KIN 125 First Aid Exam 3

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Narcotic effects on body

Stupor/euphoria, relieve pain, highly addictive. Abuse signs: lack of awareness seems to be in other would, lose consciousness/coma

What is rabies?

Transmitted through saliva, affects nervous system, untreated may be fatal given series of shots to build immunity.

First aid for bites & stings.

Remove stinger if present, wash with soap, remove constricting objects, lower site of bit or sting below heart, apply cold compress to relive pain & swelling, wait to see if allergic, keep victim calm.

Animal bites have?

High risk of infection & soft tissue injury.

How to prevent animal bites?

Not petting or feeding wild animals, do not try to catch animal that may bite.

What poisons can be inhaled?

Noxious dusts, gases, fumes, mists.

Heat cramps

(least severe) Muscle spasm caused by electrolyte imbalance. Usually from excessive sweating = excessive salt loss, low calcium levels, too much water & not enough electrolytes, can be caused by supplements or meds.

Heat stroke

(most dangerous) Life threatening emergency, body temp regulation system shuts down.

S&S of heatstroke

*Body temp of 105+, *hot, red skin, *initially rapid, strong pulse, later rapid, weak, initially constricted pupils, later dilated, tremors, mental confusion or anxiety, irritability or aggression, first deep, rapid breathing, later shallow, headache, dry mouth, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, weakness, seizures or sudden collapse.

Alcohol is completely absorbed from stomach & intestine within ___ hours.


S&S of snake bites.

2 distinct fang marks about 1/2 inch apart at bite site, may not bleed, may be one fang, within 5 mins-4hrs can develop burning, pain swelling, 2-10 hours purple discoloration, numbness.

Human bites S&S/care

42+ types of bacteria, most common inflictors are children, doesn't carry HIV risk. Care: wash with antiseptic, bandage, examine frequently.

First aid care immersion hypothermia

Activate EMS, maintain victim's airway, breathing, & circulation, keep victim still & quiet (coldest blood is in extremities, movement will circulate it rapidly to heart), do insulating & rewarming guidelines as for gen. hypothermia, handle gently.

First aid care for marine life poisoning.

Active EMS if victim doesn't know what stung them, trouble breathing, sting on face or neck, allergic reactions previously, bleeding heavily.


Affect CNS to relive pain Ex: Morphine, codeine, heroin, opium.


Affects CNS Ex: Marihuana, hashish, THC, tetrahydrocannabinol.


Affects CNS, decrease physical & mental activity. Ex: alcohol, barbiturates, antihistamines, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants.


Affects CNS, physical & mental activity. Ex: Caffeine, nicotine, ritalin, cocaine, ice (smoked methamphetamine)


Affects hands, feet, ears, nose, cheeks. Likelihood increased: trauma, loss of blood, extremes of age, tight footwear, use of alcohol during exposure to cold, wet clothing, high altitudes, race (AFAM 3x more than white)

Environmental factors controlling body temp

Air temp, humidity (high humidity decreases sweat evaporation, cannot lose heat through convection, precipitation, wind (cools body quicker than standing air)

Acute Intoxication

Alcohol emergency featuring drowsiness, disordered speech & gait, violence, destructive or erratic behavior, may mimic insulin shock.

Stimulants effect on body

Alertness, lack of fatigue, appetite suppressant. Abuse signs: excited, restless, irritated, talkative, sudden loss of consciousness.

Depressants effect on body

Alter consciousness, relieve pain, relax muscle, depress respiration. Abuse signs: drowsiness, slurred speech, poor coordination, flow heart & breathing rates.

What is activated charcoal?

An odorless, tasteless powder or liquid that is used for ingested poisons. Absorbs poisons in stomach, preventing absorption by body. Do not give if victim not fully conscious, has swallowed acids or alkalies, unable to swallow, taken ipecac.

Preventing bites & stings.

Apply repellent, wear long sleeve shirts & pants, tuck in clothing, wear light colors to see pests on clothing, shower after going outside, stay in middle of hiking paths, avoid areas with snakes, do not run past wild dogs.

Who is susceptible to hyperthermia?

Athletes, workers near furnaces/ovens, poor physical condition, alcoholics, obsess, chronically ill, not have adjusted to environment, have heart disease, burn victims, people using certain drugs, elderly, children

Prevention of temp illness

Avoid extreme temps, match proper activity level with temp, take frequent breaks, dress appropriately, drink fluids, before during & after, stay away from alcohol & caffeine.

What is tetanus?

Bacteria affecting CNS, S&S: irritability, headache, fever, painful spams.

Effect of Hallucinogens on body

Bad trip, intense fear, panic. Abuse signs: sudden mood changes, claim t hear/see things, anxious/frightened, flushed face.

How body conserves heat

Blood vessels constrict, keeping warm blood in core of body, hairs stand erect, trapping warm air next to skin, little or no perspiration is released for evaporation

Three main types of food poisoning.

Botulism, Salmonella, Staph.

What is a brown recluse spider?

Brown poisonous spider with a violin shaped mark on back, bites do not heal & require surgical grafting.

Care for scorpion sting.

Call 911, clean wound, apply ice pack. Rarely fatal.

First aid care for injected poisons.

Call EMS, maintain airway, watch for vomiting, keep sitting if possible, protect self from repeated injection, attempt to identify source & if possible send to hospital, asset with epi-pen if needed.

What should you do if poison is ingested?

Call Poison Control Centers 1-800-222-1222

What can ticks do?

Can carry lyme disease, attaches to mice or deer, can bite without your knowledge, circular rash few days to weeks after bite, starts small & spreads to 2-3 inches, looks like bullseye, black & blue on dark skin, red on light skin.

Heat exhaustion

Caused by excessive loss of water & salt through sweating, problem is dehydration, minor shock occurs, with blood pooling in extremities, characterized by clammy skin & a weak rapid pulse.


Changes moods, alters perception of space & time. Ex: LSD, PCP, Peyote, Special K, Shrooms.

General procedure for drug/alcohol crisis

Check scene, provide reality base (introduce self, ask name), provide appropriate nonverbal support, encourage communication, foster confidence.

First aid care for general hypothermia

Check vital signs for 1 min, signs are slowed, no pulse open airway& begin CPR, handle gently, don't let them walk/move, supine position, prevent shock & increase blood flow to brain, do not elevate legs, causes cold blood to heart, elevate head if victim has head or chest injury, short breath, symptoms of heart attack, if terrain steep, prevent heat loss, never rub arms/legs, never give victim tobacco, coffee, alcohol, give fluids after shivering stops.

Fire ants S&S.

Circular pattern stings, blisters, first clear then cloudy liquid, large local reaction with swelling, pain, & redness.

How to prevent food poisoning.

Clean hands & surfaces before handling food, separate meats in grocery cart, fridge, & when preparing food, use separate cutting boards for meats, keep hot foods at 140 degrees, keep cold foods at 40 degrees, wash all fruits & veggies, throw out perishable food left out at room temp for 2+ hours, thaw frozen meat in fridge NOT at room temp, wash & dry all lids of canned goods before opening (including pop cans).

First aid care for snakebites.

Clean with soap, cover with dry sterile dressing, seek medical advice.

Other factors controlling body temp

Clothing affects retention or dissipation of heat (appropriate for conditions, too many layers in cold weather heavy exercise & sweating = wet layer of clothing next to skin, rapid cooling) & hydration


Cold air in immediate contact with skin is warmed by skin, heated molecules move away, cooler ones take place & cycle repeats itself

Main two types of poisonous snakes.

Coral snake & pit viper.

Frostbite vs Frostnip

Damage to tissue resulting from prolonged exposure to extreme cold, ice crystals form btw cells of skin. Freezing of skin surface, less severe

GHB (Georgia Home Boy)

Depressant, often added to beverages, colorless odorless, has slightly salty taste, dizziness, vomiting, seizures, coma, drowsiness, first developed as a general anesthetic, not very good at decreasing pain, also once a dietary supplement, but now illegal.


Depresss CNS Ex: Glue, nail polish, gasoline, lighter fluid, acetone, laughing gas.

S&S of inhaled poisons.

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, burning sensation in chest or throat, muscle weakness, hoarseness, cough, harsh vibrating sound when breathing, wheezing, or other abnormal breathing sounds, dizziness, severe headache, tinnitus, seizures, altered mental status or confusion, signs of respiratory tract burns, singed nasal hairs, soot in saliva or throat.

S&S of injected poisons.

Dizziness, weakness, chills & fever, nausea, vomiting, anaphylactic shock.

Steps to avoid victim from being violent in drug/alcohol victim

Do not invade person's personal space, use calming voice, do not place objects btw victim & door or block his escape, move dangerous objects out of sight.

What does a coral snake look like?

Does not have a pit or fangs, bright red, yellow, black striped.

The do NOTS of first aid care for snakebites.

Don't cut skin, don't use tourniquet, or don't apply ice.

First aid care heatstroke

Est airway, remove victim from heat, remove clothing, elevate head & shoulders, use combo if method to cool victim, never give stimulants or hot drinks, position to allow for drainage, seizures or vomiting may occur, monitor temp until EMS. If temp starts to climb, start cooling, temp must drop below 102 & stay that low before danger has passed.

General care for heat illness

Explain to victim what happened, avoid exertion for 12 hours, activate EMS if injured, other symptoms develop, condition worsens, does not respond to care.

Absorbed poison S&S.

Exposure to poisonous substance, trace of liquid or powder on skin, burns, itching & irritations, redness.

Cannabis effects on body

Feeling of elation, irritates throat, rapid pulse, dizziness, appetite. Abuse signs: distorted perception of time & space, lack on concentration

S&S of food poisoning.

Fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, gas, diarrhea, loud of frequent bowel sounds.

S&S fro poisonous plants (absorbed)

Fluid filled, oozing blisters, itching & burning, swelling, possible pain, rash lasting from 1-3 weeks, secondary infections from an irritated rash.

Marine life care. Sting ray, sea urchin, spiny fish.

Flush with tap or ocean water, immobilize injury, soak in hot water for 30 min or until pain subsides, hot sand can be used, clean & bandage. Heat destroys marine venom, NOT cold.

What is the most commons example of ingestion?

Food poisoning

What is West Nile Virus?

From mosquitos, affects humans & animals through mosquito bites, blood transfusions, mother to baby. No vaccine, prevent bites with repellent, people over 50 more susceptible, once contracted, considered immune.

What is Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever?

From ticks, wood or dog tick, spotted rash on wrist or ankle, spreads rapidly, need early treatment, untreated can die from shock or kidney failure/

2 types of hypothermia

General: Greatly decreased body temp, may go into severe state, most life threatening cold injury. Immersion: Lowering of body temp due to immersion in cold water.

First aid care for inhaled poisons.

Get victim to fresh air, check ABCDs, lie down with head elevated, loosen tight clothes, if victim unresponsive place on left side, CPR or rescue breathing if necessary, carbon monoxide poisoning needs medical care.

Drugs of concern

Hallucinogens, stimulants, depressants/narcotics, club drugs.

What does a pit viper look like?

Has a pit or hole between eyes & nostril, darker colored.

S&S of heat exhaustion

Headache, weakness, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness/fainting, *profuse sweating, *pale, cool, ashen skin, below normal temp, dilated pupils, *weak, rapid pulse, inelastic skin, thirst, difficulty walking, collapse or brief unconsciousness, possible muscle cramps.


Heat transfer from surface of one object to surface of another through direct contact, heat loss can be 25 times greater in cold water than in cold air.


Heat transfer from surface of one object to surface of another without direct contact, primary way body loses heat.

Facts about bees & wasps.

Honeybees can only sting once, lose their stinger, wasps, hornets, other bee sting repeatedly, risk of anaphylactic shock.

Lyme disease S&S.

Increasing in MI, rash, flu symptoms, fever, chills, headache, weakness, fatigue, joint & muscle ache, advance state develop arthritis or nervous system problems, treat with antibiotics.

What are the four ways poison can enter your body?

Ingestion, Inhalation, Injection, Absorption

Centipede S&S

Inject venom with bite from fangs, causes swelling, pain & redness, can cause swollen lymph glands up to 3 weeks.

How to determine whether emergency is drug or alcohol related?

Inspect area for drug/alcohol use, check victim's mouth for pills or tablets & remove them, smell breath, ask friends/family.

When should you seek medical help for a insect bite or sting?

Itching lasts longer than 2 days, infections develops, allergic reaction, insect is poisonous.

How to prevent poisoning.

Keep all meds & household products out of children's reach, use childproof containers, keep products in original container, use poison symbols on bottles, use poisons substances in well- ventilated areas, wear proper clothing, wash body areas immediately that come in contact with poison.

Contributors to abuse

Lack parental supervision, breakdown of family structure, unpleasant or stressful surroundings, peer pressure, availability of substance, low self esteem, media glamorization, history of substance abuse in family.

What is salmonella?

Most common type of food poisoning, bacteria transmitted from live animals, (esp. reptiles) usually onto animal foods.

Violent victim drug/alcohol situation

Leave scene & notify law enforcement, do not attempt restraint unless you are trained & authorized to do so, leave scene at any time weapons are used.

Name some ingested poison S&S.

Levels of unconsciousness, abdominal pain, tenderness, bloating, cramps, burns or stains around the mouth, pain in mouth or throat, pain during swallowing, unusual breath or body odors (characteristic chemical odors (turpentine) on breath), excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

What are delirium tremens?

Life threatening condition causing delirium that occurs within 5 days of an alcoholic's last drink.

What does the severity of a snake bite depend on?

Location of bite (fatty tissues absorbs slower than muscle), size of victim, weight, whether disease causing organisms are in venom, general health & condition of victim, amount of physical activity immediately before (physical activity helps spread venom)


Loss of body heat through normal breathing.


Loss of body heat when perspiration is changed from liquid to gas, 2/3 of evaporative loss is through perspiration, 1/3 through respiration

Designer drugs

Made from substances used for medical purposes but are modified by chemist. Modifications cause drug to be potent & dangerous. Effect can be completely unpredictable.

First aid care for suspected ingested poison.

Maintain airways, check ABCDs, give cold water or milk to dilute poison if poison was corrosive (acid) or caustic (alkali), place victim on left side (gravity delay poison entering bloodstream), call position control, do not give food/drink unless instructed by poison control, never induce vomiting unless interacted by poison control, send suspected poisons with EMS, see physician asap.

Talk down technique

Make victim feel welcome, remain relaxed, reassure victim his/her strange mental condition is caused by drugs & won't last forever, identify self, help victim verbalize what's happening, reiterate simple & concrete statements; repeat & confirm what victim says, warn victim what may happen as drug wears off.

Insect bites & stings S&S

Mark from bite or sting, pain tenderness, redness, swelling, venom sac, stinger, tentacle, or other remnant of insect at bite/sting.

S&S of heat cramps

Mild to extremely painful muscular cramps, pain, rapid heartbeat, hot sweaty skin, normal body temp, faintness & dizziness, stiff, board like abdomen, possible nausea/vomiting, normal consciousness level.

Inhalant effects on body

Mood altering, damage to organs, heart, lungs, & brain. Abuse signs: appears to be drunk, impaired coordination, slurred speech.

What is botulism?

Most fatal type of food poisoning, results from improperly processed canned foods.

Care for pit viper bites.

Move away from snake (will bite from than once, can strike half body length), keep victim calm & quiet, clean bite with soap, splint affected extremity, seek medical attention immediately, short shelf life on anti venom, within 4 hours.

First aid care for heat exhaustion, conscious

Move victim to cool place, remove as much of victim's clothing as possible, apply cool, wet compresses to skin, fan lightly (make sure victim does not get chilled), treat for shock, drink 3-4 ounces water every 10 mins, if victim doesn't improve in 20 mins, add electrolytes (never give victim salt tablets, if vomit occurs, stop giving fluids & activate EMS)

Anaphylactic shock S&S.

Nausea, vomiting, itching of throat, faintness, dizziness, hives, red skin, swelling in eyelids, lips, & tongue, upper airway obstruction, hard to swallow, short breath, drippy nose, cramps, confusion, loss of consciousness, convulsions, low BP.

When alcohol related situations need medical attention.

Nervous system depression, tremors, withdrawal accompanied by pain, digestive problems (gastritis, vomit, bleeding, dehydration), slow or absent breathing, grand map seizures, delirium tremens, disrupted vision, mental confusion, muscular incoordination, disinterested behavior & loss of memory.

First aid care severe hypothermia

Never try to rewarm, insulate from further heat loss, do not apply source of heat, handle gently, assess vital signs over 1 min, no heartbeat CPR, use gentle mouth to mouth, 10-12 for adult, 12-20 for child, maintain airway, breathing, circulation until EMS comes.

What is injection, and what are some examples?

Penetrating the skin, hypodermic needles, animal, snake, or insect bites.

Care misuse or abuse

Recognize abnormalities in victim, do not need to know specific substance to provide initial care, if overdose occurred treat as poisoning.

What is a black widow spider?

Red mark shaped like an hourglass on underside, sharp pinprick pain at side, followed by dull pain in area of bite, small red fang marks, severe muscle spasms rigidity, fever & chills, headache & dizziness, nausea & vomiting, weakness & drooping eyelids.

When is pica common?


Why do you report food poisoning?

Reduce food related illnesses & have a check if anyone else became sick after eating a certain food. Help remove suspect food items before they are eaten by anyone else.

First aid cared for absorbed poisons.

Protect self, move victim from source, remove contaminated clothing, brush any dry chemicals or solid poisons from skin, irrigate affected area with clean water for 20 mins or until help arrives, clean with soap & water, apply cold compress, severe reaction activate EMS or take to hospital.

5 ways body loses heat

Radiation, Convection, Conduction, Evaporation, Respiration.

First aid care frostbite

Remove victim from cold, keep tissue frozen until care given, protect injured tissue from friction or pressure, never poke or squeeze tissue, remove clothing/jewelry, thaw frostbitten tissue in water 100-110, do not touch sides, rewarm until skin color no longer improves (up to 40 mins), skin thawed must be sterile, cover with loose, dry dressing, elevate extremities, place gauze btw fingers &toes, monitor vital signs, keep warm, don't let walk or smoke.

First aid care for heat cramps

Remove victim from hot environment, rest in cool place, administer sips of salt water, half glass ever 15 mins, dilute 1 tsp salt in 1 qt of water, apply moist towels to victim;s forehead & over cramping muscles, relive pain by stretching muscles, ice after.


S&SL reddened, swollen, painful. Care: gently rewarm, touch to warm skin of ab, armpit, or groin, never rub skin.

S&S of DTs

Severe confusion, loss of memory, tremors, restlessness, extremely high fever, dilated pupils, profuse sweating, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, hallucinations, of frightening nature.

Scorpion stings S&S

Severe pain, blister, lesion, swelling, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing or swallowing, irregular heart beat, muscle cramping or abdominal pain.

Assessment of alcohol related situations

Severity of Intoxication (victim awake, adequate reparations, proper circulatory function), Level of Consciousness (AVPU) (Awake, alert, responsive to verbal/painful stimuli, unresponsive), Obtain History (what taken, how much/when)

How do you administer activated charcoal?

Shake container until mixed well (A.C settles to bottom), don't mix with anything, record time victim took A.C & amount, if victim vomits, repeat dose once, don't give milk, ice cream, or sherbet.

S&S of general hypothermia

Skin cold to touch, bluish or grey waxen skin, uncontrollable shivering, later none at all, vague, slurred thick speech, amnesia & incoherence, disorientation, confusion, poor judgment, drowsiness/stupor, staggering gait, sluggish pupils, dizziness, bloated face, initially increased heart & respiratory rate, later decrease in both, dehydration, apparent exhaustion, unconsciousness.

Marine life care. Portuguese man of war, jelly fish, sea anemone.

Soak sting area in vinegar to decrease toxin & pain, rubbing alcohol paste can be used, do not rub area or sue freshwater or ammonia, preparation H may help decrease swelling & pain.

First aid care for heat exhaustion, unconscious

Sponge victim off with cool water, take victim's temp every 10-15 mins, if above 101 or rising, unable to drink fluids, no improvement, activate EMS

4 general stages of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Step 1 within 8 hours, nauseas, insomnia, sweating, & tremors. Step 2 8-72 hours, worse stage 1 symptoms, vomiting & illusions/hallucinations. Step 3 within 48 hours major seizures. Step 4Delirium tremens (DTs)

What is ingestion, and some examples?

Swallowing substances, such as medications, household cleaners, or chemicals.

What is pica?

The desire/action of eating inedible substances. Can be liquid or solid, like bleach, paint.

What is absorption, and what are some examples?

Through the skin, as with poisonous liquids or plants.

What is urushiol?

Toxic element of poison ivy, can be carried on animal fur, tools, clothing, air when plant is burned. LEAVES OF THREE LET THEM BE

What is staph?

Type of food poisoning, eating foods contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, usually on sandwiches, salads, and pastries.

6 S&S of life threatening emergency.

Unconsciousness, breathing difficulties, fever (above 100 degrees F), abnormal or irregular pulse (less than 60 or more than 100 bpm), vomiting, convulsions


Unpredictable reaction. Effect on body: uses serotonin, first feels good, later feel depressed. Abuse signs: dehydration, heart rate, agitation, body temp. Long term effect: panic disorder, major depression, memory & learning deficits, sleep & eating disorders, aggressive outburst, recent research found develop Parkinsons Disease in 20-30 yr olds.

Factors contributing to hypothermia, even in absence of cold

Use of drugs, surgery, water activities, existing disease, trauma, massive blood loss, extreme of age, immobility.

Care for tick bite.

Using tweezers, grasp tick, pull slowly, wash bite with soap, apply antiseptic or antibiotic to area, apply cold pack or calamine lotion, talk to doctor.

Care for coral snake bites.

Wash bite with soap, wrap extremity with several elastic bandages (with moderate pressure to slow spread of venom), seek medical attention immediately, effective anti venom is available.

Overdose care.

Watch for cardiac arrest, monitor vital signs, primary priority maintain open airway, do not panic, treat victim calmly, move victim who is inhaling a harmful substance or who is in immediate danger from surroundings, if person conscious get them to sit or lie down, don't restrain, set maintain clear airway, remove anything might pose breathing hazard, administer artificial ventilation if needed, turn victim's head to side or toward ground in case of vomiting, monitor victim vital signs frequently, try to maintain proper body temp, take measures to correct or prevent shock, reduce stimuli as much as possible, lower lights, explain each step.

Factors affecting cooling of body during immersion hypothermia

Water temp (cold water speeds cooling), Body size (small, thin people cool faster), Clothing (helps insulate body, slows cooling), Physical activity (exertion cools faster), Alchohol (dilates surface vessels, speeds cooling)

What should you ask during a suspected ingested poison history?

What did you eat/drink today? What was the substance? How was it introduced into the body? How much? Quantity? Do you have the container? Did you vomit? Antidote given? Does history suggest suicide? Do you have medical illness, allergy, drug use/addiction?

Exertional heatstroke

caused by activity

Classic heatstroke

inability of body to cool effectively in children & elderly.

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