Kahoot questions CH8. Emergency care, first Aid, & Disasters.

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A Tonic-clonic seizure used to be called

A grand mal seizure

A TIA is

A warning sign of a CVA

A resident was just informed his wife died, the CNA notes he is staring and pale/suspects shock

CNA should elevate the resident's legs

You are walking with your resident who faints you assist her to the ground without injury you

Call for help , raise legs off the floor about 12 inch.

If a resident starts to choke, what is the first step that a CNA should take?

Call for help, begin giving abdominal thrust if indicated.

A_____________is when the heart stops beating

Cardiac arrest

A resident has a minor burn, a CNA should use_______to decrease the temperature of the skin

Cool water

The medical term for a nose bleed is


One sign that a person is in shock is?

extreme thirst

Your resident keeps drinking, keeps urinating, and her breath smells fruity she might have?

Diabetic ketoacidosis

FAST stands for

Face, Arm, Speech, Time

An obstructed air way is a condition in which the tube that goes to the stomach is blocked.


A superficial burn is also known as?

First degree

A sign that a stroke may be occurring is

Fácil droop

If a CNA is in an emergency situation but has not been trained to perform CPR she should?

Give basic first aid until emergency medical team arrives

During code team procedures, a CNA may be asked to

Give chests compression during CPR

A resident feels faint, a CNA should

Have resident lean forward/place her head between knees

The medical term for paralysis on one side of the body is?


To control bleeding a CNA should?

Hold a thick pad/clean cloth agains wound/ press down hard .

An important thing to document after witnessing a resident having a seizure is?

How long the seizure lasted.

Another term for insulin reaction is?


Expressive aphasia is the medical term that means?

Inability to communicate through speech or writing

Receptive aphasia is the medical term that means?

Inability to understand the spoken or written words.

One symptom of a heart attack is ?


A resident was given her insulin this morning but would not eat breakfast-you need to watch for?

Insulin reacción

Which of the following can a CNA do if poisoning is suspected?

Look for container to help find out what the resident took

When a CNA suspect a resident is having a heart attack she should?

Not give the resident food or fluid

In which of the following situations should a CNA give abdominal thrusts to someone

Person cannot speak , cough or breath

Which of the following conditions may mean a person needs emergency medical help?

Person is unconscious

When a person's breathing stops it is called?

Respiratory arrest

The main goal of a caregiver during a seizure is to make sure the resident is


Another word for fainting is?


If a person's breathing and heartbeat stop, brain damage can occur within _________minutes?

4-6 min

Which of the following is the correct response to a nosebleed?

Apply pressure near the bridge of the nose

The first 2 steps in approaching an emergency are?

Assess the situation and victim.

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