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According to this week's video, the second step of the scientific method is 'research'. Select one: True False


As a person's Maximal Heart Rate increases, their cardiovascular fitness decreases. Select one: True False


Overreaching is the first step towards overtraining and should be avoided. Select one: True False


The only contributor to muscular hypertrophy is an increase in contractile proteins within the cell. Select one: True False


According to this week's reading, what occurs in Step 2 of the peer review process for scientific journal articles? Select one: a. The journal editor makes sure the paper meets its Author Guidelines in terms of sections and stylization. b. The article is sent to at least 2 peer reviewers for review. c. The authors submit their paper to at least one journal for publication. d. The author is asked to revise certain aspects of the paper.


John is sedentary and aims to eat 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. He weighs 175 pounds. Each pound of body weight equals 0.454 kilograms. How many grams of protein should John consume each day? Select one: a. Approximately 63 grams b. Approximately 15 grams c. Approximately 183 grams d. Approximately 175 grams e. Approximately 45 grams


Kinesiology is a large field with many different subfields. Which subfield of kinesiology would most likely investigate the best way to organize, facilitate, and teach a year-long, fourth-grade PE class? Select one: a. Pedagogy b. Coaching c. Sport History d. Motor learning and control e. Sport psychology


There are nine essential amino acids and eleven nonessential amino acids. What is a nonessential amino acid? Select one: a. An amino acid that can be synthesized by the body as needed. b. An amino acid not needed by the body. c. An amino acid only found in plant sources. d. An amino acid only available from animal protein.


What does RER, Respiratory Exchange Ratio, measure? Select one: a. The ratio between oxygen use and carbon dioxide production. b. The ratio between lung volume and blood volume. c. The ratio between heart beats per minute and breaths per minute. d. The ratio between muscle blood flow and peripheral blood flow. Feedback


Which of the following arguments is made in the scientific method video assigned this week? Select one: a. People often use the scientific method in their daily lives without even realizing it. b. The scientific method always occurs in a linear fashion, moving through all the steps in numerical order. c. The first step of the scientific method is to form a hypothesis. d. An independent variable is the one that gets measured during an experiment.


Which of the following occurrences would signal possible overtraining in an athlete? Select one: a. When exercise heart rate increases 10-15 beats over the person's normal exercise heart rate. b. When sweat rate causes a body weight loss of 1-2% post training. c. When a person feels tired for two days, but then feels better. d. When the person experiences DOMS two days after an intense workout. e. When exercise heart rate decreases 10-15 beats below the person's normal exercise heart rate.


According to this week's reading, how is reading a scientific paper different than reading a blog or newspaper article? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. The sections in scientific papers should be read out of order. b. Scientific papers should not be read by non-scientists. c. Scientific papers have a larger audience than newspaper articles. d. Scientific papers probably have to be read multiple times for better understanding.

A & D

Satellite cells play an important role in muscular adaptation. Which of the following statements are true about satellite cells? Select all that apply. Tip: Treat each statement like it's own true or false question. Only select the statements that are true. Don't try and evaluate all four options together, instead look at them one at a time and ask yourself, "Is this one statement true?" Select one or more: a. Satellite cells repair contractile proteins within the muscle cell and can increase the number of nuclei within the cell. b. Each muscle fiber has just one nuclei and at least four satellite cells. c. Satellite cells and myonuclei are the same thing. d. Satellite cells remain inactive until triggered by muscle cell damage or disease.

A & D

Which of the following vitamins are categorized as fat soluble? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin E c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin C

A, B & C

There are different muscle fiber types within the human body (Type I and Type II). It's important to understand the characteristics of these fiber types and know how they contribute to movement and force production. Which of the following statements are true about Type II muscle fibers? Select all that apply. Tip: Treat each individual statement as its own true or false question and only select the statements that are true. Select one or more: a. Type II fibers are better suited for high-intensity, short duration muscle contractions. b. Type II fibers are best suited for repetitive, low-intensity, long-duration activities like walking. c. Type II fibers produce and use energy faster than Type I fibers. d. Type II fibers tend to be larger in diameter than Type I fibers. e. When activated, Type II fibers are able to develop more force than Type I fibers. f. On average, Type II muscle fibers are most common, making up at least 65% of every muscle in the body.

A, C, D & E

Peer reviewers are experts in their field who volunteer their time to review scientific journal articles. They are invited to review papers on an individual basis and can decline the invitation for many reasons. What do potential reviewers have to consider when deciding whether or not to review a paper? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Whether they have time in their schedule to complete the review. b. Whether they've already reviewed an article that month (they are limited to one per month). c. How much money is being offered for the given review. d. Their own expertise of the topic being discussed. e. Whether they have any conflicts of interests that may make it unethical for them to participate in the review.

A, D & E

CH 3 provides two different equations for estimating a person's maximal heart rate. According to those equations, what is Mary's estimated Maximal HR if she is 50 years old? Select one: a. Between 200 and 194 beats per minute. b. Between 170 and 173 beats per minute. c. Between 140 and 152 beats per minute. d. Between 125 and 140 beats per minute.


Mary is an athlete who wants to asses her sweat rate and hydration needs during training sessions. She decides to weigh herself right before training and right after training to assess how much water she loses during a normal session. After doing the math, she finds that she lost 2.5% of her body weight during the training session. What does this tell us about her hydration status and future needs? Select one: a. She should drink enough liquids during training so that she actually increases her body weight by at least 0.5% post training. b. She is becoming dehydrated during training and should focus on hydrating before and during future training sessions. c. A loss of 2.5% is within the normal range and she does not need to adjust her hydration strategy. d. Weighing yourself pre and post exercise is not a good measurement of sweat rate or hydration levels.


What does muscle plasticity refer to? Select one: a. The fact that skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated. b. Skeletal muscle's ability to adapt quickly to training stimulus. c. Skeletal muscle's ability to stretch. d. Skeletal muscle's ability to withstand large amounts of force.


What happens if two peer reviewers have drastically different feedback/opinions on the same paper? Select one: a. The reviewer with higher seniority gets to make the final decision. b. The editor may invite a third reviewer to step in and give feedback. c. Both reviewers are thanked for their time and the paper is sent to two to four other people. d. A coin is tossed to decide whose review counts. e. The paper is automatically rejected based on the one negative review.


What is the definition of a motor unit? Select one: a. All the motor neurons located in the central nervous system. b. One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates. c. All the muscle fibers within a single muscle. d. All the nuclei within a given muscle fiber.


What is the term for an accumulation of lactate molecules and hydrogen ions in blood and muscles? Select one: a. PCr depletion b. Metabolic acidosis c. Disrupted neural transmission d. Hypovolemia e. Hyperthermia


Who is more likely to experience DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)? Select one: a. Jim, an elite athlete who has trained for eight years and recently exercised at 85% of his max effort. b. Tom, a sedentary individual who recently exercised at 60% of his max effort.


Which of the following options are prohibited techniques for increasing aerobic capacity? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Sleeping in altitude tents to stimulate EPO production within the body. b. Injecting EPO to cause greater red blood cell production. c. Supplementing with creatine. d. Removing blood from yourself and injecting those red blood cells back into the body weeks later. e. Breathing in 100% oxygen, from a tank, before and during training sessions.

B & D

Which of the following statements are true about the various energy systems in the human body? Use the Chapter 2 table and figures on page 38 of the textbook as reference. Select all true statements. Hint: Treat each statement as its own individual true/false question. Only select the statements that are true. Here is a screenshot from this week's video in case you do not have the book in front of you: Select one or more: a. Glycolysis requires oxygen. b. The ATP-PCr system has an available capacity of less than 15 seconds. c. CHO oxidation can produce energy for approximately 90 minutes, while fat oxidation can produce energy for days. d. Although the PCr system has a limited amount of energy available, it is the best energy source for short-duration, high-intensity activities. e. Of all the energy systems, fat oxidation produces ATP at the fastest rate. f. CHO oxidation forms 36-39 ATP per molecule of substrate. g. Glycolysis provides energy at a faster rate than CHO oxidation does. Feedback

B, C, D, F & G

According to Table 1.1 in the textbook (CH 1), which type of athlete had the highest percentage of Type II muscle fibers in their gastrocnemius muscle? Select one: a. Distance runners b. Swimmers c. Sprint runners d. Weightlifters


Blood that has circulated to working tissue and is on its way back to the heart is ____________. Select one: a. Void of platelets. b. Void of all hemoglobin. c. Low on oxygen and high in carbon dioxide. d. Full of ATP molecules. e. High on oxygen and low in carbon dioxide.


How does hypovolemia lead to fatigue during exercise? Select one: a. Depletion of PCr stores halts production of ATP in individual muscle cells. b. An increased heart rate requires more input from the brain and neural pathways are obstructed. c. A reduced cardiac output decreases blood flow to working muscles. d. Decreased blood sugar impacts ATP production during all out effort.


Mary went on a long run, on a hot day, without drinking water before or during her run. She is now in a dehydrated state. Based on Chapter 2, which physiological response is she likely experiencing? Select one: a. She likely has an increased cardiac output. b. She likely has an increased sweat response. c. She likely has a reduced blood volume. d. She likely has a decreased body temperature.


What's another term for contractile proteins inside a muscle fiber? Select one: a. Epimysium b. Type I & Type II c. Actin & Myosin d. Satellite cells e. Muscle cell


Which macronutrient is the fuel of "last resort"? Select one: a. Carbohydrate b. Fat c. Protein d. PCr


Hyperthermia contributes to fatigue in many ways. Which of the following physiological responses occur due to hyperthermia? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Blood volume increases, causing stress to the cardiovascular system b. Heat within the cells slows mitochondrial activity c. The body tries to sweat more, further contributing to dehydration d. A reduced blood volume decreases cardiac output e. Blood flow is redirected to the surface of the skin and not towards working muscles

C D & E

Proper training increases a person's cardiac output (CO) over time. Which of the following factors would cause an increase in CO? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Strengthening of capillary walls b. Increased resting heart rate c. Increased stroke volume d. Strengthening of the left ventricle of the heart e. Increased blood volume

C, D & E

According to this week's reading, which section of a scientific journal article should be read last? Select one: a. The discussion section b. The results c. The introduction d. The abstract e. The methods section


Mark is a power lifter who aims to consume 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. He weighs 90 kilograms. How many grams of protein should he eat each day? Select one: a. 173g b. 200g c. 325g d. 153g e. 90g


Mary has just completed ten months of muscular endurance training. Throughout the course of her training she paid attention to other factors such as rest, hydration level, and nutrition. Which adaptation has most likely occurred within her muscle cells? Select one: a. An increased number of muscle fibers overall b. A decreased number of satellite cells within each muscle fiber c. Increased myofibrillar protein (causing her muscles to increase in size and become stronger) d. An increased amount of mitochondrial protein within the fibers (allowing her to produce more energy, for longer periods of time).


There is an upper limit to V02Max. Even though it can improve with proper training, it will get to a point where it cannot increase any further. What limiting factor gives VO2Max a ceiling? Select one: a. Size and shape of the lungs. b. Mitochondrial density within each muscle cell. c. Ability for lungs to re-oxygenate blood d. Upper limits of cardiac output and muscle blood flow.


What is the name of the tiny blood vessels that supply skeletal muscle with blood (the site of nutrient and gas exchange)? Select one: a. Arteries b. Veins c. Venules d. Capillaries


Which statement correctly describes the relationship between DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), muscle damage, and muscle adaptation? In other words, which one of the following statements is true? Select one: a. If a person exercises without feeling sore two days later, it means they did not train hard enough. b. DOMS is often caused by concentric muscle contraction and moderate-intensity exercise (like walking). c. All muscle damage and DOMS should be avoided because it represents injury and limits adaptation. d. It is believed that minor muscle damage and DOMS is beneficial to muscular hypertrophy. As the muscle fiber repairs, it likely becomes stronger and larger over time.


Why is it that maximal-effort activity can only be maintained for a few seconds? Select one: a. Reduced blood flow to working tissue makes it impossible to produce energy at a fast rate for more than 20 seconds. b. Maximal-effot activity depends on liver glycogen, which is depleted within 3-5 seconds of maximal effort. c. Muscle pain sends signals to the brian causing a reduction in motivation. d. Max-effort activity depends on stored ATP and PCr for fast energy production. They deplete quickly, causing a slower rate of energy production.


Causes of fatigue can be categorized as either 'central limitations' or 'peripheral limitations'. Which of the following items are considered central limitations? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a. Hypoglycemia b. ATP depletion c. Metabolic acidosis d. Disrupted brain activity e. Disrupted neural transmission

D & E

According to this week's reading, it's best to diagram (draw out) the details from this section of a scientific journal article: Select one: a. The discussion section b. The results section c. The introduction d. The abstract e. The methods section


After one year of regular aerobic training, which physiological adaptation would likely contribute the most towards a large increase in a person's VO2Max? Select one: a. Improved body composition b. Improved power c. Improved muscular strength d. Improved lung function e. Improved heart function


According to the textbook, VO2Max is a common test used to assess cardiovascular endurance. Select one: True False


According to this week's reading, it's best to read a scientific journal article in order from first page to last page. Select one: True False


Depending on the journal, the reviewers' names are kept confidential throughout the review process. In other words, the authors of the paper will not know who peer reviewed their work. Select one: True False


In Step 7 of the peer review process, the reviewer may reject the paper right away if major problems are found. Select one: True False


On average, a 140-pound adult with 12% body fat will store approximately 75,000 calories worth of fat in their body. Select one: True False


On average, the brain consumes approximately 130 grams of glucose each day. Select one: True False


Research indicates that a person's highest attainable VO2Max can be achieved after roughly 12 to 18 months of proper training. Select one: True False


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