articular infinitive extensively in a variety of ways, but the temporal use with the preposition εν, as seen in Genesis 4:8, should be regarded as a _________.


Jobes and Silva warn that even if the theological elements introduced by the translator could be clearly distinguished from a variant Hebrew reading, generalizations implied by the expression "theology of the _____________" are dangerous.


In Genesis 2:2, the Hebrew uses the word "seventh" while the Greek version used the word _________.


Of the three translators, who most consistently produced a text that translated the sense of the Hebrew without representing every lexical element of the Hebrew or using stereotyped equivalents?


Translator: A recent study identifies him as a Jew who undertook his task around the year 200 for the Jewish community in Caesarea of Palestine


In language studies, _________ is the next logical level of linguistic organization after lexical investigation.


What Bible is also referred to as the Peshitta?


Jewish communities often refer to the Hebrew Bible as what?


Tendenz is a German word meaning _____________.


What task is typically formulated thus: "To follow back the thread of transmission and try to restore the texts as closely as possible to the form which they originally had."

Textual Criticism

This scholar is best remembered for his work on Josephus.


Some church fathers make reference to "ho hebraios," an ambiguous term that in some contexts appears to mean "____________."

The Hebrew Translator

Short Answer: What characteristics make the "Letter of Aristeas" seem more like an open letter to a wider audience rather than a letter from one person to another.

The length and character and its wide copying from one person to another.

Short Answer: What was the primary reason that the synagogue abandoned the "Septuagint" to the church and produced a new translation of the Hebrew texts?

The resulting tension between Christians and Jews, both of whom used the Greek Bible but understood it differently.

Translator: He was a convert to Judaism who lived in Ephesus in the late second century.


Theological developments found in the LXX translation are referred to by Emanuel Tov as individual _____________.


Who spent their entire career at the University of Leipzig?


According to Jobes and Silva, no aspect of text-critical work is more important than the proper evaluation of _____________.

Transcriptional probability

______________ seeks to determine which of the variants was most likely to have come from a copyist.

Transcriptional probability

According to Jobes and Silva, the Semitisms of the Greek Bible are largely to be explained on the basis of ______________.

Translation technique

The study of _______________ is closely related to the task of textual criticism.

Translation technique

According to Jobes and Silva, Lucian was a controversial theologian and an influential biblical scholar.


T/F: 1 Reigns 3:19-4:2 contains literal translations that do not conform to normal Greek usage


T/F: According to Jobes and Silva, "[T]he Hebrew Bible has an unequalled place as the divinely inspired text of Judaism and Christianity."


T/F: According to Jobes and Silva, characterizing a translation as literal or free is not sufficiently precise for those who wish to compare the texts of two or more books.


T/F: According to Jobes and Silva, theology develops over time and is shaped by experience.


T/F: According to Jobes and Silva, there is really no such thing as the Septuagint.


T/F: Among features found in the LXX but not in typical Greek documents, one of the most striking is the frequency with which "kai egeneto" introduces a new sentence.


T/F: Because the English word "knew," though not technically a stative verb, suggests a state rather than an action, it does not satisfactorily represent the force of the Greek.


T/F: Because the adverbial participle is characteristic of Greek style, its frequent use shows the translator's comfort with rendering the Hebrew syntax freely.


T/F: Charles Thompson produced the first English translation of the Septuagint.


T/F: Even during the late medieval period, when most scribal activity had become much more disciplined, new variants in the NT continued to appear.


T/F: For no apparent reason, the Greek ignores the first word of Isaiah 53:7.


T/F: Gentry's work on Job concludes that Theodotion represents a new translation of Job and not just a revision of the previously existing Old Greek.


T/F: Henry Barclay Swete published a three-volume edition of the Greek text entitled "The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint."


T/F: Henry St. John Thackeray was one of the truly great British Septuagint scholars; his grammar of the Septuagint remains the only such work in English.


T/F: It has been argued that one of the Samuel fragments discovered at Qumran provides a distinct Hebrew text-type.


T/F: It is clear that Jesus and the early church leaders used the Greek Bible.


T/F: It is possible that the NT authors used a variant LXX text that has not survived.


T/F: It is rare to come across cognate words in Greek that sound like a corresponding word in Hebrew or Aramaic.


T/F: It seems likely that the LXX's translation of Isaiah 53:11a reflects a parent text different from MT and that this reading is original.


T/F: James' quotation of Amos in Acts 15 clearly follows the LXX.


T/F: Jobes and Silva claim that it is difficult to determine what the word "autograph" might mean.


T/F: Jobes and Silva claim that the translator of Isaiah provides renderings that are very "literal and at times unintelligible" while also "creative and skillful."


T/F: Johann Cook concludes that the Greek translator of the Hebrew text of Proverbs was foremost a conservative Jewish writer, intent on preserving the theological perspective of the Hebrew text.


T/F: John Lee's analysis of the Greek Pentateuch concluded that "the bulk of the Pentateuch vocabulary is the same as that of contemporary Greek."


T/F: LXX studies include the origins of Christianity and its relationship to Second Temple Judaism.


T/F: Lagarde's most loyal student, Rahlfs, called his teacher's first published volume his "biggest failure."


T/F: Leaving aside the discoveries in Qumran and elsewhere in the Judean Desert--substantive variants among manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible are rare.


T/F: Lexical studies can be focused synchronically or diachronically.


T/F: Little is known about the origins of the Greek version attributed to Symmachus.


T/F: More than 100 years ago attempts were already being made to identify interpretive elements in the LXX and their significance for understanding the theological development of Judaism in the Hellenistic period.


T/F: NT textual critics Eberhard Nestle and Bruce M. Metzger devoted a considerable amount of time to LXX studies.


T/F: On the basis of Jerome's comment that the LXX of his day existed in three forms, Lagarde theorized that all witnesses to the Greek text could be genetically traced back to one of these three recensions.


T/F: One must exercise caution when using BDAG or LSJ to identify the meaning of LXX words, since neither of these lexicons was produced with the purpose of addressing the complicated issues peculiar to the LXX.


T/F: One of the purposes of lexical studies of the LXX is to provide information that can be used by textual critics to determine the original reading of the Greek when variants occur in the manuscripts.


T/F: Rahlfs was the successor to Lagarde's legacy and editor of the only complete critical text of the Septuagint in existence today.


T/F: Scholars today believe that the Letter of Aristeas was written, not at a time contemporaneous with the events it describes, but in the second century B.C.E., to defend Judaism in general and the Greek version in particular.


T/F: Septuagintalisms in the NT do not characteristically affect the structure of the language.


T/F: T.K. Abbott questioned the view that NT Greek is heavily semitized.


T/F: Taschendorf produced his own edition of the LXX.


T/F: The "recensions" were meant to provide reliable editions of the Septuagint itself.


T/F: The Greek Book of Genesis as a whole consists of narrative material.


T/F: The Greek biblical texts found in Qumran were fragmentary.


T/F: The Greek of the Kaige sections of 1-4 Reigns is based on a Hebrew text very close to the MT.


T/F: The Gutenberg Bible was the first book known to be printed in the Western world with the new technology of moveable type.


T/F: The LXX can serve philological purposes for OT scholarship.


T/F: The Minor Prophets scroll found in the Judean Desert was written in the hand of two different scribes.


T/F: The NT writers knew and used the OT in its Greek form.


T/F: The Septuagint is regarded as one of the earliest witnesses to the history of biblical interpretation.


T/F: The Septuagint was produced by many people unknown to us, over two or three centuries, and almost certainly in more than one location.


T/F: The audience of the LXX translation is different from the audience that the author of the original Hebrew work was writing for.


T/F: The church fathers may have paraphrased or omitted phrases of the text that were irrelevant to their point.


T/F: The development of mesianic expectation in Hellenistic Judaism is of interest to both Jews and Christians.


T/F: The differences between textual criticism of the LXX and that of the other Greek literature are significant.


T/F: The discovery of some fragments of Jeremiah at Qumran has now provided a Hebrew text that closely matches the Greek version of Jeremiah.


T/F: The importance of the LXX as a source for our knowledge of Koine is widely recognized.


T/F: The interchange of the divine names is a particularly common problem in the transmission of biblical Greek texts, both LXX and NT.


T/F: The primary reason for skepticism regarding the goal of textual criticism lies in the undeniable fact that many of the significant corruptions found in ancient texts were introduced before we have documentary evidence.


T/F: The recovery of the "Proto-Septuagint" is an unfinished task.


T/F: The repeated omission of certain terms by Greek translators may reflect a religious taboo of the Hellenistic period.


T/F: The study of syntax is important for determining translation technique.


T/F: The term "the Seventy" is found in colophons in biblical manuscripts as early as the fourth century.


T/F: Theodoret's citations show no evidence of a Lucian recension in the Pentateuch.


T/F: Tischendorf's first major scholarly achievement was that he deciphered Codex Ephraemi.


T/F: Tov argues that the Book of Jeremiah existed in two distinct Hebrew forms: a shorter edition from which the extant Greek was translated, and an extended edition that became the MT.


T/F: Translators of the biblical texts worked not only within the linguistic context of Hellenistic Greek, but also within a social, political, and religious context that shaped their translation.


T/F: Two English translations of the Greek Old Testament are available and others are being made yet full translations of the Septuagint into other modern languages are rare.


T/F: Using the CATSS database, Emanuel Tov studied the nature and distribution of infinitive absolute construction throughout the entire LXX.


T/F: Virtually all modern textual criticism of the LXX is based on the Lagardian idea of but one original translation.


T/F: When the first translation of the Bible was made into Latin, it was made from a Greek text.


Most __________ manuscripts are designated by capital letters.


Text material: Three of its best manuscripts contain the books of both the OT and NT.


What codex is a primary representative of the Hexaplaric recension in Isaiah?


The text of Alfred Rahlfs' was based upon what three great uncials?

Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus

Lee's study of the ___________ of the Pentateuch is used to address the issue of dating the text.


Greek culture was enamored with ___________, which was defined as living toward life's highest good.


What pseudonymous book affirms the Jews as having true wisdom that issues in eternal life and provides an apologetic for monotheistic Judaism in a pluralistic culture?

Wisdom of Solomon

What Greek word in LXX Isaiah has led scholars to conclude that "glory" is one of the central characteristics of God for the translator of that book


The appearance of the Greek noun _________ in the Qumran fragment presents what Tov calls a "remarkable lexical discrepancy" between this text and that of the uncials.


In regards to Isaiah 53:9d, the first hand of Sinaiticus, supported by Vaticanus, Vents, and many miniscules, contains what Greek simple accusative word?


The addition of what Greek word gives the Greek text of Isaiah 53:1 a nuance not present in the Hebrew.


List two of the four ways that theological exegesis within the LXX may be evidenced.

(1) The consistent choice of a particular translation equivalent for one word (2) The rewriting of a given verse in translation to reflect a contemporary understanding of it (3) Pluses and minuses of a few words (4) The addition of extensive material

According to Jobes and Silva, "[A]ll LXX scholars recognize that the differences between the Hebrew and Greek texts derived almost certainly from a combination of":

(a) A Variant Vorlage (b) the deliberate work of the translator (c) transmission errors that occurred when both the Hebrew and Greek texts were repeatedly copied

What is a translation of the Greek back into Hebrew called?


According to Jobes and Silva, ______________ are always hypothetical.


The Greek translators avoid calling God a ________ in Psalm 18:31, 46.


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Exam 2: Chapters 6, 8, 9, 10, & 13

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