Julius Caesar Act 3

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What does thw style of Brutus speech reveal about his personality and motives?

*Honor above all else , *He believes his reasons are right *Does what is best for Rome.

"oh, pardon me,thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with the butchers."

1. Antony 2. Dead Caesar 3. Asking for forgiveness that he has acted as a ally with the conspirators

"Friends , Romans , countrymen,lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar ,not to praise him."

1. Antony 2. the people 3. People listen , I am here to mourn Caesar's death not to pay tribute

"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."

1. Brutus 2. the people 3. I need to do what is best for rome. Caesar was a dear friend but the welfqre of rome was more important

" Et tu,Brute! Then fall Caesar."

1. Caesar 2. Brutus 3. Even you Brutus. I die

"But I am as constant as the Northern Star, Of whose true-fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in formament.?

1. Caesar 2. Conspirators 3. Caesar compares himself to the northern star - which is always the same with no equal

"How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene by acted over In states unborn and accents unknown !"

1. Cassius. 2. Conspirators 3. Cassius predicts that far into the future the assassination will be recreated in plays

Each roman citizen gets shat from Caesar's will?

75 drachmas

Whom have I offended


Friends, __________, countrymen lend me your ears. I come to _______ Caesar, not to _______ him.

Romans, bury

Here wasa Caesar: When comes such _________?


Who is here so ____ that would be a __________

base ; bondman

Antony decends from the pulpit and the ______ forms a ring atound Caesar's body


My ________ is in the coffin woth Caesar. And I must ________ till it cones back to me . ...' tis certain he was not _____

heart, pause , ambitious

I rose against Caesar not that I ________ less, but that I __________ more

loved Caesar ; loved Rome

What else do the cotizens get with Caesar's will?

private parks and gardens

Because Caesar was fortunate, I _______ for him, and there is ________ for his fortune

rejoice; joy

Who is so ________ that would not be a _________

rude; roman

Because Caesar was ambitious I, _____ him, and there is __________ for his ambition.

slew, death

His offenses for which he ________ are not _____

suffered death ; enforced.

The reasons for Caesars death are recorded . Where?

the Capitol

Who is so _______ that would not _______

vile; love his country

Because Caesar loved me, I ______ for him, and there are _______ for his love.

weep, tears

His glory wherein he is ________ worthy is not _______

worthy ; extenuated

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