Kinds of Beliefs about GOD

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the inspired Word of God: the written recod of revelation.

Sacred Tradition

the living transsmission of the churchs' gospel message found in the churchs' teaching , life, and worship, it is faithfully perserved handed on and interpreted my the churchs magisterium.


the sacred Heberw name for God which means , I am who am, I am or I am who I am.

The unmoveded mover

there is motion in the world, whatever is in motion had to be moved by something else which then leads up to God

Supreme model

we look to God because of all the beauty in the world, he is our supreme model.

Divine provedence

God loving and watchful guidence over hs creatures one their way to the final goal of perfection

Grand Designer

since there is so much beauty, symmetry and power in the world, something had to have created it. It cannot just create itself.


People who claim that God's exstence cannot be known.


Religions that believe in multiple gods and goddesses. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to be poltheistic,and Hinduism as well is a major polytheistic religion.


a central truth of revelations that catholics are oblied to believe.

Doctor of the church

a church writter of grand excellence, learning and holiness whose works of the church has highly recommended for studing and living our faith.


an Aramaic term of enderment meaning "Daddy" Jesus used this word to tech that God is a loving Father.


an inclemation to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appities as can be found in origonal sin.


an openended contract between God God and Human beings Jesus' death and resurrection is an example of a covenant.

original holiness and justice

the state of women and men before orginal sin.


Religions that believe that there is only one God.Three major ones are, Christianity,Judaism, and Islam.

Everything comes form something

nothing cannot create something, so there must be an eternal being that created everything

original sin

the fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Jesus came to save us from origonal sin.

First cause

nothing causes itself, God causes everything even from the beinging of time.


A person who denies the existence of God.

Intellectual truths for God's exsistence



The belief that God did create the universe ut he takes no further interest in it.

Blessed Trinity

The central Dogma of the Christian faith that there are three divine persons father, son, and holy spirit-in one God.

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