JROTC_ LE 100 5-4

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What is affirmative action?

Affirmative action programs encouraged the hiring and promoting of minorities and women in fields that were traditionally closed to them.

What does the freedom of press ensure?

Freedom of the press ensures that the American people are exposed to a wide variety of viewpoints.

What does the Twenty-sixth Amendment guarantee?

The 26th Amendment guarantees the right to vote to citizens 18 and older for all national and state elections.

What is a search warrant?

A search warrant is a court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect's home or business and take specific items as evidence.

What is "a grand jury indictment"?

An indictment simply indicates the grand jury's belief that an individual may have committed a crime.

How does the Fourteenth Amendment define a citizen of the United States?

It defined a United States citizen as anyone "born or naturalized in the United States."

What is self-incrimination?

It is a speech or action that suggests your own guilt, especially during court testimony.

The Nineteenth Amendment protects the rights of women to do what?

It protects the right of women to vote in all national and state elections.

What are poll taxes?

Poll taxes required voters to pay a sum of money before casting a ballot.

What has the Supreme Court listed as public interests when justifying limitations on the First Amendment?

Public interests include the safety and security of Americans

The First Amendment protects five basic freedoms of all Americans. List these freedoms.

The First Amendment to the Consitution protects five basic freedoms: Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom to petition the government.

What does the Fourth Amendment protect Americans from?

The Fourth Amendment protects Americans "against unreasonable searches and seizures."

Why did the Supreme Court strike down teacher-led prayer in public schools?

The Supreme Court has struck down teacher-led prayer in public schools because students are impressionable young people and they are a captive audience required by the state to attend school.

What did the Thirteenth Amendment officially outlaw in the United States?

The Thirteenth Amendment officially outlawed slavery in the United States and thus freed thousands of African Americans.

Which amendment made poll taxes illegal?

The Twenty-fourth Amendment

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