KGIU Beginner Grammar
시험 볼 때 옆 사람의 시험지를 보지 마세요
Dont look at your neighbors answer sheets when taking the test
운전하면서 전화하지 마세요 위험해요
Dont use the phone while driving its driving
하영 씨는 천사같이 착해요
Hayeong is kind as an angel (같이)
하영 씨는 많이 먹지만 날씬해요
Hayeong wats alot but she slim
네 일본 도쿄처럼 복잡해요
Yes its crowed like Toyko,Japan
어제 가방이랑 모자를 샀어요
Yesterday i bought a bag and a hat (이랑)
여행을 가거나 외식을 할 거예요
(we'll) take a trip or go out to eat
아이가 여덟 명이나 있어요
(We) have (as many as) eight children
비행기가 기차보다 빨라요 (= 기차보다 비행기가 빨라요)
Airplanes are faster than trains
Are added to nouns representing people or other living creaturesand indicate that the noun is the recipient or target of an option
공항에 한 시쯤 도착했어요
I arrived at the aorport around 1 o'clock
먹지 못해요
I cant eat (-지)
밥을 먹으면서 TV를 봅니다
I eat while watching TV
이사할 거예요 그래서 집을 찾는 중이에요
I intend to move so i am (currelenty) looking for a new place to live
저는 수박과 딸기를 좋아해요
I like watermelons and strawberries (과)
아침을 먹고 나서 신물을 봅니다
I read the newspaper after eating breakfest
일을 하고 나서 쉽니다
I rest after finshing my work
친구를 두 시간이나 기다렸어요
I waited for my friend for no less than two hours
구두나 가방을 살 거예요
I will buy shoes or a bag
방학 때 아르바이트를 해요
I work at a part time job during vaction
아침에 빵이나 밥을 먹어요
In the morinings i eat bread or rice
바람이 불지만 춥지는 않아요
Its windy but not cold
동생이 언니보다 더 커요 (= 언니보다 동생이 더 커요)
My little sister is bigger than my elder sister
주말에 음악을 듣거나 영화를 볼 거예요
On the weekined i plan to listen to music or watch a movie
식사 전에 이 약을 드세요
Please take this medicine before meals
5분만 기다려 주세요
Please wait for just 5 minutes
사과가 맛있어요 그래서 열 개나 먹었어요
The apples are tasty. So i ate (as many as) teb of then
그 구두는 예쁘지 않아요
The shoes are not pretty
수업이 끝나자마자 학생들은 교실을 나갔어요
The students left the classroom right after class was over
지하철 공사 중입나다
The subay is under construction (in the process/middle of)
기차는 한 시간마다 있어요
The train comes once every hour
사과가 한 개밖에 안 남았어요
Theres only one apple left
냉장고에 우유밖에 없어요
Thers nothing but milk in the refirgertor
요즘 운전을 배우는 중이에요 다음 주에 운전면허 시험을 봐요
These days i have been learning how to drive i will take a driving test next week
4살 때 사진이에요
This is a picture of me when i was four years old
웨슬리 씨는 일요일마다 교회에 가요
Wesley goes to church every sunday
When Expresses a direction it means to or toward When used to express means of transport,other means,tools, and materials used to make something it means by or withusing or from
한국에 오기 전에 어디에 살았어요
Where did you live before coming to korean
as much/ many as - indicates that the quantity in question is more than the speaker's expectation
every,once every (particle)
like, as
nothing but, only
possessive particle