Kin Nutrition Cypress College Chapter # 6

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Alana's diet contained 2150 kcal, with 49 Not attempted grams of protein (Is this plenty for her?), 360 grams of carbohydrate, 57 grams of total dietary fat (only 9 grams of which came from saturated fat), and 50 grams of fiber. Her vitamin and mineral intake with respect to those of concern to vegetarians--vitamin B-12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and zinc--met her needs.

breakfast 10 proteins,snack4,lunch20,dinner10,dessert5 total protein grams 49

When a person eats more protein than his body needs, the extra protein is

converted to glucose or fat.

Tryptophan, methionine, threonine, and valine are all______ amino acids.


A positive aspect of processed meats is that they are usually a more nutrient-dense source of protein than fresh, unprocessed meats.


Two complementary proteins must be eaten in the same meal to provide adequate essential amino acids for protein synthesis.


Click and drag to indicate the average protein content per serving (cup or ounce-equivalent) of each MyPlate food group.

fruits 1g cup //veggies 8-10 g cup// grains 2-3 g oz// protein 7 g oz//dairy 8-10 g cup

Most processed meats have ______ sodium than unprocessed meats.


A vegetarian diet is usually

higher in dietary fiber than an omnivorous diet.

Bodybuilding magazines have numerous advertisements for protein and amino acid supplements. Which of the following is a potential problem associated with taking individual amino acid supplements?

impaired absorption of other amino acids

Nuts, legumes, and seeds are good sources of plant-based protein. Categorize each of the following foods as nuts, seeds, or legumes.

legumes peanuts,lentils//seeds sunflower seeds ,pumpking seeds// nuts almonds,pecans

What type of health benefits can Jordan expect from following a well-planned vegetarian dietary pattern?

lower blood cholesterol//lower blood pressure//longer life

Processed meats tend to have ______ total and saturated fat than fresh, unprocessed meats.


The study design is best described as a

prospective cohort study.

Which components of Jordan's meal plan should be minimized or avoided? Check all that apply.

saturated fat//added sugars

When protein is converted to glucose or fat, nitrogen is eliminated from the body via

the kidneys.

The results of the study supported the researchers' hypothesis.


Put the protein digestion steps in order of their occurrence during the digestive process.

1 stomach acid denatures protein//2 pepsin unravels polypeptide chains//3 partially digested protein moves from stomach into the small intestine//4 cck is released from walls of the small intestine//5 cck travels into the bloodstream to pancreas//typsin is released from pancreas//7 typsin and other enzymes break partially-digested proteins down into amino acids.

Protein synthesis is a multi-step process. Put the steps of protein synthesis in sequential order.

1 the dna code is transferred by mrna from the nucleus to the cytoplasm os a cell/2 messenger rna carries dna code to the ribosomes,where protein translation occurs/3 transfer rna ( trna) adds amino acids one at a time according to the mrna introductions to form a polypeptide chain/4 polypeptaid chain twists and folds into three-dimensional structure of the intended protein.

If a 180-pound man eats an adequate, 2200-kcal diet with 15% of kcal from protein, about how much of that protein will be used to build muscles?


Henry is a healthy 21-year-old college student who weighs 180 pounds. Calculate his protein needs based on the RDA.

66 grams

Review the Results section of the research article. As consumption of red meat increased,

All of these are correct.(overall mortality increased./death from cancer increased./death from cardiovascular disease increased. )

Tomas is babysitting his neighbor's seven-month-old child who has just begun to eat solid foods. The parents did not mention any food allergies, but Tomas would rather be safe than sorry. Which food is the safest option for Tomas to offer the baby if he wants to minimize any potential problems with food allergies?

Cereal made with rice and water

What would you choose as optimal nutrition to support your weight-training regimen?

Consume a diet that provides 10% to 35% of calories from a variety of sources of protein.

Tomas has taken up bodybuilding and is starting to become more interested in a diet to improve athletic performance. He read an article in a bodybuilding magazine that said he should dramatically increase his dietary protein intake. What happens to protein when it is consumed in excess of the body's needs?

Excess amino acids are used to meet energy needs or converted to and stored as fat.

A high-protein diet may affect the body on a number of different levels. Drag the potential consequence of high-protein intake to its correct sentence.

Excessive protein intake is not desirable for bone and blood health because excretion of high levels of nitrogen waste can increase urinary calcium losses. Many high-protein foods are animal-based sources of protein, which are often high in saturated fat and cholesterol. For this reason, a high animal-protein diet may increase risk of cardiovascular disease. Renal function may also be affected by high-protein diets and some researchers have expressed concern that a high-protein intake may hurt the kidneys by forcing extra urea excretion. Curing agents used in meats like ham and salami and substances formed during red meat cookery at high temperatures may cause cancer.

Examine the Methods section of the research article. What method did the researchers use to collect data about the dietary patterns of the study participants?

Food frequency questionnaires

Protein plays many roles in the body. Match each example to a function of protein.

Forms Glucose: despite fasting overnigth for his blood draw,manny is able to think clearly and function normally in the morning.//forms enzymes and hormones:after eating a meal,Charlie's pancreas automatically secrests insulin to help shuttle the glucose into his cells/Mantains fluid balance: Luisa is a very elderly woman with malnutrition;lately she has been experiencing edema in her lower extremities./Contributes to inmune functions: Beth is a chronically malnourished toddler whose only energy source comes from starchy foods;she recently contracted measles/Provides vital body structures: A malnourish body does not eat enough protein will likely have incomplete or poor bone formation//Provides Energy: Bill has eating two whey protein shakes per day and he cannot understand why he is gaining weight and inches around his waist instead of increasing muscle mass

Jordan's diet appears to be lacking in protein. Which of the following modifications could he have made to yesterdays' diet to increase his intake of protein?

Include black beans in the tomato and rice dish.

The researchers studied data from an existing cohort of Seventh-Day Adventist men and women. Search online for "Seventh-Day Adventist" and "health." Why did the researchers choose to use data collected from members of this particular religious group?

Many Seventh-Day Adventists adhere to a vegetarian diet.

Look at Table 3 in the Results section of the research article. This table shows how likely followers of specific vegetarian dietary patterns were to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer compared to nonvegetarians. A lower hazard ratio (HR) indicates a lower incidence of colorectal cancer compared to nonvegetarians. Which vegetarian dietary pattern seems to be most protective against colorectal cancer?


Classify each of the following scenarios as examples of positive protein balance, negative protein balance, or protein equilibrium.

Positive Protein Balance:Rachel recent sustained burns over 15% of her body.She is an outpatient burn center and its receiving food by mouth,dietary supplements,and tube feedings in order to achieve her nutrition nedds to promote healing--Quinn is a three month old baby who is breastfeeding and whose weight has doubled since she was born.//Negative Protein Balance: Stella is an elderly woman with an agressive form of cancer who resides in a nursing home.She has lost her desire to eat and she has lost 12% of her body weight in the past 6 months--Barney has a rare intestinal disease that causes him to leach protein out of his intestinal tract: the gastroenterologist explains to him that he is losing more protein than he is getting in his diet each day//Equilibrium(protein balance)Travis is a relative healthy male adult who weighs 185 pounds (84kg)and eats about 67 grams of dietary protein per day.--Wendy recently participated in a nutrition research study in wich the dietitian determined that her protein intake equals protein losses each day.

Without proper planning, a vegan diet can lead to numerous nutrient deficiencies. Identify which foods would supply the following nutrients in a vegan diet.

Riboflavin and iron;green leafy vegetables, fortified grains and breakfast cereals and legumes.//proteins ;dried peas and beans, soy-based products,nuts and legumes/ vitamin d ;fortified foods and regular sun exposure/calcium ;fortified soy milk,fortified oj,tofu set with calcium salts,and fortified ready to eat breakfast cereals/vit B-12;must obtain from supplemental sources because plant based foods have negligible amounts of this nutrient/omega -3 fatty acids;canola oil,soy bea oil,seaweed,flax seeds and walnuts.

It is apparent that Jordan has not yet learned to implement the concept of complementary proteins, so the quality of protein in his diet is low. Which of the following meals contains complementary proteins?

Rice with black beans and tomatoes

Click to select the functions of protein in the body.

Supports the immune response,Synthesis of enzymes,Synthesis of hormones

Other studies have explored the relationship between red or processed meat intake and mortality risk, but this study was unique because the researchers

analyzed how substituting other dietary components for red meat affected mortality risk.

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