JROTC LET-1 Questions

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Being a good follower is an important part of being a good leader.

. Being a good follower is an important part of what concept?

The three firing positions of marksmanship are prone, kneeling, and standing

. What are the three firing positions of marksmanship?

The color green represents vegetation.

. What does the color green represent on a map

The key to success in the JROTC program is teamwork.

. What is the key to success in the JROTC program

The rank of a cadet with one silver disc on each shoulder is a cadet Second Lieutenant.

. What is the rank of a cadet with one silver disc on each shoulder

The cadet leader in charge of the company is the company commander.

. What title is given to the cadet leader of the company?

I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relived

1st General Order

I will Obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner

2nd General Order

I will report violations, emergencies, and anything that not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relif

3rd General Orders

You show respect for the National Anthem when indoors in uniform by standing at the position of attention.

How do you show respect for the National Anthem when indoors in uniform?

7red Stripes

How many red stipes are on the american flag

180 steps per minute are required for double time.

How many steps per minute are required for double time?

6 White strips

How many white stripes are on the American Flag

The minimum age to enroll in the JROTC program is fourteen (14) years of age.

How old should you be to enroll in the JROTC program?

The JROTC uniform should be worn with pride.

How should the JROTC uniform be worn?

The command halt can be given as either foot strikes the ground.

The command halt can be given on what foot?

A U.S. Citizen is first allowed to vote at the age of 18years old.

What age is an U.S. Citizen first allowed to vote

The 2 primary political are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party

What are the 2 primary political parties?

Storm, Garrison, Post

What are the 3types of flags

The five basic map colors are red, blue, green, brown, and black.

What are the five basic map colors?

The Five major features are Hilltop, Ridge, Saddly, Valley ,and Depression

What are the five major Terrain Features?

The major categories of rank and grade are officers and enlisted personnel.

What are two major categories of rank and grade for cadets and military personnel?


What country did the U.S. and its allies fight in the Gulf War?

Distress or emergency

What does an upside american flag mean

The color black represents manmade objects.

What does the color black represent on a map?

The color blue represents water

What does the color blue represent on a map?

The color red represents roads and classification of roads.

What does the color red represent on a map?

The flag being positioned at half-staff is a sign of mourning.

What does the flag being positioned at half-staff mean?

The position of honor dictates that those of lower rank walk, sit, or stand to the left of those with senior rank.

What does the position of honor dictate?

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

What happened on December 7th 1941

The instrument used to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field enviroment is called the compass

What instrument would you use to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field inviroment

The instument used to determine grid azimuth on a map is the Protractor

What instument is ued to determine grid azimuth on a map

Artificial respiration is used to restore breathing.

What is artificial respiration used for?

A person with a severe injury is likely to go into shock.

What is likely to happen to a person with a severe injury?

The definition of first aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill individual until qualified medical treatment is administered or treatment given to a victim before professional medical help arrives.

What is the definition of first aid

The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens.

What is the mission of JROTC

The proper length of a half step is fifteen inches.

What is the proper length of a half step?

The cadet with two silver discs on each shoulder is that of a cadet First Lieutenant.

What is the rank of a cadet with two silver discs on each shoulder?

The first ten constitutional amendments are known as the Bill of Rights

What name is given to the first ten constitutional amendments?

The type of uniform normally worn during ceremonies, social functions, and formal inspections are the Class A Uniforms.

What type of uniform is normally worn during ceremonies, social functions, and formal inspections?

The U.S. Civil

What war accounted for the most american casualties?

The Vietnam War

What war was fought during the1960's and the 1970's

When it is being risen or passes you

When should you salute to the american flag

When talking to an officer, you address him/her as Sir or Ma'am.

When talking to an officer, how should you address him/her to show proper military courtesy?

You are saluting the nation.

When you salute during the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner," whom are you saluting?

The Commander-in-Chief of the entire Armed Forces is the President of the United Stated of America

Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the entire Armed Forces?

My Cadet Company Commander is: Blazek

Who is your Cadet Company Commander

German and Austria-Hungary

Who were the primary antagonist During World War one

Germany, Italy, Japan

Who were the primary atagonist during Wold War 2

You normally fall in and start drill from the position of attention.

You normally fall in and start drill from what position?

A cadet with a diamond in the center of his/her chevrons has obtained the rank of cadet First Sergeant.

cadet with a diamond in the center of his/her chevrons has obtained what rank?

The color brown represents counter elevation and relief.

does the color brown represent on a map?

Blood that is bright red in color and shooting out in spurts is an indication of arterial bleeding.

Blood that is bright red in color and shooting out in spurts is an indication of what type of bleeding?

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